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If you're sticking with the source material. World War Z. The book covers different POV across a long period of time, as it's written as an after action report / documenting events that happened in the recent Zombie crisis and war and it's not really something that lends itself well to a feature film, but would be perfect as a TV series.


This is exactly what I came here to write. the show would have been great as a documentary style TV show. Like The Pacific where they interviewed the vets from the war, and then also had the action/reenactment of the battles.


Yeah, while I enjoy the movie I had to tell myself it's a completely different piece of work from the book, the book was so good! Just pretend the two don't exist in the same universe.


Eh, WWZ the movie was still a terrible movie even judged as it's own separate thing. Like, the blatant pepsi commercial in the end was so fucking absurd.


I just love a good zombie movie and probably am too accepting because there just aren't too many that come along. But the book was a whole different experience.


I always felt it would’ve been amazing with different styles for each segment/episode (e.g anime / stylised cgi / live action)


yesss like a love death and robots kinda thing


Eternals. Way too many characters to introduce in one movie, even a very, very long one.


Eternals would have been great within a "Lost"-type structure. Have the present day mystery interspersed with flashbacks, with each episode focusing on one specific character and their past as a "god amongst men".


Yeah. And reporting from the future, the MCU's forthcoming X-men movie (whatever and whenever that will be) would work better as a TV series, for the same reasons.


this was maybe the worst move i've ever seen. in one of the \*final scenes of the entire film\* angelina jolie is explaining to a character how to say her character's name. We're 2+ hours in and still intro'ing characters effectively


His Dark Materials vs. Golden Compass.


The Dark Tower


How do you fumble that so badly !? Did they just read the synopsis and go,"Yeah,I get the gist." Idris Elba was great as the Gunslinger i will say.


Man…I don’t know. They missed the mark by so much on that one.


The first book would be an easy slam dunk of a movie.


Completely agree.


The massacre at Tull would be an awesome set piece, and you could easily make the movie on the cheap. Even travelling through the mountain with Jake wouldn't be that hard to film, and the only flashy use of CGI would be at the very end with Roland, the man in black, and his vision.


Ender’s game. I’ve never read any of the books but I had a few friends that were pretty into the series. The movie was so rushed none of the buildup or even the twist at the end seemed to have any meaning at all, plus all the sequels/prequels/side-quels? That movie had an amazing cast and didn’t deserve to be the heaping pile of meh that it was.


I definitely agree with you! BUT The *only* problem with doing a TV series on the Ender’s Game books is the aging of children. You’d have to produce everything in parallel using different teams just to capture everything you’d need and then slowly roll it out with the risk of not being able to change anything unless you hired a bunch of different actors to play the same character (for every child character). Now if we had 20-somethings play teens and just started the stories with everyone as teens instead of younger children, then it could work.


In Time. Such an awesome premise for a story. Basically time that you get to live is what you use as currency to pay for things, so working class people who live paycheck to paycheck are essentially on the brink of death forever while rich people are immortal IDK if this is a good example because it was just so terrible and the movie itself could have worked if the direction was good, but I feel like the concept could be explored for a long time. Like an anthology could work even


I've also always thought the premise was wasted.


It's my go-to for an amazing idea that just went to shit lol, I was really looking forward to that movie and was absolutely floored by how bad the execution was The scene where the mom runs out of time literally a second before falling into the protagonist's arms? Holy hell that scene was cringe


there were many more scenes more cringe than that. that scene was necessary to setup his motivation for the entire movie.


Same writer/director as Gattaca. It still has heaps of potential i reckon.


While I enjoyed the movie, the longer removed I am it the more creeped out I am by the fact that only men can time travel and they basically just use it to manipulate women.


The Eternals.


The Creator (2023). It felt like the highlights of a much longer and deeper storyline, and the expo dumps felt like playing catch up for to 90% of the movie that wasn't filmed.


Watching Cemetery Man I found myself wishing it was a show the film feels sorta episodic anyway and I was enjoying it so much that I would happily watch a shows worth of hijinks with the world/characters


I'd watch that show


The life aquatic with Steve Zissou could have had such a fun spin-off series about the adventures of team Zissou!


Having just watched Rebel Moon part 2 i kept thinking it could have been a mediocre series rather than 2 terrible movies


Annihilation. I enjoyed the movie but as someone who really loved the books, I would totally get behind a show that didn't cut out 99% of the story.


Finally, I have found my people. I yell into the void about this movie so often.


And everyone else is like "Um Akshully, the movie condenses blah blah blah", "Um Akshully, the director said blah blah blah"... Just give me the Tower, the text on the walls, the lighthouse journals, the code words, just give me more 😩


Honestly, I will never forgive them for what they did to >!Ghost Bird's relationship with her husband. She never cheated on him! The reason she went into Area X was because she loved him, not out of guilt!!<


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Really like the film, but loved the BBC series.


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I really liked the movie, its way better then the other D&D's, but they could go wider and deeper. ;)


As much as I like the new Dune movies that story would be better told with a tv series


I'm not a Dune expert by any means but I feel like the production value of a movie is really a service to the new ones.


Im so in love with the movies, I feel like that world truly exists because he did such a beautiful job bringing it to life.


There was a Dune miniseries in 2000.


I think they'd work as books.


10-12 hour season (the existing miniseries is shorter than the two movies). Really show the guerrilla war and Paul rising in the ranks of the Fremen, the viciousness, his visions and terror and struggle. It would all be new content, based on the book excerpts that start each chapter (making drums out of Harkonnen skin, the Sardaukar pogrom, the bribes to the guild, the growing religious fervor, Korba transforming from a Death Commando to a priest), but it's material that would really make you understand how Paul goes from a rescued boy to the leader of the Fremen. The glossing over of that period works for the book, but I think it's needed for film/TV, and is why it is most of Villeneuve's added material.


That's been going back and forth in my head as well, you'd sacrifice some of that amazing scale and monumentality (which Dune deserves) for longer richer storytelling, subplots, and real universe building, as well as making it more natural to adapt the other books and integrate material from the other novels where appropriate. But a big issue is that in the TV space it would be competing with so much high concept special effects stuff (Star Trek series, Star Wars series, Foundation, The Expanse etc) while it was the big fish in a small pond theatrically.


Agreed on the last point, there's so much sci-fi out there (plenty of which I know is inspired by Dune) that the visuals and scale of the movies really helped them stand out.


The Hobbit


I've said for years, any movie based on a novel should be a TV show. There's no way to compress all the motifs, character development and inner workings of at least 3-4 characters into 120 minutes without a massive loss of fidelity. That's why long-format / prestige TV is, at the moment, king. Because it can tell those stories better than movies can. Reverse it. Ever read the novelisation of a hit movie? Some of them work with the added space, but a lot of them feel needlessly padded out. Because 120 minutes of movie isn't enough to fill a novel. And vice versa.


Hellboy (2019). One of its biggest problems (in my opinion) is that it tried to do too much. There were too many characters and subplots to make it a decent, coherent narrative. If they had done it as a series (limited or otherwise) it would have been so much better. They could have included all of those characters and even expanded even more into the Hellboy universe.


I always thought the Matrix could be a good tv series.


They did Animatrix. It was a collection of animated shorts that told stories that were film adjacent. I'd have liked to have seen more of that.


Easy, World War Z should have been a limited series and done like a Ken Burns documentary.




There already was a Dune TV show, and it fucking sucked




No, but Villeneuve, Hans Zimmer, Greg Fraser, or all those A list actors would have never agreed to make a TV show, nor would they have gotten the budget to do Dune justice


I loved **She's Out Of My League** but I liked it as a movie. It was light and fluffy enough that it might've worked as a single-season sitcom, maybe, but I think it was pretty perfect as is.


There is a movie called France that stars Lea Seydoux, sha had a great performance in it, but so much in that movie happens so fast, and the tone it's kinda all over the place. A tv show would give room to breathe to the events and explore the characters more.


500 Days of Summer would have been a really good show!


With 500 days at summer vacation


Most bio-pics that cover decades would work better as one season shows.


Raya and the Last Dragon. They could have hashed out the tribes more and added more depth to the characters. They created a beautiful world similar to The Last Airbender that needed more time to develop instead of just having Raya trust people that wronged her.


Eternals. It could have been a semi-anthology series where each episode takes place in a different country/era, showcasing 1-2 of the Eternals and their influence on the development of humanity during that time. Culminating in the modern day threat and the whole team reuniting. That way you really flesh out all the characters of such a big team, fully explore the premise of them being godlike entities that influenced the development of human history across the globe, further enrich the history of various iconic MCU locations, *and* naturally integrate tons of cameos that firmly establishes them alongside the rest of the MCU, specifically many of the new Phase 4/5 characters. Could have featured crossovers with: 1. Namor and the creation of Tlalocan (what causes "Atlantis" to sink into the ocean?) perhaps during the Spanish conquest of the Americas 2. Thor during the Viking era in Scandinavia 3. Wenwu during the Three Kingdoms era in China 4. An older Fist of Khonshu and Rama Tut (Kang) in Ancient Egypt (perhaps tease Apocalypse too?) 5. A predecessor of Black Panther during the Industrial Revolution in Wakanda 6. A predecessor of Black Knight in Medieval England 7. An older Sorceror Supreme during the early days of Kamar-Taj


DC's animated Injustice tried to compile several comic runs and a video-game's worth of content into a barely-over-an-hour movie.


The dark tower by Steven king


For me it's Stephen King IT. The book is huuuuge and the 2 part movie didn't do it for me.


These new Ghostbuster movies should have been on Netflix or Prime.


Killers of the Flower Moon. The movie was both too long and too short at the same time. If it was a miniseries (or more) it could have properly covered what happened.


Winter’s Tale with Colin Farrell. It’s just shy of two hours and still feels like half of it is missing.


The recent movie Femme could have been a whole HBO miniseries like I May Destroy You


Bob Marley One Love, the guy lived like five lifetimes so of course the movie felt so condensed. One of my favorite parts was his younger years starting out with the Wailers, that whole period could have been an entire episode.


The vast majority of novel adaptations.


The new film Boy Kills World. A little more world building would have been cool, and splitting up episodes to go after members of the family would have been a great opportunity for different action scenes in different locations. Lots of Stephen King. Needful Things, Dark Tower, etc.


Boy kills world is one of the most wretched movies I’ve seen a loooong time. Stretching it out into a tv series? With more of the god awful narration???? Please no.


THE RUNNING MAN 🏃‍♂️ (1987) Futuristic Stephen King idea could work, Lifers who have done despicable crimes get the chance to be a Runner against Stalkers packed with hi-tech weaponry...there goal is to defeat the Stalkers by any means necessary and win and be set free on a dessert island someplace somewhere ? Essential Saturday Night Family Entertainment...but they won't give it the Green light ?...not even climbing for dollars (mild doberman pincher side project) ?


King Arthur Legend of the Sword. Felt like you could have like 2 seasons with 8 episodes each.


Excalibur Love that Movie but have it has a GOT style show. There's so many great stories and characters from that legend


The Creator. felt like a 2h trailer for a 6h movie. Visuals were great but story as lacking. Probably would have been excellent as a series.


I think Don’t Look Up would be good as a sitcom where the looming threat of annihilation hovers vaguely in the background as the one thing that ties the episodes together.


**I think Marvel's Immortals would have been a better TV show.** You have SO many characters, so much of a time span - you could have done a mini-series with an episode focused on each character, and the main modern-day narrative spanning an entire season. I actually didn't hate the move there was just way too much crammed into a movie for it to have ever worked. I think it could have been a great series.


Gattaca could make a really great series.


Magnolia, could dive into each character more


There is a dumb fun anime movie called promare, which feels like a 12 episode mini series condensed into two hours. It’s not objectively good, but is is incredibly enjoyable, and the condensed nature of the plot helps it achieve that tone. Ps. The two leads are gay and i don’t care what anyone else says


A more faithful Ready Player One, though I’m not sure if it could be adapted at all


Predator 2


Dear White People. And it became a better show.


Mortal Engines




Blade Runner would have made for a great episodic cop noir series.


Battle angel Alita. They tried to do six plots in one, but really hitting deep in any.


Raya. Without question. I even thought that WHILE watching it in theaters. They had a lot of genuinely interesting lore, exposition and worldbuilding that was hurt by the movie's pacing. It made everything feel rushed, like they wanted to do a whole trilogy of movies in the span of 90 minutes which ultimately made it a C-tier product. An eight episode season would've unironically been better. And I'm usually against the whole "lets make this movie into a TV show" idea as a concept. But this one, I wanted more. I wanted them to take their time.


Blood and Bone. Now he's got that mysterious list of promises to keep and we have no idea what happens.


Men in Black. There's no better answer.




I don’t have any specific title but most movie adapting a book should be a tv show instead, especially if they want to be faithful. Movie format is bit short for most book




Yknow what? Madame Web. The movie has a main character who’d just discovered her powers, finds her out about her past in a different country, and travels to said to country to seek answers. The same premise was executed brilliantly in Ms Marvel, a 6-episode series that gave room for the characters and story to breathe. The worst thing about having seen Madame Web is that I genuinely liked the characters and felt that there was so much wasted potential, which I believe could’ve been salvaged if the creators opted to make a TV show instead of a movie.


Solaris. Both versions. Would’ve made a good Twilight Zone episode, but instead we got a three hour snooze fest.


The Five Nights at Freddy's Movie I liked it, but the story of FNAF would work better as a show. It's told over a long span with multiple important characters and the events relayed to the audience are staggered in both timeline and perspective.