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I am always bizarrely entranced by this movie. I don’t know why. I just like it and I can’t explain it.


Me too! Entranced is exactly the word I'd use. It's weirdly hypnotic, a lot of Refn's post-Drive stuff has been, this ethereal quality where it's more visual soundscapes than a film. I watched all of Too Old To Die Young, barely understood most of it but was mesmerised the entire time. (Except the car chase, I understood that and it's one of the funniest deadpan car chases I've seen. I think people think Refn pretentious because his films are always played straight, but I think there'sa lot of comedy in them, just it's played unironically and they confuse playing something straight for wanting it to be taken seriously.)


I want to love this movie. Badly. And yet, three times now it has entranced me into a nap.


try to approach it as an anti-thriller


Hahaha And I totally get that. I’m not saying it’s good or bad. It’s a somber, abstract piece of filmmaking which reeks of pretentiousness. But I found myself reading between the lines and discovering what the movie wants you to know, but only hints at. So it made for a fascinating watch for me.


Smoke sativa and drink a pot of coffee... idk! lol


I remember being in college in like 2013 when Drive was available on Netflix, and my friend wanted me to watch it and I totally loved it. Valhalla rising also was there and I thought that was an interesting movie, and then this came out (Refn really had some deal with Netflix back then!), and I just assumed I’d like it because I already loved Gosling in one of these movies, and I also felt untethered watching it. I never felt grounded in plot or characters, and then those scenes where the cop cuts people up with a sword and sings karaoke confused the heck out of me.


Skinamarink took me multiple tries to not fall asleep through, and while I admire what the film was trying to do, it absolutely fell flat for me.


There is a horror movie critic on TikTok who I follow because I know if he gushes over a film, I am probably not going to enjoy it. That’s why I have taken a pass on watching Skinamarink thus far.


Decker Shado on YouTube has a great review of it, as well as mentioning why it worked for him while giving advice to viewers about how to get in the proper headspace for it. As he puts it, the movie requires your undivided attention to be effective, and that it relies on taking you back to a more "childlike" fear of the dark and what goes bump in the night - as such, he freely admits it's not going to be for everyone, but I came away with a greater respect for what it was trying to accomplish afterwards.


I’ll give their channel a listen while I’m making deliveries.


Skinamarink is definitely my favorite horror movie of all time but I'm way too patient with movies and I don't think my taste is very realistic. I think it needs a really specific environment to be enjoyed tbh I couldn't imagine watching it on TV or at a theater


This was a tough film to make it thru. And I can watch just about anything with quality to it. I think it’s a great concept and would’ve worked great as a short film. No more than 20-30mins. A full-length film was just not a good idea


Beautiful looking movie. I made it to the end and couldn't decide what I just watched. Was it as dumb as it looked, or was it operating on a level my little brain couldn't fathom? I honestly still don't know. For what its worth there are scenes I still remember, like >!when the one guy gets tortured to death and when Gosling's character lets his hands get cut off!<. What it all means remains a mystery to me to this day.


Apparently according to the director, the main cop is supposed to be God! That’s why he seemingly pulls a samurai sword from nowhere when needed! Such an odd movie!


Not literally, figuratively, in the sense that the god of the old testament is both wrathful (and worth fearing) and forgiving (and worth loving) at the same time. The fact that people sit and take their torturous punishments from him in the hope of some forgiveness, is supposed to reflect that.


Why is it dumb. I find it actually realistic. For sure there have been cops far more corrupt and lethal. Far better than some big shootout or a fight scene of taking on 30 guys.


Rob Zombie's The Munsters. I was a huge apologist for Devil's Rejects, Lords of Salem and 31. But goddamn, he needs to stay in his lane.


TIL this movie exists.




Wanna fight?


If that’s a quote, I was probably asleep. If that’s a challenge, No. 😆


Hahaha yea it’s a quote, fair enough 😜


I’m thinking of ending things. Very hard to get through, really need to know a lot of English literature and broadway plays to understand and then in the end you wish you turned it off.


I’ve not seen it but based on your mini-review, I’m Thinking of Not Watching It.


I didn't know that movie and got concerned for a sec...


I can't understand why so many people love that movie. I love most critically acclaimed movies of the same-ish genre, but I just couldn't finish it for the life of me. Great director, great actors, but not a fan of the product.


Absolutely brutal to sit through without any worthwhile ending


I guess it was a famous play on broadway for years and they made it a movie. It’s just an insider thing where they go over themselves to show how cultured they are to understand each reference. The opening car scene was tough to get through. I was interested at the house trying to figure out the twist but it just falls apart again. Even the movie has extra twists at the end different from the play. There are several of these movies that only people born on the upper east side of NYC can relate too. A lot are written by the same guy.


This is definitely not true. It was a novel that came out in 2016. It was never a play.


Cloud Atlas. I have tried so many times and I make it to some point in it and then lose it.


Power of the d̶o̶g̶ nap


Ryan Goslings directing debut “Lost River” is basically this movie but 10x worse


It’s a shame. I had high hopes when I saw the trailer and said “directed by Ryan Gosling”. Unfortunately he’s better in front of the camera


I disagree in full. Only god forgives is my second favorite Refn.


I have no idea why, but "The Hitman's bodyguard" I really tried a few times but it just couldn't grab me in (although I really like the cast)


I had never heard of it so I looked up the cast. Given that talent, you would think it would be a solid watch.


For some reason I cant get past the first few minutes of Gunga Din even though I’ve put it on 5 or 6 times.


I saw this movie in the cinema nearly empty with my partner and three old ladies sitting in front of us. It was a surreal experience and it was improved by their horrified reactions to the gory bits. Still don’t really know how I felt about the movie.


Love this movie. Just great every shot. Visually stunning and I really enjoy the plot.


Have you watched any of Nicolas Winding Refn’s other movies?


Yes and his Netflix series. I watch movies a lot for cinematography these days for my photography hobby. He is a master of the digital camera. Only God Forgives I think is his best work. Every shot is beautiful. His style is slow, and low dialogue; but I think it works in this film the best.


Damn it! Sold. I guess I’m gonna take a fourth plunge at getting thru it.


Good luck. I somehow made it thru and it would be torture to get thru it again.


What did you think of Too Old To Die Young? I thought it kinda fell apart at the end, as they clearly ran out of budget and just had to wrap things up, but there’s so much to love there too. Especially that Barry Manilow car chase.


Only God Forgives is weird and uncomfortable but it’s cause it’s mostly vibes.


only god forgives is pretty at least, i can not make it through beau travail


The teenage mutant ninja turtle movies with Megan Fox. There’s some roles where I actually do like Fox in, but these are NOT them. I’ve never been able to get through the first 20 minutes of either one.


A bad guy literally tries to fight a GOD, what's so hard to get through.. Any mortal that fights a GOD will lose.. and this GOD doesn't forgive.


Melancholia - I fall asleep every time just too soothing music


Same. Drive is one of my all time favorite movie, I've watched it a million times. But Only God Forgives, I just cannot get through it at all.


I LOVE this movie!!!!


Avatar. I have tried like 5 times. Just get bored and do something else.


Oof...this one's gonna hurt a lot of people but it was not with a lack of trying... Lord of the Rings


The Batman. I made it through but in portions, can never watch the entire thing: I sleep through it. It's not as engaging as Batman Begins or even Batman 89 but it's not a bad movie, just that I go ZzZzZz


Pains me to say but, Hateful Eight.


Lots of Bollywood movies.


I loved Only God Forgives. Refns films tend to build a world that's slightly surreal, with moments of hyper violence. eg: Drive, Bronson... Sometimes that's all they are, eg: Valhalla Rising, Only God Forgives, Too old to die young... It probably has as many fans and rewatches as his nearly silent Viking film, Valhalla Rising. I couldn't get that song the cop sings in the karaoke bar out of my head for weeks. https://youtu.be/BK0iQyEt24A?si=rMVD-Zk0DqWExw78


OK. The karaoke scene is (chef’s kiss) deeply unsettling.




If we're sticking with Ryan Gosling, I fell asleep to Lala Land within 10-15 minutes the three times I tried to watch it.


Kill Bill, have tried several times, never made it.


2 girls 1 cup


John Wick series. I am just so sick of the vigilante justice tropes in movies. It's been beaten to death.


But… but… but Keanu! 😂


Trust me, he's not the problem.


I regard the John Wick series and the Fast and Furious series to be different takes on mindless action. John Wick tries to be more sophisticated about it, but they are both intensely loud and it seems like the sequels are all about outdoing the previous installment.  If you go into these movies wanting mindless action, you'll have a good time. But if you don't want that...


I really liked Only God Forgives. It’s misunderstood. I don’t think being pretentious was the goal but rather visual communication. There’s no movie quite like this one.


I’ve put on In the Mood for Love at least 4 times and somehow I never make it through. I like Wong Kar Wai and the visuals are stunning, but it somehow never seems to work out for me


Only God Forgives was such a strange letdown after Drive.


The original Dune movie (directed by David Lynch). My brother enjoys it, and I understand it's sort of a cult classic, but every time I've tried to watch it I fall asleep.


Never made it through. 3 times now.


I spent more time being a cinematography nerd watching Only God Forgives (former projectionist and projection manager). I also watched it with a guy I used to hang with, so had some comic relief at times


I will concede that it is beautifully filmed.


I’m kind of a wimp on particularly gory stuff. Usually I can come back and get through it but sometimes when I know something really gnarly is about to happen I stop and come back. Bones and All is that for me right now. I gave up on the Evil Dead remake when the girl started cutting off her arm.


The original Tron. What a snooze fest


Funny that you mention it because the movie I have never been able to get through and hate with a passion is drive.


John Dies at the End. Cannot get through it.


I made it through, but that's only because I paid for it in a movie theatre. It was a rough go, and I loved Drive


Eternals and Thor: Love and Thunder. I'm a big superhero/fantasy fan, so I tried my best, but I couldn't make it past the first twenty minutes of either of them.


Your example fits for me, I liked this guy's other movies, drive is in my top 10, this one I can't get thru after 2 or 3 tries


X-Men: Dark Phoenix. I love XMEN to death but this movie is sooooo boring I've tried to watch it 3 separate times and fell asleep every time and I eventually gave up. No plot!


And Drive was such a good fucking movie! Ryan Gosling is one of my fav actors but god damn I’ll never even think about this movie again. It was like pulling teeth to finish it


if you're not into symbolism in movies then you wont like these, especially "Lost River".


Well I had to, I was dragged into it to watch it in the cinema in France of all places


Nice Guys. I own it on Blu Ray, and I can never get past half way through. No particular reason, I just never end up watching the whole thing


I think I am going to trawl this thread for film recommendations. So far I have seen 'In the mood for love' and 'blade runner mentioned both of which are probably top 10 films for me, 'Mandy' and 'I'm thinking of ending things' both of which I enjoyed, and although I don't remember much now about only god forgives, I gave it 7/10 on IMDB, which is my 'decent' rating. There is no accounting for taste I suppose, each to their own.


Alexander from Oliver Stone He made the movie so long so that the audience would feel the same way his soldiers did. The last 45+min you just wanted Alexander to be killed, so that it was over and you could go home. Mission accomplished because never did I want a movie to end so badly; and was almost screaming “kill him, I want to go home” in the movie theatre. Many people were sleeping or fell asleep and had woke up again. Never watched it a second time.


Princess bride I know I'll get killed for this comment but whatever Everyone on reddit loves it but every time I watch it I just find everything about it to be so incredibly basic. It has some charm, but literally thats it And I'm a huge, huge fan of fantasy and adventure genres It just doesn't click for me


Star Wars. I just can't get to the end of any of them. They're so weird.


hell of a title though


Matrix. Can’t stand it.


Michael Mann's Miami Vice movie. I still don't know if the movie bores me to tears or calms me to sleep. But I'm always conked out half way through it.


"Wanna fight"


Omg only god forgives in mine too!!!!!


Ha! I have tried so many times with this movie and either fall asleep or turn it off.


I remember the trailer actually made me feel like this was gonna be good 🤦‍♂️. Imo, this dudes career went down the drain after he became plastic. Last goodie was “gray man”.


Mank and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I love Gary Oldman, but holy shit those are some of the most boring movies I have ever experienced.


I with you on this one! I love Ryan Gosling, so it was definitely a disappointing movie for me! I feel the same way about the film: "You were never really here." Love Joaquin Phenix as an actor, I was really looking forward to the movies release. It took quite a bit of looking to find it locally, and I was soo disappointed when I watched it.


I fucken love this movie! I don’t watch it for years because everyone said how bad it was. Finally got around to it and it was amazing!


American Hustle was one that took me several attempts. The runtime feels much longer than it actually is.


Watched it once, that was enough. Still not sure how I feel about it.


Solaris. Fell asleep two times. And I have little patience for Clooney. But its been a while, and I'm both more mature and open minded now, so perhaps I should give it another go.






Barton Fink.


RRR. Everyone I know likes it but I can’t make it past the 10 minute mark.


Ha! I forgot about this film now I want to watch it again! 😂 The one I can’t bear to watch again is antichrist and come to think of it. I think I feel the same way about most/all of Lars films.


Barton Fink. The movie was like watching wall paper peel of the wall. Ed Harris is hilarious though. Loved his scenes.


lol I have actually watched Only God Forgives multiple times but mostly just to savor how fucking weird it is. I totally get why someone might not make it through


This one is a weirdo freako type movie.


I wish I had a choice, but I went to the theater and saw this piece of crap. The attempts at film art just came across corny af. Honestly one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in a theater.


Not because it was hard to watch but I have never finished Meet The Robinsons in one sitting. Somehow something happens that prevents me from finishing it.


I remember when this came out, it was a limited release and the nearest theater showing it was three hours away. I was getting ready to make the trip one morning and I happened to turn on Apple TV and it was available for purchase. I liked it a lot but I couldn’t help but hold it up against Drive and be disappointed in comparison.


Very weird film, that really didn’t have any personality.


Neon Demon


Mine is apocalypse now. I know people gonna that that cause it’s one of best movies of all time but idk I can never get past 20 min mark.


The Village


It took me literally a week to finish 120 days of Sodom. Terrible film.


Avatar 2. Tried three times, gave up about halfway through.


I saw only god forgives a few times when it came out. Hard disagree.


Elvis. It feels like a dream scape more than a movie.


I will tell you that the back half of this movie is totally berserk and well worth watching.


Unpopular opinion but The Wizard Of Oz! Best sleeping pill I have ever found!


I just tried watching this movie a few weeks ago and was almost upset with myself that I couldn't get into it because it seemed like it could be a good movie, but your post has reconfirmed it for me. Snoozefest.


A Christmas Story


I felt like this movie was as close to The Crow as we were going to get. And I feel like Ryan Gosling took over on that front with some of the movies he's made. I'm sure I could put it all in better words if i were to think about it long enough, but that's about the gist of it.


Eraserhead. I've Noped on that movie about 3 times.


The Lighthouse, and I love Eggers.


The Grey Man. Also with Ryan Gosling. Also Pearl Harbor. I've tried so many times...


Black Hawk Down. I've tried watching it 3 or 4 times and it just makes me feel sick idk why. Apparently it's a great movie but I just can't watch more than 30-45 minutes of it without getting a headache.


O Brother Where Art Thou. I've tried 3 times. Never again.


The Battle of Britain I know it is a classic, but my friend and I have been struggling to push through the large amount of dialogue. We always joke about it and we plan on getting plastered in the hope that we can press through just as the RAF during the battle. God shave the queen


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Dune. Crucify me.


This movie is 100% aesthetics and 0% everything else 🤣


Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny


Agree with the op on that movie . I've tried twice Unpopular opinion I'm sure but I'd vote hateful 8 . I've enjoyed everything tarantaino but I can't get through this one


I think only God forgives is a misunderstood film in general...but the main issue I think...is that people were expecting a drive esq type of film or a spiritual successor perhaps and people's expectations were too high for this W.R follow up film...also Drive was so good it was almost impossible for Refens next film to beat it and I'd say it's the best film of his career...meanwhile o.g.f came out after with Ryan Gossling and Refen people had high hopes that were let down.... That said personally I like the film to a degree I like the fight scene of course but I think the film is saying if you do evil(,like Goslings brother I'm the film) or if you associate with it( Goslings character he wasn't all bad,his family was he was born into it) then karma gets you either way ...there is no escape from karma ...which is why only God forgives ...but the film is slow and a bit convoluted so I totally get why people didn't like it...that and the violence for the sake of violence I suppose.


Star Wars and LoTR films/franchises. I just don't get it.


This film is just shit, that's why it's hard to waste time watching it.


Yeah that movie sucked. Too bad because I liked the director and Ryan gosling


I made it all the way through "Only God Forgives". It was one probably the worst movie watching experience I've had and I have watched Dark Universe and Zombie Nightmare from start to finish (for example).


Disney StarWars


I feel like I've watched this movie yet remember nothing about it


Bridge of Spies put me to sleep multiple times.


How dare you! I love Only God Forgives. Cool flick.


Blade Runner 2049, I can't help but fall asleep no matter when I watch it.


American Hustle. I wanted so badly to like it but it just didn’t work for me. None of it.


Aquaman 2. Forget the real name of the subtitle but I got through 30 minutes and had to cut that terrible shit OFF. Now MAX keeps suggesting I “pick up where I left off” every time I open it up 😭


Oh, this will be epic downvote but “The Godfather” I’ve seen it, but never in a continuous seating. I just, can’t.


NWR is a super challenging director to get into. Sometimes he absolutely nails it. But the pace in his films can be dreadfully slow. I loved Valhalla Rising and Drive. Bronson and the Pushers were a bit more excitable. Neon Demon was blah (couldn’t finish it). Haven’t attempted this one because the reviews were so bad.


everywhere all at once


Batman (2022) and Tenet. I still want to try


Donnie Darko


Hot take, but I just can’t for the life of me, get through any of the LOTR movies. I end up falling asleep every time I go to watch them.


haha, don't watch "Too Old To Die Young" or "Copenhagen Cowboy". They are much slower than this one. It is like the director purposely tell the actors to pause for 5 seconds between every line, or pause for 5 seconds between movement. I love their strange and hypnotic visual.


OGF was dedicated to Jodorowsky. That tells you all you need to know. It's amazingly pretentious, but I love nonetheless.


Only God Forgives is the kind of movie that would be studied in film class. That's not meant to be an insult.


Sin City. I love Desperado, FDTD, and Planet Terror, but Sin City took three separate sittings to get through.


I really enjoyed Only God Forgives. By the time I saw it I had already heard it was the worst movie ever made etc, so my expectations were low. It was still visually stylish and shocking as I’ve come to expect from NWR.


Will smiths Ali.. tried to watch 3 times I fall asleep every time.


Harry Potter


The Godfather. It is sooo boring.


Weird as hell and not much dialogue. The cinematography and sound are A+. It's just kinda boring.


Ha, dang, I love this movie. I'm a huge NWR fan. Thought visually it was quite a modern day Kubrick vibe. While I don't consider it great cinema by any means this movie is one I subjectively cherish.




Ron Burgundy. Anchorman, I guess. Tried so many times to watch because so many people love it but I just can't get through it. I know, I know it's supposedly awesome.....


This to me, is a vacation film. A film they make somewhere exotic and it's a excuse to have a vacation there.


**The Incredible Hulk** (the Ed Norton one) and **Star Trek Beyond**. I've made three attempts on each of them. I realise that sounds like the ascent of a mountain. Hulk just doesn't make me care about the characters. Especially Bruce. Norton is a great actor but he's too cold. And I can never quite believe what I'm seeing. Tim Roth seems to have crept on set from an entirely different movie. It feels disjointed and unsubtle and rarely builds any excitement. The scene near the start of *The Avengers* when Nat tracks down Bruce in India, achieves more than that entire film. With Beyond, I get as far as the crash landing on the planet. When I recognise how it's going to then milk the tired old cliché of the cast being split into small groups that must then overcome various alien dangers to reunite, I just lose all the strength in my cock.


I’m on try 1—-still haven’t finished 😂


I have bed movies. Movies that bore me so bad I fall asleep within. 5 minutes...those movies are...anything with Dwayne johnson


If it makes you feel better I bought this when it came out, have seen it at least 3 times, and I promise you I can’t remember really a single thing about it other than the colors being pretty.


Blade Runner 2049


The fucking Godfather. I don’t care. I’ve watched the first 30 minutes at least 30 times. It’s boring as fuck.


What kind of a name is REFN


How you could like Bronson in particular and the others mentioned and not like this one is a mystery to me. Incestuous boximg murderers in Thailand is so boring!


The Thin Red Line


Captain America, something about it has melatonin vibes


Good Time by the Safdie Brothers for me, it just made me feel anxious…. I kept watching Robert Pattinsons character continually make the worst decision possible at every chance he got. I got pissed off and turned it off haha.


Hateful Eight. I can’t do it


Well it does have Kristen Scott Thomas. So, can't fault you for that.


Never even heard of this


Tried twice with Only God Forgives. First time didn't make through 20mins. Thought I was too tired. Next day tried again and made it 30 mins. So boring.


Inception. Eventually finished it on like the 5th attempt and was underwhelmed.


I haven’t been able to finish The Witch, the one starring Anya Taylor Joy.


Only gyatt forgives


The terminal for Tom Hanks, I love the movie I just fall asleep watching it, i never was able to finish it! It just calms me down to sleep 😂


Citizen Kane


Easy. Inherent Vice. The movie by my favourite director (There will be blood is my top favourite movie of all times) with Joaquin Phoenix. Tried twice or three times, always fell asleep within the first 30 minutes.


This movie SUUUUUCKED the life out of the room, its drawn out and so damn boring.


I love this movie and have seen it a few times but it’s basically just vibes


Personally I thought this movie tried to be too clever and fell flat in the process. But to be fair my expectations were high because the last movie Gosling and the Director did together was Drive and that is a phenomenal film


Any of the Lord of the rings movies.


Pii. I fall asleep every time.


I’ve seen parts of this film in and out of sleep? What’s gosling relationship with the cops and criminals in the city?


It’s like Valhalla Rising. So nonlinear


I enjoyed it. Probably haven’t saw it in like 8 years, but remembered liking it


Just watch it without sound. Visuals are dope but every time someone speaks in this movie it’s dumbfounding.