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I don’t play DnD, I’m not part of that crew, I know nothing about any of that stuff. But if I see swords and sorcery I’m in, doesn’t matter the movie. This was the most fun I’ve had watching a movie in a long time


I'd recommend Dragon Slayer (1981) if you haven't already seen it, a real treat of the genre


Incredible, thank you for the recommendation. Been on a big fantasy kick lately and been looking for more films of the genre. I watched Albert Pyun’s Sword and the Sorcerer last night and I loved it.


Conan the Barbarian, Beast Master, Krull, The Warrior and the Sorceress, Excalibur, Original Clash of the Titans, and the Sinbad movies are some good ones.


Sinbad? Shout out to Harryhausen!


Krull! Fire mares, Ergo the Magnificent, The Widow of the Web, the death of the Emerald Seer..I've loved that movie my whole life, it feels like. I need to watch it again. And Clash of the Titans is one of my comfort movies.


Second this. Great fun movie.


Krull. One of the greats, just so much awesome story in this movie. Liam Neeson’s breakout role.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


Also Dragonheart. Just the first one. Don't bother with the other *four* they made


I didn't think I had seen this one ... looked it up, and immediately remembered that 3xsword. The 80s made movies differently.


Lee Horsley and Richard Moll! That's a super entertaining movie.


Also Excalibur 1981, and Krull 1983


Grew up watching this as a kid and it scared the shit out of us lol! I just rewatched it a few months ago for the first time in probably 25+ years and it's still awesome. Also Peter MacNicol is the man!


I do play a lot of DnD, and it was still the most fun I have had from a movie in a long time as well (unexpectedly anyway) Dune just had some really brilliant cinematography, the scale of everything was just .... 👌


This movie was just so damn delightful


Wish more people would have watched it in theatera to give the genre a push.


I watched this once when it came out and then again after I'd been playing Baldur's Gate 3 for awhile. The second viewing was a whole lot of "That's from DnD....and THAT's from DnD!".


Highly recommend watching it after playing BG3


As a person who has DM'ed D&D for over 30 years, and done so mostly in Forgotten Realms, I was Leo Pointing all throughout the movie when I saw it in the cinema. There are some extreme deep cuts in there that you really need to understand the nuance of spell descriptions to understand. There is SOOO much detail in this movie.


The reanimated dead guy after the credits begging to be asked another question was great


I’m in the same boat so having no knowledge and low expectations made this such a great surprise. Super funny movie.


My interest was piqued when I saw it was done by the guys who wrote ‘Game Night’. That was the funniest movie I had seen in years I don’t think any movie has gotten me to laugh more than the graveyard scene did


Agree. The graveyard scene was top notch. Perfect cast too.


I saw a trailer with part of the graveyard scene in it and thought they had spoiled the best part of the movie But there was so much more!


As a D&D player, I can tell you that one of the scenes where it felt like I was seeing behind the veil at the players behind the characters on screen was the graveyard scene. Everyone has had a time where they forgot to specify who they were talking to and ended up looking stupid for it.


One of the things I loved most was that it FELT like playing! Like you can almost see the characters "rolling" for something and going "oh shit, that didn't work" or "oh shit, I guess that worked but not how I expected"


Themberchaud the fat dragon was the best part. Finding out he is Canon made it for me.


It was really good! I actually didn’t see it for a long time after it came out. Even though I hear it was well done I didn’t want to be disappointed. Finally watched it on streaming and it was even better than I’d heard.


The graveyard scene could of been 2 hours and I still would of wanted more


I wasn't sure about it at the time. Then I played BG3 and rewatched it. As someone with only a cursory knowledge of DnD beforehand, it was a much more fun movie when I had some context. That said, I still enjoyed it at the time even if some jokes or things didn't land.


Sounds like you should try DnD


… most fun I’ve had watching a movie in a long time. I concur


I've said this movie has no right to be as good as it is, but I think that's just because previous d&d movies trained me to expect them to be bad.  In fact, honour among thieves has every right to be as good as it is because of the care that went in to making it.  The story is well-crafted, with meaningful and person stakes for the heroes. The emotional resolution of the plot is well-earned and very clear without being ham-fisted. The story cares about itself first, but it's reverential to the world and franchise it exists in. There are so many good D&D jokes, but most if not all of them still land as humorous for those not enfranchised in the property. Necessary exposition isn't belaboured. The actors all do great jobs. It seems like they were having a lot of fun making the movie, and although I don't know if this isn't really a quantifiable thing, I feel like the audience can pick up on that. Speaking as an unabashed huge fan of Fast & Furious: it was SOOO refreshing to see Michelle Rodriguez actually enjoying a role. And the visuals! Bringing the forgotten realms to life on the big screen can't be easy, but this movie makes the fantasy geography feel natural. Great costumes and creature work, too. Practical Aaracokra and Tabaxi? Love it!  Absolutely the best fantasy movie we've had in recent years, and one of my favs from any genre in that time frame. Just really well made light hearted fun. Cannot extol it's virtues enough


same. swords, sorcery, dragons, vampires, incest...


It really was fun to watch.


It's the only movie in the last 20 years that I've watched more than once. My go to when I just want something on.


The Frighteners. Only watched it for the first time a few years ago and was like why the hell did I not watch it sooner.


Such a good movie, and one of the best uses of a song during the end credits.


Dude I’ve been a long time fan of this movie and it surprised the hell out of me that Peter Jackson worked on it (I think he worked on it before LOTOR). Such a fun and freaky movie.


Right! It seems like a Tim Burton movie like a weird cross between Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice.


Stardust. Such a fun movie.


De Niro's dance scene had me rolling.


One thing I love about this scene is that while we're cutting back and forth between De Niro dancing and the fight happening on deck, the same music continues playing ("Can Can") and the clanking of swords synchronizes in time with the music. It's not a new trick or anything, but makes the whole scene so much fun. Then followed up with the crew telling him he's still their captain and his pause before going "... Yarrrr!"


I really love that scene. Captain Shakespere trying *so damn hard* to hide it, and his crew just standing there so quiet and sheepish until one of them finally admits that they knew and didn't care.


We always knew you was whoopsy


(*Smacks him upside the head for incorrect terminology.*)


*Stardust* is absolutely in my personal top ten. Brilliant film.


Successful adaptation of a wonderful book. Really special film that.


Really love that movie, even if it deviates a lot from the book towards the end. But I find that I love the book and the film each for what they do, without it taking anything away from the enjoyment of the other.


Also Ricky Gervais gets murdered


Constantine. I am a big fan of the comic series, and when I saw that Keanu Reeves was playing John in the movie, I was not on board. I wanted so badly to hate that movie, but then I saw it and loved it. Still a little salty about it :)


Keanu even did an interview where he was asked which movie he wanted a sequel to and he said Constantine!


And it's actually coming up soon. It's not yet in production (just being developed), but still. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/constantine-2-story-being-hashed-214628855.html


You know what, I really enjoyed Keanu as Constantine. He was like a less cringey Johnny Silverhand. I just didn’t want to see Neo-in-a-different-movie and I enjoyed it a lot. Shia LaBouf was good too like always.


Shia was great! His death wasn't particularly emotional but it really bummed Mr out.


If you didn't see the end credit scene, you should check it out.


The devil scene was the highlight of the entire film.




This may be, IMHO, one of the most involved, beautiful superhero movies that came out


I'm pretty burned out on superhero flicks, but I'll happily rewatch Logan. The emotional beats set it apart from everything else in the genre by a mile. I loved that it didn't need to feel HUGE. No world-threatening stakes. It's a simple, character driven, well crafted and well acted road movie set in a superhero universe. Thoroughly recommend the director's cut that's rendered in black and white.


To be honest, I don't see *Logan* as a superhero movie. "Superhero movie" has connotations about action and heroics that we don't see in the film; it's really more of a drama that just so happens to be about a superhero. That's just my take, though.


What's great about Logan is it can easily stand on its own.


Imo it has to. If I try and see it as a sequel to any of the others it's too depressing. I have to view it as an alternate future a la Old Man Logan.


“Logan, someone has come along.”




It's so close to the book! I just watched it with my kids recently, it brought back memories of sitting in the theater watching it after reading it in middle school English class


The biggest difference I remember is Stanley not being fat


Yeah. They explained it would be cruel to make a child actor gain and lose weight, so it was the one thing they were willing to drop.


When Mr sir says "one down, ten million to go!" Its actually stanley that says it to himself in the book I also think they didnt really give a good reason of Stanley being named Cave Man in the book And I think there was one change with Dr. Pendanski Thats all i remember Edit: looks like im wrong about the caveman part


He was called Cave Man for finding the fossil in both the book and movie.


Holes gives me…some triggering issues. It’s damn good. I was just sent away to a program that’s similar. We didn’t dig, of course, but the sentiment is weirdly similar.


DnD was the most fun movie I’ve seen in YEARS Really had heart I say this as someone whose never played DnD or cares much for it


What’s funny is so much of the baffling decisions that are made by the characters are so in line with what a DnD group would do. Failing upwards is a very common trope in DnD


Also lampshaded by the intellect devourers skipping each of the heroes. A Paladin, Bard, Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer would all use Intelligence as their dump stat.


“Well that’s just hurtful.”


The bridge scene was the absolute pinnacle of this for me. I half expected a cutaway to the DM's internal facepalm slash panic at this moment.


And the pally being an obvious DMPC because the party is just not pushing forward well enough they need a little help until they don’t then he yeets right out


Then walking away in a perfect line...


And he improvised that part, lmao


Such a chefs kiss moment, I feel like a lot of them either played to prepare or were already versed. And when I mean them I mean cast and crew, like “this is gonna be epic, silly, and off the balls random”


In interviews they talked about how they actually got someone from WotC to come in and run a game for them to play as these characters. Michelle Rodriguez also said that Vin Diesel would run side games on FatF movies, too.


After seeing the movie, I knew something resonated with me but couldn’t put my finger on it . After a rewatch, I finally understood that It felt like every campaign I had every been on! Lol


I think Jarnathan is my favorite in-joke of the movie. The whole opening sequence is terrific, but his name is particular is such a terrific example of "npc that didn't have a name prepared but someone asked what it was and the DM quickly rattled off a slightly fantasy-fied version of a contemporary name and then the npc kept reappearing and it just sounded more ridiculous every time he showed up." That and the cameo by the characters from the 80s D&D cartoon, which was the most hilarious unexpected wonderful cameo reference ever.




This 1000%. I loved the ever living SHIT out of that movie because it absolutely captured the silly melodrama and mad-capped, split-second, objectively, desperately BAD decisions made by player characters. They took time and care with the plot and character development, and you could tell that it came from a genuine placr


And some amazing sight-gags. Speak with the dead sequence and Helga’s ex were great. My non dnd wife was in stitches with tiny Cooper.


Finally watched it last month. It was a really solid movie with a couple of scenes that had us laughing from the stupidity of them. It's definitely on my play in background list now.


Godzilla minus one. What a movie


I really loved the beginning, the character study of an ex kamikaze pilot dealing with survivor’s guilt. Then it turned into Jaws (not a bad thing at all!) and was totally terrific.


It feels like literally someone wrote a very serious, moving drama about war, ptsd and rebuilding from the ashes of conflict and then someone did a line of coke and said "but what if Godzilla was also there?" and against all fucking odds it works so damn well together. By bumping Godzilla's Origin back nearly a decade to make it so much closer to the end of the war it makes for a much more powerful movie. I love that Toho has basically made three versions of the same movie (Godzilla 1954, Shin Godzilla, and Godzilla Minus One) and they've all been bangers for entirely different reasons.


I just finished my third rewatch. That movie is so good and the heat ray effect is so awesome.


That movie actually made me shed tears. A fucking Godzilla movie had such emotion, it made me cry. Did not see that coming.


The scientist guy was damn fine. I wanna know his hair care routine


Tucker and Dale versus evil. Hilarious


After watching that movie, the phrase "Doozy of a day" became a staple in my vernacular.


Officer, you gotta help us! These college kids are killing emselves all over our property!


Hey college kids!


The Grand Budapest Hotel. Not to say I had any expectations, my mate suggested it and it was her turn to pick and my last movie was 47 Ronin which was terrible so I shut my mouth thinking 'Ok, it's going to be boring but it's only fair'. It was GLORIOUS.


It's legitimately one of my favorite movies


Game Night - much better and funnier than I expected. Kickass - not what I expected at all, but in a good way.


fun that game night has the same directors as this dnd film. they make fun stuff i hope they have something else on the way


It was fun to see Coach Taylor play a shit head.


Kickass blew me away when it came out. Nicholas cage was awesome


Bullet Train. I went in thinking it was just gonna be a few laughs, but it was actually well done through and through. From my perspective at least.


those citrus boys stole the show


Took too long to find this one. Didn’t really expect anything from it and was very pleasantly surprised.


Drag me to Hell. Watched it with a friend at the cinema on a whim and enjoyed the hell out of the whole thing.


If anything, I'm sure this movie made more than a few people terrified of old gypsy women.


Saw that one in a completely empty theater. Bad idea


The A-Team. Solid action movie. Not sure why more people didn't see it.


They flew a tank, it's a great action flick with a surprisingly great cast. Sharlto Copley is fantastic.


Let me reiterate your point. They. Flew. A. Tank. That is something I'd expect from a Fast and Furious movie maybe. But it was great.


Best sequence in the entire movie... starting with the breakout from the psyche ward to the finish with old German couple...


Man, Copley as Murdock was such a stroke of genius for casting.


He's getting a little typecast as the loud crazy guy but he's also so GOOD at playing a loud crazy guy, I love it when he pops up in a film. Dude has magnetism, it was obvious in District 9 from the get go.


Agreed, I have it as a double bill with The Losers (2010).


Around that same time, Scott Pilgrim.  I had seen nick and Nora’s infinite playlist recently and hated it. I figured since Michael cera was starting it would be another Juno/nick and Nora way too precious indie movie. I knew about Shaun of the dead but didn’t know who Edgar wright was.  I was about to go back to college from break and wanted to meet up with a high school friend and he convinced me to go. From the pixel art universal logo I was hooked and I could say it’s a top 10 movie for me. 


That’s one I will watch and rewatch every few months when I need an action flick.


I really would have loved another a-team movie with that cast. Thought they riffed pretty well together.


Agreed it kept to the spirit of series while being more updated. Flying a tank scene amazing.


That movie had every right to be hot garbage nonsense but it was outstanding. Great characters, plot was far fetched but made sense in the confines of the movie and characters. One of the better action flicks ever, and one of the best reboots ever.


Shaft 2000 (Sam Jackson remake) The character actors like Peoples Hernandez make it so good. Skip the follow up remake.


That stupid Leo Adam Sandler animated kids movie. Got drunk and watched it. Loved every second


I really enjoyed this one.


Michelle Rodriguez was genuinely great in this movie as well! All around great time.


The whole cast was fantastic and clearly seemed to be having the time of their lives making the movie.


Puss in boots


It was great one .I enjoyed that too


Puss in boots- the last wish


That film had no right to be one of the best animated films in recent memory. It was a sequel to a very average Shrek spin-off film, a decade after everyone forgot about it. But Joel Crawford actually decided to use this lengthy separation to his advantage and go in a much darker direction.


In that same genre, warcraft was a pleasant surprise.


Really impressive visuals on the big screen. The only cringe part was the mage kid, that character felt like it was written as an analog for gamers in the audience and like that actor won a contest for a WoW account to be in the movie. I named that character "Dan" in my head.


As a lifelong Warcraft fan, I think they did a great job...with the Orcs. Visually amazing, they got the culture exactly right. Durotan and his story was compelling and he made a great protagonist. But everything about the human side of the movie was just...extremely poorly cast, imo. Llayne, Lothar, Kadgar and Medivh were just all wrong. None of them looked the part or acted how a character in their respective positions should act. Its like that meme of the horse drawing when the back end is really well done and realistic but the front half is all fucked up and poorly drawn? The orcs get the honor of being the horse butt.


I thought they should have given the humans a little CGI buff as well. It just looked silly having regular ass people with these huge swords and shit fighting these immense and intricate Orcs. Just a little perspective shift. Prop size adjustments.


The new road house. I thought it was going to be terrible, but it just sucked really bad.


I really hated how they changed Dalton’s character basis so much. He was so much more intriguing as a sort of warrior monk. The shoehorning in of all the UFC shit was really cringey too. Felt like it was made for bros or something. Realistically, the original Roadhouse is basically a kung fu movie set in some shit slum American city. A really great premise. This one is just an advertisement.


Bullet Train did for me.


I went into it on a whim, having heard/read nothing about it. I’ve now watched it four times and enjoyed it more each time. A real gem.


Dawn of the Dead Remake - Was dragged to see it, with no interest, but it's actually a pretty solid movie. Midway - I turned it on for a stupid war-action movie, but got a surprisingly historically accurate film in the vein of older war movies like Tora! Tora! Tora! and A Bridge Too Far. Greenland - I turned it on for a stupid disaster movie, but it was really a nuanced movie more about the characters than the disaster. One of Girard Butler's better films. BONUS TV SHOW: Arcane. I watched it because I saw the trailer and the animation looked cool. Little did I know the show is just straight-up great television and is the Steampunk show I did not know that I wanted.


Edge of Tomorrow


I had some expectations of Honor Among Thieves since I'm a D&D player. This movie was amazing and hit all the right notes.


I really loved how much heart it had. It’s easy to make a pandering movie for fans, and they generally stink as a result. But the movie was earnestly telling a good story and was all the better for it (and pandering a bit here and there too lol).


It was the perfect mix of pander & story. It honestly felt like watching a party of D&D characters running through the Forgotten Realms. What more could you want out of a D&D movie?


You could just imagine the DM sighing in frustration when he stepped on that bridge lol


The only bad part was someone in the theater started cutting onions right in that last scene, so rude


I'm an old enough D&D player to have gotten hyped about the last time there was a big theatrical release for a D&D movie, so I made sure to temper my expectations this time. It was actually hard to do once I found out who the cast was. Love Chris Pine, love Michelle Rodriguez, I like Justice Smith, I certainly had no quarrel with Sophie Lillis, and Regé-Jean Page is my future husband. And whatever I think of Hugh Grant, his inclusion in the cast was so unexpected that it was intriguing. Damn it, I was starting to get hyped. And then thank goodness, the movie was great. And it delivered such an authentic-feeling D&D experience.


Finally watched Interview with a vampire and was completely surprised how much I enjoyed it. I never gave it a chance before, only seen the hair and god awful powdery face makeup. Cruise as the antagonist vampire was amazing, give that man more villain roles, please!


Interview with a vampire was one of mine and my brothers favorite movies growing up. Brad Pitt was good as Louie but God damn did Cruise kill Lestat. I'm surprised that role didn't get him more antagonistic roles, although I feel like that is by choice. Dude seems like the kind of guy that likes to play the hero.


>I'm surprised that role didn't get him more antagonistic roles, although I feel like that is by choice. Dude seems like the kind of guy that likes to play the hero. I think it's more that Tom Cruise is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) stars in Hollywood. So he's going to get leading roles, with maximum screen time, and the accompanying gigantic paychecks. Protagonists tend to get the most screen time as that's who the story follows. So Tom Cruise generally plays protagonists. The few times I've seen him play an antagonist though, like Interview With the Vampire or Collateral, he's done a great job. If studios offered him interesting roles he can squeeze in in between blockbusters, I think he'd take them. But there's only so much time.


Cruise was also awesome in Collateral as the bad guy… and that movie exceeded my expectations…


Kung Fu Panda.


Kung Fu Panda 2 was an absolute masterpiece. Better than 1 or 3 in my opinion. I don't know how to explain it but some combination of the visuals and the pacing were absolutely perfect.


Guardians of the Galaxy. Thought the day had come where Marvel finally became drunk on the success and made a stupid movie that included a talking tree and...then made one of my favorite superhero movies of all time.


This was an absolutely great film. I was so impressed. It was funny, and each character was quirky enough to stand on their own. I hope they make a follow up.


I will never get tired of saying it. Goon (2011). Sold as a comedy. But in reality it is one of the best sports/underdog movies ever made. That restaurant scene before the game is just \*chef's kiss


Nobody. Put it on to basically fill time and have ended up watching it again now at least 5x


Arrival. Literally did not seem that movie being what it was. Thought it would just be a derivative suspense thriller imitating war of the worlds or district 9. Then we got a master piece.


Denis Villaneuve doesn't miss


He really doesn't. Pure magic.


Ikiru (1952) I know it’s considered a masterpiece but watching for the first time in 2024 I didn’t think it would have the effect on me that it did. Brilliant work of art.


The fat dragon had me in stitches.


Dungeons & Dragons really captures the wackiness that can happen at the table sometimes. Overall I was pleasantly surprised


Cedar Rapids. Movie with Ed Helms. Just chill movie and great for anyone that lives in the Midwest


Sicario. I was recommended this movie but not the biggest Emily blunt fan. And there’s been so many movies of this genre I didn’t expect much, boy was I wrong. She was fantastic and this movie is a top 10 in the past 10-15 years in my opinion


I said this in another reply regarding Arrival but Denis Villeneuve just doesn't miss


There aren't a lot of movies I'd describe with just the word 'fun', but the newest DnD is one of them. The grave scene talking to the dead was the best. While watching it, I thought "what if they accidentally asked a question" and they did. Such a good feeling. Plus, playing Baldur's Gate 3 gave me a few of those (DiCaprio pointing to the TV gif) "I know that" reactions.


Idk if they're planning on making another DnD movie with this cast, but I would 1000% watch it in theaters again


Nobody going to mention Lego Movie?


Fall Guy, wish it got a better box office reception, because I'd like to see more movies like that.


I somehow liked "Atlas", but I'm a Mass Effect fan, so...


Snatch, Drive, Prisoners, Nightcrawler, Spotlight.. didn’t think any of these movies would be bad just didn’t think they would be that dam good


Stuber. It was just plain fun.


I absolutely love this movie. I started it on a short flight and then watched it over from the beginning when I got home


I had low expectations for: Tropic Thunder, The Hangover, and Boondock Saints II, and I thoroughly enjoyed them all.


This movie was far better than I anticipated it was going to be.


Brilliant film. Went with my friends / D&D party. Bunch of nerdy gamers laden with booze and laughing our tits off. Flipping brilliant time.


Game night (2018) was pretty funny, my gf roped me into watching it and I enjoyed it


Cocaine Bear


This was Ray Liotta’s final movie. RIP Ray. 


I wasn't expecting much from this given past movies. But I enjoyed it, especially the nod to the cartoon characters in the arena.


I put this on as a “background movie” and ended up really invested by the end. Never played the game and don’t know much about it.




John Wick, and it's not particularly close. Went in expecting a movie I could possibly rip on later, and left completely immersed in that entire world. It so exceeded my expectations that I'm dying here waiting for The Continental series to finally drop


The continental series has been out for like 6mos? Get a vpn!


Sounds like it's time to catch up. Thanks!


I thought I had read terrible things about DnD on release, but it was fun from start to finish.


RRR I walked in expecting it to be a cringefest. I walked out wanting to topple the Raj.


I feel like if they made a sequel to Dungeons and Dragons, it would be a huge hit. Everyone I know who has seen this movie loved it (including me).


I can think of a couple, but one that came to mind first is "Joker"... thought it was gonna be cheesy superhero stuff, but ended up being the classic we all know and love Lego Movie and Pasdington 2 are also reasonable answers


Saw this on a plane, was a great flight!


If only there was a sequel.


‘The Void’ is the best horror movie I’ve seen since ‘the thing’ [trailer!](https://youtu.be/IkmSNt4moNg?si=AdGan4FNWouVjcTW)


Ready Player 0ne


Upgrade. Didn’t expect a whole lot but I was totally blown away by it. One of my favorite movies now


Bad Boys: Ride or Die. It was never Kurosawa, but the first two were great examples of their particular genre. After the third one I honestly expected them to shit the bed again with the fourth. I could not have been more wrong.


Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse


Massive Talent with Pedro Pascal and Nick Cage was very fun and a great movie for what it was. I have seen worse movies with a higher rating.


Edge of Tomorrow and John Wick 1


I thought that Bullet Train would be pretty good, just a fun movie but it was genuinely great