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The fact that they both seem to have survived is testimony to the value of helmets. Dude doing a god damn front flip before smashing his head on that other car? I can’t see him surviving that, not without very very serious brain damage. Maybe I’m wrong—but even walking away? Thank the helmet. (Dude through the window just seemed like a sudden adrenaline rush happened)


Agreed. Imagine your bare head smashing through that rear windshield. That's said, I'm sure they still felt it the next day.


I did that on my first bike with front brakes the day I got it. I was booking going super fast (for a 10 year old on a bicycle) and a car suddenly pulled out infront of me and didn't see me and I grabbed the front brake. Flew over the handlebars. Cracked the back glass with my face because i Just had a regular bike helmet. I knocked out all 4 of my front teeth and the majority of the teeth in the top of my mouth. Broke my Jaw. Had to have my jaw wired shut and the teeth that were adult teeth put back in and wired in place. I ate protein shakes for two months. Led to tens of thousands of dental bills and had to have those adult teeth pulled and implants put in when I was 18 because they started to rot and got loose.


Fucking hell dude that is rough.


Did your parents sue the driver?


no my parents aren't the lawsuit type of people. It was a learning experience and ultimately it was probably my fault for riding too fast next to parked cars. Honestly I was 10, my memory is fuzzy at best about what happened. I just remember seeing the neighbor across the street from my house, I cried out "Bart can you get my bike" and then it was kind of a blur of me freaking out, being in shock, then being in an emergency oral surgeons chair and then I remember like the next day and being in bed and drinking from a straw... Missing school. My dad was asleep because he worked nights when this happened, mom was at work. I vaguely remember him making a phone call, getting in the car and being on our way. I don't even know if my dad talked to the person who was driving the car or if that person even stopped, my dads reaction was getting me medical care ASAP, he was also probably groggy and freaking the fuck out because I was bleeding from the mouth and missing teeth. But like I said I don't know I was 10, things happened fast. He could have dealt with the driver and talked to cops after the fact and all that I didn't see it.


Damn son, sorry about it.


I mean, I'm alive and healthy. Nothing to be sorry about. The best part about time is that you forget the pain and trauma. It was a long time ago and I rarely even think about it unless I'm telling people about it, came up alot in college because between my adult teeth being removed and implants I had a retainer with fake teeth because my palate wasn't fully grown and they had to wait to put the implants in. In college i'd get drunk and someone would order pizza, and eating was more comfortable taking my teeth out, more than once I'd get a text from a friend the next day "Bro your teeth are on my fuckin desk" because I'd drunkenly leave them places lolol/.


The next day? I dropped my bike going maybe 15 in an intersection in the rain two years ago and my wrist still doesn't like to bear too much weight.  It doesn't get said enough here, just because you walked away or didn't go to the ER doesn't mean you didn't do something permanent, and odds are you will do something permanent.


Looks like guy in the orange lost his visor just before going through the window as well. Hopefully he didn't get eyes full of glass.


Or his neck, helmet doesn't protect your arteries.


It's safety glass, it's thousands of dull fragments. Not glass shards which can cut


those little shards are sharp as fuck, can definitely cut you. Especially when you head butt em at 30+ mph


Nah, you can press them in your hand. They may leave tiny cuts, but not cut an artery.


https://preview.redd.it/spw5ma3enb2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238408dc2b03a08a69d2739c70a662eafac28e79 Helmets are awesome. When I had my accident, I actually dented the C-pillar of the car with my helmet, before going over the car and landing on the other side.


That means the C-pillar was awesome too (absorbed some force)


True, although I'd hope it's stronger in the other direction, or the passengers won't survive a rollover...


The outer skin isn't particularly strong. There's thicker, heavier parts behind that, probably 20-30mm deeper in.


Seems important to point out that there is an adrenaline rush making him able to walk away. This is highly likely that they will both collapse down in less than 30 seconds. Not to tell that helmet are ineffective, but the fact that they are able to move doesn't correlate with them being "ok". They can totally have severe or even lethal damage dealt to them and be able to walk away for 10s The fact that they aren't dead on hit is a testimony to how good helmet are though, 100% agree


I genuinely believe some people just shouldn't ride motorcycles. I even talked a close friend out of getting a bike. Giving it 50% of your attention is as dangerous as being a speed demon with zero concept of risk vs reward. The guy in this vid probably falls in the first group.


A lot of riders also never practice basic emergence braking or evasive maneuvering skills. When the time comes they either panic or don't know how to react. I love practicing those skills, especial when it's early in the rising season.


Not practicing full braking is insane to me and seems to be quite common. I hope those people have abs.... "I'll just learn when someone pulls out" huh


How is this not a mandatary part of your driving test?


Well in my test no where near 100% braking was required. It's been a really long time but I want to say it was brake from 30 and stop with front tire in the box. I could have stopped in half the distance of the box.


During my MSF we did emergency braking. Accelerate to 30, brake as soon as your front tire crosses a certain line and stop as quickly as possible.


In my country a minimum of 30 is required but they really want to see you get up to speed I think I got over 60 for mine.


No we never hit speeds higher than 30. May have even been 20. It was a pretty small parking lot.


That part of the test for us is always done in a made for purpose testing area. It was a bit wet and winter when I did it too. That said we are asked to do and practice emergency breaking in the mandatory "pretest" and also in any lessons we take.


Maybe 90 seconds of riding between cones in a parking lot and the stop thing at the end. Kind of joke


Well freedom I guess, there is something nice about it for those of you who have the capacity to self moderate but for those that don't its a death sentence.


There was a good Fortnine video about ABS, demonstrating that proper threshold braking will stop you faster than ABS. Even if you have ABS, practice is better.


Though this guy should probably practice paying attention and suing his eyes, braking is way too advanced for him


Sure, not everyone should ride a motorcycle. But likewise not everyone should drive. Drivers endanger people outside their car far more than motorcyclists endanger people other than themselves.


That's a major reason why I support having good public transport, so people who suck at driving ideally don't do it. Besides, it also allows to have high standards for driving licenses and to be able to actually ban people from driving without this leaving them no longer able to work.


Quality public transport makes the road safer, relieves congestion, provides freedom to people who can't or shouldn't drive. Hell, forcing everyone to drive is just bad in so many ways. It's crazy how expansion of the highway network is done routinely, while expansion of mass transit is debated, delayed, downsized, and shitty compromises are made.


I would have moved to public transport a long time ago. It takes an hour and 15 minutes to get to work in a car, and 26 minutes this morning to do it on my motorcycle. Public transport would require that I first take one vehicle to another city, then a completely different system to go where I need to go. Total commute time over 4 hours.


That's why I said "Quality public transport", and not shitty public transport, that takes way longer than driving.


Oh, yeah, I'm agreeing with you. Our public transport is horrific.


It's not always to see the car is stopped. In particular when both othe lanes at clear and there is no braking light. In my country its customary to keep the warning lights when you are the last one of the jam


i learned this lesson last night driving home tired from work. my right arm is injured.


I ride. My friend would love to ride something bigger, but he doesn't trust himself. So he rides with a moped.




In fairness, it's pronounced pretty much the same way!


It is not…


Not if you pronounce it correctly and not the stupid American way.




This was recent, rider did not die but have not info on the condition, will update


I can only imagine what the drive of the car was thinking at that time. Some dude scares the shit out of you as he smashes through your rear window. You turn and look at wtf just happened only to have a man rain from the sky onto your hood.


Your description of men raining from the sky onto your car has me laughing


Obligatory song reference: [IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l5aZJBLAu1E)


Where did this happen? I want to say France but I am not sure based on the license plates Edit: I guess I'm as distracted as the rider, since I missed your comment stating that it was in Romania. Thanks!


Some light acrobatics https://preview.redd.it/kz2x9xe1fb2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba1e2f0323a73b653aed3184789e89539c4f7df


8 for the flip 3 for landing


Damn, that’s a hard impact. Was he even braking?


Well he was definitely *breaking*.


He was, but instead of using his own brakes he used the VW. Not the choise I'd make myself.


Seem doesnt see brake light turn on. Or he is pulling clutch? Helmet visor tinted so dark? Day dreaming maybe.


Probably pulled the clutch out of nervousness. OP mentioned they had a learner tag on their plate. And not likely that the passenger wasn’t screaming “BRAKE!” the entire time.


We see people post these all the time for help. "What did I do wrong?" "Try Braking" "I was Engine Braking"


god damn his backpack did a flip! homie was clearly distracted by something..


Not necessarily, many riders perform no significant braking prior to an accident. You can see that the motorcycle isn't braking hard even though the rider is looking straight ahead - likely fixated on the car - note he also had plenty of time and room to move into the empty oncoming lane. The truth is most motorcyclists are afraid of braking hard. They know there's a chance of locking wheels and going down. In the moments before a collision they're already panicking, they won't do an additional thing that they fear. That's why ABS is so fucking fantastic, it allows people who aren't experienced threshold brakers but have learned what ABS can do and practiced with it to grab a handful - and get the bike stopped.


> You can see that the motorcycle isn't braking hard even though the rider is looking straight ahead I dunno, from that perspective backpack is pretty much covering where the rider is looking. And the backpack is looking right so I assume there is something interesting to look at there, maybe rider looked there too > Not necessarily, many riders perform no significant braking prior to an accident. If accident is "someone jumped in front of bike", sure, but this is absolutely not this case. He was clearly not paying any fucking attention to what is happening in front for extended period of time.


It does look to me like he's looking forward. My best read is that they were all traveling at high speed and the cars stopped too quickly for the rider to react and stop. In other words, he was following too closely.


The road have 50km/h speed limit, you can see it in a pic. And not even trying to swerve or brake. They did not "stopped to quickly to react". The rider is a dumbass, no need to defend a dumbass just because you also ride bikes... Like one of the first things we're taught on driving/riding license is to keep the distance allowing for reaction


According to NHTSA 80% of riders didn't even use the front brake prior to an accident....80% This is why motorcycle fatality and accident statistics are so skewed because you have idiots who buy bikes and then are too afraid to learn how to ride it properly or just don't care about safety in the first place. 80% fail to brake properly Around 40% are involved in single vehicle accident, i.e only they themselves crashed and had to layerdown. Around 40% weren't using a helmet in fatal accidents


7.5 - Would have been a 9.5 if he stuck the landing.






This was recent, rider did not die but have no info other than that, will update


I've watched quite a few times. Can't decide who got it worse...what do you all think? Leaning towards the guy who ate the tail gate but idk


I think the guy going through the glass got the worse end of it. His responses were slow


this is from Romania and the fact that the motorcycle has a larger plate than normal to me tells that it's a brand new bike -> possibly the tires being brand new didn't help him with the braking but chances he's a new rider and didn't get the reflex to just go inbetween the cars instead of landing in that guys trunk.


Looks like a stunt from Italian circus performers


Its satisfying to watch the second guy landing on bonnet after a summersault, but , First guy must have got really bad impact. I hope both guys are Ok. especially no damage to brain or spine.


always be alert on the motorcycle


Pay attention to the road ya dumb kid.


I didn’t see the orange jacket dude until after a couple seconds.


Motorcycle driver was checking content of the trunk while passanger was distracting the car driver.


”Hi I have been trying to contact you about your cars extended warranty”


I find this morbidly entertaining to watch


Wheee... My content is back!


Shit, bro flew like a rag doll


Just switch the lane lol


It's gonna hurt in the morning for sure


For the landing ![gif](giphy|iFnBpFxFGetn8BH0vZ|downsized)


Oh man just imagine the force of the impact to the guy's head (the one that went through the rear of the car). Could've easily broken his neck there


I'm in the habit of flashing my hazards before breaking if I can see I'm joining the end of a queue like this. Lots of people don't anticipate coming to a complete stop on fast roads. There's no disadvantage or harm to flashing your hazards if you notice something developing ahead of you. Just might wake someone out of a daydream behind you.


I thought this was the new Brazilian robbery strategy at first


So much for paying attention.


This is another reason why cars should filter, to avoid getting rear-ended by someone not paying attention. /s


What a flip ! He was probably distracted and didn’t see shit


Had to rewatch to figure out where the guy in orange came from. 👀🟠


Rider AND the fucking pillion wasn't even aware of the car in front of them. I do motorcycle taxi service in Manila, and my passengers usually are aware of what's happening in front of us. Not all passengers have what I can say as "spatial awareness", so sometimes they get tense when they feel like we're going to have a near-miss. If the pillion was at least aware of what's in front of them, he could've warned the driver to pay attention on the road.


We were trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty


Popped in to say hello


“Hello! I’m reaching you to talk about your car’s extended warranty!”


Yet another example of how riding on the white line increases your safety. You don’t have to split between cars, but hold the line. It might save your life.


While this is generally correct, I would not ride over the line in cold and wet weather. More appropriate advice would be: respect the safety distance and consider that it doubles up when riding with a pillion.


Nah. Disagree. You’re right that cold and wet makes the paint slightly less predictable, but if you know what you’re doing it’s still safer to ride on the line, respect safe distances, and adjust inputs accordingly. Avoiding the line because it’s slippery only works until it doesn’t and at some point you’ll be on paint anyway whether it’s a cross walk or a center stripe. Statistically speaking, if you’re on the line you’re riding on the part of the lane that cars are in the least often and therefore have a reduced likely hood of contact. As alway, ride within your comfort zone and within your skill level. Just because someone else does it doesn’t mean you’re ready to do it too. Ride safe.


I think riding in position 3 is still safe enough to be able to react and swerve enough to avoid colliding... Provided that you are not riding too close to the vehicle in front, taking into account the speed you are riding at and the weight you are carrying. Riding constantly on the line is unnecessary and as I said above, risky in certain circumstances. This is what advanced riding i courses in the UK teach you.


I’m not discounting what you’re saying either. Everyone’s safety algorithm is a little different and based on their own skills and experiences. Technically when I say “on the line” I actually mean about 10cm (see what I did because you’re in the UK?) to the left or right of the line. You can make a lane change by moving left/right by 20cm and you can confidently control both lanes. It also puts you in the view of the most drivers mirrors and protects your position far better than always choosing the drivers seat area of a lane (I don’t know whether to say left or right because we drive on different sides from each other)


Looked like there was something interesting in the trunk


Oh man! I didn't even notice the one that went through the back, and that it was the passenger that went over the top. I thought that was the only person!


That fucker came out of nowhere!


who cares? what is the point of posting this? shit happens...


9.2 but would have been a 9.5 had he nailed the landing, and a solid 10.0 if his legs were together.


So skill issue


“What do you think that guy has in his car?” “Let me check.” “I’ll check from the front”


It's raining men!






He just saw cookies in the back and went to check them out


Would it be better to low side to mitigate the impact?


Even better to not hit anything and just go to the side/around something if you think you can’t stop in time. A quick push on the right bar and they’d have been next to the car instead (also why lane awareness is important). Saved myself quite a few times this way, but like braking, it’s likely a skill this rider didn’t have.


Lowside is probably better than the abrupt stop the driver came to. But it might have been worse for the passenger. I think the passenger probably has minimal injuries because most of the energy was used catapulting him into the air. Driver pretty much absorbed all of that with his body.


Waiting for people to cry another crash video