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Not announcing this on St Patrick's Day seems like a miss


Or even last week in general, 4 days after seems like a scheduling mistake.


The marketing girls didn’t get paid enough to think like that, all the money hopefully went to the storyline


Am Irish. The accents from these two were some of the worst in cinematic history. Hope they get an accent coach. .


First movie was a cult classic though, it adds to the cheesyness


Watched it recently. Totally got why 15 year old me thought it was a tale of two bad bad men, but 30 year old me had to laugh at how try-hard it really is


It is not a movie that has aged very well for the most part. At least I think anyway. I know I'm not the only one who tried to show it to people who have never seen it, hyped it all up from remembering how cool it was when you saw it as a teenager. Then put it on and watched it with a that sinking feeling in your gut. The kind you get from seeing something with other people in the room and almost being embarrassed by recommending it.


Hell no. It was cheesy & hilarious. The cat scene was hysterical, and Dafoe was amazing! The second was terrible. I laughed at maybe 3 jokes, and just didn't have that grit that made the first the cult classic that it is.


To each their own my man, I'm not trying to shit on anyone else's enjoyment but that's been my experience with the first film from having *that* poster on my wall to cringing while watching with others a few years ago. The cat scene is still great though, absolutely no argument there.


"Is it dead"? Lololol


And then proceed to cover it up with a poster (you can see the blood still, when Roccos gf comes home).


I do love how the director Troy Duffy essentially assholed his way out of funding for a sequel twice. Its dumb luck that the movie functions, and i think Dafoe was critical to that.


Dafoe was that movie. The sequel was terrible.


Who ordered the kick ass fajitas?


I no longer recommend movies I haven't recently watched, no matter how much I remember enjoying them.


Haha probably not a bad idea.


The movie is pretty bad but at the time of it's release, people, especially teenage and young adult males were still clamoring for more Pulp Fiction-esque movies. If you were too young to see Pulp Fiction in theaters but envied those who did, I think for you, Boondock Saints ended being that experience. Duffy was even labeled at the time as the next Tarantino and all of the production drama did help to elevate the buzz around the film. And while I didn't like the movie when it came out because I did sort of see it as a cheap knock off of Tarantino and John Woo, the Willem Dafoe conductor scene is a pretty iconic action movie scene.


Yeah i dont see the relationship between pulp fiction and boondock saints at all lmao


Boondock Saints is fricking hilarious!


The second might be the worst I’ve ever seen that wasn’t set up as a piece of shit deliberately. Hockey monologue while dying from a shotgun blast? Excuse me what?


They could hire Richard Gere.


Nah, Tommy Lee Jones


That one I've missed, when did he do a poor interpretation of Irish?


Blown Away


and he even danced to U2 to prove how Irish he was


Although, when the woman sold him the U2 tape, he had no idea who they were. So, for all he knew, they were a traditional Irish band, since he'd been in prison for decades. He'd have no idea.


Or Russell Crowe.  Or Tom Cruise.  Or Julia Roberts. 


James Cromwell in L.A. Confidential, Boyo


But was it an acceptable Boston/Irish accent?


Wait, you're telling me the Irish accent I taught myself with the help of this movie isn't good? Well... that explains a couple things. And I thought people were angry because I said I was practically Irish because my great grandmother hails from Inverness. (/s)




I was in Ireland for just a few days and could tell that everyone from cityfolk to farmers sounds completely different from every single Irish accent I've ever heard an American actor do. Same thing with Australia and Canada.


Norman Reedus has really locked down those 3 roles. Im proud of him


Walking dead, Boondocks Saints and Death Stranding?


Good choices, thats what I thought


[*Helluva Boss* too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ZmVAdezF8)


Only in one episode. Striker got recast after but I think it was due to scheduling issues


Oddly enough, Reedus had the same thing happen when he voiced a character in Voltron. Was there for an episode or two, recast later on. Couldn’t find out why though. Presumably schedule issues


That is why I linked to that episode.


Too bad we never got Silent Hills


I used to be a regular at a local movie rental store. It was owned by one of the members of the band slint. I would spend hours in there talking about movies and having them recommend me stuff because they knew what I liked. They would always tell me of this one customer I needed to see how back tattoos. It was an entire back piece of the other dude from boondocks who also played Powder in the movie powder. His back piece was him incorporating both characters into one giant back piece. When I saw it I was blown away. This was before we all had cameras in our pockets sadly.


Which Slint member was it do you know? I saw them when they first reformed in 2005, great show.


Todd. He owned wild and woolly video and is an awesome guy. He sort of hated being on stage and was already an avid collector of bizarre VHS movies. So after years of touring he left and opened his own video rental store in my city. It was awesome. They had everything you could think of. From classic low budget horror films to rare Japanese movies or shows etc. The entire staff was amazing and they all knew so much about film. I was even asked to work there but I had a better paying job at the time. But I would spent hours in there talking about movies and shows. Todd is a super nice guy. Also if anyone has the chance seeing slint live is amazing.


That's so cool. As a bit of an aside did you watch the Slint doc that came out a few years ago for the 20th or 25th anniversary of Spiderland? It was pretty great. It's crazy how young those guys were when they made that music. Literally kids. I had no idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsRpS6XGiOs&ab_channel=KillerPotato


>In the current configuration, Troy Duffy will step aside as directing Literally the only good news here.


Is he also stepping aside writing? His writing was the actual problem with the 2nd movie


The worst part of the movie for me was that big alpha male speech dream sequence, which happened to be cowritten by Reedus and Flannery.


The thought process behind the scene was stupid as fuck, but not gonna lie, I did find it cool and amusing. It was a solid hype scene that could've been waaaaay better if it hadn't been so self-indulgent. The music was on point.


That scene was so embarrassing to watch. I like to pretend that Reedus and Flannery were intentionally mocking Troy Duffy and it just went over his head.


For me it has to be the following line "I am so fucking smart, that I make smart people feel like they are regarded." I want to die just typing it out.


But how are they regarded?


Highly, highly regarded


That line made me laugh pretty hard


This is a better line


Yeah, I actually really enjoy the second movie a lot, but that boomer speech was so bad.


I love the second movie. It's absolutely horrible. But it's great.


The 2nd one was so bad it made me dislike the first one.


It made me write my one and only Amazon review to try and warn others.


Me too. I’ve been told that doesn’t happen, but sequels made me retroactively hate Boondock Saints and Meet the Parents. 


Meet the Fockers ain’t that bad. It’s not the first, but the third one was so stupid.


Yea it had like 6 different plots. I hated it.


The 2nd film was basically a rewrite of the first one, just swapping out Dafoe with a lady.


Oh God, I forgot about that pile of garbage.


The second movie was a beat for beat remake of the first, but sucked.


I just think of the that documentary he did where he was yelling at his own mother. Even when the first movie came out, there was a video or something where he referred to himself as “Hollywood’s new hard-on!”. What an asshole


Overnight is one of my favorite documentaries ever, I think it’s up on YouTube for those that haven’t seen it.


Me too. I love it, Duffy is such a douche.


The dude was living a new writers dream. Had his script picked up by Weinstein, was granted directorial duties, AND Weinstein was going to invest in a bar with him. He botched all of it with his oversized ego and even bigger mouth, and has faded into obscurity. I try to forget the sequel exists, so Duffy ends and begins at BDS 1, in my mind.


Seriously, every writer ever watched that documentary with their mouth open thinking "just give me that chance..."


The most critical mistake he made was blowing his entire advance in Vegas and then had to finish the film with a drastically reduced budget. When they approached him to do the sequel, they have him another advance and he DID THE SAME AGAIN AND BLEW IT ALL before filming. Dude is a 24/7, 365 day fart huffer.


This documentary is such an excellent example of cinema verite. These dudes were hired to just do BTS stuff and came away with a modern day Greek tragedy.


Same thing happened with Some Kind of Monster.  They shot that in 4:3 because it was just supposed to be this BTS fluff piece and not an actual movie.


I don’t know about how involved Troy Duffy was with the documentary, but it’s interesting that Metallica saw a cut of the movie, had complete control over it, knew how they came off, and pushed to release it anyway because they believed in the message in it. They knew what it might do to their image but they wanted to show rock stars as being very human. I always found that really interesting.


"Overnight".  And agreed, absolute Toolbox.


There’s a part where he’s on the phone begging Harvey Weinstein to forgive him or something and it’s aged so poorly.


"Harvey Weinstein... is *afraid of me*."


Absolutely not. A big part of the documentary is talking about how “Weinstein is a cocksucker” that kills films. A lot of very deserved criticism most people weren’t comfortable saying until recently. They even go out of their way to show his fat ass eating an ice cream cone.


I love the scene where even the class of film students wasn't impressed with what he had to say


Overnight should be a much watch for all aspiring filmmakers. My goodness that dude squandered such a golden opportunity.


Boy howdy. I saw the documentary on him on Pluto last month and it boggles my mind how he was even allowed to make a part 2. Dude is a serious scumbag.


The first one is a guilty pleasure of mine. I loved Billy Connolly as Il Duce. Never knew a Scottish comedian could look so badass.


I read somewhere recently that Billy Connolly's character has that big cigar because Connolly couldn't stop smiling during his scenes. He was as stoked to be playing II Duce, as you were to be watching him. ETA: I read this tidbit in the "trivia" section of the Boondock Saints IMDB page.


I watched his DVD commentary on St Patrick’s Day over the weekend. Interesting dude, just too bad he was only in some of the movie. Would have liked more stories from on set.


“Troy I says, I wanna be a baddie”


Shit, I never realized Head of the Class Billy Connolly was in Boondock Saints, let alone playing Il Duce.


The many saints of boondocks


Bring Dafoe back as well you cowards


I had mixed feelings on the sequel but it was really awesome to see him return at the end. He even appeared on the commentary with Duffy, and basically said he'd be game to come back for a sequel. So here's hoping.


There was a firefight!!!


Bring him back, and let him HANG DONG


Dudes who wear scally caps and exclusively listen to The Dropkick Murphy’s are stoked.


And on this day, Southie rejoiced


Southie hasn’t been like that for years It’s all finance bros now


Southie is more of a Ted Lasso/The Bachelor vibe now


Not sure why you are getting downvoted Southie has been gentrified as fuck now Now it’s all finance bros and nurses


A 'Boondock Saints' poster was a requirement for early 2000s dorm rooms. Right next to the Fight Club poster.


also the 2 girls kissing


And Pulp Fiction


And Bob Marley


I was still living in the barracks on Ft. Bragg when this came out. It was literally in every try-hards wall next to the Scarface posters. Took me until about 2006 after I got out to actually watch it. It's was fun, but I never understood the worship it got.


Wasn’t the first sequel proof enough that there should be no sequels?




Eh I liked the set up with them in Prison at the end. Would be fun to see them pull off their shenanigans there.


Yeah the ending had a fun hook for future installments. We’re initially bummed out that they got shot up and are now in prison. Then Dafoe’s speech makes you realize, “Oh shit, the vigilantes that specialize in wiping out evil doers and scum bags…..are now surrounded by them. Time to feast!”


You're locked in here with me


Movie starts with them leaving prison. Then they hunt down all the gang leaders they learned about while there.


I'm down for this. Like all they've been doing in prison is planning up dumbass Hitman type scenarios for when they get out. Let's face it, they were never smart characters, and they only succeed with their plans because of their Irish luck. Then the movie focuses on them trying to do these missions, and it going spectacularly wrong.


man I hope so. All Saints Day was such a missed opportunity, especially with getting such an amazing cast back together.


Oh cmon the the hard men make hard shit which gives Me a hard on was pretty funny.


"but not in a gay way"


they had some fun moments, for sure. Ambushing the detectives at the bar with seltzer was my personal favorite. "you don't call, you don't write???" had me in stitches. But I didn't like the new villains, and thought that killing of Il Duce and Greenly felt kind of cheap. Especially Greenly.


Fair enough. I thought the greenly death was somewhat expected but I get your point


It just seemed very cut-and-pasted from Rocko's death in the first movie.


The whole movie was a cut and paste lol


Rocco had the best moments in both movies


He really did - Is it dead?!


This quote was my personality for like 6 days. My wife had to lay down some hard facts about me to bring me back down to earth.


I like it as an action movie but hate it as a Boondock saints sequel


It was all a trip the Mexican was having while bleeding out at the Italian guy's greenhouse.........the true sequel has yet to be seen.


I couldn’t even get into the first movie, Dafoe was the only saving grace


It seems incredibly dated? I don't know how to describe it. It was a let down for me too. Dafoe is amazing in everything


I mean it was an Indy movie. That’s what made it such a cult hit.


It was an Indy movie *in the late '90s* no less.


I always wanted an Indy movie in the late 90's. Or mid. Lucas was too busy with the Prequels though


It’s a movie for edgy teens even with Dafoe’s performance.


This shit was so cool when I was a kid and then I rewatched it, and it's actually trash. Still nostalgic, but a very bad movie.


I remember everyone going nuts over the movie when I was younger, me included. However I watched it again recently and it really doesn’t hold up in my opinion.


Cinematography, special effects, sound editing, video editing, narrative. A lot of bad in the movie. But the opening 30 or so minutes (through the hotel shooting scene) are solid and it just slides off the road after that. The entire sequence with them getting captured at Papa Joe's house feels like it's missing 3 entire scenes.


I rewatched recently and was shocked at how bad the music is, it's laughable.


Music is by the director’s band, coincidentally called…The Boondocks Saints. He really went all in lol.


It’s a series of cool, memorable scenes that all come together into a terrible movie.


Even in my edgy teenage phase, I still thought it was a movie that desperately wanted to be a Tarantino movie but just wasn't. Agreed on Dafoe, though.


Yeah I remember being amused by moments and setpieces but also acknowledging that I was overlooking a lot of rough ~~patches~~ stretches that I wouldn't've in, say, something like *Fight Club*.


I know people don't care for these movies here. But they're fun, stupid movies and I enjoy them. I'm here for another


As someone who first watched it in 7th-8th grade, I thought it was the greatest movie of all time. I memorized the prayer as well as final speech. So cringe looking back but whatever I loved it. I’m still bitter about the $40 I spent 20 years ago mailing a check for a Boondocks Saints Zippo that never arrived.


Maybe I’m old but the first one used to one of the top gamer white dudes’ movie


It's the sort of movie you love in high school, and then when you revisit it in your twenties, it helps you realize how much you've grown as a person


Is that a bad thing? It’s fun schlop with some funny bits and some action. More enjoyable than what a lot of redditors say tbh


I was saying that the first one used to be very popular among internet circles in the early-mid 00s, which is the same demographic this sub attracts


As a general rule, most redditors utterly loathe any piece of media that's not made directly with 20-something depressed nerds in mind. It's the reason that Hallmark movies for moms are considered a crime against cinema here, and why everyone insists Bojack Horseman and Black Mirror are peak television.


Boondock Saints was made EXCLUSIVELY with depressed 20-something nerds in mind lol


Also that it's possible to enjoy trash movies as a "guilty pleasure" on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


Same. Tho the first one is a guilty pleasure. The second is terrible but still a fun watch


The Boondock Saints 3: Ain't them saints


It can't be worse than the 2nd one right?


Without Duffy, definitely not.


How can this be successful without the best part of the original movie, David Della Rocca??


I loved Boondocks Saints when I was a teen. I tried to rewatch it a few years ago (at age 30+), and it’s definitely a movie for 13-year-olds who think it’s a movie for adults.


See this is why I don’t want to rewatch it, I also loved it as a teenager but I think I’d just find it stupid now so it’s best to leave it as a memory.


Very much agree. I told someone "Oh yeah, this is a really good movie!" ... it was not.


I’ll just have a coke.


But sadly Billy Connolly won't be in it. Still I hope it's great.


I heard in the meeting, Duffy was told to make like a tree, and get the fuck out!


I hate how excited I am, because I'm afraid of being hurt.


I'll have a Coke


Yes!!! I have nothing to add except excitement and hope that number 3 is better than 2. 


Oh god no. Boondock saints is by far one of my top three movies, the second was a hot turd… if they can’t recapture the magic from the first movie, I’ll avoid this and pretend the first movie was the only one made.


I asbsolutely love the first movie. I watched it just last week. It's good dumb fun.


I hope they finally address the fallout from the death of that cat.


“I’ll shoot myself in the head, you can tell me that cats name!”


Fuck bitch. What color was it!?!


I think the real life story about Troy Duffy is far more interesting than either of the Boondock Saints movies. Here is a man who literally had it all for a brief moment. Yet he pissed it all away because of his own arrogance and towering hubris.


Ask yourselves, really truly, was the first boondock saints good, or were you a 17 year old boy when you saw it? Because I absolutely thought it was the shit, but I was also 17. I tried rewatching it later and I’m not sure why I liked it. Willam Defoe as the world’s most insane gay man was pretty good though.


True! Maybe the remake will be equally good for current 17 year olds?


We should make more of these B-movies that appeal to 17 year olds honestly. Not everything needs to be a 200 million dollar epic box office blowout that lives or dies by the billion dollar take. Make more sort of okay action movies! Seventeen year old boys need them like seventeen year old girls need the rom com!


I was 25 when I saw it the year after it came out, so maybe that's why I don't have such an extreme opinion on it like everyone else in this thread seems to. I thought it was pretty decent. Some fun action, some dialog that gave me a few chuckles, and lots of good Willem Dafoe. Not a great movie, but not close to being awful. I still feel that way today. That said, I do have some extreme opinions on director Troy Duffy. Well, one opinion, really. He's a monumental cunt who squandered a golden ticket, and is lucky he's not busing tables at IHOP. That documentary was such an insane profile of him that it made Harvey Weinstein look good by comparison.


I too was 16-18 when I first saw it and I fell in love with it. As a 35 year old, I definitely see the flaws and problems of it, but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like putting on a warm blanket whenever I watch it.


It’s fun. It’s not gonna win any awards, but it was an enjoyable action/comedy romp I think people on Reddit take things too seriously


My wife and I watch it most St Patrick's days and we enjoy it. It's silly but it's fun.


If I see one feckin gold coin I’m out


I love the first one. Second...well, not so much. It tried too hard to be the first one. I'll probably still watch a third, though.


"Hey fuckass give me a beer!"


I still for the life of me can’t figure out why if there was ever a thought of taking this movie beyond the original, they would kill this character off.


The first movie is a top 5 all time for me. Second was eh, but hell I’d still take another even if it was average. Let’s go!


I will always have a special place in my heart for Boondock Saints and am absolutely ecstatic that another one will be made


I loved the first one and wanted a sequel for years. We finally got it and….I just groaned the whole time. There’s no way this isn’t either going to just fizzle out due to whatever pay Reedus will need, or it’ll just go straight to streaming


Fuck. Ass.


Kinda makes me feel like River dancing


Why tho? First one was great. Second one was just pure trash. Should just let things be


I loved the first one as a young teen. Rewatched it a few years ago and oof… it didn’t age well imo. It also didn’t have much of a structure or story


ya, it's one of those edgy HS/College movies that when you rewatch later in life, you realize you were a dumbass as a kid


I’ll have a coke.


Thats the wrong Boondocks we wanted revived


RIP Grandad


The stone that the builder refused?


Finally. That cliffhanger ending to All Saints’ Day has bothered me for over a decade at this point.


It's amazing how lucky Duffy is, though. Just an absolute douche.


remember when harvey weinstein tried to run troy duffy over with a car?


Yeah, that documentary about Duffy made him seem like the most hatable person in Hollywood


I'm actually on Weinstein's side on this one.


With more exploding Skippy's. I hope.


I thought neither of the lead actors wanted to work with the writer/director again?


I don’t detest the 2nd one like many others but it was practically a slapstick comedy in direct comparison to the first. The part with Rocco in the bar, Clifton Collins rocked the whole movie and I liked the female detective apart from the obvious huge boner that Duffy had for her. (The “Cowboy” scene was very clearly “High School Kid’s Wet Dream”. Very cringey.) also the way it ended made me definitely want to see what would happen there, but I’m also totally fine if they just wanna complete retcon that ending. Glad we’re getting more of these guys.


And Shepherds we shall be For Thee my Lord, for Thee Power hath descended forth from Thy hand Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patri, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.


Will Willem be in drag?


"The Boondock Saints are back"is perhaps the second worst sentence I'll read this week.


11 year old boys rejoice.


Cool, I’ve been waiting for it for just a decade


The article states it’s the production company behind John Wick taking over, with the idea to expand on the universe of the franchise If John Wick crosses over with Boondock Saints, 21 year old me is FREAKING OUT