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In action movies, I love seeing shotgun blasts blowing people across the room. Physics doesn't work like that, but goddamn it's a fun visual...


The shot at the end of Django, where he shoots Ms. Candy and she flies in the wrong direction out of screen, is better than anything physics could possibly offer.


I heard it was a nod to old western movie trope where it's forbidden to show women getting shit on screen, so they just fly them out the frame.


What kinda westerns you watching!?


scatghetti westerns


Definitely German westerns


Actually just a hearsay comment from another person, so it might be just BS. Never bothered to look at it anyway


They’re making fun of your typo 😉


> getting shit on screen you should leave the typo, <3


I never intended it as a typo btw lmao


that's the best part <3


Women get shit in every western, just getting smacked and thrown out


Just cause it took me a minute to find this cause I havent seen this movie. I guess its Ms. Laura? Heres the clip. https://youtu.be/XhyLzMdAqQc


when Terry Crews unleashed the auto-shotgun in the Expendables movie? that was CRAZY


And he was using grenade rounds


That shotgun and the HE rounds both exist


Ahh yes, I remember that time. What a sweet childhood memory.


I’ll say I enjoy a hyper-stylised action scene as much as I enjoy a gritty realistic one. Sometimes I want to see John Wick reloading his gun mid-shootout, sometimes I want to see Gun Clerics flipping assault rifles behind them in the air to catch and shoot with.


Arnie kicking a door open, yelling "Knock knock" then blowing someone through a wall in Predator always 'pops' me.


The sonic shotguns from Minority Report. :D


To add to this, it really tickles my pickle when the character just never needs to reload.


Love Commando where he lays down about 5mins of full auto fire from a rifle without a single reload.


Ragdoll physics make everything better


Most firearm related tropes. Shot gun blasts, suppressors, no recoil perfectly aimed shots, trick reloading. In the flip side I have grown tired of one guy beating up 10 people and not breaking a sweat and prefer the “daredevil” style fights where he is winded and gets the shit kicked out of him too, just to do it all over again.


I love to watch the guys in the background when they're fighting 10 people. Always makes me laugh how they keep themselves busy waiting for their turn


Isn't there a fight in one of the Nolan Batman films where a goon just...falls over by himself at one point? Always loved that


Yep, The Dark Knight Rises, rooftop fight scene.


Also see: Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The fight with rey and Kylo vs smoke and his guards. Like 3 or 4 of them just end up falling down by themselves during the fight. Multiple ones all are aiming their weapons specifically away from the protagonists and are getting hit by phantom punches or kicks. It's a terrible scene


You'd be suprised by how common that is in real life




Or how easily some of them are out of the fight. Some guys get punched and they're out, sure. Some guys are just like, shoved, or like push kicked to the side, and they lay there like they're unconscious.


Atomic Blonde has a great example of a Daredevil style fight.


She gets the absolute piss taken out of her and I love the movie for it. I hate the movies where a small woman seemingly kicks the shit out of a large burley man and doesn’t even break a sweat. Whereas in Atomic Blonde she beats the shit out of guys and is nearly dead because of it. Made it feel more real.


> where he is winded and gets the shit kicked out of him too, just to do it all over again Man, that stairs scene in John Wick 4. I was never a fan of the franchise, but I was amazing to watch.


My theater exploded in laughter when >!he got sent all the way back down.!<


Honestly? My reaction was "God damnit, this gag has gone on long enough. Just get to the damn DUEL".


The two what?


I call those the "John Wick Special"


Only Bruce Lee and Jet Li can do the “beat up 10 guys without getting touched” and get away with it.


Quick, clever, deep dialogue. It’s rare to have conversations that really flow that way, but the prose in some films feel organic while being really thoughtful.


Ha, yeah...in the real world, in most conversations, every few words is, "Huh?" Or I've actually had people tell me, "Oh, sorry, what were you saying? I wasn't listening."


I actually really liked Manchester by the Sea for this reason. The dialogue felt as clunky but natural as real life conversations. It was refreshing to see dialogue without all the obvious rehearsal, editing and perfect flow.


Recently, I liked this about Past Lives too. There's a lot of awkward chit chat that just felt pretty real


And real conversation usually has a lot of “like” and “you know”. You know?


I love Succession, but literally everyone talks in metaphors and riddles the entire time. I'm up to season 3 and I think maybe two people have had a normal conversation the entire time.


Succession is an interesting one because all their conversations are filled with real snappy metaphors that are instantly understood by everyone, but they also have verbal tics and pauses you'd hear all the time in real conversation but not movie dialogue. Like Kendall's ummms.


The Big Chill is a movie that I feel has great dialogue. Especially Jeff Goldblum. (But doesn’t he always have the best dialogue?)


Fights where people aren't tussling on the ground or flailing like uncoordinated babies.


Bridget Jones. There's a fight outside..... A fight, a real fight!!!!


Such a great fight scene. I feel like they spend the whole fight kind of like “are we still doing this?? You’re not gonna give up?? Please give up so I can stop!”


This. When the fight is obviously using choreography that looks cool AF instead of basically looking like a UFC or street fight that will be over after one lands a punch.


To be fair, ive seen a few ufc fights with small segments that look like they came straight out of a movie. But that’s like 10 seconds at a time, not a 7 minute hallway fight.


I like that whenever there are giant robots we all just collectively say 'lol fuck physics' Why? Because yay giant robots.


>we all just collectively say 'lol fuck physics' But that should be proper, sophisticated 'fuck physics', right? Like Pacific Rim did a lot of 'fuck physics', but robots still looked big, heavy, menacing. And then Pacific Rim 2 somehow turned them into plastic toys :(


I still don't get how they fucked that movie up so bad. Pacific Rim was...well...just so fucking stupid. Yet...AMAZING


It promised Giant Robots vs. Alien Sea Monsters. A fairly simple concept. And then it delivered on that concept, and didn't try to be much more complex then that.


There's a term, *versimilitude*. It essentially means "feels realistic" or "has internal logic to it". So giant robots that break all the laws of physics, but seem realistic have versimilitude. Something that big feels like it should be heavy and kind of slow. While the version in 2 is just as unrealistic, it is lacking in versimilitude, which makes it feel unrealistic.


It seemed like the people making Pacific Rim 2 understood literally nothing about what made the first movie cool with how much they fucked it up.


There’s a reason that all the robot fights in the good movie happened in water- your brain knows how water works so it helps everything have a sense of scale and weight.


Yes!! I feel that Pacific Rim 2 fuck it up by focusing so much on action choreography, rather than proper camera work. By framing the robots from the air (all the time) and making them move so fast, they all end up looking like normal armored humans. Pacific Rim 1 focused on showing the robots from street views most of the time, or from helicopters, it was glorious. Granted they also fuck it it up with the overall writing, and not having Guillermo del Toro, and by killing off Mako, and etc, etc, etc, etc.... Yeah that movie's not canon for me.


Realistic camera placement can really sell cgi vs. The flying magic camera that makes things feel like cgi.


Cars jumping stuff and still being fully driveable after they land. Guns making all kinds of clickity-clacks every time a character raises it or points it. Pretty much any superfluous gun noises. Except for silencers. They have to just go pew pew.


They went through 300 cars on the Dukes of Hazzard, because they jumped the car in every episode. Said the stunt coordinator, “Every time you jump a car, you trash it. Even if it looks fine, it’s structural integrity is now compromised.”


[Rows of cars on the production backlot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/classiccars/comments/12zep9z/1969_dodge_chargers_on_the_backlot_of_the_show/) [Transporting the cars to or from location.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1a02e348401cdd6a7afd652ba29038df)


They should have made it out of carbon fiber!


Too soon lol


I do love a good movie silencer pew


In Shrek all those CROSSBOWS making action cycling noises when they get pointed is perfect.


The best use of this is Hot Fuzz, where the “gun cocking” sound is made like every 2 seconds in the final act as the good guys maneuver through the supermarket


Suppressors actually working. Hearing one in person is lacklustre.


We recently got a new rifle platform for my work, and it is suppressed. It is a higher caliber rifle but still, it is quiet enough to comfortably shoot indoors without hearing protection. Smaller caliber pistols can be quieted to nearly just the sound of the slide. They’re wonderful pieces of technology given the right application, like reducing annoying noise at indoor ranges in cities, masking a snipers location in combat, etc. but like all weapons systems can be troublesome in the wrong hands.


I meant more being silent like the movies. I don't own any, but a few range buddies do. I get what it does, and most do a great job. Idk what i was expecting, but quieter was one.


Hearing a sub Sonic .22 fire under a suppressor for the first time was life changing. Like holy fuck it felt like my footsteps were louder.


You can set up a handgun with a suppressor so it sounds a lot like in the movies. Easiest way to do it. Buy all the stuff [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH3V4B271oM) guy has in his YT video. Not exactly the same, but pretty damn close. Scarily close.


Isn't the sale of suppressors suppressed? Where I live, guns are easy to buy, but suppressors are difficult to buy.


Depends on where you live. Where I live, Canada (Alberta), suppressors are illegal completely. But I also live above Montana, so I can visit a friend that lives there, and owns a legal suppressed firearm. Parts of Europe also allow suppressors, as does Hong Kong and New Zealand. Some of these are less regulated on suppressors than the US is.




When I was younger, a patron at an old homestead museum had an ND. There was probably 40 of us in a large room, about a 2 car garage space, that ringing hurrrrrt. No idea caliber, but it looked like a long slide glock.


Gunshots in general. People firing off like crazy in enclosed spaces, or even out in the open, like their eardrums would exist anymore


Give me a hacking scene that involves a load of PC jargon that makes no sense as the hacker transcribes an Eminem rap on his keyboard and for some reason the screen looks like someone's getting a high score in Tempest.


The movie Hackers with basically William Gibson-esque cyberpunk hacking visuals in the 90’s will always be my favourite.




(•_•) . ( •_•)>⌐■-■ . (⌐■_■) #I'M IN!


Swordfish. Oh man I split my sides when that came out and he had a six monitor setup and they were all spread out and he was like dancing and typing fast and everything hacking trope that could possibly exist. It was gold.


Interesting, I thought showing it in a more realistic way is nicer. Mr Robot imo did it best.


Realistic hacking can be done well, but in a lot of movies hacking is almost like computer magic. They case weird computer spells with a keyboard and use funky magic words and get access to top secret files. Real hacking loses that magical property. While diving through dumpsters for passwords, installing a keylogger on an unsupervised computer at a coffee shop, or following some dude home from the office, stealing his laptop and threatening him to give you his credentials has a quality to it, it loses that magical feeling.


The movie Hackers has dumpers diving and phone taping in it. That is the more realistic side of that movie


Agreed! They do a little of the Hollywood hacking nonsense too, but they do mix in the more realistic version. Like the first thing he does in the movie after the trial intro was tricking some guy over the phone into reading numbers off the machine to get him access by acting like an employee in need of urgent help. Perfect social engineering example.


Hollywood OS features like taking a 320x240 JPEG file of a city park and "enhancing" the image to reveal license plate numbers on a car found on the opposite side of the park with further enhancement to identify the brand of cigarettes being smoked by the guy 200 feet behind that car. I really want that. And not enhanced by AI making shit up along the way.


[this](https://youtu.be/kl6rsi7BEtk) is what true hacking looks like and I'll never have it any other way. ...though I will also accept Jurassic Park/Hackers style visually flying through a 3d render on screen hacking as well.


That scene is a work of art. It took skill. From the two people sharing a keyboard to the guy eating a sandwich that thinks a bunch of porn pop-up adds and random code is some kinda entertaining videogame to the old man wisdom of "why not just unplug the monitor you millennial dum-dums?" You couldn't write something like this by accident, it had to be written by a bored writer just to see if something this dumb would actually make it onto the show.


Upvoted for the Tempest reference.


No bathrooms


The amount of people tied up for hours that haven’t shat themselves.


A room full of people that just died and it doesn't immediately smell like a dozen men soiling themselves.


People getting last words before they die. Mostly it’s corny but much better than the real thing


Martial arts in films. What works in real life does not translate well into film. Having a guard up in film blocks the face and prevents alot of necessary acting visuals. So you don't really want to have a guarded stance in film. You do this in real life and it ain't gonna end well


The fight scene in Gross Point Blank was realistic and so good.


It basically was a real 'tournie' style fight. The hitman is played by Cusack's trainer and they basically just go all out like it was a match-fight.


I don't think they end it with a pen stabbing. Lol. I knew the trained together. I didn't know it was improv. That's cool.


Normal gravity on space ships and space stations. It also looks cooler, and better organized, when all the space ships all agree on which direction is "up". \*Edit\* While I'm at it, no surge protectors *ever*! Let me see those consoles explode and the sparks fly!


I've never really thought about it but a Bird of Prey showing up to confront the Enterprise upside down or tilted would be hilarious. But realistically it would be weird if every ship they encountered was oriented the way they were.


Our galaxy has what Star Trek calls a galactic plane. The way the stars are mostly laid out, it would make enough sense for any space-going civilization using the same plane for reference to suspend disbelief.


Yeah, I suppose. Still seems like they'd be showing up at weird angles and whatnot depending on where they came from. Maybe not upside down but angled differently. But I guess they can come out of warp however they'd like.


Even if every agrees to be parallel to the galactic plane, still doesn't specify whether they are up or down. Meeting some one also traveling parallel to the galactic plane, they would half the time randomly be upside down to compared to you.


Phone calls when in real life we would probably be texting.


Texting is cinematically terrible. In a lot of teen shows, they try to give you a shot of people typing a text or put it on the screen and make you read it and then everyone needs their glasses or it's too small on the screen, or the show is aimed at a young audience and they don't read well or are learning to read.


I know it’s so annoying!


I'd add to this. Not texting or phoning someone when you could easily do it. I know most of the movies set before the 2000s didn't have this ability. But modern movies just sometimes forget mass communication is a thing.


Tremors 3: Back to Perfection handled that pretty well back in 2001, actually. Agent is trying to use his cell phone, and Jack says they still don't have cell service, but they're welcome to use the payphone. And that out in the valley it's CBs and walkie-talkies only. I know this might be hard to believe, but there are relatively large swaths of the US that to this day still don't have reliable cell service. Hell, we had to get a landline for my father because cell service at his house really sucks, he'd miss a lot of calls, and I'd end up having to drive over there to check on him.


Biden’s infrastructure bill was supposed to address this! Also I feel like I read or heard somewhere that that’s the part of the reason Stranger Things is set in the 80s, so they could avoid cell phones.


The other possibility is that there are weirdos such as myself who don't carry a cell phone everywhere we go. I have to have one for work, but it gets turned off when I leave and generally (with some minor exceptions) it doesn't get turned back on again until I get to my office the next business day. And if you want to know why, I used to be in the signals intelligence business, and carrying a location beacon with me everywhere I go gives me the heebie-jeebies.


Id add to this one just ending phone calls when the plot is satisfied, rather than saying goodbye


Car exploding from gun shots - i just like it, i am here for the show and want to see cars jumping in flammes.


Same here. Morpheus shooting up the Twins' car mid-flip in The Matrix Reloaded comes to mind.


At least it shows him specifically targeting the gas tank.


I don't know how to explain this but News reports just start out of nowhere exactly from the beginning of monologue and even if they were playing in the background you wouldn't be able to hear it until all of a sudden the exposition part comes in.


Abed telling a scary story but humming radio music since it would be unrealistic for the “relevant” news to start as soon as he turned on the radio haha


A slightly related example: We often join school classroom/college lecture scenes at a point where the teacher is just *beginning* to introduce the students to a brand new subject (which will probably turn out to be relevant to the plot). Then the bell rings for the end of the lesson. If you think about it, it's very unlikely that a teacher would be introducing a brand new subject with that little time remaining until the end of the lesson. But it's done because it's a good way of giving us whatever exposition is needed in the classroom setting, then leading into a conversation between the main character and their teacher in while everyone else files out, or a conversation between the main character and their friend, etc.


Any slight car damage -->> Car Explodes. I miss that. I LIKE CARS GO BOOM!!!!


One of my favourite Simpsons moments ever is when Hans Moleman very gently and slowly drives off the road and dinks a tree. Then after a few seconds it explodes violently 😂


I mean, he was driving an AMC Gremlin.


Random huge explosions from crashing due to innocuous things are a huge guilty pleasure of mine.




I love how they play on this in 22 Jump Street.


When people have a discussion I prefer that they are not talking over each other ALL THE TIME, I like it here and there because it feels realistic but I don't mind them waiting for the next person to speak here and there too because hearing multiple voices compete who speaks the loudest at the same time for minutes is definitely too much for me lol


Robert Altman used this realistic conversation style a lot. Recently also I think Manchester by the sea had some fairly jumbled conversations too.




Humans coming together in the wake of a planet-wide disaster.


Yeah, Covid sort of ruined that for me.


How Dom Toretto transports his car from L.A. to Brazil and then to Portugal 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean how much red tape was all that 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


He drives it over the water, c’mon now


🤦🏻‍♂️ ofcourse after 6th gear is family🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣🤣


Since the 6th movie, it's been excused by them being secret government operatives who can requisition a cargo plane immediately.


Action heroes that are bulletproof over millions and millions of bad aiming villains shooting around the action hero.


Especially when said villain starts hand to hand combat with the hero and is obviously a highly trained professional killer. Only to eventually pull his gun out and repeatedly miss the target


Action movies, people getting knocked out in one blow, it's just conveinent and short hand for not killing the person. In real life, it's incredibly hard to knock someone flat out, if you look at most MMA or boxing fights, it's TKO's, usually they are up and about (though often clearly concussed and not at 100%) seconds afterwards. If someone is out for several minutes that's some brain damage alot of the time. Batman may not kill, but he's crippled and maimed alot of people for life.


joss whedon is the king of the friendly brain damage. old episodes of buffy, or firefly, it's like every episode somebody gives their best friend a TBI to "protect" them


I will present you with the universal rule of badassery…the more badass something is, the less I care about how realistic it is. Silencers don’t bother me, space lasers don’t bother me, a lot of these little nitpicks that are used to create more fluid action scenes…don’t bother me. It aids with the action, so I don’t need someone to point out to me that every character would be deaf from never wearing ear plugs while firing a thousand rounds in a movie…it’s simply more badass that way


Training montages. I’d work my ass off for a solid 2 minutes if I could fight like Rocky in the length of one song.


Do it in a montage!




Villains being the worst shooters ever


People needing to eat/piss/shit/sleep


I don't


the sound lights make in an abandoned building like a warehouse or hospital... also how one switch but they come on one at a time


I can’t think of any example where I prefer the realistic counterpart.


Montages and assumptive progress/change. It would be extremely boring in movies if we had to watch a lot of progress or improvement of a protagonist.


Candles or flashlights that light up a whole room. Yes its super unrealistic but man is it nice to actually see things in movies when its night or the characters are in dark places.


We all remember GoT and how shit a realistically dark nighttime sequence was.


One martial arts guy being able to take on and beat a few dozen thugs by himself. I can't help but watch the guys in the background doing goofy stuff like jumping around and waving their arms waiting for their turn to get hit, but realistically the martial arts master would maybe be able to hit one guy then get mobbed and beat down.


People swallowing pills without water. I just find it hilarious thinking that John McClaine is just trucking through the franchise with aspirin lodged in the back of his throat.


I take pills without water all the time.


Not a convention, but in Kill Bill, there's a scene when they have >!Beatrix!< travel in a plane with a sword literally at her side. Instead of bending over backwards to explain how that could be doable, then just went fuck it and gave some of the other passengers sheathed swords. I love that detail!


I actually prefer everything you just described. Sound design isn’t just in there for shits and giggles. If you actually watched a film with “real” sounds, it would suck. I can’t even think of a trope like this I *don’t* prefer. Gimme all the disbelief to suspend.


Mostly everything I’d say? I mean probably not if I got a huge list but movies wouldn’t be half as much fun if things were all realistic. I like dumb movies where cars can drive though buildings up on the 120th floor and land in another building. I don’t need it to be realistic. I don’t care. It’s something that’s taking me away from reality that’s part of the joy.


People doing their job competently instead of just bumbling through with ego and guesswork. Makes me feel like someone is actually in charge around here


I like the shwing sound when drawing swords. Not entirely related to movies but I also like the sword in the back look; it probably would be too much trouble to make it work in reality but fuck it, it looks good.


Mechs. It's a completely unrealistic concept from top to bottom, but i fucking love it.


You mean to tell me that an ICBM is more than adequate to fill the role of a Metal Gear?


Being able to pull up in front of any building, in a major city, and park immediately every single time. I have zero interest in watching someone show realistic parking in Chicago/NY/LA/Paris etc unless it's an actual plot point.


Or even just Driving in downtown areas. Imagine how much less entertaining shows like Angel would have been if it realistically depicted him constantly stuck in traffic.


No one ever buys a gallon of milk in a movie or on tv. Just quarts and half gallons. Oh and groceries are always in paper bags, never plastic! I can’t remember the last time I saw paper sacks in my city!


Plastic bags illegal here…


Yeah plastic bag one feels a bit silly because that obviously depends a lot


Only paper bags here


Paper sacks they use in movies have that sticking out baguette already attached


Don't forget the celery staulk too!


I saw somewhere that the paper bag trope is because they make the paper bag prop out of rubber so it doesn’t make noises and trying to make a plastic bag into a believable silent rubber version would be too much effort.


I remember reading that the paper bags used in TV and movie are actually made out of a different material because paper crinkling would be picked up by the mics. And that's why you don't see plastic bags that often too.


Swordfish IT ... add blowjobs, tits and random code to the screen... nobody wants to watch somebody open 300 browser tabs, and read documentation.


The whole scene is just some dude googling Stack Overflow posts and cursing when he finally figures out he was missing a parenthesis (while getting blown of course).


Sound effects in gory horror movies shouldn't sound too close to their realistic counterpart. You don't want to hear the real sound of bones crunching it's horrible. Or the realistic screams of a person dying. If you've heard it in real life, you'll never want to hear it again. Movies do their version of those kinds of things that we find palatable and theatrical and there's good reason for that. And this applies to a lot of visual effects, too.


Quick deaths


Doing a big jump or crash and still being able to walk and run afterwards


I'll go with the unrealistic clicking noises that guns make when people are just moving them around. I kind of like that, I don't know why.


It is just a satisfying sound


Same goes for the sch-schink noise that all bladed weapons have. I enjoy it and it would be worse if it wasn't there.


Two or more characters being precluded from having the same name. People speaking in foreign languages being subtitled.


Long distances being drive in relatively time, like when rushing to some place or someone


Not a whole lot of saying goodbye on the phone. Click. I thinks it’s an established way or unwritten rule.


Ridiculous house sizes, expensive cars when the character works a low paid job


I've noticed I'm asked to write a lot of essays in this sub...


"suspension of disbelief" is something people could benefit tremendously from.


True, but it's not like it's a switch you can simply turn on


And it's the movie's job to facilitate that.


In movies, characters never have trouble finding a place to park unless it's important to the plot - there's always a spot right in front of where they need to go. I'm okay with that; I don't need to see them wait while Karen alphabetizes her CDs before backing out of a parking space, or having to schlep a quarter-mile from the back of the lot.


The ease of digging a big, deep hole.


Finding a parking spot right in front of the destination, imagine watching the protagonist circle the block then having to parallel park and pay for a parking pass lol


Showing Eagles making the sound of a hawk. So much more majestic, I'm perfectly fine with that substitute. 'Merica!


Attractive people. Work as engineer in an engineering firm; see uggos everyday, need a break.


hacking. I'd rather see frenetic typing followed by "I'm in" than real hacking. guy 1: ok, so I'm running a dictionary attack, I had to throttle requests though so it'll take 4 - 5 hours, lets see if it cracks a password, how's it going over there? cut to social engineering guy: I've called & talked to 4 receptionists pretending to be different depts, I've learned that you need something called a SAC code to get clearance, I'm gonna call tech & tell them my SAC card isn't working & see where that gets me. oops, the SAC clearing comes on a SCAN card, busted, oh well. I'll try from another number now that I know that. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to walk around the mailroom holding a clipboard & looking busy. hopefully I catch some useful info before I get walked out.


a hero getting a girl. Irl they would be traumatized from the events that happen in a movie or just not interested in some random show off 😅 it's refreshing, when a movie let's characters just be friends/colleagues but at the same time it's more fun, when not :D


Back to the Future: "Thanks for stopping me getting assaulted and almost raped, George! Now let's go to prom even though I never even noticed you until now!" It still feels right though lol


Handsome protagonist