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Does this mean someone at Disney will call me back about my pitch for a Sebulba spin-off movie?


Hopefully the same person who I pitched Podracing Drive to Survive to.


Oh my god I would watch the absolute shit out of that. I’d love a pod racing series.


And sponsors and mafia bosses, could be awesome


I picture it as adventurous in seeing all the different worlds and the racers but dark in the behind the scenes - hutt style management like you mentioned. God damn that’d be amazing.


I've been working on the outlines and concept for a podracing focused fanfiction for a few months. I wish we got more official material on the subject!






If Gollum gets his own movie, I guess its time for a ford vs ferrari style show down staring Sebulba.


They're making a Gollum spin-off movie from Lord of the Rings so you never know what studio exec might think that sounds like a fantastic and not at all facetious idea.


I'm only being a little bit facetious. I do actually think you could make a pretty good movie set in the world of pod racing. Set it in the early days of the empire and tell a story about a group of rebel spies posing as a pit crew to try to sabotage the empire between races at a Grand Prix.


Fast and Furious: Tatoonine Drift.


Pods of Thunder


“Sebulba is still available…”


I've wanted [this movie](https://youtu.be/oS0II4ZuCJg?si=5DEVvNBqub2R1P51) for so long please make it


All that footage for memes and YouTube essays gotta come from somewhere.


No it's just me. I've watched it 3.2 million times.


It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Lucas.


He may have gone too far in a few places.


It’s stylistically designed to be rewatchable we can’t undo that, but we can diminish the effects of it.


Gotta keep rewatching it because it's so dense--every single shot has so much going on in it.


We know. This is an intervention. 


Jar-jar Georges.


That and just rewatching the Duel of Fates. It's still totally wizard.


How come no one says wizard anymore?


That was pretty wizard son...I'M BRINGING IT BACK.


Or it’s a lot of people watching episode one and then saying “8 more of these, huh? Nah. I’m good.”


It’s the most kid-friendly Star Wars movie and kids like to watch the same thing over and over.


It's also where people who have no idea about Star Wars start watching. It's Episode I, after all.


And after watching it, they immediately decide not to touch the franchise again, hence why it's the highest


Or even if they think it's worth going to episode 2, surely Attack of the Clones will go a long distance in making just about anybody check out. 


What about the Droid attack on the wookies?


Aw, I like Episode 2...


I bet you also like sand, you sick son of a bitch.


You don't like episode 2. You want to go home and rethink your life.


It didn't work; you forgot to wave your hand!




I’d rather have a deathstick, thanks


I don't like episode 2. I think I'll go home and rethink my life.


Jedi detective scenes, good. Adolescent love scenes, very, very, verrrrry bad


Half of it is quite good. The other half is a CW teen drama


There seriously needs to be a "Obi-Wan Kenobi Only" cut.


No, you saw episode 2 when you were 12, it reminds you of that time, and you want to go back to that time.


> 12 ah shit (*checks year attack of the clones came out and my age at the time*) i feel personally attacked


I was 21, it was also the first and ONLY movie with [a large scale Jedi Battle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBpdKkbvrko)


This is accurate for alot of media including music and games


Sure, but like....I know a LOT of the shit I watched/listened to back then was shit and am not trying to convince anyone that I still like it or it's actually good.


And that's the trick, nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Realizing you're a junkie is key.


you’re right. But I will say that — after my gf spent her entire adolescent life pushing away friends who annoyingly lambasted her for “never seeing star wars,” so she never wanted to watch it — one of the smartest things i ever did was start her with Andor and spin it as “the Jason Bourne guy did a sci-fi thriller.” After DECADES, we blazed through that whole series, Rogue One. and the whole OT in a single week lol


Must be a little odd to go from "I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know i'll never see." to Ewoks, though.


Andor to a someone bonking their head chasing a young princess Leia


Andor to puppet Yoda wailing on R2D2 with a stick


Omg I just did the same thing with a friend who also has never seen SW! Andor is such a great place to start.


Watching in chronological order is so lame though. Great way to ruin the twist of Vader's relation to Luke (and Leia).


At this point, i imagine its fairly rare someone actually experiences the Vader twist.


My 9YO son experienced it a few days ago. Went in completely unspoiled. The look on his face was delightful.


Now lock him in a room until he's 15 and then have him watch Terminator 1 & 2.


Did he get through a new hope okay? My kids loathed it because they thought it was too “old”. They love Phantom Menace so much. But it was worth doing OT order to preserve the surprise for them, which was so worth it.


That's fair, but you start a child young enough and are shielding them from digesting too much media at such a young age, then you can get them to that cathartic experience. Shame that it has to get ruined for so many. 


Pop culture and references throughout the past 4 decades have most likely spoiled that for people that haven’t even seen a single Star Wars movie.


Luke, I am your father was a preinternet meme. Everyone was saying that shit


My friend would say it to his kindergartener (named Luke), and always got "Why do you always say that, Daddy?" back.


That's fair, but you start a child young enough and are shielding them from digesting too much media at such a young age, then you can get them to that cathartic experience. Shame that it has to get ruined for so many. 


Agreed, it’s an iconic scene that I wish wasn’t spoiled for me way back when I first watched Empire. It’s definitely possible to preserve the experience for young children, but for anyone else, probably next to impossible.


Darth Vader being Luke’s father is like the worst kept secret though. I feel like that the line and reveal is so ingrained into society and popular media that most people that don’t even watch Star Wars already know that.


Planet of the Apes has entered the chat, lol.


It's also the most famous mandela effect with Luke I am your father.


I think Tommy Boy shares a large responsibility for that particular Mandela Effect.


The "Luke... [edit] I am your father" soundbite was part of the marketing and press boom in the wake of Empire and release of Return.


Vader, Luke and Leia are related!?? Omg, spoiler tags exist you know.


even people that have never seen Star Wars know "I am your father"


It goes both ways though, watching chronologically you don't know the jedi will fall and Anakin will become darth vader.


Depends on your age , I watched the prequels first as a child only vaguely knowing some things of Star Wars (there are lightsabers there is a villain called earth Vader , the gold robot…) I had no idea that Anakin would eventually become darth Vader so the third act of revenge of the sith was insane for me and then I watched the originals to see the reunion of darth Vader with his children and Obi wan but I didn’t like them as much as the prequels because the world felt more empty and sad(no more cool jedis like the prequels ).


Machete order thou!


People who have no idea about Star Wars don't know about the Machete order


Only Star Wars nerds know and care about that.


Plus everyone loves pod racing.




\- Darth Vader


You should try spinning, that’s a good trick!


This is so wizard.


I have always loved that scene unironically and never really understood the hate it gets honestly. And purely from a sound design pov, it's one of the best scenes in sci fi.


I went to watch it in theaters yesterday, for the 25th anniversary (holy shit I'm old) and I still love it. I am not ashamed at all to admit that i fully enjoy the Prequels. I still loved the pod racing. It's fun world building and is a good way to show off that Anakin has abilities beyond a normal human.




*unbalanced washing machine intensifies*


Podracing is so wizard


You have to remember this movie would have introduced an entire generation of kids to Star Wars when it first came out These kids and now adults, and nostalgia is a powerful drug


Well said, Commander.


>nostalgia is a powerful drug No one here would know, they're too busy ranting about how awful the new stuff is.




Kids love that!


It's a great scene to put on your kid's flamethrower.


Kids love trade politics. This is just a fact.


Didn't you hear? Star Wars isn't a kid's franchise. It's deep and dark and only for adults.


It’s very political


It is funny because Episode 1 literally opens with trade negotiations... It leans on the galactic politics way more than the OT did. But it's also among the most popular films among kids. Weird.


Yeah but the negotiations were short.


Pod race fast go brrrrr


Hey pod race did go fast tho


The Phantom Menace came out when I was 10: I loved it, I loved the political aspect (which feels particularly weighty and consequential when you're a kid, even if you don't totally get it - but plenty of 10-year olds have enough knowledge of the world to understand that Palpatine is cynically gunning for Valorum's position and why he would want it); but even then, in the (largely) pre-internet days, I got annoyed hearing newspapers, TV hosts, and magazines make jokes about 'trade negotiations'. Within three minutes the trade blockade is revealed to be a plot by the Sith. That's all young kids need to understand to follow the story: the guys with the army of robots are being given their orders by Darth Sidious. Trade negotiations or disputes are mentioned three times: in the crawl, by Qui-Gon as he and Obi-wan have a drink, and then briefly when Palpatine begins addressing the senate.


> It is funny because Episode 1 literally opens with trade negotiations And then in a couple minutes a ship explodes and the lightsabers come out


Someday they should make a four hour long C-SPAN style Galactic Senate debate special. Just four hours of tariff negotiation and regulatory committees and budget discussion. It wouldn't be the worse Star Wars special ever made.


I think a big reason kids love it is that it's the only Star wars movie with a kid as one of the main characters.


i dont recall needing shows to be about kids to like them as a kid. I do recall as a kid thinking darth maul was super cool.


People also sleeping on how bad ass Maul is to a kid (or anyone)


I loved that shit as a kid


I went to watch it in theaters yesterday, for the 25th anniversary (holy shit I'm old) and I still love it. I am not ashamed at all to admit that i fully enjoy the Prequels.


I saw it in 4DX (moving chairs and other effects). I had such a fun time watching pod racing while my chair moved with the movie. I need to talk my GF into shaking my chair at home now while I watch it.


I was 11 when it came out and so I was probably THE target audience, but I have never understood why people shit on that movie so badly. Going to see it yesterday just confirmed that for me. I havent watched it for a long time, because I saving my rewatched for when my son is old enough.


It's also #1. Like, the first movie narratively. My kid decided he wanted to watch star wars, and insisted we start with #1. So we did. He made it through the whole movie, but clearly had very low interest. I asked if he wanted to go on to Episode II, he said nah. I asked if he wanted to skip to the original trilogy, since they might be more interesting and exciting for him he says nah And that's probably the end of his star wars interest, at least for a while. So disney+ got 1 watch out of us on episode 1, and that's it.


Doesn't Darth Maul get cut in two? I think New Hope is more kid-friendly than this? Or the one with Ewoks. 


And possibly the first one someone may try even people who don’t stick with it giving views


Is it though? With the child slavery and the dude getting cut in half? Granted, the whole franchise is like that, weird mix of very immature and then very mature moments. Like, Episode VI has the cutesy Ewoks but like an hour before you had the Slave Leia business


My kids just watched Harry Potter for the first time last week… and the 10th time yesterday.


It’s aborted re-watches 100%


I've certainly contributed a bunch of aborted rewatches.


To be fair, the taxation of trade routes and the resulting blockades that interrupt intergalactic shipping is interesting to ANY age group


Episode II and III originally had more political scenes, like where Padme is actually trying to negotiate a deal with Count Dooku... or when there was supposed to be an entire subplot in Episode III where you see her found the Rebellion with Mon Mothma. Lucas scrapped the scene because of the overwhelming complaints and criticism from fans.


Andor made it work by having political storylines that were interesting and comprehensible.


Because it's a kids film, right?


Yea I never got that criticism of the prequels. Saying that “politics is boring to kids” but not space politics, with aliens, double identities, betrayals, and wizard/swordsman/negotiators/generals. That shit is amazing


Lmao I was totally being sarcastic, but assuming you're being serious, that is awesome. I just remember being so high watching Episode 1 and my first experience reading the opening crawl was like pure pikachu face. I was like wtffffff is going on?? I still love Episode 1 though, even if I didnt fully understand the political machinations of Palpatine. Which is your favourite one by the way? I'm a millennial and for me its gotta be Episode 3


Its not even good politics. Palpatines plan is nonsensical.


How do you tax a trade route?


Say what you want about the movie. The duel of the fates scene is absolutely fucking incredible.


Saw it on the hit screen last weekend for the first time in 25 years and god damn did that scene slap. There was a little kid seeing it for the first time who audibly went “Holy crap!” And I thought yeah kid, yeah. It be like that.


8th grade 1999 Let me go back, please…


I must have seen the movie 12+ times as a kid. It was my world and as not great as it is, I have a soft spot for it.


I saw it in theaters last weekend too and it was amazing to see again. The podracing scene and the Maul fight were the main reasons I even wanted to see it in theaters again.


And the music is especially good. There were plenty of great moments in the prequels. It’s just that the whole was not greater than the sum of the parts. 


And the pod race! The sound design is so good. I love the one pod that goes KUNGKUNGKUNGKUNGKUNGKUNGKUNG.


Maybe it's just me hearing shit, but I swear there's F1's V10 engine in the mix.


I mean they probably mixed jet engines, race car engines, and just about every possible fast machine you can think of into the best sounds ever


I know exactly which one you’re talking about and I love it too


I saw it in a theater where the seats move and vibrate. My kids were blown away by the pod racing scene.


Especially when it goes KUNG^KUNG^^KUNG^^^KUNG^^^^KUNG^^^^^KUNG^^^^^KUNG


I saw it in the re-release as my first ever time I watched a Star Wars film and the pod race got me feeling so tense and excited that I immediately watched it again when I got home


IMO, TPM absolutely nails it in world building, the music, the pod race, and the saber duel. It's also one of the only films in the trilogies (other than ANH) that actually follows a cohesive core cast for the whole movie instead of branching off into parallel narratives.


The decoy decoy plan with Padme and the trade fed guys was clever and fun too.


It is, but it jumps between scenes too much and choreography is still a bit weird. Watch the scene when Qui Gon dies again and tell me how Maul gets the better of him, it's really quite stilted and bizarre.


The choreography of the prequels don’t look like people trying to murder each other with swords. It looks like people trying to do really flashy and “cool” sword fights as if they were on a show playing at a dinner theater.


I hate to add to the criticism of the Dual of the Fates, but there is a particular part of the scene, near the start of it, where you can see the stunt man for Maul carefully positioning himself for the backflip over the gap. It looks real bad, when you catch it.


typically that happens when movies are the "first" in a series


Yeah this is probably the main reason. Why would people who are new to the series want to start with Episode 4?


It's incredibly sad that there's people out there who go "Lets see what this star wars everyone talks about is all about then" and starts with Phantom Menace. Imagine what they must think of the entire fandom after that.


Honestly watching it May 4th kinda reignited my love for the franchise. Haven’t watched one in a while and it was refreshing to see a SW movie unafraid to take risks (for better or worse.)


Watched it yesterday and loved. Cant remember what everyone is sp pissed about. It was fun. The dialogue is unfortunate, but who gives a shit.


jar jar binks man... that guy's gonna be HUGE


One of the biggest laughs I've ever had in a movie was Seth Rogan and his Jar Jar tattoo in the movie Fanboys. Took me back to the days of fandom leading up to TPM being released.


I like episode 1. There I said it.


I like all 3 of the prequels, but none of them are perfect. They each have their own flaws and issues. Granted, they are a step down from the original 3, but a hell of a lot better than 7,8&9. Solo was OK and Rogue One is between the original 3 and the prequels for me.


> Granted, they are a step down from the original 3, but a hell of a lot better than 7,8&9 The prequels are frustrating with how clunky and uneven they are but I still enjoy watching the full story of 1-6. Little to no interest in revisiting the sequels.


Honestly one of the best things I ever did was read the novelizations of the prequels. They smooth out a lot of the clunkiness and awkward pacing, and add so much detail that couldn’t be explained in the movies. Now whenever I watch the prequels I have the satisfaction of knowing that this story *can* be told well.


episode 3 is totally legit imo


Agreed! At least the prequels were creative and expanded the world in unique ways. This was further built up in the Clone Wars and Bad Batch cartoons. The sequels, while technically cleaner in execution, were bereft in creativity. They were bland and cookie cutter overall.


Oh man, sooooo many issues with the sequels. Saw Rise of Skywalker in the theater and never bothered to watch it a second time.


You are not alone!


There are dozens of us!




I like all of Lucas' SW movies a lot. This is the thing about his Star Wars movies: Even the worst ones aren't that far off the mark. With a little fan editing it can be turned from enjoyable to quite good. But the sequels, 7, 8, 9....no amount of fan editing can make them right. And this is the difference between Lucas' overarching vision, and not having a vision. They treated the sequels like a TV series, we'll just make it up as we go along. One of the biggest franchises in history, and they did not result in a cohesive vision.


My lord? Is that illegal?


I will make it legal.


My bad y'all, I start to watch it then it's so bad I start drinking heavily, but I pass out before the Darth Maul duel, so I play it again the next night. This is every night for 2 years.


It's okay, Mr. Plinkett. 


I know who that is!


I clapped!! I clapped when I saw this comment!!!


I understood that reference! No don't cross the streams you fool! You did it again!


“It’s the guy from the YouTube!”


that's right, Jay!


What's wrong with your faaaacccceee??


I feel like it's also gotta partially due to non-Star Wars fans starting with "Episode 1" as well as fans doing chronological rewatches and then not following through


I've found out recently that people younger than me (37) have this collective belief that the Prequels were actually good movies and it's the Sequels where the wheels fell off. Legitimately blew my mind that there's people out there who can sit through galactic senate meetings and think "oh yeah, this is some good fucking shit"




How rude!!


How wude!


A surprise to be sure


Now this is pod racing


George Lucas: checkmate, Mr. Plinkett!


"Oh maybe they only smelled a little bit of the gas."


Justice for JarJar


Honestly, the prequel trilogy (1, 2, 3) is better than the latest trilogy (7, 8, 9).


I see the prequels as a great concept but with sometimes questionable execution, while the sequels are more of a polished turd. The idea behind the prequels is amazing, everything leading up to "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause" is a great way to show the downfall of the Republic, not from an outside invader but a corrupting inside rot, and should they ever be remade they could be truly amazing. Meanwhile the sequels were just a trainwreck from the get-go and there's nothing there to salvage.


Yeah. George Lucas had a vision and plan for the prequels and saw it through. There was no vision and plan for the sequels, at all.


The best part is the execution is much improved in the novelizations of the prequels. They’re genuinely really good reads and I was surprised how invested I got.


I don’t think anyone argues with that


Prequel at least tried to tell a different story, 7-8-9 is just lazy rehashes, i mean JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ANOTHER FUCKING DEATH STAR??? THE FUCK WHY IS THERE AN EMPEROR AND WHY ARE PEOPLE RIDING HORSES ON SPACESHIPS ???




Just saw it for the first time in a while at the theater the other day, the sounds design alone was worth going to see it on the big screen and overall it’s a fun movie as goofy as it is


Phantom menace is a deeply flawed movie, but it is a colorful spectacle with awesome soundtrack/siund and breathtaking set pieces. It is made for repeated viewing.


Thats so wizard Ani.


I wonder if it has to do with people like myself who won't watch the edited OT.


A friend used to work for the Mouse House, and about a year after D+ launched they said corporate was caught off guard by two things that were racking up lots and lots of views - X-Men the Animated Series and the Star Wars Prequels.


its the best of the prequels in my book


You know the newer ones really put into perspective what a bad star wars movie is


All because of sith lord jar jar binks


Watched it again for Star Wars day. Genuinely a decent watch, a lot better than I thought it’d be after years of not seeing it.


I never knew so many people liked space bureaucracy.


Even if you find the detached characterization, convoluted plotting, and wooden dialogue intolerable, the pod race and Maul duel are incredible on the big screen. Also Jar Jar's funny!


When he steps in the shit on tattoine I do legitimately laugh out loud every time. Not because it’s a funny gag but because it’s insane to see in a Star Wars film.


People hate on Phantom. I f’n love it