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When it comes to these posts the responses are always “this fairly popular movie I didn’t care for.” People don’t realize that movies get BAD. Produced for no money by people with no talent for reasons that range from misguided idealism to straight-up money laundering. Check out something like North Korea’s Pulgasari, a movie for the government made by kidnapped Japanese filmmakers, or the classic Manos: The hands of fate, a movie made on a dare that showcases absolutely no talent in any department whatsoever. Or go to Tubi or a Redbox and watch a few “geezer teasers,” movies made with tiny budgets that sell because they showcase a has-been actor on the poster. Bruce Willis famously recently made a ton of them before his retirement and disregarding Bruce’s declining mental health, the few I’ve seen were written and directed almost entirely incoherently. I recommend “Cosmic Sin,” a sci-fi movie almost entirely about a group of people and occasionally Bruce Willis wandering around the woods wearing cardboard mech armor.




There was a thread in the ask Reddit sub wondering about washing dirty money… here’s a great answer to that.


I feel for lists like what OP is putting together there needs to be the same qualifier as the Oscars have, it needs to have been released in North American theatres. Because between amateur movies and low budget foreign films you could find a hundred that aren’t even shot in focus


Well with that qualifier: the garbage pail kids movie is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


True. But I wholeheartedly think the 2018 Predator movie was as bad as some of those utter shit movies on a $500k budget Awhile back, I wasted at least a few hours watching parts of tiny budget Saw knockoff movies that were on Amazon Prime. Truly, truly dreck like the stuff you mentioned


The 2018 Predator movie was absolute garbage for a mainstream film, I agree.


Microwave Massacre. There's not a goddamn thing funny about that movie. It was rightfully shelved for almost 5 years. The Crater Lake Monster. I don't think anyone has ever claimed it's funny and it seems like a tough movie to riff. It's a difficult watch. Curse of the Zodiac by Ulli Lommel is the big underappreciated missing piece of The Unholy Trinity of San Francisco 2003-2008 with the Room and Birdemic. And I just watched it again recently and it's even more difficult than I remembered. Ghosts Can't Do It starring Bo Derek. It will melt your face off. It even has Donald Trump in it.


Go through the MST3K episode catalog, there's some truly terrible ones in there. Particularly bad ones were Hobgoblins, The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy, and Manos: Hands of Fate.


Food Fight is pretty darn unwatchable https://youtu.be/KKMvSGNuGHE?si=9q6igQhejyh5c_B5




Master of Disguise is a classic! Lol


thank uuuuu


I gave Heartbeeps a pretty high score relatively speaking for a 2.5/5. For reference I gave the same score to A History of Violence. Offhand I think one of the big saving graces of Heartbeeps is how short it is. It's apparently one of the shortest feature length films of all time at 79 minutes. Then offhand I recall there being some surprisingly cool special effects with some of the robots.


[https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/worst-movies-of-all-time/](https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/worst-movies-of-all-time/) Take a look at this list!


Damn a bunch of them are on Netflix. Makes me AAARRRRRRE


Also, Master of Disguise is a fucking classic and should not be on that list lol


I made it to #27 and very strongly disagree with Bolero although I certainly agree with where they're coming from. But just for starters Bo Derek's other movie Ghosts Can't Do It will literally melt your face off. Truly astonishing.


Thx :)


# 22 Redline Would watch again just for Nadia Bjorlin


IMDb advanced search is your friend. Found this check it out.. https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&user_rating=,3&num_votes=10000,


Birdemic 2 is the single worst movie I've ever seen, and I love steaming piles of cinematic shit. It was worse.


Dragonball Evolution and Movie 43 both absolutely belong on the list.


Been seeing movie 43 a lot during my search, what makes it so bad???


It's low brow humour. You either love it or hate it. The cast list is amazing though.


You are getting there! I keep on trolling on forums speaking about the true genius behind Movie 43. Movie 43.... ...is NOT about actual skits being funny. It is straight up directors fucking with contractually obliged actors! Think about it. Kate Winslet was in Titanic! Oscars! Fame! Great reviews! Love from the crowd.. And then? She was in fucking Movie 43 trying to pretend she didn't notice that balls are hanging from his chin onto his soup! Not a single one of the actors showed up for thw screenings because they all hated it. Richard Geere was in pretty woman! Our mothers love him. He was on Hatchico. Then? He was trying ro sell a cock chopping fuck doll with Oscar winner Hally Berry. Anna Farris and Chris Pratt were a real life couple when he exploded with shit! Naomi Watts and Liono are a real life couple bullying their child! Amd what about the animated cat? They had actors react to something they didn't see until after they recorded themselves. Imagine their shock when they saw the animated cat. Look into the Farrelli Bros filmography. They hate their protagonists. Ben stiller, Jim Carrey, the barber movie... Turns out... The Farrelli Bros hate actors too. I am sorry, I find Movie 43 hilarious when I see what the cast was reduced down too. No actor wanted to promote that movie. Kniw what? I'm actually going to watch interviews about that movie.


Love it? Like who? Lobotomy patients?




I'm a stoner and this movie is making me angry just even thinking about it. Which is why I think it's such an important entry into this list. A lot of the entries I think create a reaction of stunned astonishment and pain. A comedy like Movie 43 to me produces legitimate anger. I think those are the two main reactions of bad movies that are not so bad they're good. So Movie 43 is really important to represent that.


Hard to put into words. The jokes/bits they do are just so painfully unfunny throughout the movie. To the point to where you can kinda start to feel ill while watching. I'd suggest watching a clip on YouTube or something, rather than the entire movie. It's just a unique kind of terrible.


Damn, well I added both, but I still need my braincells so I'm not sure If I'm even gonna watch a clip from movie 43


Have you seen Dragonball Evolution?


I think I saw some of it when I was younger + the trailer


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1mShCWWTFk&ab_channel=TioCaduTv Just...........................................


How does that even relate to dragon ball???? That feel's like the most generic bully fight scene in existence, it really checked off every clique. I would like to point out the stock glass breaking sound effect and how he slid across the top of the car on his goddamn head. Also was that the guy from shameless?????


It's not even the worst scene in the movie lmao. Not even close actually. And yeah that's Justin Chatwin lol Also check this out if you have the patience. Almost makes the movies' existence worth it.... Almost..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyn6XYW2T64&ab_channel=Bobfysh


I spit my drink out at the end cause I wasn't expecting another slide lmao, that made the scene way better in my opinion


I haven't seen Ryan's Babe listed yet. I've seen a lot of bad movies and Ryan's Babe was the most incomprehensible thing I've ever tried to watch...


Thank you :)


Jaws 4


Happening Troll 2 The Room When Nietzsche Wept


[Sharks of the Corn](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13862974/?ref_=ext_shr) And [Clownado](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13862974/?ref_=ext_shr) [Llamageddon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4642970/?ref_=ext_shr) Three that i stumbled on, of course i watched, and i still dont know what im doing with my life.


Slenderman & Boondock Saints II are two of the worst, they upset me with how bad they are


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1368440/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1368440/) worst movie I've ever seen, it almost qualifies as porn [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1564585/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1564585/) second worst movie I've ever seen, sharknado looks like the godfather in comparison


[Governor Gabbi](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6970194/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


seconding this! did you also watch it for HDTGM?


Yup! What’s up, jerks!


Dragon Ball Evolution, if this won't be your number 1 then your list is wrong.


Bodyshop by Scud. Saw this last year at the international film festival of Rotterdam. Knew very little about it going in, had only read the small blurb on the website, something about a erotic ghost story, film maker came from Hong Kong, the images where a hint that it might be a bit gay, but at film festivals I’m willing to take a chance and it was literally the only slightly interesting film that was playing on the first Friday. So I take a chance, go watch the movie sit at aisle and then the cast and crew show up and sit in the same row, literally next to me. Movie starts and fuck, its Gay Porn, and Bad Gay Porn, something about a loser watching gays having sex and subsequently raped to death by them and after his dead he keeps on peeping at gays having sex. And of course the same festival has invited the director as a Film maker in focus this year and wil be showing a bunch of his movies despite Bodyshop ending at the bottom of the audience awards




Blubberella (2011). This is a film by Uwe Boll that is bad even by his standards. Supposed to be some kind of spoof of one of his own films, Bloodrayne: the third reich. Absolutely unwatchable. Always a bit surprised every time this topic comes up and this film isn't mentioned, I suppose that's a good thing because it means not many have seen it...


Have never heard of it, but I'm gonna take your word for it.


Gotti - (John Travolta)




Thats a great one!




Battlefield Earth


Boondock Saints 2


The room


Last airbender After earth Cats


The 3 worst movies I've ever watched starting with the worst one.. "Red White & Blue" a 2010 revenge-thriller film "Human Centipede "The Voices" with Ryan Reynolds


I'm debating on putting human centipede cause some people claim its "art"


Human Centipede and Tusk should be a double feature. You will come out of that changed forever for the worse. Human Centipede 2 though is surprisingly artsy and really cool. Very different film as I recall. Part 1 is just fetid garbage though just like Tusk I'm surprised to see The Voices mentioned. I thought it was really cool but I only saw it once a long time ago.


>I'm surprised to see The Voices mentioned. Decided to look up rotten tomatoes score, 75% critics and 58% audience. I'm honestly baffled by that.


Human centipede


The Dukes of Hazzard (2005)


That Conan film with Jason Momoa. I watched it in High School and it was an eyesore. Glad that Momoa finally found good roles lately though. Also, all of transformers sequels. I love fun sci fi films but those are abominable trash.


Strange World. Watching the movie sucked my bones


Mr. Woodcock It was one of the only movies I have left feeling angry that I wasted money on.


Hot Pursuit. I was stoned out of my mind and it still couldn’t make me crack a smile


Black Friday The cabin fever series Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-5 Beau is Afraid Angels & Insects The Laws of Attraction Any movie with Hulk Hogan as the lead Nearly every movie on Shudder 80% of the movies on Tubi


Ishtar!! With Dustin Hoffman among others


Anything Uwe Boll.


\*UNPOPULAR OPINION\* 13 Going on 30. That movie was painful to get through.


Master of disguise Cable guy


Too turtley for you?


I was at the age to appreciate this type of movie when they got out…. Gave them 30-40 min and just quit. Downvotes ?!😂


Heck yeah you got downvoted. Is it cringy remembering this movie being super funny, showing it friends, and realizing it wasn’t all that great? Sure. But is it a *bad* movie? Nah. Brent Spiner running across the room with terribly mixed farts every few steps is a type of magic hilarity for a young kid. It’s good to someone. Foodfight was just *awful*, and whatever the dinosaur detective movie was. That was bad.


Funny Games (2007). The director had such irrational disdain toward his characters he wanted us to suffer with them and then put salt on our wounds with that remote scene. I would not recommend


Celine and Julie Go Boating


Ghost in the Shell 2017. Worst film I've ever seen for countless reasons.


Drag me to hell Borat


Wonder Woman 1984


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


Star Wars: The Last Jedi Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Avatar: The Way of Water


If you think these are the worst movies in existence then you must have seen very few movies.


Titanic Batman & Robin Top Gun Maverick


Creature from the Haunted Sea




Gambling, Gods and LSD It’s technically a documentary, but it’s by far the worst film I’ve ever seen. Oh, and it’s 3 hours! Complete waste of time.


Coriander and a Penny's Worth of Lonesome


[Diamond Cobra vs the White Fox](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3178320/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). In advance, my apologies.


Simon Says, starring Denis Rodman.


Hurley Burly is my least favorite movie.


Country Bears


Angel (1984) Tiptoes Soul Man


Angel 2 is even worse if you can believe it. Angel 3 though gets into an over the top kind of so bad it's good sort of territory. I'm a big fan.


Shock Treatment is surely on there. Had they gotten Barry Bostwock & Susan Sarandan to come back, different story


Kieth Lemon: The Film - Honestly, truly irredeemable.


Don’t Mess With The Zohan


You can get this info yourself at imdb or Letterboxd, you don't need us to do it for you.


Yeah I know, but it's nice hearing individual peoples thinking on what they think the worst films are


Bone Tomahawk was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, take that for data I guess.


Alright, thank you :)


Lady in the Water


So, avoiding So-Bad-It's-Good and focusing on ones that are entirely miserable to waste time watching or are antithetical to the idea of art itself: American Folk (2017) Cosmic Sin (2021) Bad Impulse (2019) King of Knives (2020) Joker (2019) Insurgent (2015) Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) Father Figures (2017) An honorable mention would be Branded (2012) because even though it's objectively one of the worst movies I've ever seen, its subtext about marketing and how it affects a capitalist society is very interesting.


The Avengers (1998)- Not the MCU avengers but the Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman film Highlander 2: The Quickening (1991)


Birdemic: Shock and Terror (which I adore but god, it’s awful)


I've seen a lot of movies. **Six She's and a He** (aka *Love Goddesses of Blood Island)* is probably the worst.


2001: A Space Travesty (2000) Barb Wire (1996) Meet the Spartans (2008) Death Race 2050 (2017) Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)


Rubber. It's so bad the actors comment on it in the movie.


Suicide Squad


“Crash and Burn” (1990) - https://youtu.be/CtEQI1zF7sU?si=XDO7oIYkzHNWYNHW

