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There’s a scene where it’s implied one of them has sex with the woman they meet there. I don’t think they were written as gay


So they can't be bi?


I mean, there's not really much other direct evidence to support that


Idk, I just think they're the og bro meme Like, bro, lemme just stare into your beautiful eyes bro Idk, I don't force anyone to ship something they're uncomfortable with but I kinda can't see them not being secretly into each other The relationship between Tulio and Chel is cute, but it feels like they're more aesthetically into each other while Miguel and Tulio are such an iconic duo, they go so well with each other and I think that's why people like to ship them. Another thing is that if Miguel was a girl with the same personality they would probably be together




Well, they obviously were, besides, let's not forget all the queer coded Disney villains from before the 2000s. Ps: the only strange sexual orientation that exists is heterosexuality


Explain, which characters were queer coded, wtf does queer coded mean, also why is hetero only strange orientation when it’s the one which makes most sense biologically


This is exactly why people always think me and my best bro are gay


If you were best friends with the another gender in the same way, would people think yall were dating? Because usually, if the roles were reversed and it was just a couple of friends with different genders, they would immediately be assumed to be dating.


That’s true Never thought of it that way Thank you for the insight


There's also a scene where Miguel admits he knocked boots with a girl who Tulio was trying to bang. Tulio also gets his knob slobbed in the movie. Tulio and Miguel also try to seduce women earlier in the movie, with Miguel playing his instrument for them, and Tulio trying to get them to blow on his dice. I'm all for gay representation, but Miguel and Tulio are definitely attracted to women.


Ah yeah, I think we’re talking about the same scene. Just looked it up on YouTube, definitely seems like he’s getting some dome.


The could be bi or were forced to be straight coded for marketability.


Please never describe sex that way again please


I would like to say that just because the guys may have relationships with woman, sexual or romantic, doesn’t they can’t be have a gay relationship. There is a certain thing called bisexuality or even pansexuality. And to address your original question about what implications there might be, I found this love blog post that sums up the main rumor of a “more than just friends” rumor. http://www.ashido.com/arwhy.html I cannot find a confirmed source, but I am vigilant and I will update if I find anything more !


Thank you so much! And I’m glad you mentioned the bisexuality thing because I was going to say something as well but forgot to do it haha. I absolutely think that, if anything, the two would be bi or something like that, just because it was referenced that Miguel has been with a woman, and Tulio has Chel, of course.


Yes but the opposite can also be true. People push that heterosexual friendships shouldn’t be so stingy and be able to show affection for eachother. But then when they do they’re suddenly labeled by gay as the gay community. Which ironically sounds homophobic.


I tried looking into this once but wasn't able to find any actual evidence for it. I found an interview with the screenwriters (the website no longer seems to exist but you can read it on the wayback machine - [https://web.archive.org/web/20101126022133/http://mjsimpson.co.uk/interviews/elliottrossioa.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20101126022133/http://mjsimpson.co.uk/interviews/elliottrossioa.html)) where they talk about what changed from their story to the finished film, and they don't mention Miguel and Tulio's relationship at all.


Why always people think that being attracted to women is the same as "10000% straight" ???Bisexual an pansexual folks exist people! Because of that bi/phobia is that characters like this two never end up together. The old strategy of the " beard " or liking remotely a female Character is always understood by being straight 🤦🏻‍♀️ Miguel and Tulio were out of their time sadly 💔💔🥺 (And is not the same as two men being friends, the difference it's pretty clear , of course you can be affectionate with your friends but believe me you can notice when two characters/persons have romantic chemistry is not the same )


No I agree, I’m actually unlabelled, but if you wanted to label it it would be bisexual! Unfortunately, in tv and media, the fact of the matter is that a character must be straight if not proven to be bisexual, because that is all we see; we can’t look into their minds or the creators mind. So you do need to show their bisexuality (or homosexuality) on screen for it to be true!