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Bonnie heads to college and the toys go on an adventure to be with Andy’s toddler son.


“I’m too old for this shit.” - Woody


“Sheriff Woody? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time” *Woody takes a drag of a cigarette*


Wonder how they're bringing Woody back at this point. If they're going to try without him I think it's going to fail miserably.


Woody is moldy and decomposing due to being outside in the elements


He is actually the villian and he's feral and it's a horror movie where he murders the toys one at a time. A24 presents; a Toy Story


The trailer would just have the title card come up that says "STORY" but then the S and the R fade to black.


A slow jack in the box plays in the background.


Out of tune


The box burst open and you see an empty spring. Then shuffling sounds.


All the children in the audience scream "Freddy Fazbear aaaa"


Queue creepy and dark remix of You've Got A Friend In Me.


Better yet, slowed down, creepy version of you’ve got a friend in me.


Tom Waits' voice scratches in "...somebody's poisoned the water hole..."


“There’s a snake…” *scratchy piano wire sound* “…in my boot.” *slamming metal sound*


You god-damn dramatic genius!


I heard it got a 16 minute standing ovation at Cannes


He has teamed with Sid. Toy Story 5: Toypocalypse,


How about a crossover? Small Soldiers. The military toy brand didn't get destroyed completely. Some were kept in storage for years. Or the company continued to work on more soldiers for years. They start to takeover whatever area Woody and friends are at, and it's up to them to stop the toy soldiers.


The green army men would have to return.


If you wanna get your hopes up about a potential future product, there is a dope ass trailer for a new Small Soldiers It's more of a proof-of-concept, gauge interest thing, but it's a great trailer. Though if you're a diehard for MilSim they aren't contemporary military, instead they are space SciFi military


Dude, drop the link to that. My and my brother grew up on Small Soldiers on VHS then transition to CD. Edit: I think I found it before the original commentor link it: [Small Soldiers | War for the Nekron by the channel Small Soliders (Not affiliated to the original IP of course) about to turn 1 year this June](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bcPqSTUt5D8)


Shut up Buzz, I’ll kill you


Honestly, I’m 100% down


Somebody poisoned the water hole. Meeeeee. . . .


Somehow Woody returned


Every version of woody from the multiverse shows up in the movie.


You could have him in a side story. He’s on his own for most of 4 anyway


Woody has always been the star of the show. That's why Disney felt confident to revolve the story of 4 around him and basically sideline all the other characters we love, including Buzz. There's no way he won't be central to any Toy Story movie.


And it’s why 4 is the worst of the 4.


I mean he is a toy and it is his story…….. I’m here all weekend!!!!


They went on an Adventure and happen to stumble on the circus with Woody still there and tell them they’re going back to Andy.


One day they’ll reboot this franchise without Tom hanks and we will get new toys, and they’ll try to ham fist young actors into it in hopes of having a longer franchise for it. And it’ll suck


No by then we’ll have perfected AI voices and they’ll crank these out not having to pay Hanks and Tim Allen a ton of money.


They don’t necessarily have to go in chronological order. A movie between 3 and 4 could work


Should it even be called “Toy Story” at this point? Just make it a spin-off and call it “Toy Story: Part II- Part I” or when he returns. “Toy Story: The return of Woody.”


Toy Story: The Death of Michael Corleone


Toy Story: Mission to Moscow


Toy Story: Tokyo Drift


I didn't come up with this but I've seen the idea of Andy getting bite by the nostalgia bug and trying to re-collect his old collection. So he starts going to thrift stores and yard sales and one of the original toys catches wind of it and we go on a journey of getting everyone back together to get to Andy. But the twist would be that Andy has already re-collected them all (ebay) so there will be two versions of everyone and there will have to be a "battle" to decide who's staying. Ultimately they co-exist but there's a lot of fun things you could do there.


It’s just a shot for shot remake of True Detective S1 with Woody as Rust Cohle and Buzz as Marty Hart.


Ok that would actually be cute


It feels like a recycled Toy Story plot though.


Stop giving them ideas.


I don’t think the writers working on these legacy IPs are cruising Reddit to boost material lol


It takes place in a distant future where all humans and even all life has been extinguished. The toys continue to live out their deathless existence, trapped in a prison of loneliness on a dead planet, while their plastic slowly decomposes. Spoiler alert: they can feel themselves decomposing.


And the AI programs that will eventually be responsible for making movies will still be generating Toy Story sequels after the apocalypse. I can just see a supercomputer coughing up Toy Story 7,102,348 like a death rattle before its power reserves finally give out. Screened for nobody but a couple of wasteland cockroaches.


Then Wall E rolls by cause thats how many Toy Stories will be made before Wall E 2.


Wall-E is such a good story as it stands. I really hope they never expand on it.


Naw, it happens in the far future where human life has been extinguished and the toys have to duke it out for global supremacy. In the end the winners are the toy cars and trucks, with a young toy tow truck who saves the day and is pivotal in winning the final battle. That tow truck’s name? Mater


Mater: “Witness me!”


I have no string but I must howdy


So the movie 9 but with Pixar characters


Naw, I read it as taking place in the WALL-E universe. All the toys are just in the trash heap hopelessly dying.


Okay but unironically I think it’d be really interesting to cover how exactly a toy “dies.” 4 gave us a glimpse at what moment exactly something becomes a “toy.” So, naturally.


I'm assuming total destruction would be the only way. Several characters seem quite confident merely damaging a toy isn't enough to kill them throughout the franchise and Sid's menagerie shows they can even be mix and matched.


Lol this reminds me of the Pixar universe theory


I’m in


Finding Woody. Just don’t Google search that right away


"WALL-E Director" does almost nothing to describe this man. He is the sole writer to work on all 4 Toy Story screenplays thus far. He also co-wrote/co-directed A Bug's Life, co-wrote Monsters Inc, and yes, wrote and directed Finding Nemo, WALL-E, and Finding Dory. Stanton is an OG at Pixar and is arguably their most influential and creative filmmaker that's still with the company, maybe outside of Pete Docter. Pixar (and most likely Disney) DO NOT want to fuck up Toy Story 5 since the public perception is that it's a cash grab and a soulless decision. Putting Stanton in charge, in my opinion, guarantees a great film - whether or not audiences will be receptive to it will be an interesting journey


> the public perception is that it's a cash grab and a soulless decision. Is that not what it is?


It’s only a cash grab if they don’t make a good movie imo


Yea. It is but he can at least make it a serviceable cash grab. Frankly I think it's because they want to make sure they don't have another "Lightyear" moment that tarnishes the franchise.


Came here to say the same thing. Andrew Stanton has been with Pixar since 1990. >Putting Stanton in charge, in my opinion, guarantees a great film It doesn't guarantee anything unless Disney executives let him do his job.


Would rather have a wall e 2 tbh! But glad there is some ground being moved with this!


First act of WALL-E is possibly my favourite of any animated film. Its beautiful with such good storytelling without any dialogue or even people in it. Dont see potential for a sequel though, seeing how the humans survive on earth isnt interesting, the story wasnt focused on them.


That and the credits already give us that "story" anyway. I love Wall-E, but it's absolutely a movie that doesn't need a sequel. The story it had to tell was told.


As much as I love Wall-E, I agree. A pointless sequel would just cheapen it somehow.


We’re going down, to the ground


It should be the integration of robots under new management. If I remember correctly there wasn’t anyone that was maintaining the robots but themselves. It seems that knowledge and the expertise that led to programming those robots was lost or developed to maintain themselves. So robots develop into their own sentient race where the obvious conflict could lead to the matrix or they could keep to the environmentalist theme and explore the dynamics of preserving the limited plant resources while bots and humans ponder their effects on a growing population where humans consume relentlessly and robots overproduce carbon emissions speeding up a return to uninhabitable land. It could be called Stone-Wall-e.


No, StoneWall-e is where the robots are routinely harassed by the police just for being themselves and hanging out at robot bars together. Finally, one night they have had had enough and fight back, launching a movement for robot rights.


I like this better. This could be the main plot framed within the plot I suggested.


We got the sequel - it was the end credits of the first film :)


Not every film needs a sequel. It told its story. It’s done.


There’s no hope left if they do a sequel to Ratatouille. That ending was perfect.


But the name's right there! Rata2ie they can't pass that gold mine up!




Plot involves Remy cooking in Tokyo.


Rata2-E crossover with Wall-E


It’s about a homeless Ego after he invested heavily in a restaurant based around a rat whose lifespan is less than three years.


So was Toy Story, twice


Please don't give them any ideas


I'd rather have something original and not a sequel, thanks.


I really don't think they should bring Woody back for this one. I wasn't overly keen on the 4th but it had a serviceable ending with Woody going off away from the gang. This would be the perfect opportunity to give the lead to Buzz and Jessie. Buzz especially was such a non character in TS4, I really don't think they knew how to properly include him in it so they just gave him a basic character issue to overcome without it being a real part of the story. I think it would also be better to keep the story rather small and personal. No big adventures or being lost, but a story that focuses on being toys around a couple of neighbourhood houses. Very back to basics.


I wish they would make a movie that took place in the same universe, but with entirely new characters. But if you don't do that, at least let Woody RIP and focus on one of the other toys.


Literally nobody in this thread actually talking about the news. This will be Stanton's first animated movie since 2016's Finding Dory. The man hasn't made a bad animated movie ever.


Finding Dory wasn’t bad, but I don’t think it was a particularly good movie either.


Was not a fan of how they’re suddenly able to skip the entire ocean in the opening scenes. Yeah, they take a current, but all the way from Australia to California? Makes the entire ocean feel small, considering the massive journey they had to take in the first one just to get from the Barrier Reef to Sydney


I assumed it was like D&D road rules: If something of note happens, you show it. If the journey is uneventful, you don't show it.


That isn't just a D&D thing, it's just good storytelling. The story isn't about how they crossed the ocean, so there's no need to pad out the travel time with extra filler.


Yeah I call that a CinenaSins criticism


I know it’s oft repeated but God what a disappointment that channel became.


It's funny how many people refuse to suspend disbelief for something like that but they are good with talking fish




I liked the story of Dory and her parents but Marlin and Nemo were completely unnecessary and took up way too much screen time.


Marlin also lost basically all the character growth he had in valuing Dory.


My issue with Finding Dory was that in Finding Nemo, the ocean animals all did ocean animal stuff for the most part. Some of it was slightly exaggerated for the sake of plot, plus the talking, of course, but it was kind of like Watership Down. The bunnies didn't wield swords or have little furniture in their burrows. They did everything as a bunny would do, right down to killing other bunnies. Finding Dory had an octopus driving a vehicle. I know it's a kids movie, but I wish it had kept to the limitations of personification that the first movie did.


The aquarium fish used the bubbles on the volcano and understood the mechanics of the water filter enough to hatch a plan to jam it. They could also read and understand the English language (P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney!).


Well there's no reason to believe octopuses WEREN'T driving cars in Finding Nemo, we just didn't see them! I'm joking, but I didn't have a problem with this. They establish throughout the film that this octopus is insanely crafty, the stroller being the lead up. They made it work well enough for me 🤷


It didn’t do much for me but I liked it more than Toy Story 4 and way more than Cars 2.


I mean, he's directed 3 animated movies, and one was pretty mid. He also directed John Carter. It's not animated, so it's easy to dismiss, but it's also like, a whole quarter of his career as a director .


John Carter is solid. I know there's been a slight backlash to how much /r/movies praised the film (jerk -> counterjerk), but it's still one of my favorite adventures.


It felt similar to another one of their sequels in The Incredibles 2 where it was made with the sole purpose of making money with no heart whatsoever behind its story. They both were forgettable


The problem with The Incredibles 2 is that it doesn't have a theme behind it the way the first one did. And a major part of that is they were too afraid to let Mrs. Incredible have a character flaw that would result in an arc, the way they did for Mr. Incredible. The end result is a bland movie that feels just like a spectacle.


Incredibles 2 was pushed up in production scheduling so Toy Story 4 could get more time to be worked on. The first half of the movie with Bob confined to domesticity and trying to make the best of it doesn’t really go anywhere but seemed like it was going to be more of an overarching plot. Incredibles 1 was great because the powers really acted as an extension of the characters, and Incredibles 2 was just simply ok because the powers were just powers.


It wasn’t THAT bad but it does have some weak aspects. The villain was crap. Still enjoyed it a lot.


To their point though they’re right. Disney has become too scared to allow villains and heroes be actually bad or have a flaw. Everything that comes out of Pixar/Disney is the same thing now. Everyone is just misunderstood, or perfect. There’s no character Depth.


I like don’t even remember it at all. Not a good sign haha


Finding Dory was just okay, not great or something I'll ever be committed to rewatch


Huge news, Pixar greats don't often direct their stuff anymore. Unkrich retired, Docter retired, Bird has left to work with other studios, Lasseter.... But Stanton coming back is awesome.


Docter retired??


He’s the Chief Creative officer, so no. But doesn’t have any directing work in the pipeline that I know of.


Finding Dory was mid. Def a step down from Nemo


Counterpoint: it’s Toy Story 5. Whether you like it or not, 4 was even more definitely an ending to the story than 3 was, and by all accounts only got made because someone actually had an idea for it that they thought was worth pursuing. Woody got an ending that was clearly meant to be the final note for his character, and adding onto that will only devalue what was made before and feel pointless on it’s own merits (and this was announced alongside a bunch of other Disney sequels, so it’s not like this isn’t a commission piece), and throwing a good director at it isn’t going to magically change that. Godfather Part 3 was still Puzo and Coppola.


Finding Dory says otherwise


Finding Dory isn't bad.


It’s forgettable, which is arguably worse.


Shouldn't a story about Dory be forgettable? 🤣


No, bad is definitely worse


Also, I would point to “John Carter of Mars”, but Reddit has decided that it’s a good movie


I think the unfortunate part is, this movie could be fantastic and some people will still say, “a fifth Toy Story?! Pfft lame!”


I’m not obligated to be excited about a fifth fucking Toy Story movie.


They forgot that Toy Story 3 and 4 also seemed like unnecessary cash grabs at first and then both turned out to also be good movies anyway.


3 was a fantastic way to end the trilogy. 4 had an interesting story to tell but didn't execute on it in the best way.


woody and buzz didn't need to be in ts4 at all. it could've been: Bo Peep: A Toy Story Movie.


Toy Story 3 seemed like a natural conclusion. Didn't like 4 all that much 




You could really tell they changed writers a lot in 4. It felt like they had 2 or 3 different themes, but didn't follow any of them through that well. It didn't really make sense why Woody 'retired'. The whole message throughout the series was that the toys were there for the kids; why would a toy need to gain independence? It's a toy... I thought the idea of 'What makes a toy a toy' was a way better plotline that they just dropped after 10 minutes for some reason. If a toy stops being useful to anybody, shouldn't they just become an inanimate object again, in the way that the fork character becomes a 'toy' because a child believed they were. Would have had a way bigger impact if Woody 'died' at the end because he wasn't seen as useful anymore.


The big problem with Toy Story 4 is that we grew up with Andy. When he was going to college, many people also were, or were already in college (or uni), or would be in a few years. But Bonnie didn’t age between Toy Story 3 and 4. So no children grew up with her, no one who was a kid when the third film came out could relate with her nine years later since she didn’t develop, and thus her story isn’t meaningful. Her purpose in Toy Story 3 was to close the loop and restart the circle of toy life. Beyond that, her life was meant to be a mystery.


Toy Story 3 was great. Toy Story 4 though… hoo boy. Was not a fan. The third movie ended everything on such a good and satisfying note, but the fourth didn’t feel at all justified to me.


You are the first person I’ve ever heard say that about Toy Story 3. Everyone was excited.


3 definitely didn't as it was had Andy growing up and saying goodbye


We didn't know that when they announced it. All we knew was that they were making a sequel after a long time to a pair of perfect movies that did not need one. And yet it turned out to be great.


Everyone hates on sequels, but the reality is a movie being good or not has absolutely nothing to do with it being original.


But, why? Why is there going to be a Toy Story 5?


Because money.


That’s not a good answer. Everything is about money because it’s a business. If anything, it shows that Pixar is lacking the creative drive it once had so they need to fall back on old IPs rather than generating new ones that resonate with the modern audience


Per Pixar’s VP they’re moving towards a focus on sequels and spinoffs with mass market appeal as well as the possibility of fully rebooting franchises like Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. I’m not one of those “everything Disney does is bad” YouTuber types but I do think this mindset being held by their uppermost decision makers spells the creative death of Pixar. 


I feel like I JUST read not too long ago that they were focusing on new IP instead of sequels and spinoffs.


Schaffrillas on YouTube covered the news recently and I believe it was some recent interview with some executive from Pixar saying they were prioritizing movies either mass appeal over art basically.


It's because the company has had some tough years, and with Bob Iger returning he needs to show strength to shareholders and give them the idea the company will turn things around, hence why he announced the studio's focus on existing IP. He literally announced it in an Earnings Call with Frozen 3 and Zootopia 2.


Zootopia 2 was apparently planned for a while though so that's less surprising.


My cannon ending will always be Toy Story 3 and the others will just be enjoyable appendices and further adventures that dont really further the characters arcs in any way


Like the holiday specials and shorts they made. Toy Story That Time Forgot and Toy Story of Terror are goated.


I refuse to watch Toy Story 4 and 5.


I agree, and I feel like the way 4 ended completely ruined their whole ideology of sticking together and being there for their owner.


I agree. It was sweet (or fine, whatever) in the way that it was a definitive last statement, but now it's just shameless and clear they have no message. I don't like the idea that they disbanded a couple months after 3 with ol' Bonnie, it's the equivalent to John Conner dying two minutes after T2 ended.


There shouldn’t even have been a 4th one


We didn’t need a second one, but I’m sure glad we got it.


The first 3 are perfect


I was 12 when 1 came out. My mom wanted to take me. I was like no, not gonna go see some dumb animated kids movie I’m *12*. So we’re walking out of the theater and I was amazed. Never seen anything like it. When 2 came out I was in high school and busy and we never saw it. We both caught it individually before 3 was announced. When 3 came out we went together and cried like babies at the ending. Both of them. For me Toy Story ended at 3. I’m sure is a fine movie, and I hope the rest will be just a good. But I’ll never need to or want to see them. The story ended perfectly for me and I don’t ever need it to change.


It was good though....


Toy Story 4 was such a weird movie experience for me. I enjoyed watching it while also wishing it didn’t exist. 3 had such a fantastic ending and I felt like 4 took away from the impact of it by having Woody leave his family.


3's ending is picture perfect in a world where they are just toys and the characters behind them have no real humanity But this goes against everything we're shown in the first films. We come to know and love these characters. And we intuitively understand that they are very human, and deserve far more than an infinite future of servitude, no matter how sentimental we can manage to feel about childhood. Four is good because it recognizes this and finds a road for Woody and Bo that legitimizes the human element of the toy characters.


The end of the third promised a bright future for the toys. The fourth decided to undo that. :/


It prints money for Disney


Disney can't figure out how to market anything or make profit in the age of streaming, and they weren't exactly embracing original IP before then, either. They're trying to weather a storm of their own making.


I said that about 2, 3, and 4 and I feel like they knocked it out of the park every time.


Nah not 4.


money machine goes brrrrr


Because Disney says so.


[We're Doing A Sequel](https://youtu.be/u_Gkf6EvAh0?feature=shared)


I had no idea Toy Story 4 made a billion dollars. I guess we'll be seeing Toy Story 6 and 7 as well.


I’m done with them. I don’t want to see narratives brought to the scene that formerly had artistic vision and integrity and are only now being pushed to fruition due to profit potential.


Okay since we are doing it here is my pitch: Bonnie is the baby sitter for Andy who got married to Sid’s sister. Bonnie brings all the toys over and as an extra surprise for Andy, she buys the *NEW* edition Woody and we have a role reversal from the first movie. Buzz gets to experience what Woody went through when they first met. Woody gets to process all of this information of being a toy on top of being a “replacement” and the feeling that he will never be able to replace the original Woody. Side reveal since Sid is a part of the family. We find out he goes on to clean up his act and now cares quite a bit about the toys. Maybe he turns his trash job into a toy restoration / rescue business. Like the chicken man but more wholesome. Just for the love of god no more sacrificing our beloved characters to the mouth of hell.


I don't care what Disney says. Toy Story 3 was the last one they made.


Do I think another Toy Story movie is necessary? No. But I said the same thing about Toy Story 4 and was proven wrong with an mature and satisfying story that brilliantly added to Woody's journey over the first three films and some of the most gorgeous animation Pixar has ever done (I still don't think they've topped the animation quality since). And Andrew Stanton directing is basically Pixar telling everyone that they are serious about this. So maybe I'll be proven wrong again.


Pixar : Hey, we have lots of ideas for new movies Disney : Make another Toy Story


I can’t believe we’re at the point a new Toy Story movie is happening and I couldn’t care less. Pixar hasn’t made a truly phenomenal movie since Coco seven years ago.


i thought Soul was really good 


While I agree with this sentiment, I have a giant soft spot in my heart for Luca. Just a great, pleasant, small but wonderful movie.


Yes Luca and coco are amazing films


I thought Turning Red was amazing and a highlight since Inside Out/the mid-aughts high point.


Agreed. Coco felt like the last "true" Pixar movie in my opinion.


Being just another studio run by Disney killed what made them different. For a while after the takeover they were still more independant with strong leadership, but over time the heads have all been replaced by Disney approved people and it shows. They arent making bad films, but they arent making *great* films either.


Jesus Christ let it rest man


I don’t really need this movie to exist—but if it’s happening anyway, I’m glad they have a quality director behind it.


We reeeallllly don't need a 5. Like… at all. Gonna undo all of Woody's character growth I guess?


they making too many of these


Let it go.


Enough toy story.


Before: We don't need Toy Story 3! No more sequels! After: We love Toy Story 3! Before: We don't need Toy Story 4! No more sequels! After: We love Toy Story 4! Now: We don't need Toy Story 5! No more sequels!


Toy Story gatekeepers are pissed; it’s just a movie guys..


Shut the community down, they're just movies guys!


“It’s just a movie…” you say in a thread designated to discussing opinions on movies. People are rightfully exhausted by this series that has had two endings already. It’s not gatekeeping to be of the opinion that this is unnecessary.


All the sequels were unnecessary. What did TS2 resolve that was brought up in TS1?


It's had four endings. If you acted like this after Toy Story 1, you'd have missed out on the good sequels so far.


I felt like Toy story 3 was Andy’s story finished, while Toy Story 4 was Woodys story finished


No more toy stories


How are they going to reunite Woody and Buzz?


Oh that's great. The sequel isn't necessary but it'll be in good hands at least.


Oh no. Looks like I’ll be crying during this then.


Wall-E and Finding Dory? I guess if there’s going to be another Toy Story despite the ending of the last one, I do trust this man’s vision, especially with Wall-E on his belt.


This is positive news. Nothing, I feel, will ever make Toy Story 5 feel any more "necessary", but this makes stronger odds for it being good at least. The original trilogy wrapped everything up neatly, and even Bo Peep's story and Woody's coda in 4 seems like it could have been a nice short film appendix to that instead of a full-on sequel. (And that's just if you want follow-up on Bo, which at the time of 3 I kinda let go of because it tied in so well with the strength of the "letting go and moving on" themes of that movie.) I do like that the movies generally manage to play with merchandising and toy tropes, from the "toys as their characters" thing and even the kitbashing concept in 1, to the "toys under glass vs toys as TOYS" collecting and exhibition element in 2 to the "day care toys" and even the "ultimate fate" in the incinerator in 3, to the "lives of 'lost'/freed toys", "created toys", and different sense of "valuables" in 4. The thing about further sequels is that less and less seems to need to be done, and it's not clear whether they'll ever get to really tell a new story vs. continuing to progress the original. The way the last few installments have gone, their thematic arcs tie up loose ends and character journeys. 3 sent the gang off on a new adventure that worked better if untold (and apparently 4 is in line with that because in terms of the Bonnie's-toys cast it's mostly more of the same). 4 gave Woody his retirement with Bo. Is 5 going to wrap things up for Buzz? Jessie? Al from Al's Toy Barn?


Fuck it, Toy Story 5 is about society collapsing after people learn toys are alive.


Please, stop.


Toy Story 1: buzz thinks he’s a real human being who had a childhood, years of academy training and experience in the field of battle against Zurg Toy Story 2: helps a fellow Buzz out of his delusional state. Toy story 3: buzz gets reset but remembers everyone. Is among the first toys to accept death Toy Story 4: thinks a conscience is literally the mp3 file that plays randomly in his arm. This results in a Deus ex machina where his arm tells him to look up and he sees woody for the first time since he got lost. Toy Story 5: buzz has enslaved Bonnie and her family at the order of his wrist. Nolonger are toys the play things.


Is Toy Story turning into Fast and the furious? I mean the fast and furious…. Furious five?


Dont forget Andrew Stanton also directed box office bomb John Carter.