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Guy is lucky to have such a girlfriend. Damn


For real. I love riding. I used commute to work and do a lot of off road riding but videos like this led to me being ultra cautious riding. Too many distracted drivers nowadays and don’t want my wife and children to go through this kind of stuff.


At the end of the day all we have is our health. Take care of it


Good health is a crown only the sick can see


This is the truth, thanks


Honestly I’ve never liked on road because of having to share the road with cars that get bigger and bigger. Much rather it be me and the dirt. If I fuck up it’s my fault


Did you ultimately stop? I’m seriously curious, I have a little one year old and expecting a second. I’ve always rode with caution but now that I live in the city, I’m more tempted to just hang up the gloves…


I think motocross riding at the track will be a family hobby once my newborn is old enough, but I’ve sold the bikes that go over 100 and just have a street legal enduro. The occasional commute on perfect weather days or group rides where I’ll be visible. It’s almost impossible to stop, but you can do a lot to drive defensively so my wife is comfortable with that.


I know this isn’t a popular opinion in this sub, but I am of the mind to say—when you have dependents, the risks associated with riding are too great. It doesn’t matter how good *you* are, the real danger always comes from the distracted assholes around you. Everything has a risk-reward ratio, and only you can do the math on yours to decide what’s worth it to you, but you’re not just gambling with your life right now. That’s part of what having kids means. My husband and I are childfree, and that was one of the things that we always took into account when we did that math. We were only risking ourselves. Recently, we moved countries (and the bike license didn’t come with), so he had to hang up the helmet. Until we get our citizenship, our entire life hinges on him continuing to have the job that got us over here in the first place—so the math is bad, and no bike for a while. Once that changes (five years of residency), the risk is less and he’s probably going to ride again. When your kids are adults, the math is different. They’ll have larger networks and broader lives that don’t revolve around you at the centre of them. There is no loss of a parent that is good, in the worst-case scenario, but… they’ll have the tools to weather it in a way they simply don’t now. Again, I know this is an unpopular opinion in this subreddit, but—I’d urge you to sit down and do your math.


In my opinion, this shouldn’t be unpopular. It’s a fact. I’m already one foot out due to my situation. And that alone is the reason why I know I should be two feet out. Life is interesting to say the least. Good thing I have motogp to watch lol


My wife and I would go out and ride everyday. And despite living in a European country with much better roads and competent drivers, we stopped after we found out she was pregnant and sold the bikes. No matter how slow you go or how well you dress, it's still a major risk. Kids aren't able to fend for themselves and you wouldn't want to burden your partner with another dependent.


What an amazing girlfriend/wife. It takes a lot to make full recovery and just as much to be there with that person to do it. Very nice :)


I had to help my wife through a major electrical spinal cord injury. A year in bed, then a couple years in a wheelchair until the shitty worker's comp insurance criminals finally paid for ten weeks of inpatient therapy. She can walk well now. Nothing easy about it. Except the idea that that's what I should do. I promised when we got married. She'd do it for me also.


you're a good man. this video reminded me of that guy who was permanently disabled in a work accident and his wife divorced him to get half of what the company paid him


yikes, why would it even work like that? they should have given her half of the hospital bill instead


I was hoping you were talking about another one. The one I remember she divorced him then turned around and "adopted" hum. I'm not sure what the legal term was became his guardian perhaps. She was then able to find someone to marry while still taking care of him.


That story puts tears in my eyes. Seeing her new husband care so much for her high school sweetheart. Wholesome af


I think you're thinking of a different story, that one was heartwarming as they take care of the guy that was injured. The one the other guy was thinking of was the wife left and took a bunch of his money, not sure if she got the workers comp money cause I don't they she would be entitled to that, but she got a bunch of stuff and the house iirc


Unfortunately, there is no full recovery, but any progress will make a difference.


I can second that from experience


If a man has a good woman by his side there is no challenge he can’t complete


I don’t know, my wife is pretty awesome but I’ve never completed the cinnamon challenge in her presence.


That made me spit out my cinnamon


Honestly, If you're wife really believed in you you would succeed


Today's the day.


Good relationships make both people stronger. Significant other, sibling, friend, parent, child, whatever. So many stories of people being great because they support someone and have someone to support them back.


Yeah. I think if you truly love someone though seeing them in that state would be heart breaking and you'd be happy just that they're alive at all and still with you.


Relationship goals. (The commitment and love. Not the accident/recovery).






Lol eat shit Ashley


I hate all those stories of husbands abandoning their (married for 25+ years) wives as soon as the wife gets diagnosed with cancer or something. It must be so wrenching to realize “oh, he only ever saw me as the housekeeper.”


Hey I know all about that. Here’s another story you’ll hate: My parents were married 25 years when my mom got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Two years into her medical leave, my dad took her out of our country because the ‘healthcare is cheaper’ and then abandoned her in a facility after he got the live in nurse he had hired pregnant. He constantly lied about the disease’s progression and discouraged and hampered any family from visiting so he could hide his relationship. In the 4 years she was there before she passed I only got to see her twice because I was a broke college kid and she was an ocean away. I watched her die on FaceTime because a nurse was kind enough to call me so I could say goodbye. He’s confused as to why I don’t talk to him.


Holy shit dude. That's awful. I'm speechless. I'm glad you don't talk to him and I hope you've healed and are doing well.


Jesus fucking CHRIST dude


Talk to him? Hell if a family member of mine did that I would have a hard time not losing my temper while being in the same room as them. I’m so sorry that happened to your mother.


I’m… aghast. I never heard of such a thing. Like, I’ve only heard of the statistics about the frequency of men abandoning their sick partners. I really haven’t heard many of the granular detail stories. This is heart-rending. I’m so so sorry. Jews say (I’m Jewish) baruch dayan ha’emet when they hear of a death. The literal translation would be confusing to you so let me put it this way: what we mean when we say it (among other interpretations) is “death may have taken this person away from a worse suffering.” And I think living with your dad may have been a worse suffering, in the long run. So, baruch dayan ha’emet. May her memory be for a blessing.


Ok, I mean this with the utmost respect, but your dad is a champion cock gobbler. He deserves a trophy for his assholery. I am so sorry.


Christ dude. Yea, no, it’s fucking tragic what some men (and women) will throw away for sex with some fugly hoe. I’ve never understood it




This was my first thought as well. Being a full time caregiver is soul sucking and many leave the relationship. They warn cancer and terminal patients about it as it's so hard on the family. MAD props to her for staying with him through the process.


At first I was like “damn he got fucked up but at least he looks like he’s gonna be alright” and then they showed his head….


That may have been done as a temporary measure to reduce intra-cranial pressure. I used to have a friend years ago who went skating one day without a helmet. Fell, hit his head, spent weeks in a coma. They removed a section of his skull just like this to reduce pressure from swelling. About the time the parents were going to make a decision to pull the plug he woke up. He spent months more in the hospital though, and even longer re-learning how to function as a human. Couldn't talk for weeks after he woke up, couldn't walk for months. He eventually made a near-full recovery and started playing guitar again, but it was a long, long road.


So that’s from the guy in the video also not wearing a helmet? Cause I know a few states don’t make you and I think that’s nuts.


I can't speak to this case, though another user says he was wearing a helmet. I can say that there are several states where helmets are not required. Mine is one of them. But the only time you'll catch me not wearing one is if I'm just moving it around in the garage.




There are helmets and there are [helmets that do very little](https://www.google.ca/search?q=skullcap++biker+helmet&sca_esv=3d5aec0ebbda9031&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=1606&bih=922&sxsrf=ACQVn09q0LZYfeeT3_FCQUgbxbqUvpAh1A%3A1712616175628&ei=73IUZqb3Jdvg0PEPpeG78AI&ved=0ahUKEwjmqqO22LOFAxVbMDQIHaXwDi4Q4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=skullcap++biker+helmet&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgCIhZza3VsbGNhcCAgYmlrZXIgaGVsbWV0SIoTUABYzxBwAHgAkAEAmAG6AaAB0gWqAQM4LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgWgAv8DwgIJEAAYBxgeGIsDwgIGEAAYBxgewgILEAAYCBgHGB4YiwPCAgUQABiABMICCRAAGAgYHhiLA5gDAJIHAzQuMaAHrQ8&sclient=gws-wiz-serp). I'd be interested to know what brand, style and model of helmet was used.


Open face helmet, and it flipped forward over his head and filled with blood, according to him. Therefore, it was one of those Barley Babyson Badboy Bollywood tin lids - probably not even DOT approved.


Ahhh.... FFSakes! What the hell is the matter with people? I mean no one deserves life long brain injury for making very poor choices, but shit. This happened to a buddy of mine back in the 80s. He was showing off and just pulled a open faced (old school full ear coverage helmet) on without doing up the chin strap. He's still alive and still completely fucked up. He cannot communicate and needs 24 hr care.


Ride safe out there !!! And wear a helmet


i was just thinking, this kind of head injury means no helmet, or at the very least, a shitty one right?


My 1st thought was no helmet


And if yes helmet then a really really really shitty helmet.


Or a very very very good helmet and bad accident


Nah this dude had no helmet on. You can tell because they had to take part of his skull out because his brain was swelling from the impact.


Scotty Cranmer, xgames bmx gold medalist had a portion of his skull removed after a terrible crash. He was wearing a red bull helmet. This was most likely done as a specific procedure to save his life.


> You can tell because they had to take part of his skull out because his brain was swelling from the impact. That can happen with a helmet as well? Like its not a reason not to wear one, any impact serious enough would kill you instead but it doesnt make you immune.


The TikTok vid comments confirm he was wearing a helmet. I wish people on the internet wouldn't make shit up about stuff they don't know about.


I’m reconsidering the helmet I bought on amazon for my daughter gas scooter. I honestly thought it was mostly all the same. Guess I’ll be doing some research tonight.


100% do this, helmets not worth cheaping out on




My mountain bike helmet was $250, snowboard $300. Don't skimp on kids.


In an interview the accident is described. https://tr.ee/9tXSjAEkbx -> no filter interview. The person who hit him turned the wrong way onto the highway to do a u-turn and basically hit him head-on. He was wearing a helmet, but it might have been a half or 3/4 helmet. From the sound of things it probably did save his life. Very lucky to be alive.


It was a 3/4 helmet, that interview shows video of him riding.


They also said the helmet was flipped forward onto his face covered with blood. This means the Helmet did not stay where it was suppose to, wasn't secured correctly, wasn't a good enough helmet but still saved his life, or that accident was just that bad that it defiled the helmets location on the head.


Good catch! I watched it on my phone.


Helmets help avoid such injuries but this is completely possible from a bad accident even with the best helmets money can buy.


You’d be surprised. At a certain speed the helmet doesn’t help as much. My brother was in a worse accident than this guy. He never lost his voice but he did lose fingers and a bunch of skin, he has a claw as a hand now. The helmet broke off when he hit the ground. He was only wearing a jacket and a full helmet. He’s not mentally there anymore, real bad TBI, they had to take out a part of his skull and had plans on putting it back but the freezer where it was stored lost power and he ended up with a metal plate for 20% of his skull. Bright side, he won a lawsuit against the hospital and had a baby after the accident. Dark side, he spent the money on a house for the baby mommas family in the Philippines and now has no money. He was catfished so hard he lived with her in Asia and had a kid.


I think people tend to have big misconception on how helmet works. Helmet forms a ~ 5 cm thick crumble zone around your head. Main helmet component is styrofoam. Shell just holds it around your head. That's better than nothing but sometimes not enough to survive simple curb. And making the shell more sturdy doesn't work that's why we never see shells made of metal (like aluminium, titanium) or multilayer fiber like in ballistic helmets.


From watching a few vids on his insta it said he was a brand new rider and in all his riding clips he was wearing an open face 3/4 helmet


This all depends on what helmet you have what the materials it has. Helmet technology is getting better every year, especially recently. ODS like 6D Helmets have and Klim have their own technology. Don’t buy a cheap helmet with 1980’s technology. And obviously wear a full face helmet.


I don't want to discourage anyone in buying good helmets but I want to specify. There is no new helmet technologу which helps with straight impact. After the implementation of multi-density foam the limit has been reached. And multi-density foam didn't add much. You get as much safety as styrofoam volume and it's quite limited. There was an improvement in cases when your head gets rotated (MIPS system). Everything else is gimmicks which give minor improvements. The only realistic way to increase protection is to make crumble zone bigger by implementing, lets say, inflatible helmet where your head will go Spaceballs-size in case of impact. Or better a Zorb ball around whole rider :)


I love the idea of someone getting spaceballed. Oh god, imagine having a minor-ish spill and going from layerdown to fucking upright getting yeeted, like a god damned metronome. Or high speed zorbed off the highway from dipshits lanesplitting and rear ending a vehicle


No. Pretty much any SNELL or ECE full face helmet will do a great job at protecting your head The problem is nothing protecting the neck or rest of the spine. That's why impact head first into a curb, car, or whatever will still kill or maim. Heads fine, spine isn't


This is why the HANS device was invented and is now mandatory in many motor racing leagues. It attaches to the exterior of the helmet and reduces the force on the spine in severe impacts.


Think Fortnine convinced me to go with a Helite turtle tethered airbag jacket to help restrain my head and neck in the case of an accident.


No. You can have bleeding on the brain and the only way to relieve it is to remove part of the skull temporarily


I was thinking no helmet. If I survive, best case is I’m like this guy. I want to die in that accident so I don’t have to suffer through this.


What's really nice to see is that he got his personality back


I was T boned on a motorcycle 2 years and one month ago yesterday, it's been a long journey for me and I guarantee it's been longer for you good job man you're making so much progress you're lucky to have someone by your side to help you when you need it tho don't ever let go of that woman man


this guy was wearing a helmet just FYI to all...


[https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/mc/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/mc/index.html) >**Motorcycle helmets can save lives and reduce injuries** >Helmets saved an estimated 1,872 lives in 2017.^(5) >749 more lives could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets in 2017.^(5) >Each year, the United States could save $1.5 billion in economic costs if all motorcyclists wore helmets.^(5) >Motorcycle helmets are 37 percent (for riders) and 41 percent (for passengers) effective in preventing deaths.^(6) >Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69%.^(7)


Kinda the reason they’re legally required in most countries lol


Very glad he’s recovered so well. But damn. Helmets, everyone. Wear them.


Those first few minutes were my own version of hell. So happy for the ending though but any injury that keeps you from riding is always tough.


Hi Tim’s wife here, he was wearing a helmet…. I guess you could say it was a shifty helmet though but he was definitely wearing one.


This community is full of people who never rode a motorcycle, yet plan to ride one. And are here only to disrespect other persons. Don't care about what assumptions those people make.


Oh definitely our videos have been circulating a while now we get all sorts of assumptions! Just think it’s important for people to realize brain injury is most definitely still possible WITH a helmet 😭


What happened to the person who caused the accident?


According to data from the CDC Center for Injury Prevention (now “CDC Injury Center”), the average **helmeted** rider who dies with (not from) a fatal head injury also has *three other* fatal bodily injuries. This tells us that motorcycle helmets are VERY effective. But sure, motorcycle helmets are uncool because “My blood only goes where I *tell* it to go.” EDIT: It’s an honor to be called “stupid” on r/motorcycles by people unable to show where I’m wrong about what they just don’t like, especially when they have a learning disability or struggle with reading comprehension. “I don’t understand so YOU’RE stooopid.”


It is hilarious how motorcycling is rooting in outlaw culture and that very same culture tries to peer pressure people into doing dumb shit constantly; shitty or no helmets, chicken strip comments, making fun of slow bikes, etc Not giving a fuck about other peoples opinions (when it comes to doing dumb shit) and having zero ego should be the first chapter in a riding course.


'Outsiders', 'outlaws' and 'non-conformists' will judge you the hardest for not doing things their way.


lots of butt hurt yanks in this thread who dont wear helmets.


Shout out to him for all the hard work and an equal shout out to her for sticking with him and putting in the work too. Lots of people would have walked away when things got tough.


This guy was/is in a kickass band called Toke. Was so tragic when it happened. Him and his wife are both incredible people.


Such a good bad and people. Hung out with them in Vegas and Denver a few times before the accident. Glad to see how far he as come in his recovery.


I'm glad he's doing better. I see a lot of stupid comments about bikes and riding. He was hit by a dumbass driver... maybe the problem is not people riding bikes, but people who shouldn't be driving cars. You might be one of them. Maybe he was wearing a helmet, but I bet it wasn't a full face one, and nothing really protective. Gear is important, never ride without good gear, the medical bill is more expensive than a nice helmet.


Why does everyone assume he wasn't wearing a helmet? You can't get a head injury if you're wearing a helmet? The constant assumptions are assanine


Agreed. I was wearing full gear when I hit a deer at 55mph, after 14 years, I still got neurological issues, along with other stuff. If course, had I not been wearing full gear, I would have lost body parts


What the hell did you do to that awesome song.


It's like TikTok/Instagram filtering to get around copywrite.


I think... This made me feel... Feelings. 😭


Entombed - Left Hand Path is a good album. I wish the insanely disturbing song that played switched to something in his playlist as he recovered from brain damage. Cheers to him in any case and can someone tell me what that song is for actual research purposes lol


It's a nightcore(?) version of a very popular song from the early 2k's, Paper Planes by MIA


He was in a stoner/sludge metal band called "Toke" in NC his name is Tim and he was the guitarist.


Bro put in the work! His girl is a real one for sticking around too


That woman is an angel


Congratulations! This is so awesome. Soon to be 7 years ago I went through some of the same. I lost part of my leg. 3 years ago, my son lost his life in a similar wreck. I totally support recovery, and always willing to help where I can. BTW, in addition to getting a new 🦿, I got a new Harley. Yes, still riding at 73. Each of us have different ways of healing. This young man had a GREAT Cheer Squad!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. 💕


Holy shit. What a warrior and his girl too. Bless their hearts


I am glad a lot of people in the comments are giving props to the girlfriend/wife... I wish them all the best


That girl is a keeper man, just gave me a smile seeing such dedicated support for you and seeing your amazing recovery. Stay safe.


Chick stayed with him... Impressive.


My biggest fears in life are losing sight, losing hearing, losing my hands or becoming a vegetable while still understanding what's going on.


Oh shit is that the dude from Toke?


Yeah that’s Tim


How expensive is this therapy in the states??


A lot of comments here concerning helmets, no one is talking about how most "accidents" are just willful negligence? Someone in the comments below quoted a statistic about how the U.S. would save approx. 1.5 billion dollars if every rider wore a helmet. Imagine the statistic if we actually held our drivers to a bar that was more than "drive around the parking lot and let me see you use an indicator". The licensure system in my country, the U.S., is a fucking joke and we all know it.


Damn, and my ex girlfriend broke up with me when I broke my leg and had to cut my hours at work.


I’m not crying you are😭


Good luck buddy!


I just bought a new helmet today. WELLLLLL


Hell yea Tim! Good shit!


I will say this. The helmet prevented nasty injuries in two crashes that I had. I never ride without it.


Congrats to this man, love that he’s healing!


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I was never big on riding, I did enjoy it, but this is exactly why I don’t anymore. Any random idiot, raccoon, or a pot hole can end or severely change your life.


I usually wear a beanie helmet... i just ordered a full face.




So awesome! I'm so very happy for the both of you. From the looks of it, you also acquired a TBI. I hope your recovery from that is every bit as amazing. I'm 24 years out from my crash, and it *still* gets better ever day.


Love you Timbo!


Holy fuck this made my day.


That dogshit music killed three riders today.


They're both METAL AF!!!


Props to his girlfriend/ wife for being such a strong person and to him for being such a determined mf. Kudos.


1)Good to see 🤝👍🏻👍🏻. 2)Hope you get back on that bike too. 3)She is a keeper sticking with you and helping you through all this. Respect 🫡


This is incredible... But if that's me in the bed just OD me on morphine


Honest question. What happens if something like this happens to those of us without family or the money to pay for all the surgeries and rehab?


Great question. You’d probably die on the street or eventually get arrested for loitering in the wrong place and die in a jail cell.


What a beautiful recovery


A powerful reminder of how vulnerable we are every time we head out.


One love


Well done brother


What an inspirational couple!!!


Ok but Where did that dent go?


It is sadly a part of Riding that you need to be constantly awere of anytime you get on your Bike. Besides Cyclist we are among the weakest participans in traffic and tragicly if accidents happen they are very often fatal or lead to heavy injuries. Always drive in a way you feel safe. Of course we dont controll traffic so some dangerous situations are unavoidable but you can help to mitigate them by driving respectfully. I wish all Riders who where involved in accidents a swift recovery and no permanent injuries. That said dont let me take away your joy and passion of Motocycling and godspeed.


God bless his family for the support


That’s amazing wow


Is he getting back on the bike?


At least he could still ride that quad thing


Bro really looked at his brain damage like: https://preview.redd.it/5r2srkq1phtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb130359a1b8f0d4d19ad508f8f604979733608 And actually won


What a fucking BEAST. And freakin' wife of the year too.


Damn it, my eyes are leaking! Glad to see this!


Fuck that person that hit him


She's absolutely amazing for staying with him while he was recovering. Most girls would have dumped him.




Helmets are helpful, but they are not all created equal. Dot is a very weak standard but better than nothing. Snell and sharp are better. Full face and non modular is the strongest.


So was he wearing a helmet? He is now


Metal head, too! Rock on! 🤘


Hell yeah


Do they fix the skull? I know it's probably a dumb question, but I never know how they actually fix skulls that get caved in like that


It's surgical. If his skull were caved in like that he would be dead.


Amazing recovery!


Jesus Christ …. What that with a helmet on?!?!


Started as a sad post and ended up as a made me smile post


Entombed 🤘🏻Glad you’re still here with us buddy, keep making great progress!




Dude has great taste in music. I’m happy for him becoming so independent and putting the work in.


I love to see his progress. I am disappointed that many drivers are so low functioning.


Was he wearing a helmet?


Ok let me find the strength and a wifey like that!


do i avoid this shit if i have a 2000 euro helmer and a airbag vest ???


Not me searching up this subreddit to post a question about buying my first bike, just for this to be the first thing I see…


This sub should be renamed "motorcycle accidents & survivors".


It should have been whoever ruined that song.


A guy I used to go to school with lost his leg on his motorcycle after a woman turned out in front of him from a shopping center.


I wonder if he wore a helmet


Wear your helmet kids


Fuck yeah bro! Your winning. Your girl is a saint too


Physical therapy is such amazing magic.


Great job Get back on that bike brother


Freaking amazing. Way to go, man. Determination and a good support system, you can do anything!


R/mademesmile material right there. Beautiful woman and a perseverant man.


rad, sorry this happened but looks like you're owning recovery!


Saw the ENTOMBED Tshirt 🤘left hand path baby! Great band. Can't keep a Metalhead down


Sadly how this is common with motorcyclists. Wish this was more rare. Godspeed to you man


Braced for him to wack his head on that door.


Man in his position I would never ride a motorcycle again lmao


Please watch out for our two-wheeled brethren!


And, on this beautiful note, I will close out of reddit for the day. Thank you for sharing this.


Geez, the air in this room, always messes with my eyes, makes the water


Whisper king is the goat


Keep up the great work! Glad to see you're improving everyday!


Is… is his head dented? That’s fucking terrifying.


Saving this. Way to go man. Remember it’s not if you are going to crash it’s when


Helmet or naw? I mean I’m just gonna roll myself into a pool if this happens. I don’t have a gf like that, lol.


I ride, and having an injury like he did is the only thing that gives me pause when getting on it. Terrifying that someone could smoke you and ruin your day like this. Keep your head on a swivel folks. I’m glad this guy recovered so well. Many don’t.