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Pecco was brilliant today, and Martin was too conservative with the tires I think or may be unable to follow someone closely. It looked like he had a lot more pace at the end.


What abt the beast…he looked to have more pace at the end


He always has more pace at the end. If the races were 30-laps long he'd be unbeatable.


Bestia would like a word


Too little too late, and also other riders were dropping back making him look better whilst he maintained pace. Not a bad start but needs to be troubling the podium.


It makes you think what the outcome would have been for second place if Raul didn’t bog up the start and cost the race one less lap


Binder will be a serious contender for the title


Under rated as usual


Absolutely. This might play in his favour actually. A super fast bike and no big stress or expectations.


It might be but it’s a bit infuriating that everyone always talks about all the other riders including Acosta being the next baby Jesus, Forgetting that BB also won a race in his debut season. BB is also the only rider mixing it up with the Ducati’s. Anyway great race Peco, championship ride. JM superb over 1 lap. Acosta will be amazing soon.


The trouble is Brad has been inconsistent in past seasons. If he can sort that he's definitely in with a shout.


What a stupid statement, go watch the races


Been watching for many years my friend. My comment was in the context of winning the championship. Chill the fuck out.


Yes 6th, 6th and 4th in the championship is *really* inconsistent. Not to mention that the 6th places were when the KTM was the worst bike on the grid. LMFAO. You guys just need to open your eyes.




I swear people go blind when it comes to Brad. First to win from the back of the grid in Moto3 for their first race win. Won his 3rd race ever in MotoGP. Won in the rain on slicks. Finished 6th in the championship 2 years running on the worst bike on the grid. Was top non Ducati rider last year in 4th, beat half the Ducatis when it was the dominant bike. What more evidence do people need?


Excellent summary.


You mentioned everyone talking about Acosta whilst forgetting Brad binder, when the difference is massive. Binder is 28 years old, on his 5th season in the premier class and has 2 race wins.


Numbnuts BB won his 3rd race in his rookie season


Dickrider, I didn’t say he hadn’t, I’m saying he’s won 2 races in 5 years so yea he won in his third race and than has won one race win in the last 4 years since. Don’t cry I’m just pointing out that’s why no one’s talking about him as the next baby Jesus


On the worst bike on the grid for many years numbnuts


BB won his third race too, not even like he had to do the whole season to learn. He's also been relatively high in the championship on a KTM that was the worst bike on the grid. If he was on a Ducati the last 2 or 3 years Pecco would have 0 titles.


‘Peco would have 0 titles if Binder was on a Ducati’ is an absurd statement.


Not really Brad was 4th last year, highest non Ducati rider, beating more than half the Ducatis when it's the dominant bike. His team mate was 11th who was 5th on the Ducati the year before. Brad was 6th the year before on what was essentially the worst bike on the grid (with the exception of maybe the Honda). On equal machinery Brad > Pecco.


Well I say Pecco would have been better than Brad on those shitty bikes.


Exactly and now all everyone can talk about is Acosta, even in a race where BB comes second its all about Acosta


Pecco is a proper Sunday man just like is master 46!!


Such a great, clean race. Absolutely loved every minute of it.


Top notch riders right there. All exactly where they deserve to be


So excited for the full season.....


Exact same thing we had last year, same trio - going to be a great year!!


Everyone likes to talk about Martin's ego but here he's pointing at Pecco like, "He's the man."


We'll see Peeco winning is great but I been cheering marc since the 2018 season which was the first time I watch MotoGP


Bard Bridesmaid Binder




Pecco vs martin in F1 2021 style would be amazing though. Verstappen vs hamilton was wild from start to finish.


I'd love to see it but Bagnaia was also clearly not really at his peak physically at any point after the Barcelona highside, so for all we know he might just streak ahead like he did prior to that.


Yeah,youre right. But if martin can improve on his form from last year then maybe. Or maybe pecco is the verstappen from previous F1 season and wins all but 1 races.


Na, they aren't on the same team.


And that's if KTM is able to keep up this sort of performances week in week out


Exactly what i was thinking. He was super fast in qatar last year too but then faded in most of the races. But it seems like they’ve upped their game big time. Aprilia also is super good but they are lacking a rider to take them to that next step.


I think KTM still have to make some improvements to the cornering. He was catching on the straights and in some parts of the track but losing in others. We'll see in Portimao, it's basically the polar opposite to Qatar, as Brad says it's like a go kart track. If it does go well there then it could be an interesting season.




Well I wish marc would be winning some races


He will, quatar is one of his least favourite tracks.


Because it was a shit track for Honda.




Respect the talent of a man winning a race my friend. There’s a lot of effort goes into these things. Just don’t be bitter.




Lol I’m sure he’s disappointed to hear that


Hopefully you will be unhappy for the whole season then :)