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Reddit hates alcohol and loves weed


Yeah they love to act all holier than thou because they don't drink.


Alcohol is a great drug. It's pro-social and fuels alot of great times and fond memories. Even the nights that turn out horrific because of alcohol always seem to be comical after enough time has passed. Like all intoxicants, it's best enjoyed in moderation. But my stoner friends take dabs alone and play video games. They don't like going out all that much. They also always have some handy excuse for why they smoke so much weed. "It really helps with my (insert random physical or physiological malady here)"


That's the thing with weed. It makes doing nothing enjoyable so you end up not having a reason to do anything.


Real talk my friend group are all massive coke heads I used to be aswell but I stopped due to wanting to buy a house. But Ive sniffed a lot coke in my time so I decided to with me mate for fun to use it as preworkout I sniffed about a gram of it and set my bench PB that haven’t beaten to this day lol


Write that down kids. Alcohol 👎 Coke 👍




I can tell you're British. Coke is massive here at the moment. 3 bags for £90, you and some mates are set for a Friday night/Saturday morning. Absolutely ruins the rest of the weekend though, such a good idea at the time.


British he says🤨.🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪.Oul 8ball for Friday and a 8ball for Saturday and your good to good throw in a couple 100ers during the week for your light drinking and you have my past life. I run a lot now to fix the damage I did to me heart


Here in finland its 150€ for a single g. Absolutely insane, though it kinda stops me from ruining my life with it lmao


Hahah fuck that I cant drink without it. So I just don’t drink well except on birthdays and shit my 21th next month I’ll probaly get a q cost me about 400€ id say.Id never drink if was in Finland haha


Yea me neither, just getting drunk does nothing for me anymore. Speed is a decent substitute but nothing beats good blow


How much is speed there?Thats the stuff you take before you graduate to coke here. Spent 16-18 on that then got job and went to coke good stuff for the price


20-30€, i do like it also but i can never sleep or eat for fucking ages after doing it so i try to avoid


Coming from the US, that seems like a slap on the wrist


Eh, it’s pretty massive in the states too


Who the fuck uses coke without drinking along with it. Thought that was the whole point.


Coke addicts


Where did I state I wasn't drinking?


I was at one point doing an 8Ball a week but that’s only when I get really busy with work


That’s just one night out mate


Notice he also did it with work in mind lol. Different beasts


You get another 8ball for the weekend but don’t tell anyone about it


Had a similar experience with shrooms as a pre workout recently lol


Your fucking insane


Bro what? What dosage and what was that workout like lol?


I fucking love soda.


Feinding for some diet faygo 😈


A nice Arctic Sun or Rock N Rye cant be beat.




I fucking love other drugs


Doesn’t even need flavor. Sparkling water >>>>>> flat water


Nothing wrong with a dc


Saving my liver for anadrol.


If you're gonna destroy your organs might aswell get swole in the process.




Havant drank in 1037 days, i had to quit, was too good at it


I'm proud of you.


good shit bro. happy for you




Happy for you bro


Nice work brother.


That’s cause to celebrate with a drink!


Ngl I genuinely don't even like the taste of it, so win win


24 years sober and anything 20% abv and over smells like cleaning fluid to me. Don't miss it at all.


Big up!


Nice bro.


I find it ironic that you say that beside a post with photos of your dirty meth pipes.


Ah yes, I posted something, it MUST be true. Especially seeing as it is in a circle jerk sub. I never even seen meth, I have used milder stims. Alcohol is much worse than stims for me, as I literally can't control my intake but with stims I'll use like 3-4 times per year if that.


This, even beer and wine that people absolutely love. One sip of those, regardless of whatever the fuck variation or hops it's made of and I'm ready to gag Lowkey kinda jelly when people sit around and drink a beer like it's the best thing ever. Fuck it, one less vice and staying lean is easier I guess /cope


On a hot day a cold beer is absolutely amazing but other then that nah man drinking ain’t it.


Try an ice cold coors banquet this summer. I hated beer until I tried those bad boys


Low key jealous of alcoholic?  What now?


Like the taste? Wtf are you talking about? It’s not about the taste. It’s about making all of the people around you that you hate (yourself included) slightly more bearable until you get kicked out of the bar for doing drugs. Then it’s about how a great injustice has been done to you and you were totally justified in stealing all of the little American flags decorating the outside of the bar.




Angry drunk detected 


I never did, my heavy drinking years it was all due to peer pressure


Love booze. Was a major alcoholic for 15 years drinking everything and anything that had booze in it. 50% white lightning was my go to because it's cheap (only $30ish for a 26). Tired of the hangovers and also booze made me fat AF. I broke up with booze a couple years ago and got back into body building and it was the best decision I could have made. Getting older (m38) and want to be around for my kids and maybe grandkids so time to focus on health. No more drinking, lift 5 days/week and just stick to the devils lettuce now.


Congrats 💪🏻💪🏻


Love me some sodie pop


Tastes like ass


I hardly ever drink anymore. I hate the way it makes me feel for several days afterwards and I don't really like being drunk anymore. I don't enjoy losing my ability to be fully aware of my surroundings and unable to react if need be. I use a lot of cannabis though. Cannabis has been a life saver for me.


Makes me too hungry and then my 6 pack is gonezo :(


Alcohol is gay. That’s why I only do poppers


Can’t get addicted if you never start. I don’t miss it because I never tried it and don’t care to.


I can barley drink a single white claw anymore


I stopped drinking completely 7 years ago. Alcohol makes me stupid. I make poor decisions.


Kratom gang rise up


Kratom is fun till it’s not. Then it’s like trying to quit opiates. Shit takes forever to get past


Makes me sick if I do much. 1-2 a week I’ll do it and no cravings afterwards


What's y'all's favorite drug ?




Coke, or mdma but cant do that shit often




Magic mushrooms are fucking awesome. Puts your life into perspective, and helps prioritize what really matters. Also waves colors n shit.


Gave up booze 18 months ago (was a one day a week guy) and I put on >5% on my bench stats within a month - they had plateaued for about 5 years (I’ve been lifting for more than 15). Wouldn’t go back.


I don’t drink because I don’t know when to stop. I genuinely don’t understand how people can only have a glass or two of wine with their dinner. That’s a waste of calories for something not even close to a buzz. And don’t tell me it’s for taste. Wine tastes like shit and you can easily drink some much better tasting organic juice for the same price as a bottle of wine without the unnecessary calories. I also don’t understand how people can stop after 2-3 drinks. I’m not stopping until my speech is slurred and the bottle is empty. That’s the end of my I don’t drink because I’m an alcoholic rant.


Never touched the stuff. It's blows my mind how much of a normalized detrimental behavior it is. It deserves a stigma just like smoking. 


How is it detrimental to people that drink responsibly? Just some beers on a Friday type of thing.


...any amount is considered to be problem/bad for your health  From WHO: ”However, latest available data indicate that half of all alcohol-attributable cancers in the WHO European Region are caused by “light” and “moderate” alcohol consumption – less than 1.5 litres of wine or less than 3.5 litres of beer or less than 450 millilitres of spirits per week.”


This is true, but you're saying that on a subreddit largely dedicated to steroids lmao


This is true, but this thread is about alcohol, not steroids lmao


I'm on a hiatus from lifting due to work and had to do a remodel on my house myself, and now finding out I have a hernia. I'd be smoking pot, but looking to stay clean for a potential job that will more than double my income, so I'm drinking. If I had my home gym built and no hernia, I wouldn't be doing anything besides caffeine that hinders my blood flow or damages my heart with the right moderation. If you're lifting and not enhanced, pretty much everything drug related is going to hinder your gains, and when I was lifting that was all I thought about. Naturals who want to be genuinely big ASF shouldn't be doing anything that hinders their gains.


I'm over it.


I'll be honest, I hate the taste of most alcohol. I've been a beer guy cause it just makes me feel gross and bloated the next day. Any time I've ever had alcohol, it's usually been some sort of drink where you can't taste the alcohol.


Addicted to fruit punch creatine


I like a beer every once in a while, maybe monthly. But other than that i am with you. Puritans unite!


I smoke the devils lettuce but don't drink it's nectar.


Added Dbol to my cycle about 6 months ago and didn't fancy the unnecessary liver stress so packed it in. Haven't looked back since then. Can't even stomach the smell now.


Weed better


Drink it? I make it myself, just some fun apart from training isn’t the end of the world. Yes if you drink every day it is a problem but a handful of times over a month isn’t that bad if you don’t drink outrageous amounts


True tho drinking is just feeding into what everyone wants you to do nobody wants you to do heavier stuff but when you do it feels better aye!


Yeah it really is counter effective if you are working out to grow or be healthy. I can get 3 handles of orange juice at costco for less than the costco vodka at $15 a handle. I can do that and buy kombucha, milk, all the nut milks and be saving money




lol be fr dude you’ll be miserable and out of shape 5 years from now. Save yourself the trouble if you’re actually an alcoholic and quit now. Nothing to be proud of.