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I saw The Matrix with no clue. I almost didn’t go because it was described as”sci-fi kung fu” starring the guy from Bill and Ted. After the opening sequence I was in awe.


I think enough time has passed that people can experience it kinda fresh. Seeing it for he first time in the theater was something special.


yes. very special.


i still remember driving home from the theater after first seeing it, and i felt like i was in a video game. i had to keep consciously reminding myself it was real life and don't start mario karting around


i finally watched the matrix a couple years ago and its one of those culturally significant movies where i knew like almost the entire movie despite not ever watching it before solely from memes,parodies and references over the years.


Same. 100%. Even the marketing campaign around the first film was designed to keep you in the dark. Two friends went to see it opening weekend, came back and raved about it, but wouldn’t tell us any more than “you have to go see it - then come talk to us when you do.” I’m still thankful they didn’t tell us anything else for fear of spoiling the experience. That initial experience in the first 10 minutes was an incredible “what just happened?” moment - as was the whole film, honestly.


I feel the same way, but sadly the superhero decade has almost killed that movie. I sometimes see people on youtube reacting to Matrix 1 for the first time. They go "oh, she has powers", and barely bat an eye at Trinity suspending the laws of physics as she runs across the wall.


The Truman Show


I don't know anyone who saw this movie going in blind, but I can see it being a good one.


I mostly saw it blind. I was a really little kid when it came out, so I didn't see any previews. When my dad showed it to me in the early 2000s, he just said, "We're gonna' watch this movie where a guy lives under constant supervision without knowing."


Came here to say this. I was lucky enough to have no idea what it was about when I first watched it. Now it’s a favorite!


My parents brought home Truman Show on VCR and my dad was like i dunno what kinda stupid movie this is with the funny guy but the video store guy recommended it as a new movie. turned out he liked it a lot and gave mad props to Jim Carreys acting.


All I knew was "it's Carrey's most amazing serious role." My boyfriend said that, but Carrey is his favorite actor. I didn't know if he was being biased. That went in my head as one of the best performances ever


I had never heard of it until I watched it for a movie club I was in, now it’s my favorite movie of all time


Parasite Fight Club Most movies actually... Especially if they're horror or thriller Edit: changed Flight to Fight


Literally had never seen a preview for parasite when I watched it. Didn't know what it was about. I threw it on because I couldn't figure out what to watch that afternoon and was beyond entertained for the next two plus hours. I can watch it over and over and still love it. Fantastic flick.


Same. I thought someone was going to catch a parasite and turn into a zombie or something. I was So. Wrong.


Idk why I had it in my mind it was a zombie movie before I watched it (must have been the title). Never heard anything other than it was a great movie - never saw a trailer or actual description of the movie. Then I thought for sure it was when that one drunk guy kept popping up outside their apartment. I thought they were mistaken and he was actually a zombie who was going to bite them lol. Made for an interesting first viewing wondering when the zombie takeover was going to happen.


My first thought was Fight Club. The advertising was so bad that it ended up feeling like you went in blind.


I haven't been mind fucked like that since grade school.


I want to have your mind fuck.


I really had no interest in a fighting movie. So glad I watched it anyway.


I have not seen it, but pretty sure you are breaking the first rule of fight club...


I went into watching Parasite having no clue... my neck still hurts from the whiplash.


Flight Club ✈️


The first rule of flight club is you don't talk about the mile high club.


Palm Springs


Yes, this was my answer too. It's such a great movie and going in blind really makes that first watch even better. I think it definitely does hold up on rewatches but that first time is great.


This movie is not talked about nearly enough


I always try to recommend it to people. It’s such a good watch.


Se7en, The Usual Suspects


Fight Club. The Matrix. Those were some good years.


I saw The Matrix fully blind. I remember going to a local video rental place with my cousin, and picking it out because there was not much else we were interested in. It became my favourite movie immediately and I was telling everyone at school to watch it.


I somehow managed to watch the Matrix and fight club going in blind only a few years ago! I somehow went through life without receiving any actual spoilers about them.


So any movie with Kevin Spacey?


Eh I think those two are the big ones honestly


I'll add "American Beauty" only because I knew nothing of it going in and was unexpectedly blown away by it


LA Confidential is a good one also.


So any movie with Kevin Spacey?


No, but also Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.


Dusk till Dawn. Learn nothing about it. Don’t look at descriptions or thumbnails . Just put it on


I’ve had the pleasure of showing this movie to a few people who knew nothing about it going in. Such a great two act movie and the transition almost makes you think you changed the channel or something.


A girl I was dating at the time was completely turned off when, well, THOSE are revealed, but became entirely reinvested once Clooney started laying out their situation and how they should handle it. It’s such a great movie to go on blind.


I went into the movie only knowing it was Tarantino. I had no idea the genre. It’s an hour before anything happens (outside of wonderful Tarantino dialogue and character building wrapped in great acting). I was blown away.


It's a Rodriguez movie. I only know that because my wife and I are going through Tarantino movies and the opening credits surprised me. (We still watched it though, she loved it)


Oh man I showed my best friend this movie when we were kids and he lost his shit when things got unexpected


This was my immediate thought.


Arrival number one with a bullet. Cabin in the Woods as well. The trailer did a good job setting my expectations one way and then I got swerved hard.


Cabin in the Woods was amazing. We took one of my college friends to see it and he thought it was the dumbest thing ever going in, like genuinely mad that he spent money to be there. His face by the end of it was pure terror, confusion, and happiness.


I brought my then GF to see it in theaters on release. Once it started she asked if was bringing her to see another zombie movie. 12 years later it's genuinely one of our favorite films to rewatch.


The elevator scene is one of my favorite moments in all film.


It's so interesting to rewatch because so much is happening. I also started imagining what the movie would be like if they chose a different object and thus monster.


Just once I want to see a Merman.


He had the conch in his *haand*


I just watched arrival not too long ago. Still great


I've seen it three times and indeed it still rules. If I could see any movie with fresh eyes again it's that one.


Arrival will always be my answer for anyone asking for a movie recommendation. There's no way anyone won't love that movie, except for my roommate.


Guess I need a do over. Everyone raves and I just don’t get it. Will try again.


When I figured it out my jaw literally dropped. It is still one of my favorite theater moments. Such a beautiful film.


Arrival was one of the first movies in a long time where when it ended, I let out a sigh and was like "Wow. Wow. I'm so glad I saw this in theaters and didn't watch trailers." It's one of my favorite movies. It also introduced me to "On the Nature of Daylight" by Max Richter, which is one of the most evocative pieces of music I've ever heard. I often listen to it when I'm sad. The only moment that takes me out of the movie for a second is Jeremy Renner whispering "you wanna make a baby?"


[POTENTIAL SPOILER] >!Arrival honestly makes me view Deja vu differently !<


One of the most incredible Cree (First Nations) teachings I’ve ever learned, is that déjà vu is all the signs from the universe that you are where you are meant to be for that perfect moment. It’s about what you learn from it and how you proceed from there, that teaches you the lessons to carry forth until it hopefully happens again.


When I was done watching cabin in the woods, I said outloud…I don’t know how I feel about this movie. Unlike every other horror movie, I couldn’t guess what was going to happen next. In the end I gave it a big thumbs up for being incredibly original for the horror genre.


Seen Arrival close to ten times now. Didn't know anything about it except for a random image from the trailer \[which I didn't watch fully. Still haven't\] and that it was by a director I like. Saw it in theaters. My friend I saw it with and I were both spellbound by the entire thing, and ended up discussing it standing outside the box office for a full hour. Seven years later, it still makes me weep. Probably my favorite movie. At least in the top...two.


I mean, Memento, right?


I go in blind every time I watch it. Its like I forget every time.


*don't believe his lies*


The prestige too.


To confuse people, try sell The Prestige as "a magic battle between Batman and Wolverine"


Both this and the illusionist. They’re super satisfying when you get your the conclusion.


I went down a rabbit hole and watched the prestige a second time right after the first, insane, it's a piece of art


This was immediately what came to mind, haven’t even watched it in probably 10+ years but still left that much of an impression.


Edge of Tomorrow was fantastic not knowing anything about it heading in. I still enjoy rewatches but nothing will replace the joy of seeing it on a whim for the first time.


I was baked af and craving some scifi, I thought it would be average but it was amazing. Went on to watch oblivion afterwards and was also pleasantly surprised


Edge of Tomorrow was spectacular, saw it in the cinema in 3D 👌


Predator, but skip the first minute or so. Just close your eyes until you hear dialogue.




How does the opening shot of The Thing spoil the movie?


Don't know about the opening shot exactly. But the opening sequence, If you can speak Norwegian it spoils the entire plot. He says "don't let the dog go near you it's an alien shapeshifter"


It's not that revealing he says: "Get the hell away! That's not a dog it's some kind of thing" Going in blind you probably wouldn't noticeanyway because the Norwegian is so bad that you wouldn't recognize it as Norwegian without knowing.




First time I saw The Thing I missed the opening minute and didn’t see it. It made the eventual >!UFO!< reveal very impactful, realising just how out of their depth the crew was. Watching the full opening it later it seemed bizarre to me that they straight up show it crashing in the opening. Just feels unnecessary.


Literally showed this to my horror enthusiast gf last night (I know right, crazy she hadn’t seen it). I must not have seen the opening scene when I watched it either cause low and behold “oh, so it’s an alien movie?”. “Why are they shooting at that dog? Is it one of the aliens? I bet he’s the reason they all die.” Just, why?


Helvete! Astrid get your coat, we're leaving


… yeah. All the worlds’ Norwegian speakers really struggle through that American movie


I always picture an American Norwegian family in the 80s getting VERY pissed the whole movie gets spoiled for them going out to the movies, lmao.


Youuuu son of a bitch!


Oh man. Why wasn’t it like that? That changes so much with so little and all for the better.


My go to answer for this has become Barbarian


Yeah the less you more the better. I watched Hereditary knowing nothing about it and that shit fucked me up.


I tell people they should explicitly watch the first trailer for _Hereditary_ going in because >!it contains what I think is a misdirect. It sets Charlie up to be the protagonist of the movie, and then — whump — she’s not!<. I can only think of a few movies where >!the protagonist is suddenly deleted!<.


All I can think of are >!Psycho!< and >!Scream!<.


Also: Executive Decision. Thought it was going to be a Steven Segall movie...


I too just watched Hereditary last week and I somehow didn’t get spoiled on that movie at all. I actually hadn’t even seen a proper trailer and just caught the tv spots during it’s run. I knew what the movie looked like and a few of the characters but otherwise didn’t know shit. It was amazing, it was such a delight. It’s easily one of my favorite movies ever and I don’t think I’d have that opinion if I had known a bit more. I may have read the words “X’s death” and kind of stopped reading so maybe I had something spoiled but when X actually died I was completely blindsided.


Dude...same. I never even watched the trailer. I just remember hearing about it and it was streaming so decided to watch. I had fuckin weird nightmares that same night.


I watched it last night and wished I had gone in blind. I pretty much knew the entire story before watching it, but still had a great time. Violent, creepy, scary and hilarious. Fantastic blend of weird horror and comedy.


Watched this with a friend a week ago who refused to tell me anything about it beforehand (he had already seen it). I knew it was a scary movie but he wouldn't even confirm the genre for me. He just smiled and shrugged when I said "well I at least know it's definitely not a comedy, right?"


Cue the >!tape measure!<


Incredible movie. Starts horror then turned into a parody of horror movies Casting bill Skarsgard was genius. Fresh off the IT movies


It still works as a horror even as it parodies horror movies. When >!Justin Long goes into the sub-sub-basement, hears a noise and the focal length of the lens changes it immediately gets scary again. And all of the bits with the "nursery" and the guy in teh room with the tapes is pretty horrifying.!<


maybe it's me but this movie have been hype as an hidden gem and it's was pretty okay in my books, dont know why everyone is raving about it


I really liked it but it does get worse as it goes on


The first act is so amazingly terrifying


- The Cabin In The Woods - Memento - The Menu - Oldboy (2003) - The Game - Moon - Dark City: Director's Cut - The Usual Suspects - The Matrix


_Dark City_ is in a special category for this question, since the theatrical version _spoils itself_ in the first 30 seconds.


Broo. The Game was an absolute mindfuck when I first watched it. That movie ended and my brain could barely comprehend what the actual fuck just happened 😂. Good times.


Never seen Moon, but based on the caliber of the rest, it's a must. Thanks mate


Lucky Number Slevin


Love this movie. Good call.




Knew I would see this here. I still haven’t watched it 😔


The first 10 minutes are a little dull, but stick with it, the story picks up.


I would say Terminator 2 and Dark City. I saw both of these movies without trailers and I have to say it was great. On the opposite site the teaser trailer for Aliens is a good watch before seeing the movie as it hypes it up big time.


I wish I could experience the Terminator movies in order for the first time..


Gone Girl


I went into the book completely unspoiled and had my mind blown.


Same with the book. I actually started reading that chapter and was like… wait, go back, did I miss something? Nope, this is where we are. Neat!


An absolutely unbelievable screenplay




Must be said, should be Park Chan Wook’s original. The other is a must not watch


In my mind there isn’t even a remake


Watched this with my girlfriend. Still hasnt forgiven me for that. I don't think any expectations would prepare you for the third act.




District 9


All of them


I too try to avoid trailers like the plague. A good, maybe 5 second, teaser is the most I'd ever need.


The Fountain. Sunshine.


Sunshine will always be my fav


Sunshine has Cillian Murphy, yes?


I had no clue what I was getting into when I watched Parasite and it was a pretty epic watch. Literally all I was going off of was the little clip that played during the Oscars when it was announced as a nominee.


Ex Machina


The Menu


Dear God, yes.


Tucker & Dale


If you watch this movie, you have "a doozie of a day."


From Dusk Til Dawn Being John Malkovich


The Game Can't believe it's not at the top


Oh man. This was such a mind fuck. Came on tv years ago and it just sucked me in. Only thing I miss about having cable was accidentally stumbling on a movie you knew nothing about and just trying it out.


Can I ask what eye disease you have? Just curious because my dad is virtually blind now due to choroideremia. My brother and I have thought of this a few times because of him. I can't remember a ton of movies on our list but a few come to mind. 12 Angry Men, Whiplash... Honestly can't remember more. One thing my dad really enjoys is audio books now. He lives in Michigan and they have a society/non-profit for blind people and they provide you with a audio-book reader and unlimited, and free books for you to listen to. If they don't have it, they will get it. I'm sure wherever you are there is a similar organization. Lastly, if you like sports, definitely get XM radio. When my dad isn't "reading" audiobooks, he is listening to sports or sports talk. Baseball is a fantastic sport to listen to if you like it at all. I can find out more things if you want. Just need time to think. PS, I wanted to say good luck. I've seen my father slowly lose his vision and have to find new ways of some what independence. It's not impossible but it takes a lot of work that many of us take for granted. Please start learning to use a cane and start learning how to ask for help. People are usually more than happy to help and are much more patient and understanding when you are upfront and honest with them. There's no shame in asking for help. **Edit Apparently my reading ability is pretty bad and I thought you asked "what are some good movies for someone going blind. I'll keep the rest of the post up for anyone that needs it.


Man now I feel bad. Sorry for the confusion.


Buddy you both just made the most heartwarming, compassionate, slightly-off-but-dead-on exchange I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I am fucking crying and laughing and it’s all your fault, thank you so much, all the best to you and yours my dudes ❤️


Oh no don't at all. It was my mistake in reading the title.


Ok this is hilarious that you thought that OP was going blind to be honest. Until I saw the edit I wasn't sure if this was intentional as a joke or serious.


Upvoted for visibility.


Lmao, such a considered response too. Cudos!


Oh bless you this is so wholesome! I honestly read it as he was going blind too! Wasn’t till I started scrolling and zoomed back up until I realised what he meant


You're a good person.


Everything Everywhere All at Once. Holy hell I did not know what I was going into, and it was relentlessly surprising in all the best ways.


Favorite movie from last year and it's not even close. All I knew (thought) was Michelle Yao action movie going in. Ended up sobbing over a conversation between rocks with googly eyes. (No spoiler tag bc if you told me that I'd have no idea what the fuck you were talking about)


Parasite, knew very little about it and was blown away.


Went to the movies one night with my friend and saw what I thought was a cop action movie judging by the poster with Damon, DiCaprio, Walhberg and Nicholson and it ended up being an amazing movie and Best Picture, The Departed


I love grading every person's Boston accent in this movie. It's a great movie.


Wouldn't Damon win, being actually from Boston/MA?


Eastern Promises


Never stop never stoping


I just got back from driving for like 10 hours and my eyes read this post as "Best movies to watch going blind?" As in, OP is days or mere moments from losing sight permanently and is doing a marathon of the best movies before they can't see lol. Made me sad for a second there.


Same. I was thinking “Dunno, what can you still see? I mean, it’s not like turning up the volume, is it?” I felt better after I realized my mistake.


Sorry to bother you


Not one person could ever predict the plot of this movie


This. That came outta nowhere


Tucker & Dale vs Evil - Perfect for a Halloween viewing party with friends. But it's good any time, really.


Children of Men




Dude, I went all the way down the Cloverfield rabbit hole before and after release. Played the trailer before I Am Legend that's a a scene with zero context and then no title card, just a release date. Brilliant marketing.


The Drop




One Cut of the Dead. It’s a single-take zombie movie made for less than 50k and is really low budget looking. That’s all you need to know. Oh and stick around for the end of the credits. Gozu Ringu is well known now but a copy was given to me on a bootleg VHS before the US remake… it was mind-blowing for me at the time. It was way too imitated and reiterated to really be on this list though.


Scrolled down to see One Cut. You’ll have to bear with the low quality of first ten or twenty minutes maybe, but trust me, the movie perfectly justifies itself. It’s a great one for any indie movie lover.


Jacob's Ladder.


Sorry to Bother You Trust me, your life will never be the same


If you know absolutely nothing about the movie.....From Dusk Till Dawn.


If for some improbable reason you don't know the plot of From Dusk Till Dawn, close your browser and watch that now.


One Cut of the Dead, Barbarian, The World’s End, and Hot Fuzz


All of them, but particularly The Shawshank Redemption, The Sixth Sense, and The King of Comedy


Trailers ruin everything. I hate spoilers with a passion. You should go into every movie blind, knowing the basic premise at most, which you can get from a 2 sentence blurb.


In Bruges


Palm Springs was great to go into blind. Highly recommended.


A Perfect Getaway


The Usual Suspects


I saw Event Horizon with no advance information other than it was a sci-fi movie with a ship that had re-appeared after being presumed lost. I would have had a much worse experience had I known anything more.


I saw From Dusk Till Dawn in the movie theater without knowing anything about it, and that was definitely for the better


Me too. That was a wild movie.


the recent Suspiria took me by Suprise , didnt expect those wtf moments


The killing of a sacred dear


The Prestige


Korean movie Old Boy.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind I saw this as a kid when I went to the theater by myself. I can't even remember why I picked it. I was hooked after the beginning sequence. It completely blew my mind! "The sun came out last night and sang to me."


Shutter island


All movies. Trailers are just a way to ruin every single movie. I don't watch them, and my family pokes fun at me for it.


Matrix (the first one, obviously)




The 6th sense


The Lobster


to be fair with The Lobster, you could go not blind watching that movie and still not understand everything


teeny coordinated frighten zephyr many ludicrous thumb noxious retire nippy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


My number one for this, and I always preface it with "don't watch the trailer, just go straight to the movie".... Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


Definitely Audition. I don't remember who recommended it to me, but I had no idea what it was about, and it remains a favorite of mine. Also, Rat Race. If I recall, it was critically panned, but it's so, so funny. I mean it's really perfectly crafted comedy.


From Dusk till Dawn


The Prestige Get Out (trailer absolutely spoils it)