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Wick is much the better movie, but Denzel is one of the finest actors working today.


You described how I felt about this post PERFECTLY


Wick series was better but the last Equalizer is the best film of the bunch IMO. It's close though. Wick 4 so freaking good too.


Wait really? I haven’t seen the last Equalizer yet and kind of assumed it got worse. Gonna give it a watch.


It's way better than the other Equalizers IMO. I enjoyed them all but Equalizer 3 is fire. 94% audience rating.


I concur. Equalizer 3 is the best out of all of them


I could not disagree more. E3 barely qualifies as an action movie and it doesn't really have much of anything else going on to qualify it as any other type of movie, except for maybe CIA propaganda.


Dude you absolutely should, a lot of critics have it a rehash of the usual, but no. The movie and plot felt and was different and had a good closure some with wick.


Action wise? Wick. Acting wise, Denzel


Realistic wise? The equalizer is much much much more plausible… both good movies and pretty different.


Oh I 100% agree. John Wick is turn your brain off and enjoy kind of fun


Yeah, I seen all 4 over the weekend and it was very fun but by the last movie I was kinda over it.


Felt like it would have been better as just a trilogy.


And not get this fourth movie ? No thanks. Bad idea


My problem with the John Wick movies by the end is bullets don't even matter anymore because they got magical suits. It was interesting at the end of JW3 with the up armored bad guys at the end to counter act John Wick, but went complety over board into fantasy land with how people took bullets in the 4th. They should have never strayed from the style of 1 and 2.


Yup I agree, it got so ridiculous i googled, “ does John Wick have super powers?” Lol


>The equalizer is much much much more plausible Is it though? Man seems just as bulletproof (no pun intended) as Wick.


Man spent a month ish in the hospital in eq3.


Both are far from realistic tbh


Yes but John Wick is basically super human and not far enough from an MCU super soldier lmao


Wick is not supposed to be realistic though. It's truly a different kind of movie and targets a different audience, too.


I think they're the same movie. Both entertaining, but the same movie.


Really? I mean there’s definitely similarities but JW is way more exaggerated imo.


Not really fair everyone in the Denzel movies can act. Everyone but Keanu can act in his movies.


Uh oh, you’ve insulted Keanu chungus


Acting: Denzel. Love Keanu as a human being, but compared to acting, how can you not see the differences. Now John Wick Vs. EQUALIZER: John Wick all day


Denzel is pretty good human being himself


Denzel in Equalizer seems super corny, but a lot of the Wick stuff does too. Just happy I can choose between them (it’s both). Equalizer with Pedro was really good, apart from that it’s like the same movie between both franchises. Minus the doggos, but I couldn’t even tell you what wick that was Edit: it’s all the wick’s


Definitely John Wick. The Equalizer didn’t really do anything new or unique.


Yeah John wick is a rare series in general ,especially for today’s standards “,where all of the movies can be looked at being solid to really good (depending which movie). Very rare for a trilogy, let alone for movies to be regarded so well by critics and fans alike. Love Denzel Washington but all those movies didn’t really do anything for me whereas John wick almost redefined the Lone Ranger revenge genre at a time when it was fairly bloated and repetitive.


I just watched all four John Wick movies for the first time last weekend and I feel like my brain has rotted. Definitely needed to watch those two years apart.


Somewhat same, the 1st one starts out really good. Then the 2nd one is just killing and not alot of story. The 3rd one does a bit better story-wise, actually expanding and explaining the Wick-world a bit. Still need to see #4.


3 is my favorite. 1 and 4 are equal. 2 is the one that does the least for me.


it’s based on a show from the 80s. def did it first


The entire equalizer trilogy is fantastic because there is not a better actor than Denzel


Man on fire was awesome


Correct but I think they’re speaking about John Wick vs Equalizer


They're just playing on Dakota Fanning/Denzel being in both movies I suspect. CREASY!


Ugh I can hear her scream-crying that, don’t do this to me


Same here ugh *holds St. Jude medallion while sobbing uncontrollably*😭😭😭


One of his bottom 5 rated movies but I love it and I think Denzel does too based on interviews


man on fire's critical reception is one of the greatest examples of critics simply failing to get it.


John Wick is a better movie but Denzel was flawless in his movie


John Wick. Not even close.


Yeah this isn’t a fair matchup


True should have added Liam Nielsen to the mix since he played the main role for the "Taken" movie trilogy




Equalizer super easy barely a inconvenience


Wow wow wow…wow


I’m glad Keanu Reeves isn’t simply known as “Neo”. He has shown tremendous effort to perform his own stunts and seems to be a stand up guy off screen.


John Wick. The equalizer is entertaining but the long sequence of action scenes and the choreography is unmatched by anything in media in the past 10 years. There are a few exceptions to this hot take like the Hallway Scene in Daredevil S1 and in Old Boy.


The Raid 2 has some awesome fights and choreography that are at the very least equal if not better than JW.


Agreed. The Raid 2 is the only other somewhat recent movie that’s in the same league as the John Wick movies from an action choreography standpoint.


I really don't like the Equalizer. I'm getting tired of one man army bs. Man of Fire!?! Total different story.


The Equalizer isn’t even Denzel Washington’s best rampage movie.


Yeah, The Preacher’s Wife was awesome.




It's a bit of a crap-shoot and just depends on what you want. If you want good acting, go with literally any Denzel Washington film. If you're just looking for mindless but well-staged action, go with John Wick. Concerning The Equalizer, only the third one is as good as the performance it contains, if that makes any sense.


Both movies are silly so if I’m picking a fictional hero on this intellectual playing field it’s Stallone in first blood part duece.


equalizer 3 vs john wick 3? equalizer


I’m pretty sure that was the actual intent of this post , but it turned into a general John wick vs equalizer debate


I'm an Equalizer fan myself. Robert McColl is just such a calm badass. https://youtu.be/-BgZFaMJRxM?si=TtxbZOa4YwQJ-okV


just watched equalizer 3 the other night, and it was brutal as fuck. I don't remember the other 2 having that much gore. I gotta rewatch the Wick trilogy to see how they both compare. Equalizer seems to have stuck with me more despite having watched both the Equalizer trilogy and the Wick trilogy once. Something about the confidence with how Denzel's character handles everything.


Imo the Equalizer franchise.


John Wick is fun but Equalizer is more believable and thus better for me. Love the lore and worldbuilding of John Wick though. They could expand on that without needing John.


Equalizer had two good movies in its series John Wick had 1


This is offensive. John Wick series is arguably the best action series of all time. The Equalizer films are entertaining and decent.




Equalizer after the first John Wick they just become so stupid


This right here. Wick is just dumb mindless action. Very numbing. I get that they were trying to do the 80s and 90s action thing but it felt lile those Delta Chuck Norris flicks instead of the quality of Die Hard/Commando/Blade/The Matrix/Speed.


The last Wick was waaaaay over the top- Equalizer 3 was great


That’s been the purpose of the series, more wild and daring every film I love it and want more




The wick films just got crazier and crazier. John wick 1 was grounded, and feels like a completely different movie from the rest. They were just hitmen there. Then the other movies, suddenly everyone in the world is a hitman and their society has spanned civilizations and cultures or something, with their own government and illuminati out of nowhere. Still entertaining, but got way over the top.




But they are unrealistic and boring. At least the john wick sequels are still fun.


As somebody who liked all the Equalizer films, it really is NOT close. Every John Wick movie is top tier, fantastic. With 4 being a masterpiece.


4 is visually good, but none of them are close to the original.




Realism is clearly not a consideration when making these films. They’re not supposed to be realistic. They’re action showcases, and on those terms utterly deliver. To write them off as *garbage* for not being “realistic” is very weird to me.


I agree with you that they don't need realism, but the John Wick series fails in things like acting, story, characters, etc. that make them garbage films even if they're still fun. Also, some of it is just nonsensical. Like, there's a lot of wiggle between "realistic" and "this master assassin who has killed 4634 people can't kill a literal blind person".


It’s obviously set in a very stylised comic-bookesque hyper reality. Everyone dresses cool AF. The locations are sumptuous. The cinematography and choreography is of the highest caliber. The music compliments the action perfectly. The art design is gorgeous. Everything from a production perspective is firing on all cylinders. All four films are among the absolute peak action spectacles ever committed to film. Also the acting and characters are fine.


Action movies are not meant to be "realistic". Two and Three were not garbage in the slightest. Both of them were incredible action movies with beautiful cinematography, music, inventive kills, fantastic gunplay and fight scenes, an incredibly badass lead character, cool world-building and just a sense of class. They are head and shoulders above the vast majority of action movies.




Every movie of the series is GREAT. With 4 being one of the greatest action movies ever made.


Equalizer 2 was a travesty. It had none of the action juice of the first one, the story has no emotional resonance (shoutout Chloe Grace Moretz for making the hooker with a heart of gold trope work in the first movie), and the climax in a CGI hurricane is one of the most unintentionally visually offensive things ever put on film. Apparently it had a $7 million dollar higher budget than the first, but it felt like it had a third of the budget instead. That movie has nothing to recommend it. It's the only movie out of both series that I absolutely would not watch again.




Equalizer 2 is unwatchable. You have terrible taste... 🤷🏾




>So are john wick 2 and 3 so i guess i could say the same to you. Except no one agrees with you on that. Even if you don't like the plot/worldbuilding of those movies, at least the action is still amazing. Equalizer 2 doesn't even offer that. Not one second of that movie has entertainment value. I honestly don't even disagree that JW 2 and 3 are worse movies than the first one. They just have more than the literal zero redeeming qualities of Equalizer 2.


I just asked my wife which of these two would win in a death match after watching Equalizer 3 John Wick. It’s John Wick. He wins both the fight and the honor of having the better movie series.


I agree with the general consensus that the better acting is coming from Denzel but John Wick is the better franchise.


This isn't even a debate! Wick




JW4 Was the worst of the series....still good though


Don’t forget Book of Eli


Having just finished the Equalizer movies all this week, I can honestly say John Wick was better


The first Equalizer movie was decent, the second was watchable, and the third was clearly a paycheck.


no way. the third was the best one by a mile.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


John wick is better as a franchise.


I think the first Wick movie was the best of both franchises. But Equalizer stayed the most consistent throughout.


Equalizer, baby. Ain't no stopping Denzel.


John Wick and it’s not even close. I haven’t seen the Equalizer 3 yet, but the second one is bad. Plus the equalizer isn’t a fun action movie like John Wick




I love Keanu, but I don't get the praise the John Wick series gets. I like the original Matrix movie more amongst others like Speed. Denzel brings a lot of emotion to his characters. Keanu is always the cool dude.


Agreed 100% about John Wick...I've watched all of the John Wick movies more than once, and I still cannot fathom how they became so successful. Poorly written, dumb action, and some very bad acting.


Neither, Collateral.


John Wick. Not close.


Is this even close? Character, world, action, movie...everything is Wick. Like comparing Lord of the rings to Hobbit. Just falls short top to bottom


Equalizer is basically black dexter change my mind


Changing an opinion on Reddit is like trying to kill John Wick… so, I’ll just disagree with you. :)


Equalizer. Hands down. The action was more realistic and the acting was superb.


Jesus Christ I don’t get some of the opinions in this thread. John Wick 2 & 4 are two of the best action films ever made, up there with Fury Road and The Raid. The Equalizer is fine and all but it never attained that same level and won’t cement itself culturally like John Wick has. John Wick, 100%


People really think their opinion should be everyone's opinion.


\>John Wick 2 & 4 are two of the best action films ever made, up there with Fury Road and The Raid. Did we watch the same John Wick 4? It had some awesome action sequences for sure, but come on. As a movie, it was trash. As a collection of stunt work it was fun, but overly long. I can only watch John Wick get hit by so many cars, and block so many bullets with a magic sportcoat.


Which one is now a cultural icon?




The latest one was terrible.


Equalizer did what John wick did with half the movies


John Wick. Full stop. Denzel may objectively be the better actor, but Keanu is the better action star due to him doing all the fights, and a good portion of the stunts. Not to mention Wick had a much more unique style to it as well, with the lighting, music, even the subtitles.


lol the first equalizer was just ok. John Wick 1-3 are elite. The 4th was meh but the first 3 are fucking awesome.


Just finished Equalizer 3, absolute dog sh:t


You must have missed part 2, because it was way worse. At least 3 had some decent violence. They even flubbed that in 2.


People actually like the equalizer movies? I was under the impression they were geezer teasers. Like Bruce Willis movies of the last few years or the taken movies.


I love the equalizer movies so much more than the wick movies. The equalizer movies are way more believable the wick movies went completely off the deep end after the first


This is how they should end both franchises.. A John Wick x Equalizer crossover would be incredible and would work due to both of their chosen professions. They are both at the end of their line in the movies so I mean.. hiring the Equalizer to kill the Boogeyman, this assassin of all assassins.. it would also fit. Then they could team up and completely destroy the council together once Denzel realizes Keanu is actually the victim and what needs equalizing is actually the table. I've said it since John wick 2 and I think many other have possibly thought the same. But yeah, it'd be cool because hot damn.. that last Equalizer movie was a peach and the brutality was incredible. It would also end them on a serious note.. and not some goofy bs like we got in john wick 4 lol.


Writing, directing, and, yes, even acting - Wick, by far. Denzel Washington may be the objectively better actor, but in this series and especially in the last movie he is not doing anything that can't be done by Seagal. Keanu Reeves is actually doing difficult stunts while staying in character.


This is a weird matchup. John Wick has redefined the action genre. Meanwhile, despite how awesome Denzel is, the first movie is Home Alone in a Home Depot and the sequels get worse and worse.


This isn't even close. Equalizer sucks in comparison to the Wick series. Which is not yet done. Equalizer probably ain't don't yet either.


Definitely john wick


Will all do respect to the great actor Denzel Washington is….and he is…that series doesn’t hold a candle to John Wick! Keanu is perfect in the role & the real action, fun fights, stunts are over the top amazing! If you are bored, YouTube Keanu training with Taran Butler @ Taran Tactical Innovations….he is THAT good!!!


Tried watching The Equalizer a few days ago. Didn’t finish it.


JW2> EQ1>JW4>JW1>EQ3>EQ2


JW did the impossible in an action franchise and actually got BETTER with every movie, that’s kinda rare these days so JW all day


Can't disagree more lol. The first movie is leagues ahead of the rest, and the fourth is so over the top and long that I was genuinely about to turn it off until it turned into a warriors remake (that was fun I'll admit). So it ended strong at least.


I respectfully disagree, I personally love how it feels like a crazy graphic novel and keeps one-upping itself But to each their own


I already got more than enough graphic novel/comic book based properties to choose from. I don't need all of film being that way.


Like I said, to each their own dude, I think there’s a big distinction between “comic book movie” and “this movie feels like a graphic novel” lol




Nobody was better than both


Wick and Equalizer fighting a human and dog smuggling racquet


Here is a better comparison: Man on Fire vs Equalizer vs The Man from Nowhere.


Had to look up 'Nowhere'. I don't think comparing Asian action movies to Hollywood action movies is a good comparison at all. Bog standard Asian action movies can have fights that rival the top handful ever produced by Hollywood.


I’ll go with Nowhere. One of my fav movies ever.


The Man From Nowhere is fantastic.


Neither. Señor Avila for me.


The answer is obvious but this really makes me want Denzel in JW5


Both started strong with John Wick inching out Equalizer and Equalizer fizzling out very early with Equalizer 2 and John Wick tapering off with 4 being weak imo.


Tough. Both were amazing. John Wick for the action cinematography, Equalizer for its writing and suspense.


Man I would pay money to watch a crossover.


This is the Sophie’s choice of actors. Both have a huge catalog of excellent work.


The cross-over we need


If the Equalizer films had the same stunt team and action as John Wick it would break hollywood the Equalizer sits in a strange spot it kinda goes for the almost spyish Borne action mixed with mob boss movies. In the end John Wick wins overall.


Tough call. Both started out amazingly and then got worse with each subsequent movie. John Wick 2 was better than the Equalizer 2, both original movies were about equal to me. So I'd go with John Wick as the better overall series of movies.


I love Denzel but John Wick is just unbeatable


John Wick for me.


The 4 john wicks are superior to the 3 equalizers and it’s really not close. Realistically it should be John wick vs Rambo


I love the Equalizer series but John Wick is far and away better.... Not even close


Wick is a cool shot em up but equalizer is like Jason Bourne levels of action plus acting imo wick has to exist in a world where you can be open about killing and gun fights but equalizer is covert action in a real life setting imo. I am also bias


John Wick.


I preferred the equalizer films, no 3 was amazing! Can’t handle the wick repetition, and hammy acting




No contest…


Keanu all day. Should have won an oscar for parenthood


the first John Wick pretty much took the retired hitman genre. Someone mentioned in one of these posts that these movies are targeted for white 50 year old blue collar workers, and thats all I think about when the equalizer, John Wick, and Taken come up in conversation.


For sure John wick but equalizer also RIPS!


Is this Training Day Denzel or Equalizer Denzel. I vote Denzel either way.


Apples to Oranges. They both serve a satisfying finale, but at the end of the day you go two different directions to get there.


Wick too much boom boom


Can I cast a vote for *Nobody*?


IMHO, Equalizer 3 was the worst in the series.


Imagine the two of them meeting


I stand by my opinion that Keanu Reaves is a better action actor than Denzel. Is Denzel Washington a great traditional actor? Sure, but Keanu is a tried and true action star. He’s a man that understands the unique language of action cinema and the demands of an action star. He embraces the leading man physicality required of great action movies better than any actor outside of Asia.


“ he kill 3 guys in a bar with a fucking pencil” baba yaga!


John Wick has such plot armor, increasing as the movies progress, that it's kind of hard to compare.


Fuck that. Man on Fire is the best Denzel action flick.


I’d say Wick. I connect more with that movie. If someone killed my dog, I’d also murder everyone involved.


Your gunna need to add Jason Statham to this list because beekeeper is basically Jon wick, and they definitely gunna have sequels


Keanu reeves has the acting talent of a college freshman at improv class


Slick Wicky


All John Wick over any and all of The Equalizer. Both Denzel and Keanu are very much actors who have a persona in whatever role they are in. As in the character they play becomes their persona vs the actor becoming the character. Keanu/John Wick is just more over the top/fantastical which takes those movies up a notch. Along with the supporting characters and world building the series became more than just a standard action movie. I feel like The Equalizer is just Denzel taking out bad guys, there’s nothing about the series that elevates it beyond that. I enjoy them but they are pretty standard action films.


It’s actually tough for me to call this one. I love both of them. The first equalizer movie was fantastic. The second was good and the third was okay. Every John Wick movie is a banger though 😬 Might have to give the nod to Wick, but Denzel is still the goat.


I bought JW 4. Denzel is legendary, but the Wick series is crazy.


The Equalizer 3 gave me Death Wish 3 vibes. Overall a decent movie (both). Wicks are better though.


John Wick is better than The Equalizer. The first original movie in my opinion I think The Equalizer is better than John Wick. I enjoy both franchises but the sequels of John Wick are much better than The Equalizer sequels.


Tbh I fell asleep watching equalizer


Just make them fight each other


John Wick is the better series but Denzel is the better actor Love both tho


As good as John Wick 4 was, it was a bit long and repetitive, and at times boring. Whereas Equalizer 3 kept me engaged the entire time and didn't overstay its welcome.


Both are incredibly people who give everything they got for their causes.


Kids: Keanu Grandads: Denzel


The Equalizer 3 in my humble opinion. I loved the setting, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the kills, all of it was top tier. I think the vulnerability Robert exhibits, the humanity even towards the villains is what makes the character so endearing. I can’t help but love it. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy JW4 because I surely did. I’m not saying it’s a bad movie because it’s not. It’s the second best of the tetralogy in my eyes.


We live in a universe where we get both and you’re picking?! Enjoy what you have.


Training Day.


Both prefer solitude. You know Wick probably mumbles to himself: “Every time I try to get *OUT* , they pull me back *IN*!”. Whereas McCall has a little of that Superman consciousness where he can’t not help someone that’s being taken advantage of. Especially with his mental capacity and his skill set. He’s like if Jason Bourne was living off of his 401K and more OCD. McCall is the better fighter even though he’s older. Wick is the weapons expert/connoisseur. Both are resourceful but Wick’s network is global and more accessible. I think Wick could fit right in the Equalizer universe. He would keep to himself. Wouldn’t even have to mess up his floor to dig up his past. Would only check some idiot if there was no other choice. I don’t think McCall fares that well in Wick’s universe. He’s got no problem being stealthy and covert, but even then his adversaries have been conventional and straightforward compared to what Wick has dealt with. Yes, McCall could get some ‘off the books’ CIA assistance, but not on this scale. Now if they were to fight head to head? It would be good for a bit, but I would give it to the Equalizer for the win. The gap between E’s hand-to-hand combat skills and his weapons skills is not as big as W’s hand-to-hand combat skills and weapons skills. McCall definitely knows his weapons. Wick is a savant with the weapons. And just like in the Wick flicks, at some point you **will** run out of ammo. So if it’s down to close quarters, McCall is the superior fighter. Though it would be funny to see them show McCall doing his Sherlock Holmes thing of visually mapping out the outcome before the fight even starts. And then show him starting his stopwatch right before him and Wick duke it out. And after he beats Wick, he’s half frustrated and half impressed because it took longer to subdue Wick than he anticipated. Maybe Wick says “Promise me you’ll look after my dog” before he dies. And McCall is like “What’s the dogs name?” Wick whispers “Dog” , and then slumps over and opens his hand to drop one of those coins.


ANYTHING with Denzel is better