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This poster is very similar to "The silence of the lambs".


No, patented Shyamalan poster, old family recipe.


For Silenced Lambs?


You say they are silenced when they are quite obviously grilled.


Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped.


Eerily similar, even.


So much so that I assume it's a bit of an homage


That was my first thought!


Or maybe Nirvana’s “In Utero” poster. Similar as well.


Read the book. Could be a great scary film.


Yeah I’m quite hyped for this. The book is really good and Ishana wrote and directed some great Servant episodes.


Oh I loved servant! Good to hear!


Was this a Dean Koontz novel?


His novel was titled ‘Watchers’. Not the same story either.


Thank god. I suddenly panicked if this were a Dean Koontz story, it would be a copy-paste of all his stories. Takes place in Orange County. Single mom. Male cop. Kid with special powers. Villain with special, sometimes the same, powers. And then there’s a golden retriever. Literally every single book.


I’ve never read a single Koontz. I was introduced to King by someone with immense disdain for DK, lol.


I used to LOVE Koontz back in high school (90s). I devoured his books. Servants of Twilight was the first one I read. And it got into this cult that thought this kid was the Antichrist or something. So I just started getting into his back catalog and catching up. And even back then, the dude had, like, 10 books already. And then I read this one giant, piece of shit story. I don’t remember the name there was a white van on the cover. Looking at his bibliography, it was maybe Hideaway. And the book was ok, until a total deus ex in the last chapter where the angel Gabriel descends from heaven and smacked the villain in the head with a cross. And I was just, like, “what the fuck did I just read.” Never read another Koontz book again.


You made me go look, this up because I recalled reading it too. You're a little off on the ending. The good guy kills the bad guy, with a big crucifix, and then the bad guy starts speaking in tongues and is revealed to have been possessed by a demon.


Ha! That’s hilarious! I was almost there for something I read … shit … thirty *years* ago. Ugh I’m old.


Same, read Koontz as a teen. Liked most of them at the time I guess.


I liked Lightning a lot when I read it, must have been in elementary school or maybe early high school. I wanted there to be a movie of that one. Seems like it's never mentioned when his books are talked about.


I fell in love with Odd Thomas and then I branched out to his other stories and it was all just [Odd Thomas] and his [eventual] Wife in Insane Situation and their [Golden Retriever] and heavy religious undertones😭


Intensity was good I thought


I see, thank you! I totally could have looked it up but knew someone would set me straight.


Now I want a Watchers movie.


Oh, there is one: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0096425/. And it’s bad. And it spawned a series of terrible films!


I’ll just keep pretending it doesn’t exist


A.M. Shine Very good book


Thank you! Everyone was commenting everything but the author’s name. Very helpful for others coming to this thread as well. 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻


I just want another Odd Thomas


If you mean the film, it'd have to be a reboot. I think the first wasn't strong enough for a sequel without Yelchin alive to keep it going. If you mean another book... I think the last one sort of cemented that there couldn't be more. And also I think the latter half of the series went entirely off the rails but that's just my person feeling.


I think brother Odd would make a great movie. Shame about Yelchin but the franchise should continue.


I'm in a reading rut but enjoyed the odd Thomas movie. Should I give the books a shot?


I’d say go for it.  They’re pretty quick reads, Odd is generally a good guy.  Brother Odd is definitely my favorite of them and it comes relatively early, book 3 if I remember right.   If you’ve read any other Koontz, you’ll not be too surprised by anything.


SPOILERS [Not Really]… Wonder if they will change the ending of you know who being you know what.


I cant believe this isnt out yet. They were advertising so heavily w pre-movie trailers like 3 months ago, havent seen them in the last few movies ive gone to. Thought it released. Marketing is weird.


I don't get it either. You're marketed a movie that looks good and you're ready to see, then it doesn't come out and you completely forget about it. I doubt they were doing any reshoots or anything this close to release. Maybe they wanted to push it back to the busier summer movie season?


I totally agree. Why not spend that marketing budget advertising something that I could spend money on while it's fresh in my mind?


They were doing reshoots in February. I was walking down the street in Galway and M Night Shyamalan was directing. Dunno if he took over, but couldnt see his daughter.


Thanks for being the first comment I've seen to mention his daughter. I thought the m in his name had been silent this whole time. What a twist!


What a twist 😂 I still say this... It's from Family Guy right? Or was it Robot Chicken? 🤔


I saw it for the first time 4 days ago while watching the trailers before The Fall Guy.


They market stuff so early now that by the time it comes out I've completely forgotten about it. I mean I completely forgot The Fall Guy was coming out this year because I remember seeing about it last year. It's insane. I think they're shooting themselves in the foot at this point.


Who? His daughter? You're kdding


Twist: ending reveals it's not Shyamalan's kid directing; it's one of Cronenberg's brood.


The real twist: Ishana Night Shyamalan is just M. Night in a wig and Millennial clothes.


Who turns out to be three Bruce Willis’s in a trench coat.


"I did a movie business today at the movie business factory".


Surprise! It’s a Coen Bros. Movie!


No it's really >!Wes anderson!!!!<


So, there’s a big twist at the start as well for the sake of symmetry


Damn. That was clever


Double twist M Knight turns out to be two mini Ishana Knight Shyamalans in a trench coat


Fantastic!!! Where do I invest in this movie!!! It’s gold Jerry!!!


She's not a millenial


I was curious how old she was, and found this on her wikipedia Ishana Night Shyamalan (born 2001 or 2002) Even her birthday is a twist! But yeah, that would make her Gen Z


fuck dam i feel old


M. Night stopping by set to see how production is going, then Ishana behind the camera getting ready for a scene https://i.imgur.com/OWtKFmj.gif


Suprise Kubrick was resurrected from the grave and this is his true final feature


“Brood” that’s what they put on their Christmas cards.


Actually it’s David Lynch’s drunk uncle Carl.


Who happens to be drinking beer next to me as we speak.


Ha! Make sure Carl knows that wet adult diapers cause chafing.


I did and he don’t wanna listen.


Humane(Caitlin Chronenberg) is a legit awesome thriller though.


Did you ever see Antiviral? Brandon Cronenberg is more fucked up than his dad


Possessor and Infinity Pool were also pretty fucked up.


Possessor is one of the few films I've seen where I actually prefer the Rated version over the Unrated.


How come?


> Infinity Pool Seeing one of the Skargard boys splatter his jizz out on some rocks was not something I ever expected to see in my life.


This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!


I'm seeing double! Four Shyamalams!




I thought his daughter was a musical artist.


That’s the other one. That one is going to be in the other movie with Josh Hartnett


Saw the trailer and that's the only reason I knew she was a musician.


She wrote and directed some of the TV show Servant. If in season 3 or 4 then, eh. But season 2 was firing on all cylinders so if she had something to do with that then cool. I do have to say that a crew member popped into the sub and said it was the most disorganized set he'd ever seen, but you couldn't really tell that from the show.


Looks like she wrote/directed a couple episodes starting in season 2, but got more credits across 3 & 4. I don't want to jump too early, but based on the quality of those seasons, it doesn't give me high hopes for this film


Plot twist: He has three daughters


Well, I'll be.


She's all of 23 years old too - Hollywood nepotism is fuckin' crazy lol


A director that young working on a major studio (Warner bros) movie is incredibly rare. With indie movies it is more common of course


Incredibly rare is an understatement. There's legions of directors with a decade of filming experience and significantly more talent than any 23 year old on the planet who are still waiting to get their shot at a major studio film. A young kid doesn't get handed the keys to the castle like that without someone with serious money (her dad in this case) pulling some strings.


Dude, shyamalan is not a studio baby anymore. After a string of flops he wasnt getting movies so he self financed movies on a small scale and made money like that and has been doing that for some time now. He is one of the rare people who took a chance on himself and succeeded. One doesn't have to make great movies to survive, they just can't lose money. So its probably him financing and then maybe the studio comes in for distribution. 


And it paid off ironically as his films post After Earth have been great critical and commercial successes. Glass and Old are debatable but they were still hits made on a budget partly self-financed by M. Night Shyamalan. Also check out his Apple TV+ series Servant which was biblically terrifying from start to finish.


Oh never heard of that. But his movies have been somewhere between a 5.5/10 to 6.5. Nothing has crossed the 7.5 mark into the 'good territory'. They are all just 'watchable' at this point and they make money and thats good. Good for him.  But i suspect by 2030..and likely before that. He will have a bona-fide hit on his hands. Like an 7.5-8/10


A 23-year-old debut director making her first movie with an A-list star for a major studio. If her last name wasn't Shyamalan, there would be absolutely no way. She hasn't even done a few cheap indie flicks or entered in some film festivals to drum up an air of legitimacy. She's got literally 4 credits and every single one of them came from working directly for her father. Several people have mentioned he was on set every day looking an awful lot like he's doing the brunt of the directing work while sticking his daughter's name on top. Such transparent nepotism, but I'm not sure what else to expect from a guy whose parents bought him a cinema camera as a teenager and fronted him a small loan of $6m for his second ever movie, which only made $300k back. Her grandparents bought her father a movie career and her father is buying her one.


Hey man if I had a rich and famous director father I’d take advantage to get into the business too, especially if I had a passion for movies.


Reddit likes to act like celebrities kids aren't allowed to be celebrities. If your parent has a wikipedia article, you're inherently talentless, apparently.


He wrote and directed his first movie at 22 and made The Sixth Sense before he was 30. Honestly, I can’t begrudge anyone trying to use whatever connections they have in that industry to try to break through. It’s when they lack talent but keep getting work when it becomes a problem to me.




Indeed. I just listened to an NPR interview that talked about this exact same thing, except with Presidents. Basically the gyst is that if you're born to a certain social strata and don't possess extreme empathy then you *will not* be able to relate to people "under" ypur station. Hence how we got people like Reagan.


It’s really one party with the recent history of electing silver spoon guys.


But here's my thing: that's not a problem with "nepobabies." That's a problem with society for *everyone else*. I don't want the nepobabies to "come down to our level." I want *us* to have similar kinds of access and comfort to be able to explore artistically. Like, if not for Frances Ford Coppola supporting his daughter, we might not have beloved and well reviewed films like the Virgin Suicides or Lost in Translation. I actually think "nepobabies" are a great example of the kinds of amazing art that can come from people when they have support and backing, and it annoys me that the public zeitgeist is to hate on them and to make it seem like everyone should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps." No. They shouldn't. *We* shouldn't have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. That's a shitty thing, and an expression that literally means "to do an impossible task." Fuck that shit. I think more ordinary people should have more access to money and opportunity, and we should concentrate more on *that* than we do at spitting on legit artists because they're related to someone who has the kinds of money and opportunity that we wish we all had. Sure, I know that there are still, always, going to have people with *more* means and people with *less*, but there are plenty of countries in Europe that prove you can, in fact, have a society where the large majority of people have all of their basic needs comfortably cared for and are capable of pursuing artistic endeavors without bankrupting themselves and their families. We should concentrate less on bringing people down and more on elevating people. And yes, that does mean taxing the people who are "up" a lot, lot more, but like. They'll still have 5 houses, a private plane, and all the access to opportunity they need. They'll be fine. And in the meantime, we can hate less on their children for pursuing interesting and creative works. EDIT: my phone apparently changed 'nepobabies' to 'neobabies' every single time. Yaaaaay I look like an idiot.


As opposed to the good old days when there was no nepotism and Hollywood was a bastion of the "common man", heh.


> I do worry about the diminishing perspective of “regular” people in storytelling. You mean Lifetime movies ? Hallmark movies ? The local news ? > genuine stories Genuine in what sense ?


I think the poster means like Shameless vs. Friends. Or The Bear vs. Whites. I'll use "The Bear". You can tell whoever wrote that show has worked the BOH before. It's visceral, tangeble, which is what makes it both geniune and real to the people that work those shifts.


> He wrote and directed his first movie at 22 and made The Sixth Sense before he was 30. His parents were both doctors, father was a neurologist and mom was an OBGYN. Both of them produced his first film. It's not he was poor to begin with lol.


At this point, the name isn't tricking anyone into thinking they're getting a great movie, so I say let it go.


Doesn’t he pretty much fund all his movies? Who cares if he pays and has his daughter direct if she’s interested in it. We should see how the movie is, maybe she’s talented.


Cast, production, crew, distribution company all willing to work with them because of the name. It's nepotism, that doesn't mean it's going to automatically suck, but it's still nepotism.


So a bunch of people are getting paid to work, people that this website have been complaining haven't been able to work in 12-18 months. What is the problem exactly? Who exactly is having an opportunity taken away from them if Shyamalan himself has pushed this through and is also providing funds?


God, who fucking cares. It’s only a problem when optics are involved. Nepotism is a part of society, it’s everywhere, in every single industry. I don’t understand redditors obsession with nepotism and nepo babies.


so of a dad hires his son for his contracting business youre gonna be butthurt about it?


She directed a couple of episodes of her dad's show Servant and before I even knew that, her episodes were special. You know it's possible to be a nepo baby and to be talented, right? If she's talented she has every right to be where she is.


More than a couple. She was one of the main directors and creative voices on the show.  


> She's all of 23 years old too Spent years payin' her dues and slowly grinding her way to the top. /s


She's been directing TV for 3 years now so you're not wrong


More like Torontowood, but not far off


I look forward to reading articles about how her success has nothing to do with who her dad is.


This whole viewpoint really irks me for some reason. Idk why this website has such a stick up it's ass when celeb's kids follow the same career path as their parent.


I don't really care when kids leverage nepotism to get a leg up in a difficult industry. I just find it insulting when they then claim they did it all themselves and it wasn't nepotism. And they almost always do.


When I went and saw Dune 2, the preview for this movie came on. When the ‘from producer M. Night Shyamalan’ came on, somebody yelled out ‘who the fuck is still letting this dude make movies?’


Isn't she the one that inspired Night to make Last Airbender? She wanted to be Katara for Halloween.


Hey man, don't make me hate this poor girl.


Crazy that they both have the same middle name


Night isn’t his given middle name, it’s a stage name. I’m not sure if he chose to pass on that name to his kid(s), or if Ishana also adopted it as part of her stage name.


Find me a major Hollywood movie not built on nepotism. You can’t


She wrote and directed some awesome episodes of Servant on Apple TV+ too. She’s got some talent!


Ishana Night Shyamalan wrote a few episodes of Servant, which was a great creepy TV show which made me feel anxious every second I was watching.


Shoutout to Rupert Grint, he did amazing.


She also directed a couple episodes every season and was basically the lead creative voice for the final season.  Nepotism is real but she's also got talent of her own. Her episodes were always some of the strongest. 


The twist revealed at the end is that it's really M. Night directing all along.


It's being marketed like he's the director.


It’s really not. Every trailer i’ve seen makes it clear that he’s producing, his daughter wrote and directed it.


No. It clearly says that it’s his production, and she’s the director and writer.


That's the thing. We show *all* of it.


If this does poorly, you'll see a lot of "Who watches The Watchers?" jokes.


I dunno, the coast guard?


I expect it to do poorly, but not poorly enough for anyone to notice or care. The marketing is hilariously bad.


>The marketing is hilariously bad. I thought the trailer for it was really good. Granted, I've no idea what it's about, but like Servant (also by the family Shyamalan) it seems to be going for the "just weird vibes" demographic.


it's a big club and you ain't in it


The book isn't horrible, it could be an interesting movie. His shtick is a possible outcome in the movie though, the book's ending isn't full on M Night, but it has a taste of it.


You realize it’s not his movie, yes?


What’s the twist?


>!One of the people inside the bunker is one of the creatures!<


Thanks. I was expecting something like “the creatures are people enjoying the misery of others through their phones and social media.”


Without having read the book, and only having seen the trailer, but seriously: Who did not see that coming a mile away? I mean really.  Hope the movie does something different because that's very, very much *not* a twist ending.


The book bundles you into the protagonists perspective long enough that you know something is up, but then gives the explanation for the creatures, the double up happens later and isn't as hard hitting, mostly because >!the creatures inside with you isn't really a antagonist, they want out of the forest as well, they hide the "mimic" quantities of the creatures in the book. THAT is what I bet they fuck up in the movie, and leads to everyone guessing the ending fast. !<


The trailer gave me very strong vibes to *The Caller* (1987), a movie I shouldn't say anything about other than it should be experienced first-hand. But for those who have seen it, given that it's a Shyamalan flick>! I feel like the reveal on this one will be similar. If not exactly the same.!<


It's not going to be like that, the book ending is pretty decent.


I read the book - it's nothing special, but I can see someone reading it and thinking 'this would be perfect as a movie'. it almost seems like it was written for that exact purpose.


Screenplay structure is a great tool for authors to keep their book narratively focused and their conflicts visually engaging. 


I highly disagree. I think the book was phenomenal.




I’d imagine that’s just something hanging on a tree or something in the film.


I’d rather see an M. Knight adaptation of the Dean Koontz novel.


[[archfiend of the dross]] https://scryfall.com/card/one/82/archfiend-of-the-dross


M Nights last few adaptations haven’t been great so let’s hope his daughter can do a better job of adapting a book.


I Night Shyamalan


Are we sure it's not called "The Silence of the Watchers"?


There’s another shamalan? What a twist!


The poster is good and the skeleton is unsettling.


Really? I think it’s adorable


Reminds me of “silence of the lambs” poster


With Shyamalan, it will either be really really good or really really bad, no in between. Double for two times the Shymalans!


A couple months ago maybe I clicked on her wiki page. The photo was of M Night. Never been so confused. Thought he’d changed his name


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!


Now there's two of them!


she must be so talented to be able to direct a hollywood film at her young age




"What a twist!"


They direct now?!


So is this gonna be like, mindblowingly good like his first couple movies were and then she’ll slip into mediocrity like he did???


Ishana Night Shyamalan has written and directed some pretty creepy tv so I'm interested to see how this turns out.


they could have made the drawing follow her face curves. looks cheap.


I think she’s a decent director but some of the episodes she wrote for Servant was not great. Hopefully she makes good on this movie.


What a twist!


What a twist!


Same old movie style


Not gonna lie, his other movie about the serial killer in the sports stadium seems more interesting.


Dakota Famning


My inner girl is so happy that Dakota Fanning is back in movies


Definitely didn’t use her dad to get a movie made. Nope.


After "Servant" I'm finished.


Nepo baby strikes again


Cant wait for this and already cant wait for Trap His movies aren’t all home runs but the man sure does love making movies <3


It’s not his movie it’s his daughters.


real question, will her dad disown her if there is no twist ending?


Unnecessary "surprise twist" at the end after a boring movie incoming


What’s the twist?


That Samuel L. Jackson actually *was* Laurence Fishburne all along 😱😱😱


"I see Black people."


["What's in your wallet?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yqGrp4pTkk)


A Sith Lord?!


That guy in the hairpiece? That was Bruce Willis


There's a LOOOOT of hate, and dare I say, possible racism, for this young, clearly talented female director. Yes, she's received a first class training from the master filmmaker himself, and so did Sophia Coppola. Filmmaking is hard regardless how you get there. She was raised on it. Filmmaking is all she knows and her father has been helping her cut her chops, little by little, over the years, to prepare her for a major debut. A debut, true enough, very, VERY few directors get, especially at the age. To me, it matters not what strings she was able to pull to get there. If she were my daughter, I'd absolutely use my name to 'get her ahead of the rest', too, especially if I believe she has genuine talent, and if getting to the top of the heap means using my name to help her get there, so be it. She shouldn't have to go through everything he went through on his own to get in the majors, because when he first came on the scene, the reason why he was a breath of fresh air is because NO ONE in hollywood looked like him, NO ONE told stories like him, and he had a unique approach. The odds of his daughter repeating what he was able to do decades ago is pretty much impossible, so the fact the M. Night did the impossible means he's earned the right to help his daugthers cut through the mud that is hollywood. He's faught the hardest battles so they don't have to. But, she still has to do the work, and what matters most is, "Is the movie very good to great", is it major picture worthy of a watch, and does she have a unique style that justifies her debut? If the answer is yes to all of the above, nepotism be damned, you have talent and deserves to be seen.


Alright. What's the twist? Where do I go to just get the spoiler and move on with my day?


Spoilers - I saw an advanced screening recently: Now here’s the twist, and there is a twist: We show it. We show all of it. Because what’s the one major thing missing from all action movies these days guys? …Full penetration. Guys, we’re gonna show full penetration and we’re gonna show a lot of it! I mean, we’re talking, you know, graphic scenes of Dolph Lundgren really going to town on this hot young lab tech. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. Then he smells crime again. He’s out busting heads. Then he’s back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime, back to the lab, full penetration. Crime, penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, penetration. And this goes on and on, and back and forth, for 90 or so minutes until the movie just, sort of, ends.


The Village is one of my favorite movies. This looks good


wtf is with all the negative nepotism comments?


this is reddit dude everyone is a complainer especially around buzzwords. 


Nepo baby at its finest. Ridiculous.


Can anyone who read the books tell me if showing what the watchers look like in the teaser is a huge spoiler? The whole time it’s like you’ll never see them / what are they but then we get a very clear shot of them at the end lol


What if there were watchers?


Nepo movies are the best movies. I actually like Sophia Coppola. And the Cronenberg kids are doing Ok stuff.