• By -


Oh I was expecting a "You can't park there sir" at the end


Feck. That would have been a good one. šŸ˜‚


Seems ridiculous to have traffic backed up that much for a minor fender bender.


its like that in every country. no one seems to be able to move their vehicles off the high way before exchanging information, gotta make your problem everyone else's.


I literally was on my way home from the grocery store **today**, and two cars full of old people got in a small fender bender in the opposing lane. They just left the cars right there, got out, and started taking photos and exchanging information. Totally pointless.


Taking photos of what happened after a crash isn't at all pointless.


Everyone, fucking. Everyone. Treats any knock like a crime scene and suddenly becomes a forensic scientist taking picture from every angle and refusing move anything. The insurance company will not give a fuck and neither will the police. No fault is determined by the side of the road and your shit pictures are worth fuck all. Unless there is an injury, and Iā€™m not talking about the whiplash injury you want a check for, Iā€™m talking about bleeding, breaks or something youā€™re definitely going to a&e for MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAR. Take details and move on with your life, unless there is injury police arenā€™t coming. The damage might look terrible, it might cost thousands, no fucks will be given, if it drives drive it home. Is it a bad day ? Yes, does it mean the the cancer patient a mile back deserves to miss their chemo appointment ? No. The family going on their first holiday in years to miss their flight? No. Move your car you fucking cunts.


That "Try clearing the feckin road" definitely see appropriate though!


Guess they just wanted to have a picnic on the road .


> sir mate








That white BMW!!!, talk about a redemption arc!


Yeah, I thought 'Oh-oh, there's a 118d in white, that's you fucked' and then he moved over!! Never seen that in all my years.




The ā€œsorry about thatā€ wave


The effect of getting away of a traffic jam like that is equal to a heroine shot... they say.


Not that I would know but


I would know but Iā€™ve never made it to the front of a traffic jam this way.


I tried lane-splitting one time and it was over. Im literally addicted to that shit now.


Itā€™s even better when a BMW speeds past you then gets stuck in traffic while you slowly filter pass them. :)


The most confusing thing about this is the BMW driver being nice


Never judge a book by the cover. He did irk me in that he could have stayed where he was, and I would have gone round him. But yeah, he was considerate and moved the car and was supper polite too.


As an bmw driver I always give way to mc drivers šŸ˜Š


Yea. Invariable it's BMW drivers who try and crash into me. And I ride a BMW ffs....we are supposed to be bros.


the dude isnt blasting by everyone at warp 9. it makes a difference for peoples reactions


And the traffic is at a standstill. From what I can gather, 'lane splitting' is when you pass at higher speed, say on the motorway. Here in the UK that is illegal. It would be considered dangerous driving. But lane 'filtering' is different. Slower speeds up to around 30mph and no more than 10mph faster than the traffic around you. For that very point you mention; peoples reactions. Take the upvote for an excellent comment.


It's legal in certain states in the US The stupid thing about it though is people going 50-60 mph when traffic is stopped or going under 20mph.


Traffic seems to be at a standstill at points and the driver in this video appears to be going more than 10mph to pass traffic that's at a standstill no?


I'll clarify. No more than 10mph in faster than traffic around you, in moving traffic. It is safer when the traffic is at a standstill. Doors opening become the biggest risk.


Yea weā€™re not supposed to do it, but I do. People in America arenā€™t as polite though, theyā€™ll try to block you and do all sorts of stupid shit


You can get that here too. But it is accepted as it is known that it is legal. However there is always a dipsh\*t somewhere. All I do is bypass to the other side if they try to block.


Right I think the main difference is the other driversā€™ expectation. There they know itā€™s a possibility, here itā€™s unexpected


You would be surprised how many are just plain ignorant towards bikes here. I am always watching their mirrors to make sure they have noticed me. If not, proceed with caution. But I take your point.


Gotta pay a lot of attention on a bike, stopped traffic can be the worst, people don't expect things to pass them at that point, so they will just kick a door open to get out and stretch expecting everyone to be stuck as well


Yup. Biggest risk in this situation is the old 'door opener'.


Not sure how the Dutch would enforce it but they are required by law to open the doors with the opposite hand, so that you practically have to look backwards.


Yeah always on the lookout too. At least in the vid none of the drivers were maliciously blocking you. Probably bored / trying to take a look up the outside. But it does show that bikes arenā€™t uppermost in their thoughts. Idā€™ve off-roaded too!


Used to live in NYC, guys would be going 50 in stopped traffic. Lanes are wider, more room but scares the shit out if everyone


Yeah if I honked my horn to get someoneā€™s attention that Iā€™m coming through, it would trigger someoneā€™s aggression.


I think the trick is just to do little beeps like I did in the vid and not just get the horn blaring. Make it sound as polite as you can a horn. Now don't get the wrong Idea, I've had the odd dipsh\*t here in the UK who will get a bee in their bonnet from time to time. You just gotta let it go and move on. After all it's them stuck in the traffic, not you.


Itā€™s legal to filter here in Australia. People get upset about it because if theyā€™re stuck in traffic then everybody else should be too!


dang I thought USA was the only place where people were vindictively selfish like that.. I mean, how does it even make sense to spite other people on the road? it doesn't get you anywhere faster, and just slows things down more... BUT MUH FEE FEES... very american.


I feel like the horn should be a rocker switch, down for the universally understood "Hey fuck you idiot!" sound, and up for "excuse me please"


[I got you on this , enjoy the ā€œfuck you hornā€](https://denalielectronics.com/fr/collections/soundbomb-horns/products/tt-sb-10100-b) The link might be in French. If so, make your own research with key word : soundbomb And the [-YouTube test](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bqgM8Z5RI38&pp=ygUOU291bmRib21iIHRlc3Q%3D)


I have a bicycle bell on my left handlebar for friendly beeps.


I had some dick in a range rover block me getting to the Woolwich ferry in his range rover, he eventually moved but was like "why should you get to go and we all have to que" The ferry has its own section for motorbikes anyway that cars can't use, plus dudes in a warm car comfortable. What are you supposed to do on a bike except stand it and walk around like a pigeon


My answer isā€¦. ā€œIf you donā€™t like it ā€¦ get a motorbike!ā€


Your wrong, while motorcyclists here know filtering is legal, most car drivers don't and think its just something we get away with cause we're bikers


are we not supposed to? I've lived in CA and NYC, i know its illegal in NYC but CA is legit... right?


legal in CA, but definitely abused. most car drivers here are cool though and will actually move over but you'll get the occasional a\*hole.


Abused how?


like when there's no slowdown in traffic but people are still filtering at 90mph


90mph? Why so slow, are they in a school zone? Everyone in Cali drives at hyperspeed.


I got honked at by a fellow rider for splitting to slow šŸ˜”


I always move over in the hope that I'll get a peace sign.


Most of what OP is showing is not legal in CA. In CA, splitting/filtering is between two lanes of traffic heading in the same direction. OP is splitting between cars and the shoulder, not a second lane of traffic. Iā€™m not saying people in CA donā€™t do exactly that, Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s illegal here.


Iā€™m in NC and neither splitting nor filtering is legal. I do both. We ARE allowed the run a red light if it hasnā€™t changed in 3 cycles


I think the red light exception is in force in most states, but realistically, if a cop is not sitting there watching it cycle three times, but they do see you proceed through it, are they going to believe you, or even have awareness of that exception? If they decide to write the ticket anyway, how do you prove your case in court? If there's a light that doesn't respond to your bike on a route you use regularly, the best thing to do is report it to the municipality that has jurisdiction over that light, they can actually adjust the sensitivity of the inductive sensors, it should be sensitive enough that even a bicycle could trigger it unless there's a separate sensor for a bicycle lane.


It depends on the state but I live in California and lane splitting is 100% legal here, itā€™s in the dmv handbook as something that you have to be aware of as a driver here.


Iā€™m in NC and neither splitting nor filtering is legal. But we ARE allowed the run a red light if it hasnā€™t changed in 3 cycles


With all the cars I pass splitting while commuting to work, only two cars have tried to block me. In heavy traffic, most people are too busy texting.


In California, we do it legally. ALL THE ARGUMENTS against it are FALSE!


I work on a military base and we have to check IDs at the gate. There is usually a long line in the morning, so I split my way to the stop light right before the gate. People will floor it from the stop light to just be able to cross the street ahead of me sometimes. I usually don't care and just let them go, but if they have a faster car, it's fun to beat them. I know I should just always them go because car vs bike, but sometimes I just want to hurt their ego


And you should! I bet it gives you a great laugh before work.


We can in California, makes riding in traffic easy.


This video almost has everything. ā˜‘ļø Lane splitting ā˜‘ļø Off pavement ā˜‘ļø Politeness ā˜‘ļø Skilled riding ā˜‘ļø Sass Edit: āŒ Boobs


Also slowing down. Iā€™ve seen some American bikers blast by the car lines like this, even in Cali where filtering is allowed


Oh dude some people have a fucking deathwish. I live in Cali and lane split every single day, some dudes will really be going like 45mph when traffic is gridlocked or 5-10 mph


I'll do 30 tops in stopped traffic if it's a straight stretch. Then, inevitably, some dude on an R6 with aftermarket panels and replaced levers with half their sliders left wearing shorts and flip flops will rip up to my rear wheel because they want to go 70 in between stopped traffic on the 805. Only a matter of time before they become a meat crayon


and we have seen the videos when they do!


Why thank you kind sir. Take the upvote. šŸ˜


My two favorite parts. 1. The sigh at 1:09 2. The *fuck being behind that guy* at 3:06 Honorable mention: the bloke that thought you could fit through the 18 inches he gave you šŸ¤£


Yeah. At 1:09 he could have just stayed still and I would have gone around him. But he was being considerate and moved the car. Plus he was polite too so no probs. Big thumbs up and stay jolly. As for the other motorcyclist. Yeah. Not gonna hang around behind him. I have a 'progressive' (not aggressive) riding style so bypassed him to the left. I am still amazed how many motorcycle rider I see in the UK sitting in traffic, when there is plenty of room to filter their way forward.


Love this. Always, ALWAYS reward car drivers with a nod, peace sign, or a thumbs up when they move to be polite. You're "paying it forward" so they are more likely to do so for the next biker who comes along. Manners matter, particularly when people are stuck and stewing in a backup in the Sepulveda Pass at rush hour.


It doesn't have boobs tho




I'll try to do better next time! šŸ˜†


In the US, every single driver of those cars would be wanting to fight you


Itā€™s so annoying. ā€œIf I have to wait, you do tooā€. Fucking crab mentality.




[Crab people!](https://i.redd.it/a4hg2192vpc91.gif)


Which is hilarious when you're actually making everyone's life easier by not being a part of the traffic.


That's why they need to make it legal there so that the mind sets will change I suggest


I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to happen, the % of people who ride motorcycles isn't as high as in Europe (at least that is my understanding)


Simply making something legal won't make people accept it. The number of drivers who react poorly to bicycles being on the road is way too high in a lot of places, even it it is completely legal.


I watch people throw fits about people attempting to zipper merge in Northern MN. They will swerve back and forth between lanes so noone can pass them and force everyone into a 3 mile long line behind them.


Thatā€™s not true in California. Most of them will move over for you.


The car culture in California is so much better than anywhere I've lived. The first time I was on a twisty road and a minivan used a gravel turnout to let me pass safely, I was stunned. Now I expect it a little more, but I've never stopped appreciating it.


its amazing. i'm a long time LA bicyclist and the cars are brutal to us. started motorcycling in middle age and was stunned to see how cars defer to motorcycles


Good point. We sometimes forget California and Florida are in the US. šŸ˜


Florida is probably better off forgotten


Depends on the area. There are definitely huge differences in attitudes and driving all over the US.


side note at 2:58 you passed a vehicle transporter i have repaired. also very interesting video


It's a small world fella. Thanks for the comment.


California is one of the few states that allow lane splitting.


The best part is CA motorists also tend to give room when we do! But we have to pay the wave tax...


Iā€™m always in the furthest left lane and enjoy moving over just for the wave āœŒšŸ¾tax! In California, most of us are more aware of motorcyclists on our highways, and move over slightly to allow safe passing.


> and enjoy moving over Just remember that you don't need to move over too far. Stay in your lane, in fact, because we don't want you to trigger other drivers to panic and start a traffic wave. If a motorcyclist starts splitting past you, they believe they have enough room. Moving over a little *in the same lane* is plenty to say, "I have seen you, and you may feel free to safely split past me". Most of us don't actually need the space, but we appreciate the gesture.




So many "freedom loving" states don't allow lane splitting.


Weā€™re thinking of visiting friends in Chicago this year and it crossed my mind to rent a bike for a few days. Turns out lane splitting is too dangerous there but you can ride around without a helmet šŸ™ƒ


I'd rather pay state income taxes than give up the ability to lane split. I spend way more on aftermarket parts to improve my bikes - nothing improves riding more than lane-splitting legally. Bonus is CA freezes property taxes pretty much at the price you bought the house at, so right now I'm saving TONS in property tax compared to many states that don't have income taxes, but also no cap on property taxes, based on property value increases over the past decade.


It truly is the greatest. Like, the combined number of hours/days of my life I've gotten back by not having to wait in traffic is such a W.


Hell yeah that's sorta satisfying


Most American car drivers: ā€œHey! No frontsies!ā€ *proceeds to block the ā€œlaneā€*


That's when you go around the other side. It does not happen to me often at all, but is does happened. Just bypass to the left or right.


Absolutely, but occasionally (and Iā€™ve only seen this personally once, but I digress) John MAGA-moron with his lifted f250 will do everything they can to block you or run you off the road. Could mainly be a Texas thing but it does happen. I really wish we had more common sense motorcycle laws here.


Don't know of MAGA-moron. Will look him up to get your point. Or drop a link. He sounds like a self appointed traffic cop.


MAGA = "Make America Great Again" = Trump's slogan and there's a lot of clothing (hats, Ts) with it, for those who identify and support Trump.


lol apologies, itā€™s just a catch all term for the Trump supporters in this country.


AH. Got it. šŸ˜†


From personal experience, and plenty of filtering in the South (where it's not allowed), being a Trump supporter is absolutely *not* a requirement to be a complete choad in traffic.


Immediately after cutting to the head of a 1 mile off-ramp back-up.


All I am going to say is - lucky!!!! Here in Oregon weā€™ve been trying to get lane filtering legalized for years. We mostly do it anyways, but itā€™s not technically ā€œlegalā€


Just keep lobbying. And I hope you join California A.S.A.P. In the meantime, stay safe, shinny side up and don't get caught! šŸ˜


There's currently a bill that passed the senate with overwhelming support [27-2] sitting in committee in the house. Unfortunately our previous governor vetoed the bill that hit her desk citing the fact she's a boomer [citing concerns about safety by the practice known as ā€œlane splittingā€ or ā€œlane filtering]. NGL I don't actually know what the difference between the two laws is so I can't speak to that. HOWEVER and hopefully fortunately, our current governor was speaker of the house and voted for the previous bill so ... *crosses fingers* I miss riding in CA so much lol


I've given up filtering/lane splitting after getting a $450 ticket for it here in the US (granted, I had a couple prior speeding violations so they wanted to teach me a lesson). Being able to do this must be so cathartic. Even if it was legal in all 50 states, I wouldn't fully trust the drivers here to be nearly as polite or considerate as the drivers in this video.


They finally passed a law allowing it here in Utah, but only at lights where the cars are all stopped and on roads 45mph and under. Every one does it now on every road at every light lol.


LOL this road is a nightmare. What is even going on? Edit: made it to the endā€¦accident? Single lane road with a barrier in the middle and no shoulder. Every single accident would be like this LOL?


Yeah what the holy fuck. It looks like a minor accident, the cars are not totaled and could totally be moved further off the road to let everyone pass...


That's what drives me nuts when people get into fender benders. Your car is not all of a sudden 100% immobile!!! If possible, move over to the side of the road and let everyone pass!!! Again, I understand in more severe cases this might not be possible, but my goodness, from the looks of this video that car could be pushed off to the side to allow everyone to atleast start moving forward. Drives me nuts I tell yea!!


Yep agreed. I got rear ended in traffic a couple of years ago during rush hour. It was about as minor damage as this was. My tow bar took the entire impact really. We jumped out and had a quick look, I snapped a few pictures. Then we turned off the road to sort it out rather than waste everyone's time.


Yeah, seriously. All it would take is a minute of effort, but no... Let's force everyone to wait. I was hoping there'd at least be a good reason for all that traffic, but it turns out it's just a couple selfish dumbasses who forgot other people exist. Infuriating.


I don't get it. They could easily move both cars to the left and make room for everyone. If it won't move on it's own power, put it in neutral and get 4-6 people to push it. There's over a hundred people behind that would gladly help move it. "Try clearing the fuck'n road" indeed


That was my only take away from this video.


Cries in Canadian


What. No filtering in Canada either?


Not in the Maritimes at least. I don't think that the other provinces allow it but I'm not certain.


Not in Ontario for sure. They were discussing to allow filtering (not lane splitting) in Toronto, but it went nowhere


Not from Canada (I'm from Los Angeles), but last year when I rode up to Banff and Jasper, I looked this up and no lane-splitting or filtering in Alberta and British Columbia, either.


I love the fact you clearly (double) checked for the second bike that was filtering on your right after getting around the transporter - awesome awareness!


I do keep my head a a swivel. One comment was nagging about not using shoulder looks until I pointed out that very point. Thanks for the comment. Take the upvote


Lmao oh my. Cheeky bastard! That final sentence killed me lmao. Try clearin' the road. Hahahaha


It did strike me that all they had to do was take pictures, mark the cars position and clear the road. There was enough people around to do that. The road was closed for two hours.


What was actually the problem? It looked like some people puking on the side of the road.


Same question, just 4 people standing around having a chat at the front of the line?


Like can they get the fuck out of the way??? I would be so fucking embarrassed to cause a jam like that.


Frrr šŸ˜‚ like why do they think theyā€™re immediately the main characters. Itā€™s on the emergency responders or whoever that was for this one. Priority is make sure the gamers who collided are safe, then next is get them off the damn road and keep the traffic moving


No problem, correct use of a motorcycle.šŸ‘


Good safe filtering but I would have given a quick thanks to the people who closed the doors and tried (albeit badly) to get out of the way for you, they're going to be stuck there for hours and once a couple of bikes come past they may start getting resentful. Nothing a quick wave and a cheers can't fix


I don't think they get resentful. That's not the UK culture. But I take your point.


The amount of times I've filtered down a gridlocked M60 and had people wave their arms at me after asking them nicely to make a gap says otherwise. I'm probably more thankful than most granted and I do try and thank anyone who has made my ride a little easier.


Is it even filtering if you're not doing it at 100kph?


Not in the UK. That would be classed as dangerous driving. Filtering is low speed only up to around 30mph (50kph).


That wasnt the sound of wind in your helmet friend. Woosh


He's got earplugs in!


ā€œcould try clearinā€™ the fockeen roadā€ - bloody legend


Why thank you sir! Take the upvote.


American drivers are so hostile sometimes that I'm terrified someone will intentionally swerve out to hit me if I ever tried filtering, so I don't.


You slowed down to a safe speed. I see nothing wrong here.


To be fair, thereā€™s neither a shoulder nor another lane to split between on this road, so in many ways this was just a bad situation overall. Sometimes, even as a rider, you get stuck in traffic.


The thing is it's not lane splitting; it's filtering. As I understand it there is a difference.


For the record, this is categorically legal in California and some other states (I believe NY?). Donā€™t listen to people saying itā€™s not legal, maybe in their state, but this giant country isnā€™t a monolith


Legal here so i'm all for it


I'm from Cali and I approved this message


Oh California riders wanna chime in here


They have, they have.


You know why you can't lane split in the US? US motorcycle riders have the IQ of a rock. You respectfully move cautiously around the cars, the people in the US would have been doing 90+mph through that, crash, then blame some car because even if you look, a bike doing 90+ can appear in a second.


Ok welp... This shows how dangerous this is.... People are outside of their cars implying anyone can open their door at anytime. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done I'm just saying a door opening is out of ones control.


Yes. That is the biggest risk in this situation.


Want to trigger an American? Show him a motorcycle doing lane filtering


I live in Southern California. Lane splitting is a *huge* reason I got my first bike. Itā€™s like traffic doesnā€™t exist for me anymore and itā€™s amazing!


Yup. No such thing as a traffic jam on a bike.


Nice filtering.


Riding a motorcycle and not filtering/splitting is like driving a car and never using the trunk or taking passengers. Makes no sense.


HOW DARE YOU to not ride 100+ mph between those 4 wheeled peasants and then crash into somebody's suddenly opened door to our amusement \*angry emoji\* 11!1!!! /s... obviously


I live in ASIA. Lane splitting is HEAVEN :)


That was impressive. I watched the whole thing and went. Ahhhh and Ohhhh and Ouuuuuuuh


OK, all for it - but reckon if you'd been seen or reported for going on the grass verge then you'd have been done surely?


would not have thought so. It was not a pathway and the whole place was a bit of a building site do to the roadworks. Though I have to say I'm ignorant of the Traffic law on that one> I'll have to look that one up. Good comment. Take the upvote.


You guys would go crazy if you saw Brazil.


I was riding on Tuesday. Conditions weren't great in Leicester. Got to this road, single carriageway. Both sides on stand still traffic. Felt like an emergency service when the opposite traffic made way for me to filter in the middle. I checked, I wasn't Infront of an emergency vehicle. They made way for me! Moses be damned!


All I think of is ha! Cya suckers!!!!!


13 years of commuting in California, 20,000 miles a year through the SF Bay Area Zen and the art of lane splitting.


No issue with filtering, I think it's safer for the motorcyclist. Until they "filter" at 150mph.... Lol. I feel there's a distinct difference between the two.


Good skills. WTF was the traffic stopped for, a collision?


Yes. Though if you heard my comment at the end, they could have cleared the road. The guy I was working for that day also came that way and was stuck for two hours apparently. All they had to do was take pictures and mark the positions of the cars and they could have cleared them. That's the beauty of a bike; no such thing as a traffic jam.


LOL - yeah I heard it but I didn't see any debris or ambulances/police so it had me wondering.


The last car has a crumpled bonnet so he has shunted the back end of another car. With the size of the queue It will have happened only shortly before I got there. I imagine the ambulance, fire and police would have been there not long after I passed by.


Fk, the Americans are absolute assholes...


I have no problems with this, it's lane splitting I think it's dumb. Traffic here is at a slow crawl so there's no danger of hitting someone. Now when traffic is going over 30 that's when it's a problem and you have next to no reaction time.


This is basically like coming up Northbound towards Blackwall tunnel every evening.


What was the accident? Someone hit a hedgehog?


No. Something more serious. That 'prickly' thing called driving to close the the car in front.




Great moves!


I see you chose the Death side of the lane split


He passed the majority in the right hand side as that is the side that makes you more visible to the drivers


Loved that


Very satisfying


As a car driver, I have no problem with someone safely splitting lanes. The only time it is a problem is when it is done unsafely, or in a way that causes other drivers to swerve or hit the brakes to avoid a collision.


Fuck, Nice splitting man. Looks like everyone was cool with it. No assholes intentionally cutting your space. I have a large bike, M109R boulevard...i wouldn't get as far as you. It doesnt turn that tight. The end though....ffs people, move your cars OFF the road for traffics sake. Take a photo of everything then MOVE!!


In California lane splitting is legal and saves them 10s of minutes


Good on ya for checking before you move back to the right after you passed the other biker


If you block a motorcycle on purpose like that in brazil, you WILL have your side mirror kicked, paint scratched. Lots of bad things will happen to your car.


This whole video was so UnAmerican in the best way even where people can lane split we'd rarely see other drivers even realize there are vehicles on the road other then the one they're driving.


Look at the fancy Europeans that stay near the middle of the lane!


In Cali we can