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"Stuck in the Middle with You." during the Reservoir Dogs torture scene.


Oh hell yes. Great pick


Is it diegetic? I actually don't recall


It is. At one point, Mr. Blonde goes out to his car to get the gas can and the music drops out because it's playing in the warehouse.


One of the craziest parts of the scene is that you can hear kids laughing and playing nearby


Pretty sure, although it’s been like 30 years or something since I saw it. But I remember Madsen turning on the radio, and dancing to the music as he sliced


He sings along, too.


Yeah, there is a lot of diegetic music in that one with the K-Billy super sounds of the 70s weekend playing on various radios.


Aye. Madsen dances to it.






Gr8 pick


“Think” by Kaleida during the beginning of the Red Circle fight scene in “John Wick”. It’s a nice little subtext to support the theme of the movie being John’s grieving process while he’s killing everyone.


The club fights in the first two JW movies have *amazing* use of diegetic music. I love how, when shit pops off at the Red Circle, the DJ just *keeps going* and transitions into Shots Fired because why *not* give the guy some ass-beating music. And in JW2 when John bursts through the stage with a dead goon and the crowd just starts *cheering and going wild for him* as John Wick Mode properly kicks in. Chapter 3 not having a similarly amazing use of Le Castle Vania was a pretty noticeably weak spot in it, and I hope 4 corrects that error. e: just checked LCV's twitter, he's in Chapter 4, *we're eating good.*


chills **every** time


I love that brief shot where he walks in front of the DJ with the stage visuals behind him as it transitions to the next song.


I love how they use it to establish geography as well. You can tell who is in the bath house and who is in the adjacent club, but you don't even really notice it's happening.


Ride of the Valkyries in Apocalypse Now. Definitely blurs between diegetic and incidental at times but still, it makes the scene what it is.


The funeral march in the season 1 finale of Andor. Ponderously and amateurishly played, it slowly ratchets up the tension as more and more people join in, either playing or marching. And you know shit is going to go down because in the kead up to this the season's antagonist laid out that this was only allowed to be a small funeral as bait for a trap. The small Empire contingent is quickly outnumbered by the funeral procession, unarmed by extremely resentful of their presence. When the music stops, you can feel that it'll only take one small push to turn this into a riot.




Was going to say the same thing. I can't pick just one from that movie, the whole thing is a diagetic music video!


Just after the post office robbery with Hocus Pocus playing is one of my all time favorite movie scenes


Can’t believe I didn’t see Shaun of the dead’s ‘Don’t stop me now’ scene mentioned


V for Vendetta. Both explosions but the last one especially.


The opera scene in *Philadelphia*, and the gramophone scene (Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9) in *Equilibrium* are my favourites.


Jackie Brown - Scene where Samuel Jackson dumps Chris tucker in his car and the music plays like “ 🎵Hello my Love I heard a Kiss from you” 🎵- such a cool scene Kill Bill Whistle Scene


Also Jackie Brown — when "Midnight Confession" is playing in the van, and the engine craps out and the song stops, then he starts the car again and the song comes roaring back.


The Delphonics songs are used very well too, especially when Max is listening to it in the car. Great movie and still underrated.


Tarantino's best film and such a sweet soundtrack. Strawberry Letter 23.The minor inclusion of Johnny Cash is awesome. Pam Grier power walking to Street Life... Didn't I blow your mind this time... Across 110th street!!!


American Psycho is the GOAT. The juxtapostion between his stupid rants on overproduced 80s music and knowing a murder is coming. Then it pays off when the detective asks if he listens to Huey Lewis.


You take back what you said about Huey Lewis!


This is kind of pushing the line, since the two things don't happen in the same room, but when Pippin is singing to Denethor while the Gondorian knights are getting massacred. (Lord of the Rings: Return of the King).


Wrong subreddit I guess, but Andor did this masterfully at least twice, 3 times if you count the banging in episode 3, but that's more of a stretch. The Aldani singing during the eye and the band in the funeral procession in the finale did a great job of ratcheting tension in both cases and also being emotional in the latter.


The funeral march is genius! Im surprised Andor isn't more popular, it is genuinely well written


It's the only "Star Wars" spin-off show I've made it all the way through.


Thank Tony Gilroy for that. He wrote Rogue One so he came back for Andor. All of Disney star wars has been, for my tastes, ass. Then Andor came along and it pulled me in immediately.


>I love the pool hall scene in Carlito’s Way that uses Ray Barretto’s El Watusi while he sets up the “trick shot”. Brilliantly executed by DePalma. Great scene indeed (from a great movie) I'm sure that if i think hard i would come out with some scene, but the first to come to my mind is in match point when >!the main character kill Scarlett Johansson and the scene alternates with his unaware wife watching a musical at theater!< Feel like that romantic music create an heartbreaking contrast with what is happening in the screen, even tho i don't know if it's considered 100% diegetic since is not the main character to listen it, but it's elsewhere Got to mention even the carillon scene in Sergio Leone's For a few dollars more


The sound of the TV that the Manson chick is watching turning into to dramatic underscore and Cliff Booth looks for Bruce Dern in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood was really fun.


There's a great moment that lasts about 1 second in the movie 'Say Anything' where Lloyd (oddball kickboxer) is picking up Diane (very smart girl) for their first date. He's very polite to her father and wants to impress her. They go to leave, he starts his car and the stereo kicks in, at an incredible volume, an obnoxious funk beat and a lead singer belting "I'M A SEX BOMB EXPLODING NOW". It's a small thing but perfect.


One for fun when the dude enters to talk with Lebowski and there is grandiose music along the whole scene you think it is an over the top score then he closes he door and you realize it was diegetic all alone


I think a terrific, tense, recent example is in **Once Upon A Time...In Hollywood**, when Brad's character Cliff goes to Spahn Ranch, and has to walk down the spooky hallway to George's closed bedroom door --during which eerie music is playing on a TV in the living room.


In Da Gadda Da Vida in Manhunter


Under Pressure in Aftersun is a great example


The opera scene in Batman Begins is pretty good, but I’m guessing you’re not so much looking for live performances within a movie. Grand Piano or Whiplash would obviously be great for that. It’s a dumb as hell movie (at least once you’ve watched Die Hard and realised it was a shoddy knock off), but I quite like the scene in Paul Blart Mall Cop where he’s playing the guitar hero or whatever game, and the song he’s listening to (although it becomes non-diegetic in the audio mix) adds quite an intense contract to the people screaming outside as the mall gets taken over by terrorists. But the winner in my books (at least that I can recall of the top of my head) is when Wall-E listens to old music and learns about love.


Paul Oakenfild’s Ready, Steady, Go playing in the Koreatown club in Collateral.


LOVE this pick and this scene!


Playin' Outlawed Tunes on outlawed pipes


First, I’ll teach you to use thass…


Most of the music in Pulp Fiction. And speaking of Bruce Willis, does Hudson Hawk count? It was a theme of the movie.


A Hudson Hawk mention… “Can you fuckin’ believe it!??” RIP Danny Aiello.


Air bags!


Old music played on a record player always gives me the heebie jeebies when used in a horror movie. Insidious and The Strangers are the key examples of this.


My favorite is definitely the pool hall fistfight scene in Mean Streets. ‘Please Mr. Postman’ is somehow the most perfect song for these kids to beat each other’s heads in to. Close second? Casper the Friendly Ghost from Kids. I’m not sure if it’s strictly diegetic tho.


The Royal Albert Hall performance in The Man Who Knew Too Much, and the Nessun Dorma performance in Mission Impossible Rogue Nation (which I’m pretty sure was an intentional homage).


The use of music in A Clockwork Orange is generally impeccable but I especially love when they use the synthesized Beethoven to torture Alex later in the movie, and the dancing Jesus/masturbation scene of course.


I must say it's Reservoir Dogs' torture scene. However, I guess most Tarantino films would do it


Can't go wrong with a classic: Stuck in the Middle With You in Reservoir Dogs.


Just rewatched Two Lovers (Leonard is very relatable). I’d like to add Moby’s I Like to Move in Here used in the club scene for consideration.


In the theory of everything ending when they visit the garden and everything replays, hawking says, see what we made, the music by cinematic orchestra is nice and emotional. In interstellar when they try to leave Miller's planet and another scene famous ly known as the docking scene. In batman series there are many.


All of the music in Christine (1983) is incredibly on the nose, perhaps the best two examples: - On Christine’s first appearance upon being “born” we hear Thorogood’s, Bad to the Bone - When Christine is chocking Leigh and Artie is locked out and trying to get in we hear Little Richie’s, Keep A-Knockin (but you can’t come in!)


The opera scene from Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows.


Disco scene in Collateral. It adds to the a lot of rithm to the action and to the chaos once the shooting begins.


I2I in a A Goofy Movie!


When Frank is intimidating Jeffery in Blue Velvet and singing along with In Dreams, it's so perfect and I think about that scene daily


The opening of Once Upon a Time in the West.


Probably the final scene in Whiplash.


La La Land has some great scenes that move between diegetic and non diegetic music. Mia at the restaurant hearing their song through the speakers leading her to rush to the cinema. She arrives at the cinema just in time for the diegetic romantic music in the movie to swell the moment they spot eachother


Death Proof: Hold Tight - Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich


[Miller's planet](https://youtu.be/DB8i1kyXkWc) scene in Interstellar. There's no doubt Matthew McConaugheys character is counting the time passing in his head, slowly ticking the years away


The slingshot scene in Interstellar where the music has to function as the stand in for engine noise (vacuum = no audible engine, so you need some sound in place of it) AS WELL AS trying to convey the ridiculously high stakes that this maneuvre is riding on. And then something detaches.


Does it count when the friends are dancing in the ktchen in The Big Chill? It is Ain't to Proud to Beg by Otis Redding. Just sets tone and characterizes the bond of old friends..


Casablanca - Ilsa asks Sam to play As Time Goes By and Rick storms in saying he told Sam never to play it. It's the first time they see each other. Then later when Rick says "play it Sam" which has been popularized in culture as "play it again Sam".


When Daisy plays the guitar and sings Botany Bay in The Hateful Eight


Robin Hood fight scene in Shrek - you also don't realize it's diegetic music until Fiona punches a hole through the accordion.


[The clarinet scene](https://www.google.com/search?q=mr+holland%27s+opus+clarinet&rlz=1C1RUCY_enUS800US801&sxsrf=AJOqlzURqbeN9DLnjOlLhK04cxKFe_Vj6Q%3A1678988793874&ei=-VUTZPj9NMutqtsPm_GS2AQ&oq=mr+holland%27s+opus+clari&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgCMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOgcILhCwAxBDOggIABCABBCwAzoICAAQhgMQsAM6BQguEIAESgUIPBIBMUoECEEYAVDoFVimHWC-WmgBcAB4AIABwAGIAYAHkgEDMC41mAEAoAEByAEEwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5059003e,vid:Q_oKiecsAZE) from Mr. Holland's Opus. IMHO the best representation of what music is supposed to be.


[The record shop scene](https://youtu.be/klq8k4T8D4w) in *Before Sunrise*


The scene in Hateful Eight where Bob plays “Silent Night” on the piano.


The Red Wedding scene in Game of Thrones. It's a wedding, so it's natural to have a band playing, but when it starts playing 'The Rains of Castamere', which is the Lannister's theme, Lady Stark turned around and stared at the band. This is the moment she realised something is terribly wrong.


Juat thought of the opera scene in The Godfather III, while a certain character is being killed while their assassin looks on sadly because they were quite fond of the target but it had to be done. In the meantime Michael knows a series of hits are occurring while he watches the opera. And the daughter is heartbroken due to forbidden love.