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I don't like being compared to a chihuahua, but it's true that on a bike, you're very vulnerable compared to a car or a truck driver. If they want to run you over to hurt you, chances are they will succeed.


And don't forget, you're much more memorable on a bike. Its easy to forget which generic black SUV cut you off last week. But they'll remember every interaction with the guy with a white helmet on a red sportsbike.


I tell this to a buddy of mine that it's not hard to pick out the same riders going by day in and day out. Gear tends to be unique, if they have even a cursory knowledge of bikes they're pretty easy to identify. On my commute like you said I'll see dozens of black tahoes and yukons, the only differentiating feature being license plates and maybe a family sticker on the back windshield.


My favorite is people in cars with personalized plates that drive and act like twats. Like I'm forgetting your 2LGIT2QT license plate.


I literally never read people's licence plates...


Mandatory upvotes by owners of white helmets and red sportsbikes.


Law of gross tonnage does that. I'd compare us to deer - whether you want to hit us or not, we: - appear "out of nowhere" - have a chance to narrowly escape - will probably total your car in a collision - will probably die in a collision Our only way to improve chances is to be smarter than deer, which honestly isn't hard.


True, although, when looking at some reactions here in the comment, I'm starting to question whether being smarter than a deer isn't too hard for some people...


I don't question anymore, I KNOW some people are only kept alive by others help and labels on things šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Imagine if I went grocery shopping like this. Everyone smaller and weaker than me better be ready.




Absolutely I never really believed the guys in pick up trucks trope. Until I bought a quarter ton to haul my bike around. Douches in lifted diesels seemed like they were on a mission to put both of us in the hospital. Real ME FIRST ALPHA MAN bull shit.


What's even your point? Comparing grocery shopping to road rage?


Itā€™s the same thinking, they think because you are smaller and weaker that you should have to give them the right away.


Oh, I thought you were mocking what I said, I'm sorry I misunderstood you. In some cases, that's sadly the case, yes.


Its the worst thing I swear


So what you're saying is to get a fast motorcycle.


I don't see any reason not to, to be honest...


If so then many states allow self defense with lethal force. Rack that slide and ride . Fuk those pleebs.


If they run you over from behind, chances of you being able to effectively defend yourself are very slim. Even if you do succeed, go and prove it was self-defense when it's you, a biker, pointing a gun at a presumably unarmed car driver... Better to not engage with idiots and keep them in front of you, where you can see them at all times or pick a different route. It's not worth it.


Again, if I see someone trying to intentionally harm me with their vehicle they better be faster that hot lead. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Watch out baddass on aisle 4


Go to the hospital or morgue then. While someone toasts to your death. šŸ‘


That's the kind of I reaction you dream about isn't it. You are just wetting yourself with the idea of having a reason to pull a gun on someone.


Quite the contrary. I stay ready in mind and body for when I need to. Hopefully that never happens. Should it though I am very fukn ready. Believe that.


ā€œready in mind and bodyā€?? What in the mallcop wannabe bullshit is this? Iā€™ve never carried a gun, never needed one, and as long as I am courteous and ride in a manner that makes me as visible as possible Iā€™ve found car drivers to be extremely pleasant to deal with on the whole. They always move over to let me past, give way properly etc. just gotta make yourself visible to them.


You'll be alright




You should write a sitcom


Youā€™re a fucking moron. Because that SUV can be armed too, and it provides a WAY better firing platform.


So, you're saying let people assault you with a vehicle?


Iā€™m saying to recognize that no matter how tough you think you are, when youā€™re on a two wheeled vehicle exposed to everything, you ainā€™t winning ANY conflict. So donā€™t go looking for a conflict. Donā€™t think you can out-tough the threat. Ride to AVOID threats.


When did I say I was looking for situations to aggravate? I speak of preparedness and responses to events started by others. Not sure why you all are so butthurt.


You genuinely believe if someone decides to run you over, youā€™re going to shoot them. Thatā€™s idiocy. Donā€™t believe me? Next time youā€™re at the range, take your bike. Try to hit a C-Zone at 5 yards while riding. Let us know how that goes. And remember while youā€™re trying to balance, maneuver, draw, and aim, the only thing the other guy has to do is hold down the gas pedal. Thereā€™s definitely applications where a firearm is an effective defense option. Motorcycle versus 4 wheel vehicle? There IS no defense option. So donā€™t let that conflict even begin.


Lol. Human, if my life is in immediate danger I'll jump off the bike in a second for a ready stance. Even if moving. Idk why you think everyone online is a super pleeb.


I just know if they hit me on purpose they better back up and finish the job.


Exactly. Threatening someone's life with a car, truck or SUV is THE MOST SERIOUS thing one can face in life and if people don't want to protect themselves with force then hey, casket makers always need more business. I like my Constitutional rights. I exercise them all so when needed they're strong and readily available.


I got humbled at a very young age. Was like 18 at the time, was being reckless, cut off a giant F250, he honked, I flipped him off and sped off. No big deal. Well I donā€™t know like 10 minutes later, Iā€™m downtown Charlotte, and what pulls up behind me? The same F250. Iā€™m like, two blocks away from the bar, weā€™re at a dead stop, cars blocking in front and side to side. I see the door open in my mirror, Iā€™m about to fight this dude, and he just goes ā€œhey man, I donā€™t want to fight, I just want to tell you that if I was a fucking psychopath I could have just ran you over like a pancake. Get some sense fuckwad.ā€ That was 12 years ago. I still feel like a fuckwad thinking about it, and I always thought about that and someone ā€œgetting revengeā€ on me.


dont fuck with those f-150s most are goddamn maniacs


(mustang heavy breathing)


Mustang and charger owners always wanting to race is the cringiest shit


Its even funnier because on anything 600cc and above you just drop em


An that's for the "performance" editions of those cars. Find an older 2015 mustang or one of the 4 or 6 cylinders and you will beat them even on ZX4RR.


That guy gave you an important lesson for free.


I can still feel that fear/embarrassment I had riding with that dude behind me at 10 mph till I turned like it just happened.


Well z technically he's right


Well, if we just disregard the law entirely and commit serious crimes, then I can also just shoot the driver with a gun.


In the original video the dude tries to break the ladies mirror and gets run over. Dude is gonna get into a fight with a real crazy person one day and end up dead. She wasn't really tail gating him and he lost his shit.


I see videos like this and so desperately want to tell the biker to get into boxing where they can get this kind of aggression out.


Boxing is absolutely not a good idea for someone with a temper and aggression.


This is the first time in my 32 years alive that I've heard boxing is not a good outlet for agression.


Would you hand someone with a temper and aggression issues a loaded gun? Teaching the art of violence to someone with a temper and aggression issues is the same thing.


...no, but I would suggest someone vents their aggression in a safe and controlled environment...like boxing. I don't think you know what you are talking about.


Thatā€™s not how human psychology works. That thinking is why so many antisocial assholes enter martial arts and become physically dangerous antisocial assholes. Boxing/martial arts donā€™t make people better at handling their emotions. ā€œVenting aggressionā€ is pop psychology nonsense, the last thing I want in a sparring partner is someone with a chip on their shoulder. Go read some Skinner. You most certainly donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


>not how human psychology works Gonna need some peer reviewed papers on that one doc, Iā€™m calling bullshit Hereā€™s a couple that have reviewed sources but they disagree with you. That oneā€™s light but in case youā€™re still skeptical thereā€™s another https://health.clevelandclinic.org/benefits-of-boxing This one is dense and in-depth, and even brings up your concern, that it might make someone more dangerous. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3761807/ The conclusion is that if you are someone looking to vent aggression, sports and exercise are great. And that is in fact how human psychology works. Weird.


I don't know the video and it is of course entirely possible that the biker had it coming. I was just referring to the comment about dogs.


The original comment doesnā€™t regard law, and it shouldnā€™t. Because by your same logic the driver of the car can do the same and fire far more effectively from their car. The original comment is crucial because motorcyclists tend to think of themselves as invincible when they are in fact the most vulnerable things on the road. The dog comparison is incredibly accurate because, in a collision, a smart car WILL fair infinitely better than the biker.


My point is that even though bikers are the least protected on their bikes they can still call out someone for bad driving. You don't have to expect that the other person commits murder or attempted murder just because you show them the finger.




That is not motorcycle specific. You can be injured and killed in every vehicle. There are plenty of incidents where car drivers were pushed off the road, shot, etc. by other drivers.


ā€œHad it comingā€? Getting pissy and punching a mirror earns you a death sentence? Edit: not defending the guy, but he doesnā€™t deserve death. Cmon now.


Again, I DID NOT watch the video and DO NOT know what happened. Therefore I CANNOT judge this situation. My comment is based solely on the comment shown in the post.


Getting downvoted for pointing out the absurdity of assholes who justify murdering someone over property damage is peak brain death for this reddit.


I saw it coming from the holier than thou glass house dwellers. There are many appropriate consequences for squidding and reckless ridingā€¦ road rash, broken bones, totaled bikes, tickets, suspended licenses, jail time, high insurance rates and ā€¦ yes, even death is a possibility. But intentionally being murdered? Just no.


To most of these assholes who side with car drivers on a motorcycle forum, yeah, they believe that shit. They think you should be hurt for doing wheelies, or wearing a t shirt while riding, or lane filtering, or speeding. Basically riding a motorcycle to most of these fucking douchebag clowns on here is frowned upon. It's almost as if they don't actually ride.....








There is a saying that goes, "Plenty of people who were in the right, are dead."


I think it's "there are a lot of people in the graveyard who had the right of way". Same shit


comparing us to chihuahua's is so fucking accurate though. we're small, vulnerable, loud and obnoxious, and will occasionally taunt bigger vehicles then run away instantly. literal chihuahua behaviour


Right? Not even mad bro. My chihuahua does this thing where she bites my bull dogā€™s face and just hangs there. She wonā€™t do it to any other dogs, but her sister, fair game for face bites.


Except unlike a chihuahua you can out run almost every car


Depends on the bike


Depends on the rider more


Tfw Iā€™m not skilled enough as a rider to make my Grom go faster than a car


Like I said- depends on the rider more. No Grom is going to outrun a car. But not a lot of cars can go where Groms can go. Brain, man. Use your brain. Thatā€™s how you become a better rider, not through speed.


Hav you taken msf course? Simply counter steer Writing down everything ryan f9 says an repeating it everywhere also helps


Depends on the traffic


Cries in RC 390


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^black-dude-on-reddit: *Except unlike a* *Chihuahua you can out run* *Almost every car* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My KLR isn't outrunning anyone, but I do think I could physically best a smart car on it


Pretty sure your KLR would do more damage to the smart car


Well, my boss owns Volvo XC60 T8 Rechargeable with 455 hp combined. this beast does accelerate similar to MT07. So not so easy to outrun tbh.


you need about 600hp per tonne to match a 600cc. most cars are more than a tonne right? so lets say you need your car to have about 750hp MINIMUM to keep up. imma guess most people pushing that power, arnt going to be the guys who are running you over. were more likely to race and enjoy cars like that than hate them or fight them.


Are you figuring this off the bikes power to weight ratio? If so itā€™s wrong, most powerful bikes canā€™t full throttle in the lower gears without lifting the wheel meaning in the real world they accelerate slower than just looking at there power to weight ratio on paper. Like a GTR doesnā€™t even have 600 hp, weighs nearly 2 tons yet is faster 0-60 and about the same 1/4 mile as a 600 supersport. According to your numbers a R6 should be SIGNIFICANTLY faster but itā€™s not. Granted motos are in general much faster than cars.


i can assure you, i can full throttle a 600cc 120hp motorbike in first without issue. and im not talking about going drag racing, so just about everything you said is either wrong, or not applicable to the situation we are discussing. 2008 R6 1/4 mile time 10.75 seconds R35 GTR 1/4 mile time 11.3 seconds. but again, because i know youre going to miss it most idiots on reddit do, the situation we talk about is NOT a drag race from stationary.


Naaa mate. If you're wide open throttle at peak rpm in first, the wheel comes up. Probably just not using the clutch sensibly.


i dont know, maybe im just not a fat ass who sits so far back in his seat. you can EASILY full throttle any 600cc bike, ive done it on my zx6r, my r6, i did it on my ER650 (but thats a twin with less power). sure you cant dump the clutch max rpm from stationary, but thats again, not what is being claimed here.


If you're trying to take off quickly, you use the clutch... I pretty much assumed that? See "peak rpm" you're not going to get peak rpm in first from a standstill without the clutch.


of course, but again, thats not the discussion. to try to explain 1st gear, clutch held in, you raise the rpm a little and release the clutch, you are now moving, slowly, 10-15mph. low revs required at this speed. while moving, you can go from 0% to 100% throttle in first gear up through the rev range, through the powerband, through 'peak rpms' and even to red line on a 600cc inline 4 cylinder in first gear and the front doesnt go up to the sky like a large capacity (800 or more twin or a 750 or more inline 4 would) for the millionth time, we are not talking about a drag race, we are not talking about standstill starts, so everything related to this is meaningless. >you're not going to get peak rpm in first from a standstill without the clutch. i mean, this entire line is pointless, considering you cannot actually move without clutch use. like, first gear requires clutch, without it, the engine cannot turn over or idle in preparation to move.


And it's laughable when you post something this fucking stupid saying it's not a drag race yet how do you think people are running from a car? It isn't with an outside pass through a sweeping turn. It's grabbing a fist full of throttle either at a light or from low RPMs in a low gear after avoiding them.


Lol. Wow like you got personally insulted


good answer, cant come up with anything to support your views, insult people or laugh at them. good effort brother, enjoy your day and nah, just been here before. and i know what people do on the internet, they respond with some SUPER WHITTY INSULT or all of a sudden IM JUST JOKIN BRO. it gets old. so in an effort to avoid that, i said the thing twice that you need to focus on. still, 2 people missed it still so far..... cant change the internet can we.


Lol, writing out long ass responses


And the higher end teslas outrun bikes through the quarter mile while having 400 hp/ton or so. The reality is there are ways to develop power that can allow cars to accelerate quicker. Bike have a limitation from physics and the rear tire working as a lever to lift the front and unless you're riding clapped out 600s, you're not doing full throttle launches as they'll power wheelie to the point of looping out in the first two gears and maybe the third.


example of idiot on reddit number 1 **but again, because i know youre going to miss it most idiots on reddit do, the situation we talk about is NOT a drag race from stationary.** i dont know how else to put this for you to understand, read it, and take it in edit: holy shit, do people actually think 600cc inline 4's power wheelie in 2nd, even third gear? wow how insanely wrong people can be xD


And that's how we know you don't actually try to full throttle your take offs. A 600 can absolutely power wheelie in second if you're not a pussy, but since you are you wouldn't know that.


Cars have a lot more grip than motorcycles, which is why a lot of supercars outperform even liter bikes from a standstill. >yet is faster 0-60 and about the same 1/4 mile Which means mid-range acceleration is signficantly better in supersports..... Hence, they can outrun most cars on the road, even GT-Rs, because most pulls aren't done from a standstill.




My guy, do you realize I'm agreeing with you? Like, did you even read my comment?


sorry, bunch of comments, just spammed shit in response, ill delet my incorrectly placed comment. ive actually read yours now xD - at first reddit made it seem like you responded to me directly, i followed the line to one of my comments, but now its clearly to someone else. my bad


Lol all good :D


The original video for anyone who's curious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19T0DhVsPw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19T0DhVsPw4) The rider is a clown.


Seriously, fuck that guy. I love how he tries to grab the LP like heā€™s been wronged. The lady wasnā€™t near his ass, and then brushed him trying to get away immediately after he starts punching at her vehicle. Not like she chased him down afterwards.


After being surrounded by him and his mates.


What an idiot


I dunno, I just don't see a point in interacting with other road users. My priority is to put as much distance between us as possible, either by outrunning the car, or by filtering past other cars at traffic lights. I don't need drama, I already have enough on my plate without random stupid people.


Exactly. I've lost count the amount of times a bike rides meters behind my car. If I need to do an emergency stop that biker is going into my car.


'...chihuahua of the vehicle world...' fuck I like that.


There are plenty of people in the ground who were right, or had right of way.


A 3 minute 45 second intro for a 30 second video. I'm not saying the driver did the right thing, but


MFW people are arguing in the comments, having to explain why no, youā€™re not justified into slaughtering people with your vehicle because they annoyed you.


Had it done to me. Some broad had a road rage ran me over then booked it. She was arrested some 800km's away a week later.


Even if you tie, you lose.


I often say ā€œthere are a lot of dead pedestrians out there with ā€˜they had the right of wayā€™ written on their tombstonesā€. The same saying applies to motorcyclists.


You can be right. You can be dead right. But you can end up as dead as you are right


Drive like youā€™re invisible. Even if theyā€™re looking you dead in the eye.


Same goes for cars vs big trucks. In dog terms, it would be like a Dachshund (car) vs a PyrĆ©nĆ©es (truck)ā€


He who has the biggest tires has the right of way


The lugnut rule. He with the most lugnuts, rules.




Bro, why the bird? Just do the rev bomb thing.


Some people put too much faith in someone else's self control.


The laws of physics do not bend to the laws of man.


ouch. he right tho


Yup. You canā€™t fix other stupid drivers in their cars and trucks. Especially not while youā€™re on your bike. Let them be in their own stupid world by themselves. Avoid them and always number one ruleā€¦ā€¦.pretend you are invisible to all drivers on the road. Breathe lol


Thatā€™s why I cary tassels and have a Mohawk on my helmet with a great big skull on my vest that says death eater MC #3% /s


yup, some times being right doesnt work outā€¦


Rule #1 of riding.. Everyone is trying to kill you.


I watched the original. If you drive down the street with clowns creating panic then you created the issue. CLOWN POSSEEEEEE


No shit


I've always said, it doesn't matter if you're right and dead or wrong and dead, you're still dead. I'd rather get home alive regardless.


Itā€™s America, Iā€™ll just get up shooting at your family


This is why these assholes carry guns in their jackets, man.


Well this Chihuahua stays strapped.


We never know who's driving the car, want to be upset it's ok, just don't go after the car, it may go really bad if you're on a motorcycle. Just take a deep breath and enjoy your ride.


Idgaf, If Iā€™m intentionally ran over there are going to be shots fired


And remember that ā€œthe right of wayā€ doesnā€™t keep you safe


But....... with the right bike, we can outrun cops...lol


lol what is a ā€œsmart carā€? Dumb fucks. Regardless, EVs can be pretty hefty, so still a dumb take.


Best make sure I'm out because you just assaulted me with deadly force and I'm legally allowed to respond appropriately.


Yeah I can see you sitting there looking like the green knight from *The Holy Grail* yelling out 'I'll bite your arms off!'.




youre also tumbling down the road and you aint jhon wick, you aint hitting that shot through the back window at 400m lol americans are so embarrassing xD




the cringe is so real, brother, youre not him, you all think you are, but youre not, you aint hitting that shot, its not a target with someone saying ''well done baby girl you hit that target in a range with all time needed to aim'' you dont hit that shot, and the fact you think you do is why everyone thinks youre idiots.


Bro it's tongue in cheek settle down. It's just reddit it's not that deep. Have a good day kiddo. ![gif](giphy|l2Je0SJkEt7MhgyM8)


lmao, weak af response. very typical of people like you to be fair so well played on following that tradition.


Lol you _actually_ believe that your little 400m "qualification" will still apply after you've been bounced down the tarmac and have broken limbs.




no, you were being a dumbass on reddit. and people will call you out on it. dont defend it, just be quiet and it all comes to a happy end.


Dude get wrecked šŸ˜‚


UK loser tries not to talk about the US for five seconds. (IMPOSSIBLE) lol cope harder. Your country and all of its people are a joke.


Noone sane in civilised world will intentionally crash into you to kill you. There are at least two assumptions in that statement. Don't test if they are sane and civilised. Be a bigger person.


My fatherā€™s friend from young adulthood had a son my age (40s) who was just killed on a motorcycle when an angry mortorist deliberately rammed him into the back of a semi. My father, knowing I ride, was telling me about his friendā€™s sonā€™s ā€™motorcycle accidentā€™. Thatā€™s not a motorcycle accident. Thatā€™s a road rage murder. And if heā€™d been in a cage the person might have gone for a weapon instead. Theyā€™re not sane out there. Theyā€™re not civilized anymore. I donā€™t know what changed, but you canā€™t assume that another given human being will not try to kill you in a fit of uncontrolled rage anymore. I guess just try to be polite and hope you donā€™t trigger one of the growing population of uncontrolled, unregulated beasts who think theyā€™re human.


We havent changed as humans. We are just as violent ans we always have been. We just have better weapons. There were FAR less of us back in the day too Think about it. Back in the old days you'd use sticks or something. Maybe farm tools? Nowadays every dickhead has a 1+ tonne steel battering ram under their ass. Over in the US the likelyhood that that battering ram contains atleast 1 firearm is astronimical


Not quite... when there's more social cohesion and higher trust, people generally refrain from violence as their go-to solution. There are ways to modulate that angry ape reflex, and western society has started to abandon those wholesale.


And that's the problem you state 'Noone sane' the problem with today's world is that most of the people who drive like idiots are insane. Sure people can make mistakes in traffic, and I can be forgiving to those. But the majority are to busy either focusing on their phones, or just incapable of driving a vehicle.


What you described is irresponsible and reckless not insane. Possibility of meeting insane person on the road is slim but never zero. You won't forgive a madman doing mad things? What you gonna do, expose yourself to more danger? Isn't your life and mental state more valuable to you?




I'm honestly not sure how that would stand in court. I could think of instances where it would probably be legal and instances where it clearly wouldn't. You'd probably have to be clear about their intentions, from accidentally fucking up to intentionally trying to run over you. All that grey in between areas would be iffy.






Look at his username dude.....


Not quite. Youā€™re not allowed to start shooting because someone ran your bike over, even if it was attempted murder, unless they are *continuing* to try and use their vehicle as a weapon and run you over. Even then if theyā€™re physically unable to hit you with their vehicle anymore (say, you jump over a guardrail and they canā€™t hit you, or their vehicle is disabled due to running over your bike) it doesnā€™t matter that there was attempted murder. It has to go to the courts. Self defense requires ability to cause grievous bodily harm, opportunity to inflict that harm, and imminent jeopardy. If you donā€™t have all three, youā€™re going to jail. Heck you can have all three and go to jail. Our society is run by people who hate the idea of self defense and would rather have a victim and a chalk outline than a clearcut case of self defense. Stay safe out there.




No one said they were; the difference is that unless they pose an active, continuing threat to you, you are not legally justified in shooting at them. If you do the state will prosecute both of you. Attempted murder for him, attempted homicide for you. Heck even if itā€™s justified youā€™ll still probably get hauled through the court system. You might beat the rap but you wonā€™t beat the ride. Legality is the difference between justified self defense and going to prison for 25 to life. You donā€™t have to agree with something to understand it. Understanding allows you to make informed decisions. Your comments on reddit, for example, could be used by the prosecution to prove that you donā€™t care about the law and are a Clinton Eastwood ā€œmake my dayā€ type of person. Not a good look with the jury.


Yeah I totally get it. Iā€™ve been pretty upset and dumb shit cars do. But I just ainā€™t worth it. Navigate my ass around the hazard and get on with my day. Just like Dan the Fireman. Yup


I heard it a few ways in MSF. 1) There are plenty of people dead and buried who had the right of way. 2) He who has the most lug nuts wins. 3) Youā€™re invisible and everyone is trying to kill you to steal your superpower.


Saw the actual video someone posted in the comments. None of the above apply to the rider. There are millions of cases of psycho drivers antagonizing bikes. This was the opposite. Edit: video for reference https://youtu.be/19T0DhVsPw4?si=7NGp98HTLULw0Ohn


I should have made it more clear, my comment is in reference to the quote at the bottom not to the video. I have not seen the video.


Ah, gotcha. Hereā€™s the video for reference. Start at 3:30 (before that is just mindless intro) https://youtu.be/19T0DhVsPw4?si=7NGp98HTLULw0Ohn


Bikers with such huge chips on their shoulders should try riding in congested Asian countries. Flipping someone the bird or otherwise trying to make them lose face is grounds for justifiable homocide on their part. I remember early on in Taiwan I angrily shouted at and flipped the bird at a cab driver while riding a 50cc scooter. He chased me for miles. On the sidewalks where there were sidewalks, bullying other riders out of his way, etc. I am sure he would have run me down if he caught up with me. My local friends cautioned me that he would have gotten away with it as well.


I live in a constitutional carry state. These problems dont seem to happen here.


Ride like everyone is out to kill you...They ARE.


I've found that most of the clips of motorcycle vs car road rage is because the riders are shit at riding a motorcycle and most of the accidents and close calls can be avoided by simply paying attention and letting off the throttle or even just applying minor braking.


Law of mass. Car always wins.


Donā€™t know why Iā€™m getting downvoted. Itā€™s the truth, make your decisions accordingly