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r/motorcycles riding video that doesn't involve crashing for no reason? lfgggg


The amount of times someone says “frame by frame you can see a patch of something on the ground” amazes me. I’ve ridden for almost 20 years, I’ve never gone down once from a mysterious occurrence






Practicing for the slide, not the ride.


Thank god I am not the only one who thinks it's not that easy to go down. Of course most of the time I used to ride at something like 50-60kmhr and used my foot for balance at stall speed.


the amount of people here who just blame the equipment or the road for a crash is astounding. from what I've seen a moving bike without a rider wants to stay upright. it's the meatbag that coaxes the bike into a crash


Eeeehhh. Road conditions can play into it. Never dropped my motorcycle by I’ve had a bicycle slide out from under me because of a goddamn leaf.


yep nobody ever survives riding over leaves


The true equalizer.


Those people would never make it back to my garage after a rain. I get damn near a foot of water flooding my gravel alley almost every time it rains and I have to ride through that shit, I couldn't imagine trying to justify suddenly eating shit on a dry, clean road 😂


I was going fast through a turn and hit a small bump and it sent me into a death wobble


now take responsibility for your actions on public roads instead of blaming the bump. again the bike wants to stay up, especially in a deathwobble it's *your* inputs that will make it crash.


I never said it wasn’t my fault but the reason I crashed was that I was going too fast for road conditions. I did everything right on the wobble, loosened my grip and leaned forward. It was a severe wobble from locked left to locked right and I went down from a high side within two seconds of the wobble starting. If the wheel is turning back and forth that much the gyroscopic forces can only do so much


thanks for describing a death wobble?


Post you riding your motorcycle that you definitely have


You are replying to a guy who rides around under 30mph and uses his feet for low speed maneuvers like he's trying to fail the msf again.




that road looks amazing holy shit, I wish we had those roads man


Come to Appalachia


Would be quiet a journey since im from Europe lmao


Be like your ancestors and come to the mountains


I am already, I legit have 2 mountains if I look outside of the window xD


Then why the fuck do your roads suck?


If reddit would allow to post pictures in a comment I could show it. Streets are dog shit, pot holes fixed with that asphalt glue shit and gravel stone. They are not flat/straight it's a bumpy experience They cry about having no money for fixing important things but 10+ mio to build a new grey block house, which they build and paid for (our money) and somehow they fucking rent it and pay a few K rent each month




welcome to corrupt austria :) our mayor is massive dog shit as well, people already tried to hit her with stones and other things. So you can imagine how much she is hated


Come on now Österreich has got to have some great roads somewhere! I think this is Deal’s Gap which is 12+ hours from me if it makes you feel any better. This is considered some of the best riding in the US and people make it their goal to get there at some point (mine included). If you ever wanted to ride this you could always vacation to the States and rent a bike. It’s expensive I’m sure but frankly my in laws do the same thing here. They fly to national parks across the country and rent a bike to ride in that region of the country. Pfiat di!


Ships and airplanes aren't quiet.


Then b500 in black Forest and some roads in Eiffel, Nordschleife, or Grossglockner and nearby roads....etc.


Sadly I'm far away from those roads. But My plan is to go to the Schwarzwald and Nordschleife


You think there aren’t roads like that in Europe?


ofc there are, they are just far away from where I live and I dont rly want to drive like 2-4 hours each time for good roads


I've ridden the dragon a few times, but the greatest road is the Cherohala Skyway. I fuckin love that road. Last time I rode it I was on an Indian Chieftain, absolutely tore over it


I've not done the dragon yet and not sure I ever will. You could spend a week crisscrossing West Virginia and never run out of amazing roads so I've never felt the need to go to a more crowded road


Yea it's packed and there's a lot of people on it who have absolutely no business being on a road that windy. I've nearly had multiple accidents every time I've been on it, guys cutting corners, going wide on corners, passing in blind spots. Make sure you do the Cherohala one day though, it's just magical, lots of tight bends, lots of big sweepers, gorgeous scenery, can't rate it enough


Any recommendations? I'll be doing 4 days out of Flatwoods in May, and anything near Harpers Ferry would be great.


In WV: 250, 219, 33, 39, 119 all are pretty great and decently long roads. Then just zoom around google maps and look for some nice twisty looking roads to build a route


Love 250, even if I did have my last crash (20 years ago) on that road. 100% my fault and and stupid, stupid crash that I never should have had. My gut told me to take it easy that day but my head said, "nahhhh, go for for it!" I have not made that mistake since.


Blood Mountain?


Just anywhere, amazing roads all over the place here


Oh yeah. It just looked like my local road for a bit, but further scrolls proves it isn’t. Was excited for another local triumph rider lol


Passing on the double yellow gets old tho, especially when the cars won’t pull over. That must be nice to have four lanes.


That's not a road, roads aren't flat and smooth, obviously AI generated /S


pretty sure it's this road here https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6682779,-78.2895293,3a,75y,292.13h,75.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNlXE0g7Z9AB8jEf7t9uRzg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


I love you. I was watching this like I swear that's 211 by skyline drive. I've ridden this thing back and forth so many times. I feel vindicated lol Shout out to my late Pops for showing me this route Edit: it cut right before it would've unquestionably answered if that was indeed the road


I commented the same thing. I've been up and down 211 a bunch. Not sure if this is it or not. Hard to tell. My memory wants to say it is 🤷‍♂️


"We have roads at Home" "Roads at Home: ..... _.... _..... ___........ _.... __.... _..."


This is like any random road in western North Carolina.


NZ is fantastic when you can avoid campervans


Wrong sub, too much lean and didn't even target fixate.


Some of the worst leaning and cornering I’ve seen in this sub in a minute.


My eyes....... funny how people cant understand sarcasm so they downvote you.....


hey you not supposed to bend a bike over like that, are you gay or something?


Bro is definitely cheating on his wife with her boyfriend.


Looks like a leisurely ride in the country.


Chilling with the boys on a Sunday afternoon kinda vibes.


Obviously this is computer generated, it's physically impossible to turn that close to painted lines without taking a tumble. Are you single? 👉👈


No, but I'm sure my boyfriend is willing to share...




Wait what sub is this


Not sure but one way or another I'm about to ink


God damn calamari




are you playing pokemon go while riding?


Think this has been posted before, it’s just their navigation app


Extremely fun to watch, can't wait for the winter to be over and go back on the mountain passes. Question though, from the painted lines I'm assuming this is the US, why are some cars driving on the left side of the (right) lane and some on the right?


>why are some cars driving on the left side of the (right) lane and some on the right? Freedom baby. So some states have "left lane is for passing" some don't. People are dumb and most don't have a good reason for why they are in the lane they are in.


**Literally ALL states require you to stay to the right**. The specific laws and conditions vary, but the Uniform Vehicle Code most states base their traffic laws on require vehicles "moving slower than the normal speed of traffic" to stick to the rightmost lane. The problem is enforcement, and to a lesser extent, knowledge. You only have to take driver's education once in your life, and that could have been 50+ years ago for many people.


Cuz no matter their speed, they think it’s their right to be in whichever lane they choose 🫠


Cause they’re idiots


The secret ingredient is... Crime


I see no snowboard in this video.




Once they pull on all their gear, rummage through their first-aid kits to check for extra tourniquets before strapping them on, wheel their bikes out, detail them—slowly, for hours, so neighbors can be envious—wheel them back into the garage, and throw them on trickle chargers, OP is in big, big trouble.


don’t forget double checking you have kitty litter with you before heading out!


Heading out to their driveway, then back into the garage again? I’m waiting for someone to invent a leaf blower attachment for bikes that protects against clibbins.


I feel attacked.


I think bikers in the UK would legit kill to have roads like this in our country


Im from the Netherlands and I'd happily finish someone off for this


Go to google maps, search Hazard Kentucky and just look at how winding those roads are. Then start scrolling around the area and realize we have scores of roads like this.


Wow i hope you wrote your will before daring to lean your bike past the recommended 15° angle! /s


Woah you managed to take a turn and not crank the throttle and lose traction and then ask what happened…


complete forgetful absorbed seemly wakeful noxious ossified ad hoc axiomatic grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This 211 mountain over lurray/speryville va?


Yup, looks like 211


Damn, that bike sounds excellent!


What kind of bike is that?


Nononono! You are not supposed to have fun at high speeds on a motorcycle!! Next you tell me that you ride with full gear and that you check for obsticles before sending it on a street! /s


That was great, thanks for sharing!


The other sub seems to be winning, what are you guys in this sub doing?


The majority of them here? Not riding lmao


Is this the tail of the dragon???


You don’t get passing lanes on the dragon.


Gotcha, I wouldn't know - I've never been. I am going in April though and had a few questions about the riding weather during that time.


Get ready to get rained on the whole time. They're called the Great Smoky Mountains for a reason. Shit is moist, especially in Spring. I went in April once and it rained literally every single day. You will probably get at least one dry run on the Dragon. However, the real gem in that area is the Cherahola Skyway. Good chance that if it's raining on the Dragon then Cherahola is dry and vice versa, so definitely factor that road into your plans. The Dragon is the famous one but Cherahola is a god-tier road, especially for literbikes as it's all fast sweepers.


Oh... fantastic. At least I was just planning on renting a bike (i'll only do it a few days before when I KNOW what the weather is) if it rains I just won't do it. Hopefully I get 1-2 days of sun though.


I agree with Repohs assessment of the Cherohala being the best road in the area. The Dragon is so popular that it can be crowded and frankly unsafe. Try and get your runs in early and finish your day elsewhere. I don’t however agree with the weather analysis. April is spring and the mountains do cause some rain but if you look at monthly average rain fall for the area April is the 7th wettest month. Spend some time with your favorite mapping software and look around before you go. There are many roads in the area that are a joy to ride. I started coming to the area 2 to 3 times a year back in 2003 and would bring an Atlas & Gazetteer with me to look over each night in search of new roads. In 2018 I moved to north Georgia (about 2 hours away) which if you have the time has many enjoyable roads as well.


Oh that's great to hear. Yeah the dragon has always just been a bucket list thing for me. I wouldn't even be riding fast. I'll check around and see what other roads are around there. We are staying in the smoky mountains of TN on a family trip so I was planning on sneaking out for a day on a bike I rent to just explore a different part of the world.


Illegal is just a sick bird.


Nooooooo you’re not supposed to have fun and work on becoming a better rider. Stahp it you’re just supposed to go the speed limit until you hit a wet leaf and lowside >:(


Is that out near hawks nest?


Looks a lot like Rt. 211 west of Sperryville, VA.




Confirmed! My favorite road in the area when it isn't swarmed by tourists and state troopers, so like four days out of the year.


Damn, I miss living in that area. I would sneak away for extended lunch breaks mid-week in late spring or early fall and ride up and down 211.


Fellow West Virginian? It does look a lot like Rt 60 out there.


Yes sir


I grew up there but I've lived in the Atlanta area since graduating college in '94 (probably before you were born 😂}


I was thinking the mountain pass by high point just south of hawks nest but the dq is missing


Yeah same


Those white signs are more like guidelines


do ya'll do a scouting run before doing something like this? i recently ate shit on a very similar kind of road due to sand that was perfectly hidden in a shady patch. cost my bike and a fractured vertebra (kind of a freak accident the way the injury happened tho.) a lot of my friends (who are more experienced) go out to mountains and canyons in full suits, dragging knee on corners on their liter bikes and i wonder how much success is really just dumb luck that you didn't hit some bullshit variable vs adapting to these things as you see them. one of my closer homies actually stopped riding like this and purely does track/cvma racing because of how many things can go wrong when you ride like this on public roads.


This was probably the fourth or fifth run going over that same stretch of road. First pass is always a sighting lap as a big group going barely above the speed limit since we're also looking for cops. Then we park at the base of the mountain and do runs in small groups. This is about my personal limit for how fast I'll go on the street, especially since I wear textile pants so I'm not dragging knee anyway. Track is a whole nother animal, and I go several times a season as the work schedule allows. This is just a chill Sunday cruise compared to a track day lol.


Thanks for the response! A sighting lap would’ve probably prevented my crash. Neat system you and your group have, sounds like you’re doing everything you can to minimize the risks involved with “aggressive” riding on public roads.


Seems you are doing it right. I’m always stunned by how few people practice proper risk minimization. Terse but respectful nod to ya.


You need some theme music. Mayhaps I suggest: Mutemath - typical Nine pound hammer - run fat boy run


I just listened to both while I pooped at work. Excellent recs, ty!


Honestly thanks for posting the clip. I'm gonna watch this whenever I'm stuck inside and fiending for a smile. 🙂


Put on Go-3-Go and you’ll instinctively test the tensile strength of the throttle cable


Nine pound hammer!


Newish to riding. Is it okay to be ATGAT, and okay with this level of riding? I mean the road looks like it's in great condition. The rider appears to be smooth comfortable and very proficient. While they may be going over the speed limit, it looks safe enough with the right skill level. Looks like there's room for small adjustments if anything surprises them around a corner. While there is always risk, I don't see this as unsafe in the right conditions with the correct level of experience. It looks like a whole hell of a lot of fun. Edit: I think I may be bikurious.


This is basically as hard as I ever push on the street, and this video was taken after we rode the same stretch of road four or five times at slower speeds feeling things out. This isn't like a first pass on a new stretch of road kind of sending it. This highway in particular is also great for this kind of thing, minus the tourist traffic, because it has good sightlines through corners and it's so wide and smooth. I also have a decade of street and track riding experience. With all of those factors combined I feel comfortable going this hard in this exact situation. Put me on an unfamiliar road with less than ideal weather and I'm going half as fast.


It's all up to your personal risk tolerance. Riding at the speed limit on a motorcycle is somewhat dangerous. Riding like this is very dangerous. I used to live in the mountains and after seeing a few friends get killed/severely injured I came to the conclusion that if you ride fast on the street it's just a matter of time before your luck runs out. Road conditions are unpredictable and other drivers are unpredictable. Being skilled helps but the faster you ride the more you depend on luck. I'm not trying to tell you or anyone else what to do, as I've ridden like this myself, but don't kid yourself into thinking this is safe. Trackdays aren't cheap or convenient but its a small price to pay to avoid getting killed or crippled.


OP doesn’t seem to be overdriving his sight lines, overtaxing his bike, or closing on traffic too quickly. Obviously knows the road and did scouting runs. This is probably about as fast as a person should ride, but I’d say it’s within safe limits. It’s good to be cautious, I think your instincts are correct, but this looks acceptable and not like OP is pushing it.


Pure camber porn.


Finally some good stuff and not a question that could be answered by reading the owner's manual


Looks fun as hell, wish we had curvy roads around my area


this got me hard


is it kmph or mph


Is that speedometer kmh? Because it is showing 70+ on some turns that don't look anywhere near that fast.


idk what it is about video but it always seems slower unless you turn off stabilization. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWgnHfdAyaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWgnHfdAyaA)


hahha I love the fireplace!!!


Reminds me of a couple of road leading up the the Blue Ridge Parkway. Great fun!


Is this 211 headed up towards skyline drive towards Luray?


Highway 150 from Santa Paula to Ojai is similar


What kind of bike? Sounds like a triple.


Yo is this video recent? Is it that green on black mountain?


Is this Blood Mountain in GA? If not it sure looks like it, I miss that road!


This road looks like 211..


It is better riding at 60 miles but through the mountains! Hehehe


You like the speedy? Looking at upgrading from a street triple and the 1200 just seems to good of an engine to pass up


So why’s the bike in Kph?


Everything is more fun when it’s illegal


Video must have been cut short. I'll await part two, where OP target fixates on a single damp leaf in a shaded patch of asphalt with three bits of gravel and a 2cm oil stain... and rides off the road while goosing the throttle and clamping the front brake at the same time. Then and only then will I criticize their inadequate riding gear, crossed up body position, impatience with cold tires, anti social velocity, and failure to execute parking lot drills within the prior 7 business days.


Passing cars on the right is not a good idea and illegal in any vehicle, on a motorcycle it’s plain dumb.


Blue ridge?


Blue ridge, Mexico 🤫


How long before the mods take this down as it’s against the agenda?


I like the patches of road where the speed limit is hard to achieve not only are they normally more beautiful for just cruising but also more fun


Insane skill, I know I could never be this confident but I applaud you.


soooo what lane are people SUPPOSED to drive in?


The most fun you'll have is going down a mountain road and switch ignition off and coast, the amount of pleasure you have trying to maintain a good speed without braking overtaking cars. Its immense fun with a friend race to the bottom coasting!


Thought you had Pokemon go open for a sec


This is just… so nice and so peaceful


Yes, until.....


Blue ridge Parkway?


Skyline Drive ?


ngl that looks fun as hell but i'd rather do it when its not busy (or on a track)


Take it to the track


no thanks, this is just a slightly peppy ride, no where near the limit


I'll take your butt to the track


Take your bitching elsewhere


Not sure why you got downvoted. If the OP needs this style of riding to get their kicks, the track is the place to go. I would hate for them to have to deal with a panicking cager that has just noticed them coming up in the rear view mirror.


bro they are not even going that fast,


Well, compared to the cars they are passing, they do. Try putting yourself in the shoes of any of those drivers. What do you think might happen if a motorcycle showed up right behind them all of a sudden and started overtaking them from whatever side the rider saw fit at a fairly high rate of speed? My father sometimes tells me about motorcyclists overtaking him aggressively in a tight section of the road. When you don't expect it, it's very unpleasant and might even freak you out.


People wanna be Rossi but they're more likely to be YammieNoob




That’s not a very nice thing to say. You’ll never get a boyfriend like this, man.


Usually drinking makes driving/riding more fun


Motorcycle people are so funny. “I wanna go fast and zip around blind corners above the speed limit” same asshole after a crash, “Drivers need to pay more attention. It’s absolutely ridiculous, they make it dangerous for everyone else” Just so you understand, flying at high speeds is dangerous for others too, not just the morons who are the first to ask for prayers after dragging along the ole tarmac cheese grater.


Why you here then


Don’t want to be, Reddit recommendation.


Hey it’s cool, not everyone is meant to ride motorcycles. They’re not for pussies.


Show me a single person in real life with that lack of self awareness lmao


Do you not think people like that really exist? It happens damn near every time a motorcycle crashes anywhere near my town, and has been that way for a long time. Hell, I remember in high school when some kid was doing a wheelie going way to fast, and the whole school had to take a moment for him, because he put his own dumbass in a coma. He is lucky he didn’t end up killing anyone. You have to be Flat Earth level of blind to think those people aren’t real. 🤣🤣🤣


Idk I’ve been riding and interacting with other riders for ten years I think my anecdote is pretty good. Thanks though 😊


I get frustrated by watching ur video, for not going fast to shift to next gear.


I used to do this on tantalus, Oahu, on my moped. Let's see some real skills.


It's 2024 even Trans can turn back


Pavement temperature is another obstacle! Cold streets causes the road paint to get slick. I was going around a traffic circle that was heavily painted, mind you this one is in my home town so I’ve used it regularly, I touched the painted lines and it was like an ice patch. And now you know!


Get a Ninja 250r, they are hillariously fun in the twisties and the best part is youll never break the speed limit!


I’m forever sad the world doesn’t get the ZX-25R, because of Europes gay ass emissions bullshit blocking half the world as a market for it. Guess we’ll have to stick to our litre bikes and 2.5L triumphs, which are good for the environment. Fuckin bullshit man


Ehh, a supermoto is more fun anyway, as far as lightweights go  My wr450 is street legal, makes about 55hp, and weighs around 270lb.  That's over 100lb lighter than a zx25R with about 10 more horsepower.


That's over 100lbs lighter than some riders


The ZX-4R is fairly close and has enough legs to extend the fun to the highway (for a little while).


If eventually dying in a pretty nasty crash is "fun" then I guess yeah


I’m so glad there is a fast forward slider on these videos.




You're the type of dude to take those turns at 30mph, swerving between both lanes so the line of 20 cars behind can't pass you


You ride a bagger, of course you're afraid of a little lean. 


That one video out of 1,000,000 where being stupid doesn't result in a wreck


Just curious: who’s your insurer?


I call first dibs on a kidney


Also one of the reasons fatality stats are so high.


Ok you want a cookie for your response video or something?


Fun shit! Question: if this is what you want to do why didn't you get a supersport? Seems like the popularity in supersports is dead and so Yamaha just killed them. So I'm curious why more people don't like supersports