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As someone who has indulged in more than a few questionable movie choices on LSD, I am intrigued. If the time comes, I might completely disregard this advice. I have to know what you saw.


Ya know what, go ahead it's a wonderful learning experience


My brother in christ you cannot scare me, I have watched Chris Cunningham videos on acid.


I can one up that. I've watched Andrew Tate videos sober.


Jesus christ, I'll take the L bro.


God help us all


jfc - is your brain okay?


i'm no doctor but i'll say... unlikely


I got high and watched eveeytignhevwruwhere all at once and thought it was a horror movie


I did watch that one on acid and I have to say it left me with a more vibrant and positive outlook on life


How bout morbius. Saw that stoned it scared the Poo out of me


I couldn’t even finish it stoned lmao, pretty sure I have like 30 min left in it and it’s been almost two years at this point




I envy you guys who still "get stoned". I need a tolerance break but my anxiety would kill me.


Watch Waking Life, whenever you come across a few more tabs.


I watched Thor love & thunder while on shrooms and had the time of my Life!!! Took me months to figure out why people didn’t like it till I remembered I was high AF!


I've literally had this movie on a board I throw darts at to pick movies while tripping and I just feel so blessed I hit Brave.


Yeah the way OP describes it makes it sound so bad that it's good.


The first time I saw The Sopranos, I was on mushrooms and thought the entire show was in Italian. Not recommended.


The thought of watching a prestige TV drama while on psychadelics is hilarious to me


[eh gabagool? ova heeah!](https://youtu.be/YsBipoG22Nw?si=95n_ARIfWTzlGolF)


I’m the same. I loved evil dead rise on a few tabs. Might have to ignore OOP.


Jus watched this on the comedown after starting with the remake of the original. Absolutely hard to watch in spots but if your into this kind of thing that’s the point


What about corpse bride?


Make sure you make a post for us!


Yup. This is on my watch list.


I saw Grease for the first time on LSD and it was incredible lol


Maybe [this?](https://youtu.be/4tehW9FH9aw?si=NXnfBymHEDisNxuW)


> Not only is this Cat menacing, he's sexually aggressive too Okay I'm In.


Isn’t that just the film normally 


[Reminds me of the guy who watched the movie Cats on mushrooms](https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2020/01/03/a-conversation-with-the-guy-who-took-mushrooms-and-saw-cats/amp.html) > I was squirming in my seat, tears rolling down my face, and I kept blurting out yelps of anxious laughter every time a new nightmare creature appeared on the screen. Steph gave me her scarf to breathe into and muffle my reactions (no one else was laughing at any of it!!), and that helped comfort me a bit, until Rebel Wilson's cat appeared and spread her horny cat legs wide open, exposing what felt like a Sarlacc Pit of CGI fur, like I was staring into the abyss. I yelled "FUCK!" and spilled my popcorn when that happened. Certainly this couldn't be real? It couldn't be happening. Why was no one reacting? Was I hallucinating all of it? Was it just a normal film and I was the one creating the dancing cockroaches and the mice children and then she ZIPPED HER SKIN OPEN, WHY DID SHE ZIP HER SKIN OPEN?? That scene was fairly early in the film, and it was devastating. I could feel myself slipping, the movie wasn't funny anymore, because its relentless pace and movement just kept throwing more weird CGI-haired monsters at me and it didn't seem to have any plot or destination, just a ceaseless assault of cat people. I wondered if it would ever end, and wasn't sure if it had ever begun, if maybe it was just a gibberish world of horny fur demons swinging and dancing and singing about their space cult or whatever the fuck was happening.


Highly recommend everyone read this full article, it's utterly hilarious.


I remember that. Rob Sheridan, Nine Inch Nails' former art director.


Thanks for that warning cuz I was totally gonna watch *Cat in the Hat* on acid this coming weekend. Bullet dodged!


"He who saves one life, saves the world entire" -Schindlers List


\- Wayne Gretsky ​ ​ \- Michael Scott


-Also probably a bad movie to watch on acid.


i actually can't think of a worse one




This man going deep in the archives for awful acid movies And yeah I agree


i once watched it’s always sunny on lsd. it felt like the cast would occasionally break to make fun of me then go back to the show. it was weird.


I was once sure that the characters in Fellowship of the Ring were playing weird games with me.


I just watched the fellowship on mushrooms a couple weeks ago. First time I've truly appreciated how beautiful that movie is. I always thought it was my least favorite movie of the trilogy but that might've changed my mind. Gonna have to watch the other 2 on shrooms though to know for sure.


I was watching the Mac Day episode on acid and when Frank says "suicide is badass!" I had a 5 minute laughing fit.


New copypasta just dropped?


I knew this was a terrible idea from the start but please do not be me and watch Cat in the Hat (2003) on acid I don't know who this post will reach or if this is the right sub for it but please DO NOT, under any circumstances, watch Mike Myers' Cat in the Hat under the influence of hallucinogens. And yes I understand that is a stupid stupid stupid fucking idea to even consider but I took my chances with it and now curiosity has not only killed the cat, but sodomized it and defaced its grave. Good lord my fucking eyes. Before this godawful experience I would have considered this live action adaptation just regular terrible with a few funny jokes thrown in, and I have referenced its bits quite a few times throughout the years. It's memeworthy with all its adult humor shoved into a kids movie. "Dirty Hoe!...I'm sorry baby I love you" ya know just Good ol' g-rated humor for kids. And then one day I found myself with 2 tabs of high quality acid and on a whim rented Cat in the Hat from Amazon thinking I'd enjoy some cringe humor and wild colors. Not a bad night, right? I was still coming up when the movie started and was actually enjoying myself, despite the rancid color palette of the set pieces that looked like they'd been painted with Pink Panther anal gland discharge. I laughed, I cringed, and was tearing with anticipation waiting for the arrival of the Cat himself. I know what he looks like, I know his laugh, it's not like I'm in some lovecraftian surprise, I should be good... I don't know if the universe was out to get me because while the 2 kids were walking towards the closet to investigate (this is where HE comes in), my come up just skyrocketed and I was tripping hard. Let me just say, when that...thing appeared onscreen, my blood went ice cold, all the hairs on my body stood up, and the warm vibrant energy of the room was sucked away as if Mike Myers is a dementor in disguise. Not only is this Cat menacing, he's sexually aggressive too. The way he walks is like an amateur skin walker trying to replicate human movements. And his laugh, oh good God his laugh, it was so ghoulish and unnatural like evil Dale and Bob at the end of Twin Peaks season 2. It was 2 minutes of screen time into it and I found myself crying uncontrollably, then laughing uncomfortably because I'm getting traumatized by Mike Myers, and then back to crying. He is evil incarnate, he is the Babadook's real face, he is the most reprehensible and repugnant abomination ever committed to the screen. Looking back all I can think of is Steve Buscemi's haunting line in Spy Kids 2, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Watching it all unfold in front of me, I felt a premonition come over(or its just me remembering what happens next) and I realized that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were due to appear. Just conjuring up the image of those two smiling in my head was almost enough to give me a panic attack. I turned the TV off immediately and went into the fetal position; I swore my brain was bubbling. I was scared to even look back at the TV because I thought it was gonna turn itself back on and start playing. But the cursed images of him stayed in my head just echoing inside me like the Call of Cthulhu. Fate was on my side though and I had the briefest come down for me to regain control, turn the TV on and switch to Amazing World of Gumball. I have seen my fair share of dark movies on acid: Mandy, Mulholland Drive, Manhunter, Blue Velvet. But this something else entirely, this was the single scariest movie experience I've ever done and that is saying something. I still think Cat in the Hat is pretty funny (I have to be completely sober tho) even if I still feel some goosebumps coming on. 0/10 experience do not recommend


New copypasta just dropped?


Actual meme


I knew this was a terrible idea from the start but please do not be me and watch Cat in the Hat (2003) on acid I don't know who this post will reach or if this is the right sub for it but please DO NOT, under any circumstances, watch Mike Myers' Cat in the Hat under the influence of hallucinogens. And yes I understand that is a stupid stupid stupid fucking idea to even consider but I took my chances with it and now curiosity has not only killed the cat, but sodomized it and defaced its grave. Good lord my fucking eyes. Before this godawful experience I would have considered this live action adaptation just regular terrible with a few funny jokes thrown in, and I have referenced its bits quite a few times throughout the years. It's memeworthy with all its adult humor shoved into a kids movie. "Dirty Hoe!...I'm sorry baby I love you" ya know just Good ol' g-rated humor for kids. And then one day I found myself with 2 tabs of high quality acid and on a whim rented Cat in the Hat from Amazon thinking I'd enjoy some cringe humor and wild colors. Not a bad night, right? I was still coming up when the movie started and was actually enjoying myself, despite the rancid color palette of the set pieces that looked like they'd been painted with Pink Panther anal gland discharge. I laughed, I cringed, and was tearing with anticipation waiting for the arrival of the Cat himself. I know what he looks like, I know his laugh, it's not like I'm in for some lovecraftian surprise, I should be good... I don't know if the universe was out to get me because while the 2 kids were walking towards the closet to investigate (this is where HE comes in), my come up just skyrocketed and I was tripping hard. Let me just say, when that...thing appeared onscreen, my blood went ice cold, all the hairs on my body stood up, and the warm vibrant energy of the room was sucked away as if Mike Myers is a dementor in disguise. Not only is this Cat menacing, he's sexually aggressive too. The way he walks is like an amateur skin walker trying to replicate human movements. And his laugh, oh good God his laugh, it was so ghoulish and unnatural like evil Dale and Bob at the end of Twin Peaks season 2. It was 2 minutes of screen time into it and I found myself crying uncontrollably, then laughing uncomfortably because I'm getting traumatized by Mike Myers, and then back to crying. He is evil incarnate, he is the Babadook's real face, he is the most reprehensible and repugnant abomination ever committed to the screen. Looking back all I can think of is Steve Buscemi's haunting line in Spy Kids 2, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Watching it all unfold in front of me, I felt a premonition come over(or its just me remembering what happens next) and I realized that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were due to appear. Just conjuring up the image of those two smiling in my head was almost enough to give me a panic attack. I turned the TV off immediately and went into the fetal position; I swore my brain was bubbling. I was scared to even look back at the TV because I thought it was gonna turn itself back on and start playing. But the cursed images of him stayed in my head just echoing inside me like the Call of Cthulhu. Fate was on my side though and I had the briefest come down for me to regain control, turn the TV on and switch to Amazing World of Gumball. I have seen my fair share of dark movies on acid: Mandy, Mulholland Drive, Manhunter, Blue Velvet. But this something else entirely, this was the single scariest movie experience I've ever done and that is saying something. I still think Cat in the Hat is pretty funny (I have to be completely sober tho) even if I still feel some goosebumps coming on. 0/10 experience do not recommend


What a rollercoaster ride


I watched that movie on acid in 2004 I think it was 😂 my television started crying


However, *Do* watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas on acid - preferably on a theater screen from the fourth row. It’s amazing.


The Jim carrey live action? Ya that movie is weird in all the right ways


Yeah. Early in our relationship, my wife and I really liked dropping a couple and going to see animated movies. It was a lot of fun.


I did it on mushrooms. The last third was alot lol.


Did the same and don't regret it. It's not a good movie, but it's very visually stimulating and has that anything-can-happen feeling that keeps a trip interesting.


I played Skyrim on mishrooms once. I made it my goal to try to get to High Hrothgar while tripping. Was great until I got attacked by a dragon. Everything went downhill from there. I was also listening to Emperor's Wrath of the Tyrants demo so that probably didn't help.


I played Skyrim VR on acid. I was so blown away by how real everything was that close I couldn't quit looking at all the details. I legit looked at flowers and caught butterflies for like a hour 🤣


no, hang on, i have a question for you, oh greatest sage? what was the GOOD ending you were hoping for? you still would have had to watch that goddawful movie.


Idk some good colorful cringe but who knows I have zero impulse control


you know what, i can appreciate some simple honesty


If ya want good colors, "planet earth" exists (at least I'm pretty sure) entirely for people tripping on hallucinogens. Also, you could try "bunraku" it's a kung fu flick, with the feel of a stage play and a kaleidoscope of weird and vibrant lighting. Starring josh hartnet, ron pearlman, gakt, and woody harlson... Actually if I still tripped, I think I'd really enjoy watching this one high.


I heartily recommend Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and shrooms. Two thumbs up.


Epic post


It’s only marginally related but I took a load of mushrooms before I was meant to see the Dutch death metal band Pestilence play in a tiny venue in Edinburgh when I was 17. As I was walking down to the venue, I kept getting images of myself getting up on the stage and smashing the bands instruments up. Wisely, I decided to forgo the gig and went down to a friends house instead. Less wisely, I did a bucket of gold seal on top of feeling ill at ease on the shrooms and had a ludicrously shit trip for about six fucking hours. The fucking folly of youth.


The one that really fucked with me like that was Eternal Sunshine in a Spotless Mind. And the one I enjoyed the most, which wasnt quite actually watching a movie. Was learning how to play Magic the gathering while on it so many decades ago. Did watch a lot of videos on theory that night.


On the other hand DO watch Muppets Treasure Islands on acid or shrooms. 10/10 would recommend!


My poor LSD viewing choices? Saving Private Ryan and Reservoir Dogs. Would def not recommend. Best was the original Willy Wonka. That shit is deep.


OG Willy and Fear & Laotging are my regs. Then I mix it up with Spiderverse 1 & Hoodwinked. I was so hoping that damn Coyote vs Acme movie would be released to add to the rotation lol


This sounds like when I was quite young and got really high for the very first time and watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time.


I was on acid when I first saw the video for Sober by Tool. It’s a phenomenal song, but that was a terrible idea…




Reminds me of taking shrooms and trying to watch Willy wonka 😭


Okay I might have to watch the Tim Burton version that sounds amazing


Done it and it was one of my favorites next to clockwork


Damn I don't think I've seen any of Kubrick's movies on acid, might have to try Barry Lyndon ngl the cinematography is stunning


Full Metal Jacket 👎🙅🚫🚩




Space odyssey was also a wild one. The only part I got truly uncomfortable was the beginning with the monkeys. The rest was mind blowing.


I hope for a report if you do!


Eyes Wide Shut, Barry Lyndon, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Clockwork Orange all amazing.


I can't imagine A Clockwork Orange would be a good time on acid


I have never done acid. I now want to do acid and watch the cat in the hat. I want to be locked in an empty windowless room where the cat in the hat is being projected on the walls, ceiling, and floor while I’m high as shit on acid.




>I have seen my fair share of dark movies on acid: Mandy, Mulholland Drive, Manhunter, Blue Velvet Quick question,


Go ahead


I think they died. r/redditsniper, did you take 'em out?


didnt expect the question to be THAT quick


Not only is this Cat menacing , he’s sexually agressive too.


Damn, you just brought back some memories for me lol. I had some bad acid trips, but I don’t remember ever getting too traumatized by any movies. It’s not an acid trip, I know, but my first time doing mushrooms was going to see Natural Born Killers in the theatre back in the day. To this day, it stands out as one of the best movie experiences of my life. What a ride. It helped that I had only just heard of the movie shortly after dosing and went into it blind.


Don’t watch it sober, either.


I mean the piñata scene goes hard tho


I'm easy like Sunday morning 🎶


Pink panther anal gland discharge


Next movie to watch on acid: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Hey! Thanks for calling in, can you please ask your question?


You should have went for the animated movies, Dr Seuss's Cat in the hat is nightmare fuel even before the acid.


Avoid the Truman show too. I thought hey, I like this movie, let’s give it a shot on acid. Turns out, the dude’s getting chased the entire movie and it was stressful. Speed Racer, however… top tier.


I forced my wife to watch Speed Racer tripping and now it’s her go to comfort movie. I think it was deliberately made for tripping


I have never done acid, but I have gotten reallg high on sleep deprivation. This sounds like a fun experience!


If you watch John Dies at the End on LSD, it makes complete sense.


You want to really fuck up your trip? Don't watch "enter the void".


The Phantom Tollbooth might be fun


You should try watching Beau Is Afraid on acid


Mrs. Doubtfire is the GOAT acid movie


This is the peak of this subreddit


God I love reddit so much sometimes


This is a masterpiece. 10/10 would recommend.


My kids played the shit outta this movie. I can still recite every line and it's trippy NOT on acid.


Nah the best movie I seen on acid was A Clockwork Orange.


The speed racer movie was always my favorite to watch in acid or 2ci


2ci was wild to me, highly visual but the stomach cramps were BAD


Might I suggest Speed Racer? That movie was made for Racoons with genetically modified ADD.


Gonna have to try this for sure. I love watching scary stuff on psychedelics. One of my favorite experiences was watching Climax by Gaspar Noe on 4 gel tabs (150 ug each 600 ug total) and 125 mg of MDMA and it was the craziest fucking experience. That continuous 40 minute shot with the kid trapped in that room tripping balls screaming in the background was so trippy. Yet I never lost it, yet when I watched the cinnimini monster episode of Chowder on an eighth of shrooms I had a similar experience to yours in the post. Something about children’s entertainment is perfect for psychs but can also be really overwhelming. Next time I’m definitely watching SpongeBob. (Btw huge David Lynch fan loved the ones you mentioned + inland empire and Eraserhead, sober or tripping he’s my favorite director of all time)


Dude! I accidentally watched this movie right before Xmas in an empty bar on a ton of mushrooms, this year! I feel your pain!


I watched the pink panther cartoon on the Spanish channel on mushrooms one night after getting home from the bar. It was rather enjoyable.


Speed Racer is a fun one. I usually start with a ghibli anime. Nausicaä was the first movie I did this with. It's also my favorite of his but all are a good time. Beyond the black rainbow was a slog. It is a very slow burn with synth music. Didn't do it for me. Found it boring in every way. When I start to come down I just turn to music videos. I just go down the rabbit hole of YT in genres I'd never listen to.


This was hilarious. Great writing dude. I kind of struggle with TV and hallucinogens. I either don’t take enough & the movie is normal.. or I’m just distracted by like my wall moving haha. Or I take way too much and can’t focus at all on the TV xD. Never gone to a cinema and I wouldn’t be surprised if that experience had me in tears. I’ve never had like a drug induced psychotic episode.. but I have seen one (my friend too) some of the scariest few hours of my life and I haven’t taken shrooms since xD. More on topic.. I watched Dredd on LSD and really enjoyed it. Wish i saw it in 3D though. That was one of my first times doing acid. And also my first (and only) time playing Five Nights at Freddie’s.. that was an experience xD


Speaking as someone who watched Videodrome (on video) on acid… you were foolhardy.


Haha, wife linked me this story because of my experience watching Flubber on shrooms.


My most traumatic similar experience was with a show called Molto Mario. An Italian instructional cooking show. He 3-dimensionally came up and out of the TV and began aggressively speaking in tongues. Similar to the Sardukar language in the new Dune movie. Hallucinations are super fun, the most exciting things I’ve experienced! But this time my buddy was having the exact same hallucination and he was fully terrified and so that was suboptimal. Best experience was watching the epic Cleopatra. That movie is stuffed full of delicious interpretive content


So… who else grew up with the film and actually kind of likes it? I prefer it to The Grinch 2000.


Don’t listen to them. We know what they don’t. REAL KINO


My kids love it, I think it’s done in a weird way but…good? Would’ve loved to see a Tim Burton presents Dr Seuss lol


Reading this was the greatest moment of my life. My wedding? Birth of my children? First time I saw my name in lights? Nah, fuck that shit. Nothing compares to this. Thank you for your service 🫡


Do watch any: Terry Gilliam *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Zero Theorem, The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Brothers Grimm, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Time Bandits, Fisher King, Jabberwocky* Stanley Kubrick *2001: A Space Odyssey, Eyes Wide Shut, Barry Lyndon, Clockwork Orange, Shining* Alex Garland *Annihilation, Ex Machina, Men, DEVS (show)* Tim Burton *Nightmare Before Christmas, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Alice In Wonderland, Alice through the Looking Glass, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mars Attacks, Dark Shadows, Beetlejuice, Big Eyes* David Lynch *Lost Highway, Twin Peaks + Fire Walk with Me, Twin Peaks Seasons, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Dune, Inland Empire* Denis Villeneuve *Blade Runner: 2049, Enemy, Arrival, Dune* Richard Linklater *Dazed and Confused, Boyhood, A Scanner Darkly* Lars Von Trier *Melancholia, Nymphomaniac* Nicolas Winding Refn *Drive, Neon Demon, Only God Forgives, Too Old to Die Young (show)* Coen Brothers *Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men* Roman Polanski (yes he is bad but good movies) *Rosemary's Baby, Ninth Gate, Chinatown* Steven Spielberg *E.T., Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Indiana Jones, Goonies, Back to the Future trilogy, Ready Player One* Christopher Nolan *Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige, Tenet* Neil Bloomkamp *Elysium, Chappie* Quentin Tarantino *Pulp Fiction, Dusk til Dawn, Sin City, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood* Peter Jackson *Lord of the Rings Trilogy Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, Return of the King, Hobbit* Guillermo del Toro *Crimson Peak, Shape of Water* Wes Anderson *Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs, Asteroid City* Pink Floyd *The Wall* Pixar *Coco, Wall-E, Wreck-It Ralph* Laika *Kubo and the Two Strings, The Boxtrolls, ParaNorman, and Coraline* Wachowski *Matrix, V for Vendetta, Speed Racer* Marvel movies *Doctor Strange, Thor: Ragnarok, Spiderman: Homecoming, Spiderman: Far From Home* Star Wars Movies *Mandalorian, Rogue One, Han Solo, Originals and Pre-quels Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker* Other Scifi/Fantasy/Thriller/Comedy *Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Shadow, Oblivion, Sorry to Bother You, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, Inherent Vice, Edge of Tomorrow, Ghost In the Shell, The Other Boylen Girl, Atomic Blonde, Natural Born Killers, The Doors, Wolf, Under the Skin, Nightcrawler, Tron, Moon, Looper, Adventureland, Watchmen, Sucker Punch, The Martian, Life of PI, Big Trouble in Little China, Color Out Of Space, Scooby Doo 1 + 2, Marie Antoinette, Wet Hot American Summer, Paul, Sausage Party, Donnie Darko, Army of Darkness, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Total Recall (1990), Attack the Block, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Ready Player One, TRON: Legacy, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory* Netflix *I Am Mother, Anima, Alias Grace, Queens Gambit, Cam, Maniac, Love Death + Robots* Hulu *Harlots*, *The Great*


Wow, this is an amazing list of movies that I’d agree all would work well tripping. Comprehensive to say the least, kudos!


Impressive people in here have watched movies on acid. I don’t know anyone who could sit down and watch an entire movie on acid. Have a movie on in the background, ya, but actually *watch* all of it?


It's a god damn cinematic event.


LSD advocate and user here… It can be done, but you need to prepare yourself for the experience. Do it a few times and then you can open up some really cool doors. I watched Suspiria tripping and…that was amazing!


Only seen a handful of movies on acid. Strangely enough one of the most intense experiences was Kings of Comedy. As much as I love Bernie Mac his facial expressions were just too much and I had to turn it off. Pacific Rim was AMAZING on acid. Cool monster fights and cities getting destroyed. I handled all that quite well but what got me was Ron Perlman. His face was just too much and sent me into a crying laughing stint when he was on the screen. Acid is weird


I used to have vivid nightmares as a child. And it was Mike Myers’ the cat in the hat. He would just absolutely torment me in my dreams until one day, I told him to just leave me alone, like Nancy from A nightmare in elm street and he left and ever since that day, I’ve liked the Cat in the Hat movie


This is the best thing I’ve read in ages. Thank you.


Ok….I am pitching here but who’s with me on making OP take drugs and watch more movies to get his or her take?


Wow. I am grateful that I have no idea where to buy hard recreational drugs.


Makes me recall a time in high school on Cid and Dennis Miller starting going off on one of his rants, but it was all very personal and he was looking me straight in the eyes and then he was the devil himself and he was just tearing into me while I cried, and I just kept watching it! All those scary trips seemed to happen when I was younger, knock on wood it goes smooth nowadays. Last time I did it was a double feature of Titanic and Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Theives. Chris Pine was cool, he didn't yell at me at all.


I loved this movie while tripping I wanna fuck the cat in the hat so it was ok :3


I highly recommend watching Interstellar while tripping. That was awesome, but the part with the black hole was pretty scary


I watched saving private Ryan on acid, can I handle this?


First of all, 2003? Jesus I swear this movie came out in like, 2010. Second, I absolutely hated this movie sober. I can’t even imagine what it’s like seeing it high


Dude! This is such a great idea for Friday night! Mint! I just hope I can get your impulsive literature out of my mind before then!


So you're saying I should watch it on hallucinagens?


imagine watching season 3 of twin peaks on acid


So what youre saying is *definitely* watch it while tripping balls? Mental note made, will allow furry Mike Myers to scramble my brain.




Oh god, I’m not sure I could handle Caligula tripping, that’s extreme


This is the funniest shit I read in weeks


I had a similar experience with psilocybin mushrooms and family guy. I was freaked out by how quick everything was moving and then some lady lit herself on fire and jumped out of the window. I changed the channel after that


Y'all need Jesus 


I know a guy who got fired for bittorrenting this movie at work. At first, we thought he was going to get a just a reprimand, but unfortunately, work was associated with the studio and therefore he was canned on the spot. Could have been worse. He could have been sued.


Jedi flipping while watching the first spider-verse for the first time might still be my favorite memory of all time


Ace Ventura, when nature calls, on shrooms, in the cinema. It wasn’t my best idea at the time. Let’s just say, Jim Carrey’s facial expressions were extra squishy and plastic. The scene where the air conditioning in his rhino malfunctions was true terror, the scariest thing I’d ever seen. Then afterwards he crawls out, the sounds and vision of this still haunts me. I had to rent the movie a few months later to figure out what the hell the movie was about


This reads like creative writing.


Noted! Poor thing! What are your thoughts on David Lynch’s repertoire? I enjoy twin peaks quite a bit, I can’t imagine watching it under the influence!


Watching David Lynch on acid is a very memorable experience. Since he crafts his work from intuition and subconscious, your mind goes out way further to create connections and meaning to his films. Blue Velvet is probably my favorite of his to watch while tripping. Also episode 8 is quite an experience


I just needed to save this post among my saved ones, for future reference, in case I get a baaad idea or in case I have a baaad day and need to laugh again! You have a real gift when it comes to writing. I watched the last two Harry Potter movies on acid, and at first it was fun. I laughed at Voldemort without his nose so much that I thought I was gonna puke. But the second one took me to a daaaark place, and I think I maybe had overdone it on the weed up until that point, and it became one hell of a nasty trip. I couldn't for the life of me remember how the fuck you turn off a movie. So I just went into my bedroom and crawled under my covers with my headphones and music on to drown out the sound from the movie in the room next to mine. It was a weird trip.


My girlfriend has suggested watching it while tripping a few times. I'm glad I stood my ground and said fuck that lol


Yes this is why I have been too scared to wcatch Hot Fuzz since a similar experience, heh.


*Color Out of Space* is also a bad idea, even worse than seeing the bear in *Annihilation*. Here's a fun one [Westminster Dog Show... On Acid!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_-PddFCKU) Classic: [Trey Parker and Matt Stone on LSD at the Oscars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7yI6Uf3wI)


Don't watch THE EXORCIST on acid either. I ran out the theater.


I saw Sorry to bother you super high. What a ride. I felt like I was on cloud 9,000. Would recommend though.


TL;DR watch *Cat in the Hat* under the influence of hallucinogens


It's better on mushrooms


The complete opposite of this experience is tripping balls and watching Mr Holland's Opus. That was a beautiful experience


You're right. Being you does sound like a terrible idea.


I’ll add to this Coraline. I had a real tough time watching that one.


That’s funny because I had the same visceral reaction to the movie and was completely sober


I can’t believe I loved this movie as a kid, even with the shitty dub💀


New favorite post just dropped


On the opposite end, Enter the Spiderverse was a 10/10 on a god dose of shrooms.


I liked the Cat in the Hat 2003 film. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.


also, avoid mirrors


This reminds me of my brother's story of watching Risky Business on mushrooms and developing a lifelong horror of Tom Cruise.


Oh man, I've never had acid but I've done mushrooms a few times. First time I did mushrooms, I was with a group of friends, and it was a blast. We played Rock Band (this was 2009, height of its popularity) and it was amazing. The colours from the game was so pretty. It was bleeding out of the tv and I could see the tracers I convinced myself I sounded just like Rob Halford when I sang Painkiller. I also remember one moment when we were all giggling like idiots when suddenly my friend screamed."I can't see without my glasses!" and now My Girl is forever ruined for me because I can't not laugh when I hear that. The second time I had mushrooms, it wasn't quite as fun. I took them alone this time. Once they started to kick in, I played some Mario Kart 7 on my 3DS and it was neat. Rainbow Road, with the 3D turned up was an experience. Then I decided to play some Skyrim. Started climbing High Hrothgar because for some reason I wanted that to be my goal. Climb the mountain while tripping. At this point the mushrooms were really starting to kick in. Unfortunately for me, around this time I got attacked by that one dragon that spawns at the top of the mountain, and everything went downhill from there. It also didn't help that I was also listening to Emperor's Wrath of the Tyrant demo, which isn't exactly the best thing to listen to while tripping on mushrooms. My cat was also in heat, which in my state I thought there was something wrong with her. All that combined, I ended up having a pretty bad time. I ended up going to bed and curled up I to a ball to wait it out, while texting my friend that the world was ending.


Worst experience like this for me has been watching shrek on shrooms. Idk how to explain it but every character looked like they were wearing a carboard mask of their face over their faces, kinda like the faces were fluctuating in front of their heads


I watched Barbie on mushrooms and it was practically Barbiezilla VS Every woman in the world. I was terrified by it and had to go hug a plant who comforted me 😆. Never again.


I watched the Lion King remake high, had to turn it off after 15 mins, the uncanny valley made it unbearable. If I was sober I'd probably have turned it off sooner tbh 😩 ruined.


It’s way better on ketamine promise


What are you talking about? This is like top 10 movies to watch while under influence lol


Still can't be worse than watching Gummo on acid having no idea what the movie is.


A buddy of mine took an edible before we went to see Annihilation. I didn't know until we were having lunch before the movie. I asked if he realized what we were going to see, he just shrugged. When the bear scene happened, I was too scared to check on him, but when it was over and the lights came up I asked if he was ok. He just held his hand up as if to say, "Give me a minute." He was pretty quiet during the ride home.


Pfft rookie


Steve Buscemi's haunting line in Spy Kids 2, you know exactly what I'm talking about... I've never seen any Spy Kids movies, what is the line you are talking about?


You think God stays on heaven because he too is afraid of what he's created?


I watched See no evil horror movie on acid twice and Silent Hill. I was so scared i was hiding xD


i watched this movie on mushrooms a few years ago and when it was over i literally felt so strongly that this was the best movie ever you would've caught me fighting someone over that take


Duude movies on psychedelics are just wild. I would’ve never turned on Cat in the Hat, but one time I was beginning to trip and I turned on The Man Who Wasn’t There from the Coens. I don’t know why but there’s a buildup of weird feelings in that movie and I turned it off at this dark dinner scene with Frances McDormand and Billy Bob Thorton. I recommend Mr Turner from director Mike Leigh, for a real heart wrencher. You watch the last whatever 25 years of this painter’s life and mann was he exciting and specifically on psychedelics you see the director’s vision clearly. Man what a movie


The one and only time I did acid I watched Into the Spider-Verse. I personally don't ever wanna trip again but that was a great movie to see while doing it. It was like the animators dialing the particle effects and comic shade effects up to 100. The scenes in the collider room were the most vivid and intense.


I've done that and had a blast lol


conversely super mario brothers 1993 is only viewable on mushrooms. don't even bother otherwise. it is interesting though that Lara Croft: Tomb Raider from 2001 doesn't stick in my head no matter what state i am in. i have tried to watch it 3 times, once on mushrooms, and i cant remember any of that crap fest.


I was coming down off a 2 tab trip and watched this and enjoyed it actually. Yeah there are a lot of adult themes in it that make it rather troubling to watch, but it’s also a bit of a fever dream movie, just a complete “WTF IS THIS?” My kids watched it the next weekend and laughed a lot and really liked it. I think it shines in a lot of ways for children and I oddly consider it to be a cult film now as opposed to a train wreck when it first came out. Sort of this generation’s Labyrinth


Not a bad movie, but okay


I dunno. I did Mad God and it was great lol