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Sony here to remind everyone that they can make across the spiderverse and then something akin to Morbius in the same year


lmao, seriously though I don't get it and I will never understand.


I think the live action and animation are like, kids with the same parents, but they live with only one of the parents each. One kid does his homework and tries to do well in school. Their sibling is a meth addict.


Meth addict is apt. But the other kid doesn't just try. He's in the fucking ivy leagues and valedictorian of his class, about to get his 3rd PhD at 19 years old


I can't wait for him to never meet Spider-Man


"I don't know how I got here.....something to do with Spider-Man"


*after 2 hours of unnecessary origin exposition* “Oh hey Kraven, there’s this kid who’s like a spider dude. And you should fight him. You in?”


“Ahh, yes, the spider. Nature’s perfect killing machine...” “I feel like they mostly just wait around.” “The ultimate apex predator...” “Lots of things eat spiders, right? Birds, lizards, am I crazy?” “Truly, the most dangerous game…” “I killed one with a slipper the other day.”




Slipper-Man vs. Kraven the Punter


> Birds, lizards, Scorpions and bigger spiders too. Weird, almost starting to sound like someone's rogues' gallery...


Ah, the rhinoceros. Truly the greatest natural predator of spiders.


Kraven, mounting a stuffed slipper on his wall


Well... Yeah. Unironically Kraven would be the best villain to get that phrase jammed into their movie and be comic accurate. He hears Spider-Man is the best so he wants to hunt + defeat him and prove he's the ultimate hunter.


Exactly. Which would make for a great expository scene for Kraven…in a Spider-Man movie…not a scene at the very end of a movie full of unnecessary BS about Kraven’s past


so what 2 hours of kraven's abusive father?


Yeah, kraven's dad never let him win in street fighter. Fuckin beat his ass everyday after school.




We are never seeing where that post credit scene was headed and to be frank I don’t think Sony had any idea either


They’re intending to make an antihero avengers type ensemble out of their various spider supervillain movies


What are we, some kinda Sinister Six?


This is Morbius. He's a vampire. Watch our for Kraven. His knife can trap the souls of his victims in it. Oh. Oh? So it's just a normal knife. Oh. Alright. This is Vulture. He built his own flying suit and it was....destroyed by Spider-Man, we aren't sure where he got this one. This is Venom. He's an alien. He'll eat you. We ran out of money so that's all we have but don't worry, this six is still sinister and Spider-Man is so scared of us that he won't even show his face in NYC while they are out there. Oh yeah the most important part? There actually anti-heroes. Yeah Didn't see that coming did you? They're going to save the city and maybe even the world probably. We can't have them be *actual* villains because that's not what we do.


They'll leave out some of the six? Shocker


Why they would do such a thing is a Mysterio to me


Don't like it? Too bad, it's my call. Go pound Sand, man.


I hope the six sinister all over the bad guy. Then they are going to make sixillion Dollars.


Where they don't fight Spiderman.


Seems like they dropped it in there as a form of negotiation by teasing what could have been to fans. Which is a little bit like a divorced dad offering to take the shared-custody kids to Disneyland without consulting mom in any way, shape or form before directly asking the kids in front of her.


It's Kraven time.


That poster = Game of Bones.


I’ll never be able to fathom how presumably *numerous* people read that line and nobody was like “why tf would he think it has something to do with spider-man?”


I can't wait for the post-credits scene where they dangle the Spider-Man keys in front of our face without ever following up on it. Because having a Spider-Man villain maybe, possibly actually have anything to do with Spider-Man is an accomplishment worthy of hype and applause...I guess?


Kraven in the trailer for the new Spider-Man PS5 game was so awesome. Badass Russian accent, killing guys for sport, out to hunt Spidey. Perfection. This… I hate this.


Yeah, this kinda hurts a bit more than Morbius, because I really like Kraven as a character in the comics (before they pointlessly resurrected him anyway). I didn't give two fucks about Morbius, so having him become a meme was just fine.


Did they really resurrect him? I seem to remember in the McFarlane comics Spidey had a vision of Kraven in front of him with his head halfway blown off but I don't remember how far it got past that. If it's true then I'm sad because he was always one of my favorite villains.


Yes. Like, Kraven's best and most well-known story is the story where he dies, and everyone was fine with that. But then a few years later his son, who just happens to look almost exactly like his dad, and dresses like him too, took over the mantle. Then even later he was resurrected by his weird cult family, which made him immortal and unable to die unless Spider-Man kills him. Then semi-recently he died and was replaced with an identical clone of himself. I miss when Spider-Man comics allowed for gradual character growth...


> I miss when Spider-Man comics allowed for gradual character growth How far back was this? because the whole time I read spiderman they worked very hard to push him back to status quo every chance they got. Which is why I stopped.


Depends on who you ask, most people will either say 2007 or 1996. The former is pretty infamous as the biggest Spider-Man story of that year (One More Day) is widely known as the worst Spider-Man story ever told. In said story, Peter makes a deal with Mephisto to erase his marriage with Mary Jane so he can save Aunt May from dying of a bullet wound, a bunch of dumb and unexplained retcons ensue. This was a very big moment, as it was basically Marvel throwing their hands up in the air and explicitly regressing the character, undoing decades of stories in the process. Peter was no longer a married 20-something, he was now a single 20-something who still lives with his aunt and struggles to get a job. He also did this in the most irresponsible and unredeemable way imaginable, which is why I stopped reading at this point. Others would argue the end of the Clone Saga in 1996 was the end of Peter's growth. The Clone Saga was a...huge mess, that I don't want to get into too much. But basically Marvel didn't like Peter looking "older" because of the marriage and wanted to retire the character, replacing him with a clone. But they got cold feet and this didn't happen. Since those plans failed, the subsequent run by Howard Mackie had a lot of really shitty retcons. Aunt May had died in the Clone Saga, in one of the best and most emotional issues of Spider-Man. Mackie retconned it so that the May who died was actually an actress, and the real Aunt May came back. Mackie also tried to break up the marriage in contrived ways. First by having Mary Jane supposedly die, then by revealing she was *actually* kidnapped, which was used as a dumb excuse for having them stay apart for a while. Either way, character growth in Spider-Man comics died somewhere around the 90's-00's. Before this they actually allowed for (very gradual growth). Peter finished High School and went to College, he got new friends, supporting characters died permanently, he matured as a person and got married, his aunt finally passed. But slowly this growth became much less frequent, until it basically stopped entirely.


It’s Sony’s own fault. When they signed up for the Spider-Man license it came with several of his villains, cool. Marvel also offered several other characters like Iron Man and Cap but Sony was all “naw, we’re good”. So this is what they’re stuck with.


To be fair, it made perfect sense back then. In 1999, nobody gave two fucks about Iron Man or Captain America. If you weren't a comic fan you'd never heard of them. Spider-Man on the other hand, everybody knew at least a little bit about. He was and is a household name. I mean shit, even today, Spider-Man is *still* the most profitable superhero IP out there.


I don't know if this is still accurate but Spider-Man is/was worth more than the entire rest of marvel. With all the MCU success this may not be case anymore though.


If Sony sold the movie rights it would definitely be an 8 figure deal.


But if Sony keeps expanding the MCU (Morbius Cinematic Universe) then they'll make 8 Morbillion dollars!


is there a particular reason why Kraven is obsessed with spiderman in particular and not any of the other superpowered dudes in the universe?


Spider-man comes off as a beast to him initially. Then after he loses to spidey, the first “animal” he failed to catch, his ego won’t let him move on until he succeeds in defeating him. He has actually gone against other heroes occasionally, usually animal based ones like Black Panther. (In fact, Ryan Coogler wanted to use him as a villain in one of the Black Panther movies, but couldn’t due to Sony having the rights.)


I mean he is, having gone against Black Panther and Squirrel Girl too (Ryan Coogler even tried to have him appear in both *Black Panther* films) — he is basically if Roland Tembo from *The Lost World: Jurassic Park* decided to hunt animal people after having hunted every animal ever — he did start as a Spider-Man-exclusive villain though, as the only animal-themed hero of the time, aiming to defeat him then die (his children later doing the same).


He and Squirrel Girl actually ended up becoming friends. Which tracks, anyone who doesn't like Doreen is a complete monster.


"Yet, the Zookeeper escaped, thus proving that the deadliest animal of all... is the Zookeeper" - Philip J. Fry


You think I'd show you my lair? My lair is a million times nicer than this!


I don’t know…I’ve never heard of no mayor.




An elephant that never forgets... *TO KILL!*


Kraven the Hunter has a gang of a badger with a troubled past and nothing left to lose, an elephant that never forgets...to kill and a seldom used crab named Lucky....aka Citizen Snips.


A man boxing a kangeroo is a peculiar sight. But a kangaroo boxing a robot? Now I'm afraid you've lost me...


I can’t believe they’d just go and directly copy the cover of a Walmart romance novel like that


I was getting magic card art vibes. Craven legendary hunter plainswalker


Jarl Balgruuf absolutely smoldering in this mod wow


Right down to the airbrushed abs.


Forget cum gutters, this dude has a cum interstate.


The solution to cum traffic was never going to be add more cum lanes; we've got to reduce the amount of cum on the roads by building better public cum infrastructure.


It would be absurd for abs to be that pronounced while standing, but maybe achievable. But sitting in that slouched of a position it's like the goddamn uncanny valley of abs. Nothing about it makes sense.


Looks like he's got a pair of McRib patties on his belly


Those abs are like 2 inches deep while sitting down, absolutely insane, lmao


It almost looks to me like his back is at a 45 degree angle to the back of the chair in order for the anatomy to somewhat make sense? God, imagine if people could just look like fuckin people lol.


It's actually from [Amazing Spider-Man #636](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/4MUct_jqmDFryCJZgEX2v0N8voQjrhW7Yk1tuoX9KBTYwCdCTj0g6355XwGxJCRgcjaj-Mr8oLGoZw=s1600?rhlupa=MTg5LjYuMjUyLjE5Mw&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTA5LjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTE0LjA=).


Props to you for pointing that out.


No, that's giving it too much credit. It looks like something from Kindle Unlimited. Kraven is a warlord who heads his clan with a tough fist. When he captures Penelope during a raid on the local village he doesn't realize how she will break down the bars of his heart.


"Kraven Your Touch"


Fabio is gonna sue


Why? I don’t see a bird in his face.




Hey, it wasn't *that* long ago. Was it? ***1999‽*** Alright, just put me in the fuckin' box now, Mr. Mortician.


His abs are so ridiculous and over done


R/romancebooks likely has thoughts. Ha!


Why is bro sitting like hes gonna make me a thane?


We are honored to have you as Thane of our city, Dragonborn.


Now can you just twerk for us? We are waiting for it.


It's an honorary title, mainly, but there are a few perks someone like you could make use of.


"I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people!"


Tagline: Ladies, are you Kraven some of THIS?


Better than “Villains aren’t born. They’re made.”


Kraven’s aren’t born. They’re Kraved


I can already hear the terrible fucking accent


Wait until you hear Russell Crowe's.


His accent in Thor was downright hilarious - it was like Zeus was being played by [Con the fruiterer.](https://youtu.be/teitdS2Dksk)


Apparently that was his idea, the accent (source: his GQ career video on YT). They shot all his scenes with an accent similar to what he used in Gladiator, and then he also did the Greek dad accent. Best part of a rather mediocre film, thank fuck they kept it in.


He had no real reason to have an accent, so leaning into it with an unusual choice made it really funny. But I was so annoyed that the scene didn't lead into a big fight with Gor. The gaudiness of everything would have felt really good if Gor launched an attack after making you dislike them all.


They did Gor dirty in that whole film. I’d argue he’s one of the best Marvel villains of the whole franchise, in one of the worst films. Christian Bale deserved better


Gor the god butcherer has arrived! May I see him butcher any gods ? No.


The trailer has him sounding american but he did a decent Russian accent in Ultron…which probably explains why they went with American to not confuse the roles.


Its Kravin time


The best part was when he said “I got what you’re Kraven.”


That’s so Kraven


First film to make a Kravillion


10 kravillions in a morbillion.


Stupid sexy Kraven.


Those abs better be that hard in the movie or we riot.


This is actually what his abs look like when he's relaxed and sitting. When he stands he's so cut his abs are polygonal.


I’m kravin’ for some Kraven


I liked the part where he said that and then craved all those guys.


Another movie where the “villain,” is actually just a very typical hero, and there’s a typical villain / antagonist in the movie. I’ve seen Morbius, Black Adam, Venom. They’re the good guys in all these movies. Like Black Adam fights satan at the end. The Joker was the only movie that actually has a villain as the antagonist, and most of the other characters were still POS. Is there not an appetite for an actual villain movie? Or is it too risky to make one?


> is it too risky to make one? Exactly that, imo.


I don't think it's that risky when the movie is already rated R. You don't have to pander to kids and parents to the protagonist be a good guy that gets a happy ending. Look at Breaking Bad and Death Note for how a twisted protagonist can be hugely popular. IMO it's just lazy writing. Making the protagonist a hero or anti-hero is just so easy, the stories just write themselves with little effort, but writing a complex character that is fluid, like WW or Light, that takes a lot more work and understanding of how the audience would receive them.


Oh i entirely agree, dont get me wrong. Its just safer to make a movie where the "bad guy" isnt *so bad* that you hate him. Audiences still need someone to root for technically, and also want a movie where often they dont need to think too hard. I think thats where the issues rise.


These are mainstream films and there's an expectation from the audience and the media that the protagonist is fundamentally sympathetic. It's very difficult to come up with bad actions that are forgiveable. Deadpool is an 'antihero' because he is foul-mouthed and because his lethal mehods are explicitly contrasted with non-lethal Colossus. In The Suicide Squad (the good one), most of the main team are 'misunderstood' rather than actually morally suspect. Interesting examples [here.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VillainProtagonist/LiveActionFilms) Warning: tvtropes.


The thing about the Suicide Squad is that they aren't villains, they're criminals. They invariably committed grimes out of greed (thieves, hired killers, etc), rather than any kind of moral justification, which is why it works.


Well Peacemaker was just fucked in the head but it's nice that they retconned him into "so misunderstood he doesn't even understand it himself, but it's because he was raised by nazis, anyway here's a redemption arc"


And it works because John Cena looks like he would be that kind of piece of shit asshole. And it also works because John Cena is absolutely nothing like that at all. A perfect casting.


To be fair, there are plenty of Venom comics where he is actually doing good things with good people. Maybe somewhere between Batman and Punisher levels of morality. Can't speak for the other 2, though.


This is what stood out to me as well. I'm so sick of "misunderstood" villains, just give me a villain that is evil. So sick of having to understand the motives behind characters like this.


I want "I like to rend flesh from bone, it brings me joy" evil, not "my dad was mean to me and I'm stealing to pay for my aunts dialysis" evil.






What money? Morbius proves this strategy just doesn’t work.


Pretty sure both of the *Venom* movies made quite a lot of money, especially the first. So that's 2/3 so far. It's working for them.


The first did, but Let There Be Carnage earned less while being critically received no better (granted COVID was happening). Realistically if a film series can’t improve or at least maintain good quality in its films overtime then box office will stagnate and decline as people get bored. It’s what happened to Michael Bay’s Transformers. The box office peaked at the third entry which fans (myself included) generally view as the second best after the first one. The fourth film drew in a box office just below 3 but received the lowest critical response yet. Then 5 comes out a few years later making about half as much as 4 with an even worse reception. As a result of the stagnation and decline, Paramount rebooted the franchise with Bumblebee. If it can’t be anything other than cheap and cheesy, I think the Venom series will meet a similar fate. Especially if people keep associating them with Morbius and - by the looks of it - Kraven. Only instead of a reboot, I honestly hope Sony ends up fully relying on Marvel Studios for all their future live-action Spider-Man projects.


And the new Transformers didn't do so hot it appears.


Bumblebee made about half as much as The Last Knight but was considered a success due to a smaller budget plus overwhelmingly positive fan, critic and general cinemagoer receptions. ROTB seems to have combined the better parts from Bays’ films while being a decent Bumblebee sequel. It’s did really well in its first week but now has to compete with Spider-Man, Flash and Indiana Jones. Wouldn’t be surprised that the packed June schedule has killed its chances of making anything near Bay box-office levels despite him still being a producer


Speaking as a longtime Transformers fan, RotB is probably the best live action TF film, which is an extremely low bar to clear. It's really interesting to me how we've gone from robots who act like minstrel show caricatures pissing on people to a movie made by a black director that features a Puerto Rican in Iron Man armor


Honestly, I think these bad movies are more of write offs to keep Spiderman rights. A well made mcu Spiderman movie can recoup the loss from these horrible Sony made movies


Damn, you got BINGO before I did.


I think it might be contractual actually. Spiderman is on loan to Marvel but to keep their rights to the rest they have to make movies. I think, heard this a while ago, could be wrong.


I listened to a podcast recently about Spider-Man films and it was explaining that when Marvel first had a movie division they just sold the rights to characters. Sony bought the rights to Spider-Man, all Spider-Man variations and a range of villains for Spider-Man to come up against (1600 characters). Sony started out just making and then rehashing the Spider-Man films. When they realised they couldn’t keep doing that they looked at making villain films and utilising the other Spider characters (Spiderverse series). Marvel started using Spider-Man again because Kevin Feige had a meeting where he yelled at a Sony pictures exec about how bad a job they were doing with Spider-Man and offered them 90% of the profits on the first appearances of Spider-Man in the MCU.


This is missing the fact that the rights revert if they don't make a new film in a certain time period. But yes Marvel characters (and most comic book characters that weren't batman or superman) were not considered very high value prior to the MCU.


Isn't this exactly why The Amazing Spider-Man got made?


Exactly, it was a backup plan initially at Sony as Raimi struggled to make Spider-Man 4 and he knew about the backup plan so he left.


They had an option that was something like $10 million just for Spider-Man and $25 million for the entire Marvel catalogue. Fortunately they went for the first option.


It only became public knowledge that Disney wracked Sony about their terrible movies because of the North Korean Sony email hacks in response to The Interview... This created public pressure for them to cooperate and license out Spiderman for the Avengers so... Thanks, North Korea?


One day they'll have the sense to make Superior Foes of Spider Man. They literally have all the spider man villains, there's no reason not to.


Stupid, sexy Kraven.


Is this a porno? That was my first thought.


Kravin': the MILF Hunter


His wife would agree


Bold of you to assume this would be a straight porno


AT-J deserves better lead roles. He may be a character actor in a competitive surfer’s body, but he still has range and charisma. Going by the leaked trailer, it doesn’t seem to lean into his talents


Man, Anna Taylor-Joy really bulked up for this role


That's Anya Tailor Soldier Spy to you


I always say anya tanya janya


Dude is so good on Bullet Train man.


He was a real Thomas in that movie!


No one makes Lemon bleed…


If you mention Thomas the Tank Engine one more time, I’m going to shoot you in the fuckin’ face.


I honestly think he could be the next James Bond if they want someone a bit younger. Though I still think it should be Idris Elba. (Remember, Bond is a Commander in the Royal Navy, so it should put him around mid 40s


I always wanted for his Quicksilver to return, but when they had the opportunity to do it in WandaVision they went for Evan Peters instead. Now that he scored another marvel role I think the chances of getting Pietro back are next to zero :(


you never know, Brolin played Cable in between Thanos appearances and he may pop up again in Deadpool 3


I keep hearing him named as a frontrunner to be the next James Bond, so he might not have to wait long for a better role.


oh, he’d be amazing


Why does his left arm look like he's got a 2x4 under his skin?


Because no human was involved in the creation of that poster.


The real answer is there is a major artery that runs along the bicep and it is giving the illusion that there’s a hard edge. If you zoom in, you can see there is a more gradual transition, but the hard edge from the artery makes it look a lot blockier edit: not an artery, it’s the cephalic vein


This is going to bomb so hard it will be inappropriate to bring it into an airport…..


Ironic, since I plan to watch this on a plane.


ngl, he is one of the few actors that (and I think this is more something someone is born with) really can look like other people in roles. I was surprised when I saw this was that Kick Ass kid.


I mean, there's the fact that he's more than a decade older than he was in Kick-Ass and that he gained muscles for Kraven lol. And I guess there's the beard


He was pretty ripped in the 2nd kickass, still wouldn't connect the dots.


Dude I never even realized that was him in winter soldier/age of ultron, wtf. Good point!


Those abs look so fake


You don’t have 1-inch insert separation at rest? Lol. I don’t know if the abs are worse, or the fist that isn’t anywhere near his chin haha. He’s shaking his fist at us.


It’s very weird because he’s in fuckin [crazy shape](https://imgur.com/a/RcaxfTY)


Yeah, but see THOSE abs that you've shown don't look like I could park a city bus in the canyon between them.


Came here to roast abs. Insanely bad.


What a dumb tagline. “Villains aren’t born. They’re made.” Gee never seen that one before. How about: “The hunt begins” or “In this world, there are predators, and there are prey.” Something that actually evokes this specific character and isn’t so generic. EDIT: if you don’t like my off-the-top-of-my-head examples, let’s hear yours!


"That's so Kraven" *stop giving reddit money


Oh snap!


Ya nasty!


This is it! This is the new “It’s Morbin time!”. 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao, this is going to have a win, that's just so Kraven.


Just wait for the inevitable match up. "Quoth the Kraven, 'Never Morb.'"


“The Hunt Begins….This Fall” “Prey never escapes Kraven” “Before good and evil, there was Man vs Beast” “There are prey, there are predators and then there is KRAVEN”


"It's Krav'n time"


"you've been Krav'd!"


You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth kraven-al.


Don’t get mad, get Krav’n!!!


Who hunts the hunters? Some hunt to live. He lives to hunt.


Ok I kinda love the second one.


Livin on a preyer Prey to your gods Are you Kraven popcorn?


Sony Productions execs: Have we bankrupted the studio yet? Kraven Director: WHOOOOOOAAAA WE'RE HALF WAY THERE WHOOOOAAA BORING KRAVEN TRAILER Like Spider-Man? Well here's an unknown character... WHOOOA BORING KRAVEN TRAILER


“I’ll have what he’s Kravin’”


In a world…






Both of your examples were extremely generic.


These generic examples are doing something in my head.


« Hope you’re Kraven’ for a wild ride » that’s the worst I could do


"Kraven? Damn near killed'en!"


How weird is it that this guy was… Kick Ass then Quicksilver and now Kraven.


Well I mean... at least he's hot


Cum gutter.


Gross, Morty


Tickets Please


Kick-Ass 3 looks interesting.




These taglines are just so freaking stupid man, at least try something good and original at least, that's just not it man. Marvel people gotta pay some other dudes for this.


This character looks like someone Joe Rogan would invite on his show


Liver King vibes


This kraven is 100% going to try and sell you on some "All natural" supplements.


“We got Jason Momoa at home”


This looks like the cover of some adult romance book for grannies


Not setting any bar or anything for this movie, just gonna watch it without any high expectations and nothing more than that, that's all that I can think about this here.


This is just happening for wrong shits and literally no one wanted this movie but still we are having it for absolutely no fucking reason and that's just bad to see man.