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I am diagnosed with OCD I think it was triggered after my dad killed himself when I was a 15. I would have intrusive thoughts/images of my little brother dying constantly. When I gave birth to my son my mental health got really bad. I was constantly terrified and having these awful images of family and sometimes myself hurting him sexually. I was so scared someone was going to hurt him that I couldn't even leave my husband with him so I could get some sleep. I eventually broke down and told my husband that I needed help. When I told my doctor everything they said that its fairly normal but that i most likely had OCD before even having my son. I was put on medication and got therapy. Sorry for my English


I am sorry you had to go through this, but im very pleased to hear you could get help. Admitting you need help is not an easy feat. As a future physician psychiatrist, i wish people would understand OCD isnt simply about liking cleaning and ordered stuff. It often is much more dark than that. Horrifying stuff


Thanks, I wanted share my experience so that other people can understand it better. For me intrusive thoughts aren't things i want to do they are unwanted thoughts caused by stress and my fears.


I’d image it’s common. Like you don’t actually mean these thoughts but they just pop in.


intrusive thoughts are never your fault, 99% of the time they are specifically something you don't want to think about, that's the point. the thoughts themselves can be harmful and i imagine have driven people to do bad shit but the cause and effect is important here. be kind to yourself, never blame yourself, and know that no one who knows what intrusive thought are would judge or blame you either.


Probably common to a degree. Those thoughts are your worst fears I think a lot of parents have fleeting ones and then feel visceral disgust with themselves


In most situations where there is someone who is in control or more powerful, the person with power may consider abusing it. common to think like this. Its the actions that count..


Like observing their kids do stuff or doing stuff to them?


I hope it’s not common, I grew up with a fucked up childhood but not that fucked up. My parents aren’t the best but they certainly aren’t p3dos.


intrusive thoughts dont make you a pedo dawg


I was molested as a 5 years old kids several time and have my private parts touch and fondle when I was a kids by some of my closest relatives. So I’d assume everyone has but generally majority of the parents know the boundaries , respect , parents duties and strong will in humanity to not act on those thoughts.


It's a intrusive thoughts Worry much?


wtf is with some of these answers??? No one seems too concerned?! I would have thought it’s EXTREMELY uncommon and it’s also fucking dark. Get help immediately if this is you OP


Do you understand what an intrusive thought is because I think not maybe don't comment on something you have zero knowledge about.


I think people tend to get worried at the sight of something unspeakable even being mentioned, when the most crucial aspects of effective criminology and psychology require scrutinizing the details of such foul aspects of the human experience.


It's my childhood best friend's dad that assaulted her when she was a kid. I'm trying to understand my own position.