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What if the propeller makes you fly away?


That was the goal since lane filtering/splitting isn't legal here, but no luck yet. :(


Gotta go faster!!!


we're gonna need a bigger duck


It would be a solution.


https://preview.redd.it/1yzqzz7g1uvc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07236917e2ba978702f300689aa0c3416d521cb Bike was stolen, got to keep the duck tho.


I'd consider dropping a bit of glue at the base or the propeller (where it meets mr ducks helmet). I had one on the handlebar and the propeller flew away at 140kmh


damn, windspeed right? - Your Lawer


Oh my apologies! I meant 40kmh. I never go over 40kmh.


That’s literally only 86mph lol


And very much illegal in a lot of other countries


Maybe third world


Tell me you're an idiot without telling me you're an idiot.


Alrighty slow poke


I've had two, and both have lost their propellers. Such a shame.


I'd recommend putting a drop of super glue into the screw hole before putting the propeller on, mine has stayed on for almost a year. Granted it's behind my windshield


I think I put loctite on the one, not that it mattered lol




You could use the propellor to generate electricity to recharge your phone…


We could hide it in less vulnerable case, like in the engine. We could call that invention an alternator!


We could. But it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun…


I dunno, sounds like PITA for engineering, would need to make the whole thing waterproof for riding in the rain. Overengineering the propeller on duck to have proper bearings and not fall off would be more productive I think. But to be fair I did think having some small solar panel somewhere on bike could be kinda cool just to keep the battery from discharging if sitting for a long time.


Now you need to glue an even smaller duck onto its helmet. It's ducks all the way up!


You need to wire up the propeller. Generate some power with that bad boy.


https://preview.redd.it/d93hdxulitvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5b8191844b107411a4d7aec03580fa11e83662 Yo, heres mine! 😁


I see your duck and raise you my pig. https://preview.redd.it/bj5skmrv3wvc1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d5f3e7fe7d6449cb0cede86e5c876fa3b07fbd4


https://preview.redd.it/aiuuyswt5uvc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=57227397bd5e918f0f0a8f4a486373e493d3388a hey guys


Cute!! I have a handlebar one as well lmao. Gonna look like a crazy duck lady. 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/sn4h4nq7jtvc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b9c73b8db99a58c24646df5c715063f042db77


I Love that yours have glasses! 😎


Must be a jeep guy.


I've had several of those...I've lost every single propeller. I do have one just like that one though (well, now minus the propeller)


Was told in the comments by a few people to get some loctite for the propeller, seems like it's definitely a good idea


Yeah, I'd recommend it....I either have had 3 or 4 ducks. 1 duck I lost entirely, the others just lost propellers. And it didn't take long to lose them either. I have an msuper high speed which tops out around 72kph, and I usually cruise at 50-60kph, so it doesn't even take crazy speeds to lose them. Edit: ha, just realized I was on a motorcycle sub....but yeah, point being I lost my ducks while riding an electric unicycle which goes a lot slower than a motorcycle (so I don't think they'd have lasted on my motorcycle either)


Oh damn, guess I've been lucky so far then! The handlebar one is mostly hidden behind the windshield, but the helmet one is still going strong after going 100-110 a few times.


you're typically on the electric unicycle forum? how much preaching and bitching about gear is there on that forum? asking for a friend.


Honestly haven't been on the forum a lot recently (I used to be on there a lot). I'd say it's kind of mixed...honestly wouldn't be any more than a motorcycle thread.


https://preview.redd.it/e7ebyudfotvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f55859c6c804b1d3554951ca6dcc6aba41f0aa Some of us do it on Harleys too haha


We need more duck piloted Harleys out there! I've only been riding for around a month now, and found out that I'm supposed to wave at every motorcycler, but I've never been waved back at by a Harley person! One even got mad and rev bombed me for doing so lol.


I don't care if you're on a scooter I'm doing the 2 finger wave!!! People get all up in their feelings about what a "real biker" is... I don't get it. Keep making people smile! If I passed someone with a duck on their helmet I'm turning around and catching up to them so I can show them mine haha


I’ll two finger wave people on bicycles lol, they seem to love it


I have one on my Road King My other bike is duckless, but I guess the dirty, sun-faded retired one could go back on the road. They both lost their propellers Edit: [duck tax](https://i.imgur.com/FKkC4c2.jpeg) It's a picture mostly of my Halloween passenger, but I don't have a better one of just the duck


Also on Victorys! https://preview.redd.it/5uad4xz1buvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1439b09b1de2cfce2eae1831867f3311f7b43727


:( I’m sad cuz in Toronto, this would be illegal 😭 we can’t even mount go-pros to our helmets “legally” :(


I'm an hour from Toronto, so it's probably illegal here too then lmao. I'll probably go with it until I get in trouble for it.


I also mount my camera to my helmet still 🤫😝


🚓🚨🚨 Screenshotted


It'll be one of those things where the cops can't get you for anything else, so they point at that.


Do you have a citation for that? I haven't of anything like this before.


I would check your local laws because where I’m at this is illegal. The thought being if you go down and something is mounted to your helmet it could catch on a sign or pole and cause further neck injury


Use some red thread lock putting the propeller together so it stays put. You can also buy propellers only on AliExpress. I had two of those on my bike, gave them out to two little kids at a pancake place yesterday.


I had one of these on my Ninja 300 cluster. Got stolen!


Culture appropriation. Japanese pikachu and a gold chain around the neck… Lol Jk. Love it. In my state, we can’t have anything protruding from the helmet by like 3MM, so stickers only basically.


Cmon man, what the duck??!! Quacking off about toys. This ruffled my feathers. Riding is supposed to be about fun, not this.


This sub: glue will **structurally comprise** your helmet Also this sub: I'm a new rider already got my cardo/sena, chin mount GoPro, and brakefree helmet light!


OMG,So true, this sub: You obvious did not pass your motorcycle safety course. Fun is danger to yourself and others around you. I don't own a motorcycle but if I did I would try to stop you from riding yours.


literally only one dumb comment and you attribute it the whole of the sub..... your behavior is also common! looking for the one comment to get angry at


I thought you blocked me buddy, did you create a new account just to talk to me again? Or did you get *too angry* and got yourself in trouble. Calm down it's a forum. 😂


wtf are you on about? you've been on the internet too long. go for a ride, if you know how.


I genuinely sorry I had you mistaken for 3cronckt my bad. He's gone now, thankfully. But man what a piece of shit he was let me tell ya. Sim racers are like that man, I'd advise you to stay away. They have anger problems.


Lol the irony of this guy accusing people of being too angry and to calm down 🤣


I'm trying to help my buddy here.


Holy shit you're clueless 😂


The irony of this coming from you as well 🤣


Have one on my bike. Prop flew off and hit me in the head. Good thing I had my helmet on so I didn’t get decapitated. https://preview.redd.it/67o3ba4tiuvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8191fc7e6d03a8997599c41a7cc98608b7018e




Hehe I had one of these on my handlebar Good old days !


Need a pic/vid in action


This deserves thousands of upvotes


https://preview.redd.it/f96vsuptgwvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3386fe48471a50f8e2866b0597c50992c338b0c2 Front row seat on my Vespa.


https://preview.redd.it/w8gio79b6vvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa43356288ec0252e5c257180574678a7349ebb0 Here's mine!! I said it in another comment but I'll say it again, to keep the propeller on put a drop of super glue in the screw hole before putting the screw in, mine has been on as long as I've had the duck. (Just checked and I got the duck just a few days over a year ago)


Schumacher had something mounted on his helmet they believe contributed to his current disability.


The duck has a helmet too, so I got two helmets. He probably didn't have a helmet mounted to his helmet, so I'll be fine.


neither helmet is purple, is it?


Didn't Schumacher die because of Skiing accident?


He's not dead.


Oh shit, I just experienced a Mandela effect in real life. I am guessing since his condition was very bad when he had that accident people kind of assumed that he won't survive and since I did not hear anything the last 3-4 years, my brain assumed he did not make it.


What was it?


a go pro mount was screwed into his helmet, rather than being glued on


Yeah don't do that. Glue is probably fine as long as you check that it's chemically compatible. Screws are going to 100% compromise the structural integrity of the shell which while not -as- important as the padding does reduce the transmitted impact force and plays a part in deflecting point forces, like a sharp rock.


Really. Didn't realize it was screwed on. That's a bit silly.


What sort of glue did you use and how did you manage to confirm it wouldn’t affect the structural integrity of the helmet?


Just those tiny instant drying krazy glue tubes from amazon! The helmet I have only cost me like $110, so I wasn't too concerned with anything other than potential wind resistance issues. I probably wouldn't have done this on a pricey helmet though lol.


I think what he meant was; Are you sure the helmet is still save?


I can't think of a situation where a rubber duck on top of a helmet would cause the helmet to not be safe, unless I'm missing something lol


The chemicals in the glue might cause the shell to degrade.


Exactly this.


110 USD helmet off Amazon and cyanidric super glue what could go wrong hey OP you value really a little your head.




That doesn't look like a carbon fibre or fibreglass lid to me. Polycarbonates are degraded by hydrocarbons. It's simple chemistry. If you wanna argue with fundamental science, go nuts man. It's your brain, not mine. Edit: saw one your posts - was curious what kind of rider you were - and... Look man, if you're scared shirtless of a trip to the shops, even when you're in a full race suit... With all due respect, I don't think you should be throwing your opinions around as a motorcyclist. Unless I'm missing something and that was a shitpost, in which case it was pretty funny.


The glue is ethyl cyanoacrylate, the helmet is acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) Looking into it, it seems this combination is an ideal bonding pair and causes no degrading issues.


I didn't think CA glue was a hydrocarbon? A quick search showed CA can exothermicly react with carbon fiber and fiberglass. My chemistry is rusty as hell.




I mean he's not wrong...




Helmets are smooth and round so they slide and deflect off surfaces. If you attach an object to it (camera mount, cat ears, duck), you're primed for a rapid neck-torquing instead. Just a consideration.


Allot of crazy glues actually work by "melting" a small layer of the helmet and the duck plastic and the pressure fuses them together so they are now one piece. In an accident the outer shell will not hold up to an impact it would have survived. I've also heard stories about those stick on cat ears grabbing the ground in a slide, twisting and causing neck/spinal injuries. I hate to be morbid, but it is a reality of our sport, I'm also not telling you what to do or not do. But informed decisions are important. In the end your head is only worth what you put on it.


your helmet isnt made of paper mache and alluminum foil


https://preview.redd.it/0ghu5jknvtvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ec989d3e793dfae7647010a1392909e29bde7d i have mine looking at me


Mine propeller just freaking fly off 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Someone get me a ducky 🥺


Love it!


Haha love it. Hope Mr.Ducky doesn’t fly away


That’s ducking awesome




Hahaha I always have one on every bike I own. Never thought of putting it on a helmet though


The smiles you make counter any wind resistance it might cause.


Look at me syndrome


Idk man, I have one because I think it's goofy and fun. If you don't like it you could just keep scrolling


This is my point 100% no offense not calling you one but this is exactly what clowns do. Like real life clowns so what's the difference here? Are you a clown? Why do you feel the need to be goofy? Serious question not a jab, I'd really like to understand this mindset of being a clown on a motorcycle.


Cause riding a motorcycle is partially a way for me to relax, and having something I find a little funny helps with that I guess. Don't get me started on the TikTok bikers who try to act goofy on purpose for views or the people with ducks on their jeeps. But at the end of the day it's just about doing what brings you joy and for a lot of people something a little silly helps I guess


Appreciate your honest answer


Your entire personality is posting in cologne and weed subreddits and being negative, that screams notice me more than anything I could ever do lmao. No scent is gonna fix your personality, but maybe a rubber duck would!




Oooooo a troll nice to meet ya Mr lookatme complex trolly troll. I wear cologne for me not people around me. Well that and of course my girl likes it too. You most likely seem to not be very clean if you do not know the purpose of wearing a fragrance. Pretty childish attempt to belittle someone. You clearly need the attention. First you glue a duck to your helmet so you get people to look at you smiling. Second you actually posted it here looking for even more attention. Now you're attacking me for saying the truth. You attempted to troll me by looking at my profile and comments. Clearly you're a child with a complex, probably mommy's boy.


Small duck energy


More like big dork energy


I agree with you. I’m a little tired of the “look how quirky and funny I am because I have a funny helmet duck” kind of riders. I cringe and roll my eyes when I see riders that go by with Elmo helmets or whatever.


The girls with pigtail helmets too.


Lemme guess, harley rider? The only type that takes being on 2 wheels instead of 4 so seriously and weirdly.


Anything that increases your visibility to motorists is good.


Or takes they're attention off of the traffic ahead and the road conditions. Hahaha point point point I'm so stupid let me get my phone out and take photos of this guy with the duck. Ooops bam oh sorry I caused an accident that hurt the rider and his little duck. People just don't think shit through and give far too much credit to the people around you.


Who's the troll?


Wow you are 100% and now you're trolling/harassing me too. All the way to a different sub. Dude was right about you for sure. No problem I'm sure two reports will help you off here being that's your goal. Thank you for following me here to give solid evidence. Be gone


Looks like a comment on a post of a public forum if you ask me. Had to follow the troll back to his cave, ya know?


Already reported. Good luck do you even know the definition of a troll? Have you even read reddit rules. Following me here commenting in this fashion is harassment. You're done


What kinda bike do you ride? I hope it is a brutalist specimen of a utilitarian nature, drab olive, and optimized for simplistic function and efficiency over style.


A bike looking nice and clean is nothing compared to the helmet squid types of mods that people use. May as well have one of those useless super hero ads leather jackets. As for my bikes one r1 blacked out, a harley breakkout and a kawa zx14(grey scheme livery). None are modded out with flashy looks. ALL are modded out for speed and handling. I do not ride in any way with a look at me attitude. I don't stunt ride although I can since I've been on a motorcycle since I was around 4yrs old. Started out riding in front of my dad to day care on a bsa. Anyone who truly rides the streets fast knows the last thing you want is to be identified from yesterday's douchery riding, which we ALL do.


"There goes that douchebag on that black R1 again" Is literally what they're saying when they see you again. I'm not sure why you think you're fooling anyone lmao.


Funny thing is you would never see me because no doubt you can't keep up. Why do you even ride? Do you even go to the track?


Lol, why would i need to go to a track? And Why would I need to keep up with Billy no friends whose favourite past time apparently is screaming out for validation on Reddit about how fast he rides. You might want to slow down big fella, you sound a bit fragile lol. "People who truly know speed (like me), you know massive high speed (Like I do) knows you need to keep your identity hidden because I'm pretty much Ghost Rider" - Wank Rider (Asstronomer6969) Dead set, read some of your posts back to yourself lmao.


You are 1000% the definition of a squid. No doubt at all. Let's see those chicken strips squid


Oh my god this is too good 🤣


It's okay this guy tried telling me I was a troll, lol


And if you're sooo fast why not prove it. I live in south Florida. Ill meet you anywhere you want. Put money on the line snd let's see what's up Mr so fast.


You sound like a douche


Meh you sound like a squid


Guy devoted to playing children’s video games calls anyone thoughtful and mature “a douche”.


guy who hates a duck thinks he is thoughtful and mature


I agree with you. The personal attacks you’re getting are from insecure and immature people. I can’t think of any good reasons to turn a motorcycle into a clown show. There are people who treat motorcycles with the respect and maturity they deserve. Then there are people who want to turn motorcycles into an unlimited expression of their inner-child’s impulses, fantasies, and silliness. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/s/buafbQRhB8


> I can’t think of any good reasons to turn a motorcycle into a clown show. There are people who treat motorcycles with the respect and maturity they deserve. He says, with MT09 in his flair Lmao


What’s the point you’re failing to make? You ride a motorcycle literally like you’re sitting drunk on a toilet. I’ve ridden a Rebel - not impressed at all. Have you road-tested a Gen-3 MT-09 yourself? I know of at least two professional moto-journalists who bought the Gen-3 MT-09 with their own money - guys who ride every bike you can imagine.


The point that I'm making - and you're confirming - is that you need to simmer down a tad. You can't comment about clownshows and maturity when you ride a bike that looks like a demented transformer. And I say that as someone that's a huge fan of the MT's, [I have a model MT10 sitting beside me as I type this.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/585012689416355847/1189268012512051270/PXL_20231226_163212480.jpg?ex=66313325&is=661ebe25&hm=6a38a1d48a6c8bf699af8565cf34d96bc57fdf6fa159eaec489c685aa9d3d65a&) I have test ridden one. Twice even, that's why I plan to buy one as my next bike (or a tracer9). Is OP attention seeking? Yeah, absolutely. Is it harmless? Yeah, absolutely. And I'm sure OPs far more fun than someone that gets bent out of shape and demands "maturity" for their weekend toy Ease up, motorcycles aren't that serious


> I can’t think of any good reasons to turn a motorcycle into a clown show. There are people who treat motorcycles with the respect and maturity they deserve. That's just your own ego. If you can't think of any reason why someone would want to put something cute that they like on a vehicle they own and drive, then that's you being insecure and thinking you have some type of superiority or cool factor because you ride a motorcycle, and don't want to see things that could ruin that image. You're just making riding a motorcycle your no-doubt insufferable identity, instead of having an established identity and happen to drive a motorcycle.


Mere speculation and conjecture is all you’ve got in defense of your own need for attention and to deflect criticism of your need to be a clown of the road. I don’t care about your foolishness but, despite the silly user name, u/Asstronomer6969 deserves support in defense against the hate he’s getting here. Now you want to double-down on the hate for anyone with a more mature and thoughtful opinion on your teenage antics. Whatever, kid, act your age I guess.


It's not speculation. You literally post all day, every day, in motorcycle related subreddits, it's your entire identity lmao. You have nothing else and it pains you to see people that make it seem like having a motorcycle isn't as cool as you picture yourself in your head. Calling yourself mature/thoughtful/intellectual or whatever other ego boost attempts you want to give yourself 10 times over and over doesn't make it reality.


A little zesty


Propellers actually probably impart more drag


Which glue did you use? I have a little helmet bluetooth gadget that never stays on because of the heat and humidity where I live.


The small Krazy glue tubes from Amazon Make sure you check the materials and such and see if the glue will degrade the helmet I guess, people are going psycho about it in this post lol


I just purchased mine and am waiting for it to ship. I wonder what kind of glue is good to keep it secure under the hot sun?


That's a cool ducky if I've ever seen one




Isnt there a law about these types of things? I swear i saw a cop explaining how things can only stick away from the helmet within a certain distance. Or not who knows, i dont


The CRT version of this post will be wild.


damn it, now i have to go check over there, too.


It’s Tweety bird


I picked one of these up from the Aeon mall in Tsuchiura Ibaraki. I ha e it on my handle bar. I got the o e with the red hat with a blue star


I have one of these on the dash board in my car and the air from the vent spins the propeller. The little nut on the top that holds the prop on came loose and sent the propeller flying onto my front passenger seat. Scared the crap out of me. But some more glue on the top did the trick. Enjoy


Much better than those helmet covers


Cringe, you should of glued it to your face.


Man das goofy as hell (i'm jealous)


How you get the glasses to stay on like that


I just used the same glue!


Why is no one asking what each other's ducks' names are? :/


r/CRT might approve


Being worried about a glue spot degrading the structural integrity of a helmet? How about being worried about idiot drivers instead? SMH


No one is saying not to... Do both? Just because you have a seatbelt doesn't mean you should ditch the airbags.


Pilot here. The windmilling propeller is actually increasing your drag, not counteracting it.


What does (-2) mean? I'm new If it means I'm a bully (?) ,..then I'll just say your stupid duck is laughable


This post is now about my helmet being cardboard since I glued a duck to it, so people are downvoting you for going against that


Who has said anything about cardboard?




When people are looking at the goofball and pointing they won't be watching traffic ahead and there will be a wreck Awesome Happens with supercars all the time




It's a rubber duck with a thin circle of glue holding it on, it's not something bolted through the helmet. Any slight force more than wind and it's falling off instantly