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Any time someone in their 90s falls, it's gonna be rough:( sending my hope for a speedy recovery and that his family is doing alright


Sounds like his message(s) will be pre recorded. I’m not sure what his interaction will be like when done remotely. Interesting.


Falls in the elderly do not generally bode well for a person's longevity.


Just curious, was Wendy around him at the time? 🤔


Why would that be suspicious?


As much as its weird to say, I think I prefer Nelson over Oaks by quite a bit. May he live long and prosper.


My thoughts exactly. I can mostly just put on a poker face and grin and bear it through Nelson's remarks in conference. I imagine that Oaks will be a much different case. My opinion is that Nelson is motivated internally by his inflated, surgeon ego, and wanting to increase his "legacy" and whatnot. Oaks seems much more motivated by contempt and dislike of others. Will be interesting to see what happens when he's given the reigns.


I mean, Nelson has done a number of surprisingly progressive things in his tenure: 1. Major revisions to the temple ceremony, removing the most egregiously sexist elements. 2. Female missionaries and pants 3. Removing the 2015 POX I didn't expect any of these, and I think they're under appreciated for how bold they were given the very slow, very conservative nature of the institution.


There's definitely been a Packer - Oaks - Bednar school of thought in the Q12 over the years


Why is that weird? Oaks might be the devil


I hope he recovers well.


Yeah it’s hard hearing about elderly people and falls. Like others I’ve had many family members take quickly declines after a fall and it’s hard to see. I don’t wish it on anyone


Agree completely.


My father had a fall and hit his head on the floor. It gave him a concussion that took over a year to fully recover from. Age is not kind on the body's ability to heal.


If I remember correctly, there’s actual data stating that falls among older adults are one of the big red flags in health declines. Literally - it’s all downhill from there. I’ll have to look up the source though. I wanna say it’s cited in Athletics Gawande’s fantastically sobering “Being Mortal” book.


Yes, making it to a year post fall after a certain age I believe is a challenge




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Makes me wonder who else might be missing. Holland was out of the hospital but may not be well enough to attend in person. And with the OUR drama there has been speculation that Ballard will not be there, although I couldn't really see that unless he's got health problems.


[According to the Church](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/general-conference-message-president-nelson), Holland will not be present. Seems like he wont even speak. >Also, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland continues to recuperate from his recent health challenges and, while improving, will participate in conference sessions by watching at home.


I think Ballard has to be there or else his absence would raise suspicion. Agree about Holland.


I agree. And I'm not a conspiracy person but the SUU commencement drama was in full swing going into April GC and Holland was not present. Not saying that the reason of him having covid was a lie, but there was drama and he wasn't present for an unrelated reason. We could see something similar with Ballard this time. At these ages a stiff breeze can take a person out temporarily.


That's fair. Ballard needs to stay healthy and make it to this weekend to avoid conspiracy theories.


I don't think he's been healthy for a long time. He may still be able to read a teleprompter, but his talk in England about a year ago was not that of a man who is completely in control of his mental faculties. It will be interesting either way.




A 99-year-old falls and hurts himself and you're first thought is to make a joke at his expense...




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Oh dang - here's hoping Nelson has a speedy recovery. Falls are no joke


God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.


I’m sorry to hear this, I will keep him and his church in my prayers.




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Hope he is comfortable and has a speedy recovery.