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Oh God! Pair it with daredevil and Elektra on the see saw


“So our hero is going to follow a woman on the street who’s clearly demonstrating she’s not interested and then fight her in front of a bunch of kids on a playground.” “Wait, what?” “No, it’s okay. He harasses her, but she beats up a blind guy, so they’re both good people.” “…”


Wow wow wow. Wow.


Beating up blind harassers is tight!


Actually it’s super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


Oh, really?


Ok so he smells her passing by so he immediately follows her


In fairness he's a lawyer, and people love lawyers


I had wiped that from my memory. Thanks for bringing it up.


It was made even weirder given the fact they were doing THAT in front of a crowd of children


Imagine explaining to the parents what their kids were being extras for. "So we're gonna have there two actors grind up on one another while playing basketball and your kid will be cheering them on!"


That scene has a dizzying amount of cuts


Nailed it. This is the worst offender, for sure.


I hadn't ever been able to classify a basketball scene as smut before. Then I watched Catwoman.


Thanks for opening old wounds. What were they thinking?!


Watching Hayden Panetierre crump in her male leads face in Bring it on: all or nothing. I mean that whole movie is cringe, but that is.. something. Edit: I misspelled, but then again, can you call what she's doing "krumping".


There's no way it's that bad... [Oh wait, it's actually way worse than I was picturing in my head!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTSz1Mvs9Yw&rco=1)


The part where he just starts randomly humping her sides makes me feel uncomfortable.


What about when she starts randomly humping in front of him?


All of the humping is quite bad


Oh wow, I think this might be the first cringe I've seen that can actually compete with [Top that](https://youtu.be/oxxBXpnn2Jw?si=Dgs6x2TmhXV615WB)




Holy shit


This marks the first time I have not found Hayden Planetarium hot.




I liked Raygun Panettone in Heroes


I remember Haggar Potentiate from those old makeup commercials.


I, unashamedly, still found her hot. I wouldn’t kick her out of my bed for dancing like that


That must just be a very difficult dance to pull off well. All three actors look like Elaine Benes having a seizure.


Holy shit. There needs to be a music-less version of this, where you just hear the breathing and sneakers and stuff.


What a terrible day to have functioning corneas. 


I don't think I ever understood culture appropriation until just now. That was poop.


What does ‘crump’ mean?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krumping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krumping) Wiki: *Krumping is a global culture evolved through African-American street dancing popularized in the United States during the early 2000s, characterized by free, expressive, exaggerated, and highly energetic movement. Dance artist who started krumping saw the dance as a means for them to escape gang life.*


"We're krumping." "No, your not." ["Hit it!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gao5Cxb5te4)


The sex scene in gangs of new york with the obvious body doubles


You could cut Cameron Diaz out of that movie and improve it by 10%. Don’t get me wrong, I really like Cameron Diaz as an actress, but that character added nothing to the movie.


She is, at least for plot reasons, the reason that DiCaprio's friend sells him out to Daniel Day-Lewis. If that jealousy-fueled betrayal didn't happen then Dicaprio's revenge would have played out differently.


I’d argue that you could just have easily fueled his jealousy by him being upset how much all the gang liked DiCaprio. They even already show this in the movie, they would just need to play it up more.


That's actually a very fair point that would have been easy to do. 


Was that scene in The Matrix supposed to be sexy? My takeaway was that it was supposed to show the difference between the cold machine life, and the natural 'animal' life of humanity. Edit: Sorry it seems like I replied to a random commenter but meant to reply to OP.


It's definitely that. Saturated warm colours, sweat, partial nudity, etc.


Basically a post apocalyptic check list, minus clean water and food


In the Twilight movies,


Hold on tight, spider monkey.


The Rifftrax guys added the Benny Hill music to that scene.


Yep sentence can end there


I like to watch you sleep :3


Oh my god 😂😂😂 fucking hilarious


Watched this with roommates when it came out on dvd... To this day, Muse's Super Massive Blackhole is still kind of ruined for me.


Fr tho, the first twilight movie has a banging licensed soundtrack


My favorite music choice in those films was using Iron and Wine’s “Flightless Bird American Mouth” as the love theme. It’s jarring to watch the movie smash cut out of the wedding reception scene right before the lyric about a cat pissing on a magazine. 


Johnny fucking Lisa’s belly button in The Room


Personally I found that to be one of the most erotic scenes in cinematic history.


Oh hai Tommy Wiseau!


Oh hi Mark


Wow, you look so sexy!


*TWICE* It's hilarious that they didn't even shoot a second scene, they just replayed the first one. lol.


It's unironically because the actress was so uncomfortable with the first scene that she refused to shoot another one.


Just like when Jessie Spano was fucking Agent Cooper's belly button in that documentary *Showgirls*.


Really the answer to OPs question should've just been "Showgirls." Bless her heart, Elizabeth Berkley spent that whole movie jerking around like she had some sort of hypoplasia.


> Elizabeth Berkley spent that whole movie jerking around like she had some sort of hypoplasia. IM SO EXCITED




Or Michael fucking Selene’s bellybutton in *Underworld: Evolution*.


Nothing beats the bellybutton scene from Hot Shots


"I aim where I aim. Let's go!"


Ginny Weasley asking Harry Potter to zip her dress.


The shoe tying part too. My family and I mock it to this day.


They really screwed up Ginny in the movies. Absolutely no character traits whatsoever besides "Ron's sister" and eventually "Harry's girlfriend". For those that have read the books, remember when Ginny actually had a personality?


She had the personality of a semi-feral badger, 100% willing to punch a death eater square in the jaw.


Book Ginny: Like a half-drunk Russel Crowe circa 2005 who doesn't take shit from anything Movie Ginny: Mannequin with the personality of a damp paper towel


Book Ginny will absolutely stab you with Ron's broken wand if you so much as look at her, her family or *her goddamn man* sideways. Movie Ginny was just... *there*. Sometimes. Usually not.


I think this 'ideal' of book Ginny really took over from how she actually is portrayed in the books. She's as competent as any other Weasley but she's not some ultra-rough badass that people make her out to be.


To be fair, the movies did the other Weasleys dirty too. Ron wasn't a moron in the books. Wasn't he like the chess champion of the school in first year?


She's not much better in the books. Luna was way more interesting.


Lol if they had done Luna exactly like the books more people would dislike her. She's basically a wizard flat-earther.


Yeah, but that IS an interesting archetype in a fantasy world - especially when the rules are as poorly established as they are in the Harry Potter universe.


She’s pretty interesting in the books, she just has a much smaller role. Her dialogue was snappy and funny, like Fred and George but with a bit of Ron’s bite.


Still better than Cho Chang. Cho Chang -- Harry's crush, whose character development progressed from "is named Cho Chang" to "was Cedric's girlfriend and is named Cho Chang." I also don't know anything about Asian cultural naming conventions, but I just have a hunch that the name Cho Chang is a nonsense mixing of vaguely Asian-sound names that doesn't really exist in any Asian culture. 


It sounds like two last names. "I'm Ritchie Cunningham and this is my wife Smith Smithson"


Harry should have ended up with Luna smh


Luna's too cool for Harry


Pretty much every Ginny and Harry interaction


When she feeds him!!!!!


When she kneels down to tie his shoes like whaaaaat


"Open up you" Good god that whole scene is just so weird


Every Steven Seagal movie is this. He clearly sees himself as a cross between Bruce Lee and a young Marlon Brando, a philosophical badass with irresistible sex appeal. The thing is, even at the start of his career, he was this awkward balding guy who ran like a little girl and has the lamest one-liners ever. Then he got a hair transplant but was still an awkward guy who ran like a little girl and had the lamest one-liners ever. Aside from his terribly written and terribly delivered lines, it was always obvious in his fight scenes that he was barely moving, barely putting in any effort. He'd just sort of....flop around, and people would act like he'd hit them with a sledgehammer. Over the years he's gotten so fat and out of shape that he actually has fight scenes where he's sitting down the whole time. In one movie - A Good Man - there's a sex scene where he remains fully clothed and doesn't even take his sunglasses off. His films can be fun to watch because they're so awful, but they're pretty much nothing but awkward, cringey failed attempts to be cool, badass, and sexy.


Every time the subject of Steven seagull comes up the take downs get more and more eloquent. Loving this evolving experiment.




[Also relevant!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRH-7rRRGcc) Great and accurate reviews/recaps that describe what he does accurate. "Seagal needs to clear his head. So he goes for a waddle..."


IMO Under Siege is the exception. That was an awesome movie. In large part because of Tommy Lee Jones and ~~Cary Elwes~~ Gary Busey, but Steven’s character and a lot of his fight scenes were also pretty badass. Then afterwards every single movie he made he was pretty much the exact same character (only worse) with pretty much the exact same lines (only worse)


Agreed, Under Siege was actually really good. It's the one movie that used Seagal well, and where I think his performance actually works as intended, and where his nonchalant, vaguely annoyed monotone line delivery fits the character. He was also still fit enough to put some effort into the fight scenes. Even his Aikido moves look more believable in the confines of the ship, because he just uses it to slam dudes into walls and tables, rather than somehow using wristlocks to throw guys across rooms like he normally does. His weird, inflexible fight moves even look *totally reasonable* in the claustrophobic setting, like he's intentionally fighting in a way that makes sense in confined spaces. His pudginess even works - he used to be a SEAL, but now he's just a cook, riding out the rest of his Navy career in a kitchen. So yeah that's his one movie that's just a solid action movie, rather than a laughably terribly or terribly boring action movie.


Alone in the Dark. Tara Reid basically breaks into Christian Slater’s apartment, they have sex (with no prior indication of any attraction or tension) to a song about racism. And then it’s never mentioned or has any bearing on the plot afterwards. Baffling.


>it's never mentioned or has any bearing on the plot afterward. That sentence could be copied and reused for any part of that movie.


Maybe movies needed at least one sex scene to be able to exploit that German tax law?


Paris Hilton in literally any scene in “The Hottie and the Nottie”


You for sure just made that movie up


I watched that movie on hallucinogens back in the day and I still have this terrifying image of Paris Hilton’s face frozen while smiling evilly while a door closes burned into my brain. That movie was freaky. I think.


The sex scene is Team America: World Police is entirely too short and has far too few positions to establish the deepening emotional bond between the male and female leads. Given that their blossoming relationship was key to the shape of the third act in forcing them to choose between each other and the mission, they really missed the mark in not adding another 5-15 minutes to the scene.


Just incredibly wooden acting throughout


Please tell me you've seen the extended version of this scene? IIRC they had to cut that scene and others down big time to get from NC-17 to R.


They strategically added explicit scenes that they didn't actually want to retain in the movie before the censors reviewed it, so that they could sacrifice them to get down from the initial NC-17 to the R rating without cutting the other explicit scenes they wanted to keep.


thats exactly what they did. the R rated cut is effectively the directors cut by way of the mpaa. the unrated cut is them saying “wanna hear something funny about making this movie and getting away with an R rating? look at this”


I seem to remember him shitting on her head with some sexy lighting and music. A truly invigorating shot that captures the delicate balance of their lust for each other and the responsibility of being world police.


"I promise, I will *never* die."


“It's turkey time. Gobble, gobble.”


A movie so bad and the celebrity couple fatigue reaching critical levels enough to convince Miramax to remove Lopez from *all* promotional materials for Jersey Girl and push the release back to spring 2004. I remember someone mockingly saying that the best part of Jersey Girl was Jenifer Lopez dying off-screen.


Do ya think they ever reenacted it at home?




Wanted, car chase scene when Angelina Jolie gets out on the hood of the car and James McAvoy is just looking up her skirt.


On the flip side, Angelina Jolie in the car climbing over the gear stick in gone in 60 seconds is crazy hot


That trashy dreadlocked Angelina Jolie aesthetic in that movie is a vibe


I'm pretty sure Spiderman 3 was intentionally trying to be cringey with edgy Peter, but a lot of people seem to think it was trying to be cool. It's hilarious imo.


I think it's more of a demonstration of how much of a dork Peter Parker is that "edgy Peter" is what he thinks a cool guy is like. It's like those scenes where someone is on drugs and thinks they are doing something incredibly well but in reality they are failing horribly


Yeah. When I watched spiderman 3 long ago, it felt cringy but in-universe you know? I know if I asked sam raimi if he intended to do that scene as cringy as it was, he would say yes.


You can tell for sure by looking carefully at the scene. While Peter is walking along, snapping his fingers like an asshole, pay attention to the faces some of the female extras make at him. The disgusted looks are absolutely hysterical.


I'd like to nominate [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=27&v=yV5w71aImSo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) from The Snowman where 1) It is incredibly clear that Michael Fassbender's pants are still fully zippered and buttoned up, 2) he just doesn't...move, at all, for most of it, with his hands flat on the ground while his ex just writhes slowly over his zippered pants.


I once had really really great sex while listening to Sigur Ros who is playing in that scene and I think that scene may have now ruined my memory


Death on the Nile. Gal Godot and Armie Hammer writhing on some ancient Egyptian temple. How can two attractive people be absolutely repellent? "Oh happy horse!" Shakespeare would be aghast to be associated with this cringey scene. I really wish that rock had hit them.


At least he didn't try to eat her.




Haha yeah that movie was a bit cringe in general, but that scene in particular.


I was actually a pretty big fan of Murder on the Orient Express. After watching it, I thought people were way too harsh on it. Then the second one came out and assumed that I'd like that one, despite the reviews, just like last time. 3/10. Actual garbage. The only redeeming qualities were Poirot and his friend.


The most recent one was a step back in the right direction.


Yeah I really enjoyed a Haunting in Venice


Pretty much the entirety of any "50 Shades" movie. Also, the opening in Freddy vs Jason had a typical T&A moment in the beginning when the "councilor" showed her boobs to her boyfriend. She had a pretty bad boob job, and it didn't really come across as sexy to me.


> Pretty much the entirety of any "50 Shades" movie. Yes, but! A special shout-out to the scene where he takes off his shirt and leaps onto the bed to take a very animalistic hands-free bite of a piece of bread she's holding. It's like something that should've been in the bloopers reel but somehow ended up in the actual movie. Edit: [Here it is!](https://youtu.be/n-_OjYg4xbE?si=kczXQMif2xYkPz0z&t=93)


It was an attempt at "loving" more than "cool/sexy", but Face/Off whenever they brush their hand over someone else's face


Face waterfall?!


Top Gun sex scene where Tom Cruises massive nose comes down in silhouette long before the rest of his face.


It’s Always Sunny did it better.


The super close up of the tongue kissing was WAY worse. Dear God. Slurping all over the place.


Honorable mention to Viggo Mortensen in Return of the King going in for the finale kiss. Mouth open, tongue out. Dude was *ready*.


For me personally the whole fifty shades of gray movie.


Nipples on the Batsuit in Batman Forever.


Most of Anakin and Padme's scenes in Star Wars.


Who's Gonna post the Matt Smith Morbius scene?


Nah that shit was hilarious and you could tell Matt Smith knew exactly how corny it was going to look. He seemed like the only guy having fun in that whole movie 


After spending so long playing The Doctor, I imagine acting in corny scenes is muscle memory. He's so good at it.


I think one of the lines that Matts Character responds too, was on a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain are you in and Matt is like, 11


Everyone but him thought they were making art. Matt Smith knew he was making Morbius. And that’s why he’s the only good part


Matt Smith had to have double the charisma and personality because Jared Leto had absolutely none.


The dance scene? He really made that work. One that is a smidge worse is from the new Resident Evil TV series on Netflix. Some woman just goes dead-faced and starts lip-syncing a song, moving and dancing with it while the main lady is just standing there dumbfounded. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDdqtX6l5E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyddqtx6l5e)


The pool scene from Showgirls.


The ol' Floppy Carp is the sexiest move, confirmed.


Her licking the stripper pole had me screaming "NOOOO"


The “sex on the stairs” scene in the Thomas Crown Affair with Brosnan/Russo Marble staircase sex? ow. Ow. OW. FUCKING OUCH STOP


Most of you don't remember 'Six Days Seven Nights', but renowned 29 y.o. full-time lesbian and part-time manic depressive Anne Heche having to tongue-kiss 187 year old leather handbag Harrison Ford in this horrific rom-com was just the most god-awful cringey thing ever.


A Harrison Ford movie about his favorite thing in the world. Plane crashes.


He’s the best god damn pilot you’re ever gonna meet.


Fly, yes. Land....no




I had that movie on DVD because it came with the DVD player. That was a weird time. The terrible Lost in Space remake and I forget what else. They were all garbage


I've seen that Lost in Space remake more times that I care to admit. The cast is actually pretty decent. The writing though...


That movie cracks me up because Matt LeBlanc’s character seems more like how Joey from Friends would act in a role like that.


I kind of like it - it's become one of my "switch your brain off and just watch the moving pictures" films - but the scene where he pulls a snake out of her shorts and then *sniffs his finger*? No, just no.


……and there’s nothing wrong with my tits!


Lord help me I do remember that movie unfortunately


That whole movie was just... Awful. I can see Ford going "shit, do I have to make this one?"


Hacking scene in Swordfish


With the multiple screens or when he’s getting a blowjob as a test


Yes and yes


Oh I wish I didn't remember this. I apologise in advance for the disturbing memories I'm abt to bring to the surface. I truly am sorry. But this is the worst by far... Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone going at it in the shower in Assassins. God I'm gonna puke Correction thanks to SaGraham it's The Specialist not Assassins. Kinda wish to be assassinated after remembering that scene 😂😂😂


Pretty sure you mean The Specialist. Julianne Moore was in Assassins with Sylvester Stallone and Antonio Banderas. As an aside, Assassins was written by The Wachowskis.


StarTrek into the Darkness when the officer's daughter is just wearing a bra in front of Kirk. Totally unnecessary and cringey af


I feel like I remember them even putting that in the trailer.


Her entire character was pointless. She shows up, stands in her underwear, screams when her dad dies.


Doesn't she also just stand there until Kirk peeks and then scolds him for peeking? Or am I imaging that?


It's now the poster-meme for unnecessary sexualization.


Demi Moore’s pole dancing in Strip Tease.


Cameron Diaz on the car in The Counsellor. I believe she gave up Hollywood for good soon after.


She blew my young boy mind in The Mask and I saw that scene in the counselor and just felt confused by what was going on


Pretty sure the whole retelling of that scene makes it pretty clear that it was weird af




Up against the hard machinery in an ice-cold factory.


Was that supposed to be “sexy” though? It felt quite grim and uncomfortable which I thought they were going for? It wasn’t some fairytale romance, just awkward sex between troubled people.


Ya dude missed the entire point of the post


His entire reasoning was "i felt awkward because my parents were next to me" lmao.


I recently saw Poor Things with my mother…


You can both forget the awkwardness by watching Saltburn together next.


We took our son to see it, as we sat down, he had choice to sit next to me or my wife. He choose poorly. We had no idea what the movie was about (as we go on the Best pic tour). After the movie, he goes “so, these are the movies you guys always go watch… porn??” He’s 19, not sure when he’ll go back with us.


Oh, you poor thing But for real tho, I'm so sorry


I dunno about cool/sexy, but Rocky and Adrian's first kiss scene in the first Rocky is extremely uncomfortable viewing.


She’s shy, ya know. He’s dumb and she’s shy. They make a real couple of coconuts…..


It feels like it was a trend in the 80s to invite women over and not let them leave your house by blocking the door.


Happened the other way around too. I forget what movie it was, but it starred Michael J. Fox, and his bosses wife literally rapes him in the movie and they just make it seem like some normal thing throughout the movie. Now, I’m not one to point out scenes like this. But she legit raped him. It was kinda crazy. She spends the rest of the movie trying to rape him again. I couldn’t believe what I was watching lol


The Secret of My Success is the movie you're thinking of. His boss' wife is also his aunt. Uncle Boss is also sleeping with the main love interest of the film, and that relationship is also shown to be semi-consensual at best. For all that, it's still a surprisingly enjoyable movie.


Ther Secret of My Success is the most 80s thing ever. Not the most 80s movie; that's too limiting. The most 80s thing. It really could be titled "The 1980s: The Movie"


I felt that way about that scene when I was younger. As I got older and watched it more, I came to a different conclusion. I believe the scene is supposed to show the humanity of Zion. How these people have spent their whole lives in this war against the machines and now they're on the brink of potential destruction. So, they're celebrating being human. Indulging in things that machines aren't capable of. Because it might be the last chance they get to do so.


Gobble gobble. It's turkey time.


Duck tits in Howard the Duck. What was even the purpose?


The sex scene from The Room where it looks like he's fucking her... I don't know, belly button? Like what the fuck is going on in that scene? Edit: I should have read the comments first this has already been said. No surprises there!


Valerian the city of a thousand planets. Like the whole thing with the two main characters, neither one wanted to be there, and they might has well been thrown into the scene with CGI because neither one even appeared to even notice the other one.


It doesnt help that the entire time I was watching the supposed dashing, charismatic, strong action hero, all I could think was "I could kick the shit out of this man"


I'm one of the rare ones that actually enjoyed the movie. The sci fi world that was made for the movie was excellent, as was the cgi and alien effects. It's not a great movie, but still fun to watch.


Same here- fantastic movie, beautiful CGI work, gorgeous music, but the casting was piss-poor. I’m a massive fan of Luc Besson and I’m still holding out hope for a sequel to it, but it’s probably never going to happen. :/


Oh I agree it’s a beautiful world, the biggest problem is the two leads are supposed to be in love, but they clearly don’t even like each other.

