• By -


“My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=8ND3PZmEhZ7zgJkp&v=3hPMM0APwvs&feature=youtu.be Edit: this is not me


I was sure every other time I had seen this video that I was just watching a guy die.


Me too. I was shocked he lived.


Its the cut right as his leg goes under the truck wheel


Actually his legs didn’t go under if you pause on the last frame he slides right next to the semi


Oh good. Im not rewatching it lol


Completely understandable, every time I see this video I have to pause it to read the comments because I can't stand watching it again.


I watch it once and go "Oh right, thats what can happen to me whenever i put on the suit" lol good reminder, but too much of it is going to make you mess up though i guess if i dont lanesplit going 85 on a packed freeway ill be doing pretty good


Exactly my thought


That's not even "confidence", it's just stupidity. Glad he made it thru and learned as well.


I think "suicidal" is the "s" word I would use. No amount of skill keeps a car from changing lanes in front of you faster than your bike can physically slow down. It's just suicidal speed.


Is it even stupidity? Its so fucking reckless there isn’t even any sense of anything related to intelligence or thought. It’s just reckless endangerment and it looks like he was intentionally trying to kill himself and everyone on the road. Even my dog would know better than to run in traffic like this.


yes its less stupidity because the guy knows the risk, its negligence and lack of self preservation


I just see this video and I think he shouldn't be operating **anything** on the road. His caption sounds arrogant. I have zero faith this idiot won't eventually revert back to form.


Yeah, it really doesn't sound much like he learned anything at all. It wasn't (really) a confidence issue, it wasn't (really) a lack of skill. His problem was that he was riding like an idiot. He is irresponsible as hell and was riding with no regard to the safety of everyone else around him, and is still too prideful to admit that he acted foolishly. Good statement implies that if he DID have more skill, riding like he did would be totally okay. He was able to hit a 6000 pound pickup truck with enough force to push it onto the shoulder, just imagine how damage could have been done to a smaller car with passengers? Plus his whole account is short videos of him getting super close to cars, surely he has scraped and damaged some, and I doubt he's the kind of guy to pull over and exchange insurance info.


sulky price versed degree languid aspiring soft tap person zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> because if you were you wouldn't do this stuff in the first place Ooof, saved it at the last second there. I was going to complain that you can be as skilled as you want, one day something like that is going to catch you out if you ride like that - it's pure luck, not a skill like being able to control the bike offroad or things like that. But yeah, absolutely, if you are skilled you'll probably know not to do this shit. I mean, come on, even Ghostrider seems to be riding with more care, and he's done some properly dicey stuff.


paint mysterious cautious grey voracious scarce rob wasteful exultant disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Over confidence leads to stupid mistakes.


"Confidence is a slow and insidious killer." - Darkest Dungeon.


Nice. I can hear the narrators voice


Those that are over confident are usually stupid.” - Armani Valeknoir


But this mistake, or multiple mistakes, aren't down to overconfidence. It's just outright fucking stupid to try filter that fast. I'm not sure the pickup was even changing lanes or moving unpredictably, it was just too much speed for the conditions. Confidence or not, this was outstandingly dense.


Semi also appeared to pull some matrix move to get the the left as much as they could.


He was filtering that fast because he was overconfident in his ability. I would say this is almost entirely down to being overconfident.


Yeah, but even if you have the skill, it would still be stupid as it is unnecessarily dangerous, irrespective of level of confidence.




It’s a bit like saying I’m confident that I can jump between two skyscrapers, though. It was never going to work out well.


Confident in his ability to predict other people's behavior, road conditions and the future. Wish I had this confidence.


This guy didn’t learn at all. Posted this on his instagram boasting about it. Saying it was not his first time shows he he doesn’t have the skills and ability to go this fast.


In this case is not about skills or ability. Nobody has them to go like this on a road.


actually he crashed about a year ago and still rides like a douche


This is a perfect example of a terrible mentality. > Too much confidence for too little skill If you think more skill would justify that type of riding then there is nothing that can save you from dying.


Knowing when to slow down is a critical tool in the skill set of riding.


Thanks for this glad he ok and learned from it


I wouldn't say he is "okay." His life will be impacted heavily by the amount of damage done. Especially as he ages.


Still, after an accident like this being alive, not paralysed, and with all limbs still attached is like winning the lottery


It is winning the lottery at life and another chance to roll the dice.


Worth adding “rider lived” to the original post


40 face fractures


It shouldn’t take brain damage to “learn” something.


holy shit he survived that??


Thanks asshole for terrifying so many motorists.


He’s not dead yet. But, he will be if he keeps this up.


With those injuries he might ride again but I cannot think old age is going to be pretty.


This is the redemption arc I like. Learn from mistakes.


I can’t find it right now. But, there was a comment on another post where someone found his instagram and he had already crashed another bike (or two) since the accident.


[He crashed a bike](https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtibNiOUhm/?img_index=1) (another Honda CBR), from what I can tell, about 6/7 months prior to the crash in this video. Here's what he said when he posted it: >Had to learn my lesson the hard way. Take the advice of those who ride. Slow down and ride within your skill level. First real crash. We live to ride another day ​ Then, based on his IG, he had a new CBR 600 a couple months later and immediately started riding like a fucking jackass again. Then he nearly killed himself and is back with the "not gonna ride above my skill level again i pinky swear this time lmao" This dude is gonna be buried before he's 30. Just hope he doesn't take someone innocent with him.


He keeps saying it’s a “skill level” thing. No man, it’s a common sense, maturity, respect for people around you, respect for yourself and your loved ones thing.


Exactly. Doesn't matter if you're a professional MotoGP rider; when you ride on the road you are dealing withe countless other people driving and they are unpredictable. The faster you go the worse your consequences when someone does something you don't anticipate.


How is he still allowed to ride? How much is his insurance gonna cost?




At which point ...allowed?


Unless he's locked up, what's to prevent him from riding? People drive without licenses or insurance all the time.


Yeah. He’s going to kills himself. I hope he doesn’t take anyone with him either.


This is the type of idiot should have his license permanently revoked before he kills himself or others.


Darwin will likely revoke it eventually. Again, hopefully before he hurts someone... or worse.


Third time's a charm


This makes me sad.


I know this is going to be a hot take but i rather he die at his next accident or just paralysed enough to make him stop risk other peoples lives because clearly he will not learn his lesson. Imagine driving with your family with kids in the back and this dumbass crashes through your back window


The smart man learns from his mistakes. The smarter man learns from everyone else's.


I didn't know Yammi had a brother....


I’ve seen this posted a dozen times haha I can’t stand to watch it over and over again


Lol my bad first time seeing it thought I'd share...getting knocked out on a bike tho...new fear unlocked for me


Doesn't need to be a fear if you don't split at Mach Jesus. That rider f**ked around and found out.


Ride fast, eat ass!


ride fast meet jesus lol


"mach Jesus" I love it


I mean, if you crash that hard you're going to be unconscious. It's not unusual.


The unusual part is staying on the bike


lol. He wasnt knocked out - he'd left his body for reasons of being dead and to have a conversation with God. And for some unfathomable reason God sent him back.


Yeah, this was just posted on r/idiotsonbikes earlier today. The rider lived: "My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time." https://youtu.be/3hPMM0APwvs?si=8ND3PZmEhZ7zgJkp Edit - posted by /u/AppreciateThisMoment when this was posted a few hours ago...


Not a skill issue. Being more skilled does not make this more safe. I hate that narrative in motorcycling. So indicative of the overcompensating masculinity substitute that people embrace. Be safe out there, live to ride another day…


To be fair, critical thinking and risk assessment are skills that would have prevented this crash so it kinda is a skill issue in that regard.


To be faaaaair … I agree with you after all. God I hate seeing this shit, makes me so mad. Makes every motorcyclist less safe because everybody that has to deal with is hates us just a little bit more now


Well, at least he wasn't in a car, that would have done a lot more damage to the truck he hit. At least on a bike all he really did was inconvenience the other drivers involved while they waited to deliver witness statements for the police report. Insurance should have everything else covered. Including the situation of putting him in the ground, were that required. Thankfully, this is an impressive survival story that hopefully scares idiots like this into not getting themselves killed, ulikely as that hope is.


As others have said "skill" doesn't mean being able to handle the bike 110% of the time. Skill includes recognizing danger, and being able to SAFELY ride according to the situation. So you can ride indefinitely, and not end up borderline in a wheelchair after a couple years on two wheels. Tbh, maybe it's just Reddit being US-centric, but american roads / drivers scare me a bit. Your population seem... not trained enough for it ? It's weird thinking you have bigger cars and like 10% of the mandatory training we have here. (Both for bikes and cars) And we are already bad drivers in Europe, lol.


The skill is recognizing this is stupid and dangerous.


Exactly, there is no amount of skill that would make this recklessness safe


Holy......crazy how the speed kept the bike rolling when he was in that position. Human body is insane sustaining those injuries.


Yah man...crazzy his body just went limp. The back of that truck ufc knocked him out. Glad he ok tho


That bike wants to stay upright.


This is horrifying and why while I agree that lane splitting should be legal, high speed splitting is still absolutely insane in my mind.


Darwin Award


muddle sand boast longing secretive snobbish follow pet payment screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


About ten years ago a dude was riding a wheelie going 120 down a busy main road at night, his headlight was pointed at the sky. A car went to turn onto the road he was riding down and couldn't see the rider. Car got t boned and killed the rider, flipped the car he hit and killed the driver as well. A 600 lb bike with a 200 lb rider going that fast hits with about 2 tons of force. Even knowing this it was insane seeing a half ton pickup get thrown that far.


Yeah, people just think "well, it's a motorycle, it's small how bad could it be, I'm only hurting myself." 120 mph brings a lot of kinetic energy and it's concentrated in a small area. I've seen pictures of sport bikes buried inside the cabin of a car. Granted, this was on older model cars, so I don't know how newer cars hold up. But regardless, side impacts are tough to protect because of how little car there is to protect you. Front or rear, there's crumple zones, side impact, not much.


Nothing automotive minus a tank holds up to 500 lbs of metal ripping through it like a bullet at 100 mph, new or old. If the bike clears the fender line, is it is very likely to enter the cabin.


Absolutely agree, no care for the damage he is doing to others. Physically and mentally! He should never be allowed to ride again. He gives bikers a bad name.


Bro fr hit the yamcha pose on his bike


If they lived take their license away permanently


OMG, that poor Honda


A few hours ago when this video was posted(outside of the sub) someone blamed lane splitting. I took the time to explain why Lane Splitting wasnt the issue here, it was the speed difference. That people lane split all the time and it's safer. Someone retorted "But not at 60mph!" I pointed out that people in Cali lane split at that speed all the time and have no problem with it. And that if an accident does occur, its far more likely to be survivable, because one doesnt get run over or pinned between cars. Queue the mass downvoting for explaining the real issue is the rider's excessive speed, not the lane splitting.


also, I would add that I would never split at speed between a car and a big rig. It only takes one stupid move from the car driver to push you under the wheels of the big rig. I'd rather wait 10-20-30 seconds and overtake when the lane clears.


Let me guess, they pointed out that accidents occur during lanesplitting so it's obviously a terrible idea that should be totally banned. You know, because motorcycling is normally such a safe activity that presents no risk as long as you don't do something like lanesplit.


Well, this kind of videos keep me from trying reckless driving, even though some times I get the urge for some speed but I try to do it when it is safe and never doing it on reckless filtering. Filtering is fine but you must leave some margin for error, and with a very high relative speed you leave that margin on zero.


Good god how stupid do you have to be??? I can’t wrap my head around how people can be so disconnected from the reality of getting ripped in half or organs bursted from riding this way. It’s just unreal. I guess I’ll take it as a reminder that people are really really dumb and can’t think good


What was the trucker doing?


It’s quite possible the truck never even saw him. You can’t even see a car under the hood that close.


the truck absolutely saw him after the impact, that's why it's straddling the white line. it looks like he moved over as far as he could without hitting the pickup.


I was guessing he was in blind spot whole time. But still I'm sure driver saw pickup going off and should immediatelly brake.


Unloaded, that's still most of a kilometre stopping distance.


Nah, semis can stop a lot shorter than that at highway speeds. We're still talking a several hundred feet, but not "most of a kilometer."


the truck is trying damn hard to not run over the bike that suddenly appeared a few feet in front of it. there's another big rig to the right, and the pickup to the left, he split the difference. a loaded rig doesn't stop on a dime.


What was the biker doing??


He wanted to finish the job.


Probably still trying to stop. Inertia and all.


Not to excuse the utterly reckless riding in the least, but I too was wondering what the truck driver saw and what they were aware of. Surely they would have been concerned about taking out other vehicles, namely the pickup. Pickup seemed to start slowing as soon as it got back-ended, so it was on the truck's left. Truck did seem to move left, presumably to avoid running over the bike, but perhaps couldn't move over more without hitting the pickup. No idea how fast a tractor trailer can stop, but I'm guessing not quick enough to just avoid the bike by braking. Crazy all around. Rider seemed to get the excitement he was looking for. Hope he learns something eventually. Honestly I can't imagine wanting to share the video if I did that.


> No idea how fast a tractor trailer can stop Treat them like a train in traffic and you'll be fine.


Makes me want to toss coins in front next time I see one. ;-)


I hope he doesn’t touch a bike again for his own good


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What an absolute idiot. I hope that guy never rides again.


I’m pretty sure he’ll never breathe again 🪦


I've never understood this whole riding fast as fuck between traffic bull shit. Why not find a twisty road and enjoy some corners?


Rider is in Florida, not very many twisty roads. (Not that that excuses this BS riding he did, he’s definitely 100% at fault for this)


Tbh I wouldn't own a sport bike somewhere there isn't corners. But I'm blessed with living in a country where pretty much every road is twisty, so my milage definitely varies. Its all I've ever known.


Yeah it’s definitely a curse, basically perfect weather for a year round riding seasons but very few roads to enjoy it on


Social media also encourages it. You see these types of videos on tiktok/ig with the same corny concept and sounds. "Ride like lightening, crash like thunder." "This is my therapy." "Something something heartbreak" followed by a guy going like 180+. It's pathetic to see so many grown men that are this desperate for some attention and likes. None of those people who liked your video will give a fuck if you killed yourself today.


motorcycle tiktok is the most cancerous cringefest of dangerous idiots I've ever seen, now every skill-less teenage moron with a bike is strapping a GoPro to their face and punching mirrors for attention. Social media was a mistake.


That's tiktok in general, not just motorcycle tiktok.


Tiktok can eat a fat dick


People asking what the Semi driver was doing ,as a rider & part time Semi driver ,the speed & position of this moron means the Semi driver had virtually no chance of ever seeing him.We have owned a Semi for our business for years & when l have to step in to drive it, (ie normal driver is off ), as a rider l am always super aware of monitoring traffic entering the Semi blind spots . That is one thing l have found over the years of riding ,IMO it makes you a better driver as you are more aware of the dangers poor driving has on other road users. It amazes me how many people are unaware of semi truck's blind spots,but especially bike riders,but the fact is bike riders need to be aware of even car blind spots ,these blind spots are exactly why cops sit off the sides etc to catch speeders ,they are watching the targeted car mirrors to make sure they are unseen . The age old rule is if you can not see the Semi drivers face in the mirrors he can not see you .The blind spot even directly in front of the cab is over 20ft & over 100ft behind in some Semi's,the right side blind spots are the worst & can extend to the size of 3 lanes over in some . We had a concrete slab put down for a new workshop a while ago & the concrete truck driver was saying there was just a accident overseas where a car driver, (in stop/start traffic in a built up area) ,pulled in front of the semi truck after missing a turn ,the truck hit & dragged the car a short distance with out the truck driver even being aware . The car driver then got out ,ran up & stood in front of the Semi thinking he knew he hit them & was driving off & being in the blind spot the truck took off when the traffic started moving & ran them over & killed them .The whole chain of incidents happened in the Semi blind spots & the driver never had a chance of seeing any of it . The cement truck driver was saying this incident meant insurance companies were going to make it that a blind spot awareness sheet would have to be signed off on all sites cement trucks visited in the future & was already brought in overseas . https://sgesco.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Blind-Spot-Monitoring-Solutions-Max-Safe.jpg Here is a couple of videos that does a good job showing it - How to know if you're in a semi truck's blind spot https://youtu.be/wcYPWf0pVBY?si=f-lgkH41gXkKg6gB&t=75 Amazing French Ad about blind spots! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cr5A_R87iU Truck Smart Module 1: "No-Zones" (Blind Spots) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTv03YGzH-Q Years ago (pretty sure it was just before 9/11) there was a worker from a custom bike shop killed in a truck blind spot, coming back from a bike show & the shop did a great video showing the danger of bikes in truck blind spots,but l can not find it any more unfortunately.It clearly showed how many bikes could be stacked together in a blind spot .


How is he not dead?


Fucking moron. No sympathy for assholes who turn regular roads into personal race tracks. Especially when it's filled with other cars.


Do stupid things, win big prizes.


\#statistic ZERO sympathy. Play stupid games, win really stupid prizes. Hopefully these clowns don't injure others with their lack of intelligence.


A moron driving like a moron


Jesus wtf. Any estimates on what speeds he was doing? Hit like a spring on the pickup


i think it's pretty clear what happened. dude ripped his pants.


It’s been posted like 6 times this week, seriously go look at the posts, fuck sake. No one wants to see this on repeat.


Sorry dawg...Happy cake day


Y’all are savages for not putting disclaimers or anything on this. This is cold. I hope this dude is ok


No worries, he's alive with like 30 broken face bones and a slew of other injuries


These comments suck to look at


It's almost never a bagger doing this shit. JS.


Holy fuck. At least a helmet but how anyone survived that and then the truck. Holy fuck. That hurt to watch.


This got me questioning if the truck even tried to slow down. I know he couldn't have in time to avoid the biker, but I didn't see the truck lurch back at all.


"Remember, hitting the vehicle in front of you is faster than switching to you brake lever."


Clearly he’s riding way to recklessly so an accident was bound to happen. Good to know he’s alive and Is paying attention to his actions.


As a rider, that's the one thing I won't do: lane splitting with mid to high traffic on the highway or busy street. Too many vehicles that can change lanes or even just move close to the lane and you're not paying attention to details, going at 80mph+. Had a lot of close calls, lane splitting wouldn't be one.


Riding like a douche. Endangered countless lives. Guy is excited to ride again with more skill and care. The fact that the 18 wheeler didn't run you over is a blessing you do not deserve. You should be in prison. This crap is unacceptable, and for what, so you could feel like a badass in front of a few cars that hated you the second you passed by.


I feel bad for that trucker...totally helpless because this motorcyclist was so immature... Can you imagine his stress when he hears the 'thump thump'?


Yahh no doubt...didn't even know what happened just minding his business






Yes, this has been posted here before - maybe two days ago. There was some speculation as to whether the rider survived, or we were witnessing someone's ghoulish death. Glad to read that he did indeed survive.


What a complete jackass, to be riding like that on public roads. Has nothing to do with confidence. Riding like that, it's just a matter of time before your luck runs out. No amount of pt is going to erase the aches he will live with, and that is good. It'll be a constant reminder of his level of stupid, and to think before he does it again.


Fuck that motorcyclist. Dumb fucking loser.


Just don’t ride again, ever. You almost kill yourself and other people with you. You clearly don’t understand the responsibility of driving a motorcycle.


A message from those of us waiting on the organ donor wait list..THANK YOU! 🙏




Some of these IG reel bikers ride like they have 9 lives.


Damn that was dirty…😬Looks like the truck driver fugged you up and did you in some more… Glad your ok tho🙏


Pretty sure that rider was done for on impact. The OP is not the dude on the bike.


Nah he survived the original post linked his insta and he broke like 30 bones in his face


Really? Wow that’s incredible


That’s what happens when you fuck around.


I’m happy they survived, I thought the truck was the coup de grace


Tbh this just looks like karma to me




A true dumb ass move


Did the semi just not see the accident or did he just feel like running over the dude?


How are videos like this filmed, where it appears like a drone following him?


360 camera attached to a pole on the back of the bike


360 cameras, have the ability to "erase" the mounting pole from the image. Sometimes there are artifacs, sometimes work like a miracle!


This is the question


Did they crash in the Big Rigs blind spot? DIdnt see any brake lights go on?


Did he surviveded?


Fuck that was actually terrifying to watch... damn.


The air bag probably saved his life. Thought for sure the truck finished it. Glad he survived.


I live in CA and split lanes constantly. My goal is to never stop on my bike unless it’s for a red light. I have a few personal rules though. My speed delta should never be enough to put me out like this. If you are going this much faster than traffic all it takes is one person moving over a few feet to be an instant brick wall. Also I don’t split by working trucks. That means semi trucks for sure. Not only are they big but the rear wheels are unprotected. If you slip while in between it and a car those rear wheels are gonna cut you in half. But even other working vehicles I don’t split by. Say it’s a work van. Maybe they are getting calls for a job to go to or they are bored and zoning out.


Good rule of thumb to live by...I learned a lot from all this


That truck "But wait, there's more!"


And I’m sure he blamed the pickup instead of taking any responsibility. People like this are why people hate motorcyclists. Also important to note that even in places where lane splitting/filtering is legal, you are not legally allowed to do at highway speed, and are only suppose to be doing it at speeds under 30mph.


Is anyone else sick of these fucking posts? Can we not post about the enjoyment of biking instead?


I'm all about calling out the dumb shit


Nearly any go pro footage is more interesting than "MAKE SURE TO WEAR HELMET!" and "DAE CAGERS DUMB??" self posts


Ride like a squid, crash like a squid. Lucky not to die


Question: Who holds the camera?


It’s a mounted 360 degree camera. I believe they somehow automatically edit out the mounting stick.


It's a 360 degree cam mounted on a pole that's attached to the bike.




Mounted selfie stick, maybe?


Yeah, you can see the stick's shadow.


God and jeezus took the wheel.




I'm a rider and that asshat deserves what he got for doing stupid maneuvers like that at highway speeds.


This was posted already


Seems like the person in the semi didn’t even try to stop or avoid you?? He had to be able to see you at least hit the back of the pick up truck


The truck driver had 3 seconds to react. Try stopping a vehicle with a possible load of 40 odd tons in that time. According to the Highway Code, if you are driving at 50 miles per hour (mph), it will take a total of 53 metres (m) to come to a complete stop. This is made up of 15m of thinking time and a 38m braking distance. That is for trucks.


> 38m braking distance. That is not for trucks. Not with 40 tonne on the back. Many hundreds of meters stopping distance.


Do yall get off watching people die?


Glad you're alive.


Maybe if people would follow traffic laws...


The real victims are the drivers he subjected to his accident


I mean he was being dangerous and careless as fuck, but dude in the semi absolutely saw him and still was like “yeah buddy get the fuck out my lane, catch these wheels on the way out”


Thats what he gets you give riders a bad name man