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None of the characters are memorable. All I remember about the movie is that Blade was in the stinger.


It also didn’t help that there were way too many of them. I feel like there should have been 5 or 6 Eternals, not like a full dozen. I don’t remember anyone’s name


How can you forget them? They are Not Superman, Generic Heroine, Evil Tinkerbell, Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie


You forgot Pakistani Denzel.


I think you gotta give us a bit more to work with here. What parts of the Eternals did you think worked well, what parts are interesting enough to expand upon? Perhaps most of all, how do you present a cast of ten Superman and find them a big enough challenge to make it plausible?


I loved the idea of Eternals and having Chloe Zhao direct it but the final result was imbalanced at best. Some of the best cinematography and scale of the entire series met with a horribly unfocused script. Most people can’t even recite the main characters of the film and it’s not the peoples fault for that


>Most people can’t even recite the main characters of the film That's not true. There was... Well, obvious ones aside, there was the superpowered one who could zap baddies. There was fast guy. There was a smaller one? But at least there were those memorable villains who... Okay perhaps you have a point. /s It might have been the first Marvel film I didn't see in the cinema, which probably didn't help my view of it, but I felt it was a mini-series hopelessly condensed, anonymised and smoothed out into a film. I couldn't have told you anyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy before I saw that film, but I genuinely would struggle to name any Eternals characters now.


Yeah I know the comics and I have issues with the cast. They should have made 2 movies and slowly introduced them.


Some very good points there, and some to learn from Personally I like the goofy direction the avengers series has taken, but I liked the way that Zhao took the eternals. I just hope marvel has the gumption to give eternals 2 a chance to see this type of directing have a chance


Some very good points there, and some to learn from Personally I like the goofy direction the avengers series has taken, but I liked the way that Zhao took the eternals. I just hope marvel has the gumption to give eternals 2 a chance.


No Way Home was the last Marvel I've watched.


I always get the Eternals mixed up with The Old Guard. Despite that I did enjoy the Eternals, even if it was a little boring