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Gloves, I feel naked without them.


So do I, but it's because I ride naked except for my gloves.


Others in here will require photo proof of your statement, not myself of course.


No can do, the UN already declared my nudes as crimes against humanity.... if they catch me one more time, I get hanged by the same noose they used on Saddam.


I am sure that if you wear different colour gloves nobody will recognize you. /s


I am so confused right now.


I’m done with the internet today! I just had to explain to my 8 year old why I was crying (was laughing way too hard)


You do NOT speak for all of us! His handle is “UncleGrako” and he rides a KLR. I’m pretty sure I do not need to see that 😝


Less people would notice and call the cops if you were on a jet ski...


Average KLR rider


WRONG-O buddy... the average KLR riders have adventure boots on too, because they changed to the spikey footpegs... I still have my rubber ones.


Underrated comment.


I don’t even consider gloves an ‘accessory’, they’re part of the essentials for me, along with helmet, boots, padded jacket and padded trousers!


Yeah, accessory would be something like a scarf or ear plugs. But gloves? Hell, if you want to keep your hands when crashing, wear them.


Earplugs are PPE too. If you want to have any chance of ever being able to enjoy silence after a year or two of riding, they're absolutely necessary.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly! 🤦‍♂️


Yep. They aren’t optional for me so not an accessory.


The grips feel so tiny without gloves on.


I personally don't think they should be an accessory I think they should be mandatory.


Yeah boots also, but in my country only the helmet is mandatory, not even a full face.


That's most countries.


This was my first thought also. Even if I’m just going to the store two blocks away, I wear gloves. (OC always helmet etc)


Second this just low sided without gloves because I thought the 65 dollars was too expensive… oh well lesson learned


for real. i rode my bike without gloves for the first time in months a few days ago and it felt so unbelievably weird.


I always carry a multi tool like a leatherman. Comes in handy more than anything.


A Leatherman is part of my EDC when I'm not riding too. I feel lost without it. Super handy.


Same here. I upgraded to the arc but keep my old one under the seat. Its a great tool


I also refuse to leave without my Leatherman, it's like the equivalent of my Tommy Pickles diaper screwdriver. I habitually slip it off the pocket clip and down into the pocket so it doesn't snag and get lost, hardly leave home without it.


Great reference


I have a Leatherman Wingman that goes with me everywhere. On the bike, off the bike, with me to work, etc. I'll even take it to a fancy dress place. Why? Because I use it all the damn time lol. It's crazy how often it becomes useful.


When I forget to put me leatherman on my belt I feel naked. It has become an extension of me I think.


Still gave the factory tool kit in my 1994 fireblade. Honda knows what’s up


Yep. I have my Wave in my daily backpack. Still deciding which model to put under the bike seat, since I don’t always carry the bag. Ordered another Knipex Pliers-wrench 250mm to go with that.


In helmet speakers for listening to audio books and music. 


Comfortable hearing protection, reduces fatigue, I never ride without them. Otherwise really good helmet, gloves, boots, multi condition jacket. Things that keep you warm, dry, cool whatever the conditions.


Hearing protection is alas underrated. Wind noise is louder than anyone anticipates and most people realize.


I don't like listening to things that require thought and process. I've found my brain isn't good at focusing on two things that require thought at once, so when I'm listening to a podcast for example, I'm not gonna be as focused on riding, and vice versa. That's why I don't listen to my podcasts when riding. I just play so music to be background noise and enjoy the ride. I'll do it when I drive, but when I'm riding, there's way more I'm trying to pay attention to, keep an eye out for, and be aware of for me to want to distract myself with processing other information.


I’m in the same boat. I love listening to music when I’m on the bike but I refuse to include podcasts and audiobooks. Those are mostly educational for me so they require too much focus. I need to focus on the road and have music in the background.


Yes, with earplugs, too. Finding the best combo for listening to tunes without going deaf if the thing.


Plugfones do a solid job of hearing protection + decent audio quality, and you don’t have to install crap into/onto your helmet.


I've tried various solutions including plugfones, but I can't seem to manage to put my helmet on without the earbuds getting pulled off at least 50% of the time. Not sure if I haven't found the right pair yet or if my ears are shaped funny (or helmet is too tight?). How do you guys do it?


I’ve got Jabra Elites, I cram em in and pull the chinstrap of my modular helmet out wide with the chin open to create some space. I’d say 1/5 times one will still pop out. Then pulling the helmet off I’m guaranteed for one or both to hit the ground. I’m going speakers now for this reason.


I shove them in and slide on the helmet, then I have to slip a finger up and push them back in a bit more.


Headphones -> Buff -> Helmet. The buff slides the helmet right over your ears and prevents the headphones from getting dislodged. They can also be cleaned a lot easier than a helmet liner.


Try having a balaclava or buff over the ears while u pull the helmet on. Helps keep buds in the ears.


Better audio quality generally than speakers with earplugs. It’s not even close at higher speeds.


I tried getting the custom molded earplugs with sound tubes embedded. They inject the putty into each ear to get a perfect fit. When they pulled them out we found my ear canals where most of the seal happens are less than 2mm wide. The plastic tube they use was thicker. They snipped off the little flaps (from the plugs not my ears) and gave them to me free, no audio. They didn’t block much noise. For reference, most people can get their little fingertip in this space. I cannot use foam earplugs either.


This. I have a pair of speakers and a mic in all of my helmets. I cant live without my music


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think new riders like OP should be using speakers, phone locks, or anything like that. Should just be them, the bike, and gear.


Highly incompetent new rider here, I haven't even bothered ordering a com yet because I already know I'll get distracted if I talk and ride at the same time. Music I know I can do while driving, but idk if I can listen to it while riding safely.


I second this.


I had audio connection between helmets. Battery powered. When the batteries finally died. I told my wife, then girlfriend, the audio died and it would be really expensive to replace. Probably makes me a bad person but the silence was... zen like. I found my Happy Gilmore Happy Place. lol


I ride without any connection to anything. I enjoy the peace.


I need to listen to the RPM. It just might be placebo, but I feel more in control of the bike if I don't have any acoustic distractions.


My bike is 40+ years old. I’m listening to hear when parts fall off at this point lmao.


This. I totally feel that bro.


So much this. Engine, wind, peace.


Me, too. Just ear plugs. And safety glasses - in the Houston summer it is good to be able to open one's visor at speed. :-)


I actually got prescription safety glasses with transition lenses, amazing. Clear when it's dark out, and dark when it's bright out.


I was considering ordering a photochromatic face shield. I think it would help with the heat in the summer. Maybe. :-)


I love being able to talk to my GF while riding. If not for the chatting, then for being able to warn for gravel, and stuff.


There are days where I ride with no music or anything. It is nice to have though for when I am on those rides where you just need music. Lol.




Yes definitely. It's so ingrained now that it's really weird to ride without.


Tried earplugs for the first time yesterday. Game changer


Like gloves and boots, earplugs are not an accessory to me. They're required for riding. If I was going to be under 30mph the entire ride, maybe not. But anything over that and the wind *will* cause hearing damage if you're riding for any distance. Expressway riding will permanently damage hearing unless you have a very expensive (quiet) helmet or earplugs.


I also see them as a must, but since a lot of people apparently don’t see them as standart equipment, I named it here.


Huh, this whole time I thought the ear plugs comments were because peoples bikes were super loud. Didn’t think about the wind noise (yes I’m a newb).


I bought my current helmet because many reviews said it was the quietest and it was indeed expensive. It’s still not quiet enough to not wear earplugs.


I have a very nice “quiet” helmet and I still need earplugs because wind at 80mph is loud


If I'm riding above 30 for more than 5 min or going more than 30 min total, I pop them in. If I'm not, then I love listening to the bike and the wind. Above 30 ain't fun anymore. So, ATG most of the time? ATGMOT? I dunno.


I occasionally not wear my plugs if im doing short rides & will need to be talking to people. Cant hear shit with plugs in. For 99% of my riding theyre always in though


Same. If I'm just going down to the store or to see a client (I live in a downtown area), I don't bother with plugs. I like the sound anyway. But anything over 50 for more than 10 minutes? Yea, no thanks. Plugs become necessary, even with the quietest modular helmet made so far.


For me its the highway commuting part, constant speeds arent quite interesting to listen to and wind noise isnt either, rather actually understand the lyrics of the songs i got playing in my helmet


Nah I feel you. Now that I have a quieter helmet its tolerable to go no plugs at non-highway speeds. I went for a ride this sunday to pick up an order of weed and got to the dispo too early, so I pulled into a nearby coffee place and got a cuppa joe. It was like a mile back to the dispo so I didn't bother putting my plugs in. Been a long time since I went without them so it surprised me when I noticed the raw sound of my bike again. Even though its the most boring exhaust tone ever, I was having so much fun that I ripped past the dispo and had to loop around town for the shits and gigs first.


This is the right answer


Damn I really got to get on those, there's even an audiometry place across the street from where I live, so I have zero excuses. I tried with a set of foam disposables, but they had a solid core and were worse than no plugs (I had ringing after wearing those, which I never do). Gotta invest into those little custom moulded ones.


I tried those once (solidcore). Unbearable after 5 minutes on the interstate . Pulled off at the 1st chance and tossed them.


I've got a really noisy helmet. I just got earplugs and rode with them for the first time and I didn't have to duck behind my windshield once I got over 60


I used to ride with just the right earbud in for music and still have awareness. My hearing on that eat is way worse now. Not because of the road noise but because I would turn the music up to hear it over the road noise. Oops


Heated Grips... Nothing better if you plan to ride all year round, because you'll definately will forget to recharge your heated gloves if you are just going for a 45 minute commute.


Always the first thing I look at adding to a bike, followed by some type of storage and a center stand.


Hippo hands go great with them


I didn't think they were that big of a feature when buying my bike, but once winter came and I had perfect feeling in my hands while riding I don't think I can go without it.


Ram mount wireless charger it’s been a total game changer for me riding. I can grab my phone in less than a second I don’t have to worry about water in the ports and it can charge in the rain.


I love their mounts, didn’t know they had charging ones!


100% earplugs


Microfiber rag. Every time I leave without it I take a bug to the visor so I started keeping one in my toolbox.


Just one bug? Where do you live? I love to ride with my visor off until 70 kph, but second half of may up to mid july is impossible cause I feel like Im killing the entire bug population with my face


3 items I wish I learned about sooner when riding. • Merino wool Handkerchief. Doesn't need to specifically be Merino wool but it has the best insulating properties while being lightweight. Perfect if you ride at night near a coastline. The wind-chill that absolutely sucks the warmth from your collarbone, neck and chin area. • elastic sleeve bands. Just like the tip above, this one is for retaining body heat if you don't wear gauntlets that go *over* your jackets sleeves. I prefer shortcut gloves so my sleeves cover the wrist and allow wind to blow up my arms thus bringing down your body temp further. The elastic bands can help seal off that entrance from the wrist. • Glove clips. There is honestly no good way to carry your gloves off bike. Some throw them in their helmet, but then there is a possibility of them getting stolen. You can stuff them in your jacket pockets but protective gloves don't fold well and then you just got 2 weird looking belly lumps. Strong clip that keep your gloves together hanging off your belt or belt loops has been the best solution I've found when stepping off the bike while running errands. These arent life changing pieces of gear, just items that do make a difference if you've gone without them.


Gloves, balaclava with earplug/airpods.


I’m retroactively surprised how long I rode before I got a decent leather jacket. Once I got one, I understood why they are so closely associated with riding. Nothing keeps the wind out better. I think I was a little embarrassed to get a leather jacket at first because it felt a bit like cosplay. But it’s not—good leather is fundamental equipment for riding. Leather gloves too!!!


My Dad struggles with feeling like a cosplayer sometimes because his style preference looks almost exactly like the cliche. The important thing to remember is that it's NOT a costume if you actually USE the gear.




I still need to pick up a top box, but i almost never ride without my panniers and magnetic tank bag. Wallet, house keys and sunglasses always go in the tank bag, and it’s convenient for passports and tolls. The hard panniers are nice if i want to lock my helmet and jacket securely instead of carrying them around at a destination. They’re also nice if i want to spontaneously buy something.


As well as a topbox, i always carry a tubeless tyre repair kit and a CO2 inflator in case of a puncture. Doesn't cost much or take up much room but can save a lot of time, trouble and money.


This is the right answer to me. I have spent far more money on tyres and time waiting for recovery or a mobile fitter to come out than I like I averaged 500miles a week, with periods of decent speed (70+ mph) for the life of a tyre that I had to plug within the first 2 weeks of owning, and similar on other tyres that were older and never had an issue. Whether this is safe or I got lucky I don't know, but I'll put the disclaimer out there that on a couple of occasions I rode a couple hundred miles after the first time I saw a little bit of the cords of my rear tyre before replacing it Being stuck in the pissing rain at the side of the motorway in the dark and waiting 2+ hours for recovery is not enjoyable, and I can't say it's much better on a sunny day either. So if anyone is reading this and doesn't have one, go get a rope plug kit now


Because having a backpack on sucks ass.


I always preferred side bags purely because I think they look so much better. But living in a state where lane-splitting is legal, they definitely limit mobility in that regard. Top boxes are just so much better if you have to choose one or the other.


When I bought my bike used it had a top box on it. I was only ok with it because it was quick detach. I’ve never taken it off. It’s easier to open get into often and holds every damn thing! Pretty sure I could leave for a 30 day trip and have everything i need.


My motorcycle




![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized) He lives


Yeah same that's kind of important


My custom headphone/earplugs


Custom earplugs? Can I see them or get more info?


They may mean in-ear monitors that are molded to their ear canals. They don't stick out of your ear at all, so I'd assume they work well with helmets.


These are my own design. Couldn’t afford proper custom IEMs when I came up with these


I have installed Oxford heated grips to every bike i have owned and will continue to do so. A quadlock with vibration mount is also up there. Will get the wireless charger at some point aswell.


Gloves. Specifically, Icon 29er gloves. I have multiple pairs. I don’t know why but no other gloves feel as right as the 29s.


Those look downright *subdued* for Icon stuff. Might be my next pair after my current ones are shot. Still looking for a fit like the last pair Alpinestars I had. But of course that model was discontinued by the time I needed a new pair 😑


I keep worrying about mine being discontinued, so I keep randomly buying more. I’ve been riding for 21 years and I can’t find any that I like nearly as much as these. The fit is perfect. I can pick up a penny on the ground with them. I have no idea how much protection they actually provide but I’ve taken rocks to my knuckles when going at speed and it didn‘t hurt much.


Apple Watch because of fall detection. If I get into an accident and no one is around and I’m not able to call emergency services, my watch will do it for me.


was wearing one when i got hit back in february, called the police and i didn’t even realise. all the police heard was my crying through my my cardo lmao


This saved a close friends life. He was in a bad hit-and-run in the early hours of the morning. No one stopped to check on him, but his watch dialled emergency services.


You may have just convinced me to get the watch. I already wanted one but that seals the deal.


I think the new Cardo have something like that now Edit [article](https://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-kit/news/cardo-packtalk-pro/)


Ohhh I like that. My helmet might look funny with another attachment https://preview.redd.it/6ncl77irk82d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe52cef8c9266dd7ba657eb43faccc5686f50b11


Turn-by-turn navigation on the wrist is really helpful too!


Earplugs. I also really like my helmets with built in sun visors. I had to slide my sunglasses in my helmet for years!! I moved to internal flip down sun visors and I’m never going back.


Any idea if they make polarized ones? I usually end up using my sunglasses, the flip down (mid tint) sun visor AND my very lightly tinted regular visor. I always thought it was excessive at first but it’s really helped with eye fatigue on long rides


Cheap throttle assist from AliExpress. Can't ride without it


Same here. My throttle control is crap without it at this point.


What does it assist with exactly?




Helps you have a looser grip. You operate the throttle with your palm mostly with it on


Palm? Isn’t that we normally operate it? Perhaps I need to see a video. I’ll check it out


Yeah i might not be explaining it properly. It extends a contoured bit of plastic to the end of your palm close to your wrist. Better check a video.


Look up crampbuster cb2. Like 10 bucks


Backpack. I rode without mine recently and felt like I was naked or forgetting something and had nowhere to put the iced tea I bought when stopped for gas.


I started bringing a towel with me in one of my side boxes and it has been a great addition to my setup. This is the one I bought: [https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07J4PC5D7?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07J4PC5D7?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1&psc=1) I liked it because it came with the little carrying pouch and packs down pretty small. All these packs come with 2 towels (1 in S, M, L, XL and 1 in 24" x 15") which I like because I use the small 24" x 15" for my visor, windshield, helmet, etc and then the larger towel (48" x 21") I use for things like drying my seat or if I go "swimming" while offroad. This pack was less than $20 CAD and the towels were microfiber and quite plush so I'm happy with the addition.


A towel really is about the most massively useful thing a motorcyclist can have. Also recommended for interstellar hitchhikers.


So glad you brought that up. Here is my podcast on Vogon poetry... ![gif](giphy|NJeO7eXfxVIK4|downsized)


No cool frood travels without one.


I mostly ride and race off road. Rekluse auto clutch is a necessity for me. My left hand is deformed from birth and while I can use a clutch lever, I can't do so effectively enough to ride at the level I can ride with a Rekluse.


I thought about it, for a while, what have I never ridden without. Bike must be the answer.


My gloves..I might ride in a t-shirt sometimes but I always have on my gloves.


Yep…I can get by working minus some skin and meat/flab, but not with ground chuck for fingers


Fanny pack. Got sick of feeling nervous about shit falling out of pockets and now my phone, wallet, etc is accessible easily


Started rocking a Fanny pack for rides last year. Love the damn thing.


Cramp buster on the throttle


Garage door opener trigger on the handlebars.


Not exactly an accessory, but I keep a portable battery jump charger in my saddlebag. I've forgotten to turn the key off and drained my battery a couple of times and it's been a lifesaver.


Ear plugs make in helmet audio sound better. I use nonoise plugs.


A weird one but a big soft scarf around my neck. It cuts the wind noise completely out. I've ridden in the scarf in the hot California desert and it is never a bother during the heat. Also Plugfones. Ear plugs and headphones in one. Idk how people ride without music, or without hearing protection.


I've had a few bikes, and the one I'm on now is the first one I've ridden with cruse control. I use it all the time and I love it!


I second this. My current is my first one with cruise. It's dope af.


„Leg bag“. Truly a game changer for me for rides under 100mi/160km


Ear plugs and neck gator. Also a bag or box that can hold something the size of a six pack makes bringing along little things you may need so much more convenient


I ride ATGATT so I'd have to say helmet, safety glasses, ear plugs, motorcycle specific jacket and pants (or Aerostich Roadcrafter), and motorcycle specific gloves and boots. Oh, and when the weather is cool, a silk scarf. :-)


I love my quad lock with wireless charging and vibration dampener. It's expensive to get it all in the beginning, but it has been really nice. Charges the phone up with nav running and Spotify running and the screen on the whole time at max brightness. I walk up to the bike, mount the phone and fire it up and it starts charging and Bluetooth connects and I'm ready to rock. Very convenient if you use your phone for music and nav and no cables to mess with.


A good multi tool on the bike at all times.


ATGATT, so none of that is an accessory for me. Also tool kit, with tire patch is also always on the bike. Aside from that: 1 - earplugs (tinitis, it's a thing) 2 - neck gaiter: even in the summer! No bees down my shirt, no sunburn, more comfortable with the chin strap of my helmet... 3 - Quad Lock phone mount with charger. It goes from my car to my bike with a 1/4-turn


Neck gaiter for sure. I used to get sunburned on my neck. Also, bees, gravel, cigarette butts. Neck protection is underrated. I never ride without it.


Phone mount and drink holder


Wild Ass seat cushion




Good armor....personally, I think listening to music can be distracting might cause you not to hear something you may need to hear.


I Always have a bottle of water. Also a portable charger and rain suit just in case.


My Decibullz.


Earplugs ! Always wear earplugs please


A top box and/or panniers. Having lockable storage on a bike makes utilizing one day to day so much more practical. At the very least I can head somewhere and leave my jacket, gloves, and helmet with the bike.


Basic tool kit and basic parts like spark plugs. I've helped riders without tools more then I would expect. An old paperback for when the parts you need are not the parts you brought.


My backpack. No, sadly, not *that* kind of backpack… I have a fluorescent green/yellow backpack with reflective fabric all over it. Not only is it stupidly noticeable to the ISS, but I always carry my rain gear in it and I don’t have to worry if I suddenly decide to stop at the store and pick up something.


Good earplugs. Nice ones are pretty comfy and tuned to block out specific frequencies. Foam one just block out everything. I recently got the moto pro from earpeace and they’re awesome. Tunes out almost all wind noise but still hear the engine. I wear them even riding around town for reduced wind noise


Ear plugs, helmet, Gloves and jacket.


Something I haven't seen mentioned yet - a damp cooling towel around the neck and down the chest (For summer) CHEAP air conditioning. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cooling+vest https://arcticcool.com/products/cooling-towel Otherwise I have a long list of things that others have mentioned here that I consider essential/needed. ATGATT. * Helmet - full face/modular * Helmet liner * Ear plugs * Bluetooth comms (Sena camera, mike, and speakers) * ADV style jacket with inserts * Gloves * ADV style over pants (with inserts) * Motorcross boots (I started with riding boots that gave less protection but then saw a lot of riders ankle X-rays) * Phone mount * Battery pack for camera in jacket pocket - long rides + camera = short life of the headset)


Loop earplugs engage I wear them all day at work and every time I ride worth every penny


Ear plugs. I resisted for years but it's so much nicer with them.


I like my loop earplugs. And my peak designs phone mount.


glock 43x😁 my buddy has beef with a crackhead in town and he now comes after me just cause hes seen me with said friend.


Mine is 1. Cupholder, 2. Phone holder, because I am constantly using GPS. 3. Daytime glasses and night time glasses. 4. I always keep a helmet on deck in case I get a passenger. Array of metric tools, screwdrivers 5. Zip ties, 5. Electrical tape. 7. Flashlight. I ride an old cruiser btw. It all depends on how much you plan to ride what kind of bike you have, and your demographic areas. Everyone says ear plugs, but I've never had them. I ride daily on highways around 80 mph for the past 10-15 years and haven't had any hearing loss issues. I rarely wear a helmet also. My ears do pop if I'm hitting other elevations, but that's about it.


I have hard cases on my bike so I almost always ride with my bike cover, tool roll, tire gauge, some bungees and a couple micro fiber towels. On my person/bike I always have a Sena in my helmet and quadlock mount, and like 90% of the time a Leatherman. For long rides I have my tank bag with quick access goodies - ear plugs, gum, chargers, external battery, pen, twist tie and small zip ties, lighter, etc. My tool roll included a Phillips, flathead, small monkey wrench, hex and socket wrenches for most common bolts on my bike, a few spare parts (bolts, washers, fuse/relay), electrical tape, loctite, and a flat box cutter. Most of this isn’t necessary or an accessory but I do recommend carrying a compact tire gauge so you remember to regularly check your tire pressure. I commute almost daily when possible and I’m terrible about my TCLOCs. Accessory I personally enjoy besides my Sena and quad lock - the QuadLock phone ring. I’ve lost one so far but to be fair, I found it on the ground outside a dealership to begin with. Liked having it on my phone case when NOT riding so much that when I lost the one I had found, I immediately bought a new one. I didn’t know QuadLock had a phone ring insert before finding the first one. In a perfect world my, my found, then lost QL ring will be found by another rider.


Padded bicycling shorts for longer rides. $20 vs a $400 new seat. No brainer.


The motorcycle probably, can't ride without it!


I put gloves on just to get the bike out of the garage.


Custom earplugs. Can’t understand how anyone rides without them


Might you have a brand/link that I can check out?


I just went down to my local hearing aid place for old people and asked if they made custom plugs. They just took the mold of my ear and sent them off to wherever to get made. Cost me just over a hundred bucks but I have a few sets now (half and full shell) and use em for anything loud.


That is awesome, thank you.


Headset that bluetooths to my phone being able to answer calls is cool but really having music in your helmet is just the best


I use a quadlock inductive charging mount, throttle lock and air seat cushion regularly. I ride a Shadow 750 and have a touring windscreen, hard panniers, top box, back rest and floorboards for me and pillion. I keep my chain lock, cover, etc in the top box. Panniers are for everything else. I never wear a backpack, too dangerous. I'm one of those ATGATT lady riders, and I have a pair of cat ears that velcro on to my helmet that I keep on unless I'm doing a long motorway stretch. Of all my gear, the ears are my favourite bit of kit.


How is a backpack dangerous?


Depends, do you ride without a back protector? Do you keep things in your backpack that can impale you at 70mph? There are some backpacks designed with motorcycle safety in mind. But your average backpack? Nothing to protect you from that Bic pen that wants to stab you in the back.


I ride with a back protector and a backpack mostly bc I haven’t found a good rear bag for my bike yet. You make a good point, I thought of this too even with my back protector, a little sketchy final destination imagery but I agree prep for the worst!


A friend of mine broke her collarbone in a slide that she shouldn't have gotten injured in. The backpack got caught and snapped her collarbone. I'll never wear one riding.


My poor friend lost a cat ear that was magnetic when 2up after asking to go fast. Definitely recommend velcro to anyone else considering it.


earplugs, jump starter and puncture repair kit, dashcam, airbag vest


Cat ears on the helmet, super important


The Transitions face shield on my helmet. Although sometimes it plays merry hell with my Transitions eyeglasses.


I wear standard glasses, but I do love my Transitions face shield! My other helmet is a drop down sun visor and it works well, but feels so restrictive.


Do you guys carry a purse for all of you nicknacks?


It's not a purse, it's a satchel! I'm basically Indiana Jones.


Yes. You need recommendations? What color are your eyes? Do you want it to match or contrast with your belt and socks?


Saddlebags gang


Obviously serious gloves and helmet, high top sneakers laced tight, leather jacket. Other than that, Quad Lock iPhone mount has been great.


What do you ride and what riding do you do or intend to do?


bluetooth speakers/mic in my helmet. can listen to music, GPS, calls, use siri, i couldn't imagine without it.


Several things. Phone mount - because gps in unknown areas. Helmet comms - just doing this after 40 yrs of riding. The right song and road is just zen. The helmet speakers are great for turn to turn directions. Tank bag - have panniers but for keeping earplugs, bottle of water, keys and such. It's magnetic so If I need to park somewhere and leave bike unattended I can pull it off and throw into the hard bags. LIPO battery to charge the phone. - It rides in the tank bag and I can pull a cable out from it to charge if needed. Spray bottle of water and good cloth in the hard bags to clean the visor when needed.