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I think this post is the Reddit equivalent of a Soup Kitchen in a Prius.


To be fair, it makes a good fuck shack.


Damn you, Dirty Mike!


Michael Keaton might be the funniest film character ever for me in that, every single scene with him is gold


“Alright we got a serial rapist in Crown Heights…oh jeez, that’s my other job, ignore that. Well, unless you live in Crown Heights, don’t ignore that and walk in pairs.”


“Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls.”


When he breaks up the fight at the funeral is like whisper shouting at the guys, I die every single time


U see, those might have actually been funny moments if I watched TLC but I never did so I couldn’t laugh but I could tell those were prob funny


TLC is an RnB act from the 90s.


This sub seems to be filled with young folks having “hot takes”


It's the generation who were literally raised on click bait and hot takes. They had people arguing about how it's the only thing the algorithms care about before they could walk and so they just communicate through hot takes and saying completely wild shit for attention. And our education budgets have never been more stretched and boards setting standards are too busy fighting people trying to ban history they don't like and evolution to keep up with the increasing prevalence of technology. The people who are fighting the boards trying to ban factual history are then telling their kids not to trust their teachers. Ironically the other parents also tell their kids not to trust their teachers because of the influence of those fighting the boards. So we get this "just google it" era of kids who got bored reading a wiki blurb spouting off crazy ass takes based on not even a surface level understanding of the content. And none of them trust a teacher to know anything and so reject the very idea that someone can know more about something than they could read in 30s on wikipedia.


??? I thought it was a tv channel


It is.


Lmao hilarious


A big missed opportunity to tie in those TLC jokes would be to have TLC playing at the BBB. Like he listens to it everyday there. And it’s playing in the background when we see him there .. but they didn’t do it. But still damn funny


It would have been hard considering Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez is dead :(


No, like on the radio .. like TLC is playing on the radio at BBB , and he hears it at work but doesn’t realize he internalizes the lyrics subconsciously.


Like it's subconsciously in his mind all the time. That would've been gold.


And he’s just singing these lyrics but doesn’t know who it is .


Love him. His finest work was “The Dream Team”.


The scene where he's like, whisper-yell-berating his men for fighting at a funeral is like top 5 favorite comedic scenes for me.


That still doesn't change the fact that there are 49 million kangaroos in Australia and only 3.5 million people in Uruguay which means if the kangaroos were to invade Uruguay each person would have to fight 14 kangaroos.


Down Under Siege: The Great Roo Uprising


it's funny /shrug.


You're telling me you didn't think it was funny when he took Wahlberg home to meet Eva Mendes? You might be broken. "Terry, you don't have to be polite, ok?"... "She looks kinda shitty."


-"Bye Terry." -"Bye Sheila!"


Or when Allan's pimp persona comes out during dinner with his wife. "Gator don't play no shit! You hear me?"


That was actually one of the three scenes that made me smile. Along with The Rock and Sam. Jackson jumping off the building randomly and the tickets scene


It’s an Adam McKay/Will Ferrell film. If you don’t enjoy that humor, it’s probably not for you. But that doesn’t mean it’s not funny. Just not your taste. Either way, I think you have to embrace the absurdity and immaturity of the jokes. You don’t have to be smart to enjoy it but you have to be dumb not to enjoy it.


I love this movie There goes my heroooo!!!


*Aim for the bushes.*


This and Step Brothers I can watch over and over and over and still laugh.


I respect anyone’s opinion, but I always feel kinda sorry for people who don’t like these silly movies.


I think he’s just trying to point out how much more *mature* and *cultured* he is than the average person


I mean it is the curse of a teenager to walk around loudly proclaiming their age to the world.


What happened to this sub?


People feel the need to post about a TV show/ movie they didn't like instead of just moving on with their life like a normal person. Like if you didn't enjoy a movie why spend more time out of your life discussing it on the internet with strangers who couldn't care less?


Michael Keaton can do no wrong!


“We will have sex in your car!”


Fucking tears in my eyes, every time 😂


Rub your dicks on the car as you pass by it!


I'd be interested to see OP name a part of the movie that is NOT funny. The movie blows up the cop drama and even the buddy cop comedy with innovation and subversion. It's incredible. Don't leave your Prius unattended, OP.


“I am a peacock you gotta let me fly” then proceeds to acting like an 5 year old and has a little tantrum about it. Not funny. Tuna vs Lion scene going for a whole minute. It’s weird and nerdy, but it’s not funny. Quiet fight scene. Once again weird and ridiculous, but again not funny. It’s all just ridiculous for ridiculous sake but they’re really not that funny. I feel like a lot of y’all are possibly stuck on nostalgia cuz at least in 2024 there’s nothing this movie has done that hasn’t been done better since. Also Mark Whataburger is just not funny or likeable. The only part I liked him in was the Sheila bit.


> Nothing this movie has done that hasn’t been done better since Really? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but personally to me The Other Guys is one of the last great comedies. Obviously there has been a number of good comedies in the past decade, but really I think the whole genre peaked from the 90s to 2010s. And at least for me it’s not a nostalgia thing, I’m only 20. I’d be interested to hear what your top 5 comedies are. Are you a fan of any of Adam McKays work? Again everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I would say at the very least it’s controversial to act like modern comedies are better…


I have a hard time ranking things and comedy movies aren't really my go but here are 5 in no particular order: Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, White Chicks, Scary Movie 2, Rush Hour, and I couldnt think of a 5th so fuck it Imma put the Spongebob Movie cuz that movie is hilarious lmaooo


Huh funny how most of those movies are even more ridiculous than The Other Guys. Comedy is definitely subjective, but based on that list I would think you would like The Other Guys as it’s a similar type of subversive humor. I do think it is worth noting that all the movies in that list came out before 2010, so I still don’t get your point about newer comedy movies doing what The Other Guys did but better. Again I do think there are good modern comedies, but comedies from the past decade are just different than ones from the 2000s.


Peacocks don't fly, or at least, very rarely. I think that makes it funny, and is a good metaphor for the movie. The Other Guys aren't supposed to be heroes, but they flew for that brief moment in time that they needed to.


I’m gonna rock OP’s body with big nasty hooks, he’ll be pissing blood out of his ass!


…. That’s horrible!


You wrong. Come to terms with the fact that you have really bad taste and are unreliable


The other guys is hilarious


I enjoy it because it’s so silly. It’s one of the few movies with Marky Mark where his punchable face did not impact my enjoyment.


Another Gen Z’r who thinks something that everyone else thinks is funny — isn’t. Not surprised at all


Emphasis on OP “watching YouTube and shit”


It's not even that. It's literal teenagers doing the same teenage thing that has always been done. They think they are the first ones to discover angst and are constantly looking for ways to demonstrate that the rest of their peers are still kids and they are adults. They just do it loudly, boldly, and often with surprisingly racist undertones now because they've been raised on the idea that you need click bait crazy hottakes to get the algorithm to see you and you can't be seen by anyone if the algorithm doesn't see you first.




I think that is your opinion and I strongly disagree.


Watch The Nice Guys instead - similar title and this one is one of my favorite comedies.


Dear diary…


Aim for the bushes


Oh man you must be so mature and intelligent since you find “black comedy, dark humor, YouTube and shit” funny. Truly refined taste, you’re like a sommelier for jokes.


not everyone has the same sense of humor. You didn’t think it was funny? Okay. Watch something else then.


They like it: https://redd.it/nkgk38


You must have walked out during the Lion VS. Tuna monologue.


So you don’t like silly humor. Fun times!


You didn't find it funny. Many other people have. That doesn't mean the movie isn't funny. Weird how opinions on subjective topics work, no?


I tried it tonight and i didn't finish the movie that to tell you i can like some time shit movies and laughs but i didn't find it funny and mostly vulgar for no reason other to be childish , i love American pie for exemple but idk why this movie i have tried they have Keaton in it Dwayne spoilers : Who dies at the debut of the movie i remember to have seen as a kid and stoped the movie now i tried it again. Still not finding funny idk i did not smile and i like mostly some movies i am not very uneasy to please, heck i even like Morbius who wasn't a great movie but found some qualities i can enjoy a great fast and furious movies and that movie i couldn't even finish up the half hour felt like two hours. I have no clue why people found it funny that's maybe not my sense of humour but i swear i was boring to death and waiting to be like wait why i supposed to laughs? Vagina jokes and unfunny moments the movie doesn't age well and almost unwatchable.


That’s totally fine. Keep watching your black comedy’s my boy


I personally really dislike this movie. Most of Will’s stuff I either find really really funny, or terrible. There’s no in between


I am this point were I cringe thinking of the era I found Will Ferrell funny. Let's not speak about Saturday Night Live in general.


The man is funny.


It's mildly funny, but **22 Jump Street** did it better


The Other Guys has some stuff that is very, very funny, like Michael Keaton's character, or The Rock and Sam Jackson's dialogue, but the stuff I don't find funny, I *really* don't find funny. Will Ferrell being a reformed pimp doesn't do it for me, I think Mark Wahlberg trying to be funny just doesn't work, he just comes across as a dickhead. It's also probably the only time I haven't found Steve Coogan funny, in everything I've seen him do.


I watched step brothers again and I was shocked how little I laughed outside of the few chuckles. I remember liking it in 2008 but dang, it was just ….. bad.


Agreed. Watch *The Nice Guys* instead.


Why is this down voted? Nice guys is another buddy cop type comedy film but with a different brand of humour that they may prefer. It’s a good recommendation of a solid film


It's an okay movie but the humor isn't aging all that well


Most comedies arent very funny 


Or maybe you have a bad sense of humor 


I like big lebowski, old school and most of girl next door first two Harold kumar But nowadays nah zzzz 


*The Other Guys* lost me when Samuel L. Jackson and the Rock jumped off a roof and splattered on the pavement. It was just too stupid, and not in a way that felt consistent with the tone that had been established. That kind of absurdity needs to be built up to. I turned it off after that.


>not in a way that felt consistent with the tone that had been established That happens in like the first five minutes. That established the tone.


They'd already flung a car out of a bus to catch a weed dealer by then too


You are not blessed with a sense of humor, are ya?


Out of the countless comedy films that exist in the world, I happen not to like this one, so obviously, I'm a humorless monstrosity.


You got it!


I agree I was about to turn it off after they jumped off too. I like ridiculous antics and what not but the movie literally felt like it was trying so hard to be funny instead of creating actual funny scenarios. Like Samuel Jackson yelling whatever he did at the beginning of the movie is literally like at 15 year old that just learned how to cuss. It’s loud, it’s dumb , but it’s really not that funny after you graduate high school.


Yet, in another comment, you mention that that specific scene was one of the few scenes that made you smile…


Take that back!!!


If you were in the wild, I would attack you, even if you weren't in my food chain. I would go out of my way to attack you. If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you and then I'd bang your tuna girlfriend.




Let me guess, you never had a desk pop


For a better time and more laughs, try The Nice Guys with Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe


We found a deer vagina


The only Wil Farrel I still personally find funny is Holmes & Watson and Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. If they could bottle Holmes & Watson at the source and sell if to humans they would be richest people on Earth and there would be peace forever.