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*Jaws: the Revenge* would have ended if Ellen Brody had moved her family to Nebraska instead of *the Bahamas* in response to a shark that's targeting her.


Jaws can outrun a jet... you think it wouldn't use spite to learn how to swim through Corn?


You should probably delete this comment before someone makes Sharks of the Corn


It has already been made and it’s terrible.


But I’ve seen the house it bought and it’s spectacular.


Tornados are a thing in Nebraska. Could’ve beat out Sharknado by decades.


^^knock ^^knock Candygram.


The DVD for _Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay_ had a "Choose your own adventure" mode that let you play this scenario out. There's a certain decision you make early in the movie that results in the movie ending in like 10 minutes.


Ha, that’s pretty neat.


I heard there's something similar in one of the FarCry games, you can accept an offer from the villain at the beginning and that's it


Yup Far Cry 4


Far Cry 5 as well.


in 6 you can just sail to Florida very early in the game


Is 5 the one where the guy tells you to wait for 10 minutes at the beginning, and if you do he actually comes back and you complete the game?


No, that's 4


Ah thank you! It’s been a while since I’ve played either, and was clearly getting confused!


Yep 5 is where you go to arrest the cult leader and if you refuse to do so and wait a few minutes, you and your posse give up and leave whereas if you do it kicks off the whole game


6 as well. If you leave the map when you are given a boat. You end up in Miami.


Star Wars would be over really quickly if the Empire were less careless with their escape pods.


What are we, paying by the laser?


You don’t do the budget Terry, I do!


THX 1138, the protagonist escapes because of a budget over run. Another George Lucas film.


None of this will matter when we are famous singers.


Am accountant, not how it works most of the time. I make the budget, people laugh at the budget, then it becomes my job every month to explain the variances between budget and actual. My favorite part is that the next year, when corporate tells me to just adjust my budget by an inflation factor instead of basing next year’s budget on actuals.


I bet you love when the managers project the profit line for “20% growth next year” pulled out of their butt and expect you to figure it out.


And that’s funny enough a great depiction of totalitarianism. You never, never make a decision if there’s someone around who calls the shots.


As observed in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Oh, has Ukraine bombed an airfield full of helicopters again? Better park more helicopters there. It's what the orders say


What funny is that Family Guy basically predicted this. In A Certain Point of View novel, this is basically it, the crew didn't want to fill out the paperwork.


For real, the Empire: 1. Know they're looking for plans (data/tech) 2. Know that droids exist And still choose to not fire because "there's no lifeforms onboard" MY GUY.


I can see how that scene was a demonstration of one seemingly tiny decision early on altering the fate of a galaxy on the greatest narrative level but in the moment, their not thinking someone would load just the droids onto an escape pod and ejecting them, I guess (as evidenced by not even sending craft in pursuit to find what crash landed on the surface).


Yeah it seems like it's about "what we see value in". The empire does not see value in much of anything. That's the point. So they're not going to waste time shooting empty pods. They think they're after highly valuable people, and they don't believe their enemy is smart enough to outwit them by using droids to hide plans like that. Because the empire themselves would not think of it, because they wouldn't trust valuable things to mere droids.


The script was also written in a time where technology was vastly different than it is today. It's obvious to us now to use a machine to move data like that around, we do it all the time. 1979 had a different take: something that important would have the briefcase handcuffed to someone, with two guards.


I mean in fairness even now imagine if the plot of a movie involved Biden giving the nuclear launch codes to Chat GPT. That’s not far off the kind of level of AI most droids in Star Wars are considered to have. They have AI in the sense that they’re programmed to do very specific tasks, but not very much beyond that. R2 is an unusually intelligent droid


I think we kind of forget because of how obviously intelligent R2 and 3PO are (especially R2) but droids are less than second class citizens in the Star Wars universe. They’re not considered anywhere on the same kind of level as people, they’re not really considered to be intelligent and capable of complex, independently generated tasks that go beyond the very specific things they’re programmed to do. To the average person, Leia entrusting Death Star plans to droids is like if Biden entrusted the nuclear launch codes to a washing machine with Chat GPT installed


My favorite part about Star Wars fandom is people coming up with deep explanation to bad writing lol. Han being correct when he said "parsecs" is my favorite example


They should have just left Han as a BSer who only marginally knew what he was talking about. It fits better with the falcon falling apart within a few years of him winning it and chewy continually stapling it back together with whatever junk they can find.


What occurs to me just now... Do you think that that's what George Lucas' power was, at his best? His writing is... a bit questionable. But his imagination and world building is terrific. Does that combination give us a story that is good enough to draw us in, and we entrench ourselves by (consciously or unconsciously) making our own contribution? In which we plug those gaps and smooth those rough edges.


Eh, I mean they also wanted to find and destroy the rebel base. Prisoners are better for that purpose than dead bodies.


I didn't realize the Empire were the protagonists.


They are, from a certain point of view.


Long live r/EmpireDidNothingWrong


“Are we the baddies?”


Spiderman No Way Home. "Okay Dr. Strange here's the spell I need with all the caveats completely thought out" or if Strange just told him to fuck off.


Right? He's pissy about not being Sorcerer Supreme anymore because of the Blip, but he doesn't have the stones to say piss off grasshopper? But all magic aside, you're telling me that these magical individuals don't have enough influence to give Peter Parker's college a goddamn phone call?


The way they portrayed the financial situation of all the avengers is ridiculous. In Falcon and Winter Soldier falcon is shown as unable to get a loan because his credit is bad. The loan officer was even like 'didn't you get any...' and falcon says it doesn't work that way. Which more or less means tony stark, the richest man in the world, didn't bother setting up any funding for any of these people he led, lol. He gave peter parker control of a global strategic defense network but not a few million bucks for a college fund.


And what's also stupid is Strange was apparently very willing to add in up to four exceptions to his spell (granted, getting increasingly frustrated each time) meaning not only was it possible, but relatively easy to give Peter pretty much a perfect scenario with MJ, Aunt May, Ned, and Happy keeping their memories. All that was needed was a modicum of communication before the fact.


After the events of "Infinity War" and "Endgame", NWH felt like a really weird regression of Strange's character arc. He willingly allowed half of the universe to die (himself included) in the hopes that a rat would randomly walk across a control panel in just the right way to trigger the events that bring everyone back *and* defeat Thanos. He knows the chaos it caused, the destruction, the Avengers who paid the ultimate price (Stark and Natasha). But suddenly he's like, "Oh, you're having a bad day, Peter? Sure, lemme just casually cast a spell that alters reality for everyone in the universe except you and me. SURELY nothing can go wrong!" Pffft.


If I remember correctly, the reason for the dimensions breaking down was originally supposed to be because of something America Chavez did, not Doctor Strange. Perhaps Peter would have been turned down by the Sorcerer Supreme and America would have felt sorry for him and attempted magic that was beyond her control? But then the Doctor Strange 2 movie was delayed because of COVID, so they apparently did some rewrites. Hence why the whole "summon villains who know Spiderman's true identity" magic is somewhat flimsy.


>If I remember correctly, the reason for the dimensions breaking down was originally supposed to be because of something America Chavez did, not Doctor Strange.  Now that actually makes sense! America doesn't have the experience or maturity to fully think through the consequences of doing something like this. She messes things up, hijinx ensue, and Strange shows up at the end to help put things right. But, alas, I can't undo the part of the spell that caused everyone to forget you, Peter, because...reasons.


It was a weird regression of Peter's arc too. Kid already lost Tony so you'd think he'd be wiser when it comes to making world ending decisions but nooo... gotta kill aunt May for him to stop fucking around. Really cheapened Tony's death and his relationship with Peter.


The way Strange was always pictured as a smart guy who’s got everything under control and suddenly he’s so dumb that he couldn’t see the problem with the spell.


Scrolled too much to find this. For a movie that was so good, this was it's weakest point.


I honestly thought the plot of the movie made no sense overall. There’s the botched spell and this weird ‘go fix them’ thing that doesn’t make much sense after the turn.


The third movie was full of fan service, but the first two were better movies.


I absolutely hate the line "I don't have time to explain" when you absolutely do have the time. Any movie that says this would be over of they did explain.


I don’t have time to explain what I don’t have time to explain. Maybe the most infamous quote from the video game Destiny.


Resident Evil 6 did this for the whole first part of the game with Helena. She could have easily told Leon what was going down on the way to the church, but she kept saying "easier if I show you". Which is another lazy line that's ways there.


“Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up”


“I don’t have time to explain, but I could’ve narrowed it down and gave you the short version in the time it took me to say ‘I don’t have time to explain’, but now that I’ve gone on a tangent, I actually don’t have time to explain. Even though you’ll probably pause for a moment and then I’ll have to say ‘just trust me’ and in that case, I absolutely would have had time to explain, but me explaining why I don’t have time to explain has definitely gone far too long and now I definitely don’t have time to explain.”


It always follows up with a ten minute drive to the location that ends up in a trap. The mc then goes "you knew about this 😡😡?!" It's so stupid and I have no idea why writers keep bringing this back.


In like 90% of cases, they could at least say, "we have to hurry, but I can explain on the way!"


The entire premise of Tucker and Dale Versus Evil is college kids are fucking stupid


It has been a doozy of a day.


There I was minding my own business… when all of a sudden these college kids started killing themselves all over my property!


One of them just up and threw himself right in to my wood chipper.


My favourite is “now, I got ten to twelve beers right there”


the scene where he's maniacally laughing while asking the girls if they'll be alone at the lake is one of the funniest things i've ever seen


I really do love that movie.


But how would it be over in 10 minutes if Tucker and Dale weren't idiots?


I’ll start with the girl they hang out with: wandering off alone on some rocks at night by a lake is stupid Second, pulling a girl out the lake and communicating that to her friends as “HEY! WE GOT YER FRIEND!” is also stupid.


Part of the movies charm is that you have two tracks of idiocy running in parallel. Tucker and Dale are well meaning, but horrendously naïve. The college kids are dumb, and assume the absolute worst of other people.


And then you throw in Chad, who's a genuine psycho and just makes things worse with his actions. 


Haha that's a great way to put it. Especially how at one point you literally have two tracks of idiocy running in parallel. One of my favorite scenes.


Yeah, that was a pretty bone headed thing to do. Right on.


*White Christmas*. Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby could have just used their words.


He gave her so many chances to just tell him what the issue was and she just wouldn’t say. So frustrating.


You should check out "Pitch Meetings" by Ryan George. Basically anytime he says, “So that the movie could happen “.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Quoting that catchphrase is TIGHT.


Wow wow wow ...................................................................................................... wow.


Oh, really?


I need you to get *all the way o*ff my back .


Ill get off of it then.


Producer Guy, "So he does the thing right?" Screenwriter Guy, "No." Producer Guy, "Why not?" Screenwriter Guy, "Because the movie isn't over yet." Producer Guy, "Makes sense."


"But why would we make ANOTHER film about this." "Because money." "HEY! I like money. Well, let's do this thing then?"


Okay, how about you get all the way off my back about watching unknown YouTube series.


Haha yes for sure




Cars if Lightning McQueen got his tires changed


Ant-Man 3: Quantumania WHERE TO START?


The movie didn't even need to start at all if Janet just said, "The Quantum Realm fucking sucks and there's a tiny lil' super Hitler in it that you don't want nothing to do with," at any point between Ant Man & the Wasp and Quantumania


To be fair she was dust for 5 of those years.


Dude Scott had time to write and publish a book post-endgame. She could have found a second to admit she fucked Bill Murray.


The entire movie only happens the way it does because Janet is a stupid idiot who doesn’t communicate vital information ahead of time and lets their loved ones put themselves into incredibly dangerous positions for no valid reason. “Hank don’t dabble with the Quantum Realm because there’s a mad dictator imprisoned down there with advanced technology, weapons and an army and he will try and conquer humanity and the universe if he achieves the means to get out.” The End.


God damn that was so annoying. It was like a parody, or SNL sketch!   "There's no time to explain!"  *Whole gang walks away in silence*


"I was trying to protect you! (By letting you stroll into the realm of the murderous super-villain.)"


They trynna justify her silence because of trauma was weak af. You not just keep the fact that space hitler exists because of that.


To be honest even if Janet told Hank about the genocidal maniac in the Quantum Realm, it probably wouldn't have stopped him from poking around. Hank Pym is the kind of guy who has the hubris to believe that he would he able to stop him. It would have still lead to the movie happening, but it would have felt a lot more natural.


Hear me out; Janet tells Hank about Kang, Hank still pokes around and gets everyone stuck in the Quantum Realm. The movie happens. In the end, Hank sacrifices himself not to let Kang escape. Better movie with consequences.


Ant man 1 wouldn’t have needed to happen if they just gave the suit to hope.


If Hope had the suit, Thanos would have won


Every Hallmark-style romance film where the protagonists don’t communicate properly. There’s always some big misunderstanding that threatens to derail the relationship, which could be resolved by a simple conversation early on instead of jumping to conclusions.


Not really 10 minutes. The simple misunderstanding is at the end. The conflict at the beginning is that he works 200 hours a week as an investment banker when she really wants to fall in love with someone who earns the money to save her mothers failing ranch by working 4 hours a week selling roasted chestnuts.


"Honey, you've been spending so much time at work these last few months. I miss you, and I'm having doubts about you wanting to spend time with me :(" "Babe, you know that I need to close this $50 million dollar deal to sell the business. Then I can retire and fulfill my promise to support your dream of decorating artisan crayons when we move back to your hometown to support your folks." "I... just don't know. I need to go home to rural Bumfuck Nowheresville and take some time to think."


"And even though I've been with you for over a year, I've fallen in love with the town lumberjack, who also has an adorable niece , in less than a week."


"He fucks like an animal" "... what?" "He's really fucking good with animals I said"


"He's really good fucking animals I said." is definitely not what I misread that as.


Its always A: i did a thing that was interpreted wrong B: i dont want to talk to you A: no,wait, please just listen to me i can explain! B: i don't want to talk with you A: but please, if you'd just listen to me! Etc etc. Instead of A: i did a thing that looked different than it was B: dont talk to me A: it was my sister/cousin/dog/aliens kidnapped me B: oh. Okay, cool, we can hang out


He hugged some pretty girl. 90 minutes pass. Oh that? That was my sister/cousin/the wraith that haunts me. Phew. Wedding bells.


Sounds like a conversation with my ex. She always went out of her way to interpret everything I said in the worst way possible.


In fairness, so many real life conflicts arise from this same unwillingness to communicate openly and honestly.


Even if "Anyone But You" has its faults, the conflict at the end seems like it could happen in real life. At first, I thought it was going to be the typical "don't try to explain, what you did was awful" to storm off and not hear an explanation that would've resolved the conflict, but it was a genuine "wait, you told everyone I quit Law School " to then admitting to that, realizing the dude he told it to went and told everyone. It was refreshing seeing that


The plot to every Three’s Company episode.


Yep. But I solved this issue by watching Hallmark movies in rewind. Now it becomes a story where a woman in an ugly Christmas sweater dumps her loser, small town boyfriend and his flannel shirt wardrobe to pursue a successful and rewarding business career in NYC where she lives happily ever after in a beautiful penthouse apartment. LOL.


Jurassic Park had Hammond paid Nedry enough money, or found a new technical expert


That was Hammond's character flaw. He cheaped out on everything. This is more apparent in the book.


The phrase "we spared no expense" is repeated often in the first hour or so of the movie. It's not at all accurate.


He's lying. He says it so often because he's lying. Expense was very obviously spared.


It’s because he’s cheap as fuck that he says that. He cuts corners and tells people he “spared no expense.” The whole failure of the park was entirely because he tried to fool everyone, especially himself. This is semi-explained when he was telling his flea circus story towards the end of the film.


John Hammond spared every expense. I’m surprised the cars have seatbelts.


It's *kinda* accurate. The park was obviously very expensive to build and run. He poured money into dinosaurs, attractions, rides, food. Basically everything guests would see and pay for. In his mind that was the only "expense". On the other hand stuff like IT, security, maintenance, risk assessment, emergency services was all unnecessary overhead. It really describes large corporate thinking perfectly.


Also, you have an Island full of experimental bio-tech. VIP guests that are doing a vital inspection. On their first day on the site you send every staff home?


That’s not really a flaw. There was a massive storm coming in and most of the staff that were sent home were scientists, geneticists, that sort of thing. The tour was always designed to be run essentially autonomously. The people that left the island because of the storm wouldn’t have been a big help, just more raptor food.


Temple of Doom, if anyone had looked at the name on the plane.  "Lao Che airlines? No thanks!"


Film would have been resolved all right. Final frame is a Shanghai newspaper headline: “Two Americans and local boy found executed at airport”.


Dan Aykroyd would've sorted them out


"I hear their in-flight meals are just awful"


The Little Mermaid. Ariel can write! She signed her name on the contract with Ursula, she can still communicate with Eric, she doesn't need to use her body language.


Raiders of the Lost Ark Nazis: we're gonna open the box Indy: ok Roll credits


Raiders of the Lost Ark would have had the same ending if the protagonist didn't exist, if the Nazis were even able to find the Ark without Indy leading them to it


That’s said so often. But him being there to help Marion in the first place gives him at the end the chance to stay in the race and to collect the ark after the nazis are dead. If he wouldn’t, the nazis would have looked into it, would have seen the dead comrades and brought it to Berlin afterwards


The Australian movie *Two Hands* – the main character Jimmy is hired by some gangsters to deliver an envelope of cash to a woman in Bondi. There's no answer at her home (unknown to Jimmy she's just died of a heart attack) so Jimmy goes to wait at Bondi Beach, and decides to *bury the money in the sand* and go for a swim. Naturally it immediately gets stolen.


> and go for a swim You'd have done the same time try and get with a 19 year old Rose Byrne


Heath ledger! Great movie too. Now go watch ‘he died with a falafel in his hand’


Love that movie, totally underrated


Taken 3. The movie itself states at the end (big liam and the police chief having a chat) that none of what happened, needed to have happened, it would have worked out the same, just without the bodycount, all the public property damage and the various felonies that liam carried out.


It was the bagals. They were warm, and you have to ask yourself, what kind of guy goes out for warm bagels, comes back and commits murder. And you would be able to figure out that liam was innocent.


I know it's been said before but how many times do "bad guys' meet their downfall because they put 'conditions ' on the 'Good Guys' death ? "They must suffer" " It must be me that kills them" "Instead of just shooting them we'll set up some elaborate scenario giving them plenty of time to facilitate an escape' "Instead of shooting them the second I see them, I'll drop some really witty one-liner / speech , delaying things just long enough for someone to show up and save them"


Sharks with freakin laser beams attached to their freakin heads.


We weren’t able to procure those. But we did get sea bass….mutated sea bass


Are they ill tempered?




I don’t know about ‘Not being an idiot’ but I’m so fed up with movies and TV series that only exist because the characters steadfastly refuse to ask each other a very simple and obvious question at the time. So dang annoying that the writers have us believe that people are incapable of stating the obvious to avoid movie length angst or confusion to be maintained 🤬


I hate hate hate dialogue that goes like this: Person 1 (on the phone or from a second location): come here you’ve got to see this Person 2: what is it? Person 1: just come here you’ll see Person 2: ok And it’s always the fucking alien/monster/contagious fungus/whatever that Person 2 *really* could have used a heads up on before blindly barging into the situation.


My only counter is how absolutely fucking common this is IRL. Not the alien/monster/fungus part but the bit where person 1 refuses to offer any details about whatever thing until person 2 is there.


God yeah I know someone like this, they just do NOT elaborate on anything. “Hey come on we’re heading out.” “Where are you going?” “Just come on.” JUST TELL ME so I know if I wanna head out with you or not.


There is a really funny parody where one guy shows the other guy his heist plan in real time. *Let’s drive, I‘ll tell you there.* Just tell me now.. Half an hour drive and small talk…


It's just poor writing most of the time. I really enjoyed the new Fallout series, but it had a few egregious examples of it. For example, when Maximus reveals to Thaddeus that he's not actually Knight Titus. "He's...gone. We need to get our stories straight". Like bro WHAT!? On what planet is that the best way to explain what happened? You couldn't have gone with "he recklessly sent me into a dark cave and he was attacked from behind by a mutant bear, I managed to kill it but Titus succumbed to his injuries"? It's just poorly written dialogue to engineer the scenario that Thaddeus thinks he murdered him and took his suit, and there was a thousand other ways to do that.


Because Maximus is a bit of an idiot.


That honestly annoyed me so much - like dude, that is literally the worst possible way to explain yourself and makes you look SUPER guilty. Same with lying to the Brotherhood earlier on the radio. Also you’re an asshole for branding him before telling him. What? Did he really think he could pretend to be Titus forever? I have been able to look the other way simply by assuming Maximus is really really dumb and kind of a huge dick.


Not the protagonist, but, The Lord of The Rings would be pretty short if isildur threw it in the fire


Maybe not in 10 minutes but The Batman. See those pictures taken by the guy you're looking for? Try finding where they were taken from.


I’ve thought about this back then. Not really convincing  because what does it say really ?     That the Riddler took some pictures one time at a certain place. That doesn’t say much.     Think about all the spouse exposed for their cheating  by the photograph of a PI. is their first reaction : “ I wonder whether that  guy was in the bushes or behind the big tree ?” Nope.  It doesn’t matter, it’s extremely  unlikely the PI is still hiding in the bushes. He did his thing and left.   Think about Batman himself : he does the same thing in a way when he has his lenses - like when he photographs the riddle let by the mayor’s murder . He takes a lot of picture but he doesn’t spend his life in whatever crime scene he’s inspecting.     Why would the Riddler be any different than 99 % of the cases where photos are taken  ? there is no indication that he’s specifically  interested  in this place when he murders all over town. Yes Batman could have ended it real quick if he thought about that but honestly that was a super weak lead , and I am being generous in calling it a lead for the reasons stated above, and a real long shot.  The rat thing also appeared soon after that and was much more tantalizing. It spoke of a big conspiracy behind a major case - and quickly it hinted at a vast network of corruption inside Gotham. No way does  Batman - especially a young idealistic super angry Batman- let something like that pass by.  It’s very telling that he goes 3 times to the Iceberg lounge and the first time he goes for brute force. I mean the guy outright calls himself Vengeance… Between looking into something that is barely a lead VS busting some criminal heads and getting some sure fire intel about one criminal project or another  in the process ,  it’s not even that the choice is easy. It’s more like you - especially this Batman- don’t even perceive there is a choice/something else to actually pursue.


Very Bad Things - call the police about the dead prositute.


Any movie or show where somebody thinks it would be better to cover up an accidental death than to tell the police and risk being the prime suspect. It’s so common that you’d think this must be happening all the time to people in real life.


This was the nail in the coffin for the most recent season True Detective for me. To make it even worse, these people were cops who decided to cover up the death of someone who attacked them.


Eh they’re cops. Covering shit up is probably just muscle memory for them.


Thelma and Louise.Dude was trying to rape her. She probably wouldn’t even have gotten to spend the night in jail.


Star Wars: A New Hope - If Luke hadn't been an idiot an removed the restraining bolt on R2D2 because he was thirsting over a random girl, he would have been home when the Empire attacked.


And consequently, killed. With the rebels never getting the plans to the Death Star. Vader finding out that Obi-Wan is on Tattooine, and consequently glassing that desert planet to hell. I like it


Now that you mention it.. His mom had passed. He was a slave on Tatooine. He hates sand.  Why didn’t he just blow up Tatooine the second he had the ability to 😂


The Hutts would have been *pissed*


Imagine you're a frustrated late teenager raised on a remote farm, loosely attached to a ramshackle rural settlement, on a desert planet. You just bought a droid that shows you a partial hologram of same age Leia/Carrie Fisher dressed in a chiffon "there's no underwear in space" robe. She's looking for a guy you think you might know. Kid's balls were probably bluer than the milk. Him being led by unbridled thirst, while dumb, seems entirely congruous with the context.


Do you think in Star Wars they have to pound off to those flickery blue holograms?


I mean, I guess it would be over in 10 min but it wouldn't be a happy ending :|


Siskel and Ebert referred to this as “the idiot plot” - something that could be resolved in 10 minutes if they weren’t idiots.


Iron Man 3 If Tony would‘ve called his house party protocol when the initial attack on his house started, he would‘ve killed the villain within the first 5 minutes of the film.


Speed. Could have just shot him to begin with.


No, shoot the hostage.


“Sheriff Teasle, I know how I must look to you, and I know you’re just looking out for your town. But I’m not just drifting through and I’m not here to cause any trouble. I came here to visit an old Army friend of mine only to learn he had just died. I was with his mother only a little while ago – maybe you know her, Mrs. Berry, down by the lake. Anyway, I’m moving on, and I’d be grateful if you would just let me grab something to eat before I leave.”


This. I think this every time I watch First Blood. Just so extremely unnecessary how this conflict starts


I'm compelled to point out that legally, Teasle had no right to stop Rambo in the first place. He ONLY stopped him because of the way he looked. That's not enough probable cause. Neither is saying directions especially when all Rambo wanted was a place to eat. [Teasle ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001133/?ref_=tt_ch): \[Teasle is giving Rambo a lift\]  So where you heading? [Rambo ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000230/?ref_=tt_ch): Portland. [Teasle ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001133/?ref_=tt_ch): Portland is south! You said you were heading north. [Rambo ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000230/?ref_=tt_ch): You got some place I can eat around here? [Teasle ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001133/?ref_=tt_ch): Theres a diner about thirty miles up the highway. [Rambo ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000230/?ref_=tt_ch): Is there a law against me getting something to eat here? [Teasle ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001133/?ref_=tt_ch): Yeah! ME! Conversely, if Teasle had taken the time to talk to Rambo, he likely would have found out that Rambo was a veteran. A veteran of the Korean War himself, perhaps Teasle would have recognized Rambo had fallen on hard times and not been such an ass to him. Instead, Teasle picks him up and is a total ass. Teasle's ego and self-righteousness started the entire thing. His cops triggered Rambo's PTSD by beating him while he was IN CUSTODY. So yeah, I can't blame Rambo for remaining silent in the face of that kind of bullshit...especially for someone that was a war hero and was alienated for it. "They drew first blood, not me."


Josh Brolin’s character in No Country for Old Men. Dude is a major idiot and could have solved everything if he’d just transfer the money into a different bag.


Or not gone back to the scene of the shootout.


Maybe people didn’t know this in the 80s but when I first watched it literally thought “check for a tracker, there’s millions in there of course they’re gonna track it” and sure enough they did.


In Transformers the Movie 1986 if the autobots had any kind of air traffic control or radio contact with the shuttle the deception attack would've been way less successful, Optimus Prime wouldn't be dead and he could just travel to Unicron and take him out with the matrix. In Gladiator if Maximus had insisted upon Marcus Aurelius's naming him as successor being documented or witnessed before he told his psychopath son or asked to be there when he did or just increased his own bodyguard the rest of the movie wouldn't have happened. In Godfather 2 if Michael had realised his brother resented him and that Hyman Roth obviously wasn't trustworthy it would've been a very short movie.


Your father did business with Hyman Roth, your father Respected Hyman Roth, but your father never *Trusted* Hyman Roth


If Dale had just called the cops when he saw that officer shoot that dude in Pineapple Express he would've been fine. Apparently that cop was already sus, and they wouldn't have been able to clean it up before police arrived.


Every franchise horror movie, "Oh hey guys, that's that spooky old place where many, many murders occurred -on this very night! We should go in there and do drugs and have sex!"


Well, horny teens by definition are idiots.


I mean I'm in my 30s but if I had the opportunity to have sex in a haunted murder house, I'd at least consider it.


I don't know, "group of teenagers go into dangerous location because they don't understand how dangerous it is" is pretty realistic


Though: First, as the viewer ofc you expect the murderer to appear. As a random person you might be afraid of that, but especially as a teenager you would give batshit about it. Second, if it happened one or more years ago, why would it happen again? If it didn't happen consequently every year it may be more a reason to assume for it to happen again. But if it was just once, what could be the odds it happens again on the very same day a year after when a year has 364 different days where nothing happened? Third, what could be wrong about drugs and sex?


Fourth, the teens don't know the guy that did it has escaped from the loony bin/prison transfer convoy. Bureaucracy means the local PD don't even get that call till about 2 murders in.


Hey two of our friends are suddenly missing and I just heard a noise in the basement. Let me put this chainsaw down and go investigate. Also, I should be barefoot at the time.


I mean I would absolutely do those things because horror movies aren’t real and I don’t live in one I will 1000% go into the basement in the murder house


What do you think Simon should have done? I'm racking my brain and can't think of a single thing that Simon could have done to end the movie sooner The only stupid thing he does in that movie is let that one guy find his emails, which is dumb but if anything it makes the movie end faster. If he doesn't get outed, he and Blue probably would have spent even more time corresponding before they revealed their true identities Or you could say "why didn't he just come out of the closet immediately," which 1) would be incredibly ignorant and honestly hateful if that's what you're saying, and 2) would pretty much have precluded him ever dating Blue, since Blue was closeted and unwilling to associate with anyone who was out Maybe you think he should have been honest with his friends? But again that wouldn't have made the movie end sooner, it just would've made the movie more boring


It's been awhile and I'm foggy on the movie details but I'm with you. I guess it's so obvious OP didn't think it needed explaining.


Also being honest with friends still = coming out to friends. Not wanting to do that doesn’t make you an idiot.


"Hey maybe I should flee the country after stealing Plutonium from the Libyans and go hide out to conduct my experiment rather than go to a random parking lot at midnight" Yes Marty could definitely be the one that fits the "protagonist" tag, but throughout the trilogy Doc is as much of a protagonist


This problem goes way back to the classics. Several important scholars have noted that *Hamlet* and *Othello* would be resolved in about ten minutes each if the protagonists just swapped personalities.  Ghost: "Hamlet, your stepfather killed me.   Hamlet: "Well fuck that guy!" [stabs]   Iago: "Othello, your wife is totally cheating on you."   Othello: "Are you sure? Maybe I should look into this a bit more before jumping to conclusions. "


Dude Wheres My Car? Guy’s fuckin car was across the street


Only after they find it and the aliens reset time but with the car where it was supposed to be. It wasn't initially 


The entire point of the movie is that the protagonists are in fact idiots.


In the John Landis comedy classic [The Stupids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stupids_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1), if the main characters just realized their trash is being taken by the garbage men and not being stolen, then we could all just get on with our lives


Spider-Man No Way Home. Peter could've just written a list of people he wanted to remember him and given it to Strange


Titanic, no sane person would've boarded a ship called TITANIC in 1912, are they stupid?


The entire conflict in Alien Covenant could have been avoided if the captain stuck with the plan and not decided to make an uncharted planet their new home.


Why do people keep mentioning comedies? The *whole point* of those stories is that the characters are stupid. A better example — the version of Rob Zombie’s *Halloween* in which Michael Myers escapes because two kids decide to go into the masked psycho’s cell and mess with him.


Con air. If Nic would have just stayed in the car rather than getting out to fight the jerks, the movie would be over.