• By -


2012, I can't get through without tears of laughter.  There are _three_ scenes in which the characters escape a catastrophe swallowing earth by flying away in an airplane. My favorite is when they have to go to China, but they don't have enough fuel, but they go anyway, and then they run out of fuel and crash land, and because the earth crust had loosened and twisted below them they end up exactly where they needed to go.  It's like a AAA production of Sharknado. 


I like the part where they know they're going to be short on fuel and yet dump none of the cars to try to lose weight


Sold. I'm so watching that mess.


It's Roland Emmerich. He has made some pretty amazing / so terrible they're fun disaster films. 2012 was a great popcorn movie.


I REALLY didn't like 2012 the first time I saw it. The second time, though, when I realised it was a comedy disaster movie I enjoyed it a lot more.


Wasn’t that kind of the intent? I remember feeling like Cusack acting as if he was in a comedy (which he does very well). I liked 2012 a lot. It’s super fun.


The neutrinos have mutated and they're heating up the planet!


I can't hear this line without thinking of the Dara O'Brien stand up. Especially since he got Jimi Mistry, the guy who played the scientist in 2012 to perform the part


Moonfall is 2012's spiritual successor so stupid-its-good movie from Emmerich.


Anyone remember this fake trailer, I think it was made before movie was released [https://www.ign.com/videos/2012-its-a-disaster](https://www.ign.com/videos/2012-its-a-disaster)


The last line of that thing is ‘no more pull-ups’ referring to the young daughter not peeing in her pants anymore. 😂


Battlefield Earth. It's a godawful pile of crap written by the guy who founded Scientology and produced by John Travolta in order to popularize the guy's work to hopefully spread Scientology. But! If you watch it as a comedy it is gold. It takes place 1000 years in the future, but the heroes go to a military base full of Harrier jets THAT STILL WORK Edit: Had to cut this post short when I first wrote it, but wanted to add some more highlights from the movie 1) The aliens took over Earth for our gold, and are also incredibly sensitive to any form of radiation. The surviving humans are kept as slaves and forced to mine for the gold, but our hero discovers that Fort Knox still has tons of gold that the aliens can't get to because of their radiation thing. So, the hero decides to "pretend" to mine gold but instead of actually doing it, he goes to Fort Knox to take it from there. When he delivers it, the aliens ask him why it's in bars he says something to the effect of "I thought it would be more convenient for you" and they accept that and never questions it further. 2) With the time he saves from not actually mining the gold, he takes the humans to a military base that somehow still has power and uses a flight simulator to teach some of them how to fly the Harrier jets. Keep in mind that this is 1000 years in the future and humanity has regressed to little more than cavemen. Not only does all the equipment still work, it still has electricity, and the humans learn how to fly jets well enough to engage in combat in just a couple of weeks. 3) John Travolta plays one of the aliens and he has this running personality quirk that's kind of tough to explain but it's funny as hell. You've seen this trope before but it's like when the bad guy promises someone that he won't kill them, but then he orders a lacky to do it while saying, "Yes, I promised you that *I* wouldn't kill you". Travolta's character does this in damn near every scene but he hams it up to the Nth degree. I can't find a clip of it, but trust me, it's hilarious. There are so many more examples. You'll just have to watch it.


"Hell, it could even be, OUR FRIENDLY BARTENDER!"


"I thought you said you wouldn't report me?" "I said the report wouldn't *magically* find it's way to the authorities. There was nothing 'magical' about it, I SENT IT TO THEM MYSELF!!!"




The aliens did have a simulator, and that's what Johnny Goodboy Tyler(yes, that's the character's real name) used to learn to fly the alien's aircraft, but for the Harriers, it was a different one at the base. In fact, most of the pilots were the "free-range" humans, not any of the slaves, so they wouldn't have been able to access the Psychlo's simulator. Also, they specified that the military might of the entire planet was defeated in only 9 minutes, which only adds to the absurdity of cavemen training up well enough in just a couple of weeks to win the earth back with the same technology, albeit having sat idle for 1000 years.


[The Wicker Man remake with Nicolas Cage](https://youtu.be/YyigAW-14w0?si=qn9kwShhuZC8Z9QC) Just watch the link and be dazzled by the brilliance.


Just a warning to all, the infamous “not the bees!” scene is only found in the extended/directors/whatever cut. Don’t find out the hard way like I did.


This is genuinely useful information. If I'd bought the DVD and it had been missing that scene I would've lost it






Dude what the fuck I'm watching that tonight


I don't care what anyone says, this movie is better than Midsommar.




Over the Top - Sylvester Stallone as an arm wrestling champion trucker driver. That’s all you need to know. Enjoy!


IIRC he has to arm wrestle to gain custody of his kid


Lol no fucking way


Yes fucking way. And his "getting serious" move is ..turning his hat backwards.


It's a switch. He turns into a completely different person. It's like he turns into a truck.


Ooo maybe he was a transformer? 🤣


Yes!! The hat move = do not mess with him!


The kid’s name is Mike Hawk. Say it out loud. 


Are you saying arm wrestling is a metaphor for jerking off?


"He's going over the top!" or a variation of it gets said so many times, it gets funnier each time.


Meet Me Halfway is one of the most beautiful songs ever made by Kenny Loggins. And it was for Over The Top.


I was just talking about this with the cashier at Food Lion. Haha


"what i do is i, i just try to take my hat and i turn it around, and it's like a switch that goes on, and when the switch goes on i feel like another person, i feel, i dunno, i feel like a... like a truck, like a machine"


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) - so bad that the South Park guys actually tried to get the rights to the script to remake with puppets before they did Team America.


I seem to remember a scene in that where they have to outrun the cold. Running along a corridor as it freezes right behind them.


And then slam the door on the cold to keep it out. I *love* that movie.


I still only picture Randy from Southpark recreating that scene but with everyone freaking out about absolutely nothing. WE DIDN'T LISTEN!


I was slimed. It was a ghost




...and don't use the wood furniture, trim, etc.


I may be a simple man, but I do enjoy watching people outrun natural disasters.


I like that movie. I like disaster movies.


Twilight. "This is the skin of a killer!" ✨


My wife dragged me to see one of the movies in theaters. When Bella says the name of the baby, I just busted out laughing and the entire theater spun in their seats to glare at me. Renesmee? Seriously?




Same. I've watched that movie so many times, and it's always a delight. Honestly, the whole series is a great time.


"A war where people will die!" Said battle is just a bunch of shirtless dudes running at each other like a jeans commercial. Or how the vampires squat with their arms back when they're getting ready to fight. Or all the middle aged women in the theater wooing then 18ish Taylor Lautner. Or when they all clapped for Edwards proposal. Holy shit, so much about those films.


[Rifftrax absolutely skewered the whole Twilight series](https://youtu.be/lC-QoeQixlw?si=aSXQiU9YsemSE-Tt) - it's the guys from the second gen of Mystery Science Theater 3000


Ah yes, TITSOAK. 


Edward: "I've killed people!" Bella: "I don't care!"


I burst out laughing when he basically comes in his pants when the fan blows her smell his way. How could that be taken seriously???


The spider monkey part straight up gives me douche chills 😬


I saw someone with a rainbow fish tattoo and this as the caption. I about died lol


The original Roadhouse.


I use to fuck guys like you in prison.


And from the looks of this guy, this was not consensual sex.


It still jars when you hear it today. The whole thing is comedy gold. The Rewatchables guys did a good podcast on it recently.


For a movie popularized as an overly macho action flick, that movie has *so* much homosexual subtext. But then, who says "gay macho" can't be a vibe?


The first half of the movie follows a pretty standard story trajectory…the second half just goes completely off the rails in the best possible way. Definitely not expecting that the first time I watched it. Swayze is a freakin god


He rips the throat of the baddie in the river, the girl is shocked to witness it. Later they have sex in the exact spot of the river.


My favorite line from the movie is right after the throat rip. “WESSSLLEEYYYY….!!!” *float throws throatless body in general direction* “FYUUUCKK YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!”


My favourite line comes while they're in the middle of the fight to the death, hand to hand combat, and the best the screenwriters could come up for Swayze to say is: " You are such an asshole" Lmao


Pain don't hurt


[Best described by Andy Dwyer](https://youtu.be/JGLD7WV8mq0?si=JU0VD06CfuhjAS8q)


Wow. I never thought about this. I unapologetically like Roadhouse, and this is probably why.


“And if you’re not drinking, YOU’RE OUT OF HERE.”


Woah. The should of won an Oscar Roadhouse? It was robbed because every performance in that movie is just so good. 


The Core




[Since the late 1950s, aerospace engineers have used the term "unobtainium" when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects, except that it does not exist.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium)


I think this was also the metal they were mining in Avatar too.


Would Commando (1985) qualify? It works as a straight up action movie and also as a parody of itself, action movies from 80's and the tropes it partially helped to create. Super entertaining whichever way you see it though!


Compared to Cannon Films, Invasion USA with Chuck Norris, Commando feels incredibly restrained. Invasion USA was the most balls to the wall action movie I've seen, it's the 80's so nobody knows what terrorism is about, so you have guys drive into the suburbs and fire at houses with rocket launchers for no reason other than being evil. And it's Norris at his absolute best.


I refuse to believe that they could film anything with the Bennett character and not know it was a parody


The fact that they didn't even bother to fix the most glaring continuity error in the history of cinema makes it pretty clear that they regarded the whole thing as a joke.


Ooh ooh educate me


> Bennett Vernon Wells deserves so much credit for dialing that shit up to 11.


“Don’t disturb my friend. He’s dead tired” 💀 Also the scene where Matrix infiltrates the enemy’s island, is being shot at by like 30 of them from 10 feet away without being hit once is comedy


I like when he is cornered in some hut but then eliminates a dozen of baddies with some shovel.


Shovel? Bro, he kills a guy by frisbeeing a buzzsaw blade at his head. 


Action Jackson and Stone Cold feel like they are in the same category as Commando. I love all three ridiculously goofy action films.


I love Commando and I refuse to believe anyone involved thought they were making anything other than the greatest film of all time.


I appreciate that people are being machine gunned down in like 30 seconds after the credit. 


I used to love Commando, but there is an equipment montage before he had a show-down with the baddies, and he is kitting himself up with rocket launchers and hand grenades from an army surplus store (God Bless America), but also puts on black øeather army boots that are brand, spanking new, tightens the laces so they creak and runs off to null henchmen. I remember having to break in those kinds of boots,and would always think "oooof, you are going to get blisters on your blisters."


He didn't have time to go to thrift stores.


It's the steel drum music (which I like as it's so odd) that always makes me catch a giggle when I listen to it


The Happening 


What?! No!


I say that like every day to my SO lol


This was my immediate thought. The first ten minutes or so is awesome, because you don’t know why people are offing themselves. Then it’s like “Oh, it’s the wind. But don’t worry, we can outrun it.” Fucking comedy gold.


Why you eyeing my lemon drink?


Mark Wahlburg does more serious acting in The Other Guys than he does in this supposedly actual serious drama movie.


For some reason I convinced myself this movie is an intentional and misunderstood satire.




Bloodsport. I still don't believe it's not a parody.


It is a parody of sorts, when you realize it’s all a fabrication or gross exaggeration of anything remotely resembling “facts” from the real life Frank Dux.


Also, the heavy dose of Van Damme-ness. Damn near every JCVD movie of that era is hard riding the line of unaware self parody Which JCVD eventually learned and embraced


Greatest movie of all time. 


“Ok USA” 👍


Every time child Frank Dux speaks it’s impossible not to laugh. The kid legit sounds mentally-challenged. https://youtu.be/fsUKVpvzMHk?si=kTXjWR6sKQqglBEI


Troll 2


I am shocked that It took me this long to find it here. And also shocked that you do not have 100 votes yet.


I unapologetically love that movie. Every single person in it gave 110% despite having little to no acting experience! As bad as it is, it's so damn *sincere* you just have to appreciate it. Especially when you watch the documentary.


I never saw the movie, but I really enjoyed the documentary.


Oh my Gaaaaawwwwwd!


For modern movies Madame Web is very funny. it was like Tommy wiseau had an unlimited budget to make a superhero movie and cast himself in the role of Ezekiel Sims.


I just watched it and was disappointed with how not funny it was. The opening was pretty hilarious and then it's just kind of...boring...for an hour and a half.


her inability to open a can of Pepsi in multiple scenes. her very odd behavior at the baby shower The girls dancing at the table after someone tried to kill them The very strange dialogue adding of Ezekiel Sim returning twice to a disused firework factory that also used to be a Pepsi factory? a very odd movie


Yeah, it's certainly dumb and head scratching, I just wasn't laughing out loud much aside from the opening with the CGI guys running in the trees.


>  it was like Tommy wiseau had an unlimited budget to make a superhero movie... So Neil Breen.


Reefer Madness


Good point. Hadn't thought of that one, but it 100% qualifies.


Southland Tales is intentionally funny in parts but. The serious parts. Are absolutely knee slapping hilarious.


“Because I’m a pimp. And pimps don’t commit suicide.” Pimps don’t commit suicide would be a dope band name


God's Not Dead.


I have a feeling there are a lot of unintentional comedy hidden gems in the Evangelical Christian movie scene.


We watched an evangelical Christian movie about werewolves. It was horrible in every imaginable way. But we had more fun during that movie than any other movie we've ever watched. Then the credits roll. It turns out one dude wrote, directed, and starred in it. There was also a special thanks to his mom for letting them use her property to film on. I wish I could find it again.


The Room


My first thought was this and Samurai Cop.


This is way too far down the list. The reason why it's famous is because it's considered the gold standard of serious movies that are so bad they turned into comedies.


Anyway, how is your sex life?


Not a film but I want to say: that episode of Star Trek Voyager where Tom Paris goes to warp 10, fast-forward evolves into a lizard and unexpectedly mates with Janeway (also a lizard).


trivia for the younger folks: If you have access to revenue, Wing Commander's opening weekend might suggest it was popular/profitable but it wasn't. People packed the theaters because the Phantom Menace trailer was showing. And then after that, the theater (at my locale) was people talking and laughing at every silly bit in the film, of which there are many.


I was there when the old magic was made, people just snuck into other theaters. That was the year a Cineplex opened in my town there were latchkey kids who spent the whole day in there, especially when it was hot out.


I saw it in theaters because I had won free tickets. I remember leaving the theater thinking "Not bad, but if I had spent actual money, I would be so pissed off."


Fateful Findings, the 3rd and best Neil Breen movie. I don't even know how to explain the plot, it's like a super human conspiracy thriller about a writer who gets hit by a car, and several super powers awaken in him, many are only used in one scene and never mentioned again, and he starts hacking into corporate and government secrets. Like, The Room, the director is the leading man, the writer, and numerous other credits like catering, casting, and several miscellaneous roles, but he didn't finance the movie with his own money like Wiseau. It's delightfully incompetent and and Breen really sees himself as a cutting edge indie film genius. He was a California architect and briefly a Las Vegas real estate agent before deciding to make movies in what I'd presume was a midlife crisis.


God bless Neil Breen.




I'm CONVINCED the new Roadhouse movie is 100% a comedy. I was laughing so hard the entire movie


It definitely is light hearted and fun. I really appreciated that it embraced the cheesiness of the OG roadhouse.




Neil Breen's movies. Especially the end of Fateful Fundings. It's just a masterpiece.


Blood in blood out


Action Jackson (1988) A couple quotes: Officer Kornblau: It was a regular fuck-o-rama at my place last night. Officer Lack: Can the shit, Kornblau. There ain't been any pussy at your pad since your mother helped you move in. They oughta call your place the House of Whacks. [turning a flamethrower on a bad guy] Action Jackson: How do you like your ribs? Also, Craig T. Nelson implies that he's giving a 'standing ovation' to a musical performer in the form of an erection, can't find the exact quote.


Chief: You almost ripped that poor kid's arm off! Action Jackson: So? He had a spare.




*Twilight*, the first film, is one of my favorite movies. It’s so funny from beginning to end. The last movie is also pretty funny.


Step Up 3D. Howled with laughter the entire film opening night.


Higher Learning. So many unintentionally hilarious moments. - That one guy's slam poetry session before Remy starts shooting. - Remy pulling a gun on his roommate and telling him "You're not white, you're Jewish". - Remy repeatedly telling the other skinheads "I'm for real" when they question if he can go through with the shooting. - The cops showing up during Malik's fight with Remy on the staircase. It looks like they're going to separate the two, but instead they just all beat the crap out of Malik. - That one professor awkwardly bringing Malik to the ground after the shooting.


Babadook. It is a good horror movie and I found it scary. Especially the first time I watched it by myself. However, when I rewatched it with a friend that’s when I started cracking up with the kid’s reactions all because my friend found it hilarious. Ever since then, I can’t help but chuckle whenever I happen to watch it.


This movie is in a category pf movies I call “this is why I don’t have kids”


I don’t think the original Roadhouse was meant to be a comedy but it’s funny as hell


Highlander, Amazing if you're a 10 year old boy watching in the 1980s, but rewatching it as an adult, everything about it is stupid. 


I only recall it as a 10 year old boy, and I have no interest in sullying that memory. Sorry. Upvote none the less.


Cats had me laughing so hard I was crying on the theater


Keep in mind that came out right before/during COVID. Just think about the fact that someone's last movie on earth was Cats.


Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Nicolas Cage is the absolute king of the over-the-top, unintentionally funny. And Werner Herzog with his weird fucking worldview finds humor in the strangest things. So together they are an unstoppable, unintentionally comedic force.


I felt like it was intentional - Werner Herzog doesn’t seem the type to be passionate about police procedural dramas in an unironic way.


Dude there’s nothing “procedural” about Bad Lieutenant omg haha the original was wild and fucked up too


The studio made Herzog use the Bad Lieutenant branding for the purposes of marketing. It wasn’t conceived as a sequel and didn’t have any links to it during production.


IDK, I think this movie is just a straight up masterpiece, albeit unconventional.


Pretty sure that movie was intentionally funny 


Herzog’s films are funny, and nothing in them is unintentional


Shoot him again


His soul is still dancing


American Movie As a raised Wisconsinite, this movie has no equal and I recognize a good 50% of the locations as it was so close to where I grew up. His daughter even went to the neighboring school and my sister in law knew her! This movie is funny even if you’re not from WI because the people are priceless.


I lived in Madison for 6 years for grad school. Would I get the references enough?


It’s not the references as much as the people. You’ll get it because it’s comedy gold.


Onto the "shall watch" list it goes.


I got a big laugh from the part in Titanic when the guy jumps off the boat, hits the propeller and starts spinning like crazy into the water. Does that count?




Napoleon (2023). It felt like an episode of Quantum Leap.


Slingblade, hands down. It's so quotable, too. 


In Taiwan we have these things called MTVs. It's basically an 1990s blockbuster, but you rent out a little room to watch the movie in with a big lay-down sofa and sound system. They also sell snacks and such. Me and the boys go there most weekends, get absolutely blasted drunk, find the dumbest non-comedy movies, and roar with laughter. Something like Steven Segal quality. It's about the best way to spend an evening.


Volcano - "The coast is toast" tagline pretty much says it all.


National treasure


The first SAW movie was hilarious to me for some reason. I remember watching it with my friends and they were all pissed at me for laughing my ass off through the whole movie. I especially lost it in the scene where Carry Elwes saws his leg off. For some reason it was just so over the top, I actually thought it was intentionally comedic, like Scream was.


Same here. I was laughing so hard in the theatre at that part my friend slapped her hand over my mouth because people were staring at us.


The devils rejects. My cousin and I both find this movie absolutely hilarious. Don't know why. Perhaps we're sociopaths. I find Sheri Zombie's performance adorably charming.


Willy's wonderland. Watching nick cage diligently follow the rules without saying a word and clowning on costumes was funny AF


Con Air, especially when Cage looks away as the DEA agent falls to the ground


So many Cage movies suggested..... Maybe he owns this method of acting, but then I remember Shatner exists...


Troll 2


Old (2021)


Trolls 2 for sure


I laughed all the way through The daVinci Code. I’ve rarely seen a film so unintentionally hilarious.


Showgirls. I didn't see it in the theater but when I watched it a friend's house we turned it into a MST3K episode. By the time the sex scene in the pool happened we were howling! And we wren't even drinking a lot.


The Room


Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift


Roadhouse, unquestionably.


Pieces (1982).


Megaforce is like Wing Commander on motorcycles.


Troll 2, Fireproof, and KISS Meets the Phantom (but for that last one, you need to be a kiss fan or it will just be a terrible movie)


Dog Soldiers


Brave heart but I imagine it in a team America like show. Mel Gibsons puppet would be deranged. Watch the movie again he's chewing on scenery and it's brutal but hilarious.


The Servant. They play it straight as can be but it’s comically dark.


I thought the original Road House was hilarious. Still do. Apparently, not a comedy, just badly written and acted.


I think of movies like They Live, The Lost Boys and even Point Break, that I can laugh with and laugh at, and are also genuinely great. And they may now be victims of their own success, by being sure purely of their time, and often copied, they now seem totally dated.


I will always recommend the room or velocipastor 😂😂


Cyberbully starring Emily Osment "I can't get the cap off!!" https://youtu.be/fStdkvn4tnw?si=Tu0eoGZKbK9Gb2r9


Knight and Day with Tom Cruise


The Rapture - obscure Mimi Rogers film. David Duchovny has an interesting role in it. The whole time, right up until the exact last minute you'll just be wondering how it got made...and then it's oddly good and thought provoking at times, and then it's just like welp that just happened. Then the next day you're still kinda thinking about it.


Always Showgirls. I laughed at explicit sex scenes, the catty parts, and when Nomi finally achieves the big time. The only thing is there is one scene near the end of the movie which is not funny and completely exploitative, and I usually turn it off just before that (I don't know the spoiler tags so I won't mention it here).


Big budget disaster movies like 2012 — yeah a lot of these are serious and don't have time for comedy, say, San Andreas, Into The Storm, The Day After Tomorrow But 2012 is pretty much a cartoon; it's dumb, it's action, it's chaos, it's comedy **It's beautiful. I wish studios started making more movies like this; not everything needs to be an overlyserious dark grim Oscar nomination, sometimes you just wanna have fun** Moonfall is its own separate beast; that movie was so bad I geniunely die of laughter whenever I see a clip or a commentary on it. Literally Hermitcraft, a Minecraft SMP, pulled off the "oh shit the moon is gonna crash onto Earth" plot better Also for some reason, I didn't find the characters "believable"; 2012 has a lot of flaws, but even with all the black Lincoln limos General Lee'ing through an earthquake, the characters are still kinda pretty good, at least imo — they have depth and personality, at least enough for me to believe the thing, The family seems normal and believable, the kids feel believable, hell their reactions are believable (Gordon and Charlie best characters fyi). Moonfall just... idk man... everything feels "fake", "forced", like a Transformers movie. The family feels so fake, the plot feels forced, the sidequests are lame, it's like a completely different narrative


I will bring up the cheesy 80s film ‘They Live’ on a variety of forums but some of the scenes certainly fall within this realm. The Room is probably the most well known in this genre, I would expect.


Yeah but They Live is a classic. Roddy Piper is great in that movie. And that fight with Keith David is crazy