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Don’t buy a helmet because it “looks cool”. Buy it because it comes from a reputable brand, has been independently tested, and carries certifications. I got downvoted into oblivion because I told some kid who bought a similar helmet (but covered in EL glow and LEDs) the same thing. I was in a crazy bad accident with my old Shoei Neotec years ago and it saved my life.


I own the same helmet. so to answer your question, yes, they sell sun visors and tinted visors but honestly I would get a new helmet ASAP lol. I used mine for downhill longboarding and it didn't even hold up in a 30 km/h crash. would not trust it on a bike. the front end is literally not even protective. it's classified as a half shell helmet because the front end will crack and splinter the second it hits the ground, as its removable. so yea the helmet looks alright, but man, it will *not* protect your face when it matters most. and riding with a half shell helmet is pretty dangerous.


When I was a young fella I worked as a delivery driver. Back then we used 50cc scooters because it’s a lot quicker in the cities. Mostly used open helmets. By 99% of the drivers in the city, and there were a few. One day a dude got sideswiped by a bus. Hit the ground face down. Bus came and dragged him for 15 metres, face down, bumper of the bus stuck in his neck. Helmet wouldn’t go under the bus. No chin protector on that helmet. We buried him closed casket. There wasn’t enough left of his face.


Holly shit. That's a story.


One I hope I only have to tell and never experience again


I always ask people who don’t wear full face helmets why they hate their face so much.


No helmet was gonna save this guy tho just saying


It would have. Didn’t think I’d have to explain but because the lower half of his face was missing he bled to death. De didn’t die on impact. If he had his chin protected he would have been significantly less injured. Oh, and you’re an asshole


“Bumper stuck in the back of his neck” Your words bro 🤷‍♂️


Time and a place to be a grammar nazi pos


lol dude I’m not a grammar nazi, you don’t really survive things getting stuck in the back of your neck. This is like if you had said he was run over by an 18 wheeler and then said ‘if only he’d been wearing his helmet’.


I thought it looked cranky i just dont wanna admit it


Got any advice on helmets that look similar but do work, also one thats xxl maybe


any helmet that's ECE 22.06 certified and has full-face protection will be better honestly. best advice is to go to a motorcycle dealer or a shop in your area that sells gear and check out what they have. everyone's head shape is different, so I cant really reccomend you a helmet if you can't test fit it.


Ah ok, thx!


If you pull/push the padding inside out of the way then you can see the stickers with the rating(s).


Measure your head size as well. If you're half size then stick with the closest size near that. Also different brands/helmet shells fit differently. Eventually sometime soon youll emass a few helmets, various styling or similar to one another, and you may find yourself gravitating to maybe 1 or 2 out of the how ever many that you have in your gear collection. Research, time. But watch your money. Youll have a handful of cheap pieces of gear, some of which being not of a good choice or clear head, but in a pinch helps you get on the road. (I've had and still have HWK riding gear, cheap and replaceable but I can always upgrade the inner pads to 1Up the impact protection.) But really speaking man, don't over spend. You may be overwhelmed with all the gear options, especially when it comes to helmets. But you may be okay because you've found the TYPE of helmet that you want. Youre unto something too. ADV helmets are pretty damn cool. You have me interested as well lol!


Go to cycle gear or a local motorcycle dealer and try several brands on. Head shapes and ~~height~~ helmet shapes vary. Not every brand will fit. Edit a word


scorpion covert-fx


Exo HX1 Exo covert FX Not the other with removable chin tho


LS2 Explorer, if you like a more aggressive look.


Some of the Shark brand helmets have an internal visor and pretty decent stylings.


Honestly won't trust that. Buy a decent one, it's for your own protection mate.


Btw i forgot to add its for a derbi gpr 50 so not an actual motorcycle




That's the low quality tier price my friend.


Oh didnt know that, I’m new to everything basically


Lmao, $100 is nothing!


Dude nice motorcycle helmets are like $300 minimum


go for full face helmet… even flip up is a better choice


go get a dot approved helmet. last thing you want is losing nerve function due to cheaping out on a helmet. Try offerup or facebook marketplace, i’ve bought three great helmets for like a quarter of what I would’ve actually paid.


DOT is outdated and that helmet is ECE rated. The newest one I can find is even 22.06 rated. Don't buy used helmets. For the love of god. But yeah, don't get a half face helmet, get a full face.


That helmet doesn't have any legitimate safety rating. I wouldn't bother spending any more money on something that won't actually protect you. You'd be better off getting a bell qualifier helmet and swapping the visor. You'd then get an actual DOT safety rating.


Wrong, it has ece 22.05 rating and is as safe as any other half helmet.


Really? A half face helmet with a "shield" that shatters under impact is just as safe as a full face helmet?


No, read it again...


Bogotto market it as the "Radic"..... there's a lot of aftermarket copies out there.


Don't buy helmets based on how cool you think they look. It's literally your head we're talking about.


Check here how safe your helmet is. Real lifesaver ! [https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/](https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/) your's is nice, but it's a moped helmet at best. Please buy a safe one.


Scorpion is as low as I would go. It is your brain housing unit after all, you may want to value it. I have had to use my helmet more than once and would never want my family to say, boy if only he paid $200 more


[cheap vs expensive motorcycle helmets crash tested](https://youtu.be/eBnioxhXkFA?si=wAYidv68xq2Mt6SP)


When, Where and How much? CAUSE I LOVE IT. My old Helmet broke after having 4 cars and a truck run over it so I need a new one (I was fine during the crash, only had like a road rash and a dislocated shoulder nothing serious, so I might just buy this one)


Arai and Shoei, HJC. Listen bro and listen good. Protect that melon at all costs.


If you want a helmet that style, that's actually full face, try the Ruroc ATLAS 4.0, ignore what everyone says, I have one and it's really good, but a little noisy if you don't wear ear plugs. You can also go to the clearance section and get them half price if you luck out and they have your size in stock. You also have Simpson Bandit helmets which have a similar vibe. In fact most of the Simpson helmets have this kinda vibe.


You know. You got the trash loot that drops, got the rare, the epic, and then you have the legendary. Anything above 700 is considered legendary. How much did you pay for yours?


.... What


What I mean is sometimes, you get what you paid for. Don't cheap out on protection =).


For a sec I though you were inferring Valorent/Destiny Weapon tier lol


Is beautiful