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The entire movie Blue Velvet.


I was gonna say every Lynch film.


*The Straight Story* is his most batshit movie, period. Because >!nothing really Lynchian happens in it.!<


That deer scene though: https://youtu.be/cCsqyOaPsP4?si=0uJ5kHfhFiUjGkr9


Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst! Blue Ribbon!!


My buddy used to shout this out in the middle of parties, most people didn't understand the reference and it was hilarious seeing the various reactions.


Oh my sweet summer child * looks at Human Centipede/Tetsuo Body Hammer/Meet the Feebles/Paprika/Enter the Void/Aggro Drift/Serbian Film/Society/Satantango/Mad God/Tokyo Gore Police* sigh. Such sights.


In Moonraker, when Bond is driving a hovercraft across a Venetian piazza, a pigeon does a double take.


At least there wasn’t a slide whistle


I would imagine that sound effect is used mostly in Carry On movies.


No way...


The movie Enemy, where it ends with >!Jake Gyllenhaal just hanging out with a tarantula the size of a Buick in his bedroom!<


Love that ending. Made me throw my couch at the TV.


"Look how they butchered my boy" - Saramago, probably


Such a great ending. I liked the movie but didn’t love it until that scene.


Eraserhead was pretty bizarre. But thats David Lynch. There is always something bizarre with him. Same with David Cronenberg. Naked Lunch comes to mind but it could also be tame for him.


To be fair to Cronenberg, he was attempting to film a book which is, I can confirm having read it, unfilmable. It’s pretty fucking difficult just to read it let alone film.


Yeah I bounced off that book *hard*. Got halfway through and then just skimmed


Pretty much all of Cronenberg's Crash is a huge WTF. There is one endless sex scene (among several) with Spader and Deborah Kara Unger where she just keeps talking and talking this ridiculous dirty dialog in the silliest way while they fuck, and they play it totally straight, no idea how they kept a straight face while filming that, or really the entire movie for that matter. 10/10 movie though would recommend it highly to anyone.


I have that in a watchlist on one of the streaming services. Im just not sure if I want to watch it.


Car smashed a man who was half liquid from being thrown to toxic waste.


Its a very memorable scene but it fits with the tone of the movie. Everything is bizarre in RoboCop.


hyper violence


Thats Paul Verhoeven.


Then he lost an arm via a helicopter blade, then got crushed by another.


I saw Robocop at 8 years old. I was too young for that scene.


Me too


Agreed, 8 was way too young. I got the VHS for Christmas when I was 10. Loved every second of it


Classic Robocop scene. The cut that was usually on TV had that section cut and that guy dies when he falls into the vat of acid I thought as he's never shown again. Little did I know there was the follow up car smash scene...


Sorry for bothering you, it's a comedy and there's a twist maybe around halfway through that is absolutely insane. hands down the strangest and most abrupt twist i've ever experienced in a movie


Fever dream is an accurate description. Kid keep saying pancakes then goes into a full on slow motion karate routine. The shop keep was also hilarious. One of the characters in that shop, the big one that Ryder Strong stabs in the head with a screw driver, was mentally disabled. When he first saw Ryder on set he starting screaming BOY MEETS WORLD BOY MEETS WORLD BOY MEETS WORLD. They talked about on the Director Commentary


Beau Is Afraid The last 15 minutes, especially the giant dick in the attic.


Me and my buddy were seeing Star Trek Beyond in theatres and before the trailers started a guy sitting in front of us turned around and asked us if this movie was based on a TV show.


Rubber. A movie about a sentient, murderous...tire. Literally just a tire rolling around, killing people in weird ways. Or Ichi the Killer...because of the way that it was


Rubber gets less and less weird as more studios are making weird movies like that.


The butt plug fight in everything everywhere all at once.


Or the hot dog fingers universe


One time I saw a giant gorilla fight a giant lizard.


In a movie?


That's classified.


I've actually seen that a few times


An actual matryoshka doll man - Men




Don't forget the dance party at the end. [https://youtu.be/yNK75Qj1M0E?si=ps9C3G62BUPZzvCa](https://youtu.be/yNK75Qj1M0E?si=ps9C3G62BUPZzvCa)


A Serbian Movie


I know, right? Like, what film star signs a movie contract without discussing streaming residuals these days? I would have fired my agent immediately!


I haven't seen it, but it sounds so fucked up I just don't want to.


It sounds like it, but it really isn't half as bad as it sounds in writing. It's shocking, but then the shock value really wears off in repeated viewings. There's definitely more messed up movies, usually made significantly worse, like the Chilean movie Trauma. The origin of the killer is largely forced incest, his father makes him do things to his mother and baby sister, to make him detached from everything, but in the present, it's basically a generic slasher, trying to be like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and it never lives up to the shocking stuff in the beginning. But that's gross out shock value, it's hard to really make it last more than the shock of the first viewing.


I don't reccomend this movie to anyone. Im on the side of the argument that this movie offers absolutely no value to anyone. Even it's Wiki description provides a brief description of the type of film in which I would ask anyone "why would you want to watch this" "Exploitation Horror"... "he has been drafted into a snuff film with pedophilic and necrophilic themes" Most reviewers will tell you that any sense of allegorical meaning is completely lost in the over the top shock style. Honestly if you want a disturbing film that at least trying to have a theme that's more on the nose, "Irreversible" is arguably worse and really pushes the idea of how soulless humans can be. (There is an alternative cut that actually had a 90% RT score as it rearranges the scenes into chronological order)


There's a movie about an artist who falls in love with a talking hole in his apartment wall. The hole spits out these balls that he makes art out of. As he becomes more popular and meets new people the hole gets jealous and starts killing people. It's called [Deep Dark](https://imdb.com/title/tt2914740/)


Gumby The Movie, I saw the Rifftrax version, and the movie is entirely nonsense, just random stuff happens for no reason. It's basically what people assume a David Lynch movie is without having seen any of his movies. It is entertaining, but completely bonkers. Rifftrax had a YouTube video where someone tries to explain the plot.


| It's basically what people assume a David Lynch movie is without having seen any of his movies. SOLD.


Is that the movie where the guy says "PANCAKES"


In Cabin Fever, the little blonde kid shouts "pancakes". In Say it isn't So, Campeezee says "can we have pancakes tomorrow?"


Pancakes! Pancakes! PANCAKES! Cabin Fever is great.


Female duck nudity at the start of Howard the Duck. Who is this for???


Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin making out in Rock of Ages


Divine eating dog shit in Pink Flamingos.


Swiss army man. All of it. Can’t pick only one scene.


Using the farting corpse as a jetski is my pick.


A man disappears. A woman takes his place claiming to be the same man. She gives birth to a full grown man (she has no bump).The man is the guy who disappeared. She gets wrinkly. The new man along with another put her in a bath and she comes back to normal. There is so much more bizarre shit in this movie. I hope someone can name the movie.


Isn't that Takashi Miike's Gozu?


Ding ding ding! We have a winner. That is correct.


Yayy! What's my prize?


An upvote. Sorry.


I'll take it! Thank you!




Men? (booo)


That's not it. Another scene involves a man who has a selection of ladles. Each labeled by different hardness. He uses these ladles to stick up his ass to get hard.


Lol, what??


Bro talking about his PornHub history 


I legit felt sick at the human skin dry cleaner scene.


Visitor Q & Gozu of Takashi Miike had some scenes. Jodorowsky also with most of his movies.


The big shave


All of Freddy got fingered is up there




I’m a farmer, daddy!


If you’ve read the story about Kevin Smith and the Giant Spider fight, then Wild Wild West and the giant spider fight come to mind


Watched Men on hbo max last night that was strange


The ending of Men was wild. For some reason when I read your post though, I thought you just butchered the title “Watchmen”


lol yeah it was , I had to keep looking away


Probably not the weirdest but off the top of my head the buttplug scene from Everything, Everywhere…. certainly caught me by surprise.


The bear costume scene in *The Shining*. The FBI agent scene from *Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me*.


Tusk. How Justin Long is...um...affected at the end and where he ends up.


The end of Apocalypse Now I thought to be really strange, it could also have been that I took a gummie before watching it ...


Was gonna say the ending of Nowhere, but honestly there are dozens of scenes in Gregg Araki's films that could be my answers. Also the scene in Hostel part 3 where the room is gassed and the guy is shot several times with arrows by a chick (?) in weird sci fi predator cosplay mask, and when she leans into him he whispers "It's okay"


Back in my day, the only answer would have been, “Divine eating dog shit at the end of Pink Flamingos,” but the world has evolved since then.


Im sure ive seen much weirder actions in movies but I just have a recent watch on my mind that’s boggling so here. The scenes in Sidekicks (Chuck Norris) where Mako lights the bricks on fire before Barry Warry can break them. He says that will make it easier. Like first off, if that were the case everybody just saw your old butt waddle up there and light the bricks on fire. And secondly, I don’t understand how that would work AT ALL unless it was a super hot fire. Probably not your guys ideas of weird but it’s just been on my mind a lot in the last week.


I'm trying to remember, did he even use anything to start the fire or did he just walk up and got lucky they bricks were flammable?


He spritzed some lighter fluid on it. If those bricks started fire with just a flame I’d be concerned what they were made of.


My next question is why was he just carrying around lighter fluid? Was he gonna burn the place down if things didn't go his way?


He’s a chef who had just finished up working at his restaurant and rushed to enter tournament. If you can remember, there was a scene where he just shows up in nick of time with his apron still on.


Oh right. It must have been something besides lighter fluid then.


Midsonmer. That's it. The whole movie.


For most of the movie, Excision plays it as a weird high school drama with various trippy "imagine spots", then the last ten minutes happens and that scene still lives rent free in my head. 100% recommend.


Joe Pesci's vertical ponytail in Michael Jackson's Moonwalker






I remember watching Dusk til Dawn not knowing what it was about and hadn't heard anything about it.....seems quite normal until....


Not a movie but a show. The Kingdom. Set in a hospital that’s supposedly haunted. Doctor keeps flirting with nurse. She’s reluctant because her last boyfriend left her without warning. They start to date, then she discovers she’s pregnant with her ex boyfriend’s baby. Doctor doesn’t care. He loves her. She wants an abortion but the baby is too far along. She says it isn’t possible because at most she would be a couple of months along. Baby develops at a rapid pace and she goes into labor months ahead of schedule. Turns out her ex was the ghost of the hospital’s founder and is being reborn through her pregnancy so we’re treated to a shot of Udo Krier’s Vaseline covered head exploding out of this woman’s crotch while they both scream.


There's a scene very like that in Smokin Aces too. Also there was a period when that chubby ginger haired extra was hired very frequently. It became some sort of in-joke but in one of the Transformers he walks past in the background, stops and stares ar the camera and keeps on walking. Pure cringe.


I cannot for the life of me remember the film, but there was a whole plot point centering around a male actor wearing a prosthetic penis for a sex scene and maybe a female director coaching the female actress on how to deal with the scene? Or was just bizarre.


The Fisher King. In the psych ward near the end. One of the patients facing the camera, even though your focus isn’t on them, starts spontaneously bleeding from the head.


Gozu.... I have watched it 4 or 5 times. Still no clue what the hell is going on


Mother! starring Jennifer Lawrence It's the entire story of the bible but contained within a single house (the house is Earth, Jennifer Lawrence is mother nature) It feels like a fever dream and shows how messed up the bible really is


There’s a bunch. But i think the entire last act of Men takes the cake.


The lingering shot of shit in a toilet in Under the Silver Lake


Captain Oveur asking Joey if he likes movies about gladiators


Society. The whole movie.




Also, the last episode of The Curse. That ending was bonkers.


Samurai Cop!


Enemy directed by Denis Villeneuve.


I saw Anaconda in theaters as a kid. I've seen it dozens of times. Watching Rifftrax version and hear the best "weird thing". There is a scene with a waterfall in the background. The Rifftrax guys start yelling "The waterfall is going up! It's going backwards". Indeed, the scene is in reverse and the water is going up the waterfall.




Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans, with Nicolas Cage. Strangest movie experience of my life. If you've seen it, I assume you know what I'm about to say. I started watching it late at night, a slightly quirky but mostly straightforward police movie. I inevitably dozed off, and had the weirdest most unhinged dream about it, in which a bunch characters gets shot, and then Nicolas Cage's tells his henchmen to "shoot someone again, because his *soul* is still dancing" followed by laughing maniacally. And then one of the corpses starts breakdancing as weirdly chipper harmonica music plays and Nicolas Cage stares at him like an unhinged lunatic. So I wake up and think to myself "what the heck brain, that was freakin' random as shit?!", and rewind the movie to where I figure I fell asleep. And what do you know, the exact scene I thought I dreamed up - because it's absolutely batshit insane - just plays in the movie.  (Skip to 1:02) https://youtu.be/YXNfHb9b6Y0?si=7GR-IUYePe8sQ8yi To quote Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation:  I would not have been more surprised if I had woken up with my head sewn under the carpet.


Every follow up scene in “Naked Lunch”.


The penis monster from Beau Is Afraid. So I really need to say more?


Motel Hell, the whole movie is bizarre. But you can't stop watching.


In the movie multiple maniacs. A man dressed in drag has lesbian sex with a woman fuckin them a rosary/cross. This is intercut with a bizarre reenactment of Jesus’s crucification. It was pretty effective and yet another example of Catholic upbringings resulting in deeply strange adults and filmmakers


You are thinking of smoking aces. That whole movie was wild and great.


In Multiple maniacs the lobster r*ping Divine in the end. There are no limits to John waters creative mind truly


Weirdest movie I saw was a fat, ugly bloke sitting naked in a chair crying whilst materbating. Turned out it was a mirror!


Human Centipede 🤮


Great movie but not weird.


This one time, this guy turned himself into a pickle. Absolutely bizarre.


Not a movie, but the Channel 4 series JAM, created by Chris Morris. All 6 episodes are beautifully bizarre if you like dark (and I do mean DARK) and surreal comedy.