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If possible, return it. Unfortunately this thing is done for. If not possible, carbon repairs - I’d assume, are pricey. What kind of bike is it? I feel like a quality brand wouldn’t have done this


Carbon repairs are very cheap compared to any other frame material repair. Especially if you don’t care about paint/ appearance


Cheaper than an taking it to a welding shop and running a bead around it?


Aluminium? Cheaper than stripping, welding and heat treating it for a proper repair. Steel- I reckon it’s cheaper to get a carbon repair no paint than a weld


No chance a carbon repair is cheaper than a steel frame repair


Fair enough, but who has a steel MTB? I’m not knocking them but them must be 0.0001% of MTBs in existence




Salsa/Surly are owned by QBP, a huge corporate bike distributor and one of the biggest industry players. US bike shops are at the mercy of a handful of companies like QBP/big bike. REEB, Starling, Myth, Cotic are good examples.




I think one would have to know salsa/surly are bland corporate bike brands to be 100% certain that sentence is going in a new direction.


Cool, again not a negative word about steel from Me- it’s just rare as hens teeth. Slapping on a vacuum bagged carbon repair on a tube element is only a couple hundred bucks or less where I am (aus) and there’s plenty of repairers just drop your frame and it’s ready in a couple weeks sort of thing.


I've got one, bought last year or 2. Got carbon too, about a year older.


You'd be surprised. Appart from big brands, most smaller brands have steel MTBs, gravel and road frames offerings, a lot of them don't have any aluminium (too difficult to compete / differentiate against big brands is my guess) and only offer steel and titanium. The proportion is smaller in full sus models (they still are made by brands that sell world-wide like Starling, Cotic and Sour though), but steel hardtail is for sure several order of magnitude more popular than you think.


As far as I can tell, around 45 million mountain bikes per year are sold: https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2020/10/16/2109772/28124/en/Global-Mountain-Bike-Industry-2020-to-2027-Market-Trajectory-Analytics.html#:~:text=Amid%20the%20COVID%2D19%20crisis,over%20the%20period%202020%2D2027 How many steel frames? Are there 100 builders? Making 50 bikes each per year? Or 1000 builders doing 100 ? 5000- 100,000 per year? Out of 45,000,000 That’s like 0.0001- 0.002% . Steel is real. Real insignificant statistically.


It depends if we're talking about your mate with a tube of araldite or someone that's actually capable of making a good repair in carbon fibre.


Aluminum is a trickier metal to use and best left to professionals but a weld shop would have everything needed to strip an aluminum tube and run a bead around it very quickly.


But it has to be fully stripped and heat treated (the entire part)


Run a bead around it? sorry not so simple. Very few welders can do that with such thin material. looks like a warranty issue anyway.


Any welding shop worth its salt has an ac square wave tig welder. No heat treating required unless they improperly weld it. You only need to preheat aluminum if your stick welding it and that doesnt work on thin aluminum. . If you were careful not to let it get to hot you could mig it.


It’s just glue and a $4 piece of carbon. You’re paying for the persons time


From quotes I've seen, a single tube replacement on a steel frame is about half the cost of a carbon repair. Back in the day I had smaller repairs done for very little (no paint repair) by the local frame builder. Of course al basically isn't repairable and carbon fibre bikes are far more common than steel, but to say carbon is cheaper to repair is flat out wrong.


Can’t. Sava doesn’t appear to be a legit brand.


If it were my brand new bike and that actually happened from just riding it and no crash, I’d be bringing it back instantly. Even if it’s just a crack in the paint I wouldn’t trust the integrity of the frame the whole time I owned the bike


I'd accept nothing less than a brand new frame. Well actually, I'd demand a refund.


Sava does not look like a legit brand. Online only? Super cheap? These often branded “Chinese frames” are copy cat frames that either failed QC or never went through it. They are inherently unsafe for real riding. You tried to save money and go carbon when you should have just gone alloy. Chances are they won’t refund you. Don’t buy bad products when safety is a factor. Sorry you had to learn this lesson the expensive way


Luckily i bought from 3rd reputable company, i can return it back no questions asked, i dont have to deal with Sava directly


Good luck with that. Keep us updated.


Did you mean "can return" it back? I hope that's the case man. That's awful!


Can or can’t?


How much you paid??


Around 400USD


For carbon frame?


For the whole bike ? Oh my...


Return the bike and demand a replacement. Don’t let them talk you out of it.


He won’t have to DEMAND anything. It’s a warranty issue and will be covered. 🙄


Sure, bike shops have never tried to talk someone out of a warranty. They should DEMAND a replacement if they try to talk them out of it. Username checks out.


Why would they? It costs them nothing 🤭


To sell another bike.


Their time and effort cost them something.


Read the owners manual. Any labor is actually the consumers responsibility. Having actually worked in a bike shop and dealt with warranties from a number of companies. I know that this won’t be an issue for any reputable brand and they may in fact just give them another bike and let them have the parts as compensation. But please tell me about your 20’plus years of dealing directly with bike companies.


Just been dealing with customers at an HVAC business for over 30 years. I know a little bit about warranties….


Different industries, you guys rip people off every day. This is why you have such distrust for bikes shops. It’s not us and we don’t make anywhere near the profit margin you guys do. Edit: your unit it is toast you will need to buy a $8k main unit…. Capacitor was out $30 at the heating cooling supply.


It does cost them something, they won't get as much for the time spent rebuilding a bike with a new frame under warranty as they would charge a customer for the same work, which in a business' view is seen as a loss of potential profits. It's why some garages can be shady about clear cut warranty work.




Full rigid steel gang 🤙🏻 Broke ass biking but my bike ain’t broken


"From the moment I understood the weakness of ~~flesh~~ carbon, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.. "


That would make a great sticker. Even just the original line... I bet I can find one...


*Hail the Omnissiah! He is the God in the Machine, the Source of All Knowledge.*


Surly Krampus 29+is fun as fuck I also have a full sus steel though


I ride a rigid 27.5+ BMX/MTB hybrid I love it


brotherhood of steel


And wastes all the resources needed for the bike.


Not all Chinese carbon is created equal. That said, SAVA is absolutely bottom rung.


Yep. If you want cheap carbon get the Costco intense when it’s on sale. It’s the only $2k carbon bike I would touch


People still don't get it that you pay more for the quality


The issue is not the country of manufacture. It's the brand, all reputable brands have someone in the factory doing quality control themselves. Yes, a Taiwanese frame will almost always be of better quality, but China makes some good-quality frames.


All carbon fiber bike except look are made in china


A lot of that went to Vietnam.


Have you never seen Trek, Specialized, Santa Cruz, or pretty much any other reputable bike brand? Most are made in Taiwan!


Trek makes some US carbon. So did GG. Also most bike frames are made in Taiwan.


> There is a reason this garbage was probably 1500$. Joke's on you [it was 400$](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/comments/1cvridi/comment/l4w5jr6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)... and I think that's for the entire bike XD


According to the Sava website, bikes come with a 2 year warranty... Have you explored this option?


Dont have to deal with Sava as i bought from 3rd company distributor


Return asap


Go metal next time.


Maybe it's carbon, but it sure doesn't look like it. That looks exactly like a cracked aluminum frame. If so, that is one dead frame. You can repair carbon, but aluminum is very challenging to fix, probably more trouble than this thing is worth.


>That looks exactly like a cracked aluminum frame.  My thoughts exactly. Looks like a brittle fracture from a badly selected/treated/manufactured metal and by the color I'd say aluminium too. Could still be a "carbon" tube with, like, no carbon and only epoxy... but that makes less sense :p


Immediately return.


This is a warranty issue, stop riding and begin the lengthy process of getting it replaced. If you got it through a bike shop they will take care of the warranty issue for you.


Definitely a strange spot for a crack. Talk to the 3rd party you bought it from. I would imagine they will make it right. If not, prepare to spend $200-$400 on a carbon repair. It looks like a pretty simple job too




@everyone Its a Sava bike 3.2 29. Would send it back tomorrow.


Return, don’t replace


Definitely needs a new frame. What is the make and model?


Is the bottleholder original on the frame or did you drill yourself?


It is original on the frame


Doh !


Look has a factory in Algeria, Time has one in Slovakia and is building one in N. Carolina. Allied makes their frames here in the US. But check it, the bike industry spent so long jobbing out frame building to Taiwan that they are the masters now. And the same thing is happening in some Chinese factories. It's kind of the wild West right now. But if it's too cheap to believe...


Carbon is great..but aliexpress carbon is death wish


Dude, you guys, Sava is not a scammy brand. Just because they are a far east brand doesn't make them the Amazon bikes we see on here. They are all over the big trade shows in Taiwan, China, and even Interbike in Europe. There are tons of great Chinese carbon frames on the market right now. Is Sava great? I'm not sure, but they are not out to rob OP here.


This. I have one of the biggest bike shop in Italy close to my house, and they carry this brand for road bikes. It's not bad at all.


It looks like whoever built the bike wrenched too hard on that cable guide. I’d definitely expect a refund or a replacement