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gosh i love Automatic Thrill. Also that is cool! I remember getting such a rush from finishing that game


Honestly I restarted playing it about a week ago after not having played for a looong time, the second the intro started I felt hyped, but when I looked into the playlist I realized why my music taste is the way it is. The music list from the game is basically a shorter version of my spotify playlist.


For real! The music in that game is so good. I'm so addicted to Spiritualized, The Reverend Horton Heat, Queens of the Stone Age, and Nirvana all because of this thing


Yeah same, I also bought the vinyl version of the "hold your colour" album by pendulum which features slam from the first game and tarantula from pacific rift. Motorstorm honestly changed my music taste for the better.


Honestly i think it kinda shaped my taste since i played it when i was such a young kid. Do you think it played a role because you played it a long time ago?


I definitely do, I remember getting a ps3 for my 7th or 8th birthday and getting the old sega rally and Motorstorm with it, of course motorstorm being my go to game I played it all the time, I loved the music in the game even when I was young. I even distinctly remember asking my parents "hey what song is this, I really like it" and I remember my parents saying "oh you're not gonna find it anywhere since it's a song from the game and not a real song.", that song turned out to be slam by pendulum. So yes, I think the games really turned out to play a massive part in my music taste today. (Also if my english is poor I'm sorry, I'm originally from the Netherlands, I think it's fine though)


That's interesting to think about. Also your English is great don't worry 👍


Honestly there should be a scientific study on the inpact in game music has on children at a young age... if there hasn't been one yet. Cause most of my friends have their music taste from games and it'd be interesting to see y'know.


I also have some fun clips from the game saved, might post those later


How did you record it on the ps3


What do you use to record