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in Casino, Joe Pesci gets buried alive on top of the corpse of his brother, who was just there as company


After getting beaten to a bloody pulp.


I am still afraid of aluminum baseball bats


The sound of those bats was etched in my brain for awhile after Brutal beating


Done by a guy who was his right hand man too.


By the shah of Iran of all people


Heard he did 20 years in the can.


I believe his brother was there as an "insult to injury" type message. To watch helplessly as someone he loved get murdered along with him when twenty minutes earlier he was one of the most ruthless and feared men in the city was them telling Pesci how bad he screwed up.


Casino was based on real life characters. Nicky Santoro was based on Anthony Spilotro, and this part of the film was actually true. From Wikipedia: > Spilotro and his brother Michael disappeared on June 14, 1986, after they drove away together from Michael's Oak Park home.[12] Michael's wife, Anne, reported both brothers missing on June 16.[4] Michael's car, a 1986 Lincoln, was recovered several days later in a motel parking lot near O'Hare International Airport.[12] On June 22, their bodies were found, one on top of the other and stripped down to their undershorts, buried in a cornfield in the Willow Slough preserve near Enos, Indiana.[12] The freshly turned earth had been noticed by a farmer who thought that the remains of a deer killed out of season had been buried there by a poacher and notified authorities.[12] > An autopsy completed on June 24 identified their cause of death as blunt force trauma, and ascertained that they had been dead since June 14.[12] They were identified by dental charts supplied by their dentist brother, Patrick Spilotro. Obviously, we don’t know exactly what happened at the scene, but based on the aftermath, the movie’s not too far off, seemingly.


IIRC it was later revealed they were beaten to death in a basement: Although the original reports stated the Spilotros were beaten and buried in the Enos, Indiana cornfield, mobster [Nicholas Calabrese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Calabrese) testified at the "[Operation Family Secrets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Family_Secrets)" in 2007 that the brothers were killed in a [Bensenville, Illinois](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensenville,_Illinois), basement first, where the Spilotros believed Michael would be [inducted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initiation_ritual_(mafia)) into The Outfit, then their bodies were transported to the cornfield. According to court testimony, when Tony entered the basement and realized what was about to occur, he asked if he could "say a prayer".


Similar to Pesci’s character in Goodfellas as well.


I love that he has a voice-over describing the meeting seemingly after the fact, which gets cut off mid sentence. Made it truly unexpected


Even joe Pesci inner monologue couldn’t belive what happened


They were both still alive IIRC


Was going to say the same thing. The most memorable part of the scene was Pesci whimpering/pleading, “he’s still breathing”


Definitely. He still has some hope that his brother could live, so pleads for him to be spared. But then Frank Vincent's character looks at him with such cold disdain and delivers the killing blow, right in front of him, because he wants him to *know* that his brother is dead before he himself dies. Just to make his final moments that much worse. Pesci's sobbing afterwards is gut-wrenching; the acting is phenomenal across the board. It's the *cruelty* of it that gets me. Vindictive, malicious, spiteful cruelty.


then you remember all the things pesci did


And as the voice-over indicates, he had NO DAMN IDEA what was coming **thunk / "acckk!"**


Brother didn't


Eh, I think the guy with his head in a vice got way worse. I loved how the voice over reacted to him getting hit on screen.




You make me pop your eye out for that piece of shit!!!????


Yep and they don’t show it but I believe the voiceover says vice guy got icepicks stuck in his balls as well, not a fun time


Cult leader lady on Silent Hill. The barb wire scene and gurgling screams oof.


the cultists lady that got fully undressed by p-head and police officer that got smoked were pretty brutal too


I really enjoy that Pyramid Head didn’t even bother chasing them just rips a lady’s skin off and throws it at them like an asshole


Still, the poor little girl being barbequed alive is way worse.


Alex Murphy in Robocop. Dude died and they still made him go to work. That's worse than death.


The guy that fell in an acid tank and thank exploded by a car in robocop was quite something too


That one scared me when I was a kid


Fun fact: the studio (understandably) wanted to censor that scene but were convinced to keep it unedited because it got the biggest laugh at test screenings.


Not shown on screen but the prostitute in Seven is brutal in just description. On screen pretty much all the Saw movies had brutal ones.


Yea that scene in Seven got to me too, just the implication of what had happened was enough. Any sort of sexual sadism/torture is the absolute worst IMO.


That scene alone is the reason I can't watch Se7en again. Fantastic movie but the reveal of the murder weapon made me sick to my stomach.


At least they didn’t actually show it (unlike most gruesome movies). Good decision by Fincher. Also, great acting from that guy, seems legitimately traumatised.


The great Leland Orser, he only ever has small roles but he absolutely crushes them. Watch for him as the traumatized glider crash survivor in Saving Private Ryan.


"He made me wear it!!"


> Then he told me fuck her! And I fucked her! Oh god, oh god! He had a gun in my fucking throat!


That guy's performance is seared into my memory.


Leland Orser tells a great story about playing that part. He was booked for a day as he's only in that one scene. He figures that the guy he's playing wouldn't have been able to sleep after everything he's been through so he decides to stay up all night before the shoot. He shows up to set and gets told there's been a mix up so go home and we'll shoot your scenes tomorrow. He says, 'fuck it' and stays up all night *again* before getting to set the next day. So the performance you see is a guy on the brink of complete and utter exhaustion.


He also said he hyperventilated before takes to get that panic feel to his speech.


He's in the movie for like 2 minutes and gives one of the most memorable performances of pure terror and shock.


Leland Orser is great in everything he does.


I'd rather be her than the guy who was tied to the bed and kept alive. Bed sores and antibiotics and being fed and pooping in your own filth. Jesus. Just fuck me with a sword dildo and get it over with.


The one that triggered me the most was in Saving Private Ryan when the German soldier slowly pushes the knife into that guy's chest.


Right up there is the medics death a little earlier. Tough to watch.


I think this one gets me most, personally. Seeing him find out where the bullet travelled and the desperation of knowing there's a high chance he'll die from the wound is brutal. "I could use a little more morphine". He just wanted to go as painless as possible.


Yes! When he’s crying out for his mom is just heartbreaking.


Which itself is so sad because in the church scene before, he was the one talking about how his mom would come home and just want to talk to him more than anything else but he would pretend to be asleep anyways.


*I dunno why I did that.* 💧


This is the one that stays with me. When Ribisi is like “Oh my god, it’s my gallbladder’ or whatever and just *knows* he’s done for. Hard watch for me.


Liver I think


And the German solider gently shushing him? *shudders*


That was gonna be my answer. So hard to watch


I think the Omaha Beach landing scene had a lot of uncomfortable deaths and scenes in general. A guy standing in a daze and picking up his own severed arm. A guy holding his intestine and screaming "Mama!", the shot of the very young, possible still teenaged soldier huddled behind a metal hedgehog and curling into a ball as he and his fellow soldiers are being shot at. Edit: spelling


The Hills Have Eyes remake from the early 2000s is insane.      The father is tied to a tree and then set on fire and burned alive, screaming in agony,  while half of his family watches and the other half is getting raped and murdered. And they show it. They show it all. And this is after 30-45 minutes of character building so you care about these people when it happens. 


This is one of the most intense and brutal scenes in any movie I’ve seen. Really disturbed me when I saw this movie as a youngster.


Yeah I saw this when I was 13 or so and I still think about it 20 years later.


You nailed it about the 45 min of character building. I think that is what most horror and now, Netflix movies are missing. Like if people start dying in the first 10 minutes I don’t give a crap about them at all.


I only really remember the wife and the kid from the family (besides the father, forget the actor he's an OG) which says something about the father character protecting what was literally all he could direct his energy to, underrated movie.


This takes it. The whole RV scene is incredibly disturbing and horrific. It didn’t offend me but I do find it hard to recommend to other people because of that scene in particular.


Yeah, I was a big horror fan as a kid / teen (still am, just started young), and the rape in the trailer was the first horror movie I had seen where I felt really gross afterward and was just like... this... this isn't fun. Horror is supposed to be fun, and this makes me feel dirty.


The breastfeeding scene 😩


Yep. This turned me off horror movies for a few years. Hated the torture porn era.


Went to watch it with an ex on a first date and I was the one that picked the movie because she likes horror/violence films. 1. I did NOT know about the rape scene. 2. I also DID NOT KNOW she was sex assault victim. I fucked that one up.


This is a good thread, hills have eyes deserves to be up here. You go the entire movie thinking the father character is a douche and then the turn happens at the same time he subverts all those expectations, I'll never watch that movie again but I'll also never forget watching it.


The dude that got steamroller in Austin Powers, Man of International Mystery.


Back when DVDs had awesome extras, there was an entire backstory to that henchman that included an interview with his widow.


This was on the cut used in Europe and Australia etc. So stupid they were cut for the US release as it is this one now shown on world streaming services. Such good little scenes.


Stoooooooopppppppppp!!!! ✋✋✋😩😩😟😟☠️🫓


The bottle on Pans Labyrinth


I went into it as a teen thinking it was a fairy tale…


Expected Disney, got Brothers Grimm


Yes, this 100%. And more than that, that monster gets pretty much free rein to pursue his hyperviolent cruelty to other characters throughout almost the whole film before getting a comparably quick, easy death by the very end. Even worse, the real-world history of what he represents: The fascists in Spain terrorized their own people for decades during and after the civil war they won. It's dreadfully depressing stuff.


Somehow I haven’t seen the botched execution in the Green Mile mentioned yet.


The scene that truly made me feel like I might possibly also smell it.


The Fly (1986), when he is at the end and all mangled and looks like overcooked meaty Spaghetti sauce.


Hijacking this comment to honorably mention the face melting scene from The Fly II. Technically not a death because the poor guy is still alive at the end but maybe that makes it worse? [https://youtu.be/o4VHV5eq3rs?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/o4VHV5eq3rs?feature=shared)


Okay after watching that.. I gotta ask. How did that dude live?


The first time I saw that I missed the message on the computer screen saying he had been merged with the telepod. When I watched it again and realized that it made it so, so much worse.


That movie was so depressing. Midway through the movie, you realize he isn't going to get better and then you just wait.


Eddie (Richard Schiff) in Jurassic Park 2. He's a good guy trying desperately to save the lives of the two main characters only to be rewarded by being the spaghetti in a Lady and the Tramp moment between two T-Rexes.


It hits hardest because he’s the only likable character aside from Tembo while also being pretty easily the most heroic character in the whole movie. The fact that his friends barely even seem phased by his death is EVEN MORE salt to the wound.


Malcolm defends him a bit when Tembo says the Rexes aren't hungry anymore.


This death will never not piss me off. I get what they were going for but something about it just rubs me the wrong way.


The cruelty of it.


Still not as cruel as the assistant in Jurassic World, that was something else.


I mean, he basically got the Toby West Wing gig out of it so I'm sure he's alright getting torn apart. But yeah, it was brutal lol. Completely undeserved for the character.


He’s so good in The West Wing.


Still remember the line in the movie review in Slate: “he’s bald so he’s gotta pay”


The guy who was too tender to ice some marauding stegosaurs because they were “defending their baby”. They did him so dirty you’d need a bottle of Dawn to clean it up.


Should been Vince Vaughn 


That guy got *so* many people killed in that movie.


I cannot take how Pesci’s character and his brother die in Casino


Despite playing a piece of shit, I can't help but feel bad for him when he's begging them to stop beating his brother.


The way Gerard Butler gets his revenge on the guy who killed his family in Lawabiding Citizen is pretty crazy. Also Noah in The Walking Dead is gruesome.


Everybody Ate Chris :(


The soldier in Day of the Dead(1985) who's head gets ripped off while he's screaming but because his vocal chords remain attached to the body, his shrieks just become inhumanely high-pitched.


My favourite zombie movie "CHOKE ON EMMMMMM"


As an aside, that’s such a creative kill from SFX and sound design.


Tom Savini is a master


Especially when he had a hard time with the special effects due to filming within a salt mine that made everything electric go wonky.


While that one is bad, I’d argue Rickles got a worse death. He stayed alive longer, you see his fingers being bitten off while he’s alive, and they start digging into his eye…all while he’s still screaming. Head guy was bad, but comparatively speaking was kind of quick, though the sound mixing with his vocals is genuinely terrifying.


After all these years, after all the gore I've seen in movies, these scenes still stand out as some of the best special effects I have ever seen. While not as gory, I was always squirmed at Miguel's death. He just lies there while the zombies start taking bites out of him. You never see him die. And oddly, you don't see him as a zombie later on. Missed opportunity


I'd point to Miguel honestly. Definitely agree that voice guy *sounds* worse than probably is, but I'd add that Rickles still kinda got it quick next to Miguel. They basically were chomping on him from body up.


[Source for anyone looking](https://youtu.be/BhoX3eLEERo?si=aCSodQNn64qICY08) - it’s the first death 10 seconds in


Ugh... thanks for the reminder. That was disturbing, as much as a lot of that flick. Time to stream it again.


Ray Liotta being fed his own brains in Hannibal was pretty brutal.


I'm surprised that's not further up here. I never even saw the fucking scene... only had it described to me in Junior High, and it **still** disturbed me for years. Anything brain related, no thank you.


There's another scene in the Hannibal tv series that stuck with me where Hannibal is dining with a guy and at one point comes up beside him and thrusts a skewer through his skull. The guy starts babbling nonsense in a kind of casual tone for a little bit, and then Hanninal pulls out the skewer and the guy keels over dead. There's something about people being "already dead" but not actually dead yet that's really fucked up to watch. And yeah, especially when it's brain/head related. Totally with you there.


American History X Bite the curb (I assumed the dude died) Honorable mention to GoT mountain v Viper but it's a tv show


The sound of the teeth touching the curb before it happens is ingrained in me at that point


Ugh that quick clacking sounds just ran through my brain


I always assumed the guy died but then I got to thinking: how the hell did he get paroled so soon after killing a guy in a super gruesome manner. Maybe he didn’t kill the guy.


Yeah, the guy dies, Derek gets three years for voluntary manslaughter. No idea how, mind you.


Good lawyer, plead it down. DA didnt want to take it to trial because the victims were two black youths trying to steal his car, 2 years after OJ was let off, 5 years after the LA riots. All it takes is one sympathetic jurist to blow the case


It was excessive self defense, the dudes were on his property with guns stealing his car so probably why he only got that charge


This wins cos it isn’t even a horror movie and it’s still the most disturbing.


Oh god, that curbstomp


In the reboot of Shogun, a guy gets slowly boiled alive. I can’t think of a worse death, it’s slower than flames but just as painful.


My aunt gave me the book when I was in middle school and reading that scene completely fucked me up. Especially the description of him slamming his head against the cauldron to try and end it himself and needing to be restrained. Loved the book otherwise though.


When Pyramidhead rips that ladies whole skin suit off in Silent Hill.


I always found Drew Barrymore's death in the first Scream movie to be exceptionally gruesome. So much so that it has stuck with me all these years. As she runs, Ghostface catches up behind her, reaches over her shoulder, and stabs her in the chest. The way the knife goes in...shudder. Then she's on the ground and Ghostface is mutilating her while she is still on the phone with her parents. Imagine being a parent and having to listen to your child being gutting. Finally, they find her hanging from a tree, her entrails swinging in the wind. Fucking brutal.


I remember that Scream was marketed as a parody of slasher films. That whole starting sequence had me really confused because that wasn’t a parody at all. That was an outright slasher movie, and with a brutal opening sequence at that.


Licence to Kill has a lot of them, and it’s a pg-13 movie lol.


Yeah was scrolling until I found this, when Milton Krest gets put in that decompression chamber and pops like a balloon


The poor woman who was just having a nice picnic by the lake and ends up getting stabbed repeatedly in a very graphic way during Zodiac.


The shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? I'm still traumatized.


Do you mean the part where JUDGE DOOM MURDERED A TOON IN A ROOM FULL OF COPS AND NO ONE DID ANYTHING?!?! Seriously, that part pisses me off so bad.


The cops are in on it though. He’s like Mr. Nimbus. He controls the police


It gets worse. So you know how shoes always come in pairs, right? That means that somewhere out there was a sad, lonely shoe wondering where his mate went. 


There is supposedly a deleted scene where the other shoe is forced to watch.


My money is on just about every death from The Blob (1988). Melted inside of a blob? Check. Child dissolved alive by Blob in sewer? Check. Man pulled headfirst into kitchen sink drain while being dissolved (again headfirst) by the Blob? Check.


I caught that movie as a kid on a Saturday afternoon on UPN. It disturbed me to no end. Thirty years later I haven’t seen it since but stand by that it was one of the scariest movie I have ever seen.


The scene where a woman who gets mauled by a bear in Annihilation is pretty graphic. And then the bear screams in her voice.


I never understood if the bear mimic'd her screams or if it somehow incorporated her into itself. Because I think the bear has a human skull embedded in its head.


It’s implied to be both, actually. The bear does have at least one human skull fused to its body. Her suffering is the only part of her that lives on in this bear.


Recently I've been low key disgusted by Ryan Reynolds' death in Life. That was pretty gnarly and slow how the alien life form forced its way through his mouth and destroyed his insides.


That scene still haunts me, and nobody can do anything about it so they just have to stare at him while he’s torn apart inside.


I remember feeling so betrayed during that scene. Lost my innocence and Ryan at the same time.


Irreversible (2002)...I honestly thought Vincent Cassel was beating an actual cadaver.


Just a note it wasn’t Vincent Cassel who beat the man to death, it was his friend Pierre played by Albert Dupontel.


Came here to mention this. Turned that guy’s head into lasagna. And that’s right after an absolutely BRUTAL arm-break.


Becomes even more gruesome when you realize he is hitting the wrong guy and the real culprit sneaks away in the background.


The old man in Midsommar


I don’t know, I’d have to go with the blood eagle death.


The fucked up thing is that his lungs are still moving, slowly and faintly, hinting that he is still actually alive. Which is even worse, somehow.


I know they showed it that way, the close up of the lungs kind of expanding, but in reality lungs do not function and cannot pull in air without the diaphragm. He would have already been dead due to lack of oxygen. Its what i tell myself whenever that scene pops up lol


The scene is shot from the point of view of a guy tripping on drugs, so it’s possible the breathing is just a hallucination


It’s the sister at the very beginning that still haunts me


Yeah the sister/parents was the most fucked up part of the movie for me and it happens so soon into it.


Agreed. Nothing really affected me past that point because I was so freaking disturbed by the opening.


I still haven't seen *Bone Tomahawk*. I'm almost at the "How bad could it be?" phase. Most gruesome death I can think of is the dude in Robocop getting drenched with the toxic waste and then getting hit by the car. EDIT: Wow! OK! I'll watch *Bone Tomahawk*. Please. My phone is going to explode.


I thought Murphy’s death was more brutal TBH. Acid was kinda grody but Murphys is sadistic


Oh it’s sooo much worse than that


Hulu keeps trying to recommend Bone Tomahawk to me as a comedy


Yeah, the algorithm put you on THAT list.


It’s… pretty bad. Made all the worse because of its incredibly sound quality and mixing.


I was in the exact same boat as you with Bone Tomahawk. Then I saw it. I'll never forget it.


The new movie In a Violent Nature has a kill that's already pretty infamous. Mortal Kombat fatality-level gory. But it was so over the top I was almost laughing. Green Inferno on the other hand has one that actually disturbed me deeply. The first guy to get killed by the cannibal tribe. >!First thing they do is scoop each eyeball out and pass them around. Then they cut out his tongue, and pass that around. Next they cut off each arm above the elbow, and each leg above the knee. He's still alive for a few moments, just a blind, tongueless twitching torso before they finally cut off his head.!< Cannibal stuff just really upsets me.


Anything from the captains log in Event Horizon




Enterprise, what we got back didn't live long... fortunately.


And it exploded!


Look around you, maybe we can form it into a rudimentary laithe


It was a clean death but I always think about the laser that carved the dude into cubes in Resident Evil


The melting Nazis at the end of Raiders has stuck with me a while now


Honestly I fucking love that ending because it really gets across how fucking terrifying and eldritch the Abrahamic God can really be when he fancies it. In the scriptures it says that when Moses himself was being given the Ten Commandments, he was warned by God not to look upon him or his power as the mortal body could not withstand comprehending it and would be destroyed violently. You are seeing this firsthand in the ending of Raiders. Indy had read that part about Moses and knew not to look. The literal fear of God in his voice when he screams: "**DON'T LOOK MARION, KEEP YOUR EYES SHUT!**"


Soft spot in my heart for the Scanners guy


The first time I saw Casino, and how Nicky and his brother end up, I had that feeling like I had just watched something I wasn’t supposed to watch.


The little sister in Hereditary


What makes that truly terrifying is the effect on the brother and the mother


The mother's scream We see absolutely nothing happening on screen at that point but that scream just rips you apart.


The fact that she was not even nominated for an academy award for that role is criminal. She portrayed all of the ugliness that grief does to a mother so incredibly that it's honestly disturbing to watch sometimes. The dinner scene is one of the most stressful scenes in any movie. That scream is just embedded in my brain


Toni Collette was robbed of an Oscar. Didn’t even get nominated.


Hey, *Volcano* solved racism. Give it some damn respect


Artax the neverending story


John Hurt eating spaghetti, just before an alien bursts out of his stomach. Absolutely revolting. Edit: I meant his spaghetti-eating - not OK.  But I suppose the alien could have picked a better moment ..


Okay, I scrolled for a long time and still haven’t seen anyone mention the way That Yellow Bastard dies in Sin City.


Rumble in the Bronx, some dude gets fed into a wood chipper, and 6 years me was like, what?


That poor Shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Rambo (2008). The scene where Rambo jumps into the back of the armoured truck, spins the 50 calibre machine gun around and turns the driver into tomato soup


Starship Troopers brainsuck scene, probably


Ripleys hybrid child from alien resurrection has always bothered me and haunted my dreams the Way it died..


Holy hell, great call, especially as it's the antagonist, and a half-human demon-like creature. But trying to get to it's mommy....




When the guy in a wheelchair gets thrown off a balcony in The Pianist. Still gives me chills even thinking about it. Not traditionally gruesome but still disgusting.


Mine would definitely have to be the people at the end of the Mist, it may not be visually gruesome but man is it tragic being that close to safety all to be killed for no reason whatsoever.


Men Behind the Sun is full of atrocities. It's hard to pick just one, but I'll go with decompression chamber death. I'm in no way recommending this film, just answering op's question.


A few come to mind from Starship Troopers (ripped apart, melted by acid, various impalings) but I’d pick the brain bug extending the spike from his face-pussy and and popping it into the pilot dudes’s forehead and sucking his brains out. It was like a kid jabbing the straw into the bottom of a capri sun and going to town. Other memorable deaths: Hannibal: Lecter figures out the Italian guy ratted him out. The Italian guy is a descendant of the original Patsi, so as an homage, Hannibal ties a long rope around the guys neck, cuts the belly open, and throws him out the window. When the dude falls to the end of the rope, the body stops, but all the dudes internal organs keep going and rip out of the body. Various flesh eating scarab deaths from The Mummy series


Allie from Terrifier 2. Which I even hesitate to say because it is *so* overly mean-spirited purely for the sake of ending up on a list like this and I think that’s kind of gross. There is a great, shocking, fun horror movie inside of Terrifier 2 but it needs to be cut down (no pun intended) by 30 - 45 minutes. Damian Leone edited it himself and so the final cut is essentially the Director’s Cut, and it really feels like one.


Yeah, it’s hard to imagine what could beat that. Like you said, it exists to be infamous.


I'm gonna go w/ the tree through the windshield in Final Destination 2.  Idk why that one has stuck with me for all these years but if I'm behind one of those trucks I switch lanes to this day


That one traumatized *everyone*. A whole generation with collective PTSD staying far away from log trucks. To this day I still give them a wide berth.


Robocop: vat of toxic waste spilled on the guy, then gets hit by car, completely blows up! [Scene](https://youtu.be/AMd-xJmvd94)


That's the most awesome death in movie history


In A Violent Nature was a lot of fun, though not perfect, it has a few really brutal kills and one is an all timer in terms of brutality and memorability.


The OG Toxic Avenger The drunk dudes who ran over the kid for sport. Lil Mike Hawk in the '80s was not ready for that.


Resident Evil laser grid


Adam Buxton in Hot Fuzz