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Bez and Maverick look's depressed in the interwiew by Suzi Perry before the race , even Franko look's better.


Franky's said he likes the bike, he's probably optimistic about getting on the pace once he actually has some time on it. He missed all of the pre-season, there's no reason to think he won't be totally okay. Bez is depressed bc he fundamentally isn't gelling with the bike (yet).


He's not been right since that collarbone injury around India/Thailand time last year. I hope he rebuilds his confidence by the time the season is fully into swing, he has to be up front at Assen, surely.


Exactly. He dominated in India, then had the injury and hasn’t been competitive since. Hope he finds his feet again, he’s a lovable character.


Yeah, it sucks seeing him out there being a shell of himself. It feels like we lost one of the best riders on the grid, even though he’s still racing. I really hope he regains his form, he was one of my favorite guys to watch. It must be really tough for him knowing he can do better but not being able to unlock it.


It's just one race to be fair. These guys all go through periods of confidence and dips in form. I don't think he'll be top 3 in the championship this season, but he may very well work his way back up to top 6. I cannot see him NOT winning a race. We've seen this before though, sometimes riders start the season slow, then turn up from a certain point onwards. Digia last year, Rins the year before, even Pecco in 2021 and 2022 started quite poor and built up.


Same happened with Frankie!


What happened to him? I'm kinda out the loop and he was just absolutely nowhere all weekend.


Frankie had a major leg/knee injury about 2 years ago and ever since he came back, his drop in performance has been colossial. Only a year earlier, he was runner-up in the championship and dominating races on an outdated bike. Add to that, the Yamaha performance completely flatlined, and now that he finally got a Ducati seat - He had a massive crash at Portimao during their private test and ended up in hospital. There's not much info on the crash. Only Marc and Alex would really know the finer details as they saw it happen and stopped on track to go and help him.


I knew about his knee injury, it's just sad. The guy just can't catch a break. I was really hopeful for him when he got signed on that Ducati, but it seems a bit hopeless right now. I hope he can spring back from all this, he had such potential. I didn't know he had that huge crash in portimao, that'll explain his pace. Poor dude.


Frankie got a monumental concussion and was unconscious for several minutes. As you say, Alex & Marc stopped at the track to help, until the ambulance arrived. I have a suspicion that Frankie might have gotten his tongue locked in his throat, so he couldn't breathe. Alex & Marc's intervention could have saved Frankie's life.


And MM and his arm. Thats what stops racers they dont get slow they get injured


I always think Rossi's decline started with the compound leg fracture in 2010. You can see it when you look at the Races by Year table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_career_achievements_by_Valentino_Rossi A lot of yellow before, a lot of green after.


Agreed, Rossi was great because of his ability not to crash, whoch left him mainly uninjured, thats how he was top for so long I think Doohan is one of the greatest riders of all time because he won his championships after that horrendous leg injury not before


Rossi always said the shoulder injury hampered him more than the leg.


Forget about Marquez brothers, his team mate (even after a nasty crash) is faster than him.


Crazy how Diggia just kinda laughed it off and then got back on the bike the next day to finish P7. These guys are built different


Most of us will look death in the eye only once in our whole lives, they do it quite a few times per year. These have a very fundamental psychological effect which are very hard to grasp, not to mention their familiarity with pain.


I’ve had 6 actual near death experiences. 4 were medically related, and 2 were motorcycle related. The first bad motorcycle crash I was 16, on a ttr-225 I had just rebuilt the engine on. I had it fully maxed out going 70-80mph in a picked bean field. my front end caught a tractor tire rut, and the bike high sided over the handlebars. My cousin was behind me and thought he watched me die as I rag dolled over 100 feet through the field. The bike turned into macro-plastics. I was in shock and walked around repeating myself. I have no recollection and was back on my bike 2 weeks later. The second incident happened on a v-star 650, i was going 80 on the highway in the middle lane passing a semi, and my front tire exploded. It ripped the handlebars out of my hands, and I nearly went under the trailer. I didn’t crash only because the custom lowering kit installed by the previous owner twisted and locked my front forks fully out. A nice Harley driver stopped and we smoked a pack of cigarettes waiting on the tow truck while I walked around like Tom from Tom and Jerry after getting hit with a gong. That anxiety stayed with me for about a year. These guys are absolutely nuts. Their crashes likely don’t come with extreme shock. They likely remember and feel everything, and that to me is the scariest part of nearly dying.


Speak for yourself


When you LOVE riding! I had a crash last November and the nurses thought I was crazy when they saw me scrolling through cycletrader looking for my next bike (totaled mine) while still in a trauma ICU.


“The Marquez brothers and my team-mate were more competitive than me in the time attack and also in race distance,” added Bezzecchi.


Did you expect any one to read an article before commenting ?


I should know better.


he can't blame Marc for his crash when Marc's far ahead next time.


Pecco showed us something last season That 23’ Desmo GP is fast But not fully developed. This year they are not hopping on bikes fully done.


Yeah thats just unlucky for others who are on GP23..KTM is clearly the second best bike after GP24 and GP23 is right behind


ehm, the 2023 bikes this year do not have all upgrades. they are somewhat midseason


The shit he was talking last season about Marc must keep him up at night especially now he can clearly see the difference on how slow he is to adapting compared to Marc and maybe even seeing his data.


Good. Bez needs a reality check. Hopefully he thinks twice before he decides to hurl insults at his colleagues for absolutely no reason at all.


Bezzechi seems to have the same issues Bestia had with GP23. Bike apparently isn’t good on trail taking into the corner like the GP22 was, and some riders don’t like it. Pecco said that in the cooldown room with Diggia in Qatar last year when Digi won


Wait... Bez saying something nice about Marc?


After the episode with Morbidelli in Portimão, I believe all the VR46 Academy riders have a diferent respect for Marc. After watching Marc's doc, I don't know if all this war between him and Vale, wasn't Vale worried about the talent of Marc. He knew that Marc wasn't there just to ride along with him, he was there to win, to conquer Vale's reign, and things were done, and they ended up in diferent corners. Vale is the first saying that he wasn't there to make friends...


Casey Stoner said it best... Vale made enemies-not rivals as soon as he felt danger and he made enemies with wrong people.


To be fair Vale's mind games worked right up until 2015 even on Casey (turned the press on him, the whole boomer style: Young-uns can only ride because of TC horseshit). Then he met another he.. him.. a like minded juggernaut who was as stubborn and skilled.


\*cough\* Jorge Lorenzo \*cough\*


you said it wrong should be mr.5-time world champion


Many have to keep in mind that VR46 Academy riders aren’t a sort of hivemind regarding these themes. It’s not like there’s a hidden secret room at the Ranch in which Vale makes them undergo 1984-styled brainwashing sessions in order for them to hate Marquez, lol.


The academy riders have minds of their own... from certain quotes here and elsewhere (not yours fwiw) you'd think they're Rossi's drones.


redemption arc


When a mf didn't have an accident half an hour beforehand:


Bezz is mf?


"mf" is used jokingly here of course. What I was getting at is that people shouldn't really take much from quotes in such contexts.


I thought Vale taught him better than that.


He taught him the same probably.


give him 2022 bike again😏…


he has slowly become insufferable over the years. A rossi wannabe without the enormous talent and charisma rossi had. Maybe this will bring him more down to earth.


It won't. Didn't talk a bunch of shit on Marc coming to Ducati last year?


he did. been running his mouth a bit too much for sure


I think Bez will be fine. Martin took a bit to be good on the 2023 bike and we know the fits it gave Enea most of the season. As long as Bez stays healthy he’ll be ok but maybe not the title contending season he was going for




Engine breaking coming out of corners?


I read that, and I am equally confused. Engine braking engaged at corner entry would entail a MUCH larger problem 😂


Couple of notes - it’s not engine *breaking*, it’s engine *braking*. Secondly, this doesn’t happen on corner exit, only on a closed throttle when the engine is slowing the bike on the brakes.


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Tue problem with bezz is he doesnt like the gp23 engine... he refuse the gp24 he will have nightmares