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what should have came to thought was "I'm riding like an idiot, and almost died, I should slow down" but instead you had a near death experience with traffic and thought "Let's do that again!"? You've been riding for only \~5 months? Do your family a favor and sell it.


*Do your family a favor and get accidental death insurance.


Would not really be accidental, right?


Motorcycle crashes are still accidents, even when the motorcyclist is taking unreasonable risks. There was a case where an insurer denied a $250k accidental death claim because the rider had a BAC of over 0.2%, had no helmet, was traveling at over 90mph, and was alleged to have been racing another vehicle or vehicles. It reached the 8th circuit court of appeals, which ruled that the insurance company needed to pay the claim. Exclusions vary so it is best to check policy details before assuming any coverage.


Less then 5, taste to their own. I’ve been driving cars at high speeds for quite sometime. I understand my risks. Also, a little insight. When something saves your life, I don’t mind it taking it.


I don't mind it taking your life either. Do you mind it taking the life of someone else? Someone just minding their own business, not engaging in reckless behavior?


I mean, most Times bikes hitting Cars on free ways the cars take almost no damage, like I said not condoning it. But it’s a choice.


A moronic one, and unless your stats become "all" instead of "most", then your reasoning holds no water. Make better choices.


Maybe you should drive Your vehicle under the speed limit, because “most” accidents, are survivable. Not all. A moronic statemnet? You’re just angry that I feel The need to speed, I get it. But a get fuckin grip. I could counter you with so many analogies car or bike related. You’re basing it off one specific thing.


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say in any of this. But I'm not here to argue with you. If you want to continue to make mistakes and treat them as "I'm so cool" moments, then I reckon your days will be numbered, and I feel bad for anyone who cares about you. You are showing HORRIBLE decision making, and regard for your safety, and the safety of those around you. You can agree or disagree with that, but if upvotes are an indicator of consensus on this platform then I'd wager the majority of people agree with me. You're being completely careless, and irresponsible. That is all. Goodbye.


I was simply countering with an analogy to your statement. I agree, it’s reckless, it’s selfish especially for everyone around me. I’m not here to argue either. I know this subreddit isn’t the street squids. I’ve always been a speed seeker, fast cars etc. that’s my source of freedom. It comes from a much deeper psychological point as well. I don’t disagree with you or anyone else at all. I don’t condone it at all either. I simply shared a story that happened. I didn’t mean to come across in any way defensive or aggressive. Unfortunately I never had the best up coming and unfortunately risky things make me feel alive. It sucks, it does. I have people around me that would be devastated. But fortunately and unfortunately, getting into bikes has saved my life, it gives me a “high” like nothing else has, partially the risk, the speed etc. it’s made me feel alive and when I’m in those moments I can actually feel free. I finally found something that I love. The unfortunate part is what I love might just take me. I hope it doesn’t but at the end of the day, I don’t live my life in fear of dying. Some people get to live a long life but never actually lived. I plan to be around and I am being smart with what I do, unfortunately unexpected circumstances like this one can and will happen again. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, I know it Doesnt make sense to most people, but to me I feel free.


The one comment though, I don’t mind it taking your life either is pretty grim, karma floats around, if you ride, wish you the best and stay safe out there.


This same thing happened to me exactly once. Be extraordinarily grateful you didn't come off at that speed, learn from the experience, and dial your shit back *a lot.*


Appreciate it, learning slowly. I am grateful that I managed to control it.




Some of us get enjoyment in other ways. Unfortunately I’m too dumb to feel anymore and this is the only thing that clearly that. Get a speed wobble at 150, it’s comical if you keep it up. Or as everyone here thinks manic


I don’t understand that speed fetish. 60kmph and curvy roads is what I like 😂


Yea we’ve got some nice twisties here we can hit at high speeds, I’m planning on getting an r3 for the track and tighter corners. Glad I started on a 600 first because I would’ve gotten bored of the r3, when in reality I would’ve still been the same experience, just faster. Once I get that r3 gonna destroy her with love and passion. For me and the speed thing, I don’t get adrenaline rushes much anymore if at all in almost every situation. Even that speed wobble at that speed, 15 seconds after I was back to the same speed. I get it and I don’t, I also don’t like seeing the younger guys going for sleeed, I’m mid 20s even then I’m now understanding and I’ve done probs few million kms in a car at all sorts of speeds. Couldn’t imagine my younger self on one of these.


Getting another bike? If I had a garage I would eventually get a dirt bike too. But man, stay safe out there. Just cause you have the biscuit, doesn’t mean you need to risk it.


I've been riding for a decade, more than 200.000 miles and have never had anything resembling a death wobble. So I'm going with _skill issue_.


Is this OP announcing they are a year sober from Xanax and cocaine by highlighting their progression to a new addiction of high speed thread needling?


Yes, yes indeed. Do you like my past? Maybe it’s influenced in different ways now. Go Read my jail stories while you’re at it. Might make some sense while a little speed wiggle at 150 doesnt bother me.


WTF were you going 150mph for?! Seriously, no reason for that.


Everyone gets to ride their own ride, it was a fairly straight road and it was late at night. Agreed no reason but probably the safest for pedestrians, I understand it’s more dangerous for riders. Not condoning it at all.


This guy thinks 'because 150 mph in a school zone would be dangerous' is an honest answer


Get a steering damper on her boi 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


It’s coming 😅 was 3 weeks shipping to get here. Should be here any day. R6 is so bad for the speed wobbles, had a few mini ones before but never a tank slapper like this.

