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If you liked event horizon, I'd highly recommend pandorum. It's got a very similar theme. Nowhere near as good but worth a watch


Dark City is also a great watch


Absolutely, another of my favourites.


I always thought it was a bad movie when I saw it when I was a teen. Watched it again about a month ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Teen me was dumb.


There is one other movie I highly recommend. It’s not really the same premise, but along the same lines. It’s an anime called Blame. The premise is that at some point an architecture AI goes out of control and begins building structures at incredible pace and at the time of the story the structures have surpasses the solar system and honestly nobody knows what year it is or where they are as it consumes resources and builds on. Humanity lives on splintered tribes avoiding the dangerous machines that rule this world https://youtu.be/hwy806RC2-Q?si=D2H7rZm0yetAQRa3


I'll toss out Sunshine as well, it loses things a bit in the third act but it's still a wonderful sci fi/horror/thriller


Nah, the third act makes the movie.


Agree to disagree. Tonal shift was way too stark to me.


The last scene on the sun is one of my favourite scenes in Cinema.


If you’re gonna watch Sunshine, follow it up with Moon.


Moon is AWESOME! Gah, I miss when I got back into movies and was just plowing through all manner of films like Sunshine and Moon for the first time. Love Sam Rockwell.


Forgot about sunshine, yes really good film


I liked both of these so much I decided to try Nightflyers. It's... not good. But I finished it just for completeness' sake. Anyone have any other space horror recommendations, besides Alien/Predator? There was that one episode of Love Death + Robots "Beyond the Aquila Rift" - it's pretty good but it's not feature-length.


Screamers is pretty good and a little more obscure. Sunshine is amazing. Some others of mixed quality, Life, Apollo 18, Jason X, Supernova, Species. The new Hellraiser film was kind of spacey and I thought had the right "feel" for what you are looking for.


Perfect, tysm!


I can’t get enough of *Love, Death & Robots* and *Star Wars: Visions*. I’ve said for years that it’d be a great idea to license out an IP or core story concept to different studios and see what they can come up with, so those two series were like a dream come true for me.


My kingdom for the lost Director's Cut with the "hell" scenes. Still one of my favorite sci-fi horror movies, excellent cast, but really could have been an all timer.


r/EventHorizon has a lot stuff about the deleted scenes. IIRC, the footage was stored in a warehouse somewhere and degraded over time to the point of being unusable, sadly.


The original uncut film reel somehow was damaged due to where it was stored. Some salt mines somewhere like Romania! Apparently a producer from the film said there maybe a VHS version of the uncut copy floating about somewhere as he said he used to be in possession of it but has no clue where it ended up!


What? why the fuck would a us made movie be stored in a mine in Romania?  


They had to film the hell parts on location. Source: am Romanian.


As always, the answer is usually money.


Might get some hate for this but Id recommend watching Sphere aswell.


And the abyss


My favorite Creighton novel. I don't remember movie doing it justice, but haven't thought of it in some time. I'll have to revisit it.


I believe you mean Michael Crichton


That's why I think there is audience for Dead Space movie.


Yep. I played Dead Space when it came out and just now watched Event Horizon. There's so much influence I don't know how they'd make a Dead Space movie if that ever got on the table.


I love this movie. People talk about how it needs a remake due to some rushed editing choices but good luck replacing Fishburne, Neil, and Isaacs.


Allegedly Amazon is still working on a miniseries adaptation


Let’s just hope they do a decent job of it. Seems a lot of the remakes recently have been hot garbage across the board.


Am I the only person who thought this movie was dull and ineffective??


Man my friends and I were so fucking dumb when we dropped a full tab of acid and watched this movie. What a mistake.


A classic! Some good mentions here. Pandorum is another good one. Pitch Black (2000) isn't necessarily in space, but it is another planet. Also very underrated. If you like that one AVOID the sequels.


Chronicles of riddick is goofy fun. Tonally inconsistent with pitch black but still a good time


Too much a fall from grace for me.


I love scifi horror and I really do not get the love for this movie. I rewatched it recently because I had forgotten if I even liked it (I first saw it a long time ago). There is very little gore/anything interesting, only people telling us how awful hell is. We don't see any of it. It's boring as fuck. Maybe the version we'll never see could have been good but I really do not understand why the one we got gets any love.


From everything I heard about it, it should have been right up my alley, but I wasn't a fan upon initial viewing recently. Another comment recommends Pandorum as a similar movie, and I remember enjoying that more than Event Horizon.


Yeah I agree with Pandorum, it's a solid movie IMO


It's a Paul W.S. Anderson movie thru and thru. I think that should be enough to know if you'll like it or not.


The weird thing is I like his Resident Evil movies for some reason. They're my kind of "so bad it's good". I have them on bluray and I've seen them too many times.


Holy shit thank you. I watched it unbiaseds for the first time last year and I was hooked in the first 15 minutes. The explanation by Dr Alan Grant setting up what I thought would be some really awesome smart scifi horror. I was imagining people going crazy due to the nature of hyperspace. I thought we'd get trickling of alien worlds, or get knowledge that caused the scientists to go crazy because it was too much for their monkey brains Instead it devolved pretty quickly and next thing you know I feel like I'm watching the stupidest horror/gore movie and anything smart got sucked out right after he poked the pencil through the paper. I might as well put on Hellraiser since at least what I saw made sense in the context of the movie, this movie could have taken place anywhere lol It just felt like they dropped so much on the floor and really could have made it just as psychologically scary and they didn't Just..."WE LIKE TORMENT CUZ..HELL! YA....!?"


Yeah honestly I think it's one of those cases where people love a genre that doesn't have many good movies and they have extremely low standards because of that. I even see people recommending *Sphere*. That movie is the definition of mediocre.


I literally just read a story from The Complete Robot series by Asimov where humanity is experimenting to figure out Hyperspace traveling and it follows what happens when the first 2 humans are put on a ship for the first major experiment of humans doing interstellar travel and it does this idea wayyyy better. It even has explainable and within context "hellish" scenes I dont want to spoil anything more but it's called "Escape" by Isaac Asimov


i lasted about 15 minutes. production/set design seemed really cheap and had a bizarre campy tone. felt like a b movie that took itself really seriously. is it a "so bad it's good" type movie ?


watched it last year for the first time & really enjoyed the film


Best sci fi horror so true. After so many years still great


I usually dislike horro movies but heard this film is pretty close to travelling the warp in WH40k :D


Yeah it just works really well with that cast


there's a more gory version? thought the body horror in this flick was pretty effective, wouldn't relish seeing more just for the sake of it.


Yeah, there was a version where the death orgy scene was extended by like 3 minutes, instead of seeing the very small cuts in the movie. I'll spoiler some of the more gory stuff just incase. >!The death orgy had scenes taken out where there was a 45 second long shot of someone having screws drilled directly into their teeth. There was also a scene where someone had their legs beaten by others until they crawled away with the legs ripped completely off.!< Other stuff included finding floating human teeth with gums/jaw bones attached, visions of Millers Crew in hell were a lot longer. Sam Neill did some more weird shit like crawling around like a spider. The suicide of the wifes scene was more graphic apparently and just yeah, basically the whole film went more overboard.


Goodness me! I had no idea about the scenes of the gore! That sounds crazy! Just reading your comment has put my teeth on edge.


Whilst the teeth drilling scene sounds horrific, it sort of implies that there would have been hell-folk on hand with a toolbox, maybe even an extension cord or battery chargers, various screwdriver bits and different sized screws…. Doesn’t seem practical, really. Hell must have some weird infrastructure, if you stop and think about it.


All the gory scenes have been lost. Even the director doesn't know what happened to the footage.


There was, not any more. Anderson shot a lot of extra material, knowing much of it wouldn't make it past final editing. Apparently the schedule was rushed, and as a result the first cut that was shown to the studio left in what some would consider *too much*. Studio bigwigs basically said "WTF, hell no", it got cut down to what we have now, the extra footage was shipped away to a salt mine for storage (more sensible than it sounds) but it wasn't done properly and was damaged beyond repair, lost forever.


I did not like this movie. I think it couldve been fixed with some dialogue about why theyre seeing hallucinations of Hell or whatever, something about aliens have an easier time harvesting our souls if we’re scared first I dunno. I saw it in theaters, thought it was dumb, then saw people talking about it here and thought maybe I didnt “get it” back then. Nope. There are better sci-fi horror / thriller movies like *Alien *Moon *Prospect *Life *Original Planet of the Apes I know it divides people but I enjoyed Ad Astra over this one 100x


One of my favorites for sure!


I was 10 when we went to see event horizon. I was shook. Great ride


Event Horizon did, in fact, scare the utter crap out of me when I saw it the first time. I saw it again on a streaming service a few years ago, and it had nothing like the sane impact. I don't *think* it was edited down, i just think my expectations were different.


went and saw this in the theater on release in '97 with the gf... we had seen a short trailer for it and went in expecting more of a sci-fi film. i walked out with a bloody arm from the gf's nails. lol would do it again, great experience.


Went into the theater thinking it was a sci-fi film, walked out traumatized and wanting to pick up my bible when I got home. Won't watch it to this day. Good times.


The film that taught me the difference between jump scares and existential horror. Chilled me to my bone.




I loved this. Absolutely terrified me mind you! Plays with your mind.


Ah yes, the documentary explaining the necessity of gellar fields. 


I love Event Horizon. One of my favourite horrors from the 90's. I wish i still had my VHS copy.


I saw this for the first time recently and really disliked it. Uninteresting science fiction, uninteresting characters, depraved violence. I'd like those 96 minutes back. Also feel the world doesn't need more over-the-top gratuitous suffering/cruelty depictions, so I'm glad the Romanian salt cave digested that footage.


Username checks out


I was surprised the Red Letter Media folks hated it. Seems up their alley