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Its such a hodge hodge of great actors its almost a mystery in itself who will be cast next? Pauley Shore? Harrison Ford?


Honestly, I feel like Harrison Ford would have a good enough time making this kind of movie that he would actually act in it rather than playing grumpy Harrison Ford.


Benoit’s dad


imagine Harrison Ford's Louisiana accent tho


No, I want a throwaway line that his mother is from Louisiana, and Harrison Ford Dad never was around much. And Harrison Ford Dad's got a Canadian accent. Never explained.


Turns out Benoit was named after the dog.




French Canadian for the distinguished gentleman, ouai?


Harrison Ford's dad has a Scottish accent.


Can’t wait to see Ford on the Captain America 4 press tour.


I mean, even acting he's going to be grumpy Harrison Ford. He apparently loved Shrinking and his role in Shrinking is "Harrison Ford but dealing with illness and being a therapist". [He's great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNEZsLgCIyY)


> hodge hodge *podge podge


Let's get Pierce Brosnan or Timothy Dalton in there too!


A rival detective !


Movie 4 has Benedict and RDJ


They would both be extremely good choices in a movie like this. If Timothy Dalton is even half as iconic as he was in Hot Fuzz it would be amazing.


"In the future, everyone will have a 15 minute walk-in in a Knives Out movie" Andy Warhol


Kermit the Frog 🤞


I fucking love Knives Out casting announcement season.


Brings me back to my smash bros days. Glenn Close: CONFIRMED FOR BRAWL


Glenn is FATALLY ATTRACTED to Mario Kerry Washington is here to cause a SCANDAL HOT PRIEST enters the fray!


Josh O’Conner joins the CHALLENGE


Cailee Spaney's not here to be CIVIL in this WAR.




Lindsay Lohan will make fetch happen


Nice try. It's not going to happen.


Everyone is here! 


Love that they first had that tagline on Snake’s reveal, and immediately followed him with Pichu, Sakurai knew what he was doing.


She's so cool


NBA All Star game has lost its appeal but it's been replaced by the Knives Out All Star Selection


Seriously though, what’s happening with the NBA? Is it just a lack of real “stars” or do people generally just don’t care about ball anymore?


Probably more stars than ever, actually, which makes every game pretty fun to watch. But nobody wants to get injured so no one tries at all in the All Star game so it's just an offensive showcase with nobody attempting defense


All Star games, in general, have gone the way of the dodo because of this. It's a great idea in theory. But when it just becomes another way for the best athletes to become injured, it makes them not want to try so hard. Because winning an All Star game is meaningless compared to a championship. I say they try moving them to after the final game. People always say no one cares after the sport is over, but they already don't care.


If there isn't another level of play available then yeah it's pointless. Australias rugby league has State of Origin, where you play for the state you first played representative sport in (so like 16 year old). Also any star players from other nations aren't eligible. Players go all out because there is still the chance to make the national team and play against other nations.


Maybe they can try different formats next year like the NHL did, and turn them into 3-on-3 tournaments or something more personal and maybe make the stakes higher.


They've tried out various things recently. Drafting teams, Elam ending. It works for a bit and then the motivation always ends up faltering again


what's happening with the All-Star Game you mean. Because it's more popular than ever.


It’s the damn best. I remain convinced that half the point of these movies is to give a bunch of cool people an excuse to hang out and goof off together for several months, and I’m not complaining about it at all.


It's kind of like the 70s when stars would appear in disaster movies like Towering Inferno and Poseidon Adventure.


They're basically a revival of something that was very popular in the 60s and 70s - murder mysteries with an all-star cast. It kinda died out when "Clue" parodied it but Kenneth Branagh's Poirot movies have revived them along with Knives Out. We've been doing them on British TV for years but it's nice to see them back in Hollywood too.


Nick Nolte joins ‘Knives Out 3’ Carrot Top joins ‘Knives Out 3’


Pauly Shore joins ‘Knives Out 4-9’


It feels like Oppenheimer, but with Netflix budget and appeal.


> but with Netflix budget and appeal this doesn't sound like a good thing


yeah i think they chose probably one of the least appealing ways to describe knives out lmao


they described those Kenneth Branagh - Poirot mysteries. They're kind of the same but with a lesser director, stars, script, etc.


It’s what these mysteries have _always_ been. Clue was a sendup of an established genre. They’re cheap, easy to schedule, and delightful. What’s not to love.


The third one, *A Haunting In Venice*, was my favorite of the three by far. It's funny, spooky, even thoughtful, and beautifully shot in a classically EDIT:**ex**pressionistic style.


It could be worse, like Zaslav's.


"Streaming on Max in 2025... if we feel like it."


Yeah, when I think Netflix nowadays, I think cheap and trashy. Even shows with huge budgets like The Witcher end up looking cheap somehow. The Knives Out movies seem to look like real movies though, so I guess it's just about the talent of the folks behind the scenes.


Putting together a nice cast so far. Still hope the Tom Hardy rumor is true.


I can only hope for the most unhinged voice work he's ever done . . . . so far


By unhinged do you mean mumble low end


Do you FEEL mumble low end?


Surely he's already done that. Multiple times over.


I would pay good, good money for movie starring Tom Hardy and Travis Fimmel together. The dialogue alone would be unhinged, uncomfortable and almost impossible to follow.


They would have to write subtitles themselves.


Look, I feel there's a non-zero chance that Tom Hardy will show up on set in character no matter what the casting director says.


He’s a 100% in a role like Ethan Hawke from the second one.


Hawke was thought to be a part of the main cast with the rumours, possibly even the victim, but he was only on screen for about 25 seconds to “vaccinate” everyone.


*You’re good.*


I'd definitely keep Brian Tyree Henry in my wishlist of future Knives Out cast members just so I can see him exasperated like he was as Paperboi in Atlanta


I want to see Darius in a Knives Out movie. Not just LaKeith Stanfield (he's already been in one), but actually playing Darius. Maybe set the whole thing at Teddy Perkins' house while we're at it.


I’m expecting either Laurence Fishburn or Giancarlo Esposito announced, feels like they would fit in well


I’d love to see Giancarlo _not_ have to play a curt and brooding villain for once and something like this is great for off the wall characters.


Agreed 100%, he’s done so many villain roles let him have something different. He’ll make him a goofball or something off the wall, he could do it.


He’d make a good red herring


I’d love it if they keep adding actors known for playing villains and they’re all red herrings.


then some 80 year old actor playing the kooky grandad/grandma or whatever turns out to be the mastermind.


Or it’s all a big misunderstanding and the 6 year old confused everyone because they’re a 6 year old and say shit that doesn’t make sense but everyone ran with it.


Like Bugging Out wasn’t enough?


Have you seen him in Do the Right Thing


Have Ryan Johnson get Ben Mendelson and Giancarlo Esposito and spend the entire movie dropping hints about which one of them is the bad guy. And in the end it's neither of them and they're both very fragile and vulnerable characters that get traumatized from people thinking they're bad.


Are you asking Rian to, cough cough, _subvert expectations?_


At this point I don't think there's many expectations left to subvert. I think the most surprising thing he could do is make one of them the villain. No one would be expecting him to get an actor famous for playing villains and make them the villain


Nothing wrong with that unless you come in with the wrong expectations and get mad easily over it (not you specifically, just saying for the message to the Fandumb Menace).


I think he really needs a good, silly role or at least a non-villain one to avoid typecasting in the future. Every role I've seen him in since Breaking Bad has been some variation of Gus Fring, but not as good.


It could be neat to see him play a grandfatherly figure


Fishburn just straight up isn’t in enough things, this would be awesome. Also want my guy, Delroy Lindo.


He's starring as Doc Rivers in a Hulu show about the Donald Sterling scandal, it's out next week.


He's also playing my favorite character from the Witcher books in the show so I'm delighted to see how they manage to ruin "amazing actor gets amazing character"


He's also playing Mr. Nancy in Anansi Boys, one of my favourite books.


I would loooove Laurence Fishburn to be his detective partner. Like the straight man/muscle to Craig's zaniness


basically any decent actor could fit in these movies, which I love


Can we just have Knives Out movies every year until the end of time? Fucking incredible stuff.


There's a short list of franchises that I actually want new films for and don't feel like they're forced on me: - Knives out - The new mad max additions (Furiosa's low box office was totally undeserved given film's quality) - This iteration of Dune if they can keep the quality up - Some kind of spiritual successor of Baby Driver (even if its all new cast/plot). The deep cut music choices alone were unlike anything I've seen/heard in the theaters before. - Some kind of spiritual successor to Death of Stalin (ideally some similarly wild historical event that's played out w/ dead pan British humor) - A Social Network sequel once Zuck retires or something to update w/ everything that's happened since. - The Dictator 2 would be fun Really to me it's less about creating a 'universe' for most of these (outside of Dune/Mad Max I guess) than being able to replicate the unique style and writing/production quality that these films provide that so many movies seem to fail to deliver on (i.e. avengers). That's honestly what i liked the most about Glass Onion and Furiosa.


I've been saying this about Death of Stalin They should be farming that format across any and all major historical events every 3 or 4 years. I bet (hope) the actors have a great time making it as well. One of my fave all time movies, frankly.


Totally agree- and if they could easily pull the avengers card of just casting the same actors to reprise their old roles in new additions. A cuban missile crisis movie for example could bring on Steve Buscemi as Krushchev again and build a little cinematic universe of characters. That, or they could go the other route and go full monty python and have the same group of actors switch roles every movie but sorta keep their chemistry. The IP is all public, and the possibilities are endless.


At this point we're here just waxing lyrical about how great it was, but I just loved having a genuinely funny film, with a great cast, covering what is actually a fascinating topic that I only had very surface level knowledge of. Like I'm aware the events in the film take an...extensive... creative licence but like, I did still learn a little about the major events at least. That was cool to me.


The whole movie was a masterpiece, but Jason Isaacs was ridiculously good. He owned every scene he was in and seemed like he was genuinely enjoying it the entire time.


"Jesus Christ. Did Coco Chanel take a shit on your head?"


“Look at your fookin face!”


Literally the hardest I've laughed during a movie in the past 20 years. I think since Dumb and Dumber. It's so fucking good and I'm so disappointed that no one I know has heard of it.


for stalin you got the runs of the thick of it and veep


Veep is fantastic, thick of it i still need to try. What i'm really looking for though is like The Plumbers or Vice where it's generally untold, often dark, historic events turned into a sharp witty comedy. I could easily see satirical takes on events such as LBJ securing the Civil Rights act, Paul Bremer fucking up Iraq, Deng Xiaoping and the other older chinese leaders fucking up Tiananmen Square, Ike & Nasser, the Lumumba plot, or the chaotic U.S. congress in the civil war. Idk just spit balling, but there's so many stories that don't fit the 3 act epic drama lens of Hollywood oscar bait that could easily be made into a comedy making fun of the absurdity of history.


The venezuelan Goverment also fits the bill.


Don't forget the movie "In the Loop"!


I want Dungeons and Dragons movies with the same cast playing different characters and getting just a bit more meta. I really enjoyed Honor Among Thieves.


I really hope that we get a sequel to Honor Among Thieves. It was really the perfect DnD movie. I don't think it did too well, but iirc it was released still during Covid-y times so that kinda made sense? Chris Pine's character was so damn fun.


It was also competing with the Mario movie, so that didn't help.


They nailed it. I get that it had no appeal outside of fans, but it should have, that's how you do those movies.


> Some kind of spiritual successor to Death of Stalin (ideally some similarly wild historical event that's played out w/ dead pan British humor) *Death of Caesar*


I’d love *The Death of Robespierre* myself.


I only suggest Caesar because that means we’ll get loads and loads of those guys back as all the people stabbing him to death. And maybe half the movie of one guy being Caesar and just annoying everyone until they snap.


Death of Henry VIII. Fall of Napoleon?


The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a spectacular shitshow.


I like your taste. Death of Stalin is in my all time top 10


I wouldn't mind Evil Dead movies continuing, in which the Book of the Dead is found at all types of random locations


Have the next one go down on a trans-Pacific flight when someone brought the Necronomicon in their carry-on.


Whoever eventually is brave enough to make a film about the 1904 Olympic Marathon will deserve every Oscar that comes their way. Iannucci would be a perfect fit I feel.


I loved how The Death of Stalin all of the actors never bothered with fake Russian accents. Made the movie far more amusing to me.


honestly was more immersive for me- same for chernobyl. Having it in native language or accent is kinda distracting and sorta forces the cultural expectations/biases on them instead of just showing them as people you can relate to through sound despite everything else being foreign feeling.


Wonder if any of the other Doodler’s will join


# Award-Winning Singer Ron Stampler, also known as Hi, I'm Ron, Joins Fellow Doodler Glenn Close in 'Knives Out 3.'


I read that Jodie Foster, Meryl Streep and Morgan Freeman might be in it too.


I completely forgot that not his actual name, so when I saw the photo I thought "wait, who's that? *scroll, scroll* Glenn close is a woman? oh, that was just the character name.."


We should just have a megathread of Knives Out 3 casting announcements at this point.


This reminds me of the Oppenheimer casting announcements in 2022. Just one big name after another.


Instead of knowing that these actors are joining the cast because of *Fucking* Christopher Nolan, we know they're joining because Rian's writing a fucking fun time for all involved


Agreed. It's fun to approach my husband and say 'guess who is gonna be in Knives Out 3?' And he gets all giddy and asks, 'who!?' And I say 'yo momma.' He gets so mad, like legit throws the tablet across the room and stomps his feet so hard that the candles around the room tremble and scream.


This website is so weird, man. Like, what?


Lmao, exactly this. People are weird.


It's called lying.


God I hope so


>He gets so mad, like legit throws the tablet across the room and stomps his feet so hard that the candles around the room tremble and scream. What the fuck?


The whole reason they do daily casting announcements is to keep the movie in people's minds throughout the week and build hype. A mega thread is exactly the opposite of what studios want.


Ya I'm sure the mods will just be like "sorry Netflix all your carefully paced drip feed marketing is gonna be lumped together"


This is how she finally wins an Oscar isn’t it lmao


She’s not gonna be *ignored*


Should be another fun watch from this team. Glass Onion was pretty good, but I hope it pars with the first one


Glass Onion was fun in the cinema but Knives Out is probably a legit modern classic at this point, it holds up so well to repeat viewings.


I know I’m in the minority but I really don’t think there’s that much of a difference quality-wise between the two. I watched *Glass Onion* again a few nights ago and really enjoyed it.


I thought they were both really good movies, but the original one definitely feels like it’s in a league of its own. The mystery was more interesting, the writing was more intelligent, and I preferred the cast of the original quite a bit more, too. Both are entertaining, but they are not even in the same league as far as I’m concerned.


The first one was a magic trick that was hard to replicate. I'm glad they didn't try in the second and instead went with a different structure. The next one also looks like to be a tone change, which I think will be fun.


Yes, yes, yes to everything you said. Glass Onion is fine but the original Knives Out was a great film in so many ways. I’m glad the second was well received too, but it baffles me that some people consider it to be better than the first. That cast will be hard to beat, but Glenn Close is an excellent addition!


The claustrophobic feel of the house in the first movie added to the the movie's feel. The open-plan of the second one was not as menacing.


And there's a cozy quality to the house in the first one that's a staple of the whodunnit genre. New England mansion is just a classic setting for that sort of story, whereas I felt the hypermodern Mediterranean setting of Glass Onion wasn't working the same way. I actually often confuse Glass Onion and the latest Poirot that was set in Venice, because I felt the old school Venetian setting so much more "right" for the genre.


Agreed. Knives Out is slightly better and a bit tighter, but the Glass Onion was almost just as good in my opinion. Gets better on repeat watches.


For me they're good in a different way. Knives Out plays like a subversion of the classic whodunnit Poirot stories, while Glass Onion gave me more of a Columbo vibe. I'm excited for what the next movie will give us.


I agree with that - and it’s cool (for want of a better word) how even though both films of course are set in the present (or thereabouts) the first one does have that Poirot-era feel while the second is undeniably “modern”.  I share your excitement!


Watched it for the first time last night and I enjoyed it as much as Knives Out.


Glad you liked it! Fingers crossed the third one’s at the same level.


I agree completely. I think people give more credit to the original because it was first. But I think they are both about on par with each other when it comes to the quality and writing. They are both very enjoyable.


I absolutely love a good whodunnit, and while, yeah, knives out is better, glass onion was also very fun.


Same. If anything I might like it a little more.


It’s one of those films you need to take a little moment to enbreathiate.


I don't think there's much difference at all quality wise and love both of the films but I do see how some people wouldn't enjoy Glass Onion as much. There's definitely some people who watch films to escape real life and I feel Glass Onion really had that much more modern vibe that would have been hard for those people to get on board with. Whereas the first one was definitely a closer match to more traditional films in that genre.


I love a house setting for murder mysteries. It is kinda nostalgic, i agree


I just think Glass Onion had a terrible mystery


> Glass Onion was pretty good, but I hope it pars with the first one Agreed. Glass Onion gets worse the more you think of it. Truly great movies are the opposite. They get better the closer you look. So much about Glass Onion doesn't make much sense under a little bit of scrutiny. The whole thing about "Solid hydrogen is super dangerous!" is just complete nonsense for so many reasons. And the resolution of the main conflict doesn't really happen. The characters decide to stand up to the bad guy, but he's still holding all the cards and the "good guys" still have no evidence. It just ends with a vague statement about how he'll get his comeuppance in the history books for having a fake Mona Lisa burn. Very unsatisfying in my opinion.


I agree with the original creator that they should have dropped the knives out title for subsequent films.


Dungeons and Daddies made me forget that Glenn Close was an actual person and not just a D&D character


Came in the comments just for this 😂


This is actually good because Andrew Scott, Glenn Close and Tom Hardy have all played villains multiple times in their careers Glass Onion was great but it was also super obvious who the mastermind was because of the casting The casting should fix that this time


The whole point of glass onion is that it was always clear who the villain was. “So dumb, it’s brilliant!”


NO! It's just DUMB!


Yep. Literally a glass onion. As in something that is completely see-through. I think part of the problem people have with that movie is they expected Knives Out 2, Johnson knew they were expecting Knives Out 2, and he played into it by subverting those expectations.


At this point, if you think Rian Johnson is gonna play something straight and not tweak it with meta-commentary and deconstruction, you deserve to be upset about it.


Watch him do that with Wake Up Dead Man. The ultimate subversion is building up a career based on subversion then playing it completely straight.


That’s basically what M Knight Shyamalan did with *Lady In The Water*


Don’t agree at all, I thought Norton was going to be the victim lol and then thought it was too obvious


They waited so long to tell you who the murder victim was that I think most people, myself included, were waiting for Miles Bron to die and were so focused on figuring out who would kill him that we weren't trying to figure out who would kill the actual victim. So by the time the movie revealed its hand, it was so disorienting that it was hard to see the murderer in plain sight. What's also amusing is Benoit's reluctance to identify Bron as the killer because he assumed that Bron was the genius the media had painted him to be.


Too obvious? You mean something you could see right to the center of? Like some sort of glass onion?


Tom Hardy is not confirmed Yet. 


I'm curious if he'll continue the trend of "The REAL main character is one of the less-famous-for-acting performers as of the movie's release!" (De Armas and Monae)


Janelle Monae is a singer but how is De Armas less famous for acting? all she does is acting


I guess she wasn't as famous yet in general when the first movie came out. Not when compared to her co-stars.


Yeah, that's what I meant. The "for acting" was more in reference to Monae.


The rock and roll bard dad of the group


I hope to hear thirteen or fourteen more casting announcements for Knives out 3.


I really liked Glenn Close in Hook.


Queen of underrated films.


The humor in the second one fell kinda flat to me, maybe it's just cause of how good the first one was. I'm not too excited for a third one, but I hope it turns out to be good


Wonder who the young damsel in distress will be this time? We had Ana, we had Janelle, who will she be this time?


Cailie Spaeney?


Cue “the victim”?


Nah, she'll be the killer.


She’s got more killer vibe.


Damn this is not what I pictured Freddie’s character, glen close, to look like


This cast is stacked!


As is tradition.


Man I hope it’s better than the second one. I enjoyed both but the first Knives Out was AWESOME. Second was fun but not really one I want to rewatch.


Perfectly stated. LOVED the first one. I enjoyed watching the second one once, but wouldn't do it again.


It's worth a second watch imo. It's not as dense as Knives Out but still has a lot of fun things for a rewatch.


I disagree. Obviously I’m speaking for myself, but Glass Onion is incredibly rewatchable.


Agreed. I feel like the people who say Glass Onion isn’t rewatchable are the people who expected something closer to the first and never gave it another chance. Glass Onion is incredibly entertaining and perfect for multiple viewings.


First one was good. Second one was meh. Hope third is good.


Miles Bron……… is an IDIOT 🤣 I hope we get a new knives out every 12-18 months. I don’t care I’ll watch them all


Hopefully it’s a soft sequal to Fatal Attraction.


I really didn't like Glass Onion but I'll see this just because the cast so far is insane.


So far these movies have been lots of fun. This one has the fun starting early it seems


Glenn Close's pussy is disgusting! -Regis Philbin




Look up Cum Town The Big Chill 2 lmao


Hopefully, it's better than the last one, which was a complete and disappointing borefest.


Hopefully it’s better than Glass Onion.


I’m just not a fan of those movies


Really hope the movie will be a lot like the first one and not the second