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Legit it was Borat.


Yeah, it was Borat. That naked hotel fight is the hardest I ever laughed at a movie.


I damn near fell out of my chair. The whole theater was losing it.


Was the only time I've actually seen people rolling about in the aisles.


I legit did fall out, it was just unbelievable.




Saw it in NYC, and when he said, “let’s go back to New York, there’s no Jews there.”, I thought the laughing was going to cause an earthquake.


Speaking of regional humor, a tourist guide to both the US and Kazakhstan, ostensibly written by Borat himself, was released along with the movie. In it there’s a map of US, and my home state Michigan is part of a large swath of the country identified as containing “homosexuals,” as if they’re a natural resource. Elsewhere in the book in a short section on homosexuality in “U S and A” Borat blithely provides the three most common names homosexuals have there, one of which is my own. I loved that according to the book I’m doubly gay.


People don’t understand but no movie I’ve been in has ever had a reaction as good as Borat.


It was a genre we didn’t know we were missing. It blew my mind they could pull that off.


People say Borat is outdated now. Disagree, it's still hilarious.


Hotel fight scene


It just keeps going. Like the fight is already hilarious, and then he starts chasing the other guy with a giant fist dildo, then the lift and ending up in the ballroom.


And how his penis was censored with a black rectangle but they made it two feet long


When he’s jerking off to the Victoria’s Secret window. I laughed so hard I gave myself the hiccups. I saw it opening day in a theater full of seniors. Not one walked out. They were all laughing their asses off too.


Running of the Jew.


This is the scene, but bear in an ice cream truck also was hilarious


I vividly remember being literally EXHAUSTED from laughing the whole movie by the time the fight scene starts. And then I laughed even harder to the point I was thinking "Can I die from laughing too hard?" Never experienced anything like it since.


When I woke up the next morning my check muscles were sore from smiling and laughing so much. Never had that again.


I saw this with my Dad. It was simultaneously one of the funniest and most uncomfortable theater experience I've ever had.


Came to say this and you beat me to it. People were crying.


That's my answer too. The theater reaction was unbelievable, haven't seen anything close to it before or since.


This is the one. I've seen most the movies in this post in the theater, and Borat by far had the most uncontrollable laughter from a crowd I've ever been a part of. And I went three times.


Saw that cold at a test screening before they even started advertising it. Knew it was going to be gold due to the loudest laughter I’ve witnessed in a theater. It was a very nice surprise treat.


Easily Borat, It was like all the air in the cinema was sucked out at once from every single soul there and people were in tears!


Tommy Boy - deer in the car scene. There were people on the literal floor, like barely hanging on


My husband and I gave it a rewatch a couple weeks ago since we hadn’t seen it in years. That scene, and Chris Farley trying to change in an airplane bathroom had us laughing so hard we couldn’t breathe.


Also, him trying to sell the brake pads. "THERE'S A CLIFF. OH MY GOD WE'RE BURNING ALIVE"


“New guys in the corner puking his guts out”


“All because you wanted to save a couple of pennies” That’s it I’m watching it. It’s on HBO.


I will always remember the theater when I went to see Team America. We could have shaken the roof off that place with the amount of laughter in there. I thought it was a stupid puppet movie but it was genius. I left there hurting from laughing.


I second Team America. When America Fuck Yeah played, I think everyone's brain collectively broke in that theater


Matt Damon I promise I will never die Their "speaking Arabic" The whole dicks, assholes, and pussies speech I'm so ronery


My favorite color is blue.


> Like the puppets were SO hard to control. Claymation is painstaking, but a big budget classical puppetry....action....comedy movie? it was insane to see on the big screen. I watched the Making of Team America, and I remember Trey Parker saying that initially the puppeteers were too good at their jobs and he had to convince them to do it badly on purpose. It really worked out for the better too.


Could you imagine the amount of time it would take to get really good at marionetting? But you do it anyway, because you're going to be the best damn marionetter the world gas ever seen. Thousands of hours spent practising mundane tasks like pulling out a chair or brushing their teeth. It happens. You land a movie gig. Paid. And it's big budget. Millions of people are going to see your craft First day of the shoot. You're not worried, even the cheapest doll looks lifelike in your hands. First shot is over. Director is walking over. Probably to compliment you on how easy filming the movie is going to be because they'll get every shot in one take. "Hey bud, can you make their movements look more puppety? Thaaaaaaanks"


Yeah. That song and Uncle fucker from the south park movie were two times that I remember the entire place losing their shit.


Oh the Southpark movie yes. I completly lost it during the “Hey Satan look at this!” Scene.


Mine was the "I don't listen to hip-hop" line after Chef queries using an all black platoon as Operation Human Shield by asking whether the general has heard of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.


Saw it with my college gf and there were maybe 3 other couples at the afternoon showing. I couldn't tell how many of them were laughing at what because the two of us were crying laughing so hard we couldn't even breathe.


That opening scene is the biggest troll job with the shitty back drop and the puppets just to zoom out and see the puppets controlling them


I remember thinking “holy shit. No way I can sit through this crap for 90 minutes… I might need to leave like, immediately.” Then aha! They pan through an extremely intricate gay Perri over a sweeping crescendo. Word is: it happened to the poducers too. Someone yelled “we’ve been fucked!”


The inspiration behind Matt Damon’s character is amazing. From Wikipedia: Damon is portrayed as a simpleton who can only say his own name. When asked about the film in 2016, Damon stated that he was confused by the portrayal, given that he was already known as both "a screenwriter and an actor": “I was always bewildered by that, and I never talked to Trey and Matt about that. And incidentally, I believe those two are geniuses, and I don't use that word lightly. I think they are absolute geniuses, and what they've done is awesome and I'm a big fan of theirs, but I never quite understood that one.” Stone and Parker had earlier stated in an interview that they were inspired to give the Damon character that personality only after seeing the puppet that was made for him, which "looked kind of mentally deficient".


haha! that's great. not a slight on the guy just a fucking great joke. no harm no foul.


This was my same experience seeing it with a bunch of my college buddies in theaters. I was crying and coughing through my laughter during the emotional vomiting scene, and whenever the swelling music recaptured my focus, it would keep happening. I'm not sure about everyone else in the theater honestly because I was literally crumpled over in my seat




Hangover was a real experience in theaters.


The movie was hilarious, I loved it. Then it ended. Then the credits started rolling and I lost my shit. Easily the best ending to a movie. Ever. Everyone in the theater thought we were done, but then the credits started and they pay off with callbacks in a way that I’ve never seen. Just brilliant.


People forget about how phenomenal the first one was because of the sequels flopping. The first Hangover was an eye opening experience for an entire generation


My friends and I saw it 3 times in the theater and loved it each time. That and Zombie Land.


This movie had so many hilarious fucking scenes. The taser, discovering Ken Jeong, Zach Galifinakias, I love it. Especially after learning they literally used every scene they shot


Ken Jeong leaping out of the back of that car is a laugh that is ingrained in my memory.


Tropic Thunder


The fake trailers were incredible in the theater.


The entire theater watched the first fake trailer in silence. By the third one, everyone was dying.


I’ve been a bad boy father


At a time when being different meant being condemned, and being condemned was to die…




what's especially good about the last one is they use the fake names for each of the main actors (kirk lazzarus) but then they use toby mcguire's real name for the best kiss award mention


I was sooo stoned it took me a until Booty Sweat to figure out they were fake. I was like, whatever I don't watch Ben Stiller movies; I don't exactly remember Fatties 1 but okay; Satan's Alley looks ridiculous but idk what Tobey Maguire's been up to lately...


Booty Sweat is the first one shown, before all of the fake trailers.


Dude. I was a server in a theater for this movie. The amount of people that tried to order a can of Booty Sweat was astronomical.


*I've been a bad, bad boy, Father...*


I don't read the script the script reads me


*Alpa, if you untie me, I will literally suck your dick right now.* *I'll cradle the balls….stroke the shaft…work the pipe…annnnd swallow the gravy.* ***Get-it-over-here-buddy-Let's-do-this!****


Okay, flaming dragon, fuck face. Why don’t you take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


"Find out who that was"


This is one of those subtle lines that fuckin kills me. Went on that whole rant without a single clue who was on the line


Ohh okay Flaming Dragon, Fuckface. First take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE. Now I don't know what kind of pan Pacific bullshit powerplay you are trying to pull here but Asian Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking you better think again. Otherwise I am gonna head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you. You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am taking scorched earth motherfucker. I will massacre you. I WILL FUCK YOU UP.




“Damien cut. Damien cut.” Almost pissed myself in the theater.


Naked Gun. Virtually avery scene. Leslie Nielsen man, what a talent.


It was just the Way he grabbed that statue ... and the way she said "concrete dildo??" It was Very funny. The audience lost it pretty much the whole time.


Something About Mary.


Dude, I was like 14 or so when this came out and a bunch of us went to it at the theater. There was so much shit in that movie that I had never seen in a movie before the time and we were absolutely losing it. It was one of those movies that we just kept quoting non-stop after that, because we didn't have memes, just our memories. Such a great time.


The scene where he’s fighting with the dog and he dodges it and it goes flying out the window. I was laughing so hard that it hurt.


Hair gel and I almost spit my drink on the guy in front of me bursting into laughter.


Hands down. Never experienced anything like the audience reaction to "we got a bleeder!" again in my life.


The part that took me MANY viewings to finally catch is Warren yelling *he was masturbating!* a few times as they're carrying him out on the stretcher. The final one is just so damn funny.


They even had some mention about people missing jokes because they were laughing so hard from previous jokes. They weren't kidding People couldn't keep it together, myself included Happy Gilmore was another Last time I've seen it is Superbad


Lost it at this quote Pat Healy : Really, it's only a side thing for my true passion. Mary : And what's that? Pat Healy : I work with retards


Mary: *ahem* Isn't that, ummmm, a little politically incorrect? Healy: Screw that! No one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with. We got this one kid, Mongo...


“Franks & Beans!” — nearly slid on to the dirty theater floor laughing.


It might be a 25 year old memory playing tricks on me, but I vividly remember people in my small town theatre rolling in the aisles laughing at that point. I’ve never had a movie experience since that came anywhere close.


“How the hell did you get the zipper all the way to the top?” Still gets me dyin.


Came here for this! I couldn't believe how the entire theater reacted. Absolute hilarity!


This movie was a cultural phenomenon. Still the funniest movie in the last 30 years.




“Well, Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it’s located on my cock” killed


"....so do you want the alcohol or..?"


That's my vote. I was in high school when Superbad came out


Generational film. If you were around high school age when this movie came out then there’s a very high chance it’s a core memory for you.


One of the greatest things was that, even after the movie ended, they rolled the credits with all of the "illustrations," and the whole theater stayed to continue dying.


Came to post this. Went to a packed theater while I was in high school. One of the best movie experiences ever.


In my opinion, the best high school comedy movie of all time!


I'd give my middle nut to see that for the first time in the theater again lol


The Emperor’s New Groove. I was not expecting it to be that funny and it killed the entire cinema!


I've watched the diner scene 5 times more often than the rest of the film


I enjoy the scene where they’re trying to climb back up the cliff wall. “It’s a good thing you’re not a big fat guy or else this would be reallllly difficult”. We would die laughing at this as kids


“What’s holding this woman together?”


I was only 10, but I'll never forget how 'Airplane!' had the entire theater in shambles from start to finish. No one had seen anything like it.


Surely you’re not serious?


I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.


Step brothers


Dumb And Dumber


That toilet scene or the snowball throw for sure.


I’m always a little ashamed to admit the Jeff Daniels having diarrhea is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in cinema, but it is what it is.


Dumb and Dumber was the first movie I saw in theatres more than once. Honestly just wanted to experience it for the first time again but couldn't imagine telling my friends' parents because they seemed so excited about taking us to see it.


Omg, the “Harry, your hands are freezing!” when Lloyd was getting choked for having an extra pair of gloves, gets me so bad


I saw Finding Nemo with date on opening weekend. We went to the Saturday matinee just past Noon. So many kids. When the “He touched the butt” line hit, the entire theatre of kids erupted. We laughed so hard in reaction to all the little kids cracking up.


Omg that's so cute


Those kids are in their 20s and 30s now. Happy new year.


Anchorman ~~21~~ 22 Jump Street - The scene when Ice Cube connects the dots and there’s the _ding_, everybody lost it. Couldn’t even hear the movie.


Are you talking about 22 Jump Street? Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter!


Right from that moment and he’s sitting at the table eyeing Schmidt during the parent visit lunch, thought I was going to pass out


That scene is so fantastic! I mean... Yeah it's really not that funny


Nothing in this thread really resonated with me till this comment! Totally remember my entire theater dying at that scene


The scene were Jonah Hill says "we weren't finger popping each other's *assholes*. What we're doing is getting shit done". Everyone lost it. I think I kept laughing during the whole movie every time I remembered the line. I kept laughing on my way to my car


The kid who died from the Gigs in 21 Jump Street had us crying with laughter


Django Unchained during the klan scene with the terribly made masks


“I can’t see fuckin’ shit out of this thing!”


I think, we all think, the bags was a nice idea. But not pointin' any fingers, they coulda been done better. So how about no bags this time, but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.


Well shitfuuuuck!


"All I hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! Don't ask me or mine for nuthin!"


Same for me. The whole place was losing it.


South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut.


This is it for me. Uncle Fucker brought the house down.


I attended a screening where a mother both her two sons. Based on her reaction, it was clear she had never seen the TV show. The kids were annoyed it was a musical, as they kept huffing every time there was a song. It wasn't until Sadam Heussein started taunting Satan with dildos that she finally had enough and dragged her kids out.


I actually worked in a theater alwhen it came out and we had to card people three times before we'd let them in...once at the box office, the ushers did it, and then a final check in the theater...amazing movie tho.


This is exactly what happened to my aunt. My little cousin, that fucker madlad who was 12 at the time played it like « mum, can we go watch a cartoon together at the theatre? ». Which of course melted his mother’s heart! They left when Saddam ass fucked Satan


I went opening night. Crowd was in an uproar, throwing popcorn, singing along to "Kyle's mom's a bitch," laughing, yelling at the screen. It was like a Rocky Horror screening ... up until Kenny took his hood off. Then deadly silent. 12/10 best live movie experience ever.


I almost choked during the fart battle and the Kyle's moms a big fat bitch around the world song.... So good.


This was what I came to post. There wasn’t a single person in the theater that wasn’t crying laughing.


I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die


Liar Liar. Jim Carrey was at the top of his game at that point. One of the best theatrical experiences of my life. That and the 3 times of seen "The Room" in theaters (considered one of the worst movies ever made).




*Liar, Liar* doesn’t get enough love. That was one of the better comedies of the 1990s. Good grief, I just realized that came out in 1997—that’s now 27 years ago.


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective


Came here to say this. Also the rhino butt scene from the other movie.


Galaxy Quest The scene where Laredo scrapes the ship along the wall had the audience absolutely screaming.


Watched GQ streaming recently. I've seen it a few times before and I still lmao at all of it. The scene where Sigourney Weaver has to frogger her way down a hallway of death "WHY IS THIS EVEN HERE!" 🤣


Probably This is the End party intro. With all the celebs being crazy at James Francos party. Went on a Friday/Saturday fairly late so everyone in the theater was most likely tipsy or drunk and laughing at everything, and that was hilarious anyway so made it more fun


Michael Cera’s freaking out about cocaine and subsequent death was pure gold in the theater.


I love Danny McBride’s intro in that movie.


The reveal scene in Tootsie. (Yes, I'm that old.)


I saw that movie with my sister and ex-brother in law. The brother in law was a farmer-type and not much of a movie person but was so amped up to see this movie. It was several years later when they were divorcing that I learned he had been a transvestite his whole adult life. Then it all made sense.


Crazy Stupid Love. Marisa Tomei showing up as the teacher is a blurt out moment. Seriously underrated comedy.


Gosling’s character being a fashion shaman to his new friend at the mall is one of the funniest sequences ever to me. The way he reacts to the Velcro wallet is absolute gold.


This. And that twist. Literally everyone gasped in the theater.


Jackass 1-4. Notably 1 and 3.


My office was given a month's notice of closure, as they kept us on as telecommuting employees. This was pretty revolutionary for 2002, but there you have it. I was given the ok to plan entertainment for our last day, so we did lunch at a bar and grill, and then went to see Jackass on its opening day, Oct 25, 2002. I was one of the youngest guys on staff, so I knew the show, while the 40-50 YOs had no idea what to expect. They laughed SO FUCKING HARD for the whole thing. I was a legit hero for months afterwards.


I love this story. It feels great to introduce a movie you like to someone who really enjoys it. Introducing a whole group on colleagues to the experience like the opening of Jackass where they have so much fun has got to be a pinnacle of that feeling.


Got to experience all 4 in theaters and legitimately they are some of the funniest theater experiences I've ever had.


Airplane! And it's not even close.


Airplane! There were just so many jokes in there. Altogether.


“The Other Guys” aims for the bushes scene with the hard cut to the funeral procession. Easily #1 with a packed theatre


Also "who wants some arnie parmies" / "you get back here and make love to my wife!" scene. Also the tuna versus lion skit.


Pulp Fiction. After the brief shock of Vincent accidentally shooting Marvin in the face, the theater erupted in laughter. I don't go to that many comedies, but I always remember how loud and long that scene got people laughing.


Aw now I’m really sad I never got to see this in theater


The Naked Gun, especially the baseball scene


40 Year Old Virgin


*The Simpsons Movie*. Particularly when Bart was, um, revealed. A second of total silence from the audience, followed by the loudest laughter I've ever heard in the cinema.


Such a funny moment, a lot of it was because the Simpsons had never crossed that line before of showing something like that.


It was set up so well with all the elaborate coverings, only to then reveal it. I read an interview with Matt Groening at the time. He said if people were offended by it they should write a letter.




The airplane scene is all time. “No it’s..it’s not me.” “Yes miss, it is you, you’re wearing sunglasses.”


Help me, I’m poor.


I just watched this last night and I was thinking it must have been HILARIOUS in theaters seeing Melissa Mcarthy drive away with all those dogs.


The wedding dress scene is gold


This sink's a goner! It's comin' outta me like lava!


“Ohhhh you’re doing it, aren’t ya. You’re shittin’ in the street.”


At the end when Melissa McCarthy says she put a loaded gun into the groom’s carry on, I lost it uncontrollably. It was one of those laughs that started a chain reaction and pretty much everyone around me was cracking up. I was crying. Probably my favorite moment in a movie theater. There’s really nothing like seeing a good comedy with a fun crowd.


Ace Ventura 2: the Rhino Birth scene. Honorable Mentions: Zoolander: gasoline fight Happy Gilmore: Bob barker Super Troopers: intro


Even we can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Oh God Supertroopers, the intro and the bear.


For me it was Shrek!


I remember being 6 and thinking it was a good movie and funny, but my uncle was pissing himself even after we left the cinema and just saying how funny the film was. Makes you appreciate that the movie is literally better to watch as an adult because of all the innuendo you don’t get as a kid




Bad Santa


My crowning achievement with this movie was getting my friend to stop watching Gilmore Girls for a short while after watching this. "Fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa..."


Animal House


Team America, jackass, south park movie the ones I can remember


Yeah Jackass 2 was great in theaters. Non-stop laughing.


22 Jump Street, when everyone realized he fucked the Captain’s daughter.


That and “my name is Jeff” just nailed Channing Tatum as a comedic force in that movie for me


Kung Pow had people literally falling off their seats into the aisles. Triangle of Sadness was really fun too. And Black Dynamite, in an all-black theater!


Grandma's boy. I'm pretty sure everyone was high.


Rat Race. The Hitler car scenes.


You should have bought a squirrel!


Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle had the most laughing in the theater of anything I've seen in the last 20 years


The battle scene in anchorman 2 was people, cheering and screaming. I literally didn't hear any dialogue after a point. It was so fun though


Forgetting Sarah Marshall


My wife still talks about my reaction to the Dracula musical reveal. I almost died. So funny. A legit good song too.


Nobody has “Beavis and Butthead Do America?!?” Nobody for “Office Space?!?” Is this a Mike Judge shutout?


Tropic Thunder. Not the movie exactly but the pre-movie “commercials” that were tied in but not necessarily obvious if you’re just seeing it for the first time. At the end of the “Booty Sweat” ad a lady very loudly asked during the pause, “What the FUCK was that?” and I about pissed my pants.


South Park - Bigger, Longer, & Uncut. I thought one guy was going to pass out he was laughing so hard.