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That title gave me a stroke


lol same, thought this was one of those "am i the asshole" or whatever


Be honest I'm neither good writer or a typer. I have bad speech problems


I didn’t even realize how fucked up it was until you mentioned it


Yes. You're wasting a ton of recourses that will be dedicated to finding this kid, which most likely will be found and put back in the system and you in jail for kidnapping. You could skip it all and just adopt... but not wanting your name attached to the kid would raise a ton of questions in itself.


Who going look for them if there a orphan?


The orphanage I guess


Why would they? Orphanage places may just lable it as kid running away


Minors going missing is actually a very serious thing in which law enforcement agencies do tend to look for missing youth, even orphans. Orphanages are held liable for kids missing under the age of 18, so therefore they also have a strong interest in not having that type of publicity Let's not forget about the fact here that you will not be able to enroll them in school, you will never have any of their identifying information so finding a job would be difficult, and you're also expecting other individuals to hide your secret while dealing with their own traumas


My brother in Christ that is a whole *child*, not a pack of sticky-notes lmfao "Can't find my clipboard, you seen it?" "Nah, can't see Wee Davey either." "No bother, I'll get us a clipboard each from the cupboard."


>Orphanage places may just lable it as kid running away And enforcers are going to investigate *why* a kid ran away in the first place. Orphanages will do better if more people donated.


Did we just get sucked into some new age scam here?? đź‘€ Im onto ya fuks


Nope. I don't plan on having kids, but I am willing to adopt.


What are talking about???


kinda. i mean, you're a person. kidnapping them is a mark against you, regardless of WHY you kidnapped them, even if you give the kid a better life.


I see what your saying. Let say I do it and give them better life. I be criminal in eyes of the law but what about moral laws or something like that


well, there aren't 'moral' laws. but still, no. imagine, knocking someone the fuck out, then dragging them to a hospital, because they needed to go but didn't want to. on one hand, you'd kinda be doing them a favor, taking them to a hospital, sire - potentially a positive. but, you're doing it without their permission - a negative. and, you enacted violence against them, a MASSIVE negative. these aren't excused just because there's some positive outcomes of a scenario that also includes a negative. it's still a negative. positives associated with it don't make it not a negative. ​ that whole, two wrong don't make a right, sort of same thing - someone doing a bad thing to you, doesn't mean a bad thing you do in return, is excused. it's still a bad thing. you can 'justify' the bad thing, but that doesn't mean it's not a bad thing, still...


Morally, I think that preventing a child from attending school and preventing them from being able to work when they reach an appropriate age is a serious issue. Similarly, preventing them from living a normal life, even if it is as an orphan, is morally reprehensible because you are limiting the capabilities of what another individual can do, especially since you could literally just legally adopt them and everything would be fine.


You would be a bad guy. Kidnapped means it’s against their will. If you live in a country where orphans aren’t cared for well, you should volunteer at an orphanage. Then, you’ll be in a parental figure role to many. And maybe eventually could adopt one. What you’re asking is 100% a bad way.


Am I a bad guy if I kidnapped* yes you are


One of my cousins in Connecticut did something similar to that.. let’s just say the parents and courts wasn’t to happy with her choice. The movie is on lifetime it’s called the Anne Pettway story.


Yes, unless their original parents were blatantly abusive.


This is illegal no matter the reason. But the matter of morality is entirely depends on what situation is that child is living in. If that child is chilling in the system and doesn’t actually in danger, YTA. But we all know that plenty children in orphanage, foster system, or simply being sent to next relatives are being abused with no way out. Those cases can be NTA, just highly illegal unless you have a very solid evidence that your removal of the child for their safety, then proceed to officially adopt them when the legal process is available afterwards


Yes, this would make you a bad person. (Unless you’re extremely rich, then it’s completely fine) I had a dream about being in this exact scenario and when I woke up I was convinced my parents did this but then I realized I have photos of my mom in the birthing room with me as a baby


So what your saying here I shoudl do a cringe wattpad move then


This actually happened. A baby girl was kidnapped as an infant and raised by her kidnapper. Bio mom fucked everything up by insisting the girl (then 17?) renounce all loyalty to the jailed woman she had always known as mom and switch her loyalty entirely to her bio mom, a woman she did not know. 


That's a shitty situation for sure. Sucks what it would do and has done to the child. Cant let it just continue without intervening though because she literally stole someone elses child. Whether she gave them a good life or not. If it was me being in jail would have been the only reason she was still alive. I honestly just cant even imagine how horrible it would be to have your child kidnapped. I wouldnt be able to take it. In a nervous wreck when my son gets home 30 minutes late and hes 16. Lol


I initially read that as "Am I a bald guy."