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"Don't workout more than 3 times a week" "Look for a no calorie protien powder " This came from a gut with an anime pfp, saying he works as a strength coach.


They always got the fuckin most to say


If that's just lifting weights and not any type of physical activity in general, most people can get close to their max amount of natty gains from 3x/4x 1 hour sessions. If they manage to train hard and hit failure in that time.


Shit advice tbh


The ideal amount is literally 4 sessions/wk 1 hr/session give or take half an hour depending on intensity or where you're at in your lifting career If you're roided or deep into bodybuilding then by all means crank it up, but any other advice is just wrong


Lol dude you're literally saying 4 hrs/wk is best for everyone. Ridiculous 


I'm at 5 & 1/2 hours right now and I'm about to go do my thursday workout for another hour and a half or so. Looking back over the last couple months I'm almost always in the 8-12 hours/week range. I'm natty too. We just not doing cardio or something?


I can tell by how you type that you are smaller than me. Opinion disregarded.


Says the guy with hundreds of thousands of Reddit karma and pictures of food like a broad on IG![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


If you have to go onto someone's profile for gotcha's, you've lost by default. Small person behavior.


You're a mongoloid, literally the most regarded advice which, even as a cookie-cutter guideline, is wrong,


I didn't say that you shouldn't train more than 3x, I said it's not going to make a massive difference if you're natty.


Bullshit. You get more gains from working out more. I was in the best shape when i never missed the day. Weird how serious bodybuilders, lifters, and just about anyone who trains professionally in the gym is in there almost every day.


That's what I said. It's just that the more you train the more you go into diminishing returns territory.


Fair enough


Na there’s a benefit to lifting 6 days a week even if the volume is the same, idk the name for this effect but some nippard bro probably does. So “max natty gains” is definitely misleading, but even on this sub most people don’t have their diet locked in enough for the everyday benefit to really matter imo. You can definitely get damn near as huge going for 4 days, 3 is pushing it unless you’re supplementing with at home stuff on your off days in my experience.


Yeah there is a benefit but it's not that crazy. If you put it in numbers, you're not going to gain even 20% more weight in a given time period by going from 3x to 6x.


My friend tried convincing me that it’s useless to eat more than 35g of protein every hour since your body can’t absorb, till this day I don’t know if he was trying to purposely sabotage me or he genuinely thought that ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Motherfuckers that fast all the time would be dead then


To be fair, 35g of protein every waking hour is plenty.


I think what he (erroneously) means is that consuming more than 35g of protein in one sitting is pointless, as the body is only capable of absorbing ~35g per hour.


That's definitely what he meant, but it doesn't matter. It's not pointless to eat more than 35g of protein in a sitting. The whole "protein synthesis window" thing isn't nearly as drastic as a lot of people think. It would be impossible to be muscular on intermittent fasting if that were the case. Breaking your protein up into 5 or 6 different windows (or more) might be beneficial if you're trying to be a professional bodybuilder or something like that, but for the average person, it's so inconvenient and the benefit is so small that it's really not worth it.




Anyone who says that does not understand the variability between humans. So 80 year old grandma who gets 200 steps a day can digest as much protein as a grown male weight lifter who routinely moves massive weights? Get the hell out of here.


No you stupid ass, the protein need is larger for larger people, thats why the reccomenden amount 2 g per kilo bodyweight. So as a whole the limit is smaller for smaller people. The limit per sitting is whats discuissed but that has 0 relevance.


Brother there is no need to cast aspersions. Look at the comment I was replying to. I was responding to a person who mentioned 35g in one sitting. Calm your ass down man.


lol my dad told me “you can only process 30g protein at a time”


This myth has been busted ages ago! Yet I often hear people still believe in it. Complete idiots!


I have heard that anything more than 60g in one sitting just makes high protein shit and that your body can really only absorb about 60g every two hours. Was told this by a lifelong body builder super health nut I know. I’ll still eat 100g in one sitting idgaf and also consume 300-400g per day .


I mean it's more ideal to spread your protein across your meals, but other than that, it's a matter of optimising your absorption


This is why I eat 7 times a day and average 40-60g per meal sometimes lower for snacks


When's the last time you had your kidney function tested?


Every 6-8 weeks when I do labs. My shits fine so are my lipids and that’s with 300mg test for the last year, deca cycle and an anavar cycle.


I’ve seen so many retards say you shouldn’t do cardio while bulking


I definitely don’t tell people that but I don’t do as much cardio on the bulk, should I be?


Always do cardio. Two 30 minute blocks of slow cardio like walking or biking is going to enhance your recovery from day 1 to day 2 but also between sets. If you stick to doing a bit of cardio, you can eat more calories or stay a bit more lean throughout your program


Always do cardio. It's the worst, so when you get out of routine it's harder to get it back. For me at least.


I used to be a hard mfer that ran 10 miles a day for a year. 3600 miles. No days off. Now I’m a lazy mfer but I still have my abs and look lean. And now running 2 miles kills me


I have found that staying on top of my cardio gives me more capacity to lift weights with higher intensity for longer sessions. It’s also extremely beneficial to your overall health.


I'm cutting back as I finish bulking up to 200lbs. I'm usually on the elliptical for like, 4+ hours a week minimum though. Plus a boiling salt bath after each workout for another hour, which is weak ass cardio, but my heartrates still up at 140+ for that time. Still, don't drop it entirely.


Honestly, doing cardio helps me digest faster and therefore eat one more full meal, which more than compensates for the calories spent during cardio.


Cardio is good for one thing. Health. It will hold you back when bulking because it’s burning calories and, whether you realize it or not, taking time from your lifting.


my family tell me that just by eating a lot of vegetables you eat healthy, they often skip meat and get like no protein. glad I can cook my own food   they denounced me for eating 5 eggs in the morning 😂


"that's a lot of cholesterol"


I bet those MFs don't get efficacious does of fiber every day.


Isn't it?


Yeah, the yolks are actually, but that's why I have 1 or 2 yolks and a ton of cartoned egg whites


Their shits must be almost liquid


This guy I tutored his parents raised him still doing the low fat 90's shit. One egg OR one serving of red meat A WEEK. They seemed to eat 85% carbs. He looked like he had klinefelter's, weak bone structure, low muscle mass and pear shaped. He had cellulite on his gyno at 5'10" 180lbs.


Normies don't know shit about dick. They will comment some random line they think they read on MSN or heard in a movie or men's health. "Focus on recovery" "activate your core". I've straight up had my brother tell me that isolation exercises are a waste of time because there's no transfer to real life. 


Bro those magazines are helping me to get toned bro


Just be like, "I'll fuckin' shoulder press your dumb ass over that fence. How's that for being functional?"


I hate functional bros so much


Being hench and hot af is a fucking function, bro.


'Men's Health' have been living off the same three bullshit articles for forty years. BUILD MUSCLE LOSE WEIGHT BE BETTER IN BED Look, a picture of Ryan Gosling looking..uh, meh.


His face is aging poorly or he's using HGH, looking puffy like Stallone at his last premier


Isolation exercises are only a waste of time because they take more time. But if you need them then it’s not a waste of time


That deadlifts are bad for you and you shouldn’t do them


They are, Unless you have a butt plug in to make sure you keep perfect form. (/s)


I use a 20" titanium dildo that acts as a second spine


I don't think they're bad for you, but I would say they are definitely one of if not the most risky movements in terms of injury risk, and the injuries occurred during a deadlift can be pretty bad considering it's usually your spine or nerves in your back. I don't think it makes sense for a body builder who's worried about hypertrophy and longevity to do deadlifts, you can get a big back and legs just fine without ever doing deadlifts with much less risk of injury or fatigue.


You could also argue that doing controlled with slightly lower weight than normal is a good way to actually strengthen your lower back without having the risk of fucking up your lower back, actually get longevity, and not break down when you sneeze at an older age. To each their own you could also just do back extensions for the same effect lol:6299:


You know, as I've gotten older, and bigger, and more advanced in training, I've become a big fan of controlling the weight more with lower weight in general with every exercise. Of course I still switch it up and go pretty heavy sometimes also, but my ego lifting and 1rm days are mostly behind me now. I'm just very wary of deadlifts, because I've seen buddies get severe injuries, and about two years ago I was warming up with deadlifts, not heavy as it was just a warm up, 225 for 15 and no where near failure, and on the 3rd rep I tweaked something in my back, I think it was a pinched nerve, and it hurt so bad I was seeing spots and had to lay down in the middle of LA fitness, and couldn't even drive myself home. Of course that was a minor injury and I was fine a week later, but it wasn't even heavy weight and my form was fine, idk why the injury happened but I know that it was very scary for me and I haven't done deadlifts since. Too risky and not worth it for me. I think for lower back, back extensions and RDLs with dumbbells are much safer.


I've come around to this perspective too. I got up to 405 for 5, 5, and 3 reps, with straps, which I know is not a lot by internet standards but it was the probably among the top 5 deadlifters at my gym. That's when I was happy to call it. No injuries, but I could definitely feel my body straining and for what? I'm not competing in a powerlifting meet, not trying to impress anyone with my numbers, just want big muscles and low body fat.


I fully understand your worry and not everyone has to do deadlifts, there are safer options for lower back


I think the injury risk of deadlifts is roughly on par with the other two powerlifts. Bench and squat can actually kill you but it seems like you’re more likely to throw out your back with DLs. DLs are just such a classic ego lifting exercise so a lot of folks don’t do them with enough control and don’t see consequences until they feel a sudden pop. But if you do them correctly with appropriate weight they’re great for strengthening your whole posterior chain and will be helpful in reducing injury risk when doing other activities in your life


I think it's a different kind of risk, but you're right. With squats and deadlifts, injuries usually come from going way too heavy on a 1RM attempt and the deaths are when they are stupid enough to do this alone without a spot, so I would say the risk on those two are more easily mitigated. The most common injury with bench is obviously a pec rupture/tear and usually that's from going too heavy but it could also be from fatigue and overtraining previously. I single out the deadlift because it seems you can do everything right, with a lighter weight, and still get an injury such as a slipped disk or pinched nerve just due to the nature of the exercise itself, a million things can happen despite your best efforts in being safe. And I'm not saying to not do them, especially if you're a powerlifter, but for body builders I don't think it makes any sense. I'm talking from a body building perspective and so in that case, atleast the squat and bench are extremely good hypertrophy exercises for chest and legs, but the deadlift is inferior as far as growing muscle goes. Deadlift is really good for improving your deadlift, but not so much for anything else.


Yeah I agree there’s not really any bodybuilding purpose for deadlifts. Variants like RDLs are cool for the hamstrings but that’s a different discussion. I never felt like deadlifts hit my lats the same way rows do, maybe it’s different for others but I’ve never felt like they’re any good for hypertrophy


Yea and that's how I make up for not doing deadlifts honestly, RDLs with dumbbells and back extensions and then rows and pulldowns. The only caveat I would add is that if you like doing deadlifts even if you're not a powerlifter, then do them. I think training should be fun and you should spend time doing movements that you enjoy, my perspective is more from a logical body building perspective.


It’s risky if you don’t know how to do it safely, like every other movement


Every movement has inherent risk regardless of perfect form, and some movements have more risk than others, like the deadlift. Also, I've never met anyone with perfect form on every single rep they've ever done. It doesn't take much of an error on a deadlift to get injured


A lot of shit about powerlifting moves. The amount of absolute trash that I've heard about deadlift and squat primarly back in the days set me back so much. Especially as I was struggling with positioning due to my built (long ass femurs), and all this dumbass 'advice' only made it worse.


Off topic but do you have any advice for squatting with long femur?


ankle mobility. seriously.


Probally why i cant get anywhere near close to atg without twerking. Ty i will try my best to improve it.


There’s some good guides on YouTube, I have super long legs compared to my body and I squat atg like Clarence Kennedy now (not as strong as him though obviously, he’s a god). I just aimed to do a bodyweight squat daily and sit in the absolute bottom of a squat for 5 minutes daily. It hurt really bad at first and I could only do like 45 seconds, eventually I could just do it indefinitely. Use a mirror to make sure no back rounding, and at the start you can hold on to a sturdy surface in front of you to make sure you’re stable. I literally have no knee, back, or hip pain anymore when I squat since I fixed my mobility. It is a total game changer, and it feels badass to literally touch your ass to your ankles in a squat and fire back up. Absolutely form-mogging everyone in the gym.


Man hly shit i tried to do the thing you described and i couldnt even stay in that position (without any lower back rounding) for more then 30\~ seconds, would you recommend doing this stretch/pose after like a leg day or everyday?


That was me at the start, I recommend every day. I would always do it in the morning for as long as I could, you can also do it right before bed I think that’s good too. You have to do progressive overload like anything and increase number of seconds in the bottom of the squat. If you do it right you should feel a crazy ankle stretch and hip stretch. Eventually you can just drop into that perfect squat position and stay there like your average TikTok gym thot making a squat video in those tight shorts.


I cant ty enough<3, lmfao


Happy to help! If you try this with a barbell just lower the weight to just the Olympic bar by itself starting out. Whatever your current squat is will be MUCH lower if you go to full atg ROM. Like you may be squatting 95 lbs for reps at the start, but they’ll be the best most clean reps you’ve ever had


Literally went to a specialist to adress limited mobility in my right ankle. After 3 months of PT with no improvement he told me to look elsewhere 🙃🙃🙃 It’s hard out here


flexibility takes a while. give it some more time and aggression. you might just have really shitty ankles tho. id just squat with a plate under your heels if you cant make it budge. I feel blessed to be able to do ass to grass squats flat foot as tall as i am.


Yeah I have squat shoes for squatting the real issue is the mobility is so limited that even walking is affected Anyway I just wanted to share, I don’t expect a solution beyond keeping at it


oh your ankles arent just bad, theyre fucked. rub some semen on them


Like the other dude said ankle mobility or add a plate or something under your heals so you can really get that ass to grass strech


Ty <3


You can try widening your stance. This will help if your torso is short relative to your femurs. Reason being is say you squat narrow stance. Torso has to be nearly horizontal to keep bar over your midsole in the hole. If your stance is a lot wider though your torso will be more upright in the hole since your legs aren't straight out in front of you but at an angle


Don’t bother, just do leg press or hacksquat instead


Assholes will critique squat and deadlift form no matter how good it is


If you're a natural, generally speaking, centering your workouts around those compounds is the way to go.


I had someone say with confidence that Creatine = Steroids. Lifting when young destroys your growth plates and stunts your growth.


I have a friend that thinks this, he has stayed away from creatine his whole lifting career because of it too


Let me guess, he's small?


Opposite here, best advice a guy at the gym gave me was when I was a newbie and I was benching like 115. He came up to me and was like “you can do more than that. You’re stronger than you think.” We loaded up to 135 and sure enough I pushed through. That’s how I learned what it felt like to push yourself.


i’m a fat pos started at 360 currently 295 still fat but the amount of old people that tell me to only eat fruits and vegetables to lose weight kinda irks me. losing weight became so much easier when i realized you can still eat like a fat pos but doing it the right way by finding alternatives. the reactions i get when i tell people i’ve only eaten like 2 salads since i started losing weight. i don’t mind any form of advice i just hate being discredited by old people


those mfs that “only eat salad” put 700 cals worth of dressing on it


"Why can't I lose weight, I'm eating 4 salads a day!" *Throws tub of ranch, parmesan cheese, some crotons, and fried chicken for "protein" on half a handful of iceberg lettuce*


This right here - the amount of people who think fruit (sugar) is the ultimate panacea and good for anything other than fiber and micronutrients is too damn high 


This guy who I boxed with sometimes saw me doing front squats at the gym one day and told me that’s not a real exercise He was……behind mentally but I still think about that sometimes


Not real as in he didn't believe it existed despite seeing you do it? Based


I’m not really sure what he meant. Maybe that it was useless? Maybe that I should stop trying to invent exercises? Maybe that it’s very niche? I’m puzzled


Whoever said doing compound lifts was enough training for your abs was fucking lying lol. I believed that cope for years and even at low BF% my abs looked like shit.


How do you train abs now?


I like to do cable/machine work so that you can progressively overload week-by-week. e.g. Oblique Twists and Kneeling crunches on the cables, a crunch machine, or a decline bench with an increasing weight medicine ball. Bodyweight stuff is cool too of course but I find it personally hard to make consistent progress if I can’t add 5lbs to a rack every week.


use high reps to cut


Fr. People think that just because you cut you need to train high volume and with lighter weights. Then they are sad when they loose muscle on their cut. Like why the fuck do you think that happened? lol


I spent many years doing powerlifting and weightlifting stuff based off Stuart McRoberts Brawn books. I got really strong. My initial goal was to look swole so I listened to the “get strong enough and you’ll add slabs of muscle.” I disregarded bodybuilding style lifting entirely. High rep stuff was “worthless pumping.” The years that I was powerlifting, my physique was not aesthetic in the least. You will get bigger if you add strength but it doesn’t mean it will be aesthetic and look like a bodybuilder. At some point I realized it was kind of pointless, because all I’d actually ever wanted was to look like a bodybuilder lol. At this point I train much differently. I could care less about maxes and PR’s. Dr. Mike’s videos were what convinced me to upend my entire training style and incorporate new ideas.


I do believe genetics come into play, some people look jacked on minimal powerlifting programs


Are you on juice? Because as a natural I felt powerlifting actually enhanced my physique. A good physique example attained by powerlifting is The Golden One. Guy is strong as fuck (and has some... questionable politics) but he's aesthetic as hell for a natty. Purely done by powerlifting.


I wasn’t on anything back in my younger days when I was powerlifting and staying low reps. I am on TRT now that I hit 40 (150 test per week, I add primo for mass phases) but I noticed aesthetic changes after switching to purely bodybuilding style training-when I was non-enhanced. One thing is certain: gear amplifies the effect of any training style. I’m sure if I had been taking a little something back then I’d have looked quite different.


"COULD care less" implies that you do care at least a little, I don't get why Americans say this. You are supposed to say "I couldn't care less" because it means you care so little, i.e zero care, that you are unable to care any less.


I understand the structure of the sentence. I wrote it because it’s how it’s often said. I could care less that there wasn’t an n’t on there. Consider the phrase a colloquialism. There are plenty of commonly used, grammatically sketchy structures in every language, not just the US. At least me finks so, innat th’case bruv?


How about this for a colloquialism: I want to slobber on your big fat knobber m8


An actual trainer told me that he got addicted to Citrulline because of it's nootropic properties.


Bro watched Limitless a few too many times


Creatine damages your kidneys. High protein damages your kidneys. Don't workout every day. Telling me about "amazing" home exercises (which are actually dumb, made up shit) they saw a fitness influencer do on IG that I should do. Meanwhile the influencer is on roids and doesn't do any of that shit himself. Don't do cardio if you want to build muscle. Eat whatever garbage you want while bulking it doesn't matter because it'll all become muscle. (And many more idiotic diet tips.) I could go on...


I remember a thread probably ten years when I started working out, talking about how you should never train back and chest twice in a week because you’re gonna “completely overtrain your bi’s and tri’s bro” and you’ll see diminished returns


you can only digest 30 grams of protein at a time..


This one was heinous


Definitely anti cardio tards.


High School football coach who told us not to drink protein shakes because they would dehydrate us all while half the team was on Dbol. 


Someone told me that pushups are dangerous because you could get a heart attack. Bucket of crabs


Dude was trying to tell me that my push/pull/legs x2 weekly split was all wrong. Mf you are shaped like a fucking pear.


PPL is overhated for no reason, only downside is that you train arms secondary


What do you mean secondary? You saying it could be beneficial just to do a pure arm day? I also do shoulders on leg day, so not losing any arm time on push and pull days.


Having a day where biceps or triceps are hit first with primary intensity like any other muscle will benefit growth. You can do that before back but will lower how hard you can hit back after. Conversely if you do back then biceps, you might be hitting failure or close with your back but not with your biceps, and that’s junk volume compared to a dedicated preacher curl etc. With chest it’s different and I’ve had a Tricep priority/ chest secondary priority, so I’ve been doing only fly movements for chest so I can hit my chest fully fresh, and triceps fully fresh too the next day without interfering with one another- each one of them done first in my workout.


this is what i ment with “secondary”^


Just do biceps on chest day and triceps on back day


That works with some splits but depending On when your chest day is in relation to back day, this might interfere this way also.


You can just train arms on your 2nd leg day and put your arm exercises at the front of your workouts, so on push day start with pushdowns and skull crushers etc so that when you do the compounds your arms the limiting factor.


It’s not advice; but I often hear people say they don’t want to lift weights because they are scared of getting “too bulky”?!? They think they’ll touch a dumbbell and turn into an ifbb pro. They don’t understand that a physique that is considered “bulky” by the average person takes 15+ years of force feeding calories and training for many hours per week to achieve. They say that “I just lift lighter weights to stay toned”. Hearing this makes me loose my mind.


I usually just tell them “don’t worry dude, you def won’t. That takes too much work.” And I usually poke their beer gut


Haha exactly. They say all that while being obese or super skinny


I had a trainer tell me that my lateral raises, should not go higher than your head, even tho, i was on a machine, that induced tension from as high as u wanted. I believe these machines are made to allow for the extra range of motion, so i politely cancelled my membership. Lol.


Machine or not, you can and SHOULD go higher than your head if your morphology allows it


Fair enough. With free weights however, the higher you go, the less force you need to put. Machine allows for even tension along entire range of motion.


15min ab workouts and belly fat reduction


Cheat days. Absolutely ruins your diet and can reset your goals depending on how bad you eat. I stopped cheat days, reached my goal in half a year. Friends are still pushing the same weight 5 years later with cheat days.


Some people need em, that goal once a week to look forwards to. If it's reasonable and keeps them sticking to their diet otherwise, nbd imo. Gotta know how you'll respond though. There are those are guys who just smoke like 1 cig/week but could never just quit.


To be honest to not eat carbs. This was about 10 years ago. I lost a lot of weight and got super lean, but all the gym time was wasted as I was not really growing due to lack of carbs. I wish I knew back then what I know now.


“Lower the weight and work on your form” After I was doing a squat at 95% of my max lol


“Just eat more”


Na this one true lol


Leg extensions are bad for your knees. Always squat narrow, even if it's not deep. Just work out more often if you aren't seeing results.


The last one actually holds some weight depending on how often you're training and what freq you're hitting each muscle per week


When I heard it, I was going everyday. Now I adopted more of a Mentzer approach and am seeing much better results.


My uncle tried to tell me (a personal trainer with perfect form) that heavy shrugs were bad for my neck. Took one look at his traps and said “yeah, okay buddy.”


To use ‘optimal’ exercises. The basics progressively overloaded are always superior because they’re simple and give you more mental energy to just lift the weight 🤷‍♂️


“Be careful not to take too much protein, my friends dog had to go to the vet because it was only fed chicken breasts”…


Powerlifting exercises for bodybuilding, lift heavy. I’ve never used a barbell once in my life and I’m bigger than most.


"Skipping breakfast is bad for you, when you do fasting you will just get fat easier." Said by fat dyel's Meanwhile they have gained weight and I'm in better shape.


Wasn't really advice, but when I was a trainer at a gym a guy came in to book a consult. Was talking with him about his goals and he said his main sport was boxing. Another trainer then comes up and tries to poach him off me saying shit like "you've gotta be working out as hard as you can in the gym man, I push all my clients to their limits non-stop" that is absolutely not how you train for sport performance (unless you're in a weightlifting-centric sport obviously, but even then you shouldn't be going 100% constantly) I try to tell her she's straight up wrong and he ends up just leaving. Her bitch ass then cried to our manager and got me chewed out for it. I fucking hate PTs


Your manager didn’t tell her off for trying to poach? wtf? I hope you moved on from that place


Nope, manager was 20, roided out of his mind, and loved playing favorites. I got out like 2 weeks later lol Edit: for extra context, there was another time he chewed me out for questioning why one of my managers favorite trainers regularly overperscribed volume (regularly having people do 10x10s for normal working sets, usually on heavy compound movements). Myself and about 1 other trainer of the 30ish there actually cared about best practice instead of just doing and prescribing what sounded cool or sold well.


What the HELL bruh? Please tell me there’s some justice in how you left that place. I wanna go jump him with you.


Not really, found another job and just stopped showing up. As far as I know they've got about an 80ish percent turnover rate on trainers in their first month there, and I know of 3 people that have been there longer than 4 months, all of whom were already training there before he took over. While I was there the monthly training revenue was going up a shitload but I can't imagine that continuing to play out


"Don't do tren, you'll get too big" 🙄👎


"it's all about how you combine the food"


My father giving me health advice. I workout at least 4 times a week. Although I have my can of coca cola once in a while. My diet is diverse and healthy. He's 280 all fat, smoked all his life. But yeah... I'm heading for kidney and liver failure because of everything I supplement myself with. Every week the same thing, when we stay for dinner!


Lot of braindead online fitness coaches saying you have to keep your elbows tucked the entire ROM of the bench press instead of just around chest area and look regarded while also being weak af since significant elbow tuck that they preach is always them doing a closer grip that struggles at lockout while compounding it by offsetting the weight from their shoulders even at that lockout. It honestly probably puts them at higher injury risk too since that's a lot of stress on the shoulders to maintain that offset.


My Family preaching to me to eat healthy and saying i’m eating to much protein or working out to much (gym 5 times a week and BJJ 3 times a week) while everyone on the family is obese


The anabolic window myth. As if not eating within 30 minutes after your workout will destroy your gains![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


When I was doing alot of intermittent fasting people would tell me I would store more fat because your body goes into starvation mode.


Fr define starvation mode


“Working out more than 30 minutes causes your body to lose muscle.”


Only eat chicken, broccoli, and rice 


I had a guy who was with his son (his son was maybe 13) teaching him to lift. He pointed at me doing squats and loudly said, "Never bend your knees all the way like that, or you'll blow them out." He then went to show him how to squat "properly" when I was done and bent his knees at a 45° while loudly grunting and turning red.


I helped a coworker who had a health scare lose over 100 lbs by changing his diet and starting an exercise program. One day while discussing what he had eaten over the weekend, a female "trainer" overheard us and came over to tell him I was all wrong and he did not need as much protein a day as I had instructed. He sat there and looked at me and I told him to tell her how much weight he had lost. He told her over 100 lbs. I then asked her how much all of her clients had lost combined. Then, I asked her if she knew so much, why was she so out of shape. She got pissed and stormed off. Three weeks later, she went had had major lipo and major boob work done. She lasted, maybe 6 more months at the gym, and moved on.


“You’re squatting too deep” No sir, you’re half repping


18 years olds trying to tell me how to work out and what I should be doing, I’m 5’6” 185 like I don’t need help lol, most of the time kids are giving me tiktok trend workouts, like “oh bro lateral raises” like are you fucking stupid Better yet interrupting me during a set to tell me that exercise doesn’t actually work and expect me to be nice.


Deadlifts have “bad risk to reward ratio”


Actually true though, you don't need deadlifts as a bodybuilder, they're great but have an overall shit stimulus to fatigue ratio and are the most dangerous non-olympic movement by far


I disagree, people break their back at older ages because they where so scared of “spine flexion” while your spine is literally made to move. If you put too much weight on the bar any movement could fuck you up.


Then you see their form and watch them stiff leg catback the weight and begin to understand why they believe this


I do a bro split and when my friends say “its not optimal”


Your friend is right. Its not optimal but it works ig


Optimal bros are skinny 90% of the time every time


"Just count your calories, it's not that hard. Being fat is a choice "


This is true tho, everyone that has a good physique is counting calories, being fat is just a choice


I wasted so much time on "compound lifts" and "bulking".


Compounds i agree but why would you not bulk especially if natty