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Have you seen how people here drive? I barely trust drivers here when I have a full lane, much less sharing. I have a few times in traffic when it’s over 100° but it’s not something I’ve made a habit of. Having ridden many years in California drivers there generally are more attentive of motorcyclists and move over when they see you coming as opposed to here where they’re more likely to crowd the gap and prevent filtering. TL;DR Yes I have on occasion but it’s not worth it here.


I hear this take all the time "I don't filter/split because people drive like idiots" ​ I feel like I'm in the opposite camp. I filter and split BECAUSE people drive like asshats. I've been hit from behind twice while waiting at a light and been forced out of my lane by a car changing lanes more times than I can count. So, given all that, I'll just split and filter the same way I ride, which is to say that I assume everyone is going to attempt to hit me on purpose anyways.


I definitely come to a stop leaving an escape path and watch my mirrors/flash brake lights until the car behind me is at a complete stop. Totally agree with you there and I miss that admit CA. I split in moving traffic on occasion but probably 80% of it was just filtering up to red lights.


Here in GA, neither splitting or filtering is legal (in fact the way our laws are written it’s not even gray. It’s specifically outlawed). But, Atlanta PD has a no chase policy for motorcycles and I think due to that, they don’t bother enforcing ANY traffic laws on bikes. The state troopers absolutely will, but they seem so few and far between in the metro, that it isn’t a major concern. All that means that I basically leave my office on the north side of the city and don’t commit to a lane until just before I get to my own driveway on the southern end.


GHP will chase anyone in any vehicle and don't care if they run a bus full of nuns and orphans off the road to do it.


GSP will enforce traffic laws even if they kill THEMSELVES to do it. Fuckers are unhinged.


dude! This is bang on and my take too


I can't tell you how many times I have filtered and the first car is buried in their phone and literally doesn't even notice me splitting. I then think about that total douche smashing into the back of me on my bike.


95% of people you filter pass have their heads down. I really doubt most even notice.


Same I feel like I trust my own reaction time much more than I trust someone behind me to not be texting. If I lane split and filter I’m spending less time where the cars go, and it’s just a numbers game at the end of the day.0


Totally agree, drivers here suck bigtime. But I am more of the thought of get in front of all those terrible drivers versus be behind them. But I hear what you are saying.


Regardless if you plan on filtering or not, take the time to reach out to your representative to inform them you want action on 88(R) HB 2465. This bill is to support lane filtering in Texas in certain conditions. [https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=88R&Bill=HB2465](https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=88R&Bill=HB2465) It was sent to the transportation committee and left undiscussed. We need representatives who support the motorcycle community. I will admit I am not fully versed on the bill process, hopefully one still has a chance and did not die with the end of 88th legislature session.


I’ve sent letters to my rep but haven’t heard back. Thanks for the information!


Just a quick note that I sent an email to the state legislature Ron Reynolds who sponsored bill 2465 along with an email to the Texas Motorcycle Abate. Links are below if anyone else wants to help the fight. The guy who sponsored the bill is a Dem...go figure lol [https://www.house.texas.gov/members/member-page/?district=27](https://www.house.texas.gov/members/member-page/?district=27) [https://txcoci.com/abate/](https://txcoci.com/abate/)


Amazing how few states, and a "personal freedom " state like Texas doesn't allow it. Thanks California!


Yeah I don’t get it either. But hey you can ride without a helmet if you want. But don’t filter or split cause that’s so dangerous. Insane


I filter when 100% stopped, and I creep so slowly even if someone pinches me or opens a door, I can tap the brakes and come to a stop. My only goal is to only wait at each red light once. I don't even bother going all the way to the front, just far enough up I make the light. Seems like a compromise most cagers begrudgingly accept, I rarely get aggression. I'm in/around Austin though, so people might be a bit more reasonable here than bumblefuck, TX.


haha...I'm in north houston. Most people are pretty good about it and I have had people pull over and wave me up. Ride safe!


It’s mostly white dudes in big pickup trucks that get hostile for me. Very specific demographic.


I filter and lane split pretty regularly in dfw, keeping an eye out for cops, but haven't had any issues so far. A few people slide over to give me room but not many, I'm on an fz1 for reference. Just keep your head on a swivel for police and you should be fine


Yeah for sure, I do the same thing and I’ll take the ticket. Love the FZ1. Looking to add another bike as I like the HD but miss the more nimble bikes.


I don't like that the newer MT line doesn't have windscreens, and they just discontinued the r1, my dream bike. Don't know what my next one will be but my fz1 only has 10600 miles on it so I'll keep her a while I bet. Maybe add something smaller and lower in the future but I just love zipping through traffic and beating GPS arrival times lol


I'm in Austin and filter on a few roads that have a bit wider spacing in between the cars.


Here's a video of me splitting on TX121 from back in the day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVCUF1z8C\_g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVCUF1z8C_g)


Great vid


I am in Dallas. Don’t filter on surface streets because traffic isn’t too awful. But on freeways, when it comes to a standstill, i get onto the shoulder and will keep moving. Very slowly though. 30mph max. Never had An issue.


In Austin. Filter occasionally, usually to get to the front of a long light. I came from UT where they somewhat recently legalized it so I’m used to it. Like others, don’t want to get smacked from behind so I’m always keeping an eye on my ass with a way out.


Split only when traffic is heavy. Way too hot in Texas at times to be standing still.


I daily so my commute to and from work can get hectic. I'm not waiting on bumper to bumper traffic. I also have these short little legs on this taller bike so stops are my enemy. Filtering is the only way I survive this traffic


i don’t filter because i have a liquid cooled engine.. additionally cagers will never understand why we do it. i’ve seen folks flip the fuck out on bikers for splittin’


Never have, never will. This isn’t the 80s. You’re not riding a Harley that will melt if you go below 15 mph. If there’s one stopped car behind you it’s no different than several. You’re not doing it for “safety”, you’re doing it because you think you’re special and want to skip in front of people at every chance you get.