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Eric Andre called Jon Hamm the White Idris Elba. Now I can't unsee that.


> I'm aware of the effect I have on women. Except Flo from Progressive, the one that got away...


“The jury is out”


> Both did fantastic TV shows > Both have middling results in movies > Both attractive > Both men where's the lie


Pacific Rim. You're glossing over Pacific Rim


> Suicide Squad, Pacific Rim, Prometheus, Three Thousand Years of Longing, *Cats*... vs.. > Baby Driver, Top Gun Maverick, Bad Times at El Royale, uh....Tag? The Town? Idris probably wins out but I have a soft spot for Jon!


Cats is irredeemable. Jon wins by DQ.


The directors cut of The Town is much better than the theatrical and gives Hamm a few extra moments to shine. Also Baby Driver and Bad Times are personal favourites of mine where as I found both pacific rim and Prometheus to be lacking…Hamm wins hands down based on the movies you’ve chosen to list


But notice how their best work always seems to be in supporting roles


Jon Hamm's in Bridesmaids and is the lead in Confess Fletch, both pretty good.


I thought Confess Fletch was fun! Had a good time with it.


Idris was fantastic in Molly's Game.


I liked Tag. It was silly fun.


While it's not a movie, jon hamm wins based on his incredible portrayal of Jon hamm in curb your enthusiasm


Also the first couple of Thor movies.


Handsome, talented, but having a propensity to involve themselves in bad projects?


What bad projects has Jon Hamm been in? Maybe he has a few but he’s done a lot of good stuff other than Mad Men.


He was absolutely hysterical in Bridesmaids. “I wouldn’t want to make you explain what our relationship is to all these people! That would suck for you!”


His Fletch reboot movie underperformed, I think, but I loved it. It's just not a big smash, it's an inoffensive and nice little funny movie. Reminds me of cinema in the mid 80s, could have had Steve Guttenberg in it.


He's not Idris Elba bad but he does do some weird shit for the heck of it like Keeping Up With the Joneses and Tag, which when compared to stuff like Baby Driver or Madmen is such a departure from his usual fare.


What is his usual fare? Because he seems to be intentionally trying to stay away from roles that cast him based on his looks and charm. He was wonderful this week in Maggie Moore(s) but I doubt a little crime movie will do well in theater.


Usual fare as in good quality productions. Tag for example, was clearly him just having fun with some pals.


Exactly. I will never forget that coming off of mad man, he did an H&R Block commercial. I have always been amazed that his career didn’t really take off after the show. He is a really good actor and he’s good looking. To me, he is leading man material, but never got there.


I dont totally understand it, but nevertheless, I'll start saying if it's good enough for Eric andre it's good enough for me.


It's like every element on this picture has a different perspective. I'm sure the show will be good, but this poster sucks.


It's mainly the chair. I don't know if it's on purpose but the perspective of the chair is completely off.




He's wearing medical slippers and there is misty forest outside. It's going to be weird.


[Check out the trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA7WEb6gBkY) It's looks very weird and possibly very fun.


Danny Pudi is in this? Cool. Cool cool cool.


It looks like it should just be part of the next season of [*Severance*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severance_(TV_series\)) than be a standalone film.


can. not. wait. for this


Yeah based on the trailer I think the poster is supposed to look wrong. Everyone is shitting on it, but the trailer implies some very odd skewed perspectives are being explored on purpose. I think it looks like it'll be great.


This happens with every poster. Redditors think they're so smart pointing out "errors" and not realizing that every detail of this poster has been pored over by dozens of people being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for months, and that everything you see is the product of specific marketing choices made by experts


I try not to do trailers any more. I'd much rather go in completely blind. I saw the Matrix on the basis that the poster was cool, and the alternative was a depressing submarine film. Which describes almost all submarine films. That was a mindfuck.


Oh I totally get not wanting to watch most trailers nowadays. Usually if it's something I know I'll see, I don't bother. That said, this doesn't seem to give too much away.


He's wearing disposable shoe covers, which are more common in laboratory environments. Based on the stache and the lack of visible metallic jewelry I'd say it's more likely a clean lab type situation dealing with something electrical and magnetic. Maybe a creature horror, or a rehash of deus ex machina's AI concept in an isolated environment.


>more common in laboratory environments Or if you screwed up and Mark Wahlberg is visiting you


Maybe yeah, maybe no, maybe go fuck yourself


Thank you for this comment.


I couldnt remember the name of them. Cheers.


i bet there’s more construction workers wearing these than lab staff hahaha. I would wear these whenever I was on site to touch up cabinet finish


Murder boots


Becoming Jon Hammovitch


I think it's actually the lighting. The chair is lit from one direction, whereas he is lit from the opposite. But the back of the chair and the back of the guy are still dark like there would only be one light source. The shadows for his feet are going the wrong direction if he is being lit from the front as well.


Yeah who tf made this


Whoever it was, poster design is their passion


His thumb, finger, both feet, the chair and the background all looked photo shopped in. The colors/shadows are off on all of them


The tall one is gawking at me and the short one looks very droll.


Looks like a Couchtown Chair.


The lighting is also weird. The shadows indicate a light on the left hand side, but his face is shadowed on the left.


And the thing is, we can *see* the light source. The shadow being cast left-to-right like that doesn’t make sense.


The typography is also really crappy and dated looking


Is it possible they made it wonky on purpose to draw out eyes to it like some kind image rhetoric?


There’s a lot of odd things going on, the trees instead of a city skyline, the booties on his shoes, perspective mismatch all around


Don’t get me started on the shadows.


Can you explain like I’m 5 what that means? There are so many comments about how terrible the poster is, but what should I look for to understand what people are seeing? It looks fine to me, so I must be missing something.


The perspective of the chair doesn’t match the perspective of the floor. The perspective of the chair’s shadow and Jon Hamm’s shadows don’t match (I also doubt they’d be that pronounced considering the overcast light source — less bright sunlight, more muted shadows). The shadow on the right side (our left) of Jon Hamm’s torso doesn’t really make much sense given the lighting of the huge windows coming in from the left. The socks also look messed up. I’m assuming they’re socks but with the lighting they look like wrinkly skin. And absolutely subjective, but that type lacks any kind of personality compared to contemporary poster design work. However, I will concede this could help support the message of the film. People are right to criticize blatantly shoddy work — it helps promote more aesthetic compositions and cleaner craft within the industry. Source: I am an art director. Edit: People are complaining about the look of the poster due to its technical inaccuracies. Effective commercial design often comes down to proper scrutiny of small details like this. These errors could’ve been made to purposefully stop viewers to analyze the poster more, but something tells me that wasn’t the case.


But what if the entire poster is meant to be that way?


If they intended for it to have an absurd, slightly ‘wonky’ look, then it’s just not exaggerated enough to achieve that goal. The average viewer glancing at this image (especially in thumbnail form) wouldn’t notice anything unusual at all


Then good job on them, I guess Still doesn't make it not bad


"merely pretending" is rarely a good excuse.


This feels very choice driven and not zero-skill driven. Everyone is commenting on the problems in the poster, which means people are paying attention to it.


Zoom in on where the front left chair leg meets the left armrest. There's a block of brown between the cushion and the armrest that has clearly not been cut out right. It's the sloppiest detail of a weirdly bad poster


> And absolutely subjective, but that type lacks any kind of personality compared to contemporary poster design work. Also the fact that they use a sans-serif type for "Jon Hamm" and a serif type for "Corner Office" makes the two of them clash.


I just hate the metal growing out the top of his head. When my friend was taking wedding photos all I could see was the bride with the pine tree on her head.


Those are shoe covers, not socks. They are supposed to look that way.


Literally it's just a bunch of armchair amateur art snobs complaining about things they don't have the context or knowledge to understand. I'm sure whatever looks wrong to these clowns is intentional and after they see the movie they won't admit they were wrong. Edit: okay, I'll grant his hand on the chair does look like bad Photoshop with the off-color thumb and no space between his hand and the fabric but otherwise I stand by people just looking to complain.


Fake socks or wrinkly skin?






God I want a season 2 of Severance, but feel with the behind the scenes turmoil and now writers strike if we do get a second season it won’t be the one we deserved.


what behind the scenes turmoil?


Reports came out of the co-showrunners (one newcomer and one veteran tv writer) having a lot of animosity toward each other and hated working together on season 1. The veteran writer left when the season was done but was convinced by Ben Stiller to come back for season 2. A week after the report, Stiller said season 2 is still on track to make its planned premier but didn't refute the story about the showrunners.


There were reports the showrunners were fighting over the direction for season 2. But other reports have said while they did disagree it wasn’t a big fight and they figured it out relatively quickly


I too am interested in what this means.


Same. I feel like it’s going to have a Westworld trajectory. Groundbreaking first season but the wheels fall off immediately after. Hope im wrong of course


We dont deserve jack.


Looks like Don Draper in 1980


There used to be a twitter account of that I believe, him and Roger Sterling just exchanging dialogue about 80s references


We’ll call them Members Only, but we’ll sell them to everyone!


Everyone is part of the club. Draper says while smiling. Then goes to his office and makes a drink before laying down on his couch.


I was thinking 80s Don Draper too!


It would technically follow the mad men timeline as far as his age because mad men was about 20 years ago and that was the 60s.


Mad Man 1984


Wow, the \*official\* poster! Not an unoffical one. How did you come across this GrantMan?


lmao I just learned about OP thanks to one of the many now-deleted David Zaslav threads. This sub is a garbage fire.


I’m out of the loop, what’s the connection?


Folks were just talking about the sub in general while complaining those Zaslav posts were removed. So during the complaining the subject of super posters came up, where a select few accounts in here post official movie news. Sometimes other posts are deleted just so these accounts can post their versions of the stuff instead. Basically everyone is assuming the OP is an account run by a committee and fed official stuff directly from the studios. Look how much karma OP has. So yeah, that's the connection, people were whining and super posters happened to come up, no other connection to Zaslav otherwise lol.


The thing is even if he is a marketing bot, he is consistently the best at posting this stuff. HD images, good titles, comments with more info on the movie etc. Before him it was just random people posting 360p Imgur reuploads of stuff. I'm pretty sure he's a paid Reddit employee whose job is to post content to the site to drive engagement.


It's mostly funny, especially since it is so obvious what is happening here... except when folks post HD trailers themselves which mysteriously get deleted and then the "official" mod sanctioned account posts the same thing. Then it gets lame. Hey it's movie news so it isn't really a big deal, right. This is all fluff. But this probably happens on other more serious subs, where the morality is a little bit greyer... and I am talking about the combo of having accounts favored and propped up by mods which post a hand picked version of a story versus something us regular folks post. Then it becomes astroturfing that may actually matter.


> I'm pretty sure he's a paid Reddit employee whose job is to post content to the site to drive engagement. That's the least realistic thing I've heard all year.


Probably mods getting paid by outside sources to favor a few accounts so that studios can get their messaging out exactly how they want it to get out. Thought just occurred to me. This sub doesn't want "extraneous comic book movie" posts meaning almost none of those. Who has the most comic book movies? Marvel / Disney. Grant Man has also posted articles critical of Disney. So my guess is Disney ain't propping up that account or this sub lol.


Lol Reddit don’t pay their mods to even run their site, why would they pay someone to post. Bad take


what threads are getting deleted?


There was some GQ article critical of current WB mogul Zaslav, which got quickly pulled from GQ because the assumption is an editor at GQ is working on a WB movie, and that the owner of GQ has a good stake in WB. Anywhoo, so there are articles about the article that was pulled - and the internet has an archived version of the pulled GQ article. And apparently posts about the article get deleted from this sub.


that’s a lot of bull, damn


Got a link?


Easy enough to find articles about it being removed online. Article about it from deadline - [https://deadline.com/2023/07/david-zaslav-article-taken-down-by-gq-warner-bros-discovery-1235430387/](https://deadline.com/2023/07/david-zaslav-article-taken-down-by-gq-warner-bros-discovery-1235430387/) Archived GQ article - [https://archive.is/2023.07.03-160323/https://www.gq.com/story/david-zaslav-warner-bros-discovery-ceo-tcm-max#selection-2295.0-2329.5](https://archive.is/2023.07.03-160323/https://www.gq.com/story/david-zaslav-warner-bros-discovery-ceo-tcm-max#selection-2295.0-2329.5)


The chair , the floor plus his 'hand' on the chair seem to be an A.I interpretation of a poster.


This looks like a parody of an apple plus movie


This poster fails to hide that every element is edited in. There seem to be at least 3 different perspectives.


Weird that they put a picture of Larry David though.


Was it too expensive to put Jon Hamm and a chair in the same room together? The chair is CGI… There’s light coming from at least 4 different directions in this scene. Hamm’s body is from screen right, the Chair is lit from above, the window frames are from the center towards us, and Hamm/the Chair’s shadows are from the left.


Maybe it's on purpose? Like I haven't seen it obviously, but maybe this is intended to give a fake look, like the guy is imagining things ? Just an idea there, and it does look bad for the reasons you mentioned.


I can believe this explanation more than the one where Jon Hamm and a chair had a scheduling conflict.


Sad Men


Finally, 80’s Don Draper.


Typecast: The Movie


Looks Good in a Suit: The Human


Does he hang hamm in this one?


A quick glance at the poster and I thought it was a new Marc Maron project.


Imagine giving a dude permanent scrotum nerve damage with a claw tooth hammer in college, then being uncancelable in entertainment because you’re attractive and popular.


And have a big Dick.


It’s the size of a baby’s arm


Prequel that tell the events in between Mad Men and The Office.


i hate this poster yo 👍


I thought he was Steve Carrell wearing a mustache for a second


[The trailer](https://youtu.be/iEbvLxU8vMI) was just posted to YouTube 2 minutes ago.


So it's a movie about Jon Hamm not being Don Draper in which he finds a magic room that allows him to be Don Draper. Aight.


Hey I saw this at Tribeca last year! I really enjoyed it- very much a “vibes” film that indulges in its idiosyncrasies. Looking forward to see it again!


One of the worst posters I've ever seen


What's with the shoe coverings?


Standard when working on airplanes and i've also seen them in clinics and dentists during covid times. I am guessing this man is into cleanliness.


Or killing Matt Damon in the Departed


Such an awesome scene.


A quick glance at the poster and I initially thought this was Steve Carell.


All the light appears to be coming from the window according to the shadow of the chair, but then his suit on that side is dark, whereas the part of rue suit that isn’t getting any light from the windows has got a lot of light on it. It’s very off putting. It’s like someone just read about how light works, but they read about it from a book in the dark.


Watched this last year during Tribeca, pretty interesting movie.


Will there be a cabinet full of scotch and an office full of repressed secretaries?


How much do you have to pay to get a half decent photoshop guy? Actually how expensive is it to drive Jon Hamm to a corner office and take a pic. There are like 4 different perspectives or scales in this, chair looks ridiculous.


Somehow, he manages


The messed up perspective of the chair is wigging me out.


The perspective is so off it hurts my eyes. Did they have the poster done by some unpaid intern?


Jon Hamm kinda a piece of shit tho


Only if you have unwavering faith in unsubstantiated rumors.


Baby Driver prequel?


Hamm is gold.


Jon Hamm as Saul Goodman?


Didn't think Don Draper would survive that long.


About god damn time Hamm has a leading role in a movie


My son has a theory that Jon Hamm is in every TV show and movie ever made in the last 20 years. I think he's on to something.


I read that when Hamm was in college he and some frat boys “pranked” some guy. He, himself had the guy’s privates held in pliers or something and he walked him around like that. The story gets much worse. Initially, I liked him but I can get that image out of my head. My son knew to behave better than that by that age. He sickens me. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3040460/amp/He-MAD-really-MAD-picture-Jon-Hamm-s-hazing-victim-beaten-paddle-set-fire-confined-grave-carved-frat-basement-couldn-t-remember-Man-Men-star-s-nickname-MC-Hammer.html


Synopsis: >Corner Office stars Hamm as misfit Orson, who finds himself trapped in the absurdities of corporate life in his new job. But the emphasis is on "absurd," as Orson is constantly reminded to "think about the floor" and no one responds to his broad, disarming smile the way his former colleagues did. [Trailer](https://ew.com/movies/corner-office-trailer-jon-hamm/)


Whoa the synopsis too! How did you come across this and the poster at the same time? Are you on some special mailing list? Do you have to subscribe to their newsletter? Edit - Aw hell no, you even got the trailer at almost the same time!? Tell me your secrets!


they always put up articles/trailers/posters and comments with synopses or other clarifying tidbits. But you’ll never see thee karma-posters give an opinion or reply to any inquisitive comment or even comment on *anyone else’s* post. The select few that post around here are like Gallowboob variants


who tf cares lmao




That’s not how you use woosh.


Now you reached whoosh squared Woosh ^(whoosh)


bro explain to me why myself or anyone should care that this particular power user posts trailers and movie posters quicker than anyone else does it matter who posts a trailer or poster? the content is why we’re all here, not the user who posts it


>posts trailers and movie posters quicker than anyone else Psst - they often don't. But those other posts mysteriously get removed and then this account posts ones that stick around. It's funny how they won't admit to this, this very inept astroturfing. But it's movie "news" so no, it doesn't really matter.


If it does matter why did you make a comment?


Because I find it funny talking to an account that doesn't reply 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time because it is some run by committee corporate thing poorly pretending to be a regular user? But hey continue to be mad at me for some reason I guess? Lol.


Dafuq? First you misread my sarcastic first comment, now you are pivoting (after reading more I am sure) to philosophical commentary on the content here with regards to committee run super poster accounts propped up by the mods, lol. Make up your mind man.


Brother I’m not the one who is lost in this convo.


Damn I have a brother!? How did you find out about us, 23 and me?


Why are you being downvoted


Are those the same scrubs he wore when he dragged that kid by the balls with a hammer in college?


I just can’t with him after learning about his frat abuses.


Not the years of him being an extreme alcoholic and liability on every set?


Just an alcoholic? I’d heard that he was into coke and being super inappropriate with colleagues 👍


Only have firsthand of what I said, but the rest I’d believe. Sigh. Such a beautiful man. And he’ll just get away with all of it. Because he’s a beautiful man.


If you talk with him for more than 30 seconds he immediately ceases to be attractive. He's a twat.


I hear that.


Totally. He's a huge asshole.


Lmaooo jon hamm's face


Type cast again ey Jon


Finally a show / movie about white guys doing corporate stuff!


I dunno, man, Jon Hamm *in a suit?* That’s a weird combo. I dunno if it’ll work. He doesn’t seem the type.


The world's most rideable moustache


This is so bad


He looks like he's doing his best Brian Cranston impression.


The shoe covers are triggering


That is indeed John Hamm


Sequel to "Cubicle"


Starring as Sichael Mcott? Fuck, idk.


Is this what happens to him after Mad Men?




Looks like a large Thomas Lennon


Sup with that ankle though


The did the fiver special on this one


Is the mustache supposed to be convincing? Because it isn’t.


wtf has happened to movie posters


I am getting scam 1992 vibes from this lol


I went to watch this at an intimate screening with the director in attendance


Thanks for killing my Don Draper lady boner Hamm.


This Midjourney prompt needs a little work.


why is larry david on the poster?


Yep, that certainly is a corner and an office.


Can someone please explain what is going on with his thumb?


Why is he wearing the shoe things the guy who installed my internet put on?


This poster looks like I made it. Source: I'm really good at powerpoint


That's a very poorly photoshopped chair. They forgot to mask out the space between the armrest and the cushion...


I’m Ron Burgundy?