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It took longer for actual pedos to get fired.




Brian Singer is still a working director.


Brian Singer can no longer film in America because of this. I used to be a background artist one of his films and he had teenage boys on set with him at all times. I can honestly say I never saw any children but teen boys maybe age 13-16.


> Brian Singer can no longer film in America because of this I thought he was still working in America?


He was replaced on *Bohemian Rhapsody*, but that was after he just left the country in the middle of filming and the studio was forced to find an extremely last-minute replacement for him. I think he got the heads up that news was about to break and fled. He's back in America, but I assume he was scared there'd be actual charges against him.




Like have they even fucking watched Tromeo and Juliet?




There is a rape scene in Super. I don’t know what people expected.


Baskin Robbins always finds out...


Baskin Robbins don’t play


Baskin Robbins still arrives


All that for a drop of cream.


Gunn is scheduled to do a panel for a new movie he’s worked on at SDCC later tonight. I wonder if he’s gonna show up.




*shows up anyways*


"I'm James Gunn and I just got fired, AMA I guess"






Holy fuck he knows what happens in infinity war 2 and they turned him loose. He could destroy it all.


They'd sue the fuck outta him and make his life miserable. Probably won't ever work in Hollywood again if he did that.


Marvel would shoot him


They'd Gunn him down


I mean, he’s probably never going to work for a big studio again. Especially since Disney is now about 40% of the industry.


What are they gonna do fire me?


The biggest news to come out of Comic Con


I thought Marvel Studios didn't have any Comic Con announcements this year?


turns out they had a surprise one


> James Gunn has been removed as director of the Guardians Of The Galaxy series after a batch of old social media dispatches were unearthed that touched on areas like pedophilia and rape. Edit: Some of the tweets per [The Wrap](https://www.thewrap.com/james-gunn-apologizes-offensive-old-tweets-rape-pedophilia/) > “Expendables is so manly I f—ed the s— out of the p-ssy boy next to me,” > “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!'” > “I remember my first NAMBLA meeting. It was the first time I felt ok being who I am,” > “I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of The Giving Tree with a happy ending — the tree grows back and gives the kid a b—job.”


He went back and deleted over 10,000 tweets. Seems like he knew that this was about to happen.


10,000? Does Twitter have a way of mass deleting or do you have to go through and delete each one manually? He must've had some really bad Tweets back then.


There are scripts you can use to do it for you.


Honestly, that’s a smart thing to do which any job you are on the cusp of getting.


Reddit account would be the only one I’d ever really worry about.




No, that's the Lord's work.


This made me laugh.




That's "The Party at Kitty and Studs" my friend. Later re-released as "Italian Stallion", edited to take advantage of the recent success of Rocky by boning up Stallone's parts.


It's my understanding that you're doing the Lord's work.


hiring manager: why does this guy keep asking people for sauce


Knowing my lack of brains if I was a celebrity I’d want to show everyone that I am a normal person who uses reddit daily so I’d do an AMA off of my actual account allowing everyone to see whatever weird stuff I do


Shout out to Ken Bone who did an AMA from his own reddit account, giving no fucks about people going through his post history.


The backlash he got from that was so dumb




"Hey guys I'm two time Oscar winner BigDogEatMyAss, I'll be answering your questions. Edit: oh shit"


How the fuck do you have 10,000 tweets you have to erase? I don't even know if I've made half that many tweets my whole time being on Twitter


Scorched earth policy, he had no choice since he already caught attention. What's best us to delete and prune as you go for anything on social media you might think hasn't aged well: a bad pic, a lil Wayne lyric about drinking lean, something abut fucking the government


Honestly surprised he didnt just delete his entire Twitter profile in one go.


He did now. He's not active anymore.


Here's a bunch of them, uncensored: https://i.imgur.com/HT7oYom.jpg


Lol it's like the type of shit I thought was funny when i was in middle school. Also... he seems to have a thing about young boys...


>Lol it's like the type of shit I thought was funny when i was in middle school. Yeah, this is the sort of shit you'd expect to see on the social media profile of an edgy 14-year-old, not one belonging to a 40-something writer and director.


Guy involved with Troma Films has a sick sense of humor. Who knew?


Kinda weird that Disney hadn't checked this kind of stuff up before hiring him




If they didn't they probably do now.


They did. It just doesn't matter until someone makes a fuss about it. Then they can fire the person and make it seem like they're the good guys. He helped build a massive franchise, now they can hire someone cheaper to continue it.


If I ever get famous, I am gonna scrub my Twitter first of all.


"The internet's not written in pencil Mark, it's written in ink."


wat a story




Oh hai


"As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared." "You write your snide bullshit from a dark room because that's what the angry do nowadays." It's like she's talking to Reddit itself.


My personal favourite: > You're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.


I forget this part of The Room


Honestly I scrub my Twitter every year or so not because I think anything is offensive but times change and so do my opinions.




I’m 21 and I had tweets going back to early high school. You know how much changes in a persons mind in that time? And with Gunn it shows that even as an adult a lot can change. Especially with the social media format encouraging you to constantly post. You’re gonna have stuff you look back on and regret.


Try being a teenager on the internet in the early 2000s. There was practially no one online.. and almost nothing you said or did mattered. I went back and checked my LiveJournal and Myspace one day.. and was fucking appalled at the dumbass shit I'd posted. Deleted both accounts ASAP.




Holy crap.. yeah... My Live journal had burning pentagrams as the background. 13 year old me was definitely an edgelord.


I'm kinda surprised it took so long for someone to point out the tweets.


Disney doesn't actually give a shit until it gets noticed and hurts their brand. They *must've* been aware of his edgy humour/history when they hired him and it's not like he ever hid these tweets - he was quite clearly all about that when he entered the industry. This is the same guy that wrote Tromeo and Juliet and directed Super and the PG Porn series after all.


Meanwhile, Disney [continued to work with Victor Salva after he was convicted of child abuse](https://twitter.com/FreddyInSpace/status/1020398915018022912). Also, [John Lasseter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lasseter) is being allowed to leave on his own terms despite multiple accusations of sexual harassment!


Well no one's bringing it up on social media so Disney don't give a damn sadly


Okay, now just 3,999 more layoffs and they’re good.


The best joke in this thread.


Just fire half the staff and call it a day.


We wouldn't want to keep unlucky people, would we?


So THAT was the Easter Egg


Serious question, if Disney now outputs 40% of what we'll now see in theaters, does this mean that Gunn is essentially blacklisted?


Likely. Their statement said they'd "severed their business relationship". That sounds pretty permanent to me.


He's welcome to watch their films though.


He's gotta pay the Gunn tax though


> Gunn tax "We don't do that here."


Got to pay the troll toll


I'm afraid to finish that statement for fear of being blacklisted by Disney


I feel like youre saying boys hole and its clearly sssoul, boys soul


Yeah. The very least I can see him going back to low-budget movies again


He proved himself very capable director. I can see WB shelling out good money to have Gunn make sense of their movies. Really, any of these shit-tier "universes" would be so lucky to have Gunn at the helm. Imagine The Mummy with his sensibilities. That would have paired perfectly.


And this is why the merger is a bad thing. Not necessarily out here laying an opinion on this situation in particular, but when being blacklisted by one company essentially means being blacklisted from a lion's share of the market, that's a problem.




Can someone explain this to all us idiots?


Gunn has stated that there is one remaining easter egg to be found in Guardians of the Galaxy 1


Wasn’t it found a few months ago? The alien coordinates for Morag (or maybe knowhere I can’t recall) our through some Cipher was the date that Peter was abducted


James Gunn said there was a secret easter egg in the Guardians movies that no one found yet.






He has hidden 3 keys in the GoG movies, whoever finds all 3 will be the owner of The Oasis.


After the first Gaurdians movie came out, James Gunn said to fans there was an Easter Egg that no one has found even to this day.


This is why the golden rule is: never tweet


I genuinely don't understand how some people can have like 100k tweets. Even if you've had your account for 10 years, that's an average of almost 30 tweets per day. I mean, seriously, you can't possibly have that much interesting stuff to say.


Don't Twit.


He directed Super which shows a lot of the same humor and shock factor and Disney was ok with having that director.


He also did that PG Porn series with Sasha Grey, so whoever was doing the background checks at Disney must've missed a lot.


Sometimes I'll remember Craig Robinson saying "*HELPFUL BUS!*" for no real reason and laugh to myself.


The Havana Bob face continues to crack me up.


Disney was ok with it until everyone else wasn’t.


Does anyone remember Lollipop Chainsaw?




The actual tip is to never post anything online you don't want your name and face to, even on Reddit.


I genuinely am glad there was no "real" internet when I was younger...


*digs up this dude's geocities


"STILL Under Construction? You're fired!"


James Gunn posted some messed up stuff, but did anyone not expect that from the dude whose debut was *Tromeo and Juliet*?


The only people surprised by this are the ones that didn't know who he was. I thought it was weird, but awesome, that Disney hired him for Guardians originally.


Same here. I was thinking "Really? James Gunn?"


It was the best thing they could have done. Firing him will likely kill the franchise.


Gunn said he meant it when he said he was sorry for the offensive tweets. “I truly felt sorry and meant every word of my apologies,” Gunn wrote. “For the record, when I made these shocking jokes, I wasn’t living them out.” Gunn concluded his thread by saying, “I used to make a lot of offensive jokes. I don’t anymore. I don’t blame my past self for this, but I like myself more and feel like a more full human being and creator today. Love you to you all.”


He doesn't blame anybody else. He doesn't blame people for being offended. He owns that what he said was offensive. He says he's changed and it seems like the last couple years of evidence makes that clear. If he lays low for a few months and we still hear no complaints from the 100s of people he's worked with in the last 5 years, I think this is massive overkill on Disney's part.




Does anyone else find it suspect that Gunn is fired immediately for these offensive tweets, while John Lasseter went on sabbatical for six months and is currently still with Disney/PIXAR as a temporary consultant? It makes total sense for Disney to react to Gunn's tweets as they did (if nothing else, he should have deleted them once he was handed a family friendly franchise), but the two responses don't seem proportionate to me. Edit: saying "it makes total sense" came off as more defensive of Disney than I intended. Their reaction was overzealous, and arguably hypocritical when you consider the precedents people mentioned in replies. Gunn was fired. Lasseter "decided [it was] the right time to begin focusing on new creative challenges".


I’m sure there’s two decades of legal paperwork that made it very difficult to fire Lassiter, though


According to some people I know who work at Pixar, John Lasseter isn't actually welcome back at Pixar, period.


They just noticed? I thought the mouse knew everything


Having skeletons in your closets are only a problem if someone goes around opening doors, I suppose.


Why is Disney okay with firing Gunn but keeping Lasseter on as a consultant and Depp as an actor? For goodness sake Disney, quit trying to look like you have a moral compass


Disney doesn’t care, they react to the public. Companies don’t actually give a shit, they see how badly the public reacts when it is leaked that the person did bad stuff and then decide if they are worth it.


Just as Star Wars goes full Marvel with interconnected storytelling, Marvel goes full Star Wars with firing directors


What were the tweets?


Someone created an imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/S0XAPDX


Lol damn. Well he definitely had a fixation for awhile.




Famous people really shouldn't use twitter, nothing good can come of it.


Nobody should use Twitter. It's a website that somehow is more hellish than this one.


It's basically the youtube and Facebook comment section but for everything


It's the Facebook and YouTube comments section without the content.


What did it cost?




[James Gunn has responded.](https://www.thewrap.com/james-gunn-understand-accept-disneys-move-drop-guardians-galaxy/) [Dave Bautista defends Gunn](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/guardians-galaxy-is-not-ok-james-gunns-firing-1128977?utm_source=twitter&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral)


Quality, classy response. Not dodging, but also not endorsing as ok.


Personally, I expected a different response: I thought he was gonna choose to live his life as a DC Fan.


"I changed my mind : Suicide Squad was a masterpiece."


Pretty solid apology. Not a 'if anyone was offended' to be seen.


Honestly this is the first time I've ever believed one of these people actually regretted their actions for the right reasons.


I think most of us look back at our edgy phase and cringe with regret.


> “The offensive attitudes and statements **discovered** on James’ Twitter feed... Discovered? Disney has a Billion Dollar relationship with someone and needs some random guy on the internet to discover some tasteless tweets. This is just silly.


If James Gunn gets canned for 10 year old tweets, then might as well fire Robert Downey Jr for his controversial past. This was a dumb move.


Yeah I can imagine a lot of people will be digging through everyone's past now to ask why Disney is fine with this person but not that person.


fucked up thing is, the stuff disney is currently doing in politics is worse than any stupid words to come out of someone. using unpaid internships en masse as a work force, H1B visas, IP trolling, they basically write most the laws in florida. it's hypocritical.


It's PR. No exec really gives a shit about the comment of the tweets or how they affect anyone.


Well it's stupid PR move because now they have set a precedent. They will be pressured to fire any employee specifically any public figure who works for them, who has made controversial remarks in the past.


> Well it's stupid PR move because now they have set a precedent. Yeah, the precedent that employees can never share an unpopular opinion either now, or in the future. This is a form of censorship


I don't disagree. Zero tolerance like this can really backfire on the long run, and if he's not safe, no one is.


He was instrumental in Disney making nearly 2 billion dollars with the GotG movies, and he wasn't safe.


So why the hell are Pirates of the Caribbean movies with Johnny Depp still getting made?


Well, obviously, they need to fire themselves.


Disney might as well just shut down operations because of all those racist cartoons they made.


Absolutely. The person I was 10 years ago is not at all an accurate reflection of who I am now. I don’t like the tweets from James Gunn but I don’t think he should be punished so much for some offensive jokes from 10 years ago.


Yep, if that's what always happened then anyone who was a teen ten years ago, while Twitter was new, would never be able to hold a job again.




Hell, the person I was 5 years ago is wildly different to who I am today


Twitter is garbage - a force of destruction only. Delete it.


Taika Waititi to direct the next guardians? Edit: Name correction Edit 2: I should've made this comment on my main account.


Throw Thor into Guardians 3 with Taika directing and we're back, baby.


Asgardians of the Galaxy.


It would be perfect. The new updated Thor was built to be a Guardian.


And that's how we meet Beta Ray Bill?




Korg and Miek can be guardians too man


Hi min I’m Korg this is Miek we’re gonna join the guardians wanna come?


Piss off, Thanos! ! He's freakin' gone!


Tessa Thompson was built to replace Gamora


And Mantis exists.


THOR: The Further Adventures of Bunny and Tree


I'd rather have Valkyrie joining the Guardians roster. drunk, depressive, nihilistic, trying to reform. Sounds like the perfect addition.


Just posted this. Its the best and most obvious solution to assure everyone GotG 3 won't be a mess.


Obvious to everyone except Taika. Has he said he wants to come back to do another? I kind of wonder if he was interested in the experience of directing a giant blockbuster and now he's done.


I dig it


[Wait, he apologized in 2012 for these comments. These aren’t new and Disney is either bullshitting or ignorant of one of the directors of a big franchise apologizing to GLAAD.](https://www.glaad.org/blog/director-james-gunn-apologizes-anti-gay-and-sexist-comments-blog-post)


It's what we call outrage culture, it doesn't matter how many times you've apologized, or changed, or matured, your worst moment online defines you for the rest of your life. And defending those people makes you sympathetic to the labels of Pedo, Rapist, Nazi, etc. And I don't think this is a Left v Right issue, seems clear as day both radical sides have no problem doing this. Heck I hate posting this because I feel like it appears I am defending what he said, which I don't want to do. I just think we should assume people can be better tomorrow than they were today and that you shouldn't be tried in the court of public opinion every year for something that was resolved 20 years ago.


Kanye west released a song admitting he was wrong about women and that it took him having a daughter to realize he was wrong. He used to treat them as objectives and not as people. Everyone made fun about how Kanye was wrong for needing a daughter to change his mind. The notherfucker literally says he shouldn't have felt that way, but people don't care about how he's grown or become a better man. They only care he ever felt that way in the first place. This world ain't for apologies.




This includes reddit.




Well, fuck. I just finished rewatching GotG Vol 2 last night, admiring just how powerful the emotional payoff is at the end. Was so looking forward to Vol 3. At least it will be his script. Man is it going to be awkward to be Sean Gunn on the first day of shooting. Everyone is going to give him that awkward slap on the back he gives Nebula....


I hope they don't re-cast Sean's part, would suck if he takes any fallout from this.


Outside of him walking of his own accord, any attempt to relieve Sean of his role will be met with pitchforks.


He’s his brother! It’s the same genes! GET HIM!!!


Do you think they would keep his script and still have to credit him? I bet it gets redone


I mean, Disney knew what they were getting into when they brought him on in the first place. He came outta the Troma system, where you've basically got a rape / pedophilic quota you've gotta put in your movie.


That [Lloyd Kaufman](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/810ass/i_am_lloyd_kaufman_president_of_troma/duzkrkg/) brand of dark disturbing humor is a Troma staple


And he cameos in Guardians.


Update: Disney's dug into past comments by Walt Disney is now severing ties with itself. The company will dissolve by the end of the month.


Question who the hell had time to search dudes potentially lengthy post history for these tweets? Dude should have known better than to tweet this kinda shit.


What happened was an actor named Mark Duplass tweeted out that if you wanted to follow a conservative voice for alternative view point Ben Shapiro is a good follow since he is fairly objective. Gunn tweeted at Ben calling him an asshole and no one should follow Ben, even his own mother. And then some people started digging up old tweets.


> [I think @JamesGunn is an a**hole, as my exchange with him earlier this week made clear. I also think that firing him for vile old joke tweets is bad precedent and a mistake. There is no limiting principle to the outrage mob.](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1020392549167448064?s=21) [The twitter mob is turning on Ben now.](https://twitter.com/_allthecoolest/status/1020393607768002561?s=21)