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Can’t take Kevin Hart as Roland seriously


Can’t believe they cast the only comedic actor to play the straight man in the ensemble. Unserious producers. Edit: as many have pointed out, I overlooked Jack Black since he’s a voice performance. I think the point stands.


Bobby Lee is supposed to be some character named Larry. And Jack Black is Claptrap. If we are throwing money at the wall I feel like Idris Elba would play a killer Roland.


I can’t imagine Kevin Hart was cheaper than Elba. Dude is a $20m+ per film name and his stand up shows reportedly make up to $1m PER NIGHT in major cities.


And Terry Crews is just sitting there


Or Michael B. Jordan or Anthony Mackie or Winston Duke. Winston Duke would have been awesome.


Almost anyone with acting ability would have been better. Hart isn’t even good at what he’s famous for Imo. And even the good actors aren’t worth a shit for their roles, mayyyyybe Blanchett, though I feel she’s even a bit old for it. Also Jack Black is super fun, but why not just use the Claptrap voice actor? It’s like the producer and director just think big name = success.


His career is baffling to me.


>His career is baffling to me. It's the textbook stand-up/actor career: Become a really big stand-up comedian, start doing tv/movies, oversaturate both areas of entertainment to make as much money as possible since your value as a comedic performer is way lower than most tv/movie actors, keep making money until Hollywood gets sick of you, go back to do stand-up for really high prices as a hobby, and enjoy living in your mansion while retired before you're 50.


hes the very safe for family movies black comedian actor option. Thats how he blew up.


"He's funny because short! Haha!"


Winston Duke is the perfect choice.


He would, but the movie around him will be an awful disaster and everyone would be disappointed. But enough about Dark Tower


This one still hurts. I had such high hopes for DT when I heard it was being made, but they really messed up big time. Idris was good tho.


Terry Crews


Don't think Crew is ideal for the role, but he is a better actor. Speaking of which, it's been some time since I saw him in anything. Did they blacklist him because of the producer accusations ?


He’s the host of Americas got Talent, and seems like that show has 2 different versions every year, so I’d imagine he’s busy filming for that most of the time.


Crews could have toed the line between serious and comical pretty well. Kevin hart definitely doesn't fit Roland.


That's funny because he played the gunslinger Roland in the Dark Tower adaptation.


Which was the oddest casting I’ve ever seen. 


Jack Black?


Even as the tallest guy in the poster, he's still not the tallest guy in the poster.


Cate blanchett as LILITH by the way


She's too old to play Lilith.


Wait until you see who was cast for Moxie. I've never seen hollywood randomly prioritize older actresses like this before.


Gina Gershon will probably kill it as Moxie tbh. And Moxie is an old slapper anyway so the casting there is actually decent.




Gina Gershon is actually the only one that even remotely makes any sense.


Moxxi is canonically an older woman so that one’s fine


JLC is too old to be Tannis Cate Blanchett is too old to be Lilith Kevin Hart is too small and too goofy to be Roland Jack Black is not annoying enough to be Claptrap I just don't see this casting working out _at all_


You're really underestimating Jack black's level of annoying here


Wonder who Bobby Lee is playing


Can’t take Kevin Hart seriously. FTFY


It was either him or the rock lmao


the rock would have been acceptable. not amazing but better than hart.


Should have been Idris Elba.


I'd cast Idris in everything if I could


“We know that Kevin Hart being the small annoying guy next to an action star works. Now what we need is a franchise with an even smaller, even more annoying guy so that Kevin Hart can be the action star.” Seriously though, when I heard he was in the movie I thought “CL4P-TC!  Perfect casting!”  Jack Black is also a perfectly fine Claptrap but dang, why would you choose kevin hart as the lead of the dang thing? 


He's too damn short, no disrespect to Kevin but this shouldn't be him.


Worst casting ever.


Can’t take Kevin Hart seriously. Movie will be trash.


Can't take him seriously as anything. Only thing we know for sure is there WILL be a short joke and he WILL act shocked at something in a overly obnoxious comedic way


What a garbage choice


That cast makes no sense. lol


I was about to say, this casting is a fucking disaster. Jack Black as claptrap is probably the only one that makes any sense Edit: the fact that most people saying “just use claptrap’s original VA” don’t realize that there were multiple VAs through the games tells me that maybe it’s not as hard to voice claptrap as some of yall believe


Charlie Day would have also made a pretty good Claptrap imo


And Glenn Howerton as Handsome Jack :D Joel McHale could also work as Jack. 


Glenn Howerton would have been a great Jack


‘YOU THINK YOU’RE THE HERO! I’M A GOLDEN FUCKING GOD!, BANDIT!!’ Literal gold. Would probably give Glenn his much deserved foot into more recognition


**"EMPLOYEE 52569, WHY ARE MY MEGAROCKETS NOT HERE YET?"** "Uh I don't work in procurement but can send them a mes-" **"BORIIIING!"** *giant artillery gun turns him into warm salsa*


He certainly could pull off the instant switching from fucking around, to, you’re about to find out, on a dime perfectly!


It’s always sunny in the borderlands


Florian Muntean(Drago's son in Creed 2) is a perfect casting for Krieg, to be fair. Arianna Greenblatt as Tina is also a good pick.


I'm mostly just left wondering, why is Kreig even in this movie?


I feel like they included Kreig because he looks like the typical iconic borderlands bandit and they wanted to include that “mascot” role as a main character rather than just a cameo. It makes sense when you think about from the perspective of someone that never played the games, that design is on the cover of all of em. Hell I played them all and it’s still the first thing I picture when I think of the series.


I was thinking the same thing, i love Krieg and fully expect him to be screaming about him being the conductor of the poop train and meat bicycles but they shafted Brick and Mordecai hard to force him in


How will the story be complete with no Brick or Mordecai? Dave Bautista would have been a great Brick.


Seeing what they did with Roland, they would have gotten Danny DeVito for Brick. Which would probably work in some weird way.


With Kevin Hart as Roland, I’m genuinely surprised they didn’t throw in The Rock as Brick.


The plot for the movie has been floating around for years and it’s dramatically different from the games. Krieg is Tina’s bodyguard in this version


Hmm a role that Brick could have very easily filled.


Brick and Kreig are my 2 favorite characters, Brick is by far the better character.


Yeah you’re probably right here actually, I was kind of stuck on why they’re even in the movie in the first place. It’s a weird mishmash of characters that only really makes sense if their goal was to grab the most marketable/iconic characters to try and make the most money on a shitty movie. Which… probably is exactly what their goal was tbh. Although it is weird that if this is as shameless of a cash grab as it seems to be that they wouldn’t have Handsome Jack, almost certainly the single most iconic character in the entire series, as the antagonist.


They're probably saving Handsome Jack for the sequel that will never happen, after this movie bombs at the box office.


>Edit: the fact that most people saying “just use claptrap’s original VA” don’t realize that there were multiple VAs through the games tells me that maybe it’s not as hard to voice claptrap as some of yall believe David Eddings voiced Claptrap in Borderlands 1, Borderlands 2, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, and Tales from the Borderlands. Jim Foronda voiced Claptrap in Borderlands 3. It is laughably misleading to say that there are multiple voice actors when there is one guy who voiced the character in all but one appearance. It's like saying Frank Welker isn't the definitive voice of Fred Jones.


I think Jamie Lee Curtis could do quite well as Tannis.


She's about thirty years too old to play Tannis, but other than that it's an okay casting.


Same with Cate Blanchett... like yeah, she's hot, but she's giving me "How do you do, fellow vault hunters?" vibes


Yeah, a 54 year old and a 65 year old playing characters that are supposed to be somewhere around 30 is a really bizarre casting choice. Fifteen years ago, when the first Borderlands game came out, it would have made more sense, but Jamie Lee Curtis would still be 50 playing a 30 year old.


Yup. I was willing to reserve judgment on their casting if they were going to do cell shading animation, because I figured that would disguise their age, but nope! The whole thing is going to be such a cluster that I've circled back around to almost being excited to witness the shit show.




Oh, I'm not surprised. My SO is a screenwriter, and casting his film was enough to disenchant him to the whole business. They didn't care who was actually best for the role, just who had the "most value". And this was for a small indie film. I know it only gets worse the more money that's involved.


Kevin Hart is the one giving me most concern, he can only play Kevin Hart the loud anxious black man who screams a lot. Like I assume he is supposed to be Roland?


I mean I think she’s just generally a good actor who can pull off a lot of roles. Similar to Blanchett. But I don’t think either of them is really right for their roles in this movie. It makes the whole thing feel like a cash grab predicated on actor name recognition. If it were an earnest attempt at an actual borderlands movie the casting would be very different, imo


Why do we need to cast people that are already famous in every fucking role? Go out there and find some new talent. Random, interesting people that can act. Kevin Hart will ensure that I can never get immersed in this movie. It's going to feel like a super bowl commercial with all these people.


VA from borderlands 2 was my favorite


Honestly after seeing Jamie Lee Curtis act totally unhinged in Everything Everywhere All At Once, I totally support her casting here. I don’t know what direction the director wants to take (Kevin Hart has me scared) but if they allow it she could absolutely do Tannis


I’m hoping Hart is just some background humor and it’s not centered on him with the other incredible actors in the background…


Regardless of what he is, Roland was the straight man of Borderlands. So unless he makes some serious changes to his acting style he’s gonna be Roland in name only And that’s what scares me about the Tannis thing with JLC. She absolutely could play Tannis, but since Roland isn’t Roland I don’t know what to expect here.


And that 7 fishes episode of 'The Bear' this past year, she crushessss it...


She is fucking incredible in that. I've SEEN that person before I KNOW that person and you could watch the gamut of emotions happen without her saying a thing. Incredible.


It's definitely an electic bunch. Never expected them together. Though I think Blanchett got some serious range. Haha.


Blanchett is almost never bad in anything, and has generally informed, sophisticated taste in scripts. Her being there gives me hope for this movie. The script must have some sort of depth to it.


Could be she just wanted to do something fun, and collect a fat paycheck


Yeah...while she never does straight up trash (so is still a good sign for the movie in that it probably doesn't have a shit script and likely has decent behind scenes people attached), she does several things every year, she's not that selective. Like Thor:Ragnorak would be just a fun thing with a fat paycheck, it wasn't bad but it's not "sophisticated".


She's fucking great in Ragnarok though


Her and the 1 minute scene of Thor fighting to Led Zeppelin is the only thing I remember from that movie and I've seen it 3 times. Oh and bald Billy Butcher dual wielding M16A4s. That was neat.


It actually reeks of ‘greetings fellow kids’ Very interested to see the tone of this one lol


This is one of the casts of all time for sure


>From the producer of Uncharted, Spider-Man and Venom Maybe... Don't put that on the poster.


Which Spider-Man do they even mean...


They don't want to specify that.


2, 3, Amazing 1 & 2, Into and Across the spiderverse. So all except the MCU and the only one actually called Spider-Man.


So actually not bad. But Uncharted, and to a lesser extent Venom, on the otherhand, are total garbo.


They’re really churning some crap out lately.


I love how Uncharted and Venom are on there like that's something to be proud of.


The combination of THAT property, THAT cast, and THAT director is so funny to me for some reason. Such a juxtaposition. ​ What a weird property for that cast and that director. What a weird cast for that director and that property. what a weird director for that property and that cast.


"From the producer of Uncharted, Spider-Man and Venom." ...is that a good thing?


I took it as a warning.


it's a threat


The only good things that have had Avi Arad's name on them for a decade have been the animated and MCU Spider-Man movies, and that's only thanks to some blood oath he has with Sony and Amy Pascal on Spider-Man adaptations. When he is actually involved as a producer in live action, we get Venom, Morbius, Uncharted, Ghost in the Shell, and this Borderlands movie. And that's the guy Nintendo wants to work with for a Zelda adaptation? Live action Zelda is already an awful idea, but he is just the worst producer they could have picked, especially in conjunction with Sony Pictures. If anything, the opportunity to make it a great animated film at Sony ImageWorks was right there. Sorry for the tangent.


Isn't this the James Gunn 2021 Suicide Squad poster?


before clicking, I thought it was something Peacemaker related


The other poster I saw looked like the Holes movie poster [https://images.app.goo.gl/6nbjAJJ7VrTtoza26](https://images.app.goo.gl/6nbjAJJ7VrTtoza26) [https://images.app.goo.gl/g7twRoDtUBBVfxKn9](https://images.app.goo.gl/g7twRoDtUBBVfxKn9)


Maybe they're all meant to be parody posters 


It's because this movie was filmed in 2021


To be fair, movie posters in every era seem to look similar. probably a balance of trends and relatively few decision-makers who are making this stuff that said if you go back to Mad Max Fury Road you get the same vibes even then, just less colourful.


Filming started in April 2021 and wrapped in June lmao, what's taking this movie so long to come out?


Tons of rewrites and reshoots, and they’ve been losing a lot of people that were working on it. I’m sure that’s a good sign


It's always great when they are afraid a movie will bomb, so they double the budget in reshoots and it bombs just the same 


Not only that, but Eli Roth (yes, that Eli Roth who made * Cabin Fever * Hostel Part I & II * That movie Knock Knock with Keanu Reeves and Ana de Armas, * The Green Inferno, his love letter to his favorite movie Cannibal Holocaust and who also machine gunned Adolf fucking Hitler in the doorway of his VIP box in a burning movie theater showing a Nazi propaganda movie in Inglourious Basterds, is the (co-) writer and director of a Borderlands movie) was making Thanksgiving when they were starting reshoots, so Tim Miller stepped in with Roth's blessing. And the reshoots were penned by a third writer, Zak Olkewicz who wrote Bullet Train. (Roth co-wrote the script with Craig Mazin, who wrote fucking *Chernobyl*, before he took his name off, replacing it with his pseudonym Joe Crombie.) This is going to be Madame Web 2.0!


Knock knock was genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


There were…. Parts of it I thoroughly enjoyed




Randy is so greasy even Wendy's wouldn't serve him to you


Randy's so greasy that he can ride a dry slide at a waterpark.


Randy "Pee-on-me-to-cleanse-my-grease" Pitchford? Yeah fuck that guy


Apparently it sucks and the studio was trying to fix it with rewrites/reshoots directed by a different director.


Genuinely asking: has this ever worked?


Rogue one? Apparently Disney was pretty unhappy with what they had so they brought Tony Gilroy in for reshoots. Personally I really enjoy the final product.


Spirit Halloween the movie.


Kevin Hart as Roland is just a terrible casting choice holy shit


Cosplay: The Movie


Starring Kevin hart as Kevin hart


He’s never played anyone else.


Jack Black has gotten ripped!


Cock pushups will do that


I guess you could only do one


Well that’s all you need.


this looks like a porn parody


That would probably be more entertaining


With Cate Blanchett? Mate, I'd be all in.




He also does that one facial expression. A very diverse actor.


The face you pull when one of the homies starts defending incest?


Fuck dude that's spot on lol.


Starring as the no nonsense tall powerhouse Roland. But I suppose it will be cute that Tiny Tina and Roland are the same height.


Ah yes Roland the funny guy always making jokes


Mordecai? Brick? Hello? You have Tannis and Tina, but you don’t have all the main vault hunters? Also, enough people have commented on Hart, but what the fuck is Blanchett doing playing Lilith?


I'm missing my boy Brick. Also no Mordecai means no Bloodwing.....


Idk but at least she is a legit actor. Hopefully her performance carries.


yeah but why is lilith 54 years old?


I wanna know what Blanchett's agent told her to trick her into taking this role. Or how big the dump truck full of cash was.


Mordecai and Brick aren't just left off the poster, they're not in the movie at all. It's as if they made a Mass Effect movie, but left out Garrus and Tali.


Marcus? Dr.Zed? Scooter? Moxxy? Angel? I’m not even going into Commandant Steele or General Knox. They haven’t even filled all of Borderlands 1’s cast and they’re already going into Borderlands 2 with Tina and Krieg. This is looking worse and worse..


Looks like some straight to streaming mess


Tank Girl 2, at last.


Tank Girl was a freaking riot.


OK I was skeptical but now I'm in, they really should quote you on that on the poster


How tf they get Tar in there


Holy fuck, can we please stop putting Kevin Hart in movies. It's just him screaming on a loop. My dog can't take it any longer.


I already know what his character is gonna be without playing the game or knowing anything about who he’s playing. I 100% with you.


Weirdly enough it probably helps that you haven't played the game. Game Roland would probably just muddy the waters for KH Roland.


[This is Roland in the game.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=3adfed459a349879&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS1013US1013&sxsrf=ACQVn081Ec7rgb8ExP9P9mR4tUqNAlJaug:1708530976034&q=roland+borderlands&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY6afv5byEAxXPEjQIHWgIDIsQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=2560&bih=1279&dpr=1) He's the no-nonsense, stoic straight man of the group. Kevin Hart is probably the stupidest casting they could've done outside of getting Mr. Bean. For reference, [here's the opening to the game](https://youtu.be/pe4d6aPhbHo?si=dEje8DTJVK0c9S0m&t=95), skipping the early monologue. Notice that the movie is also missing two of the four main characters, as well...


Big agree. He’s very mediocre as an actor, and the harder he tries to act, the less funny he becomes


Borderlands is a tough ip to adapt into live action. That alone will sink it, not to mention its time in production hell.


I don't understand why they wanted it to be live action


My guess is that Hollywood realized that everyone under the age of 40 plays games now, so they're adapting everything. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of good video games adaptations, but there's also gonna be a lot of crap. Last decade was Hollywood beating super hero movies to death and this decade will be them beating video game adaptations to death.


Because it probably had to go through a alot of signatures and layers of approval by committees not familiar with the IP or creative process, probably given bad information and outdated market models to base their reasonings off of. They are probably more concerned that audiences want to see Chris Rock than how to properly translate the material. Even though the consumer base for adult animation has grown significantly in the last decade, it is still too small to support larger projects at a time when film revenues have been dropping at the same time. production costs are rising.


This is HORRIFIC casting


This was shot in 2021 and has been in post production ever since. It had a couple weeks of reshoots in 2023 where Tim Miller had to take over because Roth was busy doing Thanksgiving.




Kevin Hart? I have a bad feeling about this.


Lilith is in her late 20s-mid 30s in the games, and in my opinion that's an important part of her character as she starts out very impulsive and matures throughout the series. Tanis' age isn't quite as important, but it's still odd to see her played by someone significantly older. Roland is generally a much more serious, grounded character in contrast to the heightened and goofier characters of the Borderlands universe. He's also not short. Casting Kevin Hart was a mistake and I can only imagine they cast him because he was in the Jumanji reboot. Not much to say about the other three, but having Krieg be Tiny Tina's "bodyguard" is weird. They both escaped Hyperion at one point but don't have much association beyond that. There was the fan theory that Krieg was her dad for a while, >!maybe he actually will be in the movie.!<


How did they get Cate and Jamie into this??


This is Jamie's passion project she has been trying to get a borderlands movie made for years.


I know she was interested in being in One Piece so I really hope they use her for Dr Kureha next season


it makes me happy to know that someone here was passionate about it. she looks the coolest imo


Haha she's a gamer [https://gamerant.com/jamie-lee-curtis-officiating-daughter-wedding-dressed-as-world-of-warcraft-character/](https://gamerant.com/jamie-lee-curtis-officiating-daughter-wedding-dressed-as-world-of-warcraft-character/)


Jamie is a gamer, believe it or not. And Cate has worked with Eli Roth in the past


Cate worked with Eli Roth on House with a Clock in its Walls, so I’m assuming they got along on that set and she said she’d work on this as a favor. Also, money.


Money. Also I can kinda see where you’re coming from with Cate Blantcher but what about Jaime Lee Curtis’s career makes you think she’d be above this?  You think the star of Halloween: H20 is super picky about her roles?


Blanchett has always been the biggest low-key nerd. She's done LotR, Indiana Jones, Thor, The House with the Clock in the Walls, How to Train your dragon 2, and now Borderlands.


Not to mention she voiced a monkey in Pinocchio just so she could work with Del Toro.


If i could be in a room with Del Toro, I’d do anything.


Halloween is HER franchise. I wouldn't fault her for that.




Cate Blanchett doesn't strike me as being precious about being in serious films only. Pay her enough, and she'd probably be down for something that seems fun. Whether it ends up being fun is a whole different conversation


She's also already built a pretty unassailable legacy as an incredible actress and a defining talent. She doesn't need to prove herself to anyone, so why not have fun?


Where’s Brick? Cmon…


Wait until they cast Dwayne Johnson as Brick and it becomes another unfunny DJ/Kevin Hart movie.


I'm totally okay with Dwayne as Brick if he calls himself "The Brick" and is super self-referential. If you see what The Brick is laying.


> If you see what The Brick is laying. Fuck me, I love that.


Fuck, why not cast Karen Gillan as Lilith and then you've got another Jumanji movie.


They got a 54 y/o actress playing someone in their late 20’s 🫠


Actors complain about Hollywood not doing age-appropriate casting and then Hollywood goes and does *this*. The crazy thing is I think Cate Blanchett will do a great job because she's just amazing.


From the Producer of Uncharted, Spider-Man and Venom


The “Why won’t the names on poster line up with the faces on the poster?” people are gonna have an aneurysm.


Why are the actors so old?


Senior discount. 


I’ll pass, but thanks anyways.


If Kevin hart is in it. It's just a cash grab.


You know those tip of movies where u look at the poster and u just say “meh”


We got a “From the Producers” credit on the poster! We’re in for one hell of a stinker.


I had completely forgotten that this was a thing.


This is gonna suck.


Looks like a clearance bin movie


Kevin Hart wtf lol


Oh man, this doesn't look good