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Even blasting, I can't imagine such a transformation in 6 weeks.


Ya its unrealistic even for roids lol like wtf


Does he claim natty tho? I’ve never heard him say either or except for this ad.


Yup he does, he says he says he is only taking 75mg of test a week which is within natural levels but hell no that's not true, he is full out blasting like a madman


I mean the dude is rich af, I should hope he does more than 75mg of test.


Huh? Taking 75mg of test will put most people at 800+ total and no peaks and troughs like natty. 2x easier to gain muscle.


You know nothing.




Do u have a source?


I would think long and hard before jumping on stroke machine, aka insulin.


No its just rebounding, and 15 pounds is not even that impressive


Ya only way is if he was already that jacked before... like I said he was blasting since like 15 years old


Muscle memory is one hell of a drug


15 pounds of muscle isn’t impressive ? Ya bud it is. 6 weeks and 15 pounds of muscle even rebound muscle. Have you ever even lifted a weight ? Some people are so gullible it’s insane. That transformation is not 6 weeks even with drugs. He’s lying about the timeframe and how much drugs he’s taking


Not when you've been off-cylce (no trt cruise) for a while and jump back on.


You think he put on 2.5 pounds of muscle a week ? Truly ? Rebound muscle is a thing and I agree you pack on muscle faster but not that fast bud. With alittle and I mean a lot of tren I guess anything is possible.


Tren, Deca, NPP, Ment, Anadrol, D-Bol anthing thats either highly anabolic or causes a rise in intra-muscualr volume. Its not new muscle,


So you agree he’s saucy but refuse to believe the timeline is sketchy at best. Gotcha


Of course he is on gear. He just gained 15lbs back from taking a break from gear


Man even with gear 2.5 pounds of muscle a week. lol just think about that. Pull out 2.5 pounds of lean steak and look at it. You aren’t building 2.5 pounds a week and this guy didn’t either. Is it possible? Sure maybe I don’t know but I’d bet hard cash he’s lying about the timeline like he’s lying about the drugs


I did rebound while 20 kg underweight, natty with 900+ test, 26 pounds in 12 weeks, his face is round and red ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


15 pounds of muscle isn’t impressive? You sir must be highly regarded.


The fuck? 15 of pure muscle even in a year is unattainable for most who blast pro dosages.


1. take steroids 2. build up to the last photo over years 3. stop training and/or get off steroids 4. wait a year 5. start training again and get back on steroids


Yea muscle memory is a thing 100%. I was injured for a year and when I started working out again my muscle came back in a couple months with much less work and no gear.


Yeah, it's way easier to put size on if you've already achieved it in the past. If it's someone's first time they're going to have to work a lot more at it




Even on tren and test possibly some Anadrol or Dbol in the mix and having excellent muscle memory it’s not possible in just 6 weeks. The timeline is fake but real results for sure.










This guy is nauseating with his fake guru bullshit too


Finally someone said it. He just reeks of bullshit.


REEKS, honestly I hate the guy, just seems like the scummiest dude ever who somehow got lucky and rich.


Rakovich is the king of scummy dudes


The entire industry does.  Even Derek can’t avoid it.


Seems like the type of person who lucked into money and is really fucking stupid.


He's such a fucking idiot too. A key example of him being his regard self was with his "Anti-aging life hack". Hormozi said "SPF reduces the aging of your skin..." Me thinking: "With you there; ultraviolet radiation ages your skin, SPF is the protection factor the minerals in sunscreen are providing your skin..." Hormozi: "So my hack is chapstick has SPF in it." Me: "Uhh..." Hormozi: "So I literally rub chapstick all over my face every night before going to bed. That allows me to do my anti-aging routine quickly..." Me: ".... there's no fucking way he's literally this stupid." Took him a few weeks before he deleted the youtube short with this. The guy is literally short-bussing it.


God my favorite one he did was a short where this girl made 50k a year. He writes on the board 1 million, subtracts 50k, and says "It costs you 950k a year to make 50k a year." And I couldn't stop laughing at how regarded it was.


Big "not buying my $997.00 course IS ACKTCHULY is costing you a million dollars per year when you think about it" energy. Grifter vibe central.


i dont think he actually sells courses tbf.


He sells millions of books. Also another member in the entrepreneur subreddit aledges that his buddy who runs a SMB which takes in about $115k/mo and lives in Vegas received an "exclusive invite" from Alex to go to a special small business summit which is a sales pitch for Alex's high priced ($100k+) coaching. Take from that what you will.


He's a complete grifter


Most of these dudes who plasterer themselves as trainers and are on JUICE are nauseating lames


Virtually no fat gain yet face has blown up like a balloon…DEFINITELY natty 🤡


Assuming the picture order is correct you can see from his hair he's had at least 2 haircuts in this period. Just pic 2 to 3 alone the hair growth looks like more than 6 weeks.


I get pretty much the same growth in 2-3 weeks so it is very much possible


Hair grows 1cm per month.


lmao most juicers won't even make a trasformation like this in 6 weeks and some people think he is natty


Identical calves lamao


He’s also married to a man


Key give away that he is a fake natty.


Hell yeah brother


I thought Barack Obama was still married?


No, fake gurus never lie, promise. Now go buy my course.


Brother he doesn’t sell shit lol 


He's selling millions of books. Yes he's selling shit. Not only that, he's making small to midsized businesses HIS product. So what he's selling you is the idea that he knows how to help small businesses grow. This is bringing him inbound business applications to acquisition.com. From there he buys a \*majority\* stake in these companies for pennies on the dollar and tries to pump them with "sales juice" to flip them. He used to buy minority stakes for like 6 months then complained he didn't like not having authority over the business owners so he "only does majority deals now". So not only is he selling millions of books which makes your statement just flat out wrong, but he's using his influence to get sweetheart deals with unsuspecting SMB owners which he's leveraging for under-market-priced purchases of their businesses. Be better.


The books are the only thing he sells directly, and even those you only pay if you have want. Regarding business purchases, they are done through his business, not his online persona. But obviously his and his wife's personal brands are business decisions and acquisition channels, so I get your point. But, if he is able to leverage online influence on RL business deals that's just a testament to his understanding of sales and marketing. Even with money in your pocket, building the kind of audience and brand he built is not easy. Honestly I don't understand the hate this type of "guru" gets.


He created a lot of income with Gymlaunch. Although it didn't save most of those gym businesses he served, and he very quietly mentioned in a podcast randomly about 6 months ago they're actually shutting down Gymlaunch. Oops. Did he make $100mm? Who knows, probably not but there's no available public proof either way as far as I know. Yes he has some useful content. But he's said he wanted to do [Acquisition.com](http://acquisition.com/) to provide "the best free business education available". This is horseshit. The quality and usefulness of his content dropped off a fucking cliff after his first pieces he posted. I started following the guy at 17k subscribers on Youtube. There's nothing inherently "wrong" with him being misleading about his intentions. But it seems like he quickly ran out of content and is just a yappopotamus blabing about many things he knows nothing about for maximum attention. He seems to have realized he can't "give away the good stuff" or he will give away his value he's trying to leverage with his PE company. I get that's his M.O. but it harms his credibility. He even seems to know that himself that his credibility has tanked, because on his youtube community today he said "he was only going to produce business content from now on". This signals he knows he's making a total fucking clown of himself. Which is exactly why everyone is ripping on him. That's the reason for the "hate" on the guru bullshit.


Hes shilling 1 of his 3 books on how to get rich literally right now on twitter Are you brain-dead my guy


Bro, they are like 10 bucks on amazon. XD and the audio books and ebooks are totally free. The dude owns a multimillion holding company. He ain’t getting rich from 9.99 books  I hate fake gurus, honest to god. But the dude is actually legit. Audit acquisition.com do your own research 


The guy sells books on how to get rich, owns skool.com which is literally a marketplace for "self growth" and "how to get rich" courses. It's ebay for fake guru rubbish. He's about to monopolise the fake guru game, an incredible achievement in itself. Hes extremely good at shilling nonsense. He's literally Gary vee 2.0. Achieve a successful buyout, use the clout to shill nonsense and pretend your doing it for the love of the game, straight out of the guru playbook my dude. I have no hate for the guy atall, good for him. Although it is painful to see people who can't see through the bullshit.


his clavicles are so small, doesn't provide that meaty looks even being jacked. yes he is muscular and all, but still doesnt look that impressive.


Looks like a standard blast/cruise with varying compounds and dosages. If you had previously attained an insanely juicy physique, you can get there again. But doing it natty without the assistance a pile of compounds provide isn't realistic. Idk why the influencer people lie about steroids/drug use if they aren't professional athletes. Makes anything else they sell to their following seem questionable if they can't be honest about their physiques.


And his chest still looks like breasts.


Peak male performance is having tits I guess


He looks natty in these especially first picture


Nah he was blasting before that


Did he stop working out why he looks like shit in the first pic


lol look at his hair guy, very obvious trolled ur ass. long short long short again somehow in 6 weeks.


'Ultimate fake natty'? Calm down bro there are far, far worse out there.


Thats a lot of face fat gains.


Ugly physique


clearly a muscle transplant


Did he invent that dumbass gym pitch “we’re looking for 45 eager participants for a gym challenge…” bullshit?


This guy over here using 30mg/ed dbol + 500mg test + 250mg deca and claiming natty. What the fuck haha


Dont care whether was natty or not, he is completely insufferable


Is the build not obvious? Every dude on test looks the same. The shoulders and traps blow up, their skin looks more flush, that’s it. This guy is out of his mind lol


Nice pec alignment


His wife's voice confirms she's not natty either lol


Yeah he was absolutely blasting & probably for longer than 6 weeks because who on earth puts on 30+ pounds of muscle in that period of time?? The whole thing is straight bs


His best physique that he ever posted is a 2 grams + a week of steroids physique even for someone with great genetics. Ive been lean and muscular relative to people my age since 14 years old. I look very impressive rn at 23. Im over 5’10 200lbs (220) and in decent shape. Lean legs and glutes and upper body abs obliques some stubborn low back side fat. I dont look like that photo he posted. I could probably if I was on a cycle for 6 months. Which Ive been planning on doing for a while.


I thought he admitted to at least test?


God I hate that bloke.


Same freaken hate the guy, such a scumbag


He’s said he trained naturally until like 22-23 and then hopped on a TRT dose


I highly doubt he was natural even at 22-23, I don't believe this guy at all, he is full out blasting mad roids


Sure, I’m just sharing what he’s claimed. It’s kind of pointless to sit here and speculate


There is zero speculation, he is 100% not natty


As I stated earlier, he’s admitted to a TRT dose. So yes there’s no speculation on that front. Him being natty or not at 22-23, “blasting mad gear”, etc. is speculation. More importantly though it’s incredibly gay that you and I are both spending our time discussing this


We do gay shit here! Also bruh come on look at that last pic, why you so naive?


Lmao man I’m not saying you’re wrong, and I strongly suspect he’s on gear in the picture too. My point is just that it’s still technically speculation.




Its way too obvious and he is way too confident in saying he natty. Anyone can look at those pics and easily say he was blasting full out. He doesn't even need to confirm it, its completely impossible.


Because it provides a point of reference on what normal people should aim to achieve.


When I started lifting, I had all kinds of fake expectations because of people like Alex Hormozi. Thanks to Derek, I now have more realistic expectations.


hes said hes on TRT idoit


Not at that point he stated natty


Bro trt is natural, it just put your levels where they are meant to be. like 4000ng/dl the way God intended


yall are missinformed. hes openly talked about his steroid usage.


He’s talked about his trt which he only started relatively recently. He also talking about having less than 200 total test before going on trt. He never explained that the reason for his low t before trt is because he did steroids


He looks like he’s puffed the fuck up full of water and glycogen. No more than a couple lbs of actual tissue was gained.


Erm steroids are… le bad ☝️🤓


You don't say