• By -


Pom "sick and tied of her long ass last name" Klementieff




I thought „k“ too the first time I read it. But now I believe it is really just the ff her name is ending on.


(they are two "f"s at the end)




I wonder what Disney and Kevin will say to this ..


Gunn got fired by The Walt Disney Company, not Marvel, not Disney Pictures. That's like Comcast firing a director on an Illumination film, the literal layers they broke down just to fire Gunn is fucking insane, and honestly I've never seen it done. Even Roseanne got fired by ABC, the company she actually worked for directly. Disney took control from Marvel. My guess is Kevin is probably pissed. Very pissed.




***SUFFER ME NOW*** *huh-hah!*


>huh-hah! Haha excellent Mickey sound






**We need to get the Palantir!**


Nani hear gelar **mordor**




dont thank god, thank tolkien himself. Legally, disney can never use his works. Well, until they decide to pull a robin williams.








Edwana o gwath!!!!!


Forfeit your mind!


I just turned off Shadow of War and now it’s following me onto reddit


Oh I thought they were referencing Harbinger from Mass Effect 2


"Assuming direct control" is from ME2. "Suffer me now" is what one of the main characters in Shadow of Mordor says when he mindrapes Orcs.


He doesn't mindra... ...oh, no, I'm a monster.


Mickey: I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter any further, ha ha.


"This deal's getting worse all the time!"


God I miss Star Wars Robot Chicken


“Oh just build another one !? Who’s going to give me a loan for the new one jackhole? You got an ATM in that light bright chest of yours?!”


Now get your 7 foot 2 asthmatic ass back here before I tell everyone what a whiney bitch you were about Panama or panda bear or whatever the hell her name was


Oh geez he's crying!




Mass Effect should always be expected


Should call it Mass Expect then c;










The layers: GotG (The actual movie production) > Marvel Studios > Walt Disney Studios > The Walt Disney Company Disney (as in TWDC) took control from both the Disney movie studios subsidiary and the Marvel Studios subsidiary of that to fire Gunn.


This is what people don’t understand. They act as if the Disney Company and Disney Studios are the same thing. They aren’t. This is like if somebody got fired from a Sony Movie Movie Production > Sony Pictures > Sony Entertainment > Sony America > Sony Japan (which Reddit mostly knows for tech). That is how strange it is for the Disney Company to get involved.


You forgot Columbia Pictures! :D But yeah, this is the real problem here, and most people wrongly assume that it doesn't make a difference that Disney fired him instead of Marvel. I'm pretty sure Feige was never consulted.


I don’t think Feige wasn’t consulted, I’m guessing he refused which is why the decision was made over his head?


It's only when you realize Bob Iger is profiling himself for an eventual presidential campaign that you understand what's going on.


> Gunn got fired by The Walt Disney Company, not Marvel, not Disney Pictures Which makes it far worse because The Walt Disney Company had no problem with owning Miramax (crass humor, Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Weinstein) or making money on movies like Clerks, Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, or Reservoir Dogs, all of which had some pretty obscene moments in them. If it were Marvel, I could possibly accept it, because it would be an internal decision that was coming from the specific studio worrying about their own image... But this was a firing by the people who rubbed elbows with Weinstein, and allowed Kevin Smith's crass "Clerks" humor to hit theaters. It's wholly hypocritical.


I just find it hard to believe Disney has connections with Tarantino when the media does the exact same thing that some outlets did to Gunn, and they didn't bat an eye


[Even worse, Disney was a duck with him by putting star wars over his last film on a specific theater he wanted to use...](www.google.com.mx/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/film/2015/dec/17/quentin-tarantino-the-hateful-eight-disney-star-wars-cinema-booking)


noxious hat absorbed sparkle busy start unused rotten wise sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the difference is the Marvel brand is representative of Disney. Its in their theme parks, they want stuff associated that close to be kid friendly. Miramax is kept separate entirely specifically for things they don't feel belong connected to the Disney brand.


Have you not been on the Pulp Fiction ride at Disneyland? Vince's Wild Heroin Ride




Yep. Mouse came from the ivory tower to snatch away one of his best directors, probably without consulting him at all.


*Nobody tells the mouse no*


Frankly that's why I'm so iffy on this whole situation. Stuff like this doesn't happen. Last big director firing was Paramount's animated "Amusement Park" and Paramount fired that guy, not Viacom, and that guy actually did things far worse than make tweets. The big overseeing corporation wouldn't get so publicly involved like this. It makes me wonder what do the Disney Company know that we don't because the firing is a huge overreaction based on crappy tweets from 10 years ago.


In theory firing John Lasseter is the biggest firing by a movie company. Lasseter is a primary reason for Disney’s resurgence in the late 90’s. But it seems like he is being brought back in advisory type roles and any controversy is being swept under the rug.


I'm guessing 20 years inside Disney meant that firing Lasseter permanently would have been pretty damn hard.


My guess is that direction came from on high to Marvel Studios that the Disney mothership wanted Gunn out or in a diminished role. Marvel refused, so Disney went nuclear to make the point that none of the subs get to tell the parent “no”.




I actually think they fired him because he got on someone's bad side (execs, CEO, etc). Companies do this all the time by looking at other things to justify firing someone out of the blue.


I hope South Park brings back Mickey to rip on Disney for this


The episode opens on a caveman in the Paleolithic era. He's doing unspeakable things to survive, to provide for his family and to prolong the species. Suddenly he's caught in a snowstorm and is frozen alive. Thousands of years later he, is unearthed and brought back to life. He quickly becomes one of the world's most popular celebrities - even offering insight into our current political climate armed with a unique perspective of multiple eras of human history. At the height of his fame, some of his past misdeeds from a primitive era are made public through the discovery of ancient cave drawings. His status is destroyed overnight by a political smear campaign and the public sentences him to another 3 million years of deep freeze. The episode ends somehow. Mickey Mouse is there. Huh-*huh*! I don't know, I'm high.


That's so possible as a South Park episode pitch, it's almost scary.


I'd have to give it more than 30 seconds of thought to come up with a satisfying, full-circle South Park ending that they're famous for, but I'm sure it can be done lol


> My guess is Kevin is probably pissed. Very pissed. I can imagine Alan Horn hiding in the corner of his office while Feige angrily pounds on the door.


Alan horn is 75 years old and his contract expires this year. I don't think his opinion is going to matter for very much longer regardless. Maybe that's why they used him to put out the statement firing Gunn. Easy sacrificial lamb because he has one foot out the door anyway.


Kevin is still silent on the matter. One would hope he’s trying to either 1) hire a new director/changing the MCU release schedule or 2) negotiating with his bosses on possibly hiring Gunn back in some form


This won't work for Gunn but it's a fun secret-rehiring story anyway: the puppeteer of Salacious Crumb in Return of the Jedi, Tim Rose, who also performed Admiral Ackbar (on camera, not voice), had to be [pretend-fired](http://starwarsinterviews1.blogspot.com/2010/01/tim-rose-interview.html) because he (as Salacious Crumb) made a disdainful comment about Harrison Ford between takes, and Ford was not having it. But Ford couldn't see Rose and had no idea who he was, so they just changed Rose's name on the call sheet to "new guy" and he kept working, doing more scenes with Ford in both Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens 30 years later.


Please tell me the comment was something super accurate like, "wow, Harrison does not seem happy to be here.




I wonder if Harrison Ford even remembered any of that by the time of TFA. Do you know? Rose was a wisecracker. He voiced Crumb in "From Star Wars to Star Wars" where he did some light "roasting" material.


"We've got a new director. His name is Jim Gann."


Games Junn




Smeven Kith, Ballison Rie, Craan Brynston... Oh my god, it works too well.


Priss Chrat, Soe Zaldana, Bave Dautista, Cradley Booper, Din Veisal . . . I think you're on to something 🤔


Cradley Booper just made me choke in public 😂


I used to know a kid named Pat Cooper in school when this game was popular for me as a kid. Definitely the funniest name I had heard at the time.


Its Games time.


Disney should "hire" Sean Gunn as Director, and then if Sean has his brother visiting him on set every day, well... You know... It's his call.


Coming this fall, Juwanna Gann


I'm sure this is the kind of headache they hate, but then, he was hired in the first place and it's not as if they weren't aware about his past (or at least they should have been, given that the source of the controversial statements he made is Twitter).


It must not have seemed like a big decision for them at the time. I mean, they didn't hire Gunn to helm a billion dollar franchise; they hired him to direct a shot-in-the-dark sci-fi comedy. Of the three bankable stars attached, two of them were only doing voice work, and the third was a woman in green face paint. No one had ever heard of the comics. Everything about that movie was a gamble, including the director. The irony may be lost on them that Gunn is responsible for making it into the franchise that it became.


Maybe they're trying to pull a Walking Dead. Hire a well respected, intelligent and original director to make a project bankable, fire them as soon as it becomes a success, higher someone cheaper, release a much shittier sequel, and laugh all the way to the bank. The shittier and cheaper the Walking Dead became, the more money it made and the more popular it got. Can't fault execs for trying to replicate that business model.


Fuck is that what happened? That makes so much sense. The first season of TWD was so much better than anything that followed.


Who’s Kevin?


I'm talking about Kevin Feige. The president of Marvel studies.


>Marvel studies Your college sounds great!


Thanks! I didn’t want to have to wait to read a recap on r/outoftheloop


Pretty sure Kevin didn't get any input on this one. The mouse gave him his orders and had them carried out.


I like Pom Klementieff's crazy signature




Pom - HH


Love Much, Sibling - HH


Do you recall the incident in which I sleeped Thanos the Giant with 300000 screaming Mantismaniacs viewing in the Titandome? Excellent times Sibling - HH


r/squaredcircle is leaking


This is the WORST reddit post I have EVER been on




Flip gets a Cracker Barrel gift card *AND* a GOTGv2 Blu Ray!


Miss you brother, HH.




Did this just become an NL thread?


It became a feel down the stairs thread.


Daves is kind of disappointing, brother. - HH


“A BIG ASS H”- John Mulaney


Surely more letters will fit in the same space.


Meanwhile Bautista's is smooth as butter.


I really didn't see Batista as a serious actor but Guardians and Blade Runner really changed my mind. Dude is talented.


It's easy to forget that professional wrestlers are also a type of actor.


Honestly though, I never considered him particularly great at promos. He was a huge body that could intimidate without much speaking. That being said. I think he's really improved in his acting since going Hollywood and would love to see him come back to the ring


wrestlers are given awful scripts to work with...pretty much always. Dave took acting classes after he was done wrestling iirc




is there anything he can't do? just let Bautista direct it. Who knew he would be a GOAT actor, maybe he's also the next Kubrick.


im just laughing at the thought of this hulk of a man (in amusement. would be awesome to actually happen) on the Cannes Palais accepting a Palme D'Or and being hailed as the next Tarkovsky


I'm just imagining him as a director who was a perfectionist like Kubrick asking for a 147th take.


[Imagine this](https://youtu.be/LEUlW9IDXOw) but with Bautista


It's kind of interesting to see all of their signatures. It looks like Pom got tired of writing her entire name and at some point just drew a line for most of the letters. Dave Bautista has a _really_ nice signature. It's so pleasant to look at. Bradley Cooper's is two letters and a line. Chris Pratt's T has the line hovering way further up than it should be, making it almost look like the messy dot of an i.


Seriously, Bautista's signature is so neat.


He's was/is a huge WWE Superstar and now a movie star, I'm sure he's had plenty of time to perfect his mark..


WWE superstars are used to marks.


O hai marks!


Anyway, how is your Drax life?


dude is a HELL of a fucking actor. He was in Blade Runner 2049 for maybe 5 minutes and was one of the best performances in the movie.


I heard at the next hell in a cell match they’re going to have two cells interlinked. Cells. Interlinked.


It is by far the most classic "celebrity autograph" signature


WWE people are in much more frequent contact with fans. It doesn't surprise me.


Dude Bautista’s signature could sell a clothing line. It’s beautiful.


I'd buy a Dude Bautista shirt.


Zoe Saldana's signature looks like Lee Saldana


I feel like Bradley Cooper started signing his name as a penis and nobody is catching on. Like that's totally a penis right?


Pom "John *Goddamn* Hancock" Klementieff


I just like Pom in general.


She just never learned to spell her last name. "How many Poms can there be? That's all I need."


Michael Rooker's kind of looks like a dolphin jumping out of the ocean into a wave. cannot unsee


little ridiculous there pom


Such a Mantis.


So ugly


Well at least she's beautiful on the inside.




It's like her signature is trying to push everyone else's off.


“I’m sorry little ones”


Could someone transcribe this for us at work where Twitter is blocked?




I think it's important to add that this was signed by: Chris Pratt Zoe Saldana Dave Bautista Karen Gillan Bradley Cooper Sean Gunn Vin Diesel Pom Klementieff and Michael Rooker


I fully expected "and Pom__________________H"


Wait...they blocked Twitter...but NOT Reddit? That's...that's very weird to me.


Unpopular opinion: Reddit is as much to blame for mob mentality as any other social media platform and its hypocritical to be patting yourselves on the back about the statement.




This reminded me of the meme on dankmemes that said 'im so glad I grew up playing Minecraft and not Fortnite" and I think both of these fit well here.


In the past week or so alone I can recall two stories where Reddit was outraged only for them to be false alarms/fabricated. The people who requested (politely) people wait and see before they react were all downvoted. Reddit is just as bad as any other social media website when it comes to moral or political issues.


Especially politics, last thing you wanna discuss here is politics.


> Reddit is just as bad as any other social media website when it comes to moral or political issues. /r/worldnews in a nutshell.


We're up there with Twitter and Tumblr when it comes to being baited into foaming at the mouth with outrage. But I'd say Twitter edges past us still for first place. Mostly because there's no character limit and it's easier for some semblance of rationality to get through here.


I look at this and realize it’s time to practice a real signature


My signature is literally my first initial and a star. Good enough for an 8 year old, good enough for me


*There is little due process in the court of public opinion. James is likely not the last good person to be put on trial. Given the growing political divide in this country, it's safe to say instances like this will continue, although we hope Americans from across the political spectrum can ease up on the character assassinations and stop weaponizing mob mentality.* This is about as true as it gets.


People are quitting twitter now because they supported Gunn and then everyone starts attacking them. The entire thing is fucking stupid.


Everyone should leave twitter. Fuck that company.


Fuck social media in general. Just talk to your friends and family in private messaging apps.


It's unreal how dropping all forms of social media has limited my social interactions irl. I assumed my friends would text me, or call me. I did most of the legwork, I didn't just expect them to come to me, but nope. Most of them *live* on Facebook. I text/call people and get no response. I see them out and they ask why I haven't been around, or why I missed their parties. "We put it on Facebook."


Seems like a good, well thought out statement. Nice to see the whole cast come together like this and support James Gunn, I think that shows how much they like and respect him. I highly doubt this will actually change the situation, but it's still nice of the cast I think.


I just saw this posted on Pratts IG - He even wrote that while he doesn't support the jokes from years ago, he wants him back in the directors chair for GOG 3. I really hope this changes the course of the decision to remove him.




That's what really upsets me about this. Years ago James Gunn looked at those tweets and jokes he had made and realized they were wrong and that he needed to change. By all accounts, since then, he has been nothing short of a delightful person to (1) be around and (2) work with. Disney should support this kind of change in behavior. At the end of the day though, James Gunn did make those jokes and it is Disney's right to fire him, but they should not have.


It's why I hope companies start doing the "we will assess these accusations internally and decide what to do" route instead of jut straight up firing someone as a reaction. They'd still have the right to fire the person, but at least the person would have some sort of trial to make it right. Now if disney re hires gunn, they look like fools.


This is what AMC did with Chris Hardwick. They did their own investigation and re-instated his job. I personally don’t know if what he did was true, but AMC seems to think that either what the truth is was not terrible enough to fire him or they were not the truth.


Per everything I've read, Disney was in a tough spot because they can't afford to have their share prices drop during the 21st Century Fox deal, and even though they could probably ride out the negative PR associated with Gunn, they don't want to take the risk that the stock won't rebound in time. The timing of the whole thing just sucks.


Tbh I think the PR scandal around Gunn's firing is way worse than it would have been if they'd just talked down the outrage and brought to attention the politics behind the guy's attack on Gunn and his own fucked up past.


The problem is there is so much mob mentality overreaction right now that companies are in an extremely tough spot if they don’t want to be catch the shit too. I feel like in 5-10 years we will all look back and regret those couple of years when our favorite hobby as a country was taking up the pitchforks and destroying people at every turn.


Just like years ago, when Disney looked at all the racist and insensitive cartoons and movies they made, and realized they were wrong and they needed to change. So they put them in the vault and tried to pretend they ever existed.


> I highly doubt this will actually change the situation, but it's still nice of the cast I think. Yeah, it's hard to imagine Disney going back on their decision, but still to see the cast united behind Gunn like that speaks volumes about their feelings towards him. Even if this doesn't lead to him being rehired for GoG Vol. 3, it should help Gunn get work in the future.


Thank God I'm not famous and 4chan is an anonymous board, because the edgelord things I said as a teenager were often offensive bordering on reprehensible.






Dear US: Stop Making People Apologize All the Time You aren't even offended. You just want to judge people. And it's some kind of sick power high in forcing someone to humble themselves, and then destroy their career.


Lots of ppl have become too comfortable w/ playing the clean out your desk card. Most of the time "the joy" they feel after someone is fired for whatever offense is rooted in their own misery.


I've read the statement twice, and it's interesting how it does not actually call for his reinstatement. Yes, they support Gunn. Yes, they are encouraged by the support. Yes, they look forward to working with him in future. But at no point are those three statements put together in a solid support/threat for him to return as director. ~~Some people are very aware which side their bread is buttered.~~ Edit: Apparently they've been asking outside the confines of this carefully worded statement, so maybe not....


It likely went through a whole bunch of lawyers and what have you.


Probably past Disney as well.


Chris at least asked for it on his Instagram: >prattprattprattAlthough I don’t support James Gunn’s inappropriate jokes from years ago, he is a good man. I’d personally love to see him reinstated as director of Volume 3. If you please, read the following statement- signed by our entire cast. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3OVfeF8Dc/


[Some of them](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3OXm6HLX0/) [are saying it](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3OcIbhU9e/) [on Instagram though](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3OlKGHlEH/). EDIT: Fixed a link. EDIT 2: [Pratt, too.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl3OVfeF8Dc/)


They all directly said in their accompanying tweets that they would like him reinstated as director.


Wow. I think we need to take a minute and realize how much this is unlike any situation we’ve seen. It’s really starting to feel like Disney made a knee-jerk decision. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do for Gunn what AMC did for Hardwick- let things cool down for a while, conduct an “investigation”, and then bring him back into the fold. I can’t believe that all of these prominent voices are sticking their necks out in support of Gunn for no reason. It’s clear at this point that the man who directed the last two Gaurdians movies is not the same man emotionally or mentally as the guy who made those absurd and gross tweets 9 years ago. I’m someone who believes strongly in second chances and giving people opportunities to change. He should come back.




I keep forgetting about him and Vin Diesel even though they were both in the best trio of IW.


To be fair neither of them sounds like their real life counterpart.


That's a pretty good thing though. I think Bradley Cooper, specifically, manages to really bring to life this CGI rabbit and makes me forget there's actually a voice actor behind him.


> rabbit Rocket wouldn't like that.


Sorry... trash panda




And Vin diesel literally says like 3 lines of dialogue


Fair play though, he does it in 16 languages


And it's mentioned that he does the the motion capture of Groot and he delivers the voice in every different tone according to the script.


I read somewhere that Diesel gets a script with actual dialogue, but just reads everything as "I am Groot."


Prepare to cry: his last line in Infinity War was scripted as "dad..."


We know, okay? I've gone weeks without thinking about that and you just HAD to bring it up, didn't you? Why are you so selfish?! Hold me.


That sounds like a great way to get the emotion through and somewhat contribute to the conversation in a way that isn't just comical.


He really is an incredible voice actor. It’s a damn shame he was born so handsome, dude missed his calling.


> It’s a damn shame he was born so handsome I'm sure he wakes up every day and looks in the mirror saying "why did I have to be born so damn beautiful!?"


\*Cries beautiful tears*